Tonight, how the Police Caught the suspect. And the killer whale show at seaworld is coming to an end. Good evening. Thanks for joining us on this sunday. Im tom llamas. As we come on the air tonight, deadly storms with a onetwo punch across the land this weekend. Cars and trucks skidding off highways, drivers trapped in snow. Twothirds of the country with snow and the west coast bracing for possible landslides. Weather alerts across ten states tonight. Adrian bankert starts off us. Reporter that winter storm dumping ice and snow from the carolinas all the way to maine, now turning deadly, claiming at least three lives. Treacherous conditions, triggering massive accidents like this 20car pileup in connecticut. All i saw was destruction behind me, i was obviously freaked out and shocked myself. Reporter in alabama, cars skidding helplessly off icy roads. The storm dumping as much as 20 inches of snow. Cars buried and residents still digging out tonight. Air traffic backed up too. Over the weekend more than 4,000 flights cancelled and 8,000 delayed. We were finally allowed to board that plane, only for the crew to find out the water system had frozen overnight, so now were waiting for that to thaw. Reporter those long delays ruining travel plans for thousands. I wanted to meet my grandson and be at his christening, but im gonna miss that. Reporter and its not over yet for weary travelers, with many freezing tonight, roads could see a refreeze. Tom . Thank you. The second major system is in the west. The major storm slamming the coast and some bracing for possibly the worst years. Rob marciano in california. Reporter tonight, extreme weather carving a deadly path up the west coast. Heavy rain swamping california, stranding drivers, firefighters having to use their bare hands to get this suv upright. This taxi in oakland sliding off the road into an estuary, the driver pulled from the car would later die. Yosemite national park, closed. A mandatory evacuation issued as the sierra river rises too. It makes me a little nervous, gives me anxiety. Reporter residents stacking sand bags, and bracing for major flash flooding and mudslides. Overnight, slides already blocking the highway into santa cruz. The Atmospheric River has arrived here and the rain has just been relentless all day long. And the winds to 61 Miles Per Hour in san francisco. Trees toppling into roof tops in nearby marin county. And in san ramon, one woman killed by a tree on a golf course. Id think you could hear it or see something happening. Reporter like this tree falling on road we were traveling on, the same storm spreading ice over oregon, turning i5 into a skating rink. Roads there littered with jackknifed semis. Rob marciano joins us from a flooded vineyard in napa valley. What is the latest in the forecast . This is a warm system. It will turn the snow in oregon into rain. The napa river over there has come up 12 feet in just 12 hours and theres more coming. Look at this satellite picture, all the way from hawaii, it continues to pour rain 2349 the area and the snow only at the highest elevation. We will see the rain push south to los angeles and tuesday, another system coming in, could be just as strong as far as the windt is concerned. It will be a little bit colder but rain, another half foot expected. This isnt going away any time soon. Rob, thank you. The deadly airport shooting in ft. Lauderdale. Video by tmz shois the suspect walking through baggage claim, appearing to fire at random. Five people killed. His family says the fbi could have prevented the shooting, saying authorities missed the warning signs. Tonight, what brian ross is finding out about that alleged shooter and isis. Reporter the attack came without warning, as seen on this airport Surveillance Video, obtained by tmz. 26yearold Esteban Santiago pulls out his pistol and opens fire. Passengers run for cover as santiago moves out of camera range, through the baggage claim section, where police say he emptied his nine millimeter semiautomatic handgun, and then reloaded once, and killing five people and injured six more. Tonight, the question is why a man who told the fbi he was hearing voices about isis, thought the government had put a chip in his head, was able to keep his gun even after being hospitalized for a mental examination. The gun was taken away from him. It was given back after he was cleared. Reporter a question put to the Broward County sheriff scott israel. Do you think he should have had that gun . Well, no. Reporter there are also questions tonight why fbi agents in anchorage, alaska, did not put santiago on a nofly list after he showed up claiming he was hearing voices. I want to be clear, during out initial investigation, we found no ties to terrorism. Reporter but after being arrested friday, santiago claimed to fbi agents he had actually been in contact with isis online. And now, after recovering santiagos computer from an alaska pawn shop, fbi agents are investigating whether santiago created a jihadist identity for himself, several years ago under the name of aashiq hammad. Santiagos brother, in puerto rico, told abc news, the fbi should have done more the mistake was theirs, said bryan santiago. They knew this for two or three months. Brian ross joins us on set now. What do we know about the alleged shooter and the planning process. Well, he made his plans to go to ft. Lauderdale a few days a i go. He bought his ticket just last tuesday. Saying he was going to visit a stepbrother in ft. Lauderdale. Tom . Brian ross, thank you. We are learning more about the victims. The names and faces of those killed tonight. Caught in the frightening moments when the gunshots first sounded and the airport erupted in total chaos. Here is evan pilgrim. Reporter most of the victims came to south florida to celebrate on vacation. Including 84yearold Olga Woltering from marietta, georgia, with her husband of 64 