I just became a grandfather. You care more about the future when you get a kid or grandkid. Thats true. Reporter a month before the elections, republicans are confident. Just six seats from winning back the senate and taking control of congress. One is here in arkansas. Democrat mark pryor called in the clinton cavcavalry. Votior heart. Dont vote for what they tell you you should be against. Vote for what you know you should be for. Reporter he knows president obama isnt popular but warned about casting what he called a protest vote. Everybody is trying to hijack our politics. And you have to own it here. Youll be stuck with the people that get elected. Reporter its been nearly two decades since he was on though ballot but democrats hope clintons fame will still rub off. We caught up with tom cotton, the rising republican star trying to defeat pryor. As a young boy here in arkansas, he watched clinton rise to the white house. Im not worried about bill clintons support for mark pryor. Im worried about mark pryors support for barack obama. Reporter he is now turning to a former from the try and rescue democrats. Jeff zellny, abc news, conway, ark. Police are trying to figure out how the body of a baby bear turned up in central park. They suspect the animal was killed elsewhere and dumped in the park. The bear had been slashed and stabbed before being placed rnd a bash. The body was discovered by a woman walking her dog. In ohio, they may look warm and fuzzy, but theyre anything but. Health experts are warning people not to stick up these little guys. The hickory moth caterpillar. Itsinative to parts of canada. They are poisonous and can cause a rash to swelling and nausea. That fuzz is actually tiny barbs connected to poison glands. We turn to some weather now. A band of thunderstorms from arkansas through the ohio valley and into the northeast. That could produce gusty winds. More rain for the southwest and scattered showers over parts of montana and dakotas. Cooler air from canada is pushing temperatures into the 50s and 60s. Still 80s in the south and 96 degrees for dallas. Well, a Humane Society in minnesota is suing the city of wadina for what it feels is an unreasonable ordinance. The city passed a law saying dogs inside commercial zones are now allowed to bark only during business hours. How do you stop a dog from barking . If your dog does bark before 9 00 a. M. Or after 4 00 p. M. It will cost you a 50 fine. They are serious about this. People there have already been issued citations. The Humane Society says its inhumane to keep dogs indoors 17 hours a day and its suing for 50,000 in damages. Can you keep a dog from barking . Or just told to keep it inside . What if you have a dog for your protection at night. You are getting robbed and is it barks to save your life and you get a 50 fine. A neighbor complained about dogs from the Humane Society being too loud. Okay. Id be calling about that dog right there. Coming up, the side of dancing with the stars you rarely see. Also a mother who proudly wrestles with alligators, even when shes seven months pregnant . Say what . I dont know. First, crooks target customers of an Iconic American Department store bhop was victimized and how investigators are cracking down. Youre watching world news now. Announcer world news now weather brought to you by United Health care. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And there are no networks. Is this a onesizefitsall kind of thing . No. There are lots of plan options. It all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find an aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. What happens when we travel . The plans go with us. Anywhere in the country. I like that. You know what else . Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has years and years of experience. What do you say . Im in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Youll love adding more outdoor freshness in. Unce sheets, your washer with bounce bursts. Wow behold bounce bursts for more outdoor freshness. Lythat cleans better than bleach hywithout the harshness a dinners on the table leaving nothing standing between you and dinner. Lysol power free. A powerful clean thats family friendly. Ay. Sometimes too close, which means were always getting into each others hair. Thats why we use head shoulders. Keeps us 100 flake free, and smells gorgeous. I use it. My whole world uses it. Head shoulders. Now smells better than ever. Dark clothes are everyones best unlike other detergents, woolite darks wont cause fading even after 20 washes. So you never look washed out. Just fabulous dont take a chance. Trust woolite darks. Identity theft a real problem for the american consumer. Most can expect hackers to try to get our personal info online. A new scam could have shoppers who are in line in the store concerned. Social security cards and credit card numbers stolen from a high end Department Store resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in stolen goods. Gio benitez has more. Reporter allegations of one of the biggest inside jobs at one of americas most treasured stores. These luxury bags and shoes were bought using stolen information with the help of oomemployees a saks fifth avenue. Grand total . More than 400,000. Investigators say the alleged ringleader who was not a saks employee got Social Security numbers and other info for more than 20 saks credit card holders. That information was shared with four saks salespeople and used to look up account numbers. Then to make it look like a normal sale on security cameras, williams would allegedly recruit fake shoppers to pick up the merchandise, then either sell it to the store for gift cards. N it these were pinpointed attacks on individual accounts. Reporter and now saks tells abc news there was no compromise to the security of its network or systems but, still, its another reminder that youve got to check those credit card statements. Gio benitez, abc news, new york. We hear about these all the time. Constantly. What are we supposed to do . Put your money under the mattress. There it is. Thats the way to go. You think about the crazy old woman you hear reports of her leaving money under the mattress. Its just everywhere. Then somebody breaks into your house and your dog barks and you get a fine. Coming up were going wrestling with albaiters. And who better to show us how its done than