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good morning, america. it's beyond the beer summit. we hear from the policeman and the professor this morning about the moment that brought them together. will it change the national conversation on race? clunker confusion. the government says it's run out of money for its cash for clunkers program, as dealers scramble to get reimbursed before it's too late. police search warrants call michael jackson an addict. and new revelations about his 12-year-old son. was prince the real head of the family? and the surprising, new treatment for the 30 million americans who suffer from migraines. a little plastic surgery? is that the answer? ♪ i do not hook up and all we ever wanted. kelly clarkson live this morning in central park. kelly clarkson live this morning in central park. happy friday. captions paid for by abc, inc. and welcome. the end of all our weeks. "good morning america," diane sawyer with robin roberts, on this friday, july 31st, 2009. they came. they drank the beer. >> next time, outside of the spotlight. but this time, the president hosted the harvard professor and the police sergeant, on a patio just steps from the oval office. the president called it a friendly, thoughtful conversation. our senior white house correspondent, jake tapper, was there. and today has all the details from the white house. good morning, jake. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it was a dramatic and unique white house happy hour, organized by the president, who likes to think of himself as uniting the country. even if his original behavior was not necessarily that of a bridge-builder. so, it was a nice photo op. but beyond that, what was accomplished in what the president hoped would be a teachable moment? sergeant jim crowley says there were no apologies. >> what you had today was two gentlemen agreed to disagree on a particular issue. i don't think that we spent too much time dwelling on the past. we spent a lot of time discussing the future. >> any contribution to the discussion? >> it regarded to beer. >> that's pretty much it? >> he contributed in a small part. but he really wanted to bring two people together to try to solve not only a local issue in cambridge, but what has became a national issue. >> reporter: crowley, and the man he arrested for disorderly conduct in his own home, professor henry louis gates, will meet again. >> i would like to disss and see professor gates' perspective. he has the credentials to enlighten me a little bit. >> reporter: this time, in private. and maybe without beer. >> maybe kool-aid or iced tea. >> reporter: he wrote that there's many with the fears of policing on one hand. and the genuine fears about racial profiling on the other hand. president obama heralded the friendly, thoughtful conversation. for the brief part of the meeting i witnessed, gates and crowley did most of the talking, with the president and vice president, giving their best efforts to create a casual, friendly atmosphere, with beer. gates was the only one that drank a fully american beer, opting for a sam adams light. crowley went for blue moon from moleson. and a last-minute guest, vice president joe biden drank the nonalcoholic butler, brewed by dutch heineken. the president has a bigger bridge to build. he's trying to revamp the nation's health care system. and the polls indicate dwindling public support. and that's going to take a lot more than a few beers. diane? >> thanks, jake, for that. each side was there with their families, touring the white house beforehand. as we know, professor gates had his fath there. he was in his 90s. and worked two jobs every day of his life to get his sons through college. and sergeant crowley was there with his family, including his daughters. at one point, we're told, nobody knew what to do. and professor gates gave an interview to "the new york times" saying, so, they see each other. it's kind of awkward. professor gates says, it's a pleasure to meet you, which broke the awkwardness. sergeant crowley, as we saw, gave a news conference. here's more of his te of what happened in that meeting in his own words. >> there was no apology discussed. no one was offered on either side. he started off by introducing his family to me. that meant a lot to me. i think that shows a great deal of character, especially after what we've been through over the past few weeks. i, in kind, introduced my family and those traveling with me. and we went from there. the president was engaging. he didn't dominate the conversation. at times he did have things to input. stories or different suestions. and that was very welcome. professor gates and i had meaningful conversations. and i think that we very much both want to move forward. