is the unseasonably warm weather creating an early and extended season of the shark? royal collapse. look at the soldier who collapsed just as he was about to meet kate middleton. now her first solo speech just moments ago, so how is she handling the pressure? good morning, everybody. can we pull that picture up again of the young man who fainted? look at that, he goes down right before he met kate middleton. i have seen other men have the similar effect after meeting bianna golodryga. >> yes, the same thing. >> he could say that was a patriotic act. also coming up this morning -- the angry reaction to those horrifying 911 tapes. you hear the teenager who went out to thehe store to buy candy. being shot and killed by a man during a neighborhood watch. we played the tapes to law enforcements to get their opinion. >> such an emotional story. also, a controversy that may be tearing whitney houston's family apart is bobbi kristina now engaged to her adopted brother. new reports out this morning that her family are extremely upset about it. and check out these pictures -- why would these tourists drive straight into the ocean? it's a cautionary tale in the age of gps. that authoritative voice on that your dashboard it turns out that she's not always correct. first, we want to get the weather warning for the big chunk of the country. meteorologist ginger zee is tracking the storm. ginger? >> right, we have been seeing it for days. the setup is extreme. it's very maylike, not marchlike. look at this. 80, st. louis today. minneapolis will be 78. chicago had their fourth 80-degree day yesterday. burbank is only going to be 55. a huge difference in temperatures, a very strong dip in the jet stream and this is what happens. you see storms erupt. it starts today. the swath begins in omaha, it goes south through texas. damaging wind and hail big time today. tomorrow, that swath gets larger and intensifies. i think monday is the big one with isolated tornadoes. there's another ingredient that i need to tell you about, very maylike. the dry line. moist air on one side and dry air right behind. this zone moving eastward tomorrow is going to be the most extreme. if you're in any of those areas, i want you have to have a plan. get that plan together. have the noaa weather radio batteried up and ready to go and a helmet. because when you have debris flying around you got to protect your head. >> this weather has been extraordinary and such a busy season for ginger zee. ginger, we know that you'll is stay on top of that story. in the meantime, lots of news overnight. ron claiborne with the other headlines this morning. >> good morning, everyone. a st. patrick's celebration in indianapolis turned violent. when gunfire erupted last night, at least five teenagers were wounded. two of them critically. a 15-year-old boy and 16-year-old girl. no arrests have been made at this hour. hundreds of occupy wall street protesters returned to downtown new york saturday to celebrate the six-month mark since the movement began. some demonstrators locked arms in zuccotti park as police announced that they were closing the park. officers moved in, clearing most of the crowd and arrested dozens of people. an american working as a teacher in yemen were shot dead this morning. two men on a motorcycle opened fire when the victim was driving in his car in taiz. militants linked to al qaeda seeked control of towns near there. and newly releases papers reveal foreign british prime minister margaret thatcher's fascination with former president ronald reagan. margaret thatcher allegedly snatched a piece of papers that included doodles by the president. and finally, yet another record that you didn't know existed that was broken. a group of 836 people set the new world record for the largest gathering of teenage ninja mutant turtles. this was at the mall of america at minneapolis. they broke the old record. by guess how many people? you can probably guess because it's in that little box there? >> 50. >> 50 people. >> the teleprompter. all right, ron claiborne, thank you. we do have some news that we want to get to this morning, we have a conflicting portrait emerging this morning of staff sergeant robert bales. the man acruised of slaughters individuals over in afghanistan, we're hearing on one hand about a doting father, a man who once cared for special needs children and now there's this criminal reports, possibly. >> reporter: this morning, more trouble here overnight. where a soldier threatened to blow up his barracks. he was taken into custody. it's adding to the strain out here. this morning, inside solitary confinement, sergeant robert bales awaits his first outside visitors, his seattle lawyers. in a statement, they said that they plan to spend several days with their client. it's too early to determine what factors played into this incident. the defense team looks forward to reviewing the evidence. the details of the massacre are hard for those who know this father of two to comprehend. years ago, voted best dancer and most spirited as a high school student. so, what went wrong? >> i just feel so sorry for him and his family. >> reporter: but there were earlier problems, a series of scuffles with the law for assault and hit and run. a court-ordered anger management case and frustration over a missed promotion. his wife writing on her blog last year that he was very disappointed after all of the sacrifices that he has made for his love of country. >> he's a brother in arms at this point. you want to make sure that his family is taken of. >> reporter: he tells abc news >> reporter: a retired officer who served with