good evening. it's great to have you with us here on a sunday night. we do begin with the extreme weather. from deadly lightning to flash floods, nearly sweeping cars off hears, and all of this as millions prepare for yet another heat wave. first, the pictures from washington state, this image. the racing waters on a highway, stunning drivers there and bringing traffic to a near crawl. in arizona tonight, street vanishing under the rushing water there, and the mud rushing down the street. drivers suddenly finding themselves in the middle of it. tonight, as it always seems, the rain is not where this country needs it most. a new warning about the drought and more than half the country right now. and the newest heat wave moving in and quickly. already, highs in the 90s where americans were just dealing with this. that system on the move and our extreme weather team is tracking it all, beginning with abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: dangerous storms in texas today made a deadly strike. at a houston soccer game, spectators taking shelter under this tree were hit by lightning. two people were killed. a third, sent to the hospital. storm clouds are soaking parts of texas, arizona and washington state. flooding roads, leaving home owners with a soggy mess. >> when we woke up at 1:00, came out here, the water was already up here, we had exactly one hour to get everything up. >> reporter: from too much water to not enough, where it is desperately needed. sunday brought no day of rest for an army of nearly 2,000 firefighters near sacramento, california. the 2200 acre fire is forcing evacuations, threatening nearly 200 homes. >> this is definitely one of the more remote fires and some of the steepest slopes that leave seen a fire burn in. >> reporter: tonight, there is red flag fire weather in five states and heat advisories across a huge swath, from south dakota to the great lakes. forecasters are warning people to drink plenty of water and watch out for signs of heat stroke. this summer of extremes is bringing epic drought. indianapolis residents caught waters their lawns face hundreds of dollars in fines. and farmers like don are worried about their entire livelihoods. some, even raising their crops and hoping for better next season. >> it's extremely hot and some of the crops are hurting bad from the drought. >> reporter: and the shock wave from this drought will, of course, be felt far from the fields. and, in fact, could mean higher prices for all of us in coming months at the supermarket. david? >> clayton sandell, thank you. i want to bring in meteorologist jeff smith of wabc here in new york. you saw that report today. the first comparisons of this drought to the dust bowl. and you've got the reasons why tonight. >> reporter: well, david, right now, we know we have the largest expanse of drought conditions in at least 25 years. every single brown state that you see on this map is v coers in drought, well more than half the country. to give you an example of the changes we've had. a year ago, the mississippi river was flooding. now we have record low water levels. >> incredible. and the farmers are giving up on their corn crop already. the second heat wave already this month, so, what are we preparing for? >> reporter: the pattern is setting up, david. high pressure that's going to be acting as a heat and humidity pump. 90s to near the century mark to places thats go it so bad like last time. new york city is up to 95 tuesday and washington up near 100 on wednesday. >> combine the humidity -- >> reporter: 110 in some places. >> jeff, gnu. we're going to turn to the story out of london tonight. a security scare on the eve of the olympics. less than two weeks to go, and word of what could be a major security breach. several people on a terror watch list were waved right through airport security. abc is in london tonight. >> reporter: david, this is a city already on edge. today's report is perhaps a sign that for all the preparation, there exists big holes in the one can try's first line of defense. the report from the newspaper is damning. suspects on the terror watch list waved through immigration. inexperienced officers blamed for repeatedly failing to catch them. all in the last few days. with half a million people expected to attend the games, british immigration brought in new recruits. under pressure to shorten know nor usely long lines. sometimes hours long. but has it come at a price? just last week, a governmented all did said that many of the new recruits are not asking enough questions. >> the agency has to ensure it has enough staff, really, on duty at the times that matter most during the olympic period. >> reporter: all this comes amid terror jitters in britain. security has been ramped up around the city. missile batteries atop apartments. navy ships in the thames river. and thousands of soldiers and dogs guarding the stadium. the largest deployment since world war ii. and u.s. officials are worried, too. abc news' brian ross reports that during the games, federal air marshals will now be on world nearly every flight from the u.s. to europe or the middle east. so far, no response from british authorities to today's report. they pledge the games will be safe, but