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Flying off of route 50 and down into a wooded area. The person in that car was so terribly trapped the rescue workers had to work for hours to get that person out. That extrication made a short time ago we are told with the help of what is called a go team from the university of maryland shock Trauma Center. These are teams of surgeons and nurses ready to be transported to a scene typically when they need to have a surgical solution to get someone out of a vehicle. That means often times there are amputations. We cannot say that that is what happened here. We only know that it took hours to get this person out. That has now been accomplished. That person rushed to a waiting helicopter and taken to the hospital for care. Now, route 50 eastbound is still closed. And we are told it is going to be closed for hours. The entire annapolis now being gridlocked by this. There are no good detours around this major road. This only road to the bay bridge. So the cars are being taken off of route 50 east. They are being brought back on. But all of the other roads in annapolis now are gridlocked as a result. So if you have a choice, its best to stay away from there for the time. Its not going to be easy going. As so how this happened, that investigation will now get underway. Try to determine how long the woman was driving the wrong way, how she got on the roadway. All of those questions remain unanswered. Back to you. Jonathan all right. Thank you very much. Look at the video, it looks like the force of impact was an explosion. There is nothing left of the little car in the middle of the road. That is the s. U. V. In the ditch pulled out by the tow truck now after they extricated the person inside. We will stay on top of this and let you know when we get updates about the condition of the people taken out. Also breaking on the roads, a macarthur boulevard. Look at this. All lanes blocking traffic. They have to divert traffic because of what you see here. This is a look at the map. You can see where the choke point is as a result. Pull up the map if you can. D. C. Water tells abc7 the break not impacting neighborhood and schools but you can expect traffic there in the northwest to be a night mare for some time. There is always bad traffic there but now with this added to it, it makes it even worse. Alison now also breaking tonight. Another investigation into President Trump. The House Oversight committee this time requesting ousted f. B. I. Director james comey testify one week from today. The goal to find out if the president interfered with the bureaus probe of the trump campaign. President trump no politician in history i say this with great surety has been treated worse or more unfairly. Jonathan now that was part of his coast guard graduates. Alison right now we want to hear from you. The abc7 instapoll is up. Do you believe the president is being treated fairly . Nancy go to wjla. Com votenow to weigh in on this. The president s comments today come less than 24 hours after that bombshell report that he asked then f. B. I. Director james comey to drop the flynn investigation. Jonathan now we know congress is requesting f. B. I. Memos and white house tastes if they exist. We have Team Coverage of this. We have an update of the information requested by congress. Alison and scott thuman there on the hill. We begin with maggie and the new developments. Reporter during an offcamera briefing today, the white house continued to deny any wrongdoing but lawmakers here in washington say they want to get to the facts. A commencement address to the United States coast guard. President trump fight, fight, fight. Turning into a defense of his presidency. President trump look at the way i have been treated especially by the media. No politician in history has been treated worse or more unfairly. Reporter President Trump alluding to weeks of chaos at the white house. It seems like we are learning disturbing new allegations about President Trump. Not just every day. But, ladies and gentlemen, every hour. Reporter most recently the bombshell allegation that the president tried to interfere with a federal investigation. Allegedly asking then f. B. I. Director james comey to back off the investigation into his former National Security advisor michael flynn. Abc7 news confirmed comey wrote a memo detailing a meeting with trump after flynn was fired when the president allegedly said of flynn, he is a good guy. I hope you can let this go. But the white house is pushing back, saying the president has never asked mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation. Adding this is not a truthful conversation. It is obvious there are some people out there who want to harm the president. Reporter other republicans on the hill are cautiously responding to the allegations. We should see the notes. See director comeys notes and have him testify before congress and based on the facts laid out by him directly and the folks, people can make a determination. Reporter Many Democrats are not so reserved. The president must be impeached. Reporter two Senate Committee formally requested classify and unclassified material from the f. B. I. , including comeys memo giving them a deadline of may 24. In northwest, maggie ruly, abc7 news. Jonathan this has been the scene on the hill all week. You see what is going on there . Reporters are buzzing around any lawmaker as they leave a meeting, hearing, a shrote. It doesnt matter, they are all over them. Trying to get on the records about comeys firing, russia and anything else trump. Abc7 chief Political Correspondent