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understanding of police technique, he may be one of their own. how much harder will this make it to stop him? and prince of the city. >> i'm as mad as hell, but i'm not going to take this anymore. >> he gave us the skinny executives of network, the dirty cops of "serpico" and "dog day afternoon." along with so many others. one of the great one, filmmaker, sidney lumet, has died. >> attica! from abc news live from new york this is "good morning america" with dan harris and bianna golodryga. >> i have loved so many of those sidney lumet movies, i got to tell you. interesting, we've just learned this morning or i've just learned this morning, that after all of his incredible movie, he never won an oscar for best director. never once. got robbed. >> do you have a favorite sidney lumet movie? >> i would say there are two. for me, the one we're looking at on the screen, "dog day afternoon," "network." how about you? >> i really loved "running on empty." 1960s. radical. >> i don't think i've seen that. >> we should rent that after the show. also, we have other news in the sports world. the last round of masters. take a look at this. this is tiger woods on friday, sinking a birdie. he was on fire. serging near the front of the pack. everyone was talking comeback. this was tiger on saturday. not so hot. so, the question is, which tiger will show up today? and can he keep his focus and win for the first time since his scandal broke. >> headline in the "boston globe". >> woods sizzles. and raising a very touchy issue, how many exes, should people invite to the wedding. it's raising a very touchy issue. how many exes should people invite to their wedding. we know how many prince william's exes, and we'll tell you about that and the fame our director that did not get a plus one. >> he is getting away with so much. he doesn't have to wear a wedding ring. he can invite exes. >> when you're a prince you have leverage. >> i guess so. >> here's a question for you. nonroyal couple at home. who is the first to drop the l-bomb? >> i dropped it first. >> my husband did drop it first as well. but an m.i.t. researcher has broken down who is more likely to be the first to say those three terrifying -- i think they're wonderful words, "i love you." men or women. we also found out under what circumstances, here's the key word, men and women say it the first time. read into that however you will. >> i have a lot to say on the subject. we'll talk about that earlier. we'll start with what has been an incredible night of weather. violent storms tearing across the midwest and southeast. we had hundreds of reports of severe weather. ab there is more in the forecast for today. meteorologist, casey kerr why from our houston station is with us this morning. good morning you to. >> good morning. this was a terrifying, a huge system. stretching across multiple states, for those who witnessed the twisters up close, it was pure terror. one witness said they kept getting bigger and bigger. >> oh, no. it's come back. look at this. >> reporter: this is what the giant tornadoes looked like up close. the twisters so big, the normally daredevil storm chasers had to keep a safe distance. >> large tornado. >> reporter: and this is the massive destruction they caused. trees snapped in two. roofs ripped from houses. one official estimates more than 60% of the town of mapleton, iowa is damaged or destroyed. throughout the night, rescue crews scoured through the debris and damage, looking for those injured or trapped. >> we're going door by door to make sure everybody is out. >> reporter: it was a massive outbreak across the region. 27 tornado reports in iowa alone overnight. the storm system stretched over 14 states from nebraska to virginia. in north carolina, the system brought tragedy as lightning struck multiple people, sending them to the hospital. >> i was standing right there, probably 50 foot away. i felt the heat hit me. >> reporter: and there are reports that a dog show taking place at the time was also struck, and one dog was killed. this massive system plowed through virginia over the weekend. two tornadoes struck the town of pulaski friday night. saturday, residents finally saw the destruction. car windows shattered. trees uprooted. nearly all these houses demolished. >> a bunch of trees flying. people were yelling and screaming. >> reporter: in oklahoma, they're still cleaning up from this, a storm that brought hail so big, they are nearly equal in size to baseballs. and if you've got photos of storm damage near you, we want to see them. send them to us, on twitter on "gma." for more on the national forecast, we'll do that in just a few minutes. bianna. >> all right. casey, wrath of mother nature. that storm is bringing eight states under flood watch or warnings this morning. in colorado the red river has risen to the most dangerous level ever. barbara pinto is there with us this morning. good morning, barbara. >> reporter: bianna, rain is the last thing they need around here. you're already looking at one of the worst floods in reported history along the red river. to give you some idea, the banks of the