Transcripts For WJLA ABC News Good Morning America 20091212

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this morning, tiger woods says he'll take an indefinite break from professional golf to try to save his marriage. and he admits for the first time he cheated on his wife. we'll have the latest fallout. five, american-muslims allegedly recruited for terror, face tough questions from the fbi. we have the latest details on thr plans to fight u.s. troops. and how the internet helped them organize. more than 100 cars are stranded on the highway, as a blizzard pounds the northeast and midwest. and with arctic chill and more snow on the way, much of the country is in for a deep freeze. and tis the season for everyone's favorite holiday show. a behind-the-scenes look at the nutcracker, with some very special tour guides. good morning, america. >> good morning. and i've cleaned the confetti out of the place. it was quite a party yesterday. big changes here at "good morning america." but we're still here on the weekends. we say good morning to you today. lots to get to today. lots to get to, including tiger woods. we haven't seen him for a couple of weeks. he's done a lot of soul-searching. needs to focus on being a better husband, father and person. and what will this mean for the sport that he helped popularize. what it mean for the major companies who endorse him? we'll get into that. a huge game of retail chicken going on right now. two weeks until christmas. are you going to hit the mall today? or are you going to wait and see if the stores slash their prices even further? this is the game of chicken going on. retailers waiting to see what we all do. maybe if we band together. >> we make a ping can i swear that we're not going to shop until the 24th. also this morning, is your doctor up on the latest research and treatments available? and how do you find out if they are or not? we'll tell you the questions you need to ask to make sure you're getting the best possible care. it's part of our series, "doctors orders." first, tiger woods has announced he's leaving the pro golf tour indefinitely. he says he's goings to work on fixing his marriage, which, of course, has been damaged by sensational stories about extramarital affairs. and abc's john berman is here with what this means for tiger, for the sport. >> reporter: good morning. two years ago, tiger woods was one of the most revered, respected athletes in the world. now, he's not playing at all. he made the decision to leave the tour to focus his attention on being better father, husband and person. two weeks to the day, after he crashed his car, leading to the cavalcade of women and affairs, he said, i'm deeply aware of the ain't infidelity has hurt. it's the first time he used the word infidelity message. and this voicemail message that "us weekly" says he left with a girlfriend. >> can you please take your name off your phone? my wife went through my phone and may be calling you. >> reporter: woods' absence will be a tremendous blow to golf. when he missed eight months last year after knee surgery, tv ratings fell by 50%. this week, golfer john daly spoke of the game without tiger. >> i mean, it will survive. but not to what it is when tiger plays. because of tiger is why we're playing for so much money. >> reporter: with a roster of high-profile endorsements, woods became the first billion-dollar athlete. but now, there are signs some sponsors are beginning to waiver. last night, at&t told us, we are plenty evaluatinour ongoing relationship with him. woods seemed to acknowledge he has a tough road ahead. it may not be possible to repair the damage i've done, he says. but i want to do my best to try. so, when will tiger play again? we simply don't know. the masters, one of the biggest tournaments of the year is in april. he usually only plays three or four toirnmentes before then. and tiger is not telling us much. all of the statemes in this crisis, on his website. >> john, we appreciate it. and christine brennan has been giving this story perfective all along. good to see you. couple weeks ago, we both sat here and gave tiger the benefit of the doubt. and at&t and procter & gamble, and gillette, and nike, and ea video games did the same. what's next for his major sponsors? >> i think there's going to be a wholesale shifting. if they don't get rid of him entirely. they'll do a wait and see things. they're going to get him off the billboards, accenture, all the billboards, be a tiger. i called accenture twice over nine hours. they acted as if they never heard of the guy. not a phone call back from their top spokeswoman. at&t says they have no comment now. they're evaluating the situation. at&t that's his golf bag. not right now. he won't be playing. but also a touament he has in washington. the at&t national. again, i think all of the sponsors say, we have to get out of the picture. kind of like tiger. tiger's gone. the sponsors will probably be gone, too. >> all of the website stimts in the world can't compare to him facing the music, facing the cameras, looking his fans in the eye. what sort of crisis management advice do you think he's getting on that front? >> tiger is a control freak. and he's a very private person. this is the first