Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News Now 20141229

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watching football with his wife. those are some of our top stories on this monday, december 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." we need to start with that expanding search for a missing airasia jet. >> australia has joined the effort but an indonesian official doesn't hold out much hope. he said he expects they will find the plane at the bottom of the ocean. abc's david kerley has more. >> reporter: this is the actual airarbia a320 missing at this hour. indonesian aircraft looking for any sign of the jetliner carrying 161 people mostly indonesians. flight 8501 took off from indonesia early saturday morning headed northwest for singapore. 42 minutes into the flight the jet runs into severe weather, thunderstorms and turbulence. the pilot asked to turn and to increase altitude significantly from 32,000 feet to 38,000 feet. the jet, then just disappears off radar. >> it's hard to imagine how a thunderstorm would bring down an airplane especially as experienced as this crew is. we'll probably find weather was a contributing factor but was probably not the sole reason this plane was brought don. >> reporter: call centers and family areas set up for those wondering about the passengers which included 16 children and 1 infant with a crew of 6. it had no serious maintenance issues. >> it's a very good airplane a very strong airplane. excellent weather radar on board. >> reporter: airasia is a low-cost start-up airline and has a good safety record but the mystery is what happened to this aircraft. while the indonesian search effort is just moving into high gear that's effort will be growing. singapore sending ships and already has aircraft working the search area but so far no clues. david kerley abc news washington. the u.s. navy says it's not yet been asked to take part in the search but is ready to help. it is believed there were no americans on board. the black boxes are built to send out signals for 30 days under water. stay with abc news as crews search for the missing jet. look for live reports later on "america this morning" and "good morning america." for instant updates visit long day of rescues under way right now. people being pulled to safety from a ferry drifting in the waters between greece and italy. a fire broke out an its car deck early yesterday. at least one person has died. several others injured. hundreds more remain on the boat's top decks suffering amid thick smoke and frigid temperatures. no word what started a fire to a floating luxury hotel in ja braltar. the fire was contained in about two hours. officially the war in afghanistan is over but there is still a long road ahead for the afghan army. abc's tom llamas has more. >> reporter: the quiet lowering of the american flag signaled the end to 13 long and bloody years of the u.s. combat mission in afghanistan. >> a bedrock of our great partnership with afghanistan which our joint interests and cooperation and shared security -- >> reporter: a ceremony at the nato mission headquarters in kabul marked the transition of u.s. troops to afghan security forces. a small audience was on hand to commemorate the occasion. >> -- the assistance necessary 20 ensure long-term stability and critical capabilities of our armed forces. >> reporter: in place of u.s. combat troops a peacekeeping force of more than 13,000 soldiers. 11,000 from the united states. beginning january 1st they'll help train members of afghanistan's military. president obama praised the move saying we are safer and our nation is more secure because of their service. a taliban spokesman called the event a defeat ceremony and vowed the insurgents fight would continue. more than 2200 service members have died during the war in afghanistan which started shortly after the attacks on 9/11. the united states has spent more than $1 trillion an that war. tom llamas abc news new york. a young police officer in arizona is being remembered after he was kills in the line of duty. tyler stewart was shot multiple times bye a domestic silence suspect. bill cosby is fighting back. the 77-year-old has reportedly hired private investigators amid sex assault accusations for more than two dozen women. cosby is paying six-figure fees for information that could discredit his accusers. cosby's lawyer has repeatedly denied the women's charges. lava from the hawaiian volcano is drifting closer and closer to a shop strategy. the flow from the kilauea volcano is now less than 700 yards from the shopping center and still active in certain areas. it was predicted early ter would hit the pahoa market place around christmas day. monday's forecast snow from the northwest across the rockies and into the midwest. some rain along the southeastern seaboard but not too heavy. a few showers along louisiana's gulf coast. >> temperatures dropping today. colder before the week is out. minneapolis and denver will be in the teens. 60s in the southwest. 30s around the great lakes. southeast mild with highs in the 60s and 70s. it's been a good year for amazon. it has more than 10 million new members of its prime shipping and digital content service. customers ordered more than ten times as many items through same-day delivery this year compared to last. this year was the first they offered prime now which delivered items within one hour to areas in manhattan. sales of a recreational vehicle are soaring. the design dates back to the 1930s. they are stil being blts by hand at an ohio factory. 