river are a quarter mile that way. after a watchful night, looks like the sandbag for tress they built around the city held firm. the red crested overnight. it's usually a size of a small stream in this area. but 90 inches of melting snow turned it into a raging men is. this isn't the only trouble shot. mississippi river, cheyenne, minnesota, all flooded. of the tributary. this is so flat, once the river runs its banks, the water keeps spreading for miles. because there's nothing left to stop it. dan. >> thank you very much for your reporting this morning. now we're going go to washington. you thought the showdown was bad? check out what is next. the last night was billions of dollar, the new one is trillion, and it is starting already. david kerley at the white house. cav david, good morning to you. >> reporter: david, in washington, both sides declearing victory, and funding the government, she's celebrations can't last long. we can see a repeat of last week very soon. >> president obama bounded up the stairs of the lincoln memorial to celebrate averting a government shutdown. this euphoria won't last long. are you ready for more of this? >> we're not going to roll over. >> why are the republicans afraid to negotiate -- >> reporter: -- two more washington standoffs right around the corner. >> what we went through, we're going to go through -- >> we could be going through it again and again. >> reporter: that's right. this week's budget battle was over billions of dollars. the skirmish over next year's budget, starting this week, could be over trillions of dollars. >> we're pushing for more cuts. washington still doesn't get it. the american people are suffering, and we need to tighten our belts. >> reporter: so take a breath, and trade yourself for more of this. >> the president isn't leading. >> no way, no how. >> reporter: but before they pass next year's budget, it's a full-throated battle over the debt ceiling. the what? the government is only allowed to borrow so much to add to our debt. we will hit the $14 trillion ceiling by july. so the administration said the ceiling has to be raised to avoid the u.s. defaulting and the predictions are dire. >> it's not something you want to play around with. >> it's a reckless, irresponsible act. and i find it inconceivable that the congress would not act to increase the limit. >> reporter: even a former president, in an interview with abc's bianna golodryga, sent up warning flares. >> if the republicans want to refuse to raise the debt limit, they are playing russian roulette with our credit rating. >> reporter: but republicans want something. >> if they ask us to raise the dent we need to see some restructure in how we do business. >> reporter: if you thought this last week was tense, tighten your seatbelt. >> now we're playing with big numbers. we are now talking about playing with live ammunition. >> reporter: so that debt ceiling could be hit by may, july, we would default. bad news for the government. what do the republicans want to raise the debt ceiling? it could be a federal balanced budget, or some kind of structural change that requires a tightening of spending. bianna. >> they are asking for a lot of concessions, indeed, david. thank you. joining us this week, from washington, the host of "this week," christiane amanpour, good to see you. since both sides avoided the backlash that could come with the government shut down that could have taught them a lesson. is the risk they'll overplay their hand on the controversial debate over the debt limit now heightened? >> people are saying, as you just heard from david kerley, the next big showdowns are going to be over the debt ceiling and beyond that over the budget. many people are trying to figure out where the negotiating and posturing will be. some people are saying that with the victory, because many people are saying that this government shutdown deal was a victory for, by and large, speaker boehner, that that might give the republicans a lot more wind in their sail at a time when analysts say it really needs bipartisan work to get some these huge, big issues sorted out. >> and there are some experts now saying they would probably prefer seeing a government shutdown to kind of humble both sides. as you said, a lot of people are saying boehner and the republican party actually won this battle over avoiding a government shutdown. what does that mean for the republican party going forward. especially the tea party caucus? >> we're certainly going to be discussing that in our program today. because it is all about looking ahead with some of the lessons learned. again, really what just happened in terms of dollar figures is kind of tinkering around the edges. if the aim is massive cuts in spending to really sort of limit the debt and get the country on a solid fiscal footing, that is going to take a huge amount of, some say revolutionary spending cuts and somehow revenue increases and that's where the big battle will be ahead. again, many are saying, welcome in the tea party have said, they've already said this one did not go far enough and some may vote for it and stand strong for the next battle ahead. many people