scott thuman has been in the thick of it. What have you been i say that because it seems every day there is something new. Scott every day in some respects, every few hours. I think there are a few ways to look at this. First, there is a lot of debate and consternation over whether or not there should be a special prosecutor, independent council to look into this house and the Intelligence Committee underway. There is a lot of debate, even more so about whether or not its going too far to use the iword, impeachment in the conversations. But one thing that everybody seems to be on board and in agreement with. They would like to hear from the former f. B. I. Director james comey. They want to know what exactly took place in that conversation. And, of course, there would be he said he said involved there but look, the media has been continually saying this memo exists. Others are saying we have not seen it ourselves. This is just from sources looking at it and reading it to reporters. So there are a lot of questions out there. Paul ryan talked about that toy. You heard that in the piece. You heard from others like elijah cummings, or representative al green with stronger language. They also by the way, jonathan, say they have been stonewalled. They believe they sent over the proper request to the white house, even prior to the bombshell yesterday and the day before that but have gotten nothing from the white house. They are very, very upset about not even a response. We did just hear from sean spicer on the gaggle on air force one on the way back from the president s appearance there in the northeast. The president is confident in the event he is maintained and he wants the truth in the investigation to get to the bottom of the investigation. The account published is not accurate. They are standing by their message. Jonathan scott thuman at the capitol. Thank you very much. Let me point something out to you. Look at the bottom of the screen. Do people think trump is treated unfairly . The poll so far says yes. Not to be lost in this, the president s base remained with him in recent polls. Ahead of we get reaction from all sides of this. But in particular, from his supporters as controversy continues to swirl. Alison reminder on that note, voting is open right on the abc7 instapoll. Do you think President Trump is being fairly treated . You can get all the reporting on comey, russia and on President Trump. All on the website. Wjla. Com. So while the president mentioned that he isnt being treated fairly while addressing that graduating class of the coast guard cadets, he did have a sobering message for them and also a message of support. President trump you are about to become military families. So starting today, i hope you feel the full gratitude of our nation. Cadets, you deserve the congratulations but the gratitude of each and every american. We all salute you. Followed with the political statements, updates on a potential border wall and healthcare overhaul. Jonathan well, i. C. E. Arrests are up under President Trump. New numbers just in the newsroom. Michelle marsh at the live desk with the numbers. Michelle good evening. Well, let me walk you through the numbers. Arrest for i. C. E. Are up 38 from the same time period in 2016. So between january 22 and april 29, i. C. E. Arrested close to 41,000 people. That is an average rate of 400 arrests a day. 75 of those had a criminal record. 92 president in obamas final 92 in obamas final year had criminal records. They have been able to arrest noncriminals due to executive order trump signed in january. At the live desk, im michelle marshment back to you. Nancy thank you. A scare at the morning race in d. C. Senator thom tillis dropping to the ground in the challenge, a threemile run. He was taken to the hospital but from there posted to looking forward to getting back to work. You can hear him there. Tillis is a republican in North Carolina and says he was simply overheated. What a preview of summer it was. Maybe try to cool down by the capitol deflecting pool. Gorgeous out there. Some of you experienced record highs. Others came close and tomorrow is warmer. Chief meteorologist doug hill has the forecast. Doug gorgeous out there if you are near the water where it is cooler. National harbor, plenty of sunshine. 95 in leesburg. One of the warm spots. 91 at Reagan National. The influence of the cool waters are only 79 in annapolis. So far today we have hit 91 at Reagan National. One degree shy. We set a record at washington dulles and tied at b. W. I. The complete numbers are not they will be finalized later so we could set another record today. We will drop from the 80s to the 70s and it will be a warm night tonight. As we get through the day tomorrow, what we see is an isolated thunderstorm just west of 81. We will see more of those tomorrow and more on friday with a cold front. Check the weekend, too, in ten days in nine minutes. Jonathan see you then. Thank you. Might be warm here but boy is it terrible in the middle part of the country. A deadly tornado outbreak stretching from texas to wisconsin. This is elk city, oklahoma. One person here killed. Dozens of others hurt. Look at the aerial footage. This shows part of an entire neighborhood just about leveled. Alison this is a tornado on the ground in North Western wisconsin. One person was killed in the storms there. This was not far from claire. The man in the video here is a father of five. Kevin lewis is live with the sentence, the video and the update on the puppies. What a story. Kevin yeah, absolutely. James jones telling the judge that he purchased marijuana