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Black man with dreads to his shoulders. This home focusing on on 58th street. Two men were shot in what has been ruled a double homicide. We have seen young kids walking home from school with their moms. It is a residential area. A lot of people are coming home to this news and are certainly pretty shocked about it. We will bring you the latest coming up. Sheryl connor, abc seven news. Morehan we are following breaking news. A streetcar finally has an opening date which has been years in the making. , february saturday 27. A lot of people have been waiting for this for a long time. Pope francis with a stunning comment regarding birth control. Michelle he says it is ok for to useho have zika contraception, which is in stark contrast with how the church has operated. Brianne carter has the fallout. Brianne pope francis making these comments on his way back his trip to mexico. Say hee did not specifically approved contraception, he said of under suchegnancy circumstances is not an absolute evil. The zika virus has caused en to delay travel to infested countries. If they feel that they got the guidance they want, then great. Brianne making pope francis also rejecting abortion as a solution to zika. He said that is a crime and an absolute evil. Coming up at 5 00, local catholics respond. Brianne carter, abc 7 news. Michelle thank you. In the meantime, a political battle between pope francis and donald trump. The pontiff calling out the donald on his plan to build a in theparating Mexico United states. Here is the quote. Today, donald trump fired back. The Mexican Government said the pope a tremendous amount of stuff about trump is not a good person. As i am walking up to, they said mr. Trump, the pope made a statement about you. I said the pope . What did the pope say . I like the was it good or bad . If its good, i like the pope. If its bad, i dont like the pope. Hehelle pope francis said would give trump the benefit of the doubt, not having heard the candidates plan. New at 4 00, d. C. Police have arrested two people in connection with a shooting at a barbershop last week. On the loose. Ll police are looking for him. They are looking for anthony chambers. A warrant is out for his arrest. Police say he is considered armed and dangerous. Do not approach him, just give them a call. Michelle breaking today in Prince Georges County, these are the first pictures of eric garris and taq wa mohammed, accused of killing a man over the weekend. He was released from prison after providing key details against two of his fellow inmates. Jonathan a judge has sealed the search warrant in the investigation into the murder of a 13yearold. Prosecution may use the evidence against two suspects. Investigators believe the pair plotted to object and murder her when she went missing in january. Her body was found three days later. Searched highce and low for the man they believe burst into a home and killed an elderly couple. Montgomery county reporter kevin lewis has an update on the manhunt. Kevin this established ne homes and treelined streets is certainly on edge. Many people will not answer their front door today. Its all because of the midday home invasion. This woman says she does not want to be identified. She was walking her dog when she passed to suspicious looking men. She dialed 911 to report them. Officers were responding to the call when 10 minutes later an elderly couple reported a home invasion. According to police, the robbers used power cords to tie up the couple. They asked for atm cards and proceeded to pillage the home. We were watching walking toward the Tennis Courts when we saw these two. We both got a suspicious vibe from them. Being friendly people, we said hello. They glared at us. We said what are you doing . They kind of chuckled and said we are going for a walk. Son said he believed that the Armed Robbers were drug seekers, but he would not elaborate further. We will bring you an update on the news at 5 00. Thank you. On patricke scene henry drive in falls church. Fire departments responded. This was an electrical fire. They had to cut off electricity to the building to fight the fire. It is unclear how many people are looking for a place to stay tonight. Jonathan crews are wrapping up work to repair a water main break that happened that resulted in a sinkhole. Time the valve was shut off, 20 homes lost water service. The bullet the boulevard has since been reopened. Michelle big on beach drive and other roles that officials roads that officials are recommending you find another route altogether or just take it really slow. We found these yesterday. Crews are making emergency repairs. Jonathan this is a story that has hit a nerve and has a lot of people talking. Police still looking for the person who neglected, abused, and abandoned a dog in Prince Georges County. Michelle we want to warn our viewers that some of this video is graphic. This mastiff is still