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly. >> i don't think i'm in a position to tell the president of the united states that he misspoke. hopefully he is a person, just like the rest of us, who continuously analyzes what they've done. and maybe if given the opportunity, he'd take it back. it wasn't discussed, though, because in the interest of moving forward, we didn't discuss that, either. the president and i had conversations about a future meeting. it wasn't sothing that was offered up as a media stunt. he and i had discussions. whether his schedule will permit that or mine will, i can't say. but he was sincere in the offer. and i'm perfectly willing to sit down with him, you know, out of the view of cameras. and just have a meaningful discussion on how we can both capitalize on this so we can both learn from this. >> and we want to thank our station in boston, wcvb for providing the interview to us. another take, now, on what happened, in a singular moment. we're joined by abc's cokie roberts and political contributor, donna brazile, both in washington. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> donna, i want to start with you. agreed to disagree. but agreed possibly to see each other again. donna, does this mean it's over for the president? and how did he emerge from it in the end? >> i believe president obama set the right tone. and first of all, admitting that, perhaps, his own choice of words might have escalated the tensions. but in inviting professor gates and officer crowley, he gives us now a model for which we can all gather around tables to have a discussion, to move beyond the hot rhetoric. discussion on how we can improve relations between the minority communities and the police department. i think that is the larger message of this meeting. >> okay. cokie, what about you? >> i think the president certainly hopes it's behind him now. now, in some ways, diane, the white house escalated this. all week, we were hearing details of who was drinking what beer and all of that, which just kept it in the head lines. and now, you know, this huge media event, around four guys sitting, having a beer. i think with any luck from the obama white house's perspective, this is over now. >> let me ask you, cokie, as you were looking at the pictures, what did you see behind the picture? as we know, 40 minutes under the magnolia tree. which images spoke to you? >> of course, we didn't expect the vice president to be there. that was the first thing that got your attention. but obviously, look. any one of us, if we were summoned to the white house to have a formal conversation, would be nervous about it. and the two guests did seem somewhat tense and nervous. but so would i have been. >> and, donna, what images do you think were the most vivid? >> well, you know, dr. king once said in his famous, "i have a dream" speech, was he viewed the table of brotherhood, where people could come together and discuss tough issues. i saw four men with a cold beer, hopefully discussing thessue at hand. this is a very important moment, that we can settle our differences. not just by fighting each other. not just by debating. but have a candid and cool conversation. >> you're talking about brotherhood there. and afterwards for sergeant crowley to go to the brotherhood of the afl-cio tells you something. that means the unions were basically backing him. and there is a divide in the democratic party between people who are in unions. many white, ethnics, and a sense of the elites of the harvards and yales of the world. and i think that that was pretty stark, to have sergeant crowley go to the union to make his press conference. >> but all across america, police departments are taking an internal review of their own procedures to ensure that this type of incident will not occur again. and if so, perhaps they can learn from it and handle it better. and i think the city of cambridge will give us, at some point, a very useful model to use across the country when these things happen. >> at the end of the day, donna, what did you think of sergeant crowley's press conference? >> first of all, i loved it so much, i created a new succotash dish in his honor. it's a little less filling than gumbo. but i was so impressed. i want a police officer like that in my community because i saw a guy who, not only was composed. but he was on-message. and more importantly, diane, he sent a very -- a very important message that it was time to move on and come together. and also, he wants to go back to work, too. >> diane, donna and i are both louisiana girls. and we're really grateful when okra's in season. and that's what she was working on last night. >> succotash dish. succotash dish? did i miss something here? >> with okra. >> okra, butter beans. and the best gulf shrimp in the world. i made it in honor of professor gates and sergeant crowley. i wish i would have had an opportunity to serve it because it was piping hot when i finished. >> you two give new meaning to the phrase all politics is local. like in your kitchen. >> true. >> and that's where i watched it. i was in the kitchen. and i felt like i was down home. it was wonderful. >> thanks to the two of you. happy weekend to both of you. >> thank you. there is someone else who has now been heard from. the african-american police officer who was there when professor gates was arrested. he wrote a letter saying, and wanted the president to know, that he's been called an uncle tom because he supported his colleague, sergeant