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no anger here at all. we are all calm. we're happy to see all of you this morning. happy to have elizabeth vargas back in for robin this morning. >> frustrated in america? >> so much and everybody is talking about this. ultimate take this job and shove it moment. this jetblue flight attendant gets that an argument with a passenger trying to remove his overhead luggage early. the passenger swears at him. the luggage bumps the attendant and 0 just loses it, unleashes a string of profanity before taking a couple of beers from the galley, activating the emergency exit and sliding down the chute with his carry-on. the flight attendant is in custody. the passenger is still pretty stunned and, elizabeth, i mean, there's a lot of sides. on the one hand should there be better screening of flight attendants? i think a lot of people may sympathize with the guy. >> in "the times" we have people, former flight attendant weighs in and says good for him. if he would have called me, i would have picked him up at the airport and passengers weigh in. one said i wish my office had an evacuation slide. >> we have one there. >> a lot of frustration with flying both with passengers and flight attendants and we'll weigh in. also we have more news this morning. new information on the search for missing kyron horman. that little boy in oregon. eyewitnesses saw an adult waiting in the stepmother's truck the morning he disappeared. police have released new videotapes as they step up their search of we'll have those details but let's begin with the alleged meltdown of a jetblue flight attendant. it all happened at new york's jfk airport. just after the plane landed. andrea canning is at jfk airport this morning with more. andrea, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, elizabeth. such a bizarre story. steven slater appeared to be the model employee and even helped design the flight attendant uniforms one but colleague said he had a huge temper and would storm off when he didn't get his way. >> what happened up there. >> reporter: with a bruise on his head and a smile on his face, america's most infamous flight attendant was taken to jail after allegedly going on a tarmac tirade in front of a hundred passengers. >> something you want to say to the passengers? >> reporter: steven slater once looked like the picture perfect jetblue employee in his myspace photo proudly telling friends chances are i'm flying 35,000 feet somewhere over the rainbow. but after landing at new york's jfk airport on a flight from pittsburgh, police say he hit the breaking point. >> the plane was taxiing in. some passenger got up to take their bag down. the flight attendant approached -- told him to not do that. >> reporter: the passenger's bag reportedly hit slater in the head. an argument followed and he took to the intercom telling passengers. >> to the passenger would called me a [ bleep ], i've been in this business 28 years and that's it i'm done. >> reporter: he activated the plane's emergency chute and slid down to the tarmac and ran away, but not before grabbing beer from the concession cart. he was arrested at his home soon after. >> they hold him off. they were all over the place, s.w.a.t. teams it looked like, helicopters, everything. >> reporter: these days the skies are anything but friendly with increasingly crowded flights and delayed departures. there are now more than 3,000 travelers on the passengers unruly list. >> flight attendants are under tremendous pressure. whatever is going on with them will trickle down to the passengers one way or another. >> reporter: on slater's myspace page he reveals beating alcoholism and substance abuse opened up new worlds of opportunity for me. should jetblue have known steven slater also a member of the in-flight values committee was capable of allegedly flying into such a rage himself? former flight attendant julianna describes the screening process. >> before getting hired there was a very thorough check, background check. as far as a mental health check, no, i don't remember mig specific to mental health. >> reporter: slater will be arraigned later today on charges of criminal mischief and reckless endangerment and he's become somewhat of a folk hero overnight and now has more than 3,000 fans on a tribute page. >> all right, andrea, not surprising. thanks so much. we looked it up. all flight attendants must be certified by the faa. that does involve an extensive criminal background check but individual airline policy varies on any additional screenings. we'll hear more about this story as the day goes forward. george, now to you. >> thanks, elizabeth. we'll turn now to politic, the big voting day, the biggest voting day of the summer. some unusual family battles going on, as well. you have a senate primary out in colorado where president obama and president clinton are actually backing rival candidate, candidates from different sides. in georgia, sarah palin on one side, one gub father electoral candidate up against party leaders like newt gingrich and mike huckabee. we'll debate what it means but first david wright has background on the primaries. >> reporter: good morning, george. these elections are the talk of the town here in washington today because of what they mean for the national political dynamic and perhaps the biggest question is how strong is the president heading into the midterms? hours before today's bellwether, president obama was nowhere near any of the states that are voting. instead, he went to a fund raiser in texas, still campaigning against george w. bush. >> last thing we can afford to do at this critical juncture in our history is to go back to the same policies that got us into this mess. >> reporter: will that winning strategy from 2008 still work in 2010? in colorado, maybe not. the u.s. senate primary there pits obama's favorite candidate michael bennet against a challenger who also has powerful friends. >> president bill clinton calls andrew romanoff one of the best leaders in america. >> reporter: andrew romanoff, endorsed by bill clinton, narrowed a huge lead held by obama's man. in some ways it's clinton versus obama the rematch. only this time obama is the establishment and bill clinton is backing the insurgent. >> hi, this is bill clinton. i'm supporting andrew romanoff for the u.s. senate. >> reporter: a loss for bennet would be an embarrassment for obama. in georgia today the gubernatorial primaries are testing the strength of republicans at the national level. newt gingrich and mike huckabee have been campaigning for nathan deal while sarah palin is throwing her support to karen handel. >> are you ready to aelect a pro-life, pro-second amendment, commonsense, constitutional conservative who will fight like a mama grizzly for you? >> reporter: if her candidate wins she's guaranteed to be seen as the mama grizzly bear of her party headed into the midterms. these are obviously state races but with the midterm elections coming up and 2012 looming in the distance it's all about positioning. and, george, there's a lot at stake. >> sure is. for more we're joined by donna brazile and from washington mary matalin. good morning to both of you. donna, let me begin with you. as david pointed out while these races are going on in colorado especially the president's in texas, the gubernatorial candidate in texas does not appear with the president on the tarmac. is he becoming toxic in these democratic races? >> well, george, all politics is local. we've heard that before. look, the president is gravy, what you need in every campaign is a lot of potatoes and these candidates have gone out there trying to pull together their constituents, their base, and they're trying to rally their voters and know the president can provide the gravy, the sauce but need to prove to voters they're in touch with their values, that they are running to represent them in washington or, you know, in the case of these gubernatorial races, see, i don't think they are running from the president. they're actually pry trying to prove to voters they're independent from anyone from washington, d.c. >> no running from the president, mary? >> as much as donna knows about sauce and gravy, they are running like the president -- like a skulled dog if we can mix metaphors. there's been plenty of polls to show the president's support is a negative in these races. it's clearly an environment, a national environment for commonsense conservatives, but you still have to run a good campaign and obama is not even helping them run good campaigns by constantly attacking george w. bush, looking backward, not giving them any fodder to defend his policies, so if they doesn't give them anything to defend and to run on and to be proud of, of course they'll run away from him. >> this is a big debate -- >> he has a strong record, mary. he has -- he has some side orders here. we have a good economy an economy on the way of coming back. he also has health care that most americans now agree will help the country. he also has done a