a pregnantz mom . She calls herself a minivan mom with a twist. Id say a big twist. Youre watching world news now. Announcer world news now when you hear the term alligator wrestler, you probably think about a wild bearded man. Big dude. In a swamp, right . What about an alligator wrestler thats pregnant. Not only with bravery but with a 7monthold baby. Her doctors im pretty sure did not endorse this. For more an her story were up all nightline with Gloria Riviera. Reporter Martha Riviera calls herself a minivan mom with a twist. Soccer mom by day. Alligator wrestler by night . Yep. Reporter that twist, something a lot of people are paying to see. Martha is an alligator wrestler. Performing even at 7 months pregnant. The shock value of seeing an expectant mother wrestling alligators only adds to the draw. Gator mania today going far beyond the sunshine state. Shows from swamp people to gator boys. Head can slam shut any minute. Only takes 25 pounds of pressure to break your neck. If that gator gets a hold of you, your neck is going to slam like that. Reporter with gator shows seemingly advertised off every exit on the highway, tourists want to see something more exciting than a gator in a cage. In just a few hours, shell be performing her final alligator show before maternity leave. How are the alligators looking today . The pit looks great. These alligators are wild. But they know that we use them. A lot of alligators in florida. Florida is the only place in the world that has both alligators and crocodiles. Its the off season but a small crowd gathers to watch her extreme stunt. The extreme dangers are ever present. I need to know theyre going to do whatever it takes if i get bitten to make sure that im as safe as possible. Casper had a white tint to him from a vitamin deficiency. She gets into the water and comes face to face with the wild animal. Shes pregnant and shes going to get in there and swim with them . Thats crazy. Finally, martha, for the very first time, goes in even closer for whats called a full frontal. And she seals it with a kiss. A success. Tourists happy. It was amazing. Reporter and one expectant mom riding an adrenaline high. Plenty of people who would not want to. Reporter im Gloria Riviera in homestead, florida. Wow. And i thought running on a treadmill while pregnant was crazy. Doctors warn women about all kinds of things. Even about how much caffeine. Really . This isnt funny. I am surprised. Apparently there was another wrestler who had the alligator locked on to their shoulders for three minutes before someone could come help. I do believe while running on the treadmill while pregnant. Why do my glasses and dishes sometimes come out with spots . Well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. Can we help prevent this . Yes, use finish jet dry. It goes in your dishwashers dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. Wow, what a difference last night was a busy one. Dancing with the stars. Lots of really great performances. In the end it was Fashion Designer Betsey Johnson who got the boot. Her score of 29 wasnt enough. There was one man there to soften the blow as hes done for 19 seasons now. Emmy Award Winning host tom bergeron. Hes got the dancing pros telling us about in real tom we dont often get to see. Kabcs george nakio has the story. Reporter for 19 seasons now, host tom bergeron has kept things moving on dancing with the stars. And as funny as he is on the show every week, the pros say hes even funnier at their dress rehearsals. Tom bergerons dress rehearsals are some of the most amazing dress rehearsals you could ever be a part of. His jokes are a little dirtier. So he goes there. I wish that they filmed some of the dress rehearsals and you could buy them online with a Parental Advisory sticker for 99 cents. They are hilarious. Tom at his best is at the dress run that nobody sees. Thank god. Its a completely different show. Its a great late night show somewhere on cable. Len . She just kicked me in the lower portion. Okay. Isnt it great to get feeling back there. Reporter not just all fun and games. Hes also a support system. He gives the best hugs in the morning. I always go up to tom first and give him a huge hug. I love him. Early in the morning hes in there watching and supporting people. Hes there for them. Hes great. I love tom. He really is the best at what he does. Reporter our stars reveal more of their favorite gems as tonights competition continues. Reporter cheryl burke who has been dancing here since season two misses the midseason parties tom used to throw. Yeah, he bought the drink. He better bring it back or ive got some stories. Ive got some stories on you, tom bergion that you probable have no idea about. Reporter this is george panacchio reporting for abc news. We want to hear those stories. It made me think what . Oh, my gosh. Im so grateful my real legs are always used on this program. Thats happening, folks. This morning on world news now home grown terror. An american teenager under arrest in the most accused of preparing to join isis. A bit of a shock. A strange feeling now. The message he left for his heartbroken parents. This as another American Family waits for word about their son held captive by isis. Out of control. Fans attacked at professional sporting events. The latest brutal beating and questions about safety. He had two punches. The guy went down. He was out cold. How some Police Departments are trying to stop the violence before it happens again. And danger zone. Recent racetrack crashes, and important advice for spectators who want to stay out of harms way. Its tuesday, october 7th. Announcer from abc news, this is world news now. Good morning to you on this tuesday. Im t. J. Holmes. Im reena ninan. Were going to begin with the latest details an the arrest of a chicago area teenager arrested on terrorism charges. Muhammad hamzah khan was on his way to syria to fight for isis when he was stopped at the airport. Abcs brian ross reports. Reporter the terror of isis seemed far away from this quiet chicago suburb. Now the fbi says the young man who lived in this hour, 19yearold Muhammad Hamzah khan was about to become part of it. Bit of a shock. Bit of a strange feeling. Reporter in court, prosecutors said khan was headed for jihad in syria when arrested at Ohare Airport over the weekend. In a letter left behind. Announcer parentfor his pare