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it's thursday, july 30th. this morning, survivor. a young woman murdered. her unborn baby snatched from inside her. but now, a big break in the case that has turned tragedy into a miracle. happy hour at the white house. today, a discussion about race in america, over some bud light. and beach patrol. a new report on the cleanest beaches and the ones that could a new report on the cleanest beaches and the ones that could make you sick. captions paid for by abc, inc. good morning. thanks for joining us on this thursday. we start with the developing story out of massachusetts. a newborn baby, stolen from her dead mother's womb is alive after being tracked down in a neighboring state. >> a 35-year-old woman, described only as an acquaintance of the dead mother has been charged with kidnapping her baby. later this morning, she could be charged with murder. >> this was the best-case scenario out of this tragedy, that we have the child. and it appears to be healthy. >> reporter: the newborn baby girl, cut from her dead mother's womb, is safe and being evaluated in a new hampshire hospital. on monday, her mother, 23-year-old darlene haynes, was found mutilated in a closet in her worcester, massachusetts, apartment. her baby, not due for another month, had been cut out and stolen. police searched the local hospital, knowing the baby would need urgent medical attention to survive. but they say it was the suspect's friends that gave them the tip they needed. >> some friends became a little concerned about how she got home so early, after just giving birth. many of her acquaintances watched the news. and realized that there was a woman who was killed and missing their child. >> reporter: detectives tracked down 35-year-old julie corey to a shelter in plymouth, new hampshire, where they believe she went to relocate. they have charged her with kidnapping. but have not yet charged her with murdering haynes. a memorial outside darlene haynes' home, is growing, as the community tries to understand this unthinkable crime. haynes had three other young children, are now now being cared for by family. >> darlene had a name for the baby. but wouldn't tell anybody because she wanted to surprise everybody. >> before the baby girl was located, doctors didn't have much hope she'd even survive. but this morning, the hospital where she is being treated said she appears to be in good health. well, a picnic table outside the oval office will be the setting this afternoon for what's being called a beer summit, hosted by president obama. his guests, cambridge police sergeant, james crowley, and harvard scholar, henry louis gates. emily schmidt is joining us with a preview. good morning, emily. >> reporter: good morning. it's unclear if this will be much of a happy hour, as two men with a very public dispute bring their differences to washington. the white house plans an unusual summit tonight, hoping a few cold beers will calm what became a heated racial disagreement. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly. >> reporter: that's what mr. obama said last week about harvard professor henry louis gates jr.'s arrest two weeks ago at his home. he forced himself inside when a lock jammed. a woman called 911, concerned about a possible break-in. >> were they white, black or hispanic? >> well, they were two larger men. one looked kind of hispanic. but i'm not sure. >> reporter: sergeant james crowley arrived at gates' home and arrested him for disorderly conduct. the charges dropped. but tensions escalated over whether crowley treated gates differently because he was black. >> to the extent that my choice of words did not illuminate but rather contributed to more media frenzy, i think that was unfortunate. >> reporte so, the three men will meet at this picnic table behind the white house, to talk about what happened. >> the president will drink bud light. professor gates likes red stripe. and i think sergeant crowley mentioned he likes blue moon. >> reporter: their drinks diverse. their dispute, still to be resolved. the president said he wanteds an apology from sergeant crowley. the sergeant said he is not a racial profiler. drinks will be served up later tonight. jeremy? >> emily schmidt in washington. thanks, emily. after weeks of traction, health care reform is gaining traction in capitol hill. in the house, conservatives and democrats are on board. meaning the final committee could vote before lawmakers leave town. important momentum for the president. no such progress for the senate, which may not strike a deal until september. president obama told the dience aa town hall meeting yesterday, it could take until october to get a final vote. the president said some congressmen tell him it might not happen untilhristmas. a federal health panel is now out with its recommendations about who should be first to get the swine flu vaccine. but there are still questions about whether there's going to be enough vaccine to go around. and how soon it will be available. lisa starks reportses from the centers r disease control in atlanta. >> reporter: first and foremost, the vaccination will go to those with the highest risk. not just pregnant women. 