great deal to help state and government -- >> there is a debate inside the democratic party whether to emphasize that record as you're talking about or talk about former president bush or what the republicans will do if they take power? >> george, i believe that you need to go out there and tell voters what you've accomplished, what you've done. although we're still trying to recover from the bush recession, i think it's important that president obama and the democrats start talking about how they've kept the economy moving in the right direction, the things they have done to change the picture in washington, d.c. that's the important thing that voters want to hear. >> mary, how about on the republican side? we see sarah palin taking on the candidate of newt gingrich and the rest of the republican establishment. what is she trying to do with these so-called mama grizzly picks? >> she's not taking on newt gingrich. she is expressing and is a proxy for and a very good one for the -- she's an outlet for the frustration and the anger of people who have been not just dismissed but disdained and she's an advocate, a very good one, for commonsense conservatism based on constitutional principles. she's tapped that that. she represents it. it's bigger than her and she's been the only one in this cycle where endorsements have made a difference this south carolina, in georgia, she puts people on the map and where otherwise an endorsement can only be marginal, of marginal benefit she's made the difference and is the story of cycle and has been since the last cycle. >> mary, there is no question that sarah palin knows how to stir it up. the question is, what other ingredients will she stir in the pot? she is just stirring up conservatives. she needs to stir up some independents and moderates, as well. >> you know why obama is doing so poorly and all the democrats are doing poorly contrary to don donna's very good talking points, the majority of the country want to repeal health care and conservative democrats are running away from it. two-thirds of the country continue to be intensely opposed to the stimulus package and all the other programs that expanded government. this is not an anti-incumbent generically but specifically anti-tax, anti-growing government, anti-bailout, anti-health care, anti-all those policies that this president is putting in since he's been in office. >> that has to be the last word. we're out of time. >> i had another metaphor for you. >> i knew you did. >> a little spice, mary. people want spice. >> there we go. a metaphor-filled morning. >> she got it in. >> she certainly did. go to for our interactive election map and now juju chang has the news and maybe more metaphors. >> more gravy with the potatoes. >> spice. >> we begin with two developing stories. first a small plane crash in alaska near dillingham and word former alaska senator ted stevens may have been on board. state troopers cannot confirm or deny if he was killed. severe weather is hampering aggressive pursuits to reach the plane. also an alaska rescue, they've reached five sightseers stranded on a glacier since sunday. everyone survived but communications were cut off for more than 24 hours. rescue crews had to ski through a blizzard to bring them food and shelter. new information about the possible whereabouts of the last of the three convicted killers on the run with his female accomplice after escaping from an arizona prison. their fugitive part they are was arrested monday after passing through even singing at a wyoming kufrn and clayton sandell is in wyoming. good morning, clayton. >> reporter: good morning, juju. u.s. marshals tell us they're getting lots of tips this morning and they believe inmate john mccluskey and miss female accomplice have now fled to montana. this as another fugitive made a bizarre stop in a wyoming town that led to his arrest. carrying a handgun and hitchhiking sign convicted murderer tracy province was captured by police outside this church in meeteetse, wyoming, where he attended services the day before. >> he immediately denied that he was province, but later admitted that it was him. >> reporter: word that the man many had spoken to was actually a hardened criminal taking refuge this their hometown took many by surprise. thinking he was a visiting tourist pastor ron kingston even gave him money to mow the church lawn. >> i talked to him about faith and jesus christ forgiving sins and he said he had faith in god. >> reporter: mccluskey and his alleged accomplice casslyn welch is on the run. she is his cousin and also his fiancee. >> mccluskey and his partner, help break them out of jail, consider themselves bonnie and clyde and have taken the persona this is some type of movie but it is not. >> reporter: tracy province will have his first court appearance later this morning while they're still on the run. juju? >> clayton sandell from wyoming, thanks. forget cuckoo for coca puff, but mad for mcnuggets. when this woman was told they were not on the morning menu, she went berserk smashing the window and that little bout of restaurant rage cost her 60 days in jail, plus $1,500 in damages. and that's the news at 7:15. is it road rage if you're at a drive-through? >> i think she really likes the mcnuggets. >> i guess so. i think she deserves the 60 days. that was crazy. >> she could have hurt someone. you have big fires and tremendous heat going on near russia. >> elizabeth, george, i can't wait to show you these pictures. recently release the picture that is show you smoke and haze covering almost all of russia. more than 500 fires are gurning in a record-breaking heat wave and drought in this area and this is what the air quality looks like. some are saying at least 7,000 people have died because of the smoke, fires and heat wave there. we have our heat problems of our own back at home. kansas city, dallas, memphis, new york, philly involved in some of these. 18 states under heat advisories. it will feel like 100 to 115. st. louis, 100. little rock, 98. atlanta, 96. it feels much warmer there. >> it will be humid today but it will not be as oppressive as it could be. senators will be up there, of burke 90's. 78 degrees in washington right now. we are on our way to 99 degrees. the record is 98 degrees. to marvel called out and f >> all of america's weather in the next half hour. elizabeth? >> all right, thanks so much, sam. we're reporting on a significant medical headline this morning. a new study published in the archives of neurology says doctors may have found a way to predict if you will develop alzheimer's disease. our senior health and medical editor dr. richard besser is here with more. rich, appoint 3 million have it. seventh leading cause of death. this can big news if it's true. how did this test work? >> very interesting. currently to diagnose it you do a history, a physical, you'll do some neurologic tests but have to wait for an autopsy to say did this person truly have it? let me show you what they did here. they built off of what's known to take place in the brain. you get a buildup of amyloid protein and tau protein. these cause plaques and tangles. by measuring the level of these in the spinal fluid, they were able to distinguish people who had alzheimer's disease from others which is really quite an accomplishment. >> this predicts who has it or who will get it? >> well, let me show you what they found. when they looked at people who truly had alzheimer's disease, they found that 90% of these individuals had the markers in their spinal fluid. when they looked at people who had what is called mild cognitive impairment which is some abnormality, 72% had this and when they looked at normal people they found 36%, the key thing is you don't know which of those 36% of people will go on to develop alzheimer's symptoms. >> maybe all will but they don't know it. >> maybe all of them. maybe half of them. they know in normal people on autopsy a number of people will have abnormals but had absolutely nothing. the that's the key. the test isn't ready to be used on healthy, normal people. it will be useful for research, doing drug trials in a group of people who may be at high likelihood to go on for alzheimer's disease. >> the key point, even if this is 100% accurate and there's some debate about it, even if it were, we still have no way to treat alzheimer's. >> that's right so you need to take that into consideration. it's not something that should be done in people who don't have things that look like alzheimer's disease. >> all right, but it still could be a promising breakthrough and could lead to treatment in the future. richard besser, thanks so much for reporting on this study. >> boy, it is interesting stuff and will hear it later. new details in the search for kyron horman. new reports that kyron's stepmom wasn't alone at the school the morning he disappeared. the latest ahead. the upper class mother with a dark secret. she's been having sex with several teenage boys in the neighborhood including her daughter's boyfriend. why would she do it? we go inside the case. first your local news and weather. that one. new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. the delicious taste of berries, plus yogurty clusters, plus 40% of your daily fiber... plus wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes. mmmm. maybe later, then. 