this raises serious questions, now just under two weeks before the opening ceremony. david? >> kirit, thank you. in egypt tonight, there is growing concern about two americans kidnapped from their tour bus in the sinai. the 72-hour deadline, set by their captor has passed without a resolution. their families back in boston are sharing their growing concern. one of the hostages, a pastor, is a diabetidiabetic. back in this country tonight and the race for president. it's your voice, your vote. and last night here, we reported on the fire storm over when republican mitt romney actually left bain capital. the romney campaign says it was before he left the salt lake city olympics. the president asking, why was he listed on tax forms years later? here's david kerley. >> reporter: other than the time he spent in church this morning part of his new hampshire lake house weekend, mitt rom neil must have heard the growing and loud calls to release his taxes. from team obama. >> then show us. show the american people. >> he can clear this up. just make it public. >> we don't know all the loopholes he might have taken advantage of. >> reporter: and now even republicans. >> he should release the tax returns tomorrow. it's crazy. >> reporter: the republican governor of alabama only added fuel to the fire. >> the best thing to do is just get everything out in the open and just say, hey, i have nothing to hide. >> reporter: romney, who is worth a quarter billion dollars, did release his return for 2010, showing that some of his money is in offshore accounts. he says he will release last year's return too. when romney's father ran for president, he released a dozen years of returns. but again today, the romney campaign repeated what the candidate told diane sawyer in april. >> if you have nothing to hide, why not release 12 years as your father did? >> i'm happy to release two years of records. and that's plenty for people to understand how i paid my taxes. >> it's arrogance. >> reporter: matthew dowd, an abc political analyst who has advised republican presidential candidates, is not alone in thinking the romney campaign may fear more damage in releasing returns than being fully transparent. >> there's obviously something there, because if there was nothing there, he would say, have at it. >> reporter: the romney team countered that the candidate has complied with the law and gave no ipd case that he'll release more returns, despite this growing chorus, including republicans, that he do so. david? >> david kerley in washington, thank you. want to bring in our senior washington editor rick klein. great to have you. as we heard david point out there, it's not just team obama, it's now republicans, too. but look at this quote. this is from the s.e.c. filing itself. and it writes, right there, that mitt romney is the sole shareholder, sole director, chief executive officer and president of bain capital and thus is the controlling person of bain capital. that, from may 2000, after he left, to work with the salt lake city olympics. the question is, how big of a hurdle will this be? >> reporter: mitt romney's work at bayne was supposed to be his biggest strength and the obama campaign has made it to his biggest weakness. >> you mentioned calling for an apology, about the heated rhetoric. the president did respond to that in an interview with a local affiliate. >> no, we won't be apologizing. and sometimes these games are played during political campaigns. understand what the issue is here. mr. romney claims that he's mr. fix it for the economy, because of the -- his business experience. i think voters, entirely legitima legitimately, want to know what is that experience. >> really analyze the interviews. a hint of a smile there at the beginning from the president. so, who is winning, at least this argument right now? >> reporter: president obama has to like the fact that instead of talking about the economy, he has made the we us can of the campaign what year mitt romney left his job. if romney can withstand that and get back on track, he is going to be running a absolutely brilliant campaign. if he can't, he's losing control of his own identity. >> pressure mounts on both sides. rick klein tonight, thank you. we do move on this evening and to the hunt under way tonight for a huge shark that attacked and killed a surfer over the weekend in australia. the fifth deadly shark attack there in tenth months. so many attacks that authorities are now talking about ending their policy of protecting great white sharks. here's abc's john schriffen. >> reporter: authorities are trying to track down a 15-foot great white shark that killed ben linden yesterday. >> just come out of the water and just, like it was eating a seal, just -- just blood everywhere and -- massive, massive white shark circumstancefuling the body. >> reporter: the country averaging just one shark-related death per year. in the past ten months along the western coast, five people have been killed by these massive animals. it's become so bad, officials are considering reversing the country's policy of protecting shark habitat. closer to home, in new england, people are still buzzing about thissismage, captured last week of a kayaker being followed by a shark