that night. But he says the action were like someone high on p. C. P. The dramatic dash camera video captured the officers tussling with the 31yearold on a downtown wheaton sidewalk in june 2015. Jones was strangling the two pitbull puppies, one in each hand. At one point he managed to stand up straight. The tan puppy breaking free. An onlooker grabbed the dog and started to give it c. P. R. The police took the puppies named chance and mia to an animal home. One was gurling blood and had to put in chamber. The recovers today described as miraculous. Both describes are thriving and are in good homes. One of the new owners. Dogs are selfless animals and they love with their beings. When that happens a dog cant defend himself. He is emotional and he has been with us for two years. He is part of our family. The dogs were adopted by a Police Officer. Thigh have been reunited. The man responsible for this is in jail. That is where he belongs. Kevin in the end the judge sentenced jones to six months in jail. He will have to finish serving time on an unrelated federal fire arms charge. Jones telling everyone in court he is a changed churchgoing man. We are live in rockaway. Im kevin lewis, abc7 news. Jonathan crazy scene here. Fists flying outside the turkish ambassadors house. Tonight why the chief of police says it might be hard to prosecute. Nancy video that is hard to watch. What happens next . The 14yearold on a bicycle. An old 4000 series rail car getting a new lease on life for retail. When and where you can see to take on the tom Insurance Companies and the Credit Card Companies and the wall street banks. Thats what Tom Perriello is about. Progressive causes have been my lifes work. Im Tom Perriello. And before and after congress i led nonprofits to battle climate change, poverty and president bushs attacks on civil rights. Now im running for governor to reduce economic inequality. Because together, we really can build a virginia that works for everyone. Jonathan mustsee video from florida. It is tough to watch. The s. U. V. Is out of control. Slam into the kid and knocks them to the ground. The survivor driver takes off. Police are trying the s. U. V. Driver takes off. The kid hit is 14 and will be okay. Nancy a new chapter for metro but it may not be what you are thinking. This is a unique concept. Absolutely. We have been inside a lot of rail cars in the day. Not one serving scones to you. This is happening at the metro station. 12 local businesses will be rotating on a sixweek program. This smells delicious. Why do you want to be part of this . A great opportunity to meet people and sell my products. You do at farmers markets and other locations. Did you think youd operate inside a metro rail car . Never. They will operate wednesday, thursday, friday. 3 30 to 7 30. There is no food and drink that is allowed on the trains. This is from the 400 o 0 series. If approved a more permanent solution will be here. Reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. Jonathan a great idea. Only on 7 we have the shocking video to show. Before we roll it, you are seeing the security guys from the Howard University hospital. That is a woman in the wheelchair. They dump her. She falls out of the wheelchair. We cant see it from this angle. But they turn around to throw the person on top of her and walk away. The guards are moving with her. They stop and do that. He cant believe, he is incredulous that they leave her on the sidewalk. They are saying what is going on here. D. C. Fire and e. M. S. Arrive at the scene but the woman refused treatment. Howard University Hospital says those officers have been removed from the duties pending an outcome of the investigation underway. We have more at 5 00 and 6 00. Alison alarming numbers when it comes to drinking. Millions of americans drink alcohol at dangerously high levels. They found 39 of the adult males binge drank when 2012 and to 13. That is compared to 27 feel adults. Extreme binge drinking was common monothose who admitted using owe drugs. Nancy may 17 but it feels like we are in june or july. Doug or august. A couple more days like this. This will turn cooler. It will be 70 for saturday. This is high atop the hotel. Temperatures around the region. 93 in baltimore. And 91 in reagnable airport. Perfect weather for outdoor activities. Hazy out there at times tonight. The temperatures drop through the 80s to the 70s and the moisture level picks up a bit. This is well out in the atlanta. We have the southerly winds. They turn southwesterly on friday. That is a warm direction with the hot and the humid air mass in place. This is west of st. Louis that will deliver us a better chance of the showers on friday. This large area in yellow is a tornado watch in effect from wisconsin to missouri. We will keep an eye on that. It is Severe Weather season. 74 for pickup time. 84 at recess. 