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[ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. she was a popular neighborhood mom giving kids rides through her upscale neighborhood in her suv but this picture-perfect wife and mother was hiding a dark secret. she has been accused of having sex with teenaged boys including her own daughter's boyfriend. she plied them with visa boxes and x box, extravagant gifts. the story ahead, it is a disturbing one. good morning, america. i'm elizabeth vargas. >> i'm george stephanopoulos. robin roberts is off today. we'll get to that moment. a lot coming up. rosanne cash will be here, javier bardem, our back to school series, as well but we'll begin with new details in the search for kyron horman. e-mail sent by his stepmom are shedding new light on the case and mike von fremd has the latest. >> reporter: in newly released e-mail sent by teri horman the day after kyron went missing she suggests the boy was last seen with a stranger writing "his coat and backpack were still at school. i left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man chaperone and two girls after i left. there were no men on the chaperone list." she goes on to describe his behavior leading up to his disappearance "the past two weeks he's been acting really weird, staring off into space, can't rememberer anything" but according to our affiliate, katu a grand jury is currently focusing on terri horman's state of mind. sources tell katu that this past spring terii was upset with kaine because he wanted her oldest son to move out of the house. on monday three members of her gym offered testimony. meanwhile, investigators are running down leads that another adult may have been in terri's pickup the morning kyron disappeared. all this as they continue searching rural areas for kyron. >> that's great. if they have some information that leads to solving that, more power to them. i have no idea why it would be here. we're not privy to any of the tips. >> reporter: for "good morning america," mike von fremd, abc news. >> more than two months now and police are going to have another press conference releasing more information. >> the agony continues for that little boy's parents. a california wife and mother of three is facing stunning charges this morning. she's accused of having sex with 13-year-old boys. 42-year-old christine hubs has been accused of 47 counts of felony sexual assault. neal karlinsky has the latest. >> reporter: a picture perfect neighborhood full of million dollar home, a beautiful family with three children and a 20-year marriage, hardly the setting for a teenage sex affair of tabloid proportions but police say 42-year-old christine hubs seen here at her arraignment monday on 67 counts of sexual assault was not the woman people thought she was. she's accused of having sex with two boys beginning in 2008 when they were each 13 years old. >> well, the first victim, she got to know him because it was her daughter's boyfriend and that's how that relationship started. >> reporter: police say the repeated sexual contact unraveled in recent weeks when a nude picture of her was found on one boy's cell phone. >> all i ask is give the family some privacy and some respect so that they don't have to suffer. >> reporter: the attractive wife of a successful dentist was well known in the upscale community for giving kids rides in her hummer suv. she was also known to look and dress much younger than her 42 years. police say she had repeated sexual encounters with the boys in parking lots inside her hummer, in hotel rooms and at her home. >> we also discovered that she befriended these boys by giving them gift, visa card, x box, taking them out to dinner. >> reporter: taylor boyd is friends with the family of one alleged victim. >> he thought it would be cool to get with an older lady because he's only 13 years old. >> reporter: tonight the woman with a picture-perfect family life is held on $4.3 million bail leaving her own kids and husband struggling to understand how this could have happened. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> and joining us now is dr. charles sophie. this alleged criminal behavior was going on for as long as a year and a half. how could somebody not notice this? >> well, oftentimes in these situations, these women prey on young boys. they see it as a romantic interlude. he don't see it as a violent crime and oftentimes there is no violence. it is a romantic, luring with gifts, sexual stimulation of a young boy who files empowered and acts on it and oftentimes that's just how it goes on for quite some time until discovered. >> there seem to be plenty of warning signs of inappropriate behavior. driving them around in her suv giving them extravagant gifts and a facebook page with messages and friends which were all teenagers. >> oftentimes these things do not come overnight. there are inappropriate signs you'll see over the way from behavior to the way that she was dressing to maybe the way that she interacts with other children, the need to be around young children. there are signs that are inappropriate that should have led up to this but many people don't notice until after. >> what would lead a married mother of three to do something like this? >> there's a lot of studies out there that can speculate, however, the biggest reasons are is this something that has happened to her in her past where she may have been abused and it hasn't been dealt with appropriately or is this the re-enactment of a sexual experience she enjoyed or is this part of a mental illness where she's hyper sexual and that has to be really evaluated because along with this hypersexuality, you see poor impulse control, poor judgment decision, so there's a complex of symptoms here that really definitely needs to be taken apart at and looked at, as well. >> her behavior does seem reckless sending nude photos of herself onto the boys' cell phones. one mother saw it and that led to her arrest. that begs the question did she want to be discovered >> that's an important point because oftentimes as i said, the judgment, making a decision to send something like that to a miner is poor judgment and in that poor judgment is that complex of behaviors that oftentimes will lead someone to get discovered because they want to be discovered at times. they're suffering themselves many time. >> what is the psychological impact on these young boys to be involved in a relationship like this with their friend's mother? >> well, any sexual offense on a young child is very devastating to that child, especially in this line of developmental growth of their sexuality. any teenager at this point in their development has gong through a whole lot. they're not comfortable with themselves oftentimes and just getting to know themselves so to derail that process or throw in something like this where they have to question themselves and they feel maybe broken or dirty is really something that has to be addressed because otherwise this will really lead down on the line for them to really have a difficult time connecting sex and intimacy and love, the things that need to be together to have a solid, loving relationship with someone. >> very quickly, if the charges prove to be true i can only imagine the impact on our own family, her own children? >> absolutely. it's devastating to anyone because oftentimes these things go undetected by the people closest to the perpetrator and they're shocked and right now that family does need to have some privacy and regroup and get through this shocking time, however, there are issues that need to be dealt with for everybody in that family. >> all right, dr. charles sophy, thanks for joining us. a disturbing case. we want to know what you think. weigh in at our shoutout board and now it's time to check in on the weather with sam champion. hey, sam. >> good morning, again, elizabeth. a lot of folks have been talking about -- you probably have seen it over the weekend -- the giant island of ice that broke away from the peterman glacier in greenland. this is what it looked like on the july 28th picture. this is what it looked on the august 5th picture. greenpeace has released pictures of the ice floating away from it. when we tell you this island of ice is roughly 90 square -- 97 square miles, about four times the size of the island of manhattan, it's a pretty significant break and so a lot of people will be talking about the conditions that led up to that over the next few months. when we watch this low develop in the gulf our question is is this our next tropical system? we'll continue to watch it. hurricane center is looking at it. an awful rainy period from new orleans to tallahassee to landon donovan even into miami as long as this low is kind of spread out in that area 77 degrees at reagan national airport. we are on our way to the upper 90's this afternoon. there is a slight chance of storms tomorrow. and al and all that weather was brought to you by mastercard. elizabeth? >> thanks so much. coming up next, job, housing, the economy, airline travel. what's topping america's frustration index? a few years ago i got a wake up call. a heart attack at 57. that was a rough time. my doctor told me i should've been doing more for my high cholesterol. ♪ you should've listened. you're right. now i'm eating healthier and i trust my heart to lipitor. 