Struck by lightning. Good evening. The Historic Deal with iran in a moment. And already, outrage tonight. Does it go far enough . But we begin this evening with that massive terror attack gunmen in combat gear storming a College Campus in kenya. Into dorms, reportedly taking aim at christians. This woman wounded, being helped away. At least 147 killed in cold blood. It began early this morning and lasted for hours. Police crouched there, hunting for the gunmen. Tonight, the four suspected gunmen now dead. The Al Qaedalinked terror group, al shabab claiming responsibility. In recent weeks, calling for attacks here in the u. S. Citing the mall of america. Abcs chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz leading us off. Reporter terrified students struggling to walk, escaping a massacre that lasted more than 13 hours. It began before sunrise, the terrifying thud of a grenade at the university gates, then gunfire. Terrorists strapped with explosives going from dormitory to dormitory. The gunmen were methodical reportedly demanding to know who was muslim and who was christian. Anyone who said they were christian was killed on the spot. With the siege still underway, al shabab an al qaeda affiliate, claims responsibility, calling it an operate against infidels. The Kenyan Military descending on the scene, tanks, guns drawn. Two hours after the attack began, the four gunmen are finally isolated in the womens dorm. But they are not finished. The gunshots continued, and this made us run to the fence and get away out from the school. Reporter it would take all dale before the siege was over. The four gunmen dead. And the magnitude of this attack finally clear. 147 dead nearly 100 wounded, and the nearly 500 survivors traumatized beyond words. Universities in kenya were warned just last week they were targets for al shabab. The group was also behind the 2013 attack on the west gate Shopping Mall in nairobi. A fourday siege that left 67 people dead. As you point out, martha they were behind that mall attack in kenya, as well. How much do authorities make of their recent threats even naming the mall of america . Reporter well they are concerned, david. That threat was made in a video from al shabab pline in february specifically calling for an attack on that massive mall in minnesota. And david, remember that al shabab has recruited some 20 somali americans to fight with al shabab in somalia. One of them became the first known american suicide bomber david. Martha raddatz live in washington tonight. Martha thank you. Now, to that Historic Deal with iran. Tonight, has the u. S. And its al littles successfully blocked iran from making a nuclear bomb at least for now . Iran tonight agreeing to Nuclear Inspections for 20 years, and keep in mind the u. S. Has not had diplomatic relations from iran since the hostage crisis in 1979. President bush once declaring iran part of the axis of evil. Tonight, president obama saying this deal is a matter of war and peace. Abcs chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran in switzerland, with what america gets out of this deal and what iran gets in return. Reporter president obama in the rose garden two days after the deadline ly him aing the deal done. Today, the United States together with our allies and partners, has reached an historic understanding with iran. Reporter so, what did the u. S. Get . The breakout time. How long it would take iran to build one bomb is increased from just two to three months now to a year. Major Iranian Nuclear sites will be redesigned for civilian purposes only. And a strict regime of monitoring and inspections will last for at least 20 years. And what does iran get . Sanctions relief, phased in over time. This was irans main goal. Also, iran will still be able to research and develop advanced nuclear technology. And iran will keep making nonweapons grade uranium. Critics in congress, ready to kill the deal. This deal is going to threaten Americas National security interest and is going to lead to a Nuclear Arms Race in the most volatile region in the world. Reporter but a weary secretary of state kerry, sharply rejecting the idea he got taken to the cleaners. Did iran win here . Not not no. Those people who criticize it like that, they dont have an alternative. This is the safest best way to make the world safer by reducing the ability of iran to be able to have a nuclear weapon. Reporter the deal announced today was very general, really just a framework agreement. Theres months of hard negotiations ahead. And when i asked secretary kerry if the whole thing could still fall apart in those months he said, of course. David . Terry moran with secretary kerry tonight in switzerland. Terry, thank you. And this evening, the breaking headline back here at home from the fbi. Two Young American women now under arrest. Authorities say they were studying the boston bombings plotting another attack here in the u. S. Abcs senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas tonight. Reporter two u. S. Women, onetime roommates from queens new york, accused of being covert supporters of two of americas arch enemies, isis and al qaedas deadly affiliate in yemen. Noelle velentzas, 28, and asia siddiqui, age 31, in federal court today. Their alleged plan, to detonate a bomb in a massive terrorist attack here in the u. S. Both suspects had been allegedly studying bombmaking online including