crowley. he wanted the president to know that coming to sergeant crowley's defense has made him feel that somehow some people feel he betrayed his heritage. and that's not the case. robin? >> one thing they all agreed to, that they're ready to move on and look to the future. that's one thing they all agree upon. >> that's true. now, to all the confusion over the government's wildly popular, cash for clunkers plan. it was designed to help the struggling auto industry, by giving owners of old cars money toward a new, more fuel-efficient week. now, the program appears to be running out of gas. it appears the money to buy used cars is running on empty. our consumer correspondent, elizabeth leamy, is outside a dealership in maryland with the bedales. morning, eli. >> reporter: good morning, robin. here's the thing, the program was supposed to lost until november 1st or until the money ran out. but the problem is, if every dealer participating did a dozen deals, that money would be gone. and many dealers like this one did more like 250 cash for clunkers deals. 20-times what the government was expecting. it's a different kind of car race at fitzgerald auto mall in gaithersburg, maryland, as the sales staff rushes to process cash for clunkers transactions before the government slaps the brakes on the program. thursday evening, the partment of transportation told lawmakers it was suspending the program at the stroke of midnight. but then, the white house itself contradicted that. saying it was still working to find other options. confusion reigned. the official website showed there was $750 million left. clearly not the case. even cash for clunkers commercials are still running. >> check out the cars rebate system. >> reporter: part of the problem, the government website dealers must use to enter the deals is a clunker itself, sputtering and stalling. >> it timed me out. >> reporter: the computer crashes have caused a backlog. as many as 25,000 transactions at dealers have made, but the government hasn't yet officially approved. >> they think they've given out this much. but there's a line this long getting in the door. >> it was too good a deal to pass up. >> reporter: greg is one of the 250,000 consumers trying to take advantage of the program, which gives as much as $4,500 for trading in a gas-guzzler for a more efficient, new vehicle. >> i was afraid that all of the money would be gone before then. when they called me and said it came in early, i was happy. >> reporter: now, dealers worry they'll be stuck holding the bag. >> now, it's up to the dealership to get its money back. that's where the fear lies. customers want to drive around. and that's good. but now, we're on hook for the rebate. >> reporter: some dealers are actually making people sign something, saying they will return their shiny, new car, if the government reneges on the deal, robin. >> all right, elisabeth leamy. have a good weekend. it's 7:14. we go to david muir who is in for chris cuomo with the headlines. >> great to be back with you. good morning, everyone. wall street is looking for more evidence this morning that the recession is easing. a report is expected to show that the gdp, the most comprehensive measure of our economy, shrank a much slower 1.5% in the second quarter. that's an improvement from previous months. on the verge of best july in 20 years, even though job losses still remain a major concern. high-level pentagon adviser says the u.s. military should declare victory now and go home from iraq. colonel timothy reese says iraq's military is now strong enough to confront terrorists on its own. he's calling for all u.s. troops to withdraw by next august. that would be 16 months earlier than the current plan. this morning, authorities in central texas are monitoring the air after a fire at a chemical plant there forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate. forced the closure of texas a&m university, as well. ammonium nitrate was released. no injuries reported. a family with a 32-luxury high-rise all to themselves. might sound decadent. but it's a sign of the times. the market's so weak, they're the only ones living in the building. they have the gym, the amenities all to themselves. but there's no garbage service. and the doorman, door who? >> and they're turning off the powers on the other floors. >> just thinking of themitting on their balcony out there. the one balcony, looking around. >> echoing down the halls. >> yeah. let's go to sam champion. kelly clarkson's coming this morning. and the crowd's already there. sam? >> good morning, diane, robin. it's a huge crowd. our biggest crowd yet, for kelly. and we're getting into drier skies. that's a good thing. let's check your skies this morning. we'll tell you exactly what you can expect. we'll have strong to severe storms pop up. there's two, basic areas. one in the plains and the other one all along the middle atlantic coast today. these storms will be very strong when they redevelop in the afternoon. and they will have two to four inches of rain. inside them there will be a lot of flooding. here's good news for the northwest. the