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[ male announcer ] have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. and about lipitor. special k protein shakes -- ♪ a truly great-tasting breakfast shake. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, it's the creamy, delicious way to satisfy... your hunger to help you lose weight. ♪ so you can kick the tin can habit. try special k protein shakes today. in in this crucial election year we've been tracking america's frustration index to try and get a sense of what's behind the anti-establishment, anti-government anger so many americans are feeling and how it might shape our future. you can't do that without digging down and talking to voters so we sent our own matt dowd who conducted conversations with voters. and he is just back from nevada. this is the epicenter of voter anger. >> nevada is the most striking example of voter frustration this year where a political unknown could unseat the senate majority leader. not just armchair quarterbacks griping. commonsense people are taking a stand. they are all in. when i was working on democratic and republican campaigns, a place like henderson, nevada, was a top target. a swing suburban area in a key swing state and in this election, suburbia is swinging back at washington. >> they're not involving problems. more or less blaming. >> they're sneaky and i don't trust them. >> reporter: it has become ground zero for voter frustration and right off democracy drive we found a group of neighbors who say they're engaged in politics like never before like stacy vitale. she is a teacher. her husband vince is a mechanic. they moved here five years ago. >> the economy was growing. it just felt like a place to become more i guess of the american dream. >> do you feel that way today? >> it is definitely a struggle. >> i was saying to my parents these houses aren't worth this and i wished i had more experience in the market. >> reporter: the end mix is a real estate agent. >> i'm dealing with people who are losing their homes every day. >> reporter: 75% of neff dan s owe more on their homes than they're worth. the economy is the dominant issue. >> i'm making ends meet at this point, and that doesn't feel good. >> reporter: i want you to try to reflect back on how you felt 18 months ago compared to how you feel today. >> i was happy to not see a bush in the office and i was very hopeful. >> reporter: and their frustration is not just reserved for one party. show of hands if you think both political parties are at fault in what's gone on in washington? but right now nevada has both parties' attention with harry reid in a tight race against sharon engel. >> harry reid has made some mistakes as has everyone in the government. but i still feel like he's our best choice. >> i've known to her campaign. >> reporter: but robert stern went a step further. an author who wrote a comic book with characters inspired by the tea party's message. >> when i talk to my friends, regardless of their political persuasion, i ask them, do they believe in fiscal responsibility? i ask them and they say yes. i ask them, do you want the government running your life. they say no or limited government. do you want the government to protect us from the negative consequences of illegal immigration and most people say, yes, to that too so if you believe in those three principles believe it or not look inside yourself you're a tea party person. >> reporter: do you think it would have made a difference that instead of obama obawon, hillary clinton won? >> voting for mike mccain was like fighting for a seat on the hindenburg. it's going down. both are way off course. >> he is just one man. >> he walked into a mess. >> reporter: still, despite the frustration in this neighborhood, one thing we still found, some hope. >> it's not going to take much longer i feel. things are starting to turn a little bit. >> reporter: even with one of our biggest washington skeptics. >> i don't think there is any other country in the world that can come back from anything like this the way we can. >> wow, that is interesting stuff fighting over the hindenburg yet we can come back. let's see what the frustration index is looking like overall as we said. this is a measure of how people are feeling about the government, the president, the economy, incumbents very high, 67. that's as high as we've seen in other wave election years but then you look at the most frustrated groups. i guess this is no surprise, matthew. white republicans, 86%. >> yeah, this is evidence obviously of why the democrats are in trouble this year with the most frustrated group, the most engaged group, the group most likely to vote white republicans that puts democrats in danger. >> the least frustrated black democrats. i think that's no surprise. even that number, not nearly as high as these other two, is not a sign of great enthusiasm. >> this a year ago would have been in the 20s. now it's up to 41. good news they're not as frustrated as white republicans but this is still bad news for the democrats. this is the group they have to motivate. >> matthew, thanks very much. still ahead our back to school money saving tips. find out how this family cut their costs by more than half. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. carnation instant breakfast essentials. sometimes life can be, well, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom,,/ there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn')t make you go... dulcolax stool softener. easier to go./ make yourself comfortable. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. you may have heard that oil is no longer flowing into the gulf, but our spotter planes and helicopters will keep searching for any oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. we're finding less oil every day, but we've still got thousands of vessels ready to clean it up. local shrimp and fishing boats, organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 35 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. as long as there's oil out there that could make it ashore, i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it. bp's commitment is that we will see this through. and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare helps restore collagen depleted skin to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. clinical skincare. neutrogena®. a lot a lot coming up on "gma," the bedroom blues. these are two living in a sexless marriage. so why did the sizzle fizzle. can they get it back again? inside their counseling session with terry real. adding sizzle is actor javier bardem who joins us live to talk about his new movie starring with julia roberts in "eat, pray, love." he is magnificent. >> i guess you're saying that's not his problem. >> no, definitely not. ♪ try the first great-tasting, zero-calorie... natural sweetener borne from the leaves of the stevia plant. truvía. honestly sweet. find it at your grocery store. truvía. honestly sweet. it's tough o get enough servingsof vegetables every day if you don't always like the taste of them. good thing v8 v-fusion juice gives you hidden by a servingbles/ of fruit v8. what's yournumber?]/ have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning, it is the 7:56 on this tuesday, august 10. i am scott thurman with your local news update. things have started to even out. 95 is good from woodbridge up to springfield. 