50 of them every week. the backlog is about tli weeks. they cost $70,000 and up. there's quite a following for airstream campers. there are camp sites where you can rent one and test it out. >> have you done this yet? >> i might. i love the airstream. i don't think ides buy one. might check it out. something to do. wednesday night into thursday morning a crowd of about a million people will be in times square welcoming in the new year. a slightly smaller crowd there yesterday. >> they gathered to celebrate good riddance day. saying good-bye to things like smoking, cancer debt and exes. the idea is to shred it and forget it. >> they put whatever they are leaving into a big -- into a big bucket there. the bucket is loaded into an industrial sized shredder which cleans the slate and gets you ready for 2015. >> i didn't know this was happening. >> get rid of the bad. bring in the new. good vibes, 2015. maybe they use that as ticker tape on new year's day. >> that's really what that's about. >> free ticker tape. coming up here some secrets of success. why it's all about putting on your best game face. also serious security concerns after civilian volunteer admits she is driving in presidential motorcades. wait until you hear how she got the job. later, marijuana. its advocates are on an all-time high if you will. what a year for legalization as weed becomes more and more accepted. you're watching world weed now. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by mucinex fast-max. eh, you don't want that one. yea, actually i do. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. i can't sleep when i'm all stuffy. i take offense to that. i'm not going to argue with a talking ball of mucus. i think you're being a little hasty... he's not with me. mucinex fast max night time. multi-symptom relief plus nasal decongestant. breathe easy. sleep easy. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. ♪ ♪ i love my meta health bars. because when nutritious tastes this delicious i don't miss the other stuff. new meta health bars help promote heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line. ♪ ♪ ♪ all right. it's been a rough year for the secret service. roont recently it's come to light they are using untrained volunteers to drive some of the vehicles in the motorcade. jim avila is with the president in honolulu hawaii with more. >> reporter: the president on his way back from his morning workout in hawaii. his suv buryied in the middle of as many as 20 cars. a few rolls back is the lowly press corps van driven by well just about anyone. like natalie tyson, identified by "the new york times" as the volunteer press driver in san francisco this fall. she posted her picture next to the president's limo along with a question wondering why anyone would trust me with a 15-passenger van full of reporters. young natalie admitted she got her job because a friend at the white house casually called her and asked. >> i think the selection for the drivers an the white house end is subpar. >> reporter: is it more than that? is it safe to have a novice driving among the professionals and so close to the president? the secret service in a statement points out normally there's no other traffic on the road when the president is moved and the service says the press is in the rear of the motorcade and if it's attacked the volunteer driver will be left behind. >> the press, they aren't a component of the secure vehicle package. >> reporter: the ranking democrat and the homeland security committee says times have changed and the new secret service leadership should find a way to put trained officers on all presidential motorcades. >> that's a pretty crazy story. jim avila in honolulu, hawaii with the president. this has been going on since the 1980s. >> without incident. given the recent incidents, this seems like another black eye and something that could possibly be corrected ed corrected. who knew? >> you can't even see through the window. you never think, who is driving that vehicle? you just think it's an official in a suit. coming up an all-time high. at least the marijuana advocates are. >> you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world new ♪ this weekend, president obama ended the u.s. combat mission in afghanistan, formally finishing the longest war in american history. there's another unofficial war that still continues. the war on drugs. we're seeing fewer battles. here's abc's david wright. >> do you want to get high? >> reporter: remember cheech and chong? those stoners from the era of up in smoke? 40 years later they finally arrived. tommy chong on abc's "dancing with the stars." talk about a game changer. america's war on drugs is not over yet. but over the past few years we've seen state after state surrinder an the issue of cannabis. medical marijuana is legal in 23 states. nearly half the country. four states are experiment with full legalization. the times, they are a-changing. >> public enemy number one is drug abuse. >> reporter: from nixon down to reagan -- >> drugs are menacing our society. >> reporter: and bush. >> our 1990s drug budget totals almost $8 billion. >> reporter: the war on drugs has been costly. >> we've got a problem in this country. too many people use drugs. >> reporter: by the time obama took office the drug enforcement budget had doubled again. more than $15 billion a year. the idea that marijuana has now been legal in colorado for a full year with no major disasters is a big development. colorado officials have been true to their word. embracing the challenge of implemtsing a policy many of them disagreed with. >> let's be smart about how we handle it. let's legalize it. tax it. and let's make sure that people are held responsible for the responsible use of it. >> reporter: one year in violent crime rates are don. teen marijuana rates have dropped. highway fatalities are at record lows and colorado -- >> your total is $59.74. >> reporter: -- has the fastest growing economy in the country. >> what have the tax revenues been like in colorado? >> it's been more than is expected. going to add up clearly to hundreds of millions of dollars per year. >> reporter: nationally increased reckization of the cost of drug enforce pmts more than 1.5 million people locked up for nonviolent drug crimes. to be sure not everyone is a believer. >> today's marijuana is not your woodstock weed of the 'skuctss. it's five to six times greater. you have a disconnect with parents that might have smoked it a couple of times through college and turned out fine