say the huge structural issue, the need to be dealt with must come with bipartisan agreement. >> costly game of chicken. christiane, thank you so much. we appreciate it. of course, christiane will have much more later on "this week" when she sits down with david plouffe, mike penca and chris van hollen. now we sit down with dan claiborne. good morning. >> good morning. firefighters are bracing for a tough battle. a massive wildfire bass turned as much as 125 square miles. would worsen because of dry, windy conditions. two homes burned down and communities told they may have to evacuate. and a second person died from a shooting at a party in philadelphia friday night. the hall was filled with mostly teenagers. it started after someone set off a firecracker. one suspect was arrested and charged with murder. four people are lucky to be alive after their small plane crash into a storage facility. the plane lost power and prepared to land and burst into flames after going down. three passengers walked away with only minor injury, one, though, is listed in serious condition. and a freak sand storm led to a massive pileup on a highway in germany. involving at least 80 vehicles. 8 people were killed. dozens injured. it took all day to clear the wreckage. alarming news for people out of work. a new study finds that unemployment can lead to early death, increasing the risk by 63%. the news is worse for men. than women. researchers say stress is likely to blame. finally the jewels of hollywood royalty. elizabeth taylor's family reached a deal for christies to sell its collection. taylor's clothing and other memorabilia will be sold at auctions. >> i don't think everything i own is worth a few hundred dollars. >> she was married eight times. i wonder if she has eight wedding rings. >> probably at least. i'm sure more than that. >> later on in the show we'll talk about whether kate middleton should wear tiara or flowers? i'm sure she can borrow a tiara from elizabeth's collection. >> i say tiara. >> let's check the weather. from our houston station kcrk. casey curry. >> i'm a tiara girl. i'm fancier. a few hours ago we showed you that video from that storm. this storm system is not done yet. later today we watch this system track eastward, stretching all of the way from the great lakes, into parts of the plains and ohio valley. we're still watching for fire danger, especially out west. this is a location that desperately needs the rain. high fire danger in the southwest. colorado, new mexico and texas, oklahoma and kansas. temperatures >> good morning. it is mild affair this morning. yes today only up to 51. today temperatures are already at that level. few peaks of sunshine. tomorrow, a summer-like day. the high temperature today from 67-72. tomorrow, get bianna. >> casey. thank you. >> tiger woods had everyone talking comeback at the masters. he was on fire, surging toward the lead. that was friday. yesterday, not so hot. he is still in the hunt since the first victory and the scandal that followed his career. mike ma is forming the story. >> not a bad job. good morning. in order to wing. tiger will have to hunt down the leader, 21-year-old rory mcilroy. 20 years ago, he matched a 21-year-old win the masters. his name, tiger woods. >> tiger tip toes into sunday, 7 shots back. his roar of round three muzzled by miss younger opponents, rory mcilroy, jason day and rickie fowler all under the age of 23. tiger is now 35 and no longer the ferocious force on the course. >> tiger is no longer feared. these young guys who grew up watching him play are emboldened by the day when tiger does not win a golf tournament. >> there it is. >> reporter: tiger's first masters in in '97, when he was just 21 years old, ignited a decade of dominance. then thanksgiving 2009 his personal life unraveled. after five month hibernation, he returned to the masters last year. but his swagger seemed tamed. his swing not as fierce, world ranking no longer world number one. >> tiger completely changed. over the last few years. it's so different. >> reporter: so on this final day at the master, tiger must crawl past the next generation of golfers to reclaim the greatness that made him untouchable. >> if tiger woods wins this golf tournament it's one of the greatest in the history of sports. >> and the pressure heats up this afternoon, literally, temperatures expected to reach 90 in augusta. tiger tees off 1:00 eastern eastern time. >> must be one of the greatest of all times. my father never watches golf. he called and asked if i'm watching. he said come watch tiger woods. if my father is watching that's something. >> even seven back he makes the ticker on espn. exciting day. >> thank you, we appreciate it. one of hollywood's towering figures has died. he brought us "dog day afternoon," "serpico." and that legendary movie line from the movie "network" i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore. ron claiborne is back with a look at the life of director sidney lumet. >> he started as a child actor, was nominated as actor for the best director he ever made. sidney lumet movie. they were more than just entertainment. they were morality tales about