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In 2014, the worlds top ten pharmaceutical firms pulled in 429. 4 billion in revenue. Their profits ranged from 10 to 43 . With all that money at stake, its easy to see why you dont always get the whole truth about a drugs risks. In recent years, Major Drug Companies have paid over 13 billion to resolve federal civil and criminal allegations of fraud, many involving popular and widely used drugs. Today, a chilling case in point. An antipsychotic pill called risperdal made by johnson and johnsons pharmaceutical subsidiary, janssen. Some of the material in this report may be too graphic for sensitive viewers and children. Josh scholl was in seventh grade when he noticed something upsetting. Josh and im, like, this isnt normal. So i went to my parents, and im like, hey, there was this lump under my breast, could you guys check it out . And they felt it, and they were, like, oh, thats not right. And so we went to the doctors for it. Sharyl you were, like, a tenyearold kid at the time. Josh uhhuh. Sharyl the pediatrician said not to worry, but joshs mom knew better. She wondered if one factor could be risperdal, the prescription medicine josh been taking for four years for tics from tourette syndrome. Cynthia im one who likes to research things. So i got on google right away and started researching boys and medicines and found a few moms out there who had posted their kids were on risperdal who also developed lumps. So i called the pediatrician back and said, i want him off this medicine. And so we stopped it that day. Sharyl what was the pediatricians response when you linked the lump in his breast to the medicine . Cynthia i think they just thought i was a paranoid mom and agreed to switch the medicine just to appease me. But i dont know. Moms intuition. I just i knew something was wrong. Sharyl mom was right. She didnt know it then, but thousands of boys taking risperdal were growing female breasts. Some of them even produced milk. Gynecomastia, shown in this unidentified risperdal patient. It can happen when a male has a spike in a naturally occurring hormone called prolactin. Experts say risperdal can cause prolactin levels to rise. Josh i remember one of my best friends had a swimming pool, and we would all go to his house and go swimming. And none of them had like, larger breasts or any lumps or anything. Sharyl did you ask your friends or you just josh i asked one of em. I asked the best friend if he had, like, ever noticed anything about his breasts. And he was, like, no, i never noticed. And im, just, like, oh, okay. Thats thats weird that its happening to me then. Cynthia he stopped taking the medicine, but the breast continued to grow. It was over i think a twoyear period where they they said, wait six months. Itll be gone in six months. Well, we waited the six months. It continued to grow. Then he noticed the lump in the other side. Sharyl it turns out theres a dark backstory. At the time, risperdalan antipsychotic,n wasnt approved for use children at all. But as federal whistleblowers would later allege, janssen instructed sales reps to market risperdal as safe and effective for all kinds of childhood disorders such as tourettes, add, and autism knowing it posed Serious Health risks. Philadelphia attorney Stephen Sheller represents josh. He tried the first risperdal case last year an autistic boy who developed size 46 dd breasts. The better it is working for you, the more likely you are to go breast grow breasts . Right. Sharyl key evidence was this internal document known as table 21 from the original risperdal study in 2002. Sheller says it showed 7. 8 of risperdal patients whose prolactin levels shot above developed prolactinrelated side effects like gynecomastia. Janssen insiders seemed concerned in internal documents how do you want to handle the one significant value . Asks a reviewer. This may be notable. I think we need to discuss this somewhere in the manuscript. Instead, the head of the risperdal study eliminated table 21, according to sheller. Mr. Sheller he specifically made the decision not to tell the public, not to tell the doctors, not to tell even the f. D. A. Or anybody about this study that they did in 2001 or 2002 that specifically finds the association, even though the law requires it. Sharyl a year after the original risperdal study was published without table 21, josh was prescribed risperdal and developed the very problem it seemed to warn about. Cynthia we saw our child, who was this outgoing happy kid, who had all these friends, becoming more regressed. He was shy. He stopped going out with his friends. Wouldnt take his shirt off at the beach. Wouldnt change in front of anybod josh yeah, it was very difficult because me, personally, i ran Cross Country starting my eightgrade year. And so Cross Country starts in the summer. It gets really hot. So all my friends would take their shirts off, and i was selfconscious. I didnt wanna take my shirt off. Im, like, oh, its 90 degrees, but, you know, do i wanna take my shirt off cause i have these breasts . And, you know, no one else had to make that decision. And then, if i did