recovering after authorities found it in may she it on the side of the road. Starving on the side of the road. Violet is the dog. She is regaining her strength on a farm that is aptly named fat dog farm. Animal pushed out of the car somewhere in clinton. When they found her, she was near starvation, about 100 pounds underweight, weighing only 56 pounds. Place to violet with a woman named debbie who has successfully fostered struggling dogs for decades. The ones wrapped on her feet are clear down to the bone. Try toartbreaking, but i focus not on what has been done to her, but what her future will be. Violets back legs are still not Strong Enough to get up the back stairs, but debbie says she is encouraged that the dog has acclimated to food after only one week. If you would like to help violet, we have posted donation information on our website, wjla. Com. We are certainly rooting for violet. Jonathan what coming up, millions of toyotas being recalled. Michelle we will let you know which ones and why. Ultimate pets, the peeve. How easy is it for anyone to register their dog as a service pet . Michelle and a study says veterans are not getting enough treatment for ptsd. Plenty of sunshine this thursday. If you like you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise hey candidates, answer the call already. Michelle the idea of putting your beloved pet into the cargo hold of a plane is not something a lot of people can stomach. Jonathan many animal lovers have found a way to scam the system so their pets can fly for free with them in the coach section. This is easier to do than most people think. You canu go online, complete this process in minutes. This is supposed to let people with legitimate disabilities and Mental Health issues take their pets along for emotional support. But there are major loopholes and oversights. , no one is verifying the claim. We were able to get this stuffed dog through the process. Registering an Emotional Service animal, stuffed or otherwise, doesnt take much, as i discovered on the internet. Questionso just a few on the web, clicking a box to claim i have some sort of emotional or mental problem, including fear of flying or stress. Then i had to click a box saying our dog can be managed in public. Thats it. I was honest and submitted a picture of the dog along with payment. The certificate came in my email, making him official. Airlines, under the law, can require proof that i need him, asking for backup in the form of a prescription letter. Online questions and pay 160 five dollars, then talk to a counselor on the phone for 14 minutes. Later, i was approved. Its official. I am emotionally and mentally disabled. Today, we are going to discuss how this loophole ultimately hurts people who legitimately need Service Animals and support pets. But it does not stop everyone. Coming up at 5 00, we will introduce you to someone who is gaming the system. Do you know anyone who has done that . Answer our twitter poll. Jonathan thousands of troops are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Study reveals that the military is struggling to provide adequate care and treatment. Many are not attending the minimum number of therapy sessions. Officials say there are not enough Mental Health professionals to a seven on your side consumer alert. Toyota is recalling nearly 3 million suvs worldwide. The automaker says its because of a flaw that causes seatbelts to fail. Most of the cars were built 20 14. 2005 toyota dealers will repair the problem for free. Check on traffic. Jamie sullivan standing by. How is it looking . Traveling on are the outer loop of the beltway, more volume than what we are used to. Again, we are mainly seeing that just here on the outer loop. The reason is because of an earlier car fire. Lets talk about how big is the backup is. It was about seven miles from the wilson bridge. Now the heaviest wilson bridge, up to about nine miles right now of stop and go traffic. If you live in alexandria, king street eastbound is closed because of a traffic break. , youu travel outbound dropped down to 11 Miles Per Hour because of a crash. It will take about 30 minutes to get to the maryland line. Still pretty clear. Heading northbound right near route one, three lanes are blocked with an accident. Again, that is northbound, where we typically dont see any slowing. Southbound, you can see that solid red line does continue. Back to you. Michelle dont forget about these guys. Our bald eagle cam. You can see them at aches to hatch. That should happen within the next 3035 days. We have the link to watch live on our website. Jonathan the thing about these birds, they dont bicker. One lands, brings us some food. The other gets to stretch its wings. Goodlle they have a system going. Doug they may speak in code to each other. You dont know. Though, coolee stuff. It was a beautiful day, as we expected. Cold. Bright sunshine. It will warm up a tiny bit tomorrow, but the weekend is looking terrific. 