temperatures are coming down a bit. you're 84 in seattle, after a terrible week of heat. 86 in olympia this morning. now, we have to talk about how dry it is there. a v aergoy od morning,y meteorologist brare showers and thundetorse er te sharowers and toun in rea t into the area as the day progresses. temperatures are muddy -- muggy. the four care shows a fair amount of cloud cover today whichever's that will move on in -- the foreca diane? >> okay, sam. thanks. and we turn, now, to michael jackson. and new details emerging yet again this morning on the investigation. let's head out to abc's mike von fremd who has them for us. mike? >> reporter: good morning, diane. for the first time, officials are referring to michael jackson as a dg addict. and after what they found in his doctors' offices, they make it clear that they intend to pursue serious criminal charges. abc news has obtained the search warrant for tuesday's eight-hour raid on dr. conrad murray's home and office in las vegas. it reveals investigators were searching for anything related to propofol. in referring to michael jackson as a drug addict. the warrant also says dr. murray may not only be guilty of manslaughter, but for the first time, other crimes, including prescribing narcotics to an addict, and unprofessional conduct. both are misdemeanors in california. and could each carry a sentence of up to 180 days in prison and fines. >> it will cause dr. murray a lot of problems. at a minimum, i cannot see how he will escape issues before the licensing authority of his state. >> reporter: investigators were also looking for prescriptions. in the names of 19 alleged aliases. among those names, his 12-year-old son, prince. abc news has identified several names as jackson's former employees, including kai chase, jackson's personal chef. she spoke out on cnn thursday night. >> warrants to search the doctors' offices cited your name as a suspected alias for michael jackson. what do you know about that? >> i think that is appalling. i have no -- i have no clue what that is about. >> reporter: overnight, the website tmz reported, that jackson did not spend his final hours in his own bedroom. but was, instead, in dr. conrad murray's bed, where they say the doctor administered jackson with propofol. investigators seized several items from murray's home and office, including an iphone and a computer hard drive. >> they need evidence of the administration of the drug, which they probably have from the actual autopsy and test results. they have obtained hardrives. they've obtained receipts for medications. there's a lot of material they'll be looking at. >> reporter: for the first time, six other doctors and their correspond dense with dr. murray, are targeted in the warrant. for the first time, we may receive the final report of what was in michael jackson's body. diane and robin? >> mike, thank you. and coming up when we return, there's increasing evidence tt inyoung prince emerged as, well, the head of the household. and new hope for millions of migraine sufferers. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and utomi 600 les between fill ups. it's the most felie eic ffnt crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4 and even the ford escape hybrid. the all new chevy equinox. it tastes like a pretzel and a cracker at thesame time., - wow! - well, you can taste th pretzel side. - it's really buttery. - it's different than anything else i've ever tasted. townhousflipsides. part pretzel. part cracker. all good. - hon, did you know there's a full serving of veg-- - ( clanging ) announcer: there's a full serving of vegetables in a bowl of chef boyardee. it's obviously delicious. secretly nutritious. >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. i am doug mckelway. it is 7:22 end time to look at traffic. >> it is friday the light for the most part. you will enjoy the ride into baltimore. it is nice on 270 and the bay bridge. 395 is a different story. we had a crash northbound at duke street. this is what it did to the traffic. the laser at springfield. let's take it to the car wreck at duke street. it has moved on to the right shoulder. let's see what looks like in virginia after the car wreck which is beautiful. next, we will go to the drive in maryland where things are very quiet on 270. outside. e the clouds are pretty thick. a fair amount of cloud cover today and temperatures are in the mid 70's right now. increasing clouds today with scattered showers and thunderstorms which could be severe. tonight, into the 70's with clearing skies. hot and humid in this weekend. sunday we will have more storms. a new witness could come forward in the case against chandra levy's accused killer. the witness claims that he or she was attacked by men who was similar. the form d.c. in turned disappeared in 2001. her remains were found in rock creek park one year later. the cash for clunkers program seems to be running on empty. it is running out of money one week after it was launched. they are scrambling on ways to ke it going. the administration is promising that all valid sales already made it will be honored. it