take it off, im felt selfconscious. I was looking around town, like, oh, is that person in that car looking at me . You know, is my friends looking at me . You know, it was it was really bad. Sharyl johnson and johnson had no comment on joshs case and declined our interview requests. In a statement, the company said it did not withhold any relevant data. As to why table 21 was left out of the original risperdal study, a spokesman implied it wasnt relevant because the researchers concluded there was no direct correlation to breast growth in boys. This is a lot of us together. Sharyl josh believes otherwise. There are no photos of him at his worst. He stopped having his picture taken. Like some with severe gynecomastia, he chose a drastic solution a double mastectomy. Cynthia we went to the breast surgeon who, after seeing him, said he had the largest breasts in a boy that hed ever seen in this area and agreed to do the surgery. He had a bilateral mastectomy done. So he was off school for about six weeks. Sharyl it must be a fairly traumatic surgery. Cynthia it was very traumatic for him. He had double drain tubes. He had those in for a week. He had home nursing coming twice a day. But he couldnt move. He had to lay flat on his back cause whenever he would move, the tubes would move, and theyd be painful. They actually did reconstructive surgery. One side was bigger than the other, so they had to remove the nipple, and they removed a lot of the tissue, and replaced the nipples. Sharyl how old was he when he cynthia it was two months before his 13th birthday, so he was 12 years old. Sharyl almost no one ever knew why josh was out of school those six weeks. Hes one of 10,700 risperdal patients now suing drug maker janssen. Mr. Sheller the risks are being hidden from the public, because the companies wanna be able to sell as much of their product as possible. Sharyl Parent Company Johnson Johnson told us risperdal has helped and is still helping millions of patients with debilitating Mental Illnesses and neurodevelopmental conditions as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Cynthia ive recently learned about what some of these boys have gone through. I didnt know some of them are lactating. I didnt know some have developed third breasts, and josh was fortunate to not have to go through those steps. I think because we were diligent and caught onto it quickly and got it taken care of. But my heart goes out to the kids that weren sharyl today, it takes a lot of guts for josh to talk publicly about what happened to him, and even more to show it. But hes done hiding his scars. Josh about the experience, it was one that i wish i didnt have to go through. And i hope all the other kids that are going through it you know, i feel bad that they had to go through it too because, yeah, the company i think they knew that it developed gynecomastia. And, you know, to make us all of us go through it you know, its not just, like, its me and a handful of other people. Its 1,000 thousands of people that are going through it. So to make all of us go through it and they knew just to make a profit, its sickening. Sharyl in 2013, Johnson Johnson paid 2. 2 billion to settle a host of criminal and civil fraud claims illegally mark drugs, paying kickbacks to doctors and nursing home pharmacies, to prescribe risperdal, knowing it posed stroke and other serious risks to older patients, claiming risperdal lessened Diabetes Risk it did the opposite. Johnson johnson wouldnt say how much money its made from risperdal or how many are taking it. Ahead on full measure on a week when he takes a huge step towards the republican nomination, we look into the battle of managing the two sides of donald trump. Trump it is disgusting. Do you want that for your president . I dont think so. Sharyl this week, donald trump rolled up five primary state wins, and declared himself the Presumptive Republican nominee. On wednesday, he delivered a Foreign Policy speech in washington, dc. That speech was to launch a new trump promised by the campaign. Somewhere along the way, Campaign Planners discovered that the words manage and trump may not belong in the same sentence. Scott thuman reports on the battle for the two trumps. Mr. Trump now my wife is constantly saying, darling, you have to be more president ial. At some point, im going to be so president ial that you people will be so bored. Scott trumps controversial assertions and often vulgar language have become his drugs, theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. He referred to my hands, if theyre small, Something Else must be small. I guarantee you theres no problem. I guarantee. [laughter] said, shes said hes a. Thats terrible, terrible. Scott ben carson suggested theres another side to him when he endorsed trump in march. Dr. Carson there are two different donald trumps. Theres the one you see on the stage and theres the one who is very cerebral, sits there and considers things very carefully. You can have a very good conversation with him. And thats the donald trump youre going to start seeing more and more of right now. Kenneth i think were going to see an ongoing battle