time, bill, he's never been able to control something, potentially in his life, since his dad had him on mike douglas at age 2. his dad said he was the next gandhi. the next mandela. all of a sudden, this has to be stunning to him to have to deal with this. but i think we're getting a window into tiger's world. right into the family room and did yesterday.m, with what he it is so shocking that he is leaving golf. i think it says tiger realizes how bad this is. he's a smart guy. and he realizes that this is just absolutely out of control. and he had to do the most shocking thing to get his li together. in that sense, i think we should all feel good that maybe he's coming to grips with how bad this is. >> and quickly, what are the odds we'll see him at the masters? >> i'll say probably not. my sense is we're talking six months to a year. it could be less. but this is a big deal. and i think we might not see him for a while. >> christine brennan. as always, we appreciate your insight. thanks. >> okay, bill. checking the rest of the news this morning, ron claiborne. >> good morning, everyone. a blast of wintry weather is causing more problems in parts of the midwest and northeast, where cold temperatures and snow are making travel treacherous. and abc's david kerley has the latest. >> reporter: a break in the storm made getting around western new york much easier. even on two wheels. he's hearty folks see plenty of snow. but were surprised at what the slow-moving storm threw at them. >> it was terrible. it was a whiteout. >> worst i can remember. i think it is the worst. >> reporter: this is what they're talking about. blowing snow that blinded drivers. plows couldn't keep up. interstate 90 was shut down. >> there came a point in time where a large segment of roadway, it was impossible to get people through. >> reporter: but there were 200 people stranded in cars and trucks. forced to spend their entire night in their vehicles. >> it was actually more comfortable than a plane ride i was just on. >> reporter: we sat down with mike in his car, his home for 12 hours. with just two slices of bread and a bowl he used to melt snow with his car's heater. scary at all? >> just the thought of being -- a lot of snow coming down, which can happen. and all day today could be crummy weather. and you're thinking, it's not going to melt on saturday, either. >> reporter: were you cold? were you hungry? were you thirsty? >> yes. yes. yes. >> reporter: these 32 seniors are on a tour through the northeast. the most memorable stop, the night on the interstate. >> scary. scary. i mean, we saw these huge trucks on the side of the road. cars on the side of the road. >> reporter: for "good morning america," david kerley, abc news, westfield, new york. and the house has passed the biggest overhaul of financial regulation since the great depression. the bill would create a new agency to oversea consumer banking transz actions. and give the government power to break up companies that it deems to be a threat to the economy. the senate will take a financial reform early nex year. foun the senate health t report care reform coul actually increase heal costs. the report also calls proposed savings for medicare unrealistic. but it says the plan would provide coverage to 33 million but it says the plan would provide coverage to 33 million americans who currently do not their iphones in concert this week, after programming the phones to s tos mickic instrum. and strapping speakers to their wrist. they got credit. course credit for this project. >> it sounds terrible. did you hear it? >> well, they're trying. perfecting it. >> it's early on. >> early on. let's play a real musical instrument, for crying out loud. good morning all of you. it is winter, after all. we're talking about winter advise ris. nine states under winter advisories. the west coast this time. looking at central california. one storm moved in. dumped five to ten inches of snow in the higher elevations. folks preparing for rain. you see a lot of sandbags. one storm moves out. another moves in. all the way from oregon to southern cal it is and other cool start to our day. temperatures are in the 20's. there is a lot of sunshine today and let the war but below the average. the average high as 48 but today will be 44. tonight, increasing clouds, may be brief, freezing rain west of the metro area, especially blue ridge briefly. otherwise, a race sunday tomorrow thks so much. more on your saturday outlook later on in the show. kate? >> okay, marysol. thisorning, five, young america american-muslims from the washington, d.c. area, have been moved to terror suspects. the fbi has been questioning them about a plot to wage jihad against troops in afghanistan. our chief investigative correspondent, brian ross, begins with the latest. what do we know about what they may be charged with? >> reporter: they could be charged with giving material support to terrorism. they went to pakista proclaiming they wanted to become part of jihad. the radical groups they first approached suspected them of being perhaps plants by the cia. they showed up in western clothing. didn't speak any language. and they were rejektsed by the first group they went to. they were making their way, they thought, to a