the Pressure Cooker explosive used in the Boston Marathon attacks. Authorities found four propane tanks they say siddiqui planned to turn into a deadly explosive. The other suspect had allegedly been inspired by isis videos showing radicals beheading victims. Every indication is they fully intended to carry out a bombing. Reporter neighbors were shocked. Its incredible. I cant believe it. Reporter but both women had allegedly been meeting with fbi undercover operatives who had them under surveillance for months. Chillingly, one of the women allegedly said there was no need to go overseas to join isis when there were ways to attack here at home in what she called the last war. The big war. Argue get armageddon. And pierre, word of another arrest of an american today . Reporter suspect arrested in pakistan. Hes accused of plotting to kill soldiers in afghanistan. Hes american. A huge asset for al qaeda. All right, Pierre Thomas great to have us with us here in new york. Pierre thank you. Tonight, a Major Development in that tragedy in the alps. Investigators now revealing what they have learned about that copilot. The chilling internet searching they found on his computer. Searching suicide and cockpit doors. Abcs Alex Marquardt from germany. Reporter tonight, disturbing new evidence that Andreas Lubitz may have been planning his deadly flight for days. German investigators revealing a search of the copilots tablet computer shows that in the week before the crash, he had researched medical treatments suicide methods and information on cockpit door security. He would have known that when the captain tried to reenter the cockpit by punching a code into a key pad, he could flip a switch and lock him out. And that the steel reinforced door was designed to withstand even a blast from a grenade. His breathing remaining normal even as the pilot screamed for gods sake open the door, and tried to break it down. Today on the mountain, recovery work earls unearthing the planes second black box. Buried and charred. But prosecutors say theyre still hopeful it will yield crucial information on what exactly happened in that cockpit in those final moments. And david, french officials said today that a fighter jet that was scrambled that day saw the whole tragedy unfold. The Fighter Pilot watching as the germanwings plan slammed into the mountain. David . All right, thank you, alex. Back here at home and to some frightening moments in the skies over seattle. Two separate planes struck by lightning as they tried to land during Severe Weather. Abcs david kerley who covers aviation for us, with the images tonight. Reporter they are striking pictures. Not just one, but two jets hit by lightning over seattle. Last nights storm around the airport hit the jets as they were preparing to land. I was kind of in shock. I was just thinking about how amazing it was to see. Reporter these dramatic pictures show that jets are designed to take a lightning strike. Testing in a lab. These boeing engineers make sure the electricity flow is outside the jet liner, never entering the cabin. So here is my chance to actually make lightning. Whoa that is amazing. And the thickness of the materials struck as well. You see that it scratched the aluminum but didnt actually go through. That is indicative of like a once in a lifetime level that a plane would occur. We hit it pretty hard. Reporter its unclear if the passengers last night even knew their jets were actually hit by lightning bolts. David kerley abc news new york. The pictures from the northwest, thanks david. More Severe Weather in other parts of the country. So, lets get right to meteorologist rob marciano, tracking this for us. Its a mess. Reporter it is. And the radar is filling in across the storm zone. The next 36 hours are going to be on the rough side. The greatest threat across southern missouri through the boot heel then this front pushes off to the south. We could see tornadoes tonight, certainly large hail and strong winds. Same deal tomorrow. Monroe louisiana, in through nashville. The heavy rains we spoke of across the storm zone could see two to four inches over the very full ohio river. That rain pushes into the northeast by tomorrow night, up through d. C. New york and philly heavy rain into saturday morning. Tough driving in the days ahead. Rob, thank you. We turn now to that urgent manhunt for an escaped killer who walked out of jail in illinois. Police saying he attacked a correctional officer and stole his yubuniform. Now, to millionaire murder suspect robert durst tonight. That unforgettable image. Durst smiling for the cameras as he left the courtroom in new orleans. Durt back in court today. He showed up but the fbi witnesses his team had subpoenaed did not. Abcs matt gutman is there. Reporter as robert durst was bundled out of court, his defense team on the offense. It sounds like to me theyre trying to hide the ball. Reporter the millionaires attorneys claim two fbi agents and a state trooper as witnesses. But the three never showed up. The defense saying the agents only got a search warrant for dursts Marriott Hotel room after they found his gun and marijuana. The judge saying the fbi agents could be held in contempt of court for their failure to appear. The millionaire has been investigated in three deaths. As seen on the jinx, which concluded with this apparent confession. Killed them all, of course. His arrest was the