corruption, about people trying to uphold or gain their personal dignity. >> this isn't a game. >> i'm as mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore. sidney lumet directed more than 50 movies. >> some the greatest ever made. the first movie was "12 angry men." >> he stabbed his own father, 4 inches into the chest. >> reporter: henry fonda plays the one juror who refuses to be pressured by others into convicting the defendant. >> let's take two pieces of testimony and put them together. reporter: variations of that character would recur throughout his career. >> i thought we were going to talk. >> i thought so too. but we're not talking. >> reporter: the loner, driven by conscious, unyielding in the determination to do what's like. like the title character in "serpico" a new york city cop. who reveals corruption in the ranks. >> i'm not going to give a guy a record who might not have a record. >> the washed up alcoholic lawyer in "the verdict" who represents the victim of a powerful hospital's hidden medical error. >> it's more about the personal salvation of the paul newman character than the case itself. >> reporter: lumet said his kind of movie in his words compels the spectator to exam one facet or another of his own conscious. he was nominated for an oscar five times but never won. in 2005 he was recognized with a lifetime achievement award at academy awards. he once likened to making movies to assembling a mosaic, piece by piece. coloring it, polishing it as best you can. ♪ come on ease on down the road." >> the film he leaves behind his mosaics bear the shape of his unique cinematic genius and moral courage. >> what a powerful movie "12 angry men" was. it blew me away when i was a kid. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor said that was so influence on her, it's part of why she decided to go into law. sidney lumet was 86 years old. he died in his home at home. great filmmaker. >> i had no idea he made "the whiz." >> and the last movie, "before the devil knows your dead," fantastic. >> all of his movies touched on social issue of the day. that really set out in all of his films. >> that he never won an oscar was a tragedy. >> he said he wanted one. and he deserved it. >> he definitely deserved it. >> and he did. >> coming up, in or out. new details on the royal wedding invitation list. this is a touchy issue as we said before. how many exes would you invite to your wedding, one, two -- >> zero. >> -- zero? that's what bianna voted for. and dropping the "l" word. i won't say bomb. it can make or break a relationship. who uses it first. the magic three words, "i love you," the man or women? a new study might surprise you. ♪ ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. spending too many nights alone at the spacebar. will love ever find me? ♪ oh yes! ♪ what about love?! 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[ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. is rica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. >> good morning. in the news, prince george's g they police are examinin store owner. someone say they shot him in the before setting his store on late friday night. anyone with information should the police a call. now let's take a look at the forecast with dave. >> it is very mild out there. will addast for today 15-20 degrees to what we had yesterday. it will be anywhere from 67-72 degrees. tomorrow, temperatures almost 90 degrees. >> thanks for watching. now back to dna. -- look at this. this is an incredible piece of video this is a choir assembled online, featuring 252 performances, through singers in 58 countries. take a couple seconds to listen. our rodge clayborne is justifify obsessed with this video. he's going to come to talk about it in the next half hour. >> this is part of a new segment we're doink where every week the "gma" anchors are going to tell but things we're obsessed with. we. come up with a name. but we'll get to that. good morning, america i'm dan harris. >> good morning. i'm bianna golodryga. new details who is invited to the abbey. there's a couple exes on the list. one famous filmmaker will go solo. we'll tell you why. we'll have more on that in just a bit. but we'll start with a new twist on the serial killer in new york. investigators say whoever is responsible for kimming at least eight people and dumping their bodies on the beach. have them wondering, if one the killer can be their own. jeremy hubbard on gilgo beach this morning. good morning. dan. >> reporter: good morning. they'll expand the search to another nearby beach but we may know more about the methodical killer who pulled this off. whoever killed eight people and left their bodies in desolate dumping ground is familiar with police work and these beaches. >> there's some indication it could be somebody in lawen forcement? >> could be law enforcement. a civil servant. civil servant. a building inspector, a postman. could be anyone who knows the area quite well. >> reporter: like the tv show "dexter" about a police forensics worker in who is a serial killer in the offtime. this suspect has detailed knowledge. one clue, the killer allegedly placed several phone