place in north train to attack u.s. troops in afghanistan. five, young men from the suburbs of washington. two college students among them, who surprised everybody by their actions. >> all their friends say no suspicions of any of this. but this raises so many questions. ever since 9/11, people have been worried about homegrown terrorism in the u.s. several cases. this week, a chicago man charged with helping to organize the plot in mumbai. you have najibullah zazi, in denver. >> reporter: the concern about people in this country, disaffected pakistanis in many cases, who have decided they had it with their country, their adopted country. and they go to pakistan to learn how to welcome fighters against america. the most radical case is that of adam gadahn. he's a senior leader of al qaeda. this is a tape he released overnight, again warning americans, don't have long to live if they continue to fight against allah. he is a senior commander now. wanted for being a traitor. it is an extreme example of what concerns many that american-muslims, young people, are following the same path seen in england. >> another big story in the region. blackwater security, which had been an integral part of security operations there, cut off this week. >> reporter: the cia cut off a contract that had them handling the predator planes over afghanistan. and "the new york times" and "the washington post" have been ed in almost a mercenary role. used in paramilitary and combat operations in pakistan, iraq and afghanistan. which would be, if true, completely against the wall. much more to come on that, as the blackwater role continues to be diminished. >> you'll follow that for us. brian, thank you so much. let's turn to the economy now. attention holiday shoppers. this could be a do-or-die weekend for your favorite stores. november sales were up 1.3% from october, a lot of consumers, that means you, are waiting to open their wallets this month, hoping for even deeper discounts. the longer you wait, the deeper they get. abc's stephanie sy joins us with more on the standoff. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: good morning, bill. this is viewed as a crucial weekend for retailers in this holiday shopping season. if they can't entice the shoppers today and tomorrow, they may have to resort to the dreaded, unplanned markdowns. dreaded for them, a boone for shoppers. so, the question this morning, who will blink first? it's like a showdown at high noon. on one side, retailers, trying to make it into the black. on the other, consumers, trying to wait them out, hoping for a better deal. >> there's a bit of a game of chicken going on in terms of the customer waiting for deeper markdowns. and the retailers thinking that the customer's going to have to give in and come shop. >> reporter: in a new survey, nine out of ten late-season shoppers say they're waiting until stores hit 50% off or better before they start to spend. so far, retailers aren't budging. they ordered less inventory this year than last, so, have less need to slash to sell. but their time is running out. while the new figures out friday show retail sales were up in november, thanks to surging auto sales, department and electronics stores saw steep declines. one of thenlbright spots are online sales, which were up 3%. if the customers don't spend this weekend, retailers may have to resort to those deep discounts they're hoping to avoid. in fact, most retailers have the last-resort sale science ready to go. >> if numbers aren't where they're supposed to be, you really need to be able to turn on a dime. >> reporter: many shoppers are still spooked by the recession. >> money-wise, you spend a little less this year. >> reporter: did you guys budget any differently this year because of the economy? >> yeah. >> um, yeah. way. >> actually cut off a lot oaf people. >> yeah. >> it's mostly just kids for christmas. >> reporter: but the right deals, they could be in a more giving mood. >> we hope so. >> reporter: your brother might get back on the list. >> my mom. she might get on it. >> yeah. >> reporter: retail analysts we spoke to say that customers may be taking a risk if they're waiting for the really deep discounts on popular items like the 70%s. 50% is more the norman, as we head toward the christmas holiday, kate. but there's always the after-christmas sales to wait for, too. >> this is good news for procrastinators, like me. stephanie, thank you. it sounds like the plot of a primetime drama now. a police cold case squad reopens a 41-year-old missing child investigation, and finds a new lead. only, it's a story that's very real. it's going on in washington state right now. and abc's neal karlinsky has that story. >> reporter: the date was may 3rd, 1968. >> this third day of searching began shortly after dawn this morning. >> reporter: and a massive search was underway, east of seattle, for a missing, little boy. an 8-year-old by the name of david adams. >> you two guys play much in the woods? >> not very much. there's usually a place where there's more houses. >> reporter: his brother was at a loss. his mother was frantic. >> i feel someone has taken him out of this area. i don't know if he's still alive. >> reporter: 41 years later, ann adams is still