93 in the afternoon. We will look for isolated thunderstorm in the afternoon. Ed the cold front is still near 89. Over the weekend cooling down. 70 degree on saturday. A little peek of sunshine and 75 on sunday. There are chances of showers and storms and the temperatures are mostly in the 70s. That is the latest. Alison thank you. How would you like to get a weeks worth of good looking clothes to wear to work, maybe a special dress or gown for a formal affair . And you dont have to thing . We will explain what it is and whether its worth it coming up. How bell do you know geography . I will introduce you to the National Geographic bee alison from 54 competitors to ten finalists to one winner. In tonights spotlight on education, kellye lynn takes us to the National Geographic bee in t out what it takes to be a champion. More than 1,000 species of plants thrive in the estuaries on the largest island off the coast of maine. Name this island. Kellye a test of knowledge for students from california to idaho to new hampshire. Ten of the brightest and the best in geography competing in the National Geographic bee final. I just like try not to get psyched out. Keep my cool. The seventh grader brought experience. This is his second time representing d. C. In the national competition. The winner takes home a 50,000 scholarship and all expenses paid trip to the galapagos island. For this sixth gradeer the best prize is being here after months of preration. I basically used National Geographic website and books. It was fun and tough along the way. In the end the battle between the students from texas to wisconsin. Thomas . He gives the winning answer to identify the mountains along the tibeten plateau. The champion is Pranay Varada from texas having done this and now winning it is a feeling of selfsatisfaction. Kellye lynn, abc7 news. Next at 4 00, a middle school gets in trouble for betting on who would win. Jonathan the brawl at the sher dan circle, the turkish government protesters a touchdown supporter coming to blows. Why some cannot be prosecuted. That is up you saw the video first on 724 hours ago. The iteam going back to the hospital to ask the administrators why a patient was dumped outside and what announcer from abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. Nancy we are following a deadly wrongway crash on u. S. 50 east in arnold. Its just east of the severn river. It will be closed for some time. Abc7 is hearing it could be another four plus hours. One person is dead. Child. Another adult rushed to the hospital. Skytrak7 over the scene earlier. Firefighters pulled someone from the s. U. V. That person was flown to the hospital. Something to keep in mind nearing the east commute. 50 east will be shut down for a few more hours. Stay with abc7 for updates on this. Jonathan President Trump speaking for First Time Since the New York Times reported on a mem row written by fired f. B. I. Director james comey. The president didnt address the controversy speaking to the graduates of the Coast Guard Academy in connecticut but he said the media treated him worse than any politician in history. The instapoll question ising can that. Treated unfairly. You can see the results on the bottom of the screen. Split down the middle. 48 say yes. 52 say no. Something we reported yesterday afternoon the fight that took place outside the turkish ambassadors home. Michelle a huge scene outside the ambassadors house. Nancy we have more on why they can want be charged. Jonathan the attack yesterday. Two people arrested. One for assaulting a police. Adenounced the president Tayyip Erdogan and maintain the assailant are erdogans bodyguards. Peter is the case but he acknowledged there could be diplomatic challenges. Keep in mind while many in the International Community view Tayyip Erdogan as burgeoning brutal dictator. There could be another complication. Aside from the dip mow mattic immunity. He appears to be a darling of President Trump. Reporting live. Nancy Chelsea Manning has been released from prison. He served seven years of a 35year sentence. At a military president in kansas. He granted him clemency in the final days in office. Jonathan the wisconsin man guns to send a manifesto to President Trump said he would do it again. He said the manifesto threatened schools and churches and now he is talking about the motivation. I want the government to open up to what its doing and tell the truth. He has pleaded not guilty to the state and the federal charges that tied to the gun store burglary. Michelle wedding and vacation season around the corner. That means planning trip but shopping for the outfits. But they add up. So what is a way that may cut the cost . Clothing rental services. Are they worth it . Horace holmes has answers. Its affordable. You arent stuck with dresses, skirts, accessories, no oh my. This is rent the runway where customers can get access to thousands of designer pieces sent to their home. Ic if any three items on the website and keep them for unlimited amount of time. Once they are done with the three pieces they repack them and ship it back to rent the runway for free. Pick up the next three items. What to think about before doing this . How enough will you use it . Do you go to parties . Is it better spent on getting classic pieces . Horace horace if someone needs the basics, what are the classic pieces . Style expert says to invest in th think about a trench coat. Leather jacket. Flattering pumps and flattering jeans. These are the items that every woman should have in the wardrobe because they will last. The insurance policy covers some wear and tear but if its damaged beyond repair the fee is the retail price of the item. If the item is never returned the fee is double the price. Is it worth it . A good option for the special occasions if you are willing to be careful. Party clothes are expensive. Bridesmaid dresses are expensive. For special occasions they are a good idea. Bridle, you only wear it once. A different option. Unfortunately, jonathan, chi not offer mens clothing. Jonathan darn it an has come. Tomorrow a way to get rid of extra fat without exercising and without dieting and without going to the naught [laughter] michelle without dying. Jonathan on the elliptical you feel like you peel die. Is it worth it . We find out tomorrow. Michelle to help you prepare the dress you are respecting. Full