66 as heavy traffic trying to get through centreville, fair oaks, and approaching the beltway for the last half mile. the outbound roosevelt bridge has police activity of the right side. on the beltway, heavy traffic is trying to get from 952 georgia ave. southbound traffic on 270 will be this low as you go through hyattstown. right now, we have a warm start to the dead. 79 degrees at reagan national airport and you can feel the humidity. we have hazy sunshine over the nation's capital again today. baltimore is 80 degrees. we are on our way to a record breaking afternoon. the record high as 97 degrees and we should get up to about 99 degrees. there is a lo the metro board is focusing on safety concerns after an unprecedented meeting with the ntsb. the national transportation safety board talked about following through on recommendations after the deadly red line crash last year. they said metro needs to improve performance. they said metro needs to improve performance. we will be back ♪ back back back to school we got a great morning. i'm george stephanopoulos here with elizabeth vargas. robin roberts is off today. a little back to school. we are celebrating this all week or marking it all week. we have a back-to-school series on how you can get savings on clothes and school supplies. we'll show you how to cut your school supplies in half. cut the costs in half. what's great, we'll do it all week long and put everything up on our resource page at >> a big expense these families have to do for getting their kids ready. why does the passion go out of a marriage? can it be rekindled? we go behind the bedroom doors of one brave couple who speaks frankly about this most intimate dilemma living in a sexless marriage. it's not just couples with a new baby in the house but cups who find themselves married for year. >> they're letting us go inside their homes and we'll talk to them tomorrow about it, as well. switching gears a little bit, javier bardem. >> no problem there. >> no problem at all. he's starring in "eat, pray, love" with julia roberts. it opens this week. he is going to be here live. >> he is so good in this movie. >> fantastic. can't take your eyes off them. talk about movie chemistry. one of the most acclaimed voices in country. rosanne cash will be here this morning to talk about her new memoir and sing some songs -- these are songs off "the list." songs her father johnny cash told her if you want to be a singer/songwriters these are songs you should know and love. >> she writes about it in this new memoir about her relationship with her father. she sang at your wedding? >> she did. she sang "man smart, woman smarter" a woman after my own heart. now to juju for a look at the headlines. >> elizabeth, that should be our theme song. good morning to you, george, too. people in three states are on edge this morning as police hunt for a serial killer behind more than a dozen attacks. police in michigan, ohio and virginia say the same man may be linked to at least 18 stabbings. the victims are almost exclusively black men. david kerley has more from leastburg, virginia. good morning, david. >> reporter: juju, it looks like this serial killer may have made the move from michigan to virginia about a week ago. police are not saying these cases are absolutely connected but the similarities are striking. the summer of stabbings and killings has now turned into a huge manhunt for this man, police say he's white, six feet tall, muscular and is attacking african-american males. >> we're worried that there's somebody out there who may be stabbing people and committing crimes of homicide and assault. >> reporter: it started in flint, michigan in may. 13 men attacked, 5 of them died. the last attack near flint was last monday then tuesday night 550 miles away a young african-american male was stabbed in leesburg, virginia, then an attack on thursday, another on friday. >> this is an extremely violent individual. i mean it's very clear to us. it does appear that the target of his rage, the target of his attacks are african-american males. >> reporter: the targets and type of attack using a knife and hammer are the same in the cases. and so is this suv. a green chevy blazer with tan trim and dents on the hood and during that last attack, that suv was caught on a surveillance camera. and they're not sure here in virginia whether this man is still in the area and now cases in toledo, ohio, are being investigated as the manhunt continues, juju, for this serial killer. >> david kerley, thanks for that. well, the hunt for the last of three killers who broke out of an arizona prison is shifting to mountain mountain this morning. john mccluskey and his accomplice casslyn welch who is also his cousin and fiancee have reportedly been spotted near glacier national park. tracy province who escaped with mccluskey was arrested in wyoming. an american engineer, the self-proclaimed father of the b-2 bomber has been convicted of selling military secrets to china. noshir gowadia could face life in prison for helping the chinese design a component for a stealth cruise missile. as many as four people are feared dead this morning after a small plane crash in alaska in severe weather. the plane was believed to be carrying former alaska senator stevens. no word yet if he was injured. more on a dramatic rescue under way on a glacier in alaska. a team has reached five people stranded on knik glacier. they're in good condition but officials say a blizzard is making it impossible to land a helicopter to fly them home. >> the weather has been pretty poor here over the last 24 hours. we've had a lot of high winds and low visibility, so they're just going to circle around up there until they see an opportunity and then they'll get in there. >> conditions are so bad it took the rescue team 21 hours to ski just four miles to bring the survivors food and shelter. and finally looking to extend his moment in the spotlight, palin family nemesis levi johnston is jumping into politics and his manager says he's planning to run for city council or mayor in wasilla. all that for a new reality show. time now for the weather with sam. good morning, again, sam. >> good morning, juju. how are you? everybody say good morning to juju. juju, and this is a brave crowd. we just weathered a little sprinkle. we have a lot of humidity out here so congratulations to you guys. that's a big deal. you came to see us, stand in the rain. go ahead and give yourself a hand. signs are up. not running. one or two things, a picture from wplg in miami, the best, by the way, in miami news. take a look at what's going on there. you have some clouds. you have an awful lot of rain in the past couple of day, low spiraling in the gulf watching it carefully basically all of that eastern gulf and northern gulf getting heavy rain and showers scattered during the day today. look at the temperatures here, as well. st. louis at 100. louisville at 100. d.c. coming up at 97 degrees. as that area of high pressure moves east it's taking the heat wit. memphis, up to 101 by the time we get into thursday. jackson, you're doing the 90s all the way through the time period. dallas, you haven' 78 degrees now at reagan national airport. you can see hazy sunshine over the metro area. 79 degrees, actually, at reagan. we are on our way to the upper 90's. 99 should be the high temperature today. there is a slight chance of storms to mark and a few degrees cooler. the best chance of storms will be on perfect, see, but you gave your woo a little early. more from times square in the next half hour. elizabeth? >> another shot at the woo. thanks so much, sam. a secret confession most married couples would never make that they no longer have sex. but it is a reality for 15% to 20% of american couples. what causes this breakdown? juju chang spoke to one very brave couple willing to share the most intimate details of their relationship and i was surprised that 15% to 20%. that's a big number. >> absolutely and this couple exemplifies it. brave and in a lot of pain and let's face it, the stereotype is it's a wife disinterest that causes a sexless marriage but experts say it's just as likely a husband's lack of interest is the cause and very often the reason a couple is no longer intimate has little to do with what's happening or not happening in the bedroom. >> it's just a big part of a relationship to have missing? >> i'd love to know what it's like to have a husband who is interested in being intimate with you. >> very sad, very stressful. empty piece of our relationship. >> reporter: it is a status shared by an estimated 40 million american, married and sexless defined by experts as having sex less than ten times a year. >> sex is very important to the health of a relationship. if you have any idea that you're going to live in in a sexless marriage and it's going to be okay, forget it. it may be okay with you but i doubt it's equally okay with your partner. >> reporter: 39-year-old amy whit says her sexless marriage is at a breaking point. >> i don't feel desired. >> what does that do to your self-esteem when you constantly ask yourself does he not want me? >> makes me wonder why he married me. >> is it true you took your wedding ring off? >> yeah. >> reporter: amy and her husband brad tied the knot three years ago. they were best friends and both starting a second marriage. although they say they have had great sex, brad claims his sex drive has always been low and it's become almost nonexistent in the last two years. the couple agreed to discuss the issue openly with us first and then to meet with "gma" relationship expert terry real. he set up behind the scenes to take notes on what might be called the bedroom blues. >> a lot of it i thought at first was my fault. was there something i did or didn't do, you know? did he not want me? >> i don't know how to delicately ask you this but do you want to have sex more often? >> i would love to. it's just when i'm stressed out, the feeling is not there. >> reporter: laid off from his job at an auto factory brad has been out of work for almost