waiting for an answer. her son, frozen in time, as a little boy on a missing poster. >> whatever happens today, but that he's all right. we have a great deal of comfort in that. but there will always be an empty place in our family. >> reporter: cold case detective scott tompkins thinks he might finally have the answer. he says police back then never followed up on tips about a neighbor. so, tompkins did. he subpoenaed phone records and interviewed a person of interest he believes may have murdered adams. >> there's evidence in our investigation, that the potential witness is trying to steer potential evidence away from the police. >> reporter: it's critical because police may need a tip from someone their person of interest may have spoken to. dna might not do it. adam's body was never found. >> somebody, if they were involved, has carried a heavy burden for a long, long time. and if they could revolsolve th that would be a great relief. >> reporter: 41 years later, the arch for david adams is on again. this time, police say they're close. and may finally have his killer in their sights. >> just feel for the parents. >> absolutely. we'll be right back. coming up on "good morning america," spin to win. how the traditional hanukkah game of dreidel is being turned into a modern, extreme sport. and the christmas comedy classic, "grandma got run over by a reindeer" turns 30. we'll have the back story on one of the catchiest tunes. and have a special, live of the catchiest tunes. and have a special, live performance. oh, your mht that over. no way! these are the ornaments from when i was a kid. this is from mommy's first ballet recital. oh, and this is when i got a two-wheeler. pretty awesome. i used to have one of these. there's a new one. "for lucy, to get her started. love, grandma." look lucy, this one's for you. 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" it's time for real. ♪ you don't have to deck the halls with jingle bell rock ♪ that's kneel diamond covering adam sandler's "hanukkah song" which is all the rage on the internet. as it was years ago. in honor of the holiday, which began last night in our household, our "breakfast buzz" is about a hanukkah tradition that's fallen out of favor, believe it or not. but i met some people -- that's not annoying at all. but i met some people who are trying to bring it back with a vengeance. for centuries, the dreidel has been a symbol of hanukkah. and the truth about dreidel has been a closely-guarded secret until now. >> regular dreidel is a pretty boring game. >> reporter: it's a gambling game. the geld that is distributed by the hebrew letter that the dreidel lands on. jenny roberts was so fed up with the lameness of dreidel, she decided to give it to a new twist. >> the objective is to create your best hand of five dreidel spins. >> reporter: ec was also frustrated with dreidel's bore factor. >> the dreidel in modern times has been reduced to more of a decoration. of course, my mom, she decorated the table with dreidels. i'm sitting there. it's late. i'm looking at the dreidel. it looks at me. and he goes, spin me. >> reporter: and so, major league dreidel was born. a no-holds-barred faceoff of spinning power. how long can you spin that dreidel? >> time of spin, t.o.s. >> reporter: this year's dreidel championship will feature spinners from as far away as hawaii. >> you have guys like jimmy gymle. spin-credible hulk. it's not just jews. it's like dunking a basketball. anybody can do this. that's pretty good for a rookie. stay away from that spin zone wall. that's a kiss. that's the wobbles right there. 9.26. you beat it. no geld, no glory. >> reporter: i got my geld. >> we'll be back to tell you who won. ♪ with 120 hertz, guys are so easy ♪ ♪ high-def tv, high def tv, we really do agree ♪ ♪ guys just want a nice big screen ♪ ♪ to stare at frozenly [ ding ] ok. ♪ when he sees this thing ♪ we have to warn you now ♪ it looks just so awesome ♪ he's gonna have a cow moo. 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>> 150. we went behind the scenes with some of the youngest members of "the nutcracker" in new york city, that show what goes into making the show. good morning, america. i'm kate snow. >> i'm bill weir. it's saturday, december 12th. and did you know, tchaikovsky also wrote "grandma got run over by a reindeer." it's 30 years old. actually, tchaikovsky had nothing to do with the song. we're going to meet the man who had a lot to do with it. he song it. we're going to get the back story on that little diddy. >> it started as a joke. go figure. and how can you be sure that your doctor is up-to-date with the latest medical information? this woman's doctor failed to prescribe medication tt could have worked. we have important questions you need to ask to make sure your doctor is up-to-date. first, ron claiborne has the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, the obama's administration pay czar, is limiting composition for the companies that got the largest bailouts. general motors, aig, citigroup, cannot make over $500,000 a in cash a year. casey anthony broke down in tears as prosecutors suggested that she drugged and suffocated her 2-year-old daughter. the defense says she should not face the death penalty. and jenny