could soon cost more to light up, and gas up. >> whether you park or fell on gas or buy cigarettes in the district, it will cost you more. council members may vote in favor of a tax hike. if you live or work in the district, get ready to dish out more money in the way of taxes. >> i don't think it is a good way to attract people to purchase in the district. >> council members said that is the only way to fill a budget gap without compromising service to the people. >> adjustments will be made over the next year so that where there is a need, folks will not see an adverse affect and services. >> the city plans on jacking up sales taxes 6%. cigarette tax will go up 50%. gas will cost you 3 cents more. council members have been scrambling to fill in at $340 million budget gap. more still needs to be done. council members say the tax hike will bring in $40 million for next year. many taxpayers are not happy with the move, especially after the city recently announced it will take away the much- anticipated sales tax holiday. >> more problems for metro this morning after a bus driver was charged with driving without a valid license. she was arrested yesterday after bus collided with another car in southeast. as police investigated, they discovered that her license had been suspended since may 27. she said she was unaware of that suspension. the redskins' training camp, date to, will get under way and a little while. we will havee vu?x?z?z?zrrñziçñx ♪ grammy winner kelly clarkson is -- as sam would say, big, big crowd out there in central park. and we'll be there with miss clarkson in our last half hour. we say tgif together. we made it to friday. alongside diane, i'm robin. >> are you sure? >> i think so. and also, even the doctors were surprised by this. new relief for migraines. could this be the answer for the 30 million people who suffer from them? we've heard botox before. but is this a plastic surgery procedure that would be an end to the pain? >> plastic surgery? what are you talking about? we'll let you know in a bit. but first this half hour, as the investigation continues into michael jackson's death, we're learning more about the hidden world of his three children. for years, they were kept from view. but now people close to the jackson family are revealing what life was like in the jackson household, and the role played by the oldest child, prince. our chris connolly has the details. >> reporter: he remained calm and poised. prince, michael jackson's 12-year-old son, composed beyond his years, as a public memorial became an emotional family funeral. >> daddy? >> reporter: now, a new picture of prince's personality is beginning to emerge. that of a quiet leader inside his home. respected by those who worked there. >> it was a bit unusual in the beginning, taking instructions from prince. but once i understood the process, he was like a go-between, between mr. jackson and myself. >> reporter: doug jones, jackson's former personal chef, says it was prince, not his reclusive father, who frequently gave the orders. >> prince was usually the only one that would convey to me, certain instructions, when mr. jackson wanted to eat upstairs in his room. or when he was coming down to have lunch with the kids. or dinner with the kids. even though he was 12 years old, he was very mature for his age. >> reporter: another of his chefs said, the morning of jackson's death, it was prince whom dr. conrad murray first called for. >> i was in the kitchen. and the only thing i heard was dr. murray, when he came downstairs, screaming, go get prince. get security. and from there, then everything just exploded. >> reporter: yet, with his siblings, prince seemed very much a typical preadolescent. >> they always had computer time. they would play games. prince was working on a project that he was working on for the guinness book of world records. >> reporter: how far he has come, from veils and masks. jackson never took his kids on typical outings. seems like nobody ever went to chuck e. cheese. never wentnt to a soccer game. >> he left the house in a red toyota prius. michael and the kids never got out of the car once. the bodyguard would pick up the ice cream or the pizza and put it in the car. >> reporter: his grandfather describes prince today as a bright, athletic youngster, who enjoys the time at the family compound, playing with his cousins. >> playing football out there. baseball, that kind of thing. and those kids are about the smartest kids i've ever seen. that's what michael put into them, you know? >> reporter: yet, prince's life seems to change even more, as he lives under katherine, and has visits from his biological mother, debbie rowe. for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. and that custody agreement between katherine jackson and debbie rowe will be finalized on monday. mrs. jackson will keep the kids. but debbie rowe will play a greater role than he has before. joining us next, is a child psychologist who specializes in custody issues. he is with nyu. good to see you. >> good morning. >> this is a highly unusual situation. and debbie rowe, she kept herself away from