15 of whom have died from this virus. and health care workers. also those who care for young infants. children and teens, 6 months to age 19. and those 19 to 64, with health problem, such as asthma and diabetes. in a surprise move, the committee added healthy colle-aged kids to the list. deciding 19-year-olds to 24-year-olds, should get priority, too, because they frequently study and live in close quarters and often spread the virus. this list covers nearly 160 million people, over half the u.s. population. >> we know we can't eliminate it. we know we can't protect everyone. but we're hoping to minimize the number of hospitalizations and deaths that occur from this pandemic. >> reporter: only after these groups would the vaccine go to healthy 25-year-olds to 64-year-olds. and finally, to those over age 65, who appear to have some immunity to this virus. >> the h1n1 outbreak so far, to a large extent spared that population. >> reporter: the big unknown, will people be willing to get ththis new vaccine? even with the seasonal flu, only about 40% of americans get the shot. lisa stark, abc news, atlanta. a massive pileup on a north carolina highway yesterday involved 40 cars. but incredibly, the only injury was a broken leg. the chain-reaction wreck happened on i-40, outside raleigh. police say heavy rain is to blame. the smashed cars stretched for over half a mile. an american airlines plane bound for l.a. was forced to make an emergency landing after a bird was sucked into an engine. flight 449 returned to st. louis after the crew noticed the right engine was losing pressure. no one was hurt. and passengers were put on another plane. some relief is in the forecast for the pacific northwest. but not before what will likely be another 100-degree day. sprinklers were used to cool down rooftops, as seattle reached a record-breaking 103 degrees. long lines formed outside stores for fans and air conditioners. and longer lines on the highway because of overheated cars and trucks. >> it's a bad day to be out here on the road. yeah. there's nothing like i i've never seen anything like it. mariners fans got relief from the heat by snding in a cooling mist, set up at the stadium. and now, for a look at this morning's weather from all around the nation. thunderstorms and flooding across the south. drenching east texas, all the wato tennessee. severe weather hits west texas and new mexico today. thunderstorms from denver to des moines. atreted afternoon showers and thunderstorms for much of the eastoast. >> another scorcher inhe northwest. a record 99 in seattle. and 98 in portnd but phoenix is once again the hot spot on the map at 108. just 69 in fargo. and 70 in minneapolis. and low 80s in chicago, detroit and st. louis. a humid 88 in new york. and 83 in boston. coming up, sand survey. the most and least polluted beaches in the u.s. and falling fares. finding a bargain is easier than it has been in years. plus, the coroner has finished the report into michael jackson's death. so, why isn't it being released? new numbers out this morning show the foreclosure crisis is most heavily concentrated in the sun belt. more tn one-third of all foreclosure filings during the first half of the year came from cities in the sun belt. but above-average foreclosure activity in states like oregon, idaho and illinois, indicate rising unemployment levels are causing the crisis to spread. the federal reserve says it is finally seeing signs the economy is stabilizing in some parts of the country. a fed survey of 12 regions found that the recession is easing. or that economic activity has begun to stabilize at a low level in most of these areas. but high unemployment contues to be a problem everywhere. stocks are climbing overseas this morning, after a relatively quiet day on wall street. tokyo's nikkei average climbed 0.5% today. hong kong's hang seng is higher. in london, the ftse opened higher. wall street starts the day with the dow at 9070, after slipping 26 points yesterday. the nasdaq lost almost 8 points to close at 1967. it should be easier to find a bargain if you're booking a flight anytime soon. average airfare for nestic tickets dropped 9% for the first three months in the year. that is a record drop. that doesn't include extra fees you play at the airport or on the plane. at "the new york times" tech byte, a small camera that packs a big punch. olympus is releasing a camera that's a new size of a point and shoot. but the quality of other cameras. and "the times'" sam grobart tested it out. >> it takes fantastic photographs in broad daylight. far better than you've seen from a point and shoot. but there's a big but here. the ep-1, doesn't have a flash. it's going to come out looking grainy. not as grainy as a point and