39 currently at Reagan National. 30 at andrews. Temperatures 36 degrees in frederick, 36 in gaithersburg. One view word gaithersburg. Gaithersburg, gaithersburg, gaithersburg. 21 in ashburn. It is cold and dry. I dont think we have to worry about anymore black ice. Things have dried up nicely from the snow and rain and we are sitting pretty for a little bit. High pressure moving overhead is going to knock down the winds tonight. A big changetiate in the weather pattern and force a change in wind direction. Breezy, clear, cold, and calm tonight. Highe morning, the pressure moves offshore. Tomorrow, just a little warmer. Plenty of sunshine. Over the weekend, we have a stronger flow of wind out of the southwest. That will push temperatures into the lower 60s or upper 50s. We also continue sprinkle or shower on sunday. Monday, the clouds increase. Tuesday or wednesday, we up the probability of precipitation, drop the temperatures a little bit, but right now, the storm off the gulfming coast. We think there is a better chance of rain or a rain and snow mix in the metro area than anything else. What is the average High Temperature in florida, where the nationals are at this time of year . 70, 74, or 80 . And the bonus question is when does our average high reach the same temperature . We are making the questions much tougher, michelle. Sure are. You it is a busy day for the mayor. She announced the streetcar will open later on this month. She is also heading to the demolition in preparation for a new wizards practice center. Waiting for the mayors press conference to begin at any moment. Is set to get under way. Right after that, you can see that there are dozens of people waiting. Be buildings are going to taken down to make way for the new wizards practice facility. The mayor is expected to get in on the action to help tear it down. Venue is projected to create some 90 million in new tax revenues over two decades. The first phase is expected to homes,dozens of town mixed income apartments, retail and office space, and underground parking. The retail space should open by september, 2018. The mayor announced the Passenger Service on february 27. We will have more on the mayors reaction to that at 6 00. Diane cho, abc 7 news. Jonathan thanks. Still ahead, on trial for lying to get her kids into the free lunch program. What a former School Board Member said on the stand today. We have that for you. We continuet first, our jonathan a West Virginia mother says her heroine addicted daughter died while waiting to get treatment. Michelle that was one of many stories we heard along the heroin highway, a section of interstates that begin in baltimore and travel to maryland , virginia, and West Virginia, which is where we are going to take you tonight. Jonathan Jennifer Donnelly joins us on the road that leads to West Virginia. Jennifer sunup to sundown, it is a battle for survival there, quite frankly. Race to get ahead of an epidemic that has the state struggling for survival. We talked to the sheriff, and the family of the mother you just mentioned. Her 23yearold daughter got hooked, and now shes gone. What stopped us in our tracks is that everyone knew someone who had been touched by the epidemic. Its always the same story. They were on it and they tried to get off. This is something that either takes you or you are lucky enough to get away from it. Part fourdont miss of this story at 5 00. Powerful stories. Thank you, jennifer. As jennifer said, we will have part four in an hour. Search heroin highway on our website to find the stories. We are hitting the campaign trail. How donald trump really feels about pope francis, and just how close is the race democrats in nevada . Jonathan jonathan who says politics is boring . Just when you thought the race for the white house couldnt get republican front runner is exchanging barbs with pope francis. On the other side, clinton is getting support despite a potential pitfall in nevada, where she did have a doubledigit lead. The latest war of words is not between donald trump and other republicans. This time, its a problem with the pope. Mr. Trump he said negative ehings about me because th Mexican Government convinced him im not a good guy. A person who thinks only and notilding walls building bridges is not a christian. Trump doubled down. Mr. Trump if and when the vatican is attacked by isis, i the popese you that would have hoped and prayed that donald trump wouldve been president. A new poll shows that Hillary Clintons lead in neda dwindled to just one point. Bernie sanders is positioned for a possible upset. Mr. Sanders we have the momentum here in this state. Team says shes is up in 10 of the next 12 states and continues to amass superdelegates, who can vote however they want at the convention and overwhelmingly line up behind clinton instead of sanders, 48155. Speaking of numbers, something we have not seen in a long time, donald trump in one National Poll is no longer in the