calls to the murder victim's relative. short calls, where even the cops traced the cell signal would be next to impossible to single out the killer. the disappearance of shannon gilbert started all of this. 249-year-old new jersey prostitute went missing last year. they ault advertised on craigslist. gilbert met this man, joseph brewer on graigs list the night she disappeared. but she's been cooperative and isn't a suspect. >> there are new reports a second man was seen partying with gilbert the night she went missing, but so far no arrests. investigators probing four other prostitute murders in atlantic city dating back to 2006, searching for similarities to these murders. one way or another, this police veteran is confident the killer will be caught. >> the reason why we put erasers on pencils is because we all make mistakes. whoever it is will make a mistake and he'll get caught. >> reporter: meantime, the mystery for the family of shannon gilbert continue, turns out none of the eight bodies discovered so far was hers. athat means the family fears the death count for the serial killer will climb higher. dan. >> thank you for jo. joining me is rod wheeler, former homicide detective. do you think it's possible the kill certify a cop? >> that's one of the theories the police is probing right now. the reason they're proposing this specifically this person apparently is familiar with some of the tech teniques that polic officers use when they do investigations, this person is familiar with that. specifically what i'm talking about, for example, he gets onless tl phone, the suspect. he calls the families of decedents and taunts these people but only stace on the phone three minutes or less. this person knows it takes cops typically anywhere from three to piev minutes to trace a call. >> couldn't he pick that up by watching a lot of cop shows? >> absolutely. he could have. that's not the only thing. the other thing that's fascinating, this individual when he makes these phone calls, he does it from a highly populated area. he gets offer the phone and blends in with thousand of people from the new york city area. he knows it's difficult for the police, especially uniformed units to track him down. these are the reasons they're suspecting he's a cop, used to be a cop. or some reason followed cop shows closely and he has an idea of the tactics we use. >> will that make him ex exponentially harder to catch? >> not necessarily so. the reason i say that. cops smart in and of themself anyway. the reason i say, we doesn't let out the information we have. i can tell you the investigators from this case in long island and the new york city area. they are not telling everyone everything they have. they do that for a reason. the reason they're doing that. they don't want to let out exactly all of the information they have, including some evidence that they may have. they just don't want everybody to know. they don't know who this person or person is. >> also every police officer has to give up their dna when they get the job. that means -- >> if they find dna, there's a good chance they run it through the system and it will be a match. they haven't done that. they haven't said this person is a cop. they're working off the knowledge base this person could be a cop or watch cop shows. >> both of us have repeatedly said the word him. is it possible it's a her? >> it's possible. the rein we're assuming it's a guy. most of the telephone calls that have gone out to the families of the decedent of course a male's voice. from that, you have to assume it's probably a male, you know what i mean, that's probably doing these crimes. in addition to that, as the reporter talked about earlier, this person is utilizing social networks such as craigslist and problem a a male. and he's going after a certain segment of the population. the question here is why. >> we really appreciate your input. thank you very much. >> here's ron claiborne with a check of the headlines. >> good morning. everyone. in the new, a reported 2 dozen tornadoes ripped through ohio, nearly half the town of maple ton was flattened no deaths were reported. in japan thousands of people marched through the streets demanding that the country stop using nuclear power. and we could still learn in the new york stock exchange will remain american owned. its board meets to discuss a buyout bid from rival nasdaq. and the world's most popular social networking site may be -- go to the world's most populous country. facebook held talk was potential partners in china that may add hundreds of new members. that's a quick look at the head lines. now time for the weather with casey curry from houston network ktrk. >> good morning. let's talk about the snow. let's take you to the grand canyon where tourists got a little surprise, they picked up heavy snow. some places picked up two feet of snow. more snow in the mountains of colorado. 