bales, told abc news, that you don't know what happened unless you were there. i really can't believe this happened. his family is already paying dearly. moved from their suburban home, put under military protection. in a statement from attorneys, the sergeant's wife expressed only support. the family is stunned in the face of this tragedy. but they stand behind the man as they know as a devoted husband, father and dedicated member of the armed services. the details will be in the charges and now a full week after this incident, challenges still haven't been filed. bianna. >> thank you. we'll turn now to politics, your voice, your vote. another republican primary today, this one in puerto rico, the u.s. territory, can not vote in the general election, but it's allowed to participate in the primaries with 23 delegates on the line. right before this week's big prize, illinois. we want to turn to jon karl filling in for george stephanopoulos on "this week." he's joining us from washington. jon, good to see you. i want to start with puerto rico. mitt romney has the support there with the backing of the governor. does that guarantee him a win for him? >> romney has a great string of victories, bianna, in these island territories, like guam, american samoa, the british virgin islands, he'll probably continue that streak, all of these places that can't vote in the general election, but they do have a few delegates and romney at this point is going after every single delegate that he can get. >> but as we mentioned, all eyes are on tuesday's illinois primary. romney actually cut his trip short to puerto rico to campaign there. how important is that race and who's likely to come out of the victor? >> santorum has had a string of victories in the midwest. so, he's looking to continue that streak. this is clearly a romney state, this is a state where in any polls that we have seen, romney has a lead. but it's a state that santorum is looking to do very well, rural areas of illinois, he thinks that he can run strong. if he can upset mitt romney in illinois, it will be a big, big boost for his campaign. >> gingrich is focused ahead to next week's primary. in louisiana. all right, jon, we appreciate it. >> it's not over yet. >> okay, thank you, jon. be sure to join jon later on "this week" when he goes one-on-one with rick santorum in a broadcast exclusive. dan? they are the 911 tapes giving us a horrifying insight into the exact moment when this teenaged boy was killed by a neighborhood watch captain. the tapes amplifying the o outre in a case where there still have not been arrests. here's abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: this morning, his family calling this -- >> male or female. >> it sounds like a male. >> i don't know why, i think they're yelling -- gun shots. >> reporter: the sound of injustice unfolding. telling abc news in a statement, after listening to the 911 tapes, there's no doubt in our minds that george zimmerman murdered our son. zimmerman, a self-appointed neighborhood watchman, shot their son dead three weeks ago tonight. just 70 yards from his stepmother's house. he claimed self-defense and was not charged. seven eyewitnesses that night dialed 911. >> a guy is raising his hands up. >> they're wrestling right in the back of my porch. >> i'm pretty sure that there is a guy. >> reporter: but the first call to police from the shooter, george zimmerman. >> these [ bleep ]. they always get away. >> reporter: the decision that ended up with the 17-year-old died. >> it concerns me that mr. zimmerman appeared adamant of pursuing travon martin without sufficient cause. >> you have to see whether that individual was under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. >> reporter: but abc news has learned that zimmerman wasn't tested that night. one of possible of police missteps that we found. the police department said that it stands by the investigation. >> do you think that his fate would have been same had he been white? >> nope. i don't think he would have been followed if he was a white kid. >> reporter: for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> our thanks to mat for that. well, we're used to hearing about shark attacks throughout the summer, but in march? across florida this week, a series of attacks that had a mother fighting off a shark. why are these incidents happening earlier than ever, tania? >> listen any mother would tell you, she'll go to any length to protect her children, but one florida mother never thought that this would mean wrestling her teenaged daughter out of a shark. she said it was her worst nightmare. seeing an animal that bit her daughter actually dragging her under water. but she told wkmg how she sprung into action. >> out of the movie jaws. i grabbed my daughter's shoulders and i pulled her up. i threw her on the nose of my board. >> reporter: the 15-year-old girl survived with only bites on her foot. amazingly an ambulance was already up the beach treating 17-year-old surfer nick romano had been attacked by a shark only moments before. >> i felt this tug, i kind of like jerked over and the shark was on my leg. >> reporter: and just a few days earlier a bull shark leapt out of the water and chomped down on another surfer's arm. over 100 miles away. >> all of a sudden, something jumped out of the water and hit my arm and i looked over and i was eye to eye to a shark. >> reporter: the summer months are usually filled with reports of shark attacks. >> florida teenager attacked by a shark. >> giant great white shark. >> reporter: but in march? experts say it's rare to see this many attacks this early