said he was upset at the filth of society. His parents left the courthouse in tears. The latest American Family to find themselves caught up in the tragedy and horror of isis. At the same time in indianapolis, the parents of another young man from the midwest, 26yearold peter kassig, are facing their own heartache with isis holding him hostage and threatening to kill him. In a video message to isis, the parents pleaded for mrsy, revealing their son had converted to islam while in captivity. Our son is abdel rahman, formerly knon as peter. Reporter kassig had gone to syria to help civilians. What he told snen two years ago, seems a hopeless situation. Thats when its more important than ever we come in against all odds and try to do something. Reporter it was 24 hours after the isis video of indiana native kassig appeared online threatened with death. Illinois native khan left home intending to join the group. Two young americans, two different directions. Now one is in jail and the other is in grave peril. Brian ross, abc news, new york. I find it fascinating the fbi director said over the weekend there are about a dozen americans fighting in syria alongside isis. And he was asked, are they entitled to return back to america . And comey says, yes, they are, but theyll certainly be tracked. This young man was only going to be gone about three days and coming right back to the u. S. To do what . We may never know. Thats the fear. These young men impressionable can be influenced, essentially turned online. They go get their training and can use a passport to get right back into this cannot and do god knows what. You can get 50 years or 250,000 fine potentially. So interesting sort of extremes as to what can happen. Potential danger lurking here in the u. S. Now to the latest an the ebola patient fighting for his life. Thomas eric dnkan is now receiving an experimental drug. The cdc says as a result of this case, calls to their offices have skyrocketed. President obama saying ebola will be treated as a National Security threat but stressing its a battle that must be won globally. I said at the United Nations and i will repeat, that this is an area where everybody has to chip in and everybody has to move quickly in order for us to get this under control. Its the first reported incident ebola outside of africa. The woman part of a medical team which treated a mission wheer contracted ebola in sierra leone. He died at a madrid hospital last month. The parents of the only child known to have died as a direct result of enterovirus 68 are creating a fondation in his honor. 4yearold eli waller had just started preschool in his suburban new jersey town. The fondation will be called the first day of school foundation. Eli was a triplet. Has two sisters. He was perfectly healthy before he went to sleep one night and never woke up. I think elis case is the exception to the other cases around the cannoountry. He had no signs of illness and this passing was sudden and shocking. One other sick child at elis school is being tested for enterovirus 68 and is recovering at home. In most children the virus will seem about the same as a common cold. More fallout from the health care scandal which rocked the veterans administration. Four Senior Executives have been fired as a result. Among those losing their jobs, the director of the pittsburgh v. A. Hospital where at least six patients died from leagueseers disease. That director had been on paid leave since june. The supreme cort may have triggered the most profound societal shift in a generation. The high court rejected appeals from five states declining to decide whether virginia, wisconsin, oklahoma, utah can legally ban gay marriage. That clears the way for a dramatic expansion of gay marriage allowing gay men and women to marry in those states. The number of states legalizing gay marriage will jump from 19 to 24 with six more states soon having their bans lifted as well. Usa swimming has slapped Michael Phelps with a sixmonth suspension following his dui arrest last month. Shell also lose funding from the organization until april. He was forced to withdraw from next years World Championships all for violating the usa swimming codes of conflict. Phelps apologized for his actions and announced hed enter a treatment program. Jonathan dwyer has pleaded not guilty to aggravated assault and a string of other charges stemming from a fight with his wife. Dwyer headbutted his wife and broke her nose. The 25yearold was arrested last month and placed an the cardinals reserve noninjury list. Hes due back in court next month. Nfl meanwhile investigating a new problem. This one on the field. The Buffalo Bills quarterback kyle orton said someone pointed a laser at him during a pass in a game against the lions in detroit. The kicker complained it happened to him and his holder as well. A detroit fan later bragged on twitter that he was the one shining that laser. That twitter account has since been deleted. Meantime theres a growing danger to fans off the field. Overzealous spectators are subject to brawls in the stands, parking lots and rest rooms. At least two beatings this weekend are under investigation. Abcs Neal Karlinsky has the latest. Reporter another weekend sporting event marred by a sickening and brutal fan on fan attack. This one in a restaurant at a San Francisco 49ers gain. Police reportedly using this video to track down and arrest a pair of suspects who sent two fans to the hospital. And at the anaheim angels playoff game, bloodied and battered as well. A fan attacked in the crowd while simply walking to his car. He had two punches. The guy went down. Out cold. And then he started beating his face really bad an the pavement. Reporter the victim, a 43yearold u. S. Marine veteran and father of three. Witnesses say the attack was totally unprovoked. At this point, the motive is unclear. A lot of that has to do with the victims inability to talk to us. Reporter youtube is filled with fan violence often fueled by drunken hooligans. In some stadiums, including seattle, police now pose as undercover fans as a deterrent. When people dont know where the police are they are more likely to be on their best behavior. Reporter one of the worst cases, brian stowe, brutally beaten outside Los Angeles Dodgers stadium three years ago. His attackers sentenced to prison time. That attack was a wakeup call not just here at gdodgers stadim but across the country where theyve added more uniform security and cameras so families can feel safe at what is supposed to be just a game. Neal karlinsky, abc news, los angeles. It wasnt pretty but hey. A win is a win. Monday night football. The seattle seahawks. For most part of the first half had more penalty yards than washington had total yards. Percy harvin scored three touchdowns, all wiped out because of penalties. But, quarterback russell wilson, 122 rushing yards. A career high for him. Also a monday night record. He threw two touchdowns. 