and today's marijuana which is much stronger. >> reporter: stronger and public health officials worry easier for young people to get their hands on. >> any time you legalize a drug it increases access. >> reporter: posing a bigger threat to a teen aurge's developing brain. >> brain development is occurring from age 10 well into our mid to late 20s. ior brain is under construction. and the latest study shows that regular use, when an adolescent is associated with a six to eight-point reduction in iq. >> reporter: prohibition for marijuana won't end with a 21st amendment. but make no mistake, it is already ending. in 2004 tommy chong was in federal prison. cell mates with the wolf of wall street for selling bongs. a decade later, he almost made the finals of "dancing with the stars." >> i was going to turn the mirror ball into a mirror bong. >> reporter: pop culture embracing the counterculture. david wright abc news new york. >> his career is revived. this has been a fascinating year in terms of change of perception and law in terms of marijuana. we're up in smoke, my friend. >> really? really guys? how do we have this graphic available and ready? who made that one? to have this on standby. t.j. and tai are going to need that one day. man (sternly): where do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. i'm go od all day. [announcer:] mucinex keeps working. not 4, not 6 but 12 hours. let's end this why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line. man (sternly): where do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. i'm go od all day. [announcer:] mucinex keeps working. not 4, not 6 but 12 hours. let's end this not all toothbrushes are created equal, oral-b toothbrushes are engineered with end rounded bristles so brushing doesn't scratch gums and angled perfectly to remove 90% of plaque for a healthier smile. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. ♪ when it comes to analyzing people it may be possible to judge a book by its cover. increasingly, experts are being called in to try to figure ot if an athlete or politician has what it takes to succeed. >> it's all done by just studying their face. sara haines has more an this growing trend. >> the milwaukee bucks select jabari parker from duke university. >> reporter: turns out the milwaukee bucks didn't just select jabarier based an his amazing college record but also his smile. >> enough resolve and determination that i felt he could take the team an his shoulders if asked. he wouldn't flame out. >> reporter: dan hill is a facial coding researcher and was hired by the bucks to get an edge. >> the face is the only place in the body where the muscles attach right to the skin. it is quick, realtime data. >> reporter: hill consulted on mexican president enrique nieto's campaign helping him edge out his opponent. looking ahead to our 2016 election -- >> her risk is she's too strong. it's the goldilocks test. the porridge is too hot. in jeb bush, the porridge is too cold. >> reporter: this smirk could send a combative signal. and voters having trouble finding emotion in jeb bush's expressions could cost him supporters. similarly, aths leet's abilities are measured using the tiniest of facial cues to pick up on huge traits like rafael nadal's mean streak. >> he normally shows anger and disgust. his characteristic expression is nose wrinkles. a really combaste guy. >> reporter: sarah hane esara haines abc news new york. >> i smile a lot. >> talk about the pressure on someone who smile more or smile less. be this be that. >> i'm curious about that research. what is my face saying about me? what is your face saying about you? >> we'll get right an it. >> i got to figure this otsut. i've been trying to figure you out. this morning on "world news now" -- new developments overnight in the search for the missing airasia jet. the heartbreak for passengers' families and the laft from investigate offerors. how did this man live after plngeing into freezing water with serious injuries? >> i think it's a miracle that i'm alive. >> and that's not all that happened to him in the alaska wilderness. political advances. how women fought and won. making waves and getting noticed in races across the country this year. >> and we are going to make them squeal! >> and what's next politically for hillary clinton in the new year. it's monday, december 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> all right. post-holiday lag. shake it off. get ready for the new year. enjoy ourselves. i'm tai hernandez. >> good morning. i'm t.j. holmes. new year coming in in just a couple of days. for now, another mystery. the search for another missing plane. airasia plane. that search is once again under way. >> australia's military is joining the search in the java sea with several other countries, although the u.s. has not been asked to take part. an official said the plane is likely to be at the bottom of the sea. abc's david kerley has more. >> reporter: another missing jetliner. indonesia says it will have a dozen ships, three helikoptsers and five aircraft looking for any sign of the jetliner. possible wreckage floating on the java sea. even though relatives still held out for better news. >> we still have hope. we cannot lose hope. >> reporter: it was just after 5:30 in the morning the nearly full airbus a320 jetliner took off from the surabaya airport heading northwest to singapore. offer the java sea it encounters heavy weather, tissue lensurbulence. the pilot radios he wants to turn and climb significantly from 32,000 feet to 38,000 feet. its should last contact. five minutes later, 41 minutes into the flight the jet disappears off radar. >> it's much too soon to widely speculate. one thing here last night that was not present in the malaysia 370 disappearance is bad weather. >> reporter: the malaysian businessman who started this low-cost airline tweeted, this is my worst nightmare before he flew to indonesia. >> we don't want to speculate. there's a deep sense of depression here. we'll stay strong. >> reporter: the airline and