and those unseasonably warm temperatures across the east probably have something to do with it. >> environmental factors that we're suffering on land could also be happening in the water. which includes climate change. and lack of food resources. which changes migratory patterns. >> reporter: warmer weather also means more people hitting the beaches earlier. does this early feeding season for sharks mean a summer of the sharks to come? experts say no, not that it would stop beachgoers. >> i was told, well, whatever, i'll surf, anyway, it's worth it. >> now, experts say that the kinds of attacks seen in florida last week are most exploratory. a hungry shark sees something splashing, take a bites and moves on. the good news is that sharks don't consider people to be particularly tasty. >> shark attacks are incredibly rare. i think you have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting bitten be a shark. this all ties us into the weather and ginger zee for the national forecast. ginger, good morning once again. >> good morning to both of you, this is historic march heat and it will continue today. yesterday, international falls, minnesota, the icebox of our nation, 77. 42 degrees above average. check out the numbers for today. highs will make it to 78, minneapolis. record breaking all the way through the plains. how long does it last? it can't last forever, you know that. a few more days. minneapolis gets down to 66 tuesday. still above average. cincinnati all through the 80s through the midweek. not too cool behind the cold front. now, we do have a winter storm to talk about. yesterday tranquility, california, near fresno, they had a tornado. up in the l.a. county mountains, up to a foot of snow. you know something that's flip flopped. good morning, washington. it is a foggy, it is misty. it is mild on this sunday morning. you can see that fog. temperatures around the region almost uniform -- right around a 50 degrees. light wind. going to get some shower down the lower mississippi, making its way towards the northeast. look for some clearing this afternoon. the temperatures today in >> let's get straight to those twitter photos. we're going to see a lot more of these coming up. thunderstorm cloud. hamilton, michigan. thank you for that photo. this is how i fell in love with weather. i used to have -- our friends had a home on lake michigan. i saw storms like this all the time over the water. >> you get a great score in scrabble if you can use that word. >> are you excited to hear from kate middleton? >> i'm going to pass out. >> please don't. one soldier has already done it. he couldn't handle the pressure of meeting kate middleton. as you heard, he fainted. comes just ahead of the biggest day of her career, her first solo speech and the pressure, you can say, is on. lama hassan joins us from london this morning. just a little nervous, don't you think, lama? >> reporter: maybe just a little. yes, it sure is, the pressure is on. good morning to you, bianna, it must be tough on kate knowing that everyone is going to be scrutinizing your every word during your first formal speech. if all else fails, she has one beaming smile. maybe too beaming for some. when the duchess of cambridge attended a st. patrick's day parade it was too much for one irish guard who actually fainted. maybe it was kate's alluring charm. or perhaps it was the pressure of meeting her that knocked him out. she does dazzle after all. now the pressure is on her. as she prepares for her big day. her big speech. when we'll all hear her make her first public address. >> when you're standing up in front of everyone, everyone is silent and listening to every single word that you're saying it will be nerve wracking. >> this is the only time that we have heard her voice. >> i think that when you go out with someone quite well. you get to know each other very well. >> reporter: articulate but shy and demure. the first formal speech must be overwhelming. check out diana's public address. if that wasn't daunting enough, she had to do it in welsh and that was quite a mouthful. just look at the relief on her face when it was over. diana, did, however, get a standing ovation. so, will kate get the same reaction? >> i understand that she has been practicing privately by herself, maybe in front of a mirror. you know, to make sure that she knows exactly what she's saying. >> reporter: or will she crumble under pressure? >> i'm sure it will be well done. >> reporter: we'll all find out soon when she steps into the spotlight on monday. one royal reporter said that as a child, she used to perform on stage, she's used to being in the spotlight and is probably going to be just fine. dan and bianna. >> lama, thank you. i can't remember how we got anywhere before we got gps machines. it turns out that voice inside your dashboard, apparently she's not always right. something these tourists learned the hard way and they're not alone. here's abc's dan kloeffler. >> reporter: they were headed here thursday, a road trip, three japanese tourists, to the beautiful sandy beaches of, off the coast of australia. it seemed simple enough. what their gps didn't show us were the mine miles between the mainland and the island. >> continue driving ahead. >> reporter: so, they kept on driving and driving. >> continue driving 14.5 kilometers. >> reporter: they made 50 yards across the water before deciding it was a bad idea and got out. were they the victims of gps confusion or just trying to re-create of what happened on an episode of "the office." >> it knows where it's going. the machine knows -- stop yelling at me. >> no -- there's no