2717 the final score. By the way, seattle has the best record in the nfl for monday night football. Football season now in full swing, its hard to believe its that time of year. But the 2015 tournament of roiss royal court in pasadena has been unveiled. Seven young women were selected from a pool of 700 applicants. A formal announcement with culminate with 126th rose parade and the rose bowl game. The rose queen will be chosen from among the seven two weeks from today. A bit of a tongue tie. Engagement rings. Pretty pricey . I dont think so. Its a nice ring. Im proud of it. You should be. But the least expensive less expensive it is the better chance you have of surviving your marriage. Thats what i hear. Marital bliss, it the opposite were hearing from a new study. The study from Emory University found that men who spoents a lot of rings were more likely to get divorced than those who bought more modest rings. They dont look very modest to me. I think thats a pretty big diamond. The researchers found those were true wedding expenses in general that cost more were less likely that they were til death do you part if you spend more an the wedding. If your girlfriend complains about the size of the diamond, you know what to tell her. The mix coming your way. A new problem with the iphone 6. The reality tv couple leaving their elaborate house for the jail house. The giudices from real housewives of new jersey are speaking out. Youre watching world news now. Announcer world news now weather brought to you by vista print. Lysol power free has a Hydrogen Peroxide formula that cleans better than bleach without the harshness dinners on the table leaving nothing standing between you and dinner. Lysol power free. A powerful clean thats family friendly. She loves to shop online with her debit card. And so does bill, an identity thief who stole marys identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. Unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. This is Identity Theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. Lifelock has the most comprehensive Identity Theft protection available. If mary had lifelocks bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. Lifelocks credit Notification Service is on the job 24 7. As soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. Lifelock has the most comprehenve identify theft protection available, helping guard your Social Security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. My years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in todays world that includes Identity Theft. Its a serious problem. We all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while Identity Theft cant be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. You even get a 1 million service guarantee. Thats security no one can beat. You have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of Identity Theft protection risk free. Thats right. 60 days risk free use promo code notme. Order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. A 29 value, free dont wait until you become the next victim call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock Identity Theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. Use promo code notme. Call the number on your screen now. A number of recent accidents on racetracks have made it apparent that fans are often in harms way. Shnge should there be standards to keep everyone watching safe . Heres abcs clayton sandill. Reporter the truly amazing thing about this moment of t terror is that none of these spectators was hurt. A car in italy loses control during a weekend race. Remarkable because in most car versus speck tatter crashes, the spectator loses. Three people died last week in the netherlands. This monster truck careening out of control. Glen shot this video last year while racing up colorados pike peak. You can see just how close the crowd gets. To prevent injury, this year the race changed the rule. All spectators now restricted to several safety zones. He manages the high plains race way in colorado. A good rule of thumb is to keep at least 50 feet away and stay out of the danger zones like the outside of curves, right where those italian spectators were watching. Obviously, people want to get close to the action. The closer to the action they are, the more likely theyll be a part of the action in a bad way. Reporter sometimes close can be too close. Clayton sandell, abc news, colorado. Coming up speaking out. Just days after the reality tv stars the giudices were sentenced to jailtime they take to the air waves to express their shock. Why theyre apparently the only ones who didnt see it coming. Also ahead in our next half hour, a School Getting dressed down for wanting their stoontss to button up. Well have their unorthodox way of getting students to comply is now backfiring. Thats all ahead an world news now. Announcer world news now before teresa and joe giudice were sentenced an a variety of fraud charges, everyone expected the Reality Tv Show couple to get a harsh sentence. Everybody but the couple themselves. And as they prepare for prison time, they reveal how circumstances are affecting their family. Abcs dan abrams has the story. Of course, i was shocd. Reporter real housewives of new jersey star Teresa Giudice preparing to serve a 15month sentence for fraud. Speaking out to bravos andy cohen about learning shooed be serving hard time. I mean it was very unexpected. I dont even know whats to say. I really dont know what to say. Reporter she was eligible for many more months but the judge spared her. Has she learned a lesson . I need to read things before i sign them. I do need to understand things before i sign them. Reporter thats not how the court saw them. No question, the giudices now facing a new reality as husband joe prepares for a longer prison term once shes released. Beginning in january, where will she call home . It could be at a federal prison camp in west virginia, far from her family. But known as camp cupcake. Martha stewart was sent here a decade ago for lying about a stock trade. Reporter even if its one of the finer federal prison establishments, its insure to be quite the transition for this real housewife accustomed to the celebrity treatment. Im the queen. Reporter or she could be sent to connecticut at danbury, the inspiration for orange is the new black. The catfights giudice favors wouldnt go over so well here. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. Reporter she can try to flip tables all she wants, but in prison, theyre bolted don. How do you think youre going to do in prison . Im going to do fine. Youre going to do fine . I dont care about that. I just slick my hair back and go about my day. Reporter teresa revealed shes already getting support from her young daughter gia. One of her four children wh joe. She was being strong for me. Shes like, mommy, dont worry about it. Ill be there. Ill help daddy with the girls. It broke my heart when she said that. Reporter a family bond that may have landed the giudice parents in trouble and could now help them through a very difficult time. Dan abrams, abc news, new york. I just think about those four little girls. Thats it for me in this story, yes. And apparently one of the Guidance Counselors told her their daughter gia, theyre going to pull her out once a week from gym class to have a session with the counselors to make sure shes okay. Those kids may never live in the house with their both parents again. Hes facing the possibility of deportation once he goes to prison because hes not a u. S. Citizen. Its hard to they broke the law. They did wrong. Its thoord have sympathy. A lot of people say for them but i feel bad for them. At sentencing the judge said if you dont have it, you shouldnt spend it. The mix coming your way next. The most adventurous couple. Once we kept the lights on. But then we started using ky yours mine. Yeah, we were nervous to try it. Theres an amazing sensation for her. Amazing. This one feels fantastic for me. And combined. Ohh, its a completely new sensation for us both. Its opened a whole new door for us. Ive come to clean your pool. But we dont have a pool. Ill come in anyway. Next week im going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] ky yours mine. His excites. Hers delights. Together feel them ignite. Keep life sexy. Together feel them ignite. Sometimes come out with spots . Well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. Can we help prevent this . Yes, use finish jet dry. It goes in your dishwashers dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. Wow, what a difference and now its time for the mix. Cancer doesnt really discrimina discriminate. Not at all. Even if you are a female police officer. Meet karn long from the Orlando Police department. This incredible woman is a Breast Cancer survivor. Two times over smeep was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer. Thats was her first diagnosis in 2007. Then underwitneent a double mastectomy. Breast Cancer Awareness month they gave her this bubble gum pink police car to help push her along with the other women an the force battling Breast Cancer. Shes a mother of two. She promised her son shell be around to dance at his wedding. A lot of people have questions when they see a pink Police Car Driving don the street. Thats fantastic. Well take you down to atlanta. A music festival, electronic music festival. A deaf person might scratch your head. How can they enjoy the music . You have to have a good friend with you. And there is the good friend. Whats you are seeing is the friend signing the lyrics. And some of the rhythm. You can see the best friend to the right. Following along with the bass and the rhythm. Stillable to enjoy the music festival. This video was posted online. A lot of people really took to it. Shes able to enjoy the music. I love that image of her bobbing her head around and really enjoying it. Thats a true friend. The iphone 6 cant catch a break. The latest one you arent crying for apple . Apple is going to be fine. They are ripping out chunks of peoples hair. Lots of tweets about it. Take a look at some of the images. Chest hair. These ads are all spoofs. They arent real legitimate ads. There are lots of tweets going around saying they cant clearly catch a break meaning apple. I wonder if the testers were mainly bald guys. And congrats apple for finally getting hipsters to shave. This is funny. This is cool. People, calm down. Have you ever been to philadelphia and walked don the streets at night in philly . Not by myself necessarily. You probably shouldnt. I love you philadelphia, but yeah. This guy decided to have some fun. He goes out dressed as a vampire and started scaring the hell out of people. This video is online. We cant show you some of the unedited stuff. Some people cursed him out. Others took off running. Some threatened violence. He looks this morning on world news now ebola fight. The american battling the virus and the doctors taking action with experimental medicine. The serious new fears here and worldwide. New clues in the search for a suspected cop killer in pennsylvania. What the fugitive left behind and how the changing seasons could help authorities. Campus controversy. An unusual message to high school students. Dress more respectably. That goes viral starting a new debate over School Dress Codes. Domestic diva dispute. The rivalry heats up even more between Martha Stewart and Gwyneth Paltrow as paltrow attempts to elbow her way into homemakers hearts. Thats in the skinny on this tuesday, october 7th. Announcer from abc news, this is world news now. Good morning to you all. Im t. J. Holmes. Im reena ninan. Were going to begin with the latest on the ebola crisis. President obama called it a top National Security priority. Mr. Obama says new Passenger Airline screening rules are being developed. Meanwhile, the liberian man being treated in texas is now getting an experimental drug. Abcs cecilia vega reports from dallas. Reporter as thomas eric duncans fight for his life, doctors are now administering an experimental ebolafighting drug. This after officials had said that medicine would make him even sicker. I cant answer