lead. He is in second behind ted cruz. He says that paul is from the wall street journal and therefore doesnt surprise him. He is a critic of the wall street journal. Jona this campaign. We have heard that president obama will not attend Justice Scalias funeral. Is that unusual . It has happened in the past. We have not gotten a lot of details on this, other than that the president will instead be going to see Justice Scalia in the great hall on friday at the supreme court. As for the ceremony at the basilica, joe biden will be there. As of now, we do not believe president obama will be there. They are not going into great detail as to why. We dont know if scalias family did not want him there or if he did not want to politicize the issue with the camera always on him. Clearly, its up for a lot of criticism and the critics are pretty loud. Jonathan thanks for that. Michelle et this beautiful sunshine has a lot of folks in the mood for springlike weather. Doug pitchers and catchers reported to florida today. So the question is what is the average High Temperature in vera, florida . Am going to go with 74. Doug 74 is the correct answer. Michelle and there is a followup. Yes. Han doug the followup is when do we get to the same average here in washington . Would guess may 9. Doug the fix is in. Michelle is that right . I need to play the lotto. Doug excellent job. May 9 is the day. The average high. Very nice weather in florida right now. We will take our sweet time getting to the 70s. Even though it is cold now, we will be in the 39 degrees in college park. 37 in washington. 39 in dale city. Tomorrow morning, the coldest area will be north and west of the metro area. Its going to be a very quiet night because the winds will calm down. It will be clear and cold. During the day, the cold air moves out of the picture. We warm up to 45 tomorrow. Over the weekend, a nice change. Lower 60s on saturday. Upper 60s on sunday. After temperatures in the 30s today, we will have some sunshine in the morning, clouds in the afternoon. Weekend, ahrough the high of 63. Looking ahead to monday, cloudy and mild, low 50s. We still have the possibility of a storm center developing to the south. Right now, our best guess of what we are going to with is a combination of rain or , probably all rain. Of the trial two of a Prince Georges County School Board Member accused of lying to get her kids free lunches. The fate of lynette monday now rests with the jury. This is a story we broke late last spring. Ms. Monday accused of bilking the governments free lunch program, even though she was , year 90,000 a year after year, applying to get a free lunch for her child. Today, she had the opportunity to present her side of the story. She took the stand. She portrayed herself as a woman who rushed through the forms applying for school lunch every year, just trying to take care of her daughter. Her defense arguments, getting up and saying shame on her for bullying shame on the state for bullying over a fewther thousand dollars, the total amount she is accused of stealing from the government. She told the jury that to her the form she filled out every year was simply an application and the county could have denied it. Also coming out in court over the course of the trial, the fact that 64 of Prince Georges County Public Schools students receive free or reduced price lunches. 90,000 applications come in every year. The county only reviews about 3 of those. Case has nowis gone to the jury. When the verdict comes in, we will let you know. Around the nation, bill cosby demanding that the woman accusing him criminal case return the confidential civil settlement money. His Attorney Says the 2006 settlement barred the woman from voluntarily discussing the case with law enforcement. She and her mother met with police last year when the case was reopened. Cosbys lawsuit said she had no legal duty to cooperate with police. Ishelle president obama heading to cuba. He will be the first sitting president to do that in decades. We have more on what the president plans to do in cuba. President obama is going to cuba. He is the first president to visit cuba since calvin coolidge. Its a first for a sitting president since 1928, and the since obama made history shaking hands with raul castro and restoring ties with the cuban Government Back in december in december when it would frankly be a vacation or going now when he can get this is done, we believe the time is right to go. Are inral cuba events the works, including a Major League Baseball preseason game and entertainers like beyonce, rollinghn, and the stones negotiating concerts. President obama says he is to advanceo cuba efforts that could improve the lives of the cuban people. Ted cruz and marco rubio criticized the trip. , it is cuban officials welcome news. Look forward to improve relations between cuba and the united states. As it holds the power to fully restore ties between the two nations and the u. S. Trade embargo