off the coast of cape cod. >> the reason we are getting more reports might be that we simply have more people in the water, so we have more observers to report the siti sightings. >> reporter: the shark population around the world has mrulted. david, in australia, it's not likely authorities will find the shark that killed that surfer, but they are trying to find the remains of that surfer still. >> extraordinary to not protect the great whites anymore. john, thank you very much. back here in this country, and to a new report about what might have caused that hit and run crash involving kerry kennedy cuomo. a new york newspaper quoting a family source saying she might have had a seizure. abc news already reported that kerry kennedy cuomo told police she might have taken ambien. tonight, there are new counts emerging of what ambien can do to the human body. here's diana perez. >> reporter: a critical clue in the kerry kennedy crash investigation. kennedy told police she told ambien before she got behind the wheel, sideswiped a tractor trailer and fell asleep. >> there's a lot of reports of people sleep-driving, sleep-walking, even people having sex while they're on ambien. >> reporter: the bizarre side effects of the sleeping aid have grabbed headlines before. judy evans said she had no idea she was getting up in the middle of the night until her son stayed with her, following back surgery. >> came home from the hospital, my son came to stay with me and found me up in the middle of the night, frying eggs and bacon. >> reporter: kerry papps woke up to find she had gotten out of bed, dressed and taken a drive, all while in a sleep-like state. >> i was at work, fully dressed, sitting at my computer, but i don't remember driving, i don't remember getting up. i don't remember getting dressed. >> reporter: now, doctors say these are only some of the side effects of sleeping aids like ambien, depression being another big one. if ambien is detected in kerry kennedy's system, david, it could play a big role in earl defense, but it could also mean that she was doing things that she wasn't even aware of, like sleep-driving. >> frightening to hear the other stories, too. diana, thank you. we turn next to a milestone we took note of this weekend. something extraordinary that happened at a beauty pageant in florida. dozens of accomplished and beautiful women were all hoping to be crowned miss florida usa, but one of them made history just by taking the stage. abc's matt gutman is in florida. >> reporter: imagine navigating the stairs, the lights, these intricate steps in five-inch heels. now imagine it blindfolded. last night, connor boss became the first legally blind miss usa florida contestant, placing 4th out of 75. courage, distinguishing the 18-year-old from the rest of the beauties. because what most women and especially beauty contestants take for granted, like walking and makeup. you have to have an enormous amount of faith in people. >> i do. >> reporter: are monumentally challenging for boss. >> sometimes i'll come downstairs and my mom will say i have mascara on my forehead or something crazy. so, yeah, you have to have good friends when you're legally blind. >> reporter: last year, at the miss teen florida contest she stumbled. >> i just pray to god that i hit my marks and look like everyone else. >> reporter: she has to memorize every single step. she was born and grew up a healthy suburban kid. did gymnastics, but was diagnosed with stargardts disease when she was 8. >> when i was first diagnosed i was about 20/60. i remember being able to see the board from my seat and now that -- that's way out of the -- way out of the picture. >> reporter: today, her eyesight is 2400/2600. she can only read 36-point font. still, she began at 16, not necessarily to win. on saturday night, those stairs, those steps, she nailed every one of them. matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> it is extraordinary to see there in florida tonight. thank you, matt. coming up here on "world news" this sunday evening, getting answers. look at the coupons tonight. they look genuine. but in a giant bust, authorities discovered they are fake. tonight, if you use one, even accidentally, the one thing they are now warning. later here tonight, do you recognize these faces? tonight, the woman behind the lens. she reveals what we never knew before, including what she wished she asked joe dimaggio there, all those years ago. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this paradeeet, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering which is actually in tquite fitting becauseadeeet, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. 