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The cat in the hat walking on capitol hill. Thousands of signatures, about , 66000 excuse me thousand signatures is the number they have collected from parents around the country who are looking to save funding for shows like sesame street and cat in the hat. They want to save pbs, save shows they say are a benefit to children around the country. They are walking right now to their local Senate Office to turn in some of those signatures. What ifthe parents, their efforts today fall on deaf years . Years . Ears . There is going to be an uproar because millions of parents will be shocked to see what their representatives have done. I should not in congress very long. Q they are walking into the Senate Office building here across the street from the capital. They mean business. This is just a small group and there are four others going to Senate Offices in the area turning in some 260,000 signatures today. That is the latest from capitol hill. Jummy also happening on the hill, neil gorsuch back in the hot seat for his confirmation hearing. Lets listen in. I have seen him in action in very complicated emotional matters where he has one group of people who could give a damn about the terrorists and others who want to criminalize what we thought was a real world fight, and we tried to find the middle ground. In a 54 decision the Supreme Court struck down my proposal and we fixed it later. Jummy frustrated democrats are expected to press him on everything from guns to independence from president trump. They are expected to oppose his confirmation. Gorsuch praised the late judge Antonin Scalia a, describing him as his mentor. Speaking about president trump, he was on the hill trying to close the deal on the American Health care act but made no mention of what happened 24 hours prior when james comey said the and that the agency is investigating the campaigns contact with russia. They are dropping names like chairman Paul Manafort who was fired from the campaign. Paul manafort, who played a very limited role for a limited amount of time. He was the chairman. Jummy the white says it still has complete confidence in the fbi director and this morning paul ryan said nothing new was learned from comeys testimony. Happening right now, the u. S. Government taking extraordinary steps to keep settlers travelers safe. Senior u. S. Official others officials banned large Electronic Items leaving from certain middle eastern countries. Sam sweeney is at dulles airport. Tight andity is police tell abc this is the saturation event. And a passenger flying out of dulles will encounter a Law Enforcement officer. Meantime, on the other side of the world travelers are scrambling to understand new security rules for their u. S. Down flight. U. S. Officials issued a directive banning all electronics bigger than a smartphone from 10 middle eastern airports. What they are trying to do is take an extra step to take anything that could be packed with explosives out of the cabin and prevent a device from being manually detonated. Sam last year a computer packed with explosives put a hole in this jet shortly after takeoff. Riyadh,ca, istanbul, and abu dhabi. No u. S. Airlines are affected. What will likely happen is the u. S. Government has developed some intelligence that a group or individual developed some kind of device they can get onto an airplane, using a laptop or some other electronic appliance. Sam for the Nine Airlines involved, they have 96 hours to comply with the safety mandate. As for the elevated security at dulles, investigators say it is routine and they do i am sam sweeney, back to you. Jummy we want to take a live look out over the city, pennsylvania avenue heading toward the hill. We are headed for a bit of a cool down. Doug hill is here with a look at the forecast. Doug cloudy skies right now. Every once in a while i look for a glimpse of clearing and in some areas you should get clear spots. National, 54eagan and what birds at 51 degrees. Satellite shows a lot of cloudiness to the west, no rain, but a cold front is on the way. That will drop the temperatures the next few days before we have a chance to warm back up to springlike levels. Our average high is close to 60 and tomorrow we will have gusty wind, sunny and only in the mid 40s, continuing into thursday before we see a warmup. We show a glimmer of sunshine through midday, a better chance this afternoon, somewhere around the 60 degree mark. Tomorrow morning we will wake up to clouds but i think they will clear away, most everyone in the 30s. 39 in la plata when you wake up on wednesday. We will look over the next 10 days coming up. Two men have been indicted and the december 2015 murder of Heather Ciccone in spotsylvania county. Joshua williams and Jonathan Verrazano work indicted on a number of charges. Deputies found the 21yearold shot to death inside a car parked outside a home on piney branch road in december 2015. The case is headed to a grand jury. Now, new fallout in a rape investigation at Rockville High School, two teenagers accused, both having outstanding immigration orders. Parents believe this could have all been avoided, John Gonzalez is following the latest. Some parents at Rockville High School believe immigration officials dropped the ball and others believe the school should take some of the blame. On primary county police say inside a boys bathroom last montgomeryg county police say inside a boys bathroom last tuesday a girl was raped by two fellow freshman. Both are considered freshman, both entered the country illegally about seven months ago from central america, and both were enrolled in the ninth grade. The victim said she was dragged into an empty stall and raped minutes later she reported the rape in class. The younger suspect was detained by u. S. Border control patrol in august with a notice to appear in court but the hearing is still pending. We really want the culprits punished but on the other hand we would like rockville to be a sanctuary city. Ice officials requested a detainer on the other suspect which means possible deportation, both charged with firstdegree rape and two counts of a firstdegree sex offense with a maximum of life in prison. There was a schedule pta meeting here tonight and you can imagine this will probably be top on the agenda. In rockville, John Gonzalez. Nearly washed away, the incredible rescue of dozens of in deadly floodwaters in peru. Superjumbo super bowl jersey is found. Another super bowl mvps who fell victim to the same feet. A chicken putting new meaning to the word big man on campus. The viral video that is hard to believe. Now i check on traffic. Road maintenance operations, that is the big theme. We have finally reopened braddock road in centerville from the earlier water main break repairs. Green,seeing mostly dealing with one accident in southwest d. C. On