sanford has filed for divorce from south carolina governor, mark sanford. in june, he revealed his affair with a woman in argentina. > and just in time for the holidays, a giant santa is being carved out of cheese. mossive blacks of wisconsin cheddar cheese is being used to make the 5 1/2-foot-tall santa. that's a quick look at the headlines. over to marysol with the weather. >> thanks, ron. we turn our focus to the southeast. the scenes of a lot of rain. mobile, savannah, tallahassee, up to three inches of rain. to the northeast, it's chilly. but it's seasonal. temperature in new york, 41. washington, d.c., 44. this is above average, despite the fact it feels cold when we walk outside. the wind starts to dissipate as the da >> despite a cold start, in the 20's this morning. tomorrow, mid-40's and we could start the day with freezing rain west of tsssssssssssssssssssssss thanks so much. this weather report has been brought to you by kellogg's rice krispies. kate? >> okay, marysol. so, how do you know your doctor is treating you with the latest medical advances? do they have the latest research, studies, philosophies? in our series, "doctors' orders" john mckenzie is here to shed a little light on the state-of-the-art care and how you know you're getting it. >> reporter: the practice of medicine. it's constantly changing. and constantly evolving. the question is, is your doctor keeping up to date? within minutes of eating almost any meal, diana had severe stomach pain. so, her doctor prescribed medications. one, then adding another. then, mixing in a third. but nothing worked. >> i said this, is ridiculous. i still had the original problem. but now, i had other things to deal with. now, i had more than one. >> reporter: it was only after diana switched doctors, that she found out the problem. her body could not tolerate gluten. just avoid certain foods and the problem solved. >> when diana came to me me, her doctor was not listening to the similar thomas and doing the necessary tests needed. >> reporter: it's happening all-too often. doctors failing to follow what's called evidence-based medicine. >> every doctor needs to practice evidence-based medicine for a specific problem or condition. practicing evidence-based medicine means using what is known to work. >> reporter: one study found patients get only 55% of the recommended care for the leezing causes of death and disability. children get just 47% of recommended care. the problem, many doctors use treatments based on word-of-mouth from their colleagues. or research that's now out of date. >> we do have physicians who continue to practice medicine based on how they were trained. and they're not incorporating the new knowledge that we have into their practice. >> reporter: so, how can a patient know whether a doctor is practicing up-to-date medicine. for starters, you can ask, is your doctor board-certified, which means passing a rigorous test in the physician's specialty. then, getting prerdically retested. or learning something as basic as where did your doctor go to medical school? >> the leading medical schools teach doctors about the importance of evidence-based medicine. they also emphasize the importance of keeping up with evidence-base, in the long run. >> reporter: and patients should never be afraid to ask, exactly what is the evidence and rationale for this treatment or test? leading physicians say being an up-to-date doctor is not a function of age. but of attitude. >> it's really about being receptive, taking the time. and then, looking at how do i practice medicine? and how can i do that better? how can i improve the quality of the care that i deliver? >> reporter: getting more doctors to practice better medicine. so, more patients can enjoy better health. well, you cannot guarantee you're getting up-to-date medicine. by asking your doctor simple questions, you can at least improve your odds. kate? >> that's the key, right? not being intimidated. >> reporter: you deserve to know this information. you deserve it and you should ask. >> john, thank you so much. we'll be right back. coming up on "good morning america," if visions of sugarplums are dancing in your head, you don't want to miss our behind-the-scenes look at this christmas classic. and watch out, grandma. the real story behind one of the most popular, enduring and offbeat christmas songs out there. hint, it involves grandmas and reindeer. what are you going to make? you should make a gift for papa. i'm going to put it right here. that's for daddy. mine is done now! look it! look it! look it! whoa, whoa, whoa! this... can i have another one? yes! is what memories are made of. rice krispies®. childhood is calling. ♪ excuse me? may i see it? - i'm afraid i can't do that. female announcer: jared has five times the selection it hard to breathe. - oh, dave, you shouldn't have.s but now that i'm breathing better with advair... i can enjoy the zoo with my grandkids. 