whether if he would have taken that earlier or not would have made a difference. I cant answer that. Reporter since duncan became the first ebola patient ever diagnosed in the u. S. , 800 calls a day pouring into the cdc skyrocketing up from the usual 50. Officials now trying to ease fears. We dont have an outbreak. We have one event that is being handled properly. Reporter that American Video journalist who contracted ebola while working in liberia reaching american soil. Thats ashoka mukpo in a hazmat suit walking off the plane in nebraska before heading off to a hospital quarantine unit. He walked off the plane. Waved to us. Tentative and frightened. Reporter in dallas where duncan remains the only ebola patient, the clock is ticking for the ten people who had close contact with him. Now is the time ebola symptoms would most likely to show. Eight to ten days after their last visit with him. Hazmat teams finished cleaning out that dallas apartment where duncan had been staying with his family. That is where they could have been exposed. Those teams destroying nearly everything inside. They saved just a handful of personal items like some family photos and a family bible. Cecilia vega, abc news, dallas. A teenager from the chicago area is facing terror related charges after being arrested over the weekend. Fbi says 19yearold muhamammad hamzah khan wanted to join isis. He was arrested saturday night at ohare trying to board a plane for austria with a connecting flight to turkey. From there agents say he was to be smuggled into syria. Flights are getting back to normal in chicago after an equipment problem caused extensive delays. At one point ohare and midway came to a halt with no takeoffs or landings yesterday. And delays continued into the night. The faa is blaming an equipment outage that affected the air Traffic Control centers phone lines. Just a week and a half ago more than 2,000 flights were canceled because of a fire at a control center. We turn to the latest clue in the dangerous manhunt in the pennsylvania mountains. Its a letter likely left behind by eric frein, the man accused of opening fire on two state troopers. Abcs linzie janis has more on the search. Reporter abc news has Learned Police searching for eric frein found a handwritten letter by the alleged cop killer detailing how he shot two state troopers and how he escaped. Authorities say it isnt clear if the letter was left on purpose, and it offers no motive. Freins family declining to speak with us. This as Police Patrol the area near the familys home. Where less than 24 hours ago, a state trooper thought he spotted the survivalist and war reenactor seen in this documentary. Its not vietnam. Were in the middle of pennsylvania in a revolutionary war fort. Reporter hundreds of officers racing to the location of the possible sighting sunday evening. One of the advantages of fall and winter is the leaves go away so mr. Frein doesnt have a canopy anymore to cover him. Reporter investigators say frein will likely break into one of the hundreds of Vacant Properties in this area in search of food and shelter. John hornby is surrounded by vacation homes. Walk around the back. Walk around the buildings. Check all the glass. This area is also full of abandoned homes like this one. Police say frein could use any one of them to seek shelter from the elements. Linzie janis, abc news, pennsylvania. The Supreme Court has dropped a surprise bombshell effectively clearing the way for a dramatic expansion of gay marriage in america. On the first day of its new term the high court declined to hear appeals from five states where lower courts had struck down their banns on gay marriage. That now clears the way for gay men and women to marry in virginia, oklahoma, wisconsin, utah and more states likely to follow. We turn to a weather mess hitting our friends in houston, texas. A strong burst of high winds downed trees and cut off power to homes and businesses. The driver of an suv was killed when a tree fell on her vehicle. Farther north, hail storms moved across a broad swath of the country where marblesized hail blanketed much of the city. There were no reports of injuries there. This powerful storm system is moving east. Thats us, east. Get your rain boots. Coming our way. Accuweathers jim dickey tracking this storm and whats left of hurricane simon. Hello, jim. Good morning. Holding on to rain and storms here today. Out across the great lakes, ohio valley, back towards the mississippi and spreading towards the northeast. These storms yesterday produced widespread large hail. We are expecting some hail again today. Not quite as strong as what we saw on monday. Also capable of producing soaking rain, localized flooding. Were watching whats left of simon make its way north and east. Were going to see heavy rain in the four corners through the next 24, 48 hours, especially wednesday. Watch out for flooding here. T. J. And reena, back to you. Jim, thanks so much. A new york landmark is being bought by a chinese Insurance Company. Hilton is selling the waldorfastoria hotel for nearly 2 billion. Thats among the highest prices ever paid for a hotel. And it works out to about 1. 4 million per hotel room. Under the deal, hilton will continue to operate the property for the next 100 years. The iconic hotel has been popular with president s since herbert hoover. Walmart already sells medicines. Now it wants to sell health insurance. The nations number one retailer has plans to allow shoppers to compare options and enroll in medicare and Public Exchange plans. Customers can enroll online or by phone or at one of the walmart stores. They already have Health Clinics at some of the stores. They started in southern california, texas and theyll start six other states. And by 2015, thats their plan. 40 for a dropin visit. Some employees can get 4 visits. D xl s pretty good. What do you think . This is just what walmart does. They arent making enough money. They keep finding ways. They just expand. They started dabbling in banking just a couple of years ago. They got all those people in stores. Might as well start to expand and give them other services besides low, low prices. Do you remember just when obamacare was about to take off they put a bunch of employees on parttime salaries and then they brought 35,000 back to full time. Interesting to see that theyve chosen to get into the health care