years, ralph. The couple celebrating his 90th birthday with a cruise. He survived. They were such a wonderful pair. They meant the world to all of us. Reporter michael oehme, 57, from council bluffs, iowa, killed just feet from his wife, kari. She was sitting looking through him no more than two feet away. I kept on trying to console her, just talking with her to kinda keep from further going in shock as she was bleeding pretty good. Reporter also among the dead, terry andres from virginia beach, celebrating his 62nd birthday with a cruise. And 70yearold Shirley Timmons from senecaville, ohio. A black curtain covering the baggage claim where this attack unfolded. Tonight, the sheriff still looking for answers about the shooting. Do you know why he chose ft. Lauderdale . Does he have a connection here . I cant answer that question. Reporter tonight, five people are still in the hospital. Four gunshot victim, two are in critical k07bd. Thank you. Oversea a deadly truck atrack. A driver plowing into a group of israeli soldier, killing four including three women. The terror group staging similar attacks in germany and france. Reporter the Surveillance Video showing that white truck barreling into the group of soldiers, crushing bodies. Young cadets on a sunday outing. I heard my soldiers shouting am just seeing a truck that went on the sidewalk hitting the soldiers. Reporter now just off this busy road you can actually see the tire tracks, this is where the truck hopped the curb, rammed into that crowd of 100 people, reversed, hit the gas and plowed through more people. The crowd scrambling for safety. The four cadets killed all in their 20s, 17 more hospitalized. The attacker, a palestinian shot dead, his truck riddled with return fire from israeli recent terror truck attacks in nice last july, and the Christmas Market in berlin. Prime minister netanyahu visiting the scene, suggesting the attacker was inspired by isis, although no claim of responsibility has been made. Authorities stressing truck attacks have been carried out several times in the past here. They believe no planning went into this one, making the attack near the heart of a city, nearly impossible to prevent. Tom. Molly hunter tonight, thank you. There is breaking news in the shooting on of an american diplomat in mexico. The shooting caught on camera. A u. S. State Department Employee wounded by the bullet. Gloria riviera on the young diplomat and his first assignment. Reporter tonight, after a multiagency manhunt, mexican authorities are questioning this man, caught on camera in a coldblo the u. S. Diplomat in guadalajara. A region known for violence. Surveillance video shows the unidentified shooter seemingly stalking his victim, 31yearold consular officer christopher ashcraft. The three key potential scenarios here are one, the shooter had a personal beef. Or it could have been gang related. Or, we dont know, it could be related to some sort of rrorist attack. Reporter ashcraft is seen at a kiosk. The alleged attacker, following him outside. Police say that same man then positioned himself at the exit. As ashcraft drives up, the suspect pulls his gun and fires. This is not something a trained assassin would do. A trained assassin would shoot from a position where nobody could see his face. Reporter ashcraft is hit in the shoulder, bystanders rushing to his aid. Tonight, secretary of state john kerry thanking mexico for the swift and decisive arrest of the suspect in this heinous attack. Ashcraft is in stable condition, recovering in a local hospital. He does have protection. Authorities still say they do not have a motive. Tom . Thank you. Back here at home, and Donald Trumps transition. Democrats complaining ethic reviews on nominees have yet to be completed. The trump team with mixed signals whether they believe russia is behind the hacking of the u. S. Election. Here is david wright. Reporter Senate Republicans have put trumps cabinet picks on such a fast track some of them havent been fully vetted. The confirmation hearings are set to begin tuesday, with the nominees for attorney general and homeland security. On wednesday, therell be five more. This weekend, a top government ethics official warned lawmakers the pace is putting undue pressure on investigators. Eight years ago, republican leader Mitch Mcconnell insisted obamas cabinet picks be fully vetted all background checks and Financial Disclosures complete, before their hearings. Now, hes accusing the democrats of sour grapes. So all of these little procedural complaints are related to their frustration in having not only lost the white house, but having lost the senate to sort of grow up here and get past that. Reporter this weekend, trump chose former senator dan coats to serve as director of national inlligence. Coats, a popular former protege of Vice President dan quayle, would replace james clapper, the retired air force general who briefed the president elect friday whether Russian Hackers affected the election. Even after that briefing, trump didnt seem to buy the conclusion that russian president Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking to hurt Hillary Clintons chances. In a tweet this weekend, trump blamed the victim. Gross negligence by the Democratic National committee allowed hacking to take place. No mention of putin at all. Today president obama told George Stephanopoulos that trump is about to learn theres a big difference between campaigning and governing. As soon as you walk into this office after youve been sworn in, youre now in charge of the u cant manage it the way you would manage a family business. Reporter trumps team is confident they have all the votes needed to get all the nominees confirmed. And as for the process being rushed, i think that say they want an administration that is ready day one. John . All right, thank you. President obama had plenty to say with George Stephanopoulos. He