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(announcer) find out how to get your first full prescription free at well, it was just over 100 years ago that "the nutcracker suite" debuted in st. petersburg russia, and was soundly panned. tchaikovsky died without knowing that his ballet would become one of the most-loved traditions in the western world. here in new york, it has been running for 55 years. and our juju chang got an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour, from two of the ballet's biggest little stars. >> reporter: the most glittering ballet at new york city's lincoln center this holiday season, revolves around two of its youngest, brightest stars. 10-year-old cali reef and 12-year-old lance works. lance and cali are students at the school of american ballet. practicing poise up until the final hour before the show. in "the nutcracker," callie plays marie, the princess. and lance is the prince. now, they act as our tour guys. >> welcome to the new york city ballet. >> it's a behind-the-scenes look at "the nutcracker." >> reporter: wt's here? on our first stop, we saw adam hendrickson, practicing with his hoop. on stage, he plays the lea sugar cane. now, backstage, he let us have a little fun with his hoop. of course, i let the kid gas first. now, my turn. do you have a bigger hoop? how does this work? >> that is the biggest one. >> reporter: i'm ready for show time. next, the kids lead me down long and narrow hallways to find the sugarplum fairy, played by maria karoski. >> maria? it'sallie. >> reporter: the sugarplum fairy is the most coveted character of young girls. >> i want to be the sugarplum fairy. >> reporter: like caie, you grew up of being the sugarplum fairy one day. >> yep. and i' sure you'll get to be the sugarplum fairy, as well. >> reporter: it's time for the tour guides to get dolled up. here, every girl does their own makeup. and they all look like pros. but the hair? well, that's tricky. parents get involved. including the dads. e boys, including the prince, on the other hand, need no hair-do or makeup. they just have to slip on their costume. that's it. they have plenty of time to text a friend or play a game before showtime. and the girls, too, get down for a game of jacks before they go on. the costuming is a huge part of "the nutcracker." >> can we have maria and the girls get their costumes on? >> reporter: all the girls, including callie, get dressed just 15 minutes before they go on. it's the costume that defines the character. from sugar canes, to party girls. and the mouse. >> here is the big, fat mouse. >> reporter: hi. i'm juju. nice to meet you, big, fat mouse. each character has a classic dance. jump. twirl. and glide. wow. are you on skates? and here's their favorite part of the entire show, the battle scene. >> i love when i get to throw my shoe at the mouse. because i like when i get him. >> when you're fighting the mouse king, it's a lot of fun. sometimes i'll get a nice, good stab. >> reporter: you like to stab the mouse. and you like to hit him with the shoe. you two are a violent couple. >> reporter: finally, five minuteses before showtime. >> we need lance and callie to come to the stage. >> reporter: my backstage tour guides are making their way to center stage. they show no signs of nervousness. it's a show they know well and love. >> it's all the magic. it's like you're being transported into a fairy tale. >> i dream about "the nutcracker." when lance puts the crown on my head, that's a really beautiful moment. >> reporter: and what can be more magical in the end, than watching the prince and princess fly off in a sleigh, to another winter wonderland? >> what an amazing experience for those little actors. >> yeah. my daughter, i'm taking her to see that actual performance of "the nutcracker" in a couple weeks. and every morning she asks me, is today the day we get to go. she's so excited. >> soon, abbie. coming up on "gma," "grandma got run over by a reindeer." a little different sort of christmas tradition. yeah. we'll be back to find out the story behind the song. sharing, it's what kids do. but every year an average of four million kids get the flu and miss out on sharing. that's why we created here you'll learn about preventing influenza and discover your latest vaccination options. join us at and together, we can all be good to share. i've got good news. you need more fiber. huh? don't worry, it tastes great. froot loops now with 3 grams of fiber. it makes your tummy happy so it can absorb the good stuff you need, which your mom is gonna love. it does taste great. fiber is a great way to keep ya healthy. i can never read these things. kellogg's froot loops and apple jacks cereals, now provide fiber. kellogg's makes fiber fun. by changing her medicare presiption plan. all we had to do was go to and use the free savings calculator. we learned that changing your medicare part d plan could save an average of $612. woman: we just entered my prescriptions, and it compared plans for us. it was easy to find the right plan for the prescriptions i need. your cvs pharmacist can help, too. come in today, or go to before december 31st to find the best plan for you -- at cvs/pharmacy. some christmas music for you. traditional christmas jingle. there are hundreds, thousands of songs, right? but there are a few, that when you hear them, they get stuck in your head for the entire day. and john berman is here to tell us more about the classic christmas song. "grandma got run over by a reindeer." >> she sure did. first of all, kate, happy hanukkah. if you live