remains in place. Here at ahead for us 4 00, taking sides in apples fight with the fbi. Who is siding with him . We will have that for you coming up. Michelle also, things get pretty intense on scandal. A look at what is ahead tonight. We are expecting them mayor to get into a front end loader to help demolish michelle its National Drink Wine day. Scandal and how to get away with murder are both back tonight. We have a special first look. Its one of americas hottest tv shows and they are two of americas biggest stars. Do you wake up every day and pinch yourself and say i cant believe this is my life . Here we go again. Fine. No, no, its been great. Maybe by our 20th season or so, maybe. Is in its second season, but is backed by shonda rimes, the creator of scandal and greys anatomy, so 20 seasons might be possible. Im not the only one who thinks she hates us. She doesnt hate any of you. Test be nice when she gets here. But not too nice. She doesnt like that. Here she comes. She hates us. Know the times. Primetime starts tonight on abc 7 with greys anatomy followed by scandal and how to get away with murder. Coming up, and unlikely and lifechanging friendship. The su for a girl battling leukemia in richmond. I am going to have to cut this interview short. Hearhan wait until you what this teenager these little guys . They represent blood cells. And if you have afib an irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free, and travel upstream to the brain where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. But if you have afib thats not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. Pradaxa was even proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke, in a Clinical Trial without the need for regular blood tests. And, in the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa is the only oral blood thinner other than warfarin with a specific reversal treatment to help your body clot normally again. Pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, and sometimes, fatal bleeding. And seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. Side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. Dont just go with the flow. Go with pradaxa, the only blood thinner that lowers your risk of stroke better than warfarin and has a specific reversal treatment. Talk to your doctor about pradaxa today. Michelle we are back live and we are taking you to Saint Elizabeth where you can see the mayor inside that construction vehicle. She is getting ready to demolish a couple of buildings there. This is a live picture. Someone is in the way. There you go. Here she goes. Everyday that you see the mayor of a big city using a heavy piece of equipment to tear down a building. We know that is the right building. That would be bigger news if it was the wrong building. Michelle they are making room for a new practice facility for the wizards. Jonathan this will be fun to watch. How much fun would it be to help tear down a building . Michelle big crowd there cheering her on. No hesitation. Lets do it. Jonathan the suspense is killing us. Michelle is this the right button . Jonathan you cant mess it up. That looks like a palm tree on the top. This is the mayor. This was her idea. She had a press conference and said look, we are getting rid of these two buildings. We are going to have a new facility put in and the demolition process starts now. She wanted to have the first stab at it. So far, not so much. Michelle i think she is going to give it a few more tries. She is persistent. The mayor in a front end loader. You dont see that every day. Goathan this should prequickly, but this is the mayors way of having a good time. Can knock it off her bucket i wanted to help demolish a building. Michelle there we go. Big chunk. Doathan nice weather to this in. Doug absolutely, and its only going to get better. A little chilly out there today, and as we move closer to the upcoming weekend, a big warm up to look forward to. You could play golf or go to the farmers market, maybe check out. Local vineyard lots of options. Daylight hours are getting longer. The sun will set in about another half hour or so. 39 degrees at Reagan National airport and temperatures are below average for this time of year, but we will take it. Really have one day of cold air and then we warm up a little tomorrow. Saturday, highs well into the 60s. Satellite radar, sunny, hardly any temperatures range from 1725 degrees. Few clouds tomorrow morning. Daytime highs about 45 degrees. Wind from the south at 515. Wind direction will be key. Air over the midatlantic. Saturday, highs in the lower 60s. A tiny bit colder, upper 50s with a chance of spotty showers. Gras festival this saturday. Look at the temperatures around 2 00 p. M. 63 by 3 00 in the afternoon. Temperatureslook, are going to cool down to the upper 50s on sunday, lower 50s on monday, and a lot of questions tuesday and wednesday. Doug hill is back at 5 00 with an update. Steve,n all