business. Not in the food business necessarily yet, but probably only a matter of time but theres a restaurant in australia and the waitress will bring you a gourmet burger on a wooden board. Mcdonalds and some say this upscale fast foodery may be the chains future. They offer two different kinds of buns, four different kinds of cheeses and 19 specialty Toppings Including guacamole, pineapple, beet root. I hope theres roasted eggplant, too. Mcdonalds is feeling the heat. Chains are coming on strong. Experts say its just a matter of time until we see these types of changes in the united states, too. Whats that going to cost . People like the cheap food, if you will, at mcdonalds. Upscale places, panera. Wouldnt you consider that a little more upscale . I dont know panera. Youve never been to panera . I dont think so. Is that the bread, sandwich place . All right. Chipotle. Youve never been to chipotle. Somebody go on a chipotle run. Is there one open in the city . I know popeyes chicken. Weve got the skinny which you wont be eating popeyes chicken. Who got a perfect score and who got booted from the stage on dancing with the stars. First, a controversial message to students about sexy outfits turns into a huge viral debate over high School Dress Codes. Youre watching world news now. Announcer world news now weather brought to you by olay total effects. Everything life throws my way. Except for frown lines. Those im throwing back. [ female announcer ] olay total effects. Nourishing vitamins, and seven beautiful benefits in one. For youngerlooking skin. So while your life may be everchanging. Your Beautiful Skin will stay beautiful. Total effects from olay. Your best beautiful. Total effects from olay. When you find clothes you love, so, why risk ruining the way they fit . Try woolite. It has the right balance of cleaning and care. Unlike other detergents, woolite wont cause stretching, keeping that perfect fit, wash after wash. Dont take a chance. Trust woolite. Sometimes come out with spots . Well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. Can we help prevent this . Yes, use finish jet dry. It goes in your dishwashers dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. Wow, what a difference lythat cleans better than bleach hywithout the harshness a dinners on the table leaving nothing standing between you and dinner. Lysol power free. A powerful clean thats family friendly. Theres lots of talk about School Dress Codes. One high school in north dakota is taking a lot of heat for a recent attempt at changing the way girls dress. Its their not so subtle suggestion to avoid wearing tight pants that has caused a heated debate. Abcs juju chang with the story. Reporter its that humiliating moment in pretty woman. Julia roberts as a hooker as a heart of gold getting kicked out of a fancy Beverly Hills boutique for inappropriate dress. Look, ive got money to spend in here. I dont think we have anything in here for you. Please leave. Reporter but returning the next day in designer duds to a much warmer welcome. I was in here yesterday. You wouldnt wait on me. You work on commission, right . Yes. Big mistake. Reporter now those iconic scenes sparking an outcry at Devils Lake High School in north dakota after the school played them dearing a female dress code Assembly Last week. They say they were encouraging female students to refrain from wearing tight yoga pants and leggings. The pretty woman clips showed the teens how you are in charge of the image you project. Some of those students and their parents say it was over the top. I get like how that lady was judged by what she was wearing. We dont wear that kind of stuff to school. The message its sending to the girls is they dress like prostitutes and they are sexualizing them instead of treating them with selfrespect. Reporter the principal later admitted showing the clip was a poor choice but across the country, students are protesting what they say is public shaming. Schools sending girls home for wearing jeggings or yoga pants claiming their clothes are too distracting for the boys. This message is telling boys that if a girl is dressed in a provocative way, they have a green light to behave any way they want and that can be very dangerous. Reporter in new jersey, one middle school, fairly common but strict shorts and skirts at fingertip policy sparked students to take action. They launched i am more than a distraction to push for fairness in School Dress Codes. The dress code focuses on girls more than it does on boys. Thats when we realized this needed to stop. And we started to take action. Reporter juju chang, abc news, new york. I dont understand. You dont understand what . Dont dress like the woman dressed like a prostitute. All right. Im okay with that message to be honest. People wearing tight things, i guess thats the style now, but what is the message that you can dress like Julia Roberts who is playing a prostitute, but if you do so, you should not expect anyone to treat you any differently and look at you any differently . Is that the message . I think everybody in America Needs to wear school uniforms. End of story. Im okay with that. Are you okay with uniforms . I am. Im trying to make sure i understand whats happening. In september theres a school in florida that made a girl wear red sweat pants and a neon shirt that said i violated School Dress Code because her skirt was too short. Im okay with that, too. Youre okay with that . Im okay with it all. Anything that i have daughters. That daughter of yours is going to be in trouble. Youre doggone right. Shes wearing baggy onesies right now. Weve got the skinny coming up. Hes misunderstood. Kanye west is misunderstood and youll see it here in just a second. I look forward to that. Gwyneth paltrow raising the stakes in an apparent feud with Martha Stewart. Could this be an allout war . Thats all up next on world news now. Announcer world news now continues after this from our abc stations. Skinny so skinny time for the skinny. We kick it off with the moment we were all waiting for on dancing with the stars. Ever since Alfonso Ribeiro was announced as a contestant, they all thought theyd be seeing the carlton dance reprisal. Last night we finally got it. Its not unusual we knew this was coming. You heard the tom jones classic Start Playing and sure enough. He knocked it out of the park. He used to do this all the time