in a complicated house like i do, you hear a lot of holiday songs. the question is, where do they all come from? well this, unusual song, one of the most popular ever, by the way, seriously. this song has one, amazing story. we all know "white christmas" is white. and why santa claus come to town. ♪ grandma got run over by a reindeer ♪ >> reporter: but why the heck is grandma getting run over by a reindeer? and why do we keep hearing about it? >> i was always looking for something that was offbeat. funny. >> reporter: it's thanks to a san francisco deejay. >> i listened to it. and i thought, oh, yeah. i thought it was hilarious. >> reporter: a part-time veterinarian with a good voice. >> first time i ever heard myself on the radio. >> reporter: and a novelty song writer, with an inebriated relative. >> and my grandmother did like to drink herself happy on occasions. and we worried about her leaving the house. >> reporter: in 1979, elmo shropshire thought little of it. until gene nelson played it for what he thought would be the only time. >> happy holidays to you. listeners kept saying, play that song again. >> reporter: it went gold. platinum. a cartoon. and controversy. >> some people loved it. and some people hated it. >> reporter: there were calls to pull it off the airwaves. calling the song ageist, sexist, and counter to the christmas spirit. grandma did have incriminating marks on her back. >> i think there are people, maybe too many people, that take life too seriously. it wasn't, let's pull the plug on grandma. >> reporter: but 30 years later, to their surprise, no one is pulling the plug on them. >> people are beginning to say that this song is one of the great classics. >> and we are joined, now, by the one and only dr. elmo. good morning. >> good morning, kate. >> it was kind of a joke when you wrote it, right? 30 years ago. >> it was. i thought it would be funny for one year. and that would be the end of it. >> here we are, 30 years later. we were looking -- i don't mean to insult you. but people name it as one of the songs that annoys them as one of their least favorites because they hear it over and over and over. >> i know. i have the -- i'm proud to say it's been listed in many of the ten worst christmas songs. and i'm number one. >> and you're proud of that. let's hear it. thank you, dr. elmo. ♪ grandma got run over by a reindeer ♪ ♪ walkin' home from our house christmas eve ♪ ♪ you can say there's no such thing as santa ♪ ♪ but as for me and grandpa, we believe ♪ ♪ now, we're all so proud of grandpa ♪ ♪ he's been taking this so well see him in there watching football ♪ ♪ drinking beer and playing cards with cousin mel ♪ ♪ it's not christmas without grandma ♪ ♪ all the family's dressed in black ♪ ♪ and we just can't help but wonder ♪ ♪ should we open up her gifts or send them back ♪ ♪ send them back ♪ grandma got run over by a reindeer ♪ ♪ walking home from our house christmas eve ♪ ♪ you can say there's no such thing as santa ♪ ♪ but as for me and grandpa we believe ♪ ♪ sing it laguardia ♪ grandma got run over by a reindeer ♪ ♪ walking home from our house christmas eve ♪ ♪ you can say there's no such thing as santa ♪ ♪ but as for me and grandpa, we believe ♪ >> merry christmas. ♪ (announcer) thoughout the years, .she thought... ...there was no solution for her dry, itchy skin. then one day...there was. with natural oils .that soothe... ...and relieve itchy skin. eucerin calming body wash. brings calming one step sooner. bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? it pays to discover. uh and before we go, we want to give a big thank you to laguardia high school show choir. and their director, carl johnson, backing up dr. elmo this morning. there's another song that you mi >> good saturday morning everyone. it's 7:26. in the news, a management shakeup at metro. the "washington post" reporting is replacing his deputy as chief safety officer. a memo late yesterday said both general manager and safety officer will step down. the personnel move follows a blistering assessment of metro's performance from members of congress, particularly the maryland senator. and holiday decorations are now going up outside the louden county courthouse. the traditional decorations are just part of the display in leaseburg. the board of supervisors approving all requests, including a 12 days of christmas display targeting birth control, the government and minority groups which will also be going up on the ground. let's check the weekend forecast. here's adam casky. >> right now we're in the 20's, 23 in leesburg, 28 in fairfax. lot of sunshine, all this moisture down to the south over the gulf coastline that will be heading our way. it should get here a few hours before sunrise tomorrow. today, a lot of sunshine, 44. tomorrow, still 44, however, early in the morning, few hours before sundown we could have light icing and freezing rain west of the metro area. for just a few hours then a changeover to all rain. locally looking like a cold rain. tomorrow, about a half an inch we'll see before it's all said and done. then sunny, warmer near 50 degrees on monday. then by tuesday, a nice nice shower. >> thank you for watching. have a great saturday.

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