between the two trumps, and you really see it playing out almost on a daily basis. The id verses the ego. Scott kenneth vogel, a reporter for politico, says the battle isnt just in trumps own mind. Kenneth so, for a long time, he had this guy corey lewandowski, campaign manager, he represented trumps id, he was the guy who said, let trump be trump and that obviously went a long way. He almost clinched the nomination. He got right to the verge. Then he brought in more seasoned operatives, like paul manafort, who represents trumps ego. Hes going to be the one that says, no, you cant attack that guy, no you have to read off a teleprompter for this speech. Thats the battle that we see playing itself out, and i dont see an end in sight. Scott on the campaign trail this week, trump unleashed on his rivals in his usual bombastic style. From calling ted cruz a failed senator mr. Trump all he is is a guy that will go down and filibuster for a day or two. And the other senators all look, whens he getting off the floor, jim, the guys a pain in the ass . When is he getting off the floor . Scott to mocking john kasichs table manners mr. Tr human being eat in such disgusting fashion. This guy takes a pancake and he is shoving it in his mouth. Its disgusting. Do you want that for your president . I dont think so. Scott on tuesday night, after he swept five more states, he made it clear his outspoken style is here to stay. Mr. Trump why would i change . You know, if you have a Football Team and youre winning, and then you get to the super bowl, you dont change your quarterback. Right . So, im not changing. Scott but a day later, trump went to washington. A different man. This time, more reserved and on teleprompter. Mr. Trump i will not hesitate to deploy military force when there is no alternative, but when america fights, it must only fight to win. Kenneth and, in some ways, its just so difficult to see the two and see that fact that theyre coming from the same guy, they seem like totally different donald trumps. Scott being too president ial though, as described, could actually be a detriment to him. Kenneth yeah, if he comes across as a traditional polltesting his positions, and one who is speaking only diplomatically about his rivals and about his critics, i think that could hurt his core brand. Scott so far, there is little danger of that happening. Mr. Trump i will beat Hillary Clinton, crooked hillary, i will beat her so badly and lying ted cruz cannot beat her, he cant beat her. Well, i think the only card she has is the womans card. Shes got nothing else going. And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, i dont think shed get 5 of the vote. Scott its as unpredictable as this election cycle. As trump wrestles with which persona will get him to the white house. Can anyone manage donald trump . Kenneth yeah, that i think, talking to folks that are close to donald trump, that is the key question. The answer that ive heard is largely no. Donald trump is just going to be donald trump. Driven more by his own internal compass, and that compass does tend to point to the more flybytheseatofthepants donald trump. Scott vogel told us trump is planning to unleash a multimillion Dollar Ad Campaign in indiana and california and not to the conventional a nod to the conventional approach. Sharyl trump has not had to spend a lot of money. Scott you are right about that. Not only in this country and also in others. Because this president ial election is producing fear and fascination and when we come back, we will drop in on a pub sharyl we cant seem to get enough of president ial politics this season. Television ratings for the debates have set new records. But we in the u. S. Are not the only ones watching. Scott thuman was in london recently and you did a little investigating into pub politics. Scott yeah, thats right. Weve been all over the globe for full measure covering stories. No matter which country we are in, im asked the same question is this trump phenomenon for real . An ocean away, on a saturday afternoon at a pub in downtown london, an equal measure of pints and politics. American politics, that is. If you had to sum up what youve seen so far in this president ial cycle, in a few words, what would those words be . Matt bizarre scott bizarre . Dan circus. Matt unbelievable pam total fear. Jesse terrifying. Scott as a whole, do you think brits have a candidate they back more than anyone else. Anyone but trump. Pam i do hope that donald trump is not the next president. Scott were you just praying there . Is that what you were doing . Jesse i think even the nonreligious people are praying. Scott is that because you are more aligned with the Democratic Party or because you just dont think any of the republicans candidates are . Jesse its fear. Its genuine fear of the republican candidates. Matt i think if you were to see a republican more along the lines of john kasich. Jesse i could live with that. Matt or a John Huntsman or someone like that whos more in the center. Scott there was actually a debate among politicians on the concept of banning donald trump from coming to the u. K. The fact that that took