road here. >> reporter: maybe some gps units just have a thing for water. in washington state last year, instead of guiding a driver to a nearby hotel, the gps led her a swampy stop. in 2008, a washington state bus driver followed his gps directions right into a nine-foot bridge. >> continue straight ahead. >> reporter: his bus used to be 12 feet tall. a year later, in the uk, one man nearly drove off a cliff following that directional voice a little too closely. perhaps the biggest gps blunder of all, what used to be this georgia man's home. wrecking crews accidentally leveled the wrong address thanks to satellite coordinates. so maybe it's a good idea to listen to that voice in your head. >> turn left ahead. >> reporter: and not just the one coming from the dashboard. for "good morning america," dan kloeffler, abc news, new york. >> we took a road trip last year, we had a gps, we got 45 minutes out of our way. >> there was no water involved. >> i think it was operator error in that case. zblrjts coming up here on this broadcast -- is there a raw controversy for the family of whitney houston? reports this morning that her daughter bobbi kristina is now dating her adopted brother. plus, an emotional interview, 15 years after jon benet ramsey's death. her father opens up, who is he most angry at? >> fascinating interview coming up. and this bizarre and a little bit hilarious medical mystery. this guy had surgery two years ago and he can't stop laughing. his wife, not so amused. 3 o'clock. my daily meeting with a salty snack. and then at 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmm. good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chipsss. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ happened to come across quicken loans online. [ chris ] quicken loans constantly kept us updated and got us through the process twice now. quicken loans is definitely engineered to amaze. they were just really there for us. causing dark marks to become visible. dove has the effective solution. new dove clear tone antiperspirant. the result? underarms with visibly reduced dark marks... and an even tone. new dove clear tone. coming up on "good morning america" -- is whitney houston's daughter dating her >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. it is 8:27. d.c. police are investigating a fatal stabbing. there at the 500 block of northwest. was stabbed several times. he died from injuries to hospital. here is more with your forecast. kind of a soupy start your sunday -- very mild. this is what it looks or does like on an annapolis. you can also see is is hard to see. some clearrt to see the daye go through today. for high temperatures in upper 60's. cooler than yesterday but well normal.son as for tomorrow, warmer still. maybe the ♪ sunshine on a cloudy day well, this is one way to get a girl's attention, a little temptations in ap physics class. did she say yes? and what was he asking? we'll tell you in a little segment we call "fixation." good morning, america, i'm dan harris. >> and i'm bianna golodryga. it's sunday, march 18th. also this morning, we have a medical mystery to tell you about, this man had surgery two years ago and now he can't stop laughing. and his wife, well, let's just say that she's not laughing. >> her look on her face is priceless. also coming up on a much more serious note, a father who has been through hell, john ramsey, he lost his daughter jonbenet, and he became a prime suspect, now he's opening up in a new book, what are his regrets and who is he still angry with if. now, inside revelations from whitney houston's family. bobbi kristina is reportedly engaged to her unofficially adopted brother. creating deep divisions within the family. rachel, we want to welcome you to "good morning america." so happy to have you onboard this morning. >> reporter: oh, thank you so much, bianna. it's a pleasure to be here. while while we wait for autopsy reports to answer the questions of the sudden death of whitney houston in a beverly hills hotel, now comes concerns for her daughter, in a controversial relationship. it's the relationship that's tearing the whitney houston's family apart. rumors of an engagement between whitney houston's 19-year-old bobbi kristina and 22-year-old nick gordon. >> one source told "people" that he proposed to her. bobbi kristina is wearing a very large ring on her right hand. a source told "people" that it was a ring that was her mother's. >> reporter: but the real eyebrow raiser, many considered nick to be bobbi kristina's brother. while the two are not biologically related, press reports said that bobbi kristina's grandmother thinks what they're doing is incestuous. the two are said to be living together in one of whitney's old homes in atlanta. >> source says that the family is trying to coax her away from it. >> reporter: it's been a difficult month for the teen. she was hospitalized twice after her mother's passing. for exhaustion. she spoke out for the first time last week and spoke about how difficult it was to move forward without her mother. >> that's what everybody wants to know, how are you doing? >> i'm doing as good as possibly i can. >> reporter: she made no mention of nick in the interview. just last week, nick denied any romance between the two telling abc news exclusively they're not dating. we're just close, just going through her mom's passing and grieving today. gordon spent the weekend avoiding questions from the pressing paparazzi. >> are you dating? >> are you guys happy, are you dating her at least? >> no comment. >> okay. what about, did you buy her a ring? >> no comment on that either. >> reporter: but these recent pictures that he posted on twitter might not be can comments either. >> they don't seem to be ashamed by this relationship. he's tweeted a picture of them together and they have been spotted out holding handing and kissing in public. >> many wonder if this is coming too soon. after the passing of a young girl losing her mom, whitney houston. dan and bianna, celebrity jewelry designer neil lane estimates the ring that bobbi kristina is wearing around 10-carat emerald diamond green worth $500,000. >> wow, that's a beautiful ring. all right, rachel. once again, welcome to "good morning america." >> so many people think that's her mother's ring. don't jump to conclusions there. well, now, let's get back to ron claiborne with the other headlines developing this morning. in the news, mitt romney and rick santorum are campaigning in illinois today, as voters in puerto rico go to the polls today. illinois holds its gop primary on tuesday. >> wikileaks founder assange plans to run for senate next we're. and a former american soldier that no one seemed to have known was missing in iraq was released by militants in iraq. the celebrity contractor identified randy holtz claimed that he was held for nine months but the u.s. embassy had no record of any missing u.s. citizens. finally, our parent company disney kicks off its first signing in the street, celebrating creativity in the deaf community. hundreds of fans showed up for performances and workshops. now time for the weather and over to ginger zee. the severe weather threat is out today from nebraska south through texas. i want you to see that and the setup, the cold front pushes east. not just today, but a magnitude higher tomorrow. bigger area covered from iowa down to texas. that's the severe weather threat. but we touched on very briefly, how unsettled it has been in the west. the snow continues. 3 to 6 is the white. 6 to 12 the pink. pretty intense and windy out in the southwest. california included. they had 74 mile per hour wind gusts in the l.a. county mountains. interesting weather. i'll leave you good morning, washington. a foggy, misty, mild out there. a very light wind. some breaking up of the clouds. will be mopped up there. tomor >> this weather report has been brought to you by dannon activia. back to dan and bianna. >> thanks, ginger. coming up here on "good morning america" -- a rare interview with jonbenet ramsey's father. opening up on the case that really ripped his life apart and his family's life apart. and a medical mystery, this man had surgery two years ago and now, well, he can't stop laugh offing, as you can see. flo, and karen for a girls night out talking about activia. i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there's you... why should i try it? 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"why wait if you don't have to." rapid wrinkle repair. neutrogena®. recommended most by dermatologists. ♪ it's fixation, the weekly segment of the absurd that we try to mount every weekend on "gma." ginger, you're up first. >> i am and i got the animal video of the week. if you're having trouble getting your dog to sit, look at what this woman in germany got her dogs to do. they are matching the tone. it's not just playing. >> it's not random? >> no. >> these are smart golden retrievers. >> if you look at that face -- >> you know what -- >> they're very dedicated. the video goes on for minutes. >> it's very cute. ron? >> i get the jump rope video. this one, ever wonder what it's like to jump rope from the perspective of the jump roper? imagine that? this is very cool. it's from -- it's full circle, it's a video, it's from the first fashion film by klezinski, a london and melbourne-based clothing label. very cool. >> can't watch it for too long. >> before we get everybody sick in audience, speaking of sick, there are a lot of complications that you can get from surgery, some of them bad and some of them not so bad, including this guy who had hip surgery two years ago and he cannot stop laughing. there's nothing that he can do. apparently he can't stop laughing. his wife, not so amused. >> stop, stop for one second. >> every time she continues talking he laughs. this is her quote, when you're having a discussion, and all he does is laughing, it gets annoying. >> maybe he's faking it? >> two years later, he's faking it. >> it does remind me of that simpsons episode where the person who has had the hiccups and every time in between hiccups he said kill me. i'm sure there's some similarities there. >> that is hilarious. >> all right, before ron kills me, bianna. >> you all remember prom. right? i'm sure there are some creative ways you were ask. or asked. will kaufmann had a neat idea. he took a bit for temptations, he and a friends from a class, they're all in theater class. decided to ask his girlfriend, megan, to prom in ap physics class. here you see him, sunglasses and all, roses in hand. >> where is she? >> you'll see her. >> where is she? >> there she is. how cute is that? she said yes. >> he said that he got permission from the teacher before they performed. >> i never had anybody do that. >> before we go, we have a bonus, involves a unique animal trick, this is a guinea pig named truffles who set a world record -- no guinea pig has never jumped that far. jumped 12 inches. 4 inches longer than the previous world record. we'll play this on a continuous loop as we go to break. >> watch this. >> here he goes. >> watch this. >> here he goes. when you have dry skin, you do your homework. the only moisturizer for me? cerave. 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