6 to 12 inches. but the big story is really the severe weather as it spreads throughout parts of the great lakes and down into texas. we'll continue to watch that threat today. tornadoes a possibility once again. we're also watches the heat >> good morning. after a chilly days, finally some relief. temperatures between 67-72. tomorrow it will this weather report has been brought to you by united health care. dan, bianna. >> casey, thank you. coming up on "good morning america," which famous director did not get a plus one to the royal wedding? we have new information on the guest list right after the break. we have a new segment where we, "gma" anchors share some things we could not stop talking about this week, like a new stiddy about who says "i love you" first in the relationship. . our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. missing something? ♪ , new fixodent plus scope ingredients. ♪ , and provides your dentures with the freshness of scope. new fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients. i'm a curious seeker. d i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. if elected, i promise flu shots i'm a pfor all.easer. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm viinia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. ♪ and now, to the latest chapter in our royal diary. hard to believe that less than three weeks from now. kate middleton will walk down the aisle to wed prince charming. tomorrow, she and prince william will be making an official public appearance, but then it's back to wedding planning. this morning we're hearing new details about their guess list. lama hasan is in london with details. lama, who is this director? >> good morning, bianna. more of that coming up. but we're also learning new details about the wedding itself. get this. the royal couple is setting up a night club in buckingham palace with a dance floor. deejay. and cocktail bar. not bad. and according to one royal insi insider, the official gis list has now been revealed and you'll never guess who's on it. at the wedding, not one, not two but four of william's ex-girlfriends will be there and a total of two of kate's exes. also on the much-coveted list, movie director guy richie will have to leave his girlfriend at home, because his invite doesn't have a plus one. kate's steer and maid of honor, pippa, will be bringing her handsome businessman boyfriend to the wedding. as all of the last-minute preparations are taking place. william and kate are all set for the last public appearance before they tie the knot. >> what it represents, basically kate middleton's last public appearance before the royal wedding. the next time we see her she'll be emerging from the rolls royce and stepping into westminster abbey with 2 billion people watching her. >> reporter: so no pressure. can you imagine the decisions kate has to make right now, like what will she be wearing in her hair? a dilemma most brides go through. most brides. >> a huge selection of tiaras, belonging to the queen. she's got a choice no other girl would have on her wedding day. >> reporter: feast your eyes on this. diamonds, pearls, gold. oh, to be a princess. so, is it going to be great british roses adoing kate's long mane, or a grand old tiara. >> the inside scoop, camilla is very keen she'll wear a tiara. and she's toying with the idea of wearing flowers instead. >> reporter: maybe she'll go down the sarah ferguson route. >> sarah ferguson did a rather extraordinary thing of wearing flowers into the church, and then when she came out, she took the flowers off and was wearing a tiara underneath. given what happened to her marriage, it's unlikely kate will imitate that rather ingenious trick. >> well, sadly, this is as close as i'm ever going to get to a tiara. and it's a plastic one. but i do have some flowers. i can't decide which is more princess like, what do you think? >> lama, you're so beautiful, either would work. you know what, you don't need anything to adorn that head. >> you can't go wrong with lama hasan. thank you. >> laughter conditions in london. >> you know why we're laughing, we haven't been able to get into the royal wedding spirit. we thought we'd come up with a way. dan has an obsession with one food, donuts. >> i do like donuts. >> what better than a duncan donuts royal weding? >> nice, excellent. by the way, my first job, ever, dunkin' donuts, when i was 124 years old. my mother wanted me out of the house. meantime, what happens when this dog playfully nudges this cat? dan loves this story. dan loves this story. my washer had a foul odor that made the whole room stink. even my laundry started to get a funny smell. [ female announcer ] got a bad odor in your high-efficiency washer? clean it with tide washing machine cleaner. three uses will help remove odor-causing residues and leave your washer clean and fresh. to help maintain your h.e. washer, use tide washing machine cleaner once a month. and always wash with tide h.e. detergent, specially formulated for proper h.e. performance. tide washing machine cleaner. clean laundry starts with a clean washer. to talk about our blueberry juice drinks. they're made with my sweet, ripe blueberries, so they're good for you -- taste real good, too! let's whip up a sample. or just try this. [ chuckles ] ♪ hello. [ female announcer ] glasses in about an hour. lenscrafters. all right. this morning, we're going try out a new segment. we do not have