place do you think that speaks volumes . Jesse i think if i was an american, i would find that quite striking. Pam yes scott and as for trumps rivals . Ted cruz has a track record of working in congress to form alliances. He can probably get things done that trump cant get done, so he is probably actually as dangerous or more dangerous than trump. Successfulso a Supreme Court litigator. He would know how to use that scott what about Hillary Clinton . She is not actually mad. She has worked tirelessly. She has experience. She does not go around making crazy remarks. Matt here, things like benghazi or Foreign Policy mistakes that may have been made, doesnt get the scrutiny here. So i think people perhaps have more favorable view on hillary than they might do in the u. S. Scott if britain could pick the next president , based on the current candidates, who would it be . Jesse i imagine it would be bernie. Matt i think if you looked at people across the spectrum, they would be for sanders. Scott around the corner from the pub, commentator and longtime Foreign Affairs correspondent for sky news, tim marshall. Tim how can a country with 320 Million People end up with what, for me, is a tired, dynastic candidate on one side and this chap with an odd haircut on the other . I mean, obviously there is more to it than that, but thats what we are thinking, since when was america like this . Scott he says, while in 2008 the world watched with an air of excitement, this time, theyre even more rapt with attention and unease. Tim i think overwhelmingly, i think there is, is this the best that the country can give us . Secondly it is, if this guy trump gets in, will he be stable in basically in charge of our security . And the third is, you cant get away from this. We are looking at this and it is entertainment. We are quite enjoying it scott when you see the video at when you look at the president ial cycle, do you see it more as an amusement, as comedy, or serious and scary . Its now serious and scary its getting to that stage its very serious and scary its terrifying whether it is out of fascination, fear, or admiration, it is airwaves in other countries. Many admitting they have never paid so much attention to an American Election because of donald trump. Sharyl tell me if im wrong. They are more liberal than the United States, even. Scott very fair point. Tim marshall pointed out that we have our left and a right. They have a left and a right, it is just that outright is further than theirs. He said, if people were wellversed on the other republican candidates, he says they would be just as fearful, if only that donald trump is the big headliner. Sharyl scott, thank you so much. Still ahead, we reported on the highly secret 28 pages last september. Now, a report that the white house may release part of the 9 11 sharyl an update to the first story we reported on full measure eight months ago. It has been attracting attention in recent weeks. It is about the socalled 28 pages, the classified portion of a joint congressional investigation into the terror attacks on the United States on september 11, 2001. Some members of congress have called for the release of the report, as have the 9 11 victims. The report dates back to the Bush Administration and no ordinary american has seen the report, kept in top secret in the basement of the capital. One congressman, stephen lynch, who has read the report, told us it gives the names of individuals and entities complicit in the attacks, alleged facilitators of the former senator bob graham goes so far as to say the 9 11 islamic extremist hijackers were only successful due to the direct support of prominent saudis named in the pages. The saudis deny it. James clapper, director of national intelligence, told reporters this week that a review to declassify a portion of the 28 pages could be complete by june. Coming up next week on full measure, you probably have not heard much about it, but the surge of illegal immigrant youth is on again. In the past six months, tens of thousands of kids under 18 have illegally crossed the border from mexico in the past months and turned themselves in. In custody and under the suppose d protection of the u. S. Government, we investigate how some of these children are being turned over to worse dangers than those they fled to escape. A disturbing story of child abuse and the outrage it has launched on the next full measure. That is all for this week. Thank you for watching. A special thank you to our intrepid intern julia clancy government matters. The federal Government News to break from the past if its going to move forward into the future. Morris civilian agencies spend 71 of their i. T. Budget to maintain legacy systems. We look at the case for i. T. In government. All of those private communications should only be accessible with a search warrant. Morris the house approves an effort to update the email Communications Privacy act. So, whats next . It gives the business a chance to get a foothold, to start. And to start to grow. Morris speed dating meets the federal marketplace. Will it make

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