shoot. but still grainy. >> the camera costs $800. you can read a full review of it on "the new york times" website. >> looks cool. one city's controversial plan to fly the homeless back to their hometowns. plus, the truth about tanning beds. doctors now say they are deadly, hmmm... well... naaa... yeah! calculating for getaway. ♪ find your way to a perfect destination at busch gardens... and water country usa... where family-fun surrounds you... and world-class rides astound. start at it's the all new sesame street forest of fun... at busch gardens in williamsburg. with four family-friendly rides... and everyone's sesame street friends. ( elmo giggles ) ♪ big and small! there's fun for all! ♪ welcome back. these are the latest headlines from abc news. in massachusetts, a suspect is in custody connected to the murder of a pregnant mom. a baby gir from her womb was found alive and llll. a a federal panel recommendn and college studen bamongg the first to g get t swine flu vaccine. and the president hos hop by hour atat the white hou today, with cambridge sergnt crowley, a and harvard professo henry louis gates. ate could be next weweek before we len more about wha jackson ea death. michael abc ws hasearned the long-awaited ticology report is ready. we're told family members have seen it. bubut thcoroner's fice is s waiting fofor los angeles popol to relea i it.t. also, dr. conrad murray has reportedly told investigators he gave jackson propofol on day he died. the man in charge of recovering money for the victims of bernard madoff's ponzi scheme is now going after madoff's wife. the trustee has filed a lawsuit against ruth madf. he says the money was spent on a life of splendor. her lawyer says she has forfeited nearly all of the assets mentioned in the lawsuit. new york city is offering the homeless a free ride. the city is paying for one-way flights out of town, to anywhere in the world, in hopes of cutting down the number of people living in streets and shelters. city officials dismiss criticism they are just shifting the homeless. >> they identify outside new york city, resources they have. they will either be going to their own apartment. going to live with a family. or going to live with a friend. they are going to a home. >> the mayor says a one-way ticket is a lot cheaper than what it would cost the city to provide an apartment. health experts are sounding the alarm on the dangers of tanning beds. researchers for the world health organization, says damage from the ultraviolet radiation, moves the beds into the top cancer risk category. and young women in particular should be very concerned. here's abc's diana alvear. >> reporter: new research confir what doctors have long suspected. the pursuit of that summer glow could lead to cancer in the long run. finding that tanning beds are as deadly as arsenic or mustard gas. and the younger the user, the more dangerous they are. before 2 age of 30, the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75%. a troubling discovery, considering the vast majority of tanning salon patrons in the u.s., are young women between the ages of 16 to 29. >> i like being tan. i think i look better. >> reporter: lauren lamm began tanning when she was 15. she says the new findings are eye-opening. but not enough to keep her away from the salon. >> it's one of those risks that you think will never happen to you. and that's kind of the mindset that i have. >> reporter: that's why activists are calling for congress to take action. currently, only 29 states have laws related to tanning. salons are mostly left to police themselves. >> we would like to see extra protection for young people. so, we'd like to see under 18s banned from using sun beds. >> reporter: industry groups say the study does not provide definitive proof in a sun beds cause cancer. critics counter there is no such thing. and there is another alarming trend. the national cancer institute reports the related cases of malignant melanoma among young women has doubled since 1980. coming up, baseball highlights from espn. and surf report. not the size of the waves bu at's l what's lurking inside. do you live near one of the nation's most polluted beaches? healthy choices ev oh, max! e and you want to do the same for your laughable, lovable dog. [ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated... with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long live your buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. new aveeno nourish plus. active naturals wheat formulas proven to target and help repair damage in just three washes. - building shiny, strong... - hair with life. announcer: new aveeno nourish plus. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. chili's -- a tow truck in western new york needed a tow itself, after landing in a backyard pool. the truck slammed into a car before careening into the water. police say the tow truck driver may have been texting before the crash. well, if you are headed to the beach this weekend, you might want to choose carefully. a new report outlines the health of 200 of the nation's most popular beaches. the national resources defense council survey found that the number of beach closures remained high for the fourth-straight year. among the most contaminated, beaches along the great lakes, jones beach on long island, venice beach in florida, and central peach in point pleasant, new jersey. beaches getting a five-star seal of approval, hampton beach in new hampshire. ocean city, maryland. gulf shores beach in alabama. and laguna and newport beaches in california. you can read more at time for sports. a 15-inning marathon in st. louis. here's mark morgan at espn news. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with a lengthy major league baseball game in st. louis on wednesday night. the dodgers in town. facing the cardinals. two runners on. two out. brendan ryan, deep to left. manny ramirez going back. going back. manny draws a bead. makes the catch. nicely done. l.a. up one after seven. bottom nine. kobe rasmus breaks his bad. jonathan broxton blows the save. bottom of 11, that plates mark derosa. we are tied at 2-2. to the 12th we go. casey blake, the single to right. manny ramirez, trying to score from second. ludwig comes up throwing. manny, out at the plate. game stays tied at 2-2. to the 15th we go. one on. runners on the corners. dodgers playing in. the throw home gets brandon ryan. watch the replay. how close is this? russell martin, able to put the tag on ryan. two down. next batter, albert pujols. runners on first and second. he rakes one to center. matt kemp comes in. ball sails over his head. julio lugo scores. the cards take it. 3-2, is your final. john chamberlain on the bump for the yankees against the race. novarro, a rocket. mark teixeira, it's in the glove. five ks. no earned runs allowed in eight innings of work. teixeira going deep, top nine. his 26th home run of the year. the yankees win it. your final, 6-2. and now, let's go back to jeremy and vinita, in the studio. well, golfers may be hard-pressed to find a caddie who doesn't critique their swing. but not in north carolina. >> that's because the caddies are llamas. and they can carry clubs just as welz as any human. llamas are known to be very docile, very friendly. the entrepreneur who rents them out says, with a little training, they make ideal caddies. >> can they tell you what club to use? >> i doubt it. now, a dog in portland, oregon. >> jennie the pug pushes her stroller around. looks like jenny as a bright future ahead of her, as well. the family was recently contacted by a talent scout. >> expect to see a lot more of jennie soon. alright. u. u. your local news is up next. >> for everyone else, "america this morning" continues after this. welcome tohili's. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. for a second course, choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, the mini burgers with giant layers of flavor. then save some room to share a decadent dessert. a lot of bold flavors, for a limited time only. chili's -- how about enough water and energy savings... to pay for the dryer? 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>> reporter: stores that stocked up sold out before noon. >> i got to come back this afternoon to try and get a bigger fan. they just have desktop fans right now. >> reporter: to escape the oppressive heat, families are resorting to sleeping outside, or in their basements. >> it just sucks the life right out of you, just like it was 95 and 90% humidity back in a place like new jersey. >> reporter: maureen master-batista, got a surprise when she opened heifer freezer. >> polar bears in the freezer. why are they in the freeze center. >> because they need to be cold. >> reporter: for many in seattle, keeping cool has become an imprfizational art because there have been entire years where the city hasn't reached 90 degrees. but this month alone, it's topped that four days running. cooling centers are now up and running. swimming pools are extending hours. while outdoor workers are withering. >> as long as it doesn't get too much above 100. i don't want to melt. >> reporter: in nearby portland, temperatures have eclipsed 100 degrees for days. local fire departments rolled out their hoses to douse the heat. >> something like this is -- it's not just unprecedented. it's amazing. >> reporter: forecasters say, from west coast to east, the nation is locked in a very unusual weather pattern. >> we're seeing extremes on both sides. i mean, we've seen the east coast go through some rainy periods, where you don't really expect it. you've seen us dry and hotter than normal, when we don't really expect it. >> reporter: so, the city known for cool rain, is learning what a searing summer is all about. laura marquez, abc news, seattle. and sam will have more on that extraordinary heat wave coming up on "good mor just moments away, a

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