a name for this segment yet. we're hoping you can help us with that. here's how it works or how it's working this morning. every week we're going to share a story, or picture or video that we're obsessed with. every one of the "gma" anchors. going first, ron claiborne. >> this is called "sleep." it's a virtual choir, put together by the composer of the song called "sleep," eric whittaker. he did this by asking singers across the world -- listen to this. put out a call from facebook and twitter asking them to submit video recordings, singing various parts. a total of 1700 singers took part in this. it's stitched together into one very beautiful chorus. >> it's amazing. >> my finding of the week is not a video. it's actually a study. we've been teasing it throughout the show. i guess we would think a certain sex would say "i love you" and profess "i love you." before the other, but the actual results are, mean confess. >> men drop the l-bomb earlier. >> they're so romantic until you realize -- >> there's a reason why, right? >> who means it first? that's the question. >> and when they say it. >> there's a motivation for when they say it. >> for a certain wink, wink. >> there's a majority of time men say it? >> because they always want something out of it. >> they want food. they want a meal. >> they want a meal, yeah. >> i'm also going to share something with you, i do wildlife rehab. i'm fascinated with this. and a viewer sent this to me through twitter and facebook. there's a lady on youtube, and she rehabs possums. >> hello. >> hello. >> learn how to give your possum a proper massage. >> what? >> this lady goes above and beyond, she gives massage, pedicure, dental care. she goes above and beyond. all of the animals are not releasable. these are not animals she brought in from her backyard. >> look. >> you couldn't pay me to touch a video. >> let me share my video, because we're almost out of time. i love dog, i love cats. check out what happens when this pitbull puts his nose up to the cat. the cat turns around and, look at that. look at that. >> three lefts to the head. it gets worse. what i love about this video, this pitbull turns the other cheek, quite literally. whoa! >> by the way, i want to point out that the cat clearly is not using its claws. the dog is not hurt, but i love that video it made me almost fall out of my chair for the first time. anyway, we're out of town. help us come up with a name -- >> this is funny. >> we'll be right back. mops? . some of them have bacteria. ♪ and they try to pick me up? ew. i'm really hard to get. uh! ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet's antibacterial solution eliminates 99.9% of bacteria that mops can spread around. i like your pad! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better than a mop or your money back. i want you tonight! [ female announcer ] wish granted. lean cuisine has a fresh new bag. lean cuisine market creations steam meals. like new chicken poblano with tender white meat chicken, crisp veggies, in a savory cheddar sauce. new from lean cuisine. so, i get claritin clear. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms. and only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. whoa ! watch your step ! thanks ! live claritin clear. but we all know kids would rather they just disappear. ♪ make me say la la la la la la ♪ [ woman ] now with a little magic from mom, there's an easy way to get kids he nutrition they need. mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass but magically looks and tastes just like the fruit juice kids aready love. mott's medleys. ♪ la la la [ woman ] inviible vegetables. magical taste. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurtre it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. thank you for watching abc news, stay tuned to abc for nba action. today bulls versus magic at 1:00 p.m. eastern. celtics versus heat at 3:30. we're always online at abc christiane amanpour is coming up next with "this week." >> and, ron, are you going to join twitter? >> i'll think about it. i'll think about it. >> good morning. in the news, prince george's investigatingare e death of a store owner. someone shot the man in the head setting the store on fire friday night. police ask anyone with on what happened to give them a call. a virginia man is expected to guilty on what he thought was an al qaeda plot to bomb the metrorail. originally. citizen from pakistan. and the congress spent a busy bills including medical and penalties for under age drunken drivers. look to the forecast with dave. nice morning out of fear. downtown 51 degrees. in one area, 49 degrees. we will have a much nicer day. klaus are staying with us much of the day -- the usuds are staying with through much of the day. late tomorrow, showers and thunderstorms. today, mostly cloudy. 62-70 degrees. tonight, a mild night. may be a stray showers. tomorrow, partly sunny and breezy. 85-89 degrees with winds gusting to 30 miles per hour. tuesday, after showers and thunderstorms, temperatures around 70 degrees. stay that way all week. around 70 degrees. stay that way all week. 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