based on that program. Not on evidence. Reporter part of that film also based on the investigation by former west chester d. A. Jeanine pirro into the disappearance of dursts first wife. Son of a [ bleep ]. Reporter deguerin also wanted her to testify but she, too, was a noshow. Matt gutman abc news new orleans. To be continued. And now, to new jersey senator bob menendez tonight, leaving court today accused of trading political influence fur Luxury Vacations and private planes. Tonight, menendez digging in saying hes innocent. Heres abcs david wright. Reporter senator bob menende defiant today outside federal court in newark. These allegations are false, and i am confident they will be proven false. Reporter the new jersey democrat is pleading not guilty to 14 counts of bribery, corruption and fraud. Stemming from his relationship with this man, dr. Salomon melgen, a florida eye doctor. Prosecutors say the doctor gave the senator more than a dozen free flights on his private jets. Frequent use of the doctors fully staffed caribbean villa in a gated community with three golf courses. Free romantic getaways including one with a girlfriend to paris, putting them up in this fivestar hotel. And hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations. In exchange, menendez allegedly used his influence to help the doctors foreign girlfriends with their visa problems. To protect a multimillion dollar contract for a company the doctor owns in the dominican republic. And to push medicare to drop its investigation into 9 million the doctor overcharged them. Menendez insists he was just helping a friend. David wright, abc news newark. We move to ininn now, the socalled fix to that hotly debated religious freedom law. State lawmakers approving changes to the law. The amend ments saying the new law is not a license to discriminate against gay men and women. The governor signing the law late today and in arkansas the governor there signing changes to a similar bill after pressure from his own son to do so. We turn now to duke tonight. A student has admitted to hanging that noose on campus. The undergrad identified by fellow students. Officials not revealing a name saying the student is no longer con campus and could face criminal charges. And tonight here we remember a famous reverend here in america who began in the parking lot of a california drivein. Robert schuller began his ministry 60 years ago, from this altar, he built on the roof of the concession stand at a drivein off the santa ana freeway outside los angeles. On sunday mornings he could rent the space for 10. His motto, come as you are in the family car. The solution is not to look at the problem, but to look at the possibilities. Reporter in 1970 schuler began hosting the Weekly Program hour of power, reaching 20 million across 180 countries. He famously built the crystal cathedral, one of this countrys first megachurches. 10,000 panes of glass. The church filing for bankruptcy five years ago, but schuler had his own message. Never look at what you have lost lost. Never. Look at what you have left. Reverend schuler, remembered tonight. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. The wrong way crash, headon into a school bus. The momenent caught on camera dozens of children on board. The bus driver with nowhere to go. The number one Grocery Store in america, any guesses tonight . Who is at the top of the list . Its coming up. And take a look at this. The rough ride on the racetrack. The jockey flying head over heels here. But there are Big Questions tonight about what really happened. Severe plaque psoriasis most my life. But that has opped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara®. It helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara®. Your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. 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Incredible ive been claritin clear for ten days. When your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. With powerful 24hour, nondrowsy claritin live claritin clear. Every day. Next tonight the wrong way crash, headon into a school bus. Dramatic dash cam video shows the exact moment of impact. 37 children on board and nowhere to go. Abcs cecilia vega on the stunning number of wrong way crashes in america. Reporter a School Bus Collides with an suv. The suv barrelling the wrong way down this oklahoma street. Watch again. The driver speeding. Several students bruised, but fortunately, no severe injuries. And just last week, in tennessee, a Police Officer uses his own vehicle to stop a wrongway driver. Each year, wrongway crashes kill more than 1,000 people, often headon, the accidents usually more deadly than any other kind of crash. And now, states are fighting back. From simple lights on signs in texas to high tech reflectors in arizona. If you cease those lights coming at you, is there anything you can do . Stay out of the fast lane. Stay out of the car pool lane. At least it gives you the ability to move to the left or right. Reporter advice for all drivers to keep in mind youre on the wrong side of the highway reporter and avoid steering into trouble. And the frightening thing is theres not a lot you can do when one of these drivers is headed your way. But tonight, police are praising that bus driver saying she saw that wrong way suv, stopped, this bus, immediately, and she went to check on the kids. Really quick