airplane have a good safety record. the pilot experienced. among the 162 on board, 16 children, passengers mostly from indonesia. relatives could not contain their fears waiting for any word. luis was waiting in singapore for her fiance who is traveling with his family. >> yeah he was supposed to be there last vacation before us got married. >> reporter: it was just nine months ago malaysian flight 370 disappeared and is thought to be at the bottom of the indian ocean off australia. in this case a better chance of finding the aircraft which, if it went down it did so in the java sea. >> while the search effort is just moving into high gear that effort will be growing. singapore sending ships and already has aircraft working the search area but so far no clues. davids kerley abc news, washington. indonesian investigators believe the plane is at the bottom of the ocean as kerley says. its black boxes built by honeywell should put out a signal for 28 more days. we're staying on top of the search. look for live reports an "america this morning" and "good morning america." hundreds of passengers still on board ferry. it was crippled yesterday when a fire broke out an its car deck. more than 200 have been air lifted to other ships. hundreds remain on the boat's deck. the top couple of decks suffering in frigid temperatures. at least one person has died jumping trying to escape the fire. several others injured. to texas where a deadly fire is being investigated as an apartment building in the suburbs of san antonio. at least five were killed in a fire that sent tenants to their windows. dozens were rescued by ladder trucks. when they were safe they related some of those harrowing details. >> they were screaming for help. i was telling them get out on the ledge because the smoke had already overtaken themg. >> i don't know how he did it but he carried me and went to the fire escape. >> the fire cheap was surprised there wasn't more loss of life. displaced residents were taken to a local high school and hotel where the red cross is providing assistance. a christmas miracle for one alabama family. fire tearing through an apartment. a 5-year-old trapped inside. what you hear there are people neighbors, rgeing that 3-year-old to jump from the second floor. fire was all around him. he did jump landing in the arms of a neighbor. the drama playing out on christmas morning. >> every time you watch it like oh, my god, there you go. he jumped he jumped. he finally jumped. the feeling it gives you to relive that moment and say that you saved someone's life. >> the fire ripped through that apartment building. four children rescued, including that boy who jumped. they are all doing okay. the fire started by food left on the stove. surfers in central california are keeping a close eye an the water after a surfer was bitten by a great white. the surfboard shows scars of the attack which happened yesterday. he was dragged under water by the juvenile great white and bitten on the hip. he was able to paddle to shore where he made a tourniquet with his leash cord. >> the biggest blessing was there was a woman doctor happened to be right there on the beach. she came don and gave a quick assessment of how bad the wound was. >> the man wise flown to the hospital. another surfer says there was no warning. the shark came straight out of the depp ths. the beach is open but warning signs are posted. a man in alaska beat the odds not to mention the freezing temperatures. thisappened with a snowmobile accident. that was just the start. abc's aditi roy with the details. >> yeah, i think it's a miracle that i'm alive. >> reporter: by all accounts craig johnson shouldn't be alive. >> also couldn't feel my legs from here on down. >> reporter: johnson was in the middle of an 80-mile trip an his snow machine to visit family in barrow alaska twhen crashed through the ice catapulting him into freezing sea water. >> i knew i had to get walking. >> reporter: his clothes soaking wets johnson trekked 30 miles in the pitch dark through the frozen wilderness on the northern most tip of alaska. temperatures 35 below zero. his lungunctured but his will. a wolverine chases him. >> made me keep going because i didn't want to be beat. >> reporter: finally johnson found shelter in this wooden box only forfeet long. by this time search parties were looking for him but the choppers passing right over him. >> when they passed right by me i just couldn't stopng. >> reporter: how did he survive? the human body has defenses that kick in to keep you alive in severe cold. shivering generates heat. thennior body starts redirecting blood from y hands face to vital organs. after three days he was rescued by his cousin. >> something inside me made me scream at him and tell him i'm right here. >> he was just yelling, ah i'm here. >> reporter: johnson recovering at the hospital surviving the wilderness and the odds. aditi roy, abc news los angeles. former president george h.w. bush will remain in the hospital for now. the 90-year-old was taken to the hospital tuesday as a precaution. the 41st president and his wife watched houston beat jacksonville yesterday. he congratulated the coach and team an a winning season. the bengals and steelers. antonio brown opened the scoring with this run. on paper, 71 yards for a punt return for a td. he ended up covering about 116 yards on the play however. steelers were up three. this thing got close. this is 63 yards on the play. bengals couldn't stop him but one of his own players almost tackled him there. pittsburgh wins 21-17. this setss off a playoff showdown with baltimore. antonio brown there finished the season the leading receiver in yards and in touchdowns. take a look here. tim harbaugh san francisco 49ers coach, they are looking for a new coach. the university of michigan might have one. the organization and harbaugh announced they have mutually agreed to part ways. he led the team to three straight nfc title games. this year didn't go so well. 8-8 which isn't the worst in the world. they didn't make the playoffs. he's