on fresh prince of bel air. He pulled out a perfect score of 40. But sadly someone had to go. That was Betsey Johnson, the Fashion Designer. Her jive wasnt enough to keep dancing. She called the experience a very big trip. You know, alfonso gave out some really big tips about the dance, about the moves. He said its all about the hands and over. Do it with me. And over . What does that even mean . Take the tie off. Do it with me. If i take the tie off im going to tie your hands with it. Oh, boy. Wow. Its all in the hands. I dont think dancing with the stars will be calling me. We should do that. We will do this one day, reena and i will do a dance routine on this floor. I double dare you. Thats great. Next, the gloves are off in a much more style competition. The rivalry between Gwyneth Paltrow and Martha Stewart. Why are they getting into it . The oscar winning actress hiring lisa gersh to be head of goop, her company. She used to be with Martha Stewarts media empire. Theyve dismissed paltrows efforts to enter her domain saying she should stick to acting. And if paltrow were more competent in her acting she wouldnt be trying to be Martha Stewart. Ouch. One of hollywoods most beautiful couples may be working on one of the most beautiful babies. Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds havent announced anything official but lively told marie clair last month shed like to, quote, spit out a little kid that is getting ready to start. But with this picture, no announcement necessary. Shes cradling a baby bump published with an article called falling for family. This is on her lifestyle website. Congrats to them. Kanye west caught in a moment of unusual generosity. The rapper known for his outsized ego and scowling attitude was having dinner at a new orleans restaurant where a Bachelorette Party was going on so he bought them champagne. Nice gesture. When they stopped by to thank him and get a photo, they kind of got a photo. Okay. Thats a photo. He was doing his thing. Maybe not as warm as hcould be. Still, thats a good pic. A little smile wouldnt have killed him . You want champagne and a big smile . Youre asking for too much. When we come back, behind the scenes of once upon a time. And the latest on the frozen mash up of the hit abc show. Yeah, we were nervous to try it. Theres an amazing sensation for her. Amazing. This one feels fantastic for me. And combined. Ohh, its a completely new sensation for us both. Its opened a whole new door for us. Ive come to clean your pool. But we dont have a pool. Ill come in anyway. Next week im going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] ky yours mine. His excites. Hers delights. Together feel them ignite. Keep life sexy. Together feel them ignite. She loves to shop online with her debit card. And so does bill, an identity thief who stole marys identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. Unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. This is Identity Theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. 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You have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of Identity Theft protection risk free. Thats right. 60 days risk free use promo code notme. Order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. A 29 value, free dont wait until you become the next victim call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock Identity Theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. Use promo code notme. Call the number on your screen now. Look at that. Its snowing. I dont want a reminder that winter is coming here in new york actually. Neither do i. Reena keeps a blanket at the desk because its always cold. It is cold. In the world news now studio. Its getting colder because were in this world of frozen like the world on sunday night on the tv favorite once upon a time. The biggest animated movie ever has fans tuning into the world of storybrook to see how the rest of those frozen folks come to life. Cameron mathison gives us a behind the scenes look to a winter wonderland. Reporter fans of once upon a time were chilled and blown away when the characters of disneys billiondollar animated hit frozen entered the live action world of storybrook. Producing the highest rated episodes in two seasons. But the live action incarnation of animated royalty took months to perfect. Were trail blazing the animated characters you see in the movie and putting them into the real world environment of once upon a time. I got a behind the scenes look at it all. This is unbelievable. Costume designer Eduardo Castro transformed them from frozen into tvs once upon a time. You have to replicate the designs. Weve had to remain very faithful to them. Reporter like elsas ice queen digs literally dripping in ice. Swarovski crystals involved. Little crystals . Little crystals. And i couldnt leave without trying my hand as kristoff. You pretty much fit the bill. Ive got my halloween costume. And it wouldnt be frozen if i didnt meet elsa. I feel like im sitting here talking to elsa. This is really cool for me. You really want to do a good job of bringing that to life and i definitely felt that pressure. Do you ever find yourself bursting out in song . All the time. As soon as i put this dress on it comes into my head and gets stuck there. Let it go reporter elsa did give me a hint. Nice to meet you. Olaf, i think im not quite sure yet, but i think he may be making a guest appearance somewhere. Cameron mathison, abc news, vancouver. They havent done the let it go song yet. I bet they wait until christmas. Then big blowout at the end. I love that song and love that movie. Do you . Are you surprised . Yeah. Announcer this is abcs world news now, informing insomniacs for two decades. Making news in america this morning. The new case of ebola spreading outside africa for the first time. And is the crisis about to change your experience at the airport . Were live with the very latest. Another american lured by terror. The illinois teen arrested, thought to be Just Moments Away from leaving to join isis in syria. The reporter and his crew in the line of fire. Capturing it all on camera. And collisioncourse. The stuck truck, unable to move as a train barrels down. And good morning to you all. Thank you for being with us. There are now developments in the

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