the children for about the last ten years. and now, she will have a greater role in their lives. how do you go about reintroducing a parent to children? >> you have to go slowly. you have to figure out what the kids want and what debbie rowe wants. and once you figure out what the party's goals are, you have to get a plan to achieve those goals. they've got to go slowly. they have to do activities. there shouldn't be deep discussions early on. they have to get to know each other a little bit. >> i want to play something that debbie rowe said in 2003, about her relationship with her children. >> my kids don't call me mom because i don't want them to. they're not -- they're michael's children. it's not that they're my children. but i had them because i wanted him to be a father. >> the children hear that, that has to be difficult to know that was said about them. >> i think she can explain it. she can say, i had this relationship with your father. he really wanted to have children. i did that for him. and i did that because i love you kids, as well. i decided to step out of your lives because i thought it would be easier for you. and now that he's not around, i want to step up again. >> you have worked, doctor, hundreds of custody cases. and i know you said, what we take away most from this and what other families can, too, is the fact how beneficial it is that this was not a long, drawnout court battle. how important it was that it was handled quickly and amicably. >> if worst thing for kids in divorces and custody situations, is involvement in litigation. the fact that the parties arrived at an agreement rapidly, takes the kids out of the court system. takes the kids out of the legal system. doesn't put them in the middle. doesn't force them to make any choices, which is great for them. >> there's a lot of families that are going through situations such as this, the loss of a parent. what signs do you look for in a child to make sure they're handling this death as well as >> every kid's going to handle a situation like that differently. and the way they handle the situation is going to be based on their own personality characteristics. what you look for is some kind of a change. you can look for a change in sleep. a change in appetite. a change in activity level. a change in academic performance. a change in mood. a change in what they like to do. any kind of change is what you're looking for. some kids will not manifest any kind of changes at all. and with those kids, you can't be afraid to ask them what's going on. >> what issues do you need to address, when you're making the transition and they're used to their life being one way. and because of the death, it's going to be a different way. what issues do you deal with in helping children make this healthy transition? >> you need to talk to them about what they're afraid of. you need toeal with their anxiety. it's different for every kid. i mean, these kids, who knows what their life was like previously. and who knows what their life is going to be like in the future? you just have to ask them what they're worried about. >> all right, dr. ravitz. thank you for your insight. have a good weekend. it's time for the weather. let's get out to central park again and sam. >> happy friday, robin. happy friday. >> happy friday to you, too, sam. back at you ten-fold. >> robin, when you get out here, you'll be amazed. the biggest crowd. it was pouring down rain all morning long. and these folks kept coming in. and kept staying. the biggest crowd we've had yet l summer, kelly clarkson, right here, in central park. how about a little good morning? let's get to the boards so you know what's going on on your friday. and we have a lot of thunderstorms to be popping up as we go through the day. another area of rain moves through here in 20 minutes or so. this afternoon, very strong storms, and right in the northern plains. those storms will have som really bad weather with them. stay up with your local abc station. also, the heat in texas. talking about 95 in san antonio today. and where it's dry, so dry in southern texas, the heat still roars. now, to the west coast. we're breaking the heat a lion >> aer vy good morning. outside, some showers that are off to the west and will push in all that weather was brought to you by big lots. who do we go back to? >> robin. >> we cannot wait. diane and i can't wait to get out to the park. first, a "gma" health alert. could plastic surgery be the secret weapon in the fight against migraines? come on back. wow, steve, well done. those burgers come with the grill? whoa whoa whoa! steeeeeve! honey? how those burgers coming? - steve: good. - friend #1: nice, steve. announcer: relax. pam helps you pull it off. when people say, hey mike, why ford, why now? i say brace yourself. that gas guzzler in your driveway, just might be, a clunker. but don't panic, it could be a good thing. your ford and lincoln mercury dealers are cash for clunkers specialists. they'll recycle your ride, and get you a big fat juicy rebate from uncle sam. you can get all the details, charts, graphs, etc, at why ford, why now? why not? visit