right, thanks. Back with the live update. To mayor has had to go back work, michelle the professionals are now in the unit. Getting to work there. This next story is bizarre. Himself this guy calls dr. Love. Police have no heart for a florida teenager they say was accused of posing as a doctor and charging thousands of dollars in the process. Michelle Cheryl Connor has the details on this story tonight. Jonathan he is known as dr. Love. Just 18 years old. Malachi was escorted out of this office on tuesday. I am not portraying an md. He was released from jail on a 21,000 bail. He is accused of giving a medical exam to an undercover officer. We apologize. We lost that package. We will around another time. But we do want to move on ok, i believe we have a cute up now. Lets go back to the package. He is known as dr. Love. Just 18 years old. I am not portraying an md. He was released from jail on 21,000 bail and spoke to abc news. He is accused of giving a medical exam to an undercover officer. I do hold a degree. In what, i dont feel comfortable disclosing because that is not the issue. Police charged him with 17 counts including grand theft and practicing medicine without a license. Our affiliate took a tour of his Medical Center last month, peeling back last month. Peeling back the tape, theyve found two crucial letters, m. D. , for medical doctor. That was due to be changed. He is trained in phototherapy, food and air therapy, and natural path he. I have been studying for a while. It may not have been eight years, nine years, 10 years, but it has been long enough to justify what i do. A criminal complaint accuses him of treating an 85yearold woman or severe stomach pain and charging her 3500 dollars. Are you a fraud . It seems like everything you are saying to me is evasive or an outright lie. I do not appreciate your tone. Im going to have to cut this interview short. A clock asext up for super tuesday rapidly approaches next at 4 00, as super tuesday rapidly approaches, Dominique Wilkins are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. I asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. male vo victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza® is not insulin. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Ple who take victoza® including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. Bigthan we are expecting a turn for super tuesday primaries. School systems are wondering if they want the polling crowds mixing in with their school systems. That vote is going to be happening tonight at Luther Jackson middle school. Initially, fairfax was going to have a two hour delay. Now they are thinking of closing for the day because Voter Registration and interest has surged so much. Officials across virginia are expecting huge turnout on super tuesday. As pollings are used places, so it could be a huge factor in terms of congestion. Thats the big issue right now. Mixing in voters in their vehicles only situation. Safety is another concern, of course. Most schools have very stringent and urged as to who can come in and out of schools. Of unregistered voters could also create a challenge. One person we spoke to said traffic would be his biggest issue. The way things already are with schools in the area in the morning time, without any special programming going on, there is already so much congestion. I think it would be a better idea. A lot of parents feel exactly that way. Coming up at 6 00, another county in the area has already made the decision to close on march 1. What the superintendent of Fairfax County schools is saying to parents in her argument to close on super tuesday. In falls church, jeff goldberg, abc 7 news. Punched. Investigators looking for help theolice release video of attack. Is,ight of the zika fire the pope has an eyeopening suggestion for virus, the pope has an eyeopening suggestion for women. And the next stop on the heroine highway, a town in crisis where everywhere you turn, someone has an awful story to tell. A vicious attack left a local marine bruised and battered. You saw the story first monday night on 7. Stephen has the Surveillance Video that was just released today. Now he is in a hospital room at the v. A. Hospital. Underwent a series he was blindsided, and struck from behind. Injuries are more serious than previously believed. The video of what went down moments before a decorated marine was viciously assaulted in downtown d. C. You see a group of suspects enter mcdonalds. See marquez exit and i suspect follow him out, strike him to thecked ground. While unconscious, he is hit again, then another suspect kicks him, while a third robs him. Whereat the va hospital we send him this video. He said it left him angry, frustrated, and disgusted. Earlier he spoke about the violence on d. C. Streets. It seems like its turning into an epidemic of violence. You hear about people being attacked by mobs, by groups of people

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