circuit. Nancy im passionate about all of your reports. Horace i dont know that you need tomorrows. Jonathan break up the lovefest. Three things to check before signing a gym contract. If you dont you will be switting and not from the workout. You have probably seen this. We will let you know why a representative hates it. Good morning washington on abc7. Thank you. Tomorrow on good morning washington, trouble mounting for trump white house. We get you up to speed on the latest jawdropping scandals breaking overnight. Plus, freeze your fat to lose weight. Is it worth it . Stay with us for traffic and weather every ten minutes did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bedic anwhere you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the semiannual sale going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Oh, and right now its our lowest price ever on our temperature balancing i8 bed. Save 700. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Michelle ducklingses in d. C. Have a safer route. The ramps were put up for the ducklings who have trouble climbing out of the pool. It seems like they work. But not everybody likes it. Coming up at 5 0 a congressman that sees government waste here. Jonathan the burger giant is expanding the partnership to offer delivery in columbus and phoenix. The mcdelivery, that is what they call it, is available in 1,000 cities. Nancy more problems could be in the way for that time its due to his wife who said he suffered a concussion. But they never disclosed it on an injury report. The patriots declined to comment on the new report. We shall see. A fire tearing through a home and three people hurt. We have an update on the status and explain why firefighters investigation into how this start is delayed. Some in the tenth Congressional District says of providing Reliable Energy and thatll never change. What is changing, is our name to dominion energy. Its a reflection of our commitment to Energy Innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind. And cleaner energy like natural gas. And well continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. Dominion energy. More than a new name, a new way of seeing energy. Jonathan damns are eyeing comstocks seat as a flip in 2018. Some wonder why she hasnt been visible when seemingly everyone is talking on the hill these days. At first glance they look like any other sign on a light pole. You can see barbara comstock. There are no public appearances scheduled and its hard to get in touch with her. Courtney, a democrat in leesburg in the tenth district made the missing sign with a friend and p night in d. C. Two blocks from her office. The posters accuse her of avoiding the constituents and show her Office Phone Number along with the standindivisible. We are res speck tiff group of folks. At town hall we could assuage some of this. For months the democrats have been pressuring her to hold town hall for healthcare and the travel ban but the congresswoman stayed quiet. Any problem in public now has to answer for trump. None of them want to do that. Comstock wants to win reelection in a district that voted for hillary clinton. The problem for her is trump could be so unpopular it will drag her down in the middle of the election. She has called the meeting with the russian leaders last week highly troubling and she is calling for what happened. Judy is one of her supporters. I appreciate what she is doing. She can continue to do what she knows is right. Move forward. In a statement, congresswomans office said she met with hundreds of constituents this career and connected with 9,000 in the telephone town hall. She is ever present in an around her district, they say. In sterling in the tenth district, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. Larry im larry at the live desk. Coming up we are tracking two breaking stories a deadly crash along 50 and water maine break wreaking havoc in northwest d. C. The wizards are done and what will happen to the mural . We ask bens chili bowl what happens to the mural. And harvard could have two Commencement Ceremonies this year and why some students wanted to walk on their own. That is coming up. Back to you. Michelle thank you. This is just in the new this is disturbing. It shows a Prince Georges County Police Officer ramming a man he was chasing with his cruiser. Look at this. That officer convicted in the last 30 minutes of seconddegree assault. He will have more we will have more on this story coming up at 5 00 and 6 00. Nancy developing now this everything, abc7 following a massive fire at a home in burke, virginia. Firefighters still trying to figure out how all of this started. John gonzalez has more from the scene. John a violent fire that neighbors say started with a loud pop. Just after 6 30 this morning. Inside a group of young adults trying to get out. I looked out my window and i saw a girl pushing the screen out on the ledge of her place. A Family Member of some inside rushed from work after getting the call. A friend of theirs and another lady living here. One young lady was taken to fairfax. That is all we know. Others have followed. Seeing the extent of the damage. They did the overhaul, doing their primary search, they did discover that there was a deceased cat and then as of now the homeowner said there was two dogs that is uncan wanted unaccounted for. I went in panic mode. I knocked on my sons door. It took them three and a half minutes to alarm. Two alarms were called. There was 60 firefighters and a number of ladders put up on the windows. They will try to what started the flames. An adult female did