expected to be named the next coach at the university of michigan. on thursday morning, the annual tournament of the roses parade will roll through pasadena california. and one very special woman will finally have her chance to be a part of it. >> she's 83. joan williams got the wave don. she was supposed to represent pasadena on a float in 1958. that's her there. organizers denied her that honor back then when they discovered she's actually african-american. >> thursday that wrong will be righted when she rides on one of the main floats. this year is inspiring stories and williams says that fits her perfectly. what a beautiful old portrait. >> never too late to do the right thing. >> her co-workers nominated her for that honor in 1958 and it's taken all this time to get it straight. the ultimate luxury car. the suv equipped with a theater and home office. that's going for a ride with you in "the mix." from insomniac kitchen. chicken wings. these wings are sporting an asian flare. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by vista print. and the winner of this ye (coughs) coughing can really be disruptive. with a record breaking fifty million votes, your superstar is... that's why there's delsym. delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours with an advanced time release formula for all day or all night relief. up to twice as long as other cough liquids. so the only sounds you'll hear are the ones you want to hear. bianca! (cheering) delsym. silence is relief. and now for a limited time try delsym for free, with mail in rebate. the year is winding down. 2014 will go down as a year of sweeping political change. republicans taiking capitol hill and setting the sage for a rigorous presidential race over the next couple of years. >> the shift to women. here's jonathan karl. >> reporter: obviously a big year for republicans. but 2014 was an especially big year for republican women. >> thanks to all of you, we are heading to washington and we are going to make 'em squeal! >> reporter: their biggest winner joanie ernst the first woman elected to the senate from iowa. the first female combat veteran elected to the senate from any state. >> i grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. >> reporter: and the first to launch a campaign like this. >> washington is full of big spenders. let's make them squeal. >> reporter: joanie ernst wasn't the only republican woman to make history. shelly moore capado. >> for the first time in the history of west virginia we are sending a woman to the united states senate. >> reporter: in utah mia love became the first black republican woman elected to the house of representatives. in new york elise stephanek the youngest woman ever elected to congress. >> i'm back! >> reporter: 2014 was the year hillary clinton solidified her standing as the prezumptsive democratic nominee. >> have we ever seen such a formidable front-runner on the democratic side who was not an incumbent president or vice president? >> yes it was hillary clinton in 2008. but this is not about nostalgia. she's not inevitable. there are other candidates out there that will pose a threat. >> reporter: she is still the no dobt about it front-runner but her most talked about potential challenger is another woman. >> elizabeth warnren is now the hottest ticket. there will be a movement to encourage her to run and a movement to encourage other democrats to get into the race. >> what would it mean where you had an all-out battle and the two that were battling were women? >> it would be good for america. >> great for the cannot. >> the united states is ranked 95th in the world. >> hillary might disagree. >> we're ranked 95th in terms of female representation in elected office. we have a long way to go. >> reporter: a long way to go but getting there per jonathan article, abc news washington. coming up -- the ultimate snack for watching this week's bowl games. chicken wings next from our "insomniac kitchen" putting a little asian flare on this american favorite. see how it's done by a gourmet chef. also ahead, the mess at sony as playstation cameras got shut down over the long holiday weekend. the explanation in our next half hour on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continue ♪ it was a sad day yesterday as some nfl fans enjoyed their last batch of sunday football chicken wings. as it turns out, you can enjoy your wings guilt-free all year long. >> here now we're going to take you away from the buffalo sauce and into the insomniac kitchen with abc's tina trinh. >> we're at seoul chicken on the lower east side. that's seoul as in south korea. >> we're going to do the korean fried chicken wung. >> fried twice. >> fried twice. i'm going to put a blender an. we have some -- >> is that garlic? >> charred garlic. and same thing with the habaneros. we'll add all these in here. some cilantro stem. dice that up. >> i never thought just t the stem. interesting. >> this is kimchi starter. a house blend. this is some of the kimchi juice. >> that looks really spicy. >> it's just really funky and delicious. add a little bit of that. >> nice. >> and then orange juice. >> sweeten it up. >> add a little tang. this is literally going to help the blender move. >> there it goes. >> i'm going to add a little bit of honey which is a gigantic >> are you going in? >> i have to taste it. want to try a little bit? >> it's not crazy. it's spicy. >> it's good. >> it's definitely spicy. >> oh, god! oh that's really spicy. we've got our saurksor wings. these were previously fried? fried once already? >> these are fried once and fried twice already. they're ready to go. pour a little around the bowl. try to get as much nicely coated on the wing as possible. you want a nice even coating. >> get it in the nook and crannies. >> exactly. what's next? >> we garnish it. lime chile. some want more spice. add a little lime. >> i like that. >> those are the habanero kimchi wings. >> it's so hot, but i can't stop because the chicken just tastes so good and tender. thank you. >> you're welcome. not just fried. double fried. >> those things are fantastk. korean fried chicken. i just discovered it a couple of years popping my word. >> each ingredient he put into that source, i was like oh, that's good. and he kepts going. >> they shally bring us stuff to sample for insomniac kitchen. this is the one they didn't bring. >> best one, too. ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. time for "the mix." a couple of proposals. one proposal the guy couldn't be there for it. it's the season. he had santa step in. let's roll the footage. see the young lady. >> what's would you like? >> i want my boyfriend to come home from afghanistan. >> really? >> santa asks what do you want for christmas? >> i want my boyfriend to come. >> she did not know her boyfriend sergeant clint underhill arranged this surprise with the young lady's mother. kimberly roberts is the now-fiance. santa got down on a knee and fond a creative way to do this. >> very nice. let's see if this tops that. a guy surprises his girlfriend with a proposal but she doesn't know what's coming. open this box. she pulls out letters one at a time. they spell out starting with a "w," will you marry me. this is how she reacts. >> what is she holding? >> that's the "y." she finally realized this is what it is. she actually likes this guy. >> does she now? >> i mean she's happy. >> i'm sorry, guys. if we have to skip the last story, fine but i have to see this play out. this woman is losing her mind. >> is he reconsidering? >> they've probably been together 12 years and he finally proposed. is that what's going on her? >> maybe maybe. she likes a good cry. t.j. might cry if you were to get this next thing as a gift. >> i would break down because i'm a car guy and i like my suvs and my gm vehicles. this san escalade tricked out the way no other car has been tricked out. cadillac you can't go to a lot and get this. they have a home theater put into this eska lad. trust us. this is an escalade. see the ipad on the wall. 24 karat goalsld plated accents tlauts. that is the inside of an eska lad. >> who wants to drive that? you just want to be the passenger. >> you can live in that thing. >> sweet. >> escalade already retails for over 70 rand. by the time you put that all in there, it's going to double the cost. >> a cat website. show off your cat and bling at the same time. cash this morning on "world news now" -- desperate search. the growing rescue effort over the java sea for a missing airasia jetliner. families of the 162 people on board getting some ominous news overnight. leap of faith. the 3-year-old boy bravely jumping from a burning apartment building. the whole scene videotaped, and who was there to catch the boy. shut out. gamers hoping to log on and enjoy their playstations reach a digital dead end. did hackers target sony once again? facing justice. "saved by the bell's" screech dustin diamond's serious offense and what's next in court today. that's in "the skinny" on this monday, december 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. i'm tai hernandez. >> i'm t.j. holmes. we start with that search for the missing airasia jet. there was stormy weather right from the start of the flight from indonesia, although that's not exactly unusual in that area this time of the year. >> investigators believe the jet crashed and is now at the bottom of the ocean. more from abc's bazi kanani. >> reporter: this is the passenger plane that disappeared over the java sea. airasia flight 8501 was bound from surabaya indonesia, to singapore, a two-hour flight. most of the 262 aboard were indonesian including 16 children and an infant with a crew of six. after 42 minutes in the air the jet hit severe weather, thunderstorms and turbulence. the pilot asked to turn and to increase altitude steeply from 32,000 feet to 38,000 feet. then nothing. the airbus 320 vanished from radar. >> to just disappear is really baffling. >> reporter: search planes and boats criss-crossed the waters for hours before night fell. they turned up no trace of the plane or people. in indonesia and singapore emotional relatives gathered at airports and huddled over passenger lists hoping against hope for good news about their loved ones. >> we hope we'll be to find that black box and find out what really went on. >> reporter: all shades of malaysia flight 370 which vanished into thin air last march. a massive search across the indian ocean has produced nothing but a deeper mystery. >> nothing has essentially changed since mh-370 disappeared. it just shouldn't happen in this day and age. >> reporter: both missing planes have good safety records. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. soon after australia joined the search its plane spotted objects floating in the ocean. no confirmation yet whether those objects came from the the u.s. navy has not been asked for assistance. stay with abc news as crews search for the missing jet. look for live reports on "america this morning" and "good morning america." of course for instant updates, you can visit more than 100 people remain aboard a crippled ferry. a fire broke out on the car deck early sunday forcing travelers to endure thick smoke and chilly temperatures. abc's hamish macdonald has more. >> reporter: this is the nail-biting moment a mother and her children are pulled to safety. the italian navy winches them up. they are being rescued from a burning ship. but it's a race against time. that ship is still burning, and hundreds are still stranded. the "norman atlantic" carrying almost 500 people had left the greek port of patras sailing towards ancona in italy. fire broke out on the car deck, and hundreds are now cornered on the upper decks waiting for rescue. there were hundreds of containers with oil. they went on fire says this sorry vifr. floors started collapsing from the heat. one passenger captured these images on board before being rescued. flames engulf the ship's interior. outside, they wait for help. but gail force winds and poor visibility are hampering those rescue efforts. one man died when