your ford or lincoln mercury dealer. i'm thinking now would be a great time. xxwywxwywxwywxxwypiwaawaçawas@ws start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, then share a decadent dessert. chili's -- "medicine on the cututtiedge." cod d plplastic suery ing relief to the millions of people who sufferg debiting makes? onone won who had the proceduru sayshe got her lifife back..d d. > reportete t this is a a unexpepected dcocovevery. patients goi i into plastic surgery for a forehead lift. and then learning the results s were f far more than skin-deep. migrgrnenes disappeared with the lines. it's a debilitating condition that affects some 30 million people in this country, migraine headaches. and they can ruin daily life. no one knows that better than theresa schenck. >> i had the migraine syndrome for 20 years. and it really did own my life. it was depressing. it was debilitating. it was something of a nightmare, really. >> reporter: for two decades, no drug, no treatment brought her relief. but now, surprising hope in the most unlikely of places, the plastic surgeon's office. a discovery that plastic surgeon bob stumbled on. >> i had a patient who came after a forehead lift. not only did she like the way she looked, she didn't have migraines for six months since the surgery. >> reporter: patient after patient began telling him the same thing, that a fehead lift had lifted their pain, too, curing their migraines. doctors believe some migraines may be caused by some nerve branchs in the forehead that become irritated. if the muscles around those nerves back paralyzed, the headaches stop. that's why botox has worked for some patients already. and this offered a permanent solution for some. >> we remove the frowning muscles that are compressing the nerves. and releasing the stems that cause the pain for the patients. >> reporter: it's part of a study. surgeons and neurologists performed the surgery on 49 patients. 57% had the migraines go away. here's theresa before and after. her forehead wrinkles are gone. but more importantly, so are her headaches. >> it give me my life back. >> reporter: there are migraine sufferers in one out of every four households in this country. this will surely get some patients thinking, could this work for me? people shouldn't rush to get forehead lifts to soefl the migraine. but if you're going to do that any way, it may be an unexpected lift. n j>>otust the headaches. we know migraines change lives. thanks so much, david. when we come back, the new t maleccessory sleeping the nation. you may want to run. they're called murdles. man girdles. re;ñ toyota is proud to be part of the u.s. government's program - called c.a.r.s. or cash for clunkers. - ( car being crushed ) offering up to $4500 toward a new car with an eligible trade-in. plus, toyota is offering factory incentives on many models for even more savings. with toyota being the most dependable and fuel-efficient car company in america, it's no wonder 25 models in the toyota family qualify. so hurry in to your toyota dealer today. okay. "around the watercooler" this morning. brave, new world. it is consolation for all the women who have ever squeezed themselves into a spanx. and you know who we are. anyway, it is a version for guys, too. it's called the man girdle or the mirdle. we heard about it. sorry you dropped in today, are you, david? this story first appeared on my hometown louisville station. and with the skinny on it all, is whas reporter, don hudson. >> reporter: meet frank stamper. he's an editor here at whas. and a 201-pound volunteer model. frank's normal waistline is 36 inches. but today, he is trying on a body-shaping compression garment. now, with it on. this is a question we must ask in this case, how did it feel? >> it was tight. but, i mean, there was no discomfort. it was tighter along here. there really was no discomfort. you could walk around for a full day of work. and nobody would probably know you have the body-shaper on. >> reporter: while getting the tummy-tucking tank top on was not easy over a t-shirt. frank is now sold on the compression concept. >> lost two inches. where can you go in 30 seconds and lose 2 inches? >> reporter: the answer to that is the internet. website after website sells waist compressors, mirdles and man-zieres. they're camed to hide muffin top, whatever name you give to the fatty areas of your torso. and according to the website, business is very, very good. but that shouldn't come as a surprise. remember how happy fran frank costanza when kramer came up with the man-ziere. frank didn't dance. but he wanted to take it home when we were done. >> i couldn't tell with a t-shirt on. you had a normal t-shirt on. nobody knows. >> it's like you said. if they had the little fake abs with it, maybe then. >> you're going to call me on it. you'll feel there's no abs, right? it's just displaced. >> we all know the moment that someone puts their arm in the midri midriff. >> would you wear something like this, david? you don't need it at all. >> well, you know -- are you asking me to do that now? 