two years. his current job search is full of rejection and money is always tight. that's got to take its toll on your marriage. >> it doesn't make me feel like i'm the man i should be and supporting the family. >> we know from research that men take unemployment much harder than women do. you drop that sense of manliness, drop that sense of self-esteem you'll drop libido. >> reporter: they live with amy's three children and describe it as a household on egg shell. >> 90% of the time i'm walking around angry, you know, bottled up where the slightest little thing if something is said to me wrong, i just explode. then she's upset with me and then, you know, it's just a big -- it's a big explosion. >> it can be very vicious verbally. >> reporter: in a survey of more than 4,000 people who claim to be in sexless marriages, 44% of the men listed anger toward their wives as a reason for not wanting sex. >> people who are angry at each other will not have great sex. this is about the sex and it's also about really tough issues in the relationship that are impacting the sex. >> reporter: brad also says there's a medical issue affecting his sex drive. a problem with his prostate but after an initial consultation, he never followed up. >> not having insurance and money i don't need another bill. >> other men would say if this is going to impact my sex life i would get to the bottom of it. >> the answer that i can give you is i'm not one to ask questions. >> it does sound like you just don't want the answer. do you want to save your marriage? >> i desperately want to save the marriage. she is ate one i want to spend the rest of my life with. >> i'm worried we can't fix this. >> reporter: with their marriage on the line on tomorrow's show, terry real takes over. >> your marriage is now hanging by a thread. >> this is not how i planned on our marriage being. >> you've been behaving like a tyrant. what's it like for me to say that. >> it's the truth. >> there's a lot at stake. they don't want to lose the marriage. >> you feel for that couple but it doesn't sound like the sex is the problem. it sounds like the stress is the problem and sex is the -- >> the sex is never the problem and in this case it's very much the tip of the iceberg. tomorrow we'll have more of terry real's session which is absolutely riveting. he makes both brad and amy take/cold, hard look at all their issue, rage, intim ma si, up adequacy and gives them tough assignments with deadlines and you'll see the reaction, very interesting. >> terry will be here live tomorrow as well. we want to hear from you about this issue but a real issue for so many couples. terry will be answering your questions at our website so go to to get his expert advice. coming up next, the best deals on back-to-school supplies. elisabeth leamy does her money-saving magic. where your c? 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[ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well, i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. [ male announcer ] if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq®. pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. tell your doctor if you have heart disease or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. ask your doctor about pristiq. requires a little magic from mom [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, maical taste. your frizz revolution stars now. new frizz-ease smooth start. the only shampoo and conditioner with frizz mending complex. transforms frizz by repairing it. to restore hair's natural defense gainst frizz. for 100% flawless, frizz-free style frizz-ease smooth start. >> back-to-school shopping time and how quickly they can add up. all this week we'll help you find new ways to save. yesterday our consumer correspondent elisabeth leamy showed us how to cut back-to-school clothes costs in half. it's online if you missed it. today eli is back to tackle the cost of school supply. >> school supplies can kind of sneak up on you. you think, oh, they only cost 99 cents each and add them all up and the cost can be significant. this morning we head back out with the meyer family of connecticut and this time instead of shoes and shirts it's pens and paper. with list in hand, mom beth meyer dives into school supply shopping for 11-year-old emily and 9-year-old brian. robert meyer is along with 3-year-old lindsay to see just how much money they will save with the expert advice of laura rowley yahoo! finance columnist. the family is shopping at xpect, a discount school in new england. laura scanned online and printed circulars looking for the same 20 school supplies at four different types of stores. a drugstore, an office supply store, a big box store and a dollar store. >> we found the cheapest place to buy that was the independent discount store or dollar store. >> reporter: the list of supplies cost $83 at the drugstore, 67 at the office supply store and $32 at the big box store but xpect was the lowest at just $27. >> it's a lot of work to go and comparison shop. >> reporter: but in this case time is money so tip one, research because the difference between the highest and lowest priced stores was 56 bucks so. >> so it pays to look closely at the display and find the item with the best price. >> reporter: 7,000 dollar type stores opened in the u.s. between 2001 and last year so makers of brand name products can't ignore them anymore. >> shoppers are very often surprised to go into a dollar store and find the brand names they're used to seeing in big box stores. >> pick two out. >> they had the brans we liked and colors and it wasn't generic school supply stuff. >> reporter: tip two, when you find a great deal on a staple, stock up. that . >> that is the best price we saw anyone. >> get two each. >> reporter: number three, try not buying. the meyers are saving even more money today because laura had them take inventory at home first. >> open up the drawers. open up the closets. find last year's backpacks, you will find things you can recycle. >> reporter: the meyers usually spend around $100 for school supplies. >> i didn't realize how much it is for paper and pencils and pens. >> reporter: this year with laura's help, they spend just $45. >> i got all the supplies i needed. >> now there are a couple things to keep in mind when shopping at a discount school or dollar store, the selection can be narrow and sell out quickly with those prices so you should do shopping early. >> what if a family doesn't have a dollar store nearby, what other strategies do you have? >> a couple other i like, buy in bulk. buy big amounts and split them up with other families. split up the cost and if you can get your kids to indite, wait until a couple of, you know, weeks after school starts, especially for big ticket items like calculators and backpacks and you will find them on sale 00% off, 80% off, think of it as an already back to school sale. if you go to some of those penny sales wherer they're selling packs of pens for pennies, they're trying to get you to the store to get you buy more expensive things so cherry pick the things. >> elisabeth leamy, thank you very much. find the full chart comparing prices for back-to-school supplies at our website plus we posted the best websites and apps to help you spot deals at tomorrow becky worley will be here with cost-cutting tips for college gear and a special, javier bardem and rosanne cash performs live. she is a new album. a new book, a lot to catch up on with rosanne cash. medical condition it can take so much out o of y. i feel like i hav o wiwind myself up just to get out of bed. then... well... i have to keep winding myself up to deal with theadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, e ck of energy. if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq. (announcer) p pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants cacan increae suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens anand yoyoung adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. takaking pristiq with nsaid pain relilievers, aspirin or b bloodhinners may increaease beding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, cluding those for migraine, to avoid a pontntially life-threatening conditn. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. telling youroctor if you have heart disease... or beforere you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness an sweating. (woman) for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. (announcer) ask your doctor about pristiq. [ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, crafted to be exceptionally smooth... decadently rich... delightful... chocolate... bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. crafted for bliss. and it starts with healthy skin. discover aveeno daily lotion. the exclusive oat formula is proven to improve... skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in two weeks. get healthy skin for life, with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning, it is 8:25 and time to look at traffic and weather. we are looking at the inner loop of the beltway in bethesda. it will be jammed up getting past connecticut ave. be prepared for these delays to linger for the ever loop is still slow heading from new hampshire avenue to georgia avenue, unaffected by the inner loop crash. southbound on to 70, we will take a look to see -- southbound on 270, we will see if we still have the delays and down toward route 28. we will go to the maps and show you that we had problems on the race track road near 197. . it will be a hot one today and temperatures are warming up nightly -- nicely, 83 degrees in laurel. hazy sunshine across the nation's capital and the dew point is 73 right now. we are on our way to the upper 90's this afternoon. there will be a lot of sunshine and a few patchy clouds parted it will be code orange for the air quality. tomorrow, a few degrees cooler, 97 degrees with a chance of a late stage turns and a better chance of storms thursday into friday. temperatures will cool down to 86 by friday. >> we will be right back with a look at some of this morning's top local news stories. stay focused, tigers! children: yay, butterflies! youth coaching runs on dunkin'. with our delicious icy mocha beverages. get your summer treat today. america runs on dunkin'. investigators believe a serial killer may have attacked three people in leesburg. police say the man had attacked 12 black man and a latino teen in the past week. he may be linked to an attack in ohio. most of his victims were black. received new twist in the murder of attorney robert won. his wife is seeking telephone bills from the apartment where he was killed. his widow's attorney says the records could show the defendant's state of mind the again today, law enforcement officials will be training for anti-terrorism exercises. they will be held on random days at metro stations a few times a month for officials say the deals are not a response to a specific terrorist threat. local paternity is -- a a local attorney is suing washington for parking rates. he filed a lawsuit against the city and says the heightened parking meter fees are contrary to the d.c. parking enforcement law. >> it is part of their police power grid is a regulatory act and they are using it as a tax measure. that does not conform to the statute. >> i understand about the tax but the charges very much in keeping with other measures that cities take. >> the d.c. parking fees are higher than the national average but cheaper than in other cities. we will have another update at 8:56. for continuous news coverage, tune in to tbd news on news channel 8. ♪ if you're traveling in the north country ♪ >> rosanne cash, grammy winner, singer/songwriter. 11 hits. has also written a brand new member. what i started it last night. it is fantastic. so honest and revealing. >> this song, just a taste of girl from the north country, a bob dylan song off her new cd. this is "the list," what songs your dad told you, johnny cash told you, these are the songs you need to know and love in order to be a singer/songwriter. >> he called them 100 essential songs, right. >> i can't wait to hear more about them and the book. by the way, rocking boots, rose. take a look at these boots. >> they're like unbelievable. >> and they're very high. >> they're very high. >> i have a very big band. so it helps. >> you're towering this morning. also towering this morning and with us live is javier bardem. he is the new star, new star, sorry, of the new movie "eat, pray, love" opposite julia roberts. one of the screen's most compelling actors and he is really, really good in this movie. the chemistry between him and julia is really -- >> smoldering is the word. >> smoldering would be the word. >> i like that word. sam liked that word. >> we'll have more from julia tomorrow. >> a lot more from my interview with julia talking about her life and family and the movie. first to the smoldering sam champion. >> smolder, smolder. >> over here. hey, gang, are you guys all right? rosanne cash on stage. so robin is on vacation but sends me this early morning text. it says make sure rosanne knows how much she loves you and would be here if she wasn't in california on vacation. let's get to the board and show you exactly what's going on. one or two things we want to talk b as you look at our twitter pictures because we're getting them from all over, everybody is on vacation from kill devil hills to santa fe, new mexico, blendty of your beautiful vacation shots. every day we'll pick up to four of them and throw them on the page here so everybody can see. now, hurricane center is looking up to a 60% chance that this will develop into some kind of tropical system. it is sitting in the gulf. it is likely it will continue to spin a little toward the west. this is some very heavy rain and lot of wind, as well. watching it carefully. any interest in the gulf should be following their local abc station. why? it's the best weather networ 79 degrees at reagan national. it will be hot today. the highs will be in the upper 90's. a slight chance of storms tomorr >> it's all right. they just want to know if they can woo or not. it's okay. all that weather was brought to you by orkin. elizabeth? >> it is the book that soared to the top of the best-seller's list and poised to be one of the summer's biggest blockbuster movies talking about "eat, pray, love" starring julia roberts, a woman in search of answers, a search that takes her from italy to india to indonesia and delivers her into the arms of our next guest, javier bardem. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> so nice to have you this morning. this is more than just a book that this movie movie is based upon. more than 6 million copies sold. translated into 40 languages. what attracted you to this story? >> well, i think the first time i read it i read it several times because i had to do the movie. i guess i was expecting to be a book for women, but i realize it's a book about human beings that had to go through doubts, pain and overcome and i think that's very common to every human being so i think it really speak about all of us, so i thought it was very important movie to talk about. >> you have said it was as you said about having doubts and fears about your life, about not being sure, about being a bit lost. have you ever felt like that ever in your lost. >> who has not. i mean who has not? we've all been there and it's part of the journey and i think that makes us stronger. i mean, for example, my character philippe is a man who is fine with his insecurity. he accepts it and that's is his strength actually. >> your character when julia roberts meets him has gone through a horrible divorce. this is what led her on this spiritual journey of self-discovery. your character, on the other hand has been divorced for ten year, such a painful divorce but you seem to not be in that. has he already gone through his little journey of finding himself? >> i think like in life, julia's character and my character meet when they both are ready to get alone and be together. my character has been on the road for a long time. he's actually healed himself and he's trying to put julia's character in a way where -- in the place where she can go and move on and that's what happened in life. i mean two people meet and things has to be ready for them to keep on going together. >> first movie with julia roberts. >> yes. >> she said you were surprised that you were cast as her love interest. she had this image of you from "no country for old man." she said i thought he would be intense, broad di and weird. >> she's right. i don't know what broad di is. what is that. >> it means like into deep thoughts. >> i am like that but i said to her i give myself some holidays for this movie. i'll give myself permission to have fun. >> it's a great character. we have a clip from the movie and your chemistry and connection, you can see it's palpable. you're definitely not broad di and weird in this movie. let's take a look. >> what are these? >> these are delicious. it's like an orange made love to a plum. >> when you put it that way, thank you. wow. >> it's beautiful. >> beautiful. >> yeah. >> so i'm from bali. >> where should we go. >> to the best restaurant in town. my place. >> subtle. >> subtle. what a smooth talker you are in that. >> subtle. i mean that was kind of an an improvisation. no, she did improvisation. i was just saying my lines. >> she was jumping in on that. >> she is a great actress. she is a hard worker but at the same time she is very brave. i mean she doesn't take anything for granted. she goes there and takes the journey of performing the scene without knowing where she is going to end at and i like that. i like that. >> there was a really moving scene in the movie where at one point your character is saying good-bye to his 19-year-old son who has come for a visit and julia's character is looking on and your character seems very happy but he's crying as he says good-bye and it's extremely moving and what seems to be a perfect example of paternal