says he may have misread the trump supporters. The bubble is the bubble. We did a good job staying in touch with the american people. But at some point, you cant help but lose some feel for whats on the ground. Because youre not on the ground. And you didnt think donald trump could win. Case in point. So that tells me that theres a utility in the democracy refreshing itself on an on going basis. P stephanopoulos. President Trump Takes Office in 12 days. Moving on now to seaworld and the final place in san diego. The long running show ended after years of controversy and attendan attendance. Coming days of the death of the whale in black fish. Theres much more ahead here as we continue on world news this sunday. The violent showdown with inmates inside a jail. The tense moments all caught on camera. Takinging uber to court. A woman paralyzed and warning the safety of the car service. Just who is behind the wheel . Enter its one way to celebrate a birthday. When youre 100 years old . The rookie sky diver and the secret to a long life. Stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Try this. But just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. So live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. See, we can agree. Reat. Out what . That was in finally, something the whole family can agree on. Oscar mayer deli fresh ham made with pure honey for a taste everyone will love. Im good. . I just took new mucinex clear and cool. 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Better take something. Dayquil liquid gels doesnt treat a runny nose. It doesnt . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is back now with a warning for anybody taking uber. A dallas woman paralyzed from the chest down in an accident i hads her driver was uninsured. Here is marcy gonzalez. Reporter reporter it left her a pair pleegeic. And she says the car service is to to blame. Many people trust uber and they have no idea who they are getting in the car with. Reporter they are suing uber for what happened in dallas. The uber ran a red light, collided with a truck, flipped and landed on its roof. I had my seat belt on. I remember my friends all screaming. Reporter though the uber driver was not charged in the crash, the family questions why the company allowed him the wheel. He faced criminal charges, running a gambling den and drug charges. The lawsuit claims the vehicle was owned by someone else and was uninsured. They that have not allowed them to drive under ubers name because passengers who get in the car assume theyre safe and theyre not. Reporter a Spokes Person says we cannot comment on the pending l pending litigation, hopes and prayers are with her and her family. Tom. Thank you. When we come back, the scary sight one neighborhood woke up to where a surprising sink hole started swallowing cars. Here is one way to get out. How one swim meet didnt let the weather ruin their meet. Stay with us. But then i realized there was. So, i finally broke the silence with my doctor he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Queen elizabeth making her first public appearance in weeks. Joined by Prince William and kate. The queen missed the familys christmas and new Years Services because of illness. And snow in the south may have canceled the meet. But the georgia tech swim team doing laps in fresh powder. Thes the video going viral this weekend. See how an 100yearold man celebrated a milestone, when we come back. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a serious disease. My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. Just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause Pneumococcal Pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. 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Im bushed ive been on my feel alyea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. I want what he has. Wonly new alkaseltzer plus st want powerful relief. Free of artificial dyes and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you dont. Loudspeaker clean up, aisle 4. Alkaseltzer plus liquid gels. You. Finally tonight, making it to 100 is a pretty big landmark. Not enough for the man youre about to meet. Here is abcs john donvan. Reporter this jumper, al blashki. What makes him one of a kind . 100. Reporter yes, al was born 100 januarys ago. Spent after his life married to eleanor. But after she died in 2010, al first grieved and set out to do things he had never done before like dog sledding and taking a spin in a lamborghini. Setting keeps him going. And set out to reach 100. With him, also to jump, is a friend named betty. She is 72 and here he goes. And you can see it in his face. The wind and all hes feeling. A 40second free fall and then a fiveminute float. Oh, wow. Wonderful. Reporter happy birthday, al. There we go, good job and keep on floating. John donvan, abc news. We are wishing him a fantastic 100th birthday. Thanks so much for watching. Gma in the worng. David muir here tomorrow night. Im tom llamas in new york. Have a great evening. Good night. Did you know that 2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe surgery . Together with operation smile we believe every child suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate deserves Exceptional Care no matter where theyre born. This is your chance to comfort parents who may have lost hope that surgery is an option for their child. It starts with healing that one child. Nsmile. Org i got layers on and i have a jacket on. , whiley straight ahead some people bonded up other said, what cold . Targeted in a terror attack overseas. Arrests just announced. Stille daunting task ahead as fort lauderdales airport tries to return to normal two days after a terrifying chewed out. At 6 30. Bc seven news kimberly thank you for joining us. Around, noticking letting this now do any melting

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