he jumped overboard. merchant ships nearby are lining up to form a barrier to protect the ferry from towering waves. passengers say as they below deck to access life boats, their shoes melted from the heat. we're hearing desperate accounts from those stuck on board. they are outside, cold, surrounded by smoke and frantically asking for help. the authorities say the major blaze is now under control, but this is still very much a race against the clock to get them to safety. hamish macdonald, abc news, london. we head a few hundred miles north of there. a search is getting under way for four crew members missing since their cargo ship sank. at least two people were killed when that cargo ship collided with another vessel and went down near an italian port. rescue ships and helicopters were ground overnight because of rough seas and strong winds. the war in afghanistan is officially over. a quiet ceremony marked the end of the 13-year-old international battle. the mission now is to train and support afghanistan's own army with a force mostly american. the changeover ceremony took place under tight security in case of a taliban attack. the taliban called the war quote, the most idiotic decision in modern history, end quote. an investigation is getting under way into what started a deadly fire at a senior citizen apartment in texas. it started on the third floor. singled residents to their windows trying to escape the smoke. at least five people were killed. dozens were rescued off ledges by ladder truck. an apartment fire in alabama had a happier ending. all of the drama caught on camera. what you are about to see is what a little boy had to do to survive the blaze. abc's kendis gibson has the story. >> reporter: a fire races through this apartment complex in birmingham, alabama, as desperate neighbors urge a 3-year-old to jump. a dramatic rescue is about to take place. >> jump! >> we got you. come on. >> the screams for a young boy trapped on the second floor to jump out the window. >> come on. your mama right here. your mama say do it. come on. >> reporter: neighbor kerry jackson captures what happened next. watch again as that young boy jumps to safety landing in the arms of a neighbor. >> every time you watch it like, oh, my god, he jumped, he jumped. he finally jumped. just that feeling it gives you just to relive that moment and say that you saved someone's life. it's a really good feeling. >> reporter: two other children were trapped inside rescued by firefighters. the majority of fires, like the one in alabama, start in the kitchen. fema reports the number of kitchen fires are up 18% over the last five years. and the holidays are the busiest time of year for fire crews. an average 905 americans die in house fires during the winter. that alabama fire could so easily have turned deadly had it not been for some quick-thinking neighbors and that child and others taking a leap of faith. >> i was just scared to just drop down, but i had to do it. i was just like, i can't believe this is happening on christmas. >> reporter: the children rescued in the fire, including the boy that jumped, are all doing physically okay right now. and firefighters remind us when faced with a fire, it's best to just get out as soon as possible. a fire doubles every 60 seconds. so the longer a person stays, the worse the situation. kendis gibson, abc news, new york. in france, extreme snow and ice have left thousands trapped in the alps. conditions improved enough for them to lift a weather alert. many holiday travelers are still spending the night in emergency shelters. a driver died when his car slid into a ravine. not quite so extreme here. snow will fall from oregon across to kansas and nebraska. some showers along the gulf coast and rain in the southeast. everyone else should be dry today. >> much of the country will be colder than usual. high in the 30s for the northwest. five in billings. chicago won't make it above freezing. 40s in the northeast. 60 in atlanta and new orleans. a rare find to tell you about from hawaii. this is what the experts say a 10-year-old coconut crab looks like. >> it was found along a busy road. those experts also say it's been about 25 years since another coconut crab has been seen in hawaii. this one weighs about 3 pounds and is 16 inches from leg to leg. >> it will be given a home at the honolulu zoo where it should be for a while. coconut crabs can live to be 60 years old and grow more than three feet. >> they are pretty fierce. they call it the coconut crab because it can pierce a coconut with those claws. snap off your finger, too. >> so you can't eat this thing? >> i'm sure you could if you could get to it because it's so big and fierce, and also it's illegal because it's so protected. a lot of coconut crab facts around my head. i'm thinking that looks delicious, but you better not. i've got some jennifer lawrence facts coming up in "the skinny." how this superstar is taking her popularity straight to the bank. later, the baby gorilla rejected by her mother. how humanity stepped in to teach her how to thrive with other apes. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by airborne dual action. 