northwest 12th street just past main avenue. We also have a work zone set up on 12th street that will tie us up, as well as d. C. 295 north and southbound, a little bit of red. Outside on our traffic land cameras, a look at the capital beltway just north of route seven, we have road operation going on. You will lose your right travel lane. Georges county, also blocking a lane as you head into Montgomery County on the outer loop approaching New Hampshire avenue. A minor delay with this works out. You are watching abc 7 news at noon, on your side. Jummy come take a look at this mustsee video out of peru, a military helicopter coming the rescue coming to rescue people from deadly floodwaters. The worst in decades and could last another two weeks or so. Authorities in tennessee are releasing new images of a missing teenager and the former teenager former teacher accused of kidnapping her. Is appearing to pick up womans hair dye from the store. Allegedly had an inappropriate relationship with the teenager who was last seen eight days ago after being dropped off at a restaurant in tennessee. She told her siblings to call police if she was not home by 6 00 that same day she disappeared. We go to that major football history which may be solved, Authorities Say they have found tom bradys missing super bowl jersey. Matt gutman is there with the details. Matt what a has ever one mo been better. Away with super bowl triumph and new video shows a mildmannered mexican journalist walking away with his game jersey. Greg 100 i put it in my bag 100 i put it in my bag. Matt this morning authorities the u. S. And mexico say the longtime editor in chief of love princess swiped the quarterbacks jersey. Authorities reportedly identifying him in this fox video strolling into the patriots locker room behind the coach. Ortega walkeder, out with a black plastic bag he did not have before and allegedly with a jersey valued at half 1 million. Half 1 million. Great chagall or picasso. Matt brady launching his own investigation and texas authorities not taking kindly to the theft. Espn reporting Houston Police investigated 20,000 credentialed ofple, scoured hours surveillance tape and eventually landed on ortega as a suspect. After coordinating with the fbi, authorities in mexico launched a march 12 raid, not only finding the jersey but the pilfered jersey from 2009. Also, von millers and the p helmet from dish the 2016 super bowl. Because two days after the memorabilia was confiscated he tendered his resignation. Miller telling us overnight there is so much going on after a super bowl win. It took me a year to realize that my helmet was missing. It can get pretty hectic after the super bowl. Jummy it is lunch time for many , and right now we have got some video that might increase your appetite. Come take a look at this giant chicken. No, this is not a grown man in a chicken costume. This is also referred to as the king of all poultry and they can weigh up to 19 pounds. Look at that, doug. Doug i would not miss with him. Him. Ss with that would crush my grill. We are into spring now officially. Today is the first full day of spring, on the cool side but it will warm up. Drop us tot will wintertime temperatures but it will not last long. This is from Bull Run Elementary School in centerville, cloudy skies. Every once in a while a break tries to occur from the overcast but you have to go pretty far from the Washington Area to find areas of sunshine. 54 in luray. War and manassas both at 51. Andar and 10 Warrenton Manassas both at 51. If you get out in the value have wave clouds so we have a chance to get some areas of sunshine, not a lot, but some. Tonight into tomorrow we will see a cold front approach. We will see added cloudiness tonight and tomorrow but once the front sweeps through it will be sunny and breezy but very chilly, probably only in the 40s. Thursday still very cold and then a warm up into the weekend. Thursday futurecast shows the high pretty much overhead and once it moves offshore we will see the effects of the next warm up. Here is our story for the next and of the next and of the week. Upper 50s on friday with a warming trend into the weekend. Here is what we have as far as the next 10 days. 62 today, low to mid 40s onorrow, 50s on friday, and friday there could be an early shower. 72 on saturday. Little bit more springlike. I am very suspicious always update 10 that we magically drop again to 51, but at least no 30s in their, no snow flakes in their. Jummy heres a preview of what is coming up tonight at 4 00. Coming up, when your body hates the food that you love is it an allergy or Something Else . This woman would sometimes experience problems days after a neil and finding out which food caused it was its own ordeal. If you the test to see suffer from toxic food syndrome. Countdowns to first pitch brought to you by mcdonalds. Jummy abcs dancing with the stars is back, season 24 kicking off last night and one olympic darling is putting competitors on notice. Danya bacchus has a recap. The quest for the mirror ball trophy has officially started, season 24 of dancing with the stars kick off with a quick step. Then olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan and her partner went wed thedges wo judges. Humor was added to the floor with chris get tan and whitney dancing to the theme of his movie a night at the roxbury. Bonner, please, dont be a goner. Charo you are a spicy queen. But her moves fell flat. Hitting it out of the park for judges. Mr. T proving he is more than muscle. Nfl player rishaad jennings was one of the highest scores of the evening. And olympic gymnast simone biles reminding us why she is a fourtime gold medalist. And that was the dance of the night. You can vote jummy even though we are in spring, winter coming back tomorrow. Doug today, still around 60 to 62, clouds but we will see a little bit of sunshine in some spots. Onlyhe rest of the week, 40s. It will be warmer into the weekend so not terrible. A day or two of cold weather and we will get the warmer stuff. Jummy something to look forward to for the weekend. Hey, everybody. Welcome to hometown heroes week. This week is our chance to recognize all those selfless people out there who set a great example for the rest of us. And i cant think of a better way to say thank you than to give them a chance to win 1 million. So lets play who wants to be a millionaire. [dramatic music] welcome to the show. Are you guys ready for more hometown heroes week here on millionaire . [cheers and applause] me too. Our returning contestants are among the most deserving people to ever play our game. The three of them took down a terrorist on a train in france, saving countless lives. So please welcome back alek skarlatos, spencer stone, and anthony sadler. [cheers and applause] welcome back, alek. Hello. Spence

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