love. what is going on in that scene. >> i think that's important for her to realize that philippe is a man who is not ashamed of his own feelings and sharing feelings with another man and as i said before showing his weakness and showing his -- >> softness. >> softness also for her to be more comfortable with him and to trust him more and the guy -- the arc, the young actor which it's his first movie, he did a great amazing job and very easy for me to work with him. >> it is a wonderful movie about the search for love. congratulations. you have been -- in your search you've been successful with your recent marriage to penelope cruz. everybody wishes you nothing but immense happiness in that. >> thank you very much. >> well, good luck with the movie and the marriage. >> okay. >> and thank you so much for being here, javier bardem. "eat, pray, love" opens this friday and tomorrow we'll have more of george's interview with javier's co-star, the regardishing julia roberts. up next the ravishing rosanne ca in her career as a singer and songwriter rosanne cash has won grammy, written 11 number one songs and now she set out on something new, trying in her lovely phrase to extend the poetry with a memoir about her life, love affair with music and complicated relationship with her legendary dad johnny cash. the name of the book is "composed" and rosanne cash joins us now. >> thank you, george. >> you're also a tweeter. >> let's get right to the important stuff. >> yesterday you tweeted, "i am much more mervous about my book being published than i've ever been about any record." why? >> game change. >> in what way? >> well, because in song, writing songs you can use poetic license, you can obscure details. you can do whatever you want. i felt a responsibility with a memoir to be factual or at least as i remember them. and that's just far more revealing and just makes me a little nervous. >> you do write in here this is your truth. i mean you want to be true to the facts but this is about your memories, your impressions, what you grew up with and what you lived with. >> right. it's not a chronology, a straight chronology, it's more thematically linked. i circle around time. it seems mutable. i couldn't write a straight chronology but it is the truth as i remember it. my sisters may remember things differently, but it's what i remember. >> i'm just glad you're sitting down with me. one of the scenes you write about when early in your life you and i guess one of your parents' albums is many could go out and you're sitting in the living room stiff as a book and your weariness of journal ifs started right at that moment. >> well, i'll make an exception for you. >> thank you very much. and you also write that you learned more from songs than from any teacher in your life. >> well, songs were the language of my family. they were currency, they were language, they were a way to understand your own emotions, and your own experiences and your journeys. everything that i needed to learn was in songs. and the songs i wrote, the songs i found. the songs i followed around the world. you know, they led me to true love. they've led -- >> led you to true love. >> well, sure. >> how? >> because my husband and i have that language with each other. you know, we can -- we play together and we talk about songs together. >> this was not an easy book for you to write. ten years. >> no, ten years i've been writing it. >> why so long? >> stuff kept happening. i kept making records, people died. i had brain surgery which i wrote about this the book. and, you know, life kept interrupting. >> and the brain surgery, thank goodness you're a lot better now but it changed your perception of words and music. >> it did. it was as if a veil got lifted and my perception of music became more acute and more wonderful, really deep and precious. >> was it a gift. >> total gift, yeah. >> that really is something. >> i was afraid i would lose my ability to either understand or play music. i even wrote oliver sax a letter about it. >> the biologist. >> neurologist and said my expertise is the cortex and your problem is the cerebellum so i can't really help you. >> but that is amazing that your appreciation was it got even deeper. i know this is not a book about your father but one of your -- a line that might not have been easy to write. you quite i had done an exhausting dance with his legacy my entire life. what does that mean. >> well, like any young person i wanted to find my own way, who i was, the songs i was going to write. just my individuality and my father cast such a large shadow that that was difficult. it's not that my experience of doing that was any different than any young person. it's just it was probably more intense because he cast such a large shadow and i was going into the same field. but he left me this list of songs that elizabeth was talking about earlier and i always thought, oh, this is this great thing dad gave me and i didn't realize that it was my dna that he was giving me, my legacy that was very precious to my family. until he died and then i -- it's like you realize what your parents leave you after they're gone whether it's a recipe or set of dishes, went, oh, this list of songs so that's when i fully started stepping into the legacy and this book. >> the book is "composed." the album is called "the list." we'll hear something from it in the album is called "the list." we'll hear something from it in ♪ nobody knows >> some music from the legendary rosanne cash. her latest album as we said is called "the list," a selection of songs her father gave her when she was 18 years old, 100 great songs, essential country music listening but not just country. >> really american songs. >> exactly. we were talking about "girl from the north country." bob dylan. >> folk songs. >> you got a lot of famous voices to sing background. >> i did. bruce springsteen. elvis costello. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. that must have been exciting. >> i couldn't find anybody good so -- >> how do you tell bruce springsteen, could you back off a little? >> you don't do that. >> you don't. no direction needed. >> well, not really. he's pretty good at what he does? a great duet. and the album has just been nominated for -- >> album of the year. yes. >> fantastic. you'll sing now. >> "i'm movin' on." >> thanks. ♪ that big eight-wheeler rolling down the track means your true loven momma ain't coming back ♪ ♪ cause i'm moving on i'll soon be gone ♪ ♪ you were flying too high for my little sky and i'm moving on ♪ ♪ that big loud whistle as it blew and blew ♪ ♪ said hello to the southland we're coming for you ♪ ♪ we're moving on oh hear my song ♪ ♪ you had the laugh on me and i'll set you free and i'm moving on ♪ ♪ i told you baby from time to time but you just wouldn't listen or pay me no mind so i'm moving on ♪ ♪ i'm rolling on. ♪ you had the laugh on me and i'll set you free and i'm moving on ♪ . ♪ someday when you want to play you'll want your momma but your momma won't stay i'm moving on ♪ ♪ stayed way too long ♪ well you've broken your vow and it's all over now and i'm moving on ♪ ♪ move on ♪ the big eight-wheeler rolling down the track means your true loving momma ain't coming back because i'm moving on ♪ ♪ i'll soon be gone you were flying too high for my little sky and i'm moving on ♪ ♪ moving on moving on and a big thanks to rosanne cash. the book is called "composed." >> great band, really. >> the album is called "the list." an exclusive performance on thanks so much. >> pleasure. >> and you all have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> have a good one. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning, everyone at 8:56. let's get a look at traffic and weather. we still have some issues out there. the outer loop of the beltway at the american legion bridge is slow. the inner loop at connecticut avenue has an accident moved out of the way. there is heavy traffic in college park around to silver spring. springfield traffic is cleared out along 95. on the maps we will show you that we had an earlier problem on the eastbound side of race track road. we had an accident on to it is 67 near 123 in the center of the road. right near 80 degrees across the metro area. we have hazy sunshine over the district. another hazy, hot, and humid day but we may break records this afternoon as the temperatures go into the upper 90's. we are on our way to 99 degrees later today and mostly sunny and a few patchy clouds by mid day and afternoon. the air quality is code orange today. we will cool a little bit tomorrow and a slight chance of storms and a better chance of storms thursday. the deadline to register to vote for change party affiliation in maryland is august 24 at 9:00 p.m. the maryland primary is september 14. thank you for watching and have a great day. but you wouldn't want an antique computer. or an antique tv. ♪ or an antique remote control. so why are you still using an antique cable network created in 1948 for your 2010 tv? 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