thinking on her part. Checked on the kids right away. Cecilia, thank you. When we come back here tonight, 66 days lost at sea, off the coast of North Carolina and the rescue playing out at this hour. Also tonight, the best super market in america . Any guesses . And the horse race this jockey wont soon forget it. The jump that had him flying held over heels. But questions about what really happened here. The promise of the cloud is that every individual and organization has unlimited access to information, at any time, no matter where they are. Weather affects us all. The microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people whenever they need it. Here at accuweather we get up to 10 billion Data Requests every day, from over 200 countries and in 100 different languages. The microsoft cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. I remember a woman and she said the accuweather app woke me up in the night with a Severe Weather alert, and i got my family to safety and you literally saved me from a tornado. And to us that feels really good. Constipated . Yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. It has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. 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That noise panera broth bowls should be slurped with gusto to explore further order online or visit your neighborhood panera bread. Ufferers. One tried the newest allergy spray which could take several days to feel the full effect of relief. The other took claritind which starts to work on allergies with nasal congestion in 30 minutes. The moral . Nothing works faster than claritind. To the index tonight. The sailor rescued after this. Lost 66 days at sea. His capsized boat found by a tanker today, 200 miles east of cap hatteras, North Carolina. His family reported him missing back in january. He survived by catching fish. And the best super patient in america . We wegmans thanks to high marks for produce, meat and baked goods. Publix and trader joes rounding out the top three. And what you really happened to this jockey in england tonight . In the lead when suddenly, watch this. Over that fence. Unbelievable. But tonight, some asking, did he jump . Perhaps losing his nerve at the last second. Miraculously, he was not hurt. When we come back here tonight, youve got to see this. Make way for brutus. This dog is fighting back tonight on all fours because so many of you gave him a second chance. Be right back. Nexium® 24hr. Its the purple pill the 1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™ thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. Thank you mom, for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are thankful for many things. The legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. Our worldclass service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended Large Companies in america. If youre current or former military or their family, see if youre eligible to get an Auto Insurance quote. You get sick you cant breathe through your nose. Ddenly. Youre a mouthbreather. Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. Boom if youve had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. It aint pretty when it comes out. Now im not telling you this so that youll feel sorry for me. Im just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. I was one of em. So please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Finally tonight here so many pets in need of rescuing in this country. Tonight, brutus his new family and his new legs. Heres abcs steve osunsami. Good boy, good boy. Reporter every dog has its day, and this is brutuss. Only the second dog in history to get a new chance at life with the help of four prosthetic limbs. Usually it takes him a little bit, just to get used to being back in them. Come on, lets get up. Reporter laura aquillina is adopting him, saying she loves him to pieces. The 2yearold rotweiller was rescued from a heartless backyard breeder who allowed frostbite to claim his paws. Before he had his prosthetics, brutus couldnt walk outside, really at all. He would have been put down. Reporter volunteers got friends on social media to rally. Raising more than 12,000 for surgery, and to hire a contractor that specializes in animal prosthetics. Our basis concept is, if dogs are built with four legs, lets make sure they have four legs. Reporter so someday soon, he might be able to take long walks, or fetch a ball, and all it took was a little goodness from everyday people. Steve osunsami abc news, new york. One step at a time there. We love brutus. Thank you for watching on a thursday night. Im david muir. We hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. Deidre the dark classic girl plays in the background a great entrance never goes out of style. Dresses start at 25. The eva mendes collection. Exclusively at new york and company. [ beeping, whoosh ] wheel. Of. Fortune ladies and gentlemen here are the stars of americas game pat sajak and vanna white lets get out here i want to play hi, everybody. Thanks. Thank you, jim theyre all in blue. Look at that. They got the blue memo. I missed it. Thank you. See you later. How you doing . Well, you look happy to be here. Get ready. Well do our first toss up. Its a 1,000 puzzle. Its living things. Vanna will get us started right about now. [ bell chimes ] whitney

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