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[ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. in this economy, so many american families looking for savings at the checkout. and not surprisingly, scammers know that. printing counterfeit coupons and selling them, duping customers and the stores where they are used. tonight, the discovery inside one arizona home, and a new warning from authorities. here's ron claiborne. >> reporter: smart consumers love discount coupons. the savings can really add up. but buyer beware. that great coupon you found on the internet is probably as phony as a $3 bill. when police raided this house in arizona a few days ago, they found a mountain of counterfeit coupons worth an estimated $25 million to $30 million. >> in is the largest counterfeit coupon arrest that has occurred in the industry. >> reporter: police arrested three suspects, members of an alleged coupon ring, headed by this woman, robin ramirez. >> she profitted approximately $2.2 million, and that's just in the last 12 months ago. >> reporter: the fake kuehl opinions were allegedly sold on savvy shopper the scam works like this. for, say, $10, shoppers can buy a discount coupon worth $100 at a retail store. last week, coca-cola had to pull a discount on 12 packs of coke because with of what it called widespread counterfeiting. >> the manufacturers lose in this situation, because they ultimately end up paying for these counterfeit coupons. >> the companies left on the hook paying back the stores. can a customer be held liable if they show up with a bad coupon? >> reporter: short answer is yes. a customer passing one on could be held criminally liable. if you are paying for a discount coupon, it's not real. if you are paying for it, it is not real. >> and just this year, they are added to the coupons to stop the scamm scammers? >> reporter: they are putting holograms on the coupons so the fakes can be stopped. >> all right, ron clay poiborne thank you. coming up, who would pull the plug on bruce springsteen and paul mccartney? and what were they thinki think? in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. sleep in my contacts. relax... air optix® night & day aqua contact lenses are approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear, so it's okay to sleep in them. visit for a free 1-month trial. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job. so why are you doing hers? only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn is actually something more serious... like acid reflux disease. over time, stomach acid can damage the lining of your esophagus. for many, prescription nexium not only provides 24-hour heartburn relief, but can also help heal acid related erosions in the lining of your esophagus. talk to your doctor about the risk for osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels with long-term use of nexium. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. let your doctor do her job, and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. 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[ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. and finally tonight here, the woman behind the lens. for nearly a century, she's been photographing the famous, family business nearly lost in the depression. she used a studio in new york's carnegie hall. well, now she's turning 100 and turning the pages of her treasured album. there were so many flashes, too many photographs to count as she turns 100. it's been her behind the lens. she started at just 10 years old, halling her father with the family business. she still uses his camera. >> my camera. >> reporter: it's as old as she is. to photograph the famous, jessica tandy, christopher plumber. charlton heston, too. she specialized in 8 by 10 portraits. she remembers that look from "back cue la." >> he looked down and he looked up and he said, "my dear, you are beautiful enough to be bitten." >> reporter: today, she spoke of her time with joe dimaggio. she wanted to photograph someone else. >> i did want to ask him about photographing marilyn. but i didn't have the courage. >> reporter: if it were today, she says she would ask. there were yule brenner. he was a fan. >> he was a wonderful man, actually. and he loveded my pictures. >> reporter: there was that picturele of henry fonda. now, at 100, she still considering herself in her prime. >> i can't believe 100 years have gone by, because i never -- i never dreamt about it, i never gave my age around, because i never looked my age. and so, and now, now i say i'm 100, everybody wants to photograph me. i can't believe it. >> now 100 and no doubt in her prime. "gma" in the morning, diane right back here tomorrow night. have a good evening, everyone. good night. what a president believesmatter. pioneers in outsourcing us jobs supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobso. insourcing. industry and favors bring jobs home. it matters. this message.

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,New York ,Louisiana ,Alabama ,Australia ,Mississippi River ,Carnegie Hall ,Texas ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,California ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Mississippi ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Arizona ,Salt Lake City ,Utah ,Egypt ,South Dakota ,Bruce Spring ,Houston ,Cape Cod ,Britain ,Americans ,America ,British ,American ,Diana Perez ,Ron Claiborne ,Robin Ramirez ,Charlton Heston ,Ron Clay ,Rick Klein ,Ben Linden ,Matt Gutman ,Matthew Dowd ,Paul Mccartney ,Henry Fonda ,Jeff Smith ,Yule Brenner ,Kerry Kennedy ,Bruce Springsteen ,Diane Sawyer ,Judy Evans ,Clayton Sandell ,Phil Mickelson ,Barack Obama ,Joe Dimaggio ,Brian Ross ,David Kerley ,Jessica Tandy ,Kerry Kennedy Cuomo ,

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