'cause it's not going to happen. >> i gave it a shot. i gave it a shot. coming up on "good morning america," retail rehab. this woman has 100 tubes of lip gloss, 300 pifrs jeans. we now you the money detox to control her spending. nduduroe with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up 6le00 mis between fill ups. imos e uthffst f eelic ent crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4 and even the ford escape hybrid. the all new chevy equinox. >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> it is 7:56. here is your local update. >> it is friday light. it is a very nice ride. if you want to get out of town early, now is the time. it has been nice on 270 in both directions between 109 and the beltway. nothing in and out of baltimore and good through northeast washington. quiet ride at the woodrow wilson bridge. we had in earlier crash northbound 395 at duke street. there are some brief delays out of springfield to get to shirlington. there is light volume in silver spring on the beltway. we will take you to win more camera. things are settling down north and south on i-95 in springfield, virginia. >> you should have an umbrella and the this weekend because it will be stormy. stormy this afternoon as the apchns movespa iia aplachians. il wl move w over the appalachians. upper 80's outside, hot and sticky. your forecast today calls for stormy but sunshine for saturday and more storms sunday. that pattern continues until next week with high humidity. the maryland department of motor vehicle employees may have been part of a scheme to issue illegal drivers licenses to illegal emigrants. this happened at glen burnie. the employees was fired. 16 teams from across thee "good morning america" continues with real-life shopaholics. you're going to meet a woman this hour, who has more than 160 pairs of shoes, 300 pairs of jeans. how a detox program helped her break her spending addiction. and do you know where your children are? new gadgets that will help you keep track of your kids at the beach, playground and on vacation. and kelly clarkson performs life in central park, in our "gma" summer concert series. ♪ thanks to you now i can get what i want ♪ ♪ since you've been gone good morning, america. woo. tgif, july 31st. the last day of july. and it is raining. you wouldn't know it looking at this massive crowd. >> the most amazing fans in the world. >> you're just incredible because it is pouring down rain. you guys are awesome. >> but it's going to stop. and we cannot wait. also coming up in this half hour, everybody at home, you go to the playground and the children. and it turns out there's brand-new things, small things you can do, that make a big difference in safety. haven't thought of them before. ann pleshette murphy is going to be here. >> we need a little heat. guy fieri is here, with gaucho steak, four-spice chimichuri. also, i think there's some kind of s'more pizza coming on the end of that thing. >> sounds good. and of course, we have kelly clarkson coming up for you in our last half hour. chris cuomo is doing a jump on the weekend. and david muir, back in the nice, safe, dry studio in times square, with the news. in the headlines this morning, the government's new cash for clunkers program may be too popular for its own good. for the last week, car owners have been turning in their gas-guzzlers. more people have participated than expected. and that's taken the budget. the much-anticipated meeting over beer at the white house, yielded no apologies. but harvard professor henry louis gates, and sergeant james crowley agreed to meet again without the president. they didn't focus on the arrest. but the future. and gates says he hopes americans can understand the perils of placing and the feefrs racial profiling. there's no clear rime nor reason the way wall street awards bonuses. that's the conclusion of new york's attorney general out this morning. it found that bankers are paid well, even when the firms do poorly. nine banks handed out $33 billion in bonuses last year. the house would vote on a bill today that would restrict such bonuses. a custody hearing is scheduled for monday, for the baby girl in massachusetts, snatched from the womb of her murdered mother. there's more on the woman who ran off with that newborn. we get more from stephanie sy. >>eporter: accused of snatching a baby, ripped from her neighbor's womb. julie corey made her first court appeance. >> the state versus julie corey. >> reporter: corey was reportedly caring for the four-pound baby, as though it was her own. she had convinced her friends and even her boyfriend, that she was pregnant. but after hearing the news of darlene haynes' murder, people grew suspicious. >> the baby had a ribbon tied around its umbilical cord. it's pretty certain this is the baby from the murdered woman. >> reporter: corey appeared with the baby around the same time that police believe haynes was killed. >> she was one of the last people seen with her on thursday. >> reporter: this is not the first time a pregnant woman has been targeted with such brutality. experts say it is an extreme form of classic baby snatching. police have questioned the father