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not bad. >> not bad. they are trying to make the most of getting people to the theater. seth rogen and james franco had this live tweet-a-thon. apparently seth rogen's dog was in the movie and he tweeted about that. >> whatever you got to do to get people talking. everybody is talking about it. it's setting off a cyberwar to some degree. do what you got to do, fellas. >> interesting stuff there. coming up, screech from "saved by the bell" was in court today for allegedly stabbing someone. also, we're going to show you what jennifer lawrence is all excited about this weekend. "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.tt2wútñr ó4 bt@q;[p tt2wútñr ó4 "a@q+w4 tt2wútñr ó4 bm@q é8 tt4wútñr ó4 " dztq 0yh tt4wútñr ó4 " entq @]( tt4wútñr ó4 " gzt& yzp tt4wútñr ó4 " hnt& it< tt4wútñr ó4 " iztq #=d tt4wútñr ó4 " jntq 1m$ tt4wútñr ó4 " lzt& ) x ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ "the skinny" starts with the former "saved by the bell" star dustin diamond arrested for allegedly stabbing someone during a bar fight. we say dustin diamond, but people don't know him by that name. >> people know him as the role he played, the beloved nerd screech on the '90s show "saved by the bell." he's 37 now and due in court today. police found a knife on him after he and his girlfriend left a bar where the alleged incident occurred. >> screech saw his girlfriend bleeding after an altercation with another woman and intervened. no one suffered life-threatening wounds but he could face up to ten years in jail if convicted. superstar jennifer lawrence is proving her worth. the" hunger games" star has been named hollywood's highest grossing actor. >> the oscar winner has pulled in $1.4 billion in ticket sales and one of the tidbits from the sony leaks was she was paid less than her male co-stars for "american hustle." >> the 24-year-old kentucky native was spotted this weekend rooting on the louisville cardinals as they took on the kentucky wildcats. her magic apparently limited to the silver screen because louisville lost. >> it was a good game though. i didn't realize she was from kentucky. >> she's had an interesting upbringing there. but look at her now. >> look at her now. making lots of money. you go, j-law. this was sad news to bring you here. after 19 years of marriage, chris rock filing for divorce. we've been seeing a lot of him doing a lot of press for his new movie out. he released a statement confirming he and his wife are going their separate ways. >> the couple has two children and in a separate statement, their children remain at the center of her life. >> for fans of the comedian, i don't know if this will come as much of a surprise. given some of his stand-up he addresses marriage a lot. pokes a lot of fun. criticizes it. even wrote, directed and starred in a movie called "i think i love my wife" about a guy contemplating cheating on his wife and then came back around and came to his senses. they have always been a good couple, fun couple to be around and always looked to have their stuff together. hate to see that happen. >> and the stand-up is just funny. the universal funny things about marriage. didn't necessarily see it coming with that. anyway, we've got some exciting news for alicia keys. the multitalented grammy award winner is now a mom to two little ones. this weekend keys and her husband welcomed their second child into the world. and it's a boy. >> four years after the birth of their first child together. they are celebrating their new addition. mom sharing baby's name on instagram. the name is genesis ali. and there you go. there are the footprints. congratulations to them. >> the footprints. it's like those baby blankets they get at the hospital. the universal baby thing. all right. >> their baby had a birthday. some other celebrity birthdays. >> legendary mary tyler moore is 78. >> jon voight turning 76. >> america's favorite bartender from "cheers," ted danson, 67. >> jude law, 42 years old. happy birthday, everybody. a little gorilla is still searching for a loving family after she just didn't click with the gorilla clan at one zoo. the mission to help her, it got a little interesting. >> why the other gorillas didn't like her is tough to comprehend for us humans, but it's a great reminder of the power we have to help animals. especially our fellow primates. here's abc's matt gutman. >> it was three months of baby gorilla boot camp. a team of 17 hairy vested trainers gorillafying baby camina, rejected by her birth mother. teaching her tummy time, stretch, eat and even, yes, talk like a gorilla. all to prepare for adoption by a real gorilla surrogate at the cincinnati zoo. for all the gorillafication, their anatomy so similar sharing 98% of our human genes. the reflex test on the foot. the recoil from a cold stethoscope. it's a big reason vets wear those gorilla vests so apes don't become habituated to people. even though she was rejected last week by two surrogates gorillafication has worked before. last year, we met a ten-pound success story named gladys. she was also rejected by her mother. for 12 weeks in 2013, trainers transformed into hair suit apes to hand raise her. we there were learning to speak gorilla. >> make a little gorilla vocalization. there you go. >> reporter: a job just about as glamorous as raising human babies. >> she's peeing on me. >> and then introduced her to a gorilla surrogate proving a happy ending is still possible. starting soon camina will look for love up the road at the columbus zoo. in the meantime, cuddles, a warm bottle and a furry vest. matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> an interesting job. you have to be gorilla-like enough to make sure she's accepted by gorillas. that's the whole point of this. you can't humanize it. >> you have to be gorilla-like enough. that's interesting. >> i thought matt did a good job. looked pretty good in that suit. they are so cute. we've seen it in nature. they've had other animals be surrogates to rejected little animals like that. and it works. >> cheetahs with dogs is another example. it works. scientists, they figure this stuff out. >> good luck to the little one. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning, breaking overnight, the search expands for the missing airasia plane. the new clues surfacing this morning and the family that missed the flight because of an e-mail mix-up. happening now hundreds evacuated from a burning ferry. we're hearing from the survivors as many more passengers wait for rescue. shark attack. the california surfer pulled underwater by a great white. his surof psurfboard showing the scars. the emotional response going viral this morning. and good monday morning. thanks for being here. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm tai hernandez. breaking news in the missing airasia plane. separate

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