escape jumping out of the second story window. John in burke, john gonzalez, abc7 news. Michelle what you are looking at here is a fight ring busted up at a las vegas middle school. This video shows one incident caught on camera in a school bathroom. The police say several students started to organize the fight over social media before and after school hours. Some placed bets on the outcome. If he wins i get this much money. If i lose, they take the money. Michelle those are little kids. The School Officials caught on to what was going on. No one had serious injuries but 18 students have been suspended. The police are looking into the case for possible criminal charges. Jonathan 7 on your side consumer alert. It affects a lot of folks. This is the worst day on wall street since september before th nasdaq off more than 150 points. Nancy the [inaudible] we are borrowing on different loans. Student and auto loans are now making up larger chunk of i. O. U. s. The total in the First Quarter 12. 75 trillion. Jonathan all right. Look at the d. C. Skyline. We are capturing the district at its best. Look how beautiful. If you got out today you know it was warm and a little humidity. Michelle everything is greened up. Looking lush and beautiful after the rain we had. Now pure sunshine wall to wall. Steve hazy out there. The humidity is increasing and feeling more sticky. Storm is fullfledged summer. Looking athe harbor. Head to oxon hill. Looking good out there. The temperature at Reagan National airport is 91 degrees. 86 in wint. The feels like temperature is warmer than that. Middle 90s for much of the area. Upper 90s for leesburg. Tonight is the warm side. Hot side. Temperatures fall through the 80s. A few clouds here and there. Waking up alley it is warm and humid. Upper 60s to 70. The future cast looks like this. Want to bring in a few showers. I dont believe it will amount to a lot. Better chance of the thunderstorms heading in the day on friday. Future cast in terms of the heat index values. So another sizzler considering the time of year. Looking ahead to the weekend. We have a cooldown on the way. Saturday around 70. 75 degrees on sunday. Nice mix of the sun keep in mind the average for this time of year is 77 degrees. Michelle thank you for the update. We are following breaking news. Want to give you an update here of the deadly wrong way crash. Skytrak7 is back live over u. S. 50 east. In arnold. An update to take on the tom Insurance Companies and the Credit Card Companies and the wall street banks. Thats what Tom Perriello is about. Progressive causes have been my lifes work. Im Tom Perriello. And before and after congress i led nonprofits to battle climate change, poverty and president bushs attacks on civil rights. Now im running for governor to reduce economic inequality. Because together, we really can build a virginia that works for everyone. John sarah is on crutches these days and will be for weeks to come. After tearing her a. C. L. In a lacrosse practice. So she figured she would have no problem getting out of her gym contact staying employees told her 3 options to get out of the contract move 25 miles or injury or death. She calls to end heifer plan she learned her contract said something else. So i asked why it wasnt cancel and she said i needed to be permanently disabled. John we checked the fine print and it lists dis ability, not injury as the reason for cancellation. The result . I had to continue to pay month to month until my year was up. This is common with gym contracts. We contacted the local gym and the spokeswoman said she would look into the case. Before signing up for a gym ask about penalties if you cancel and verbal promises from employee. Pay by check or credit card. Dont give them the bank account number. The buy out was half of what i owe, still near 1,000. I cant afford. She is opening they give a young woman with a serious injury a break. In the end the gym went above and beyond what the contract state and let her out but it wasnt easy. These are all good questions to ask if you join a gym so you dont waste your money. Im john matarese. Abc7 news. President trump no politician in history i say this with great surety has been treated worse or more unfairly. Larry but now the house and senate are stepping up the questions about the president , russia and the former f. B. I. Director. P the hospital. The item getting answers from the hospital. Stump me with that. You got me with that one. What this woman had under her shirt when she crashed doing 7 o on a city street. From abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. Our breaking news is out of arrest mat, maryland, where arnold, maryland, where route 50 is closed. A woman was going the wrong way on the eastbounds lanes and crashed head on with another vehicle. The woman died in that accident. Her infant child was flown to a Trauma Center with injuries. The car she hit ended up there out in the woods. Brad bell is joining us on the phone. Brad for some reason the woman was driving westbound on the eastbound lane of the highspeed interstate highway. The head on collision was devastating. She lost her life. Her infant child transported by hospital the hospital. We do not have the condition. It took hours for the person to be extricated. Id required a go team that is typically a surgeon and a nurse that have to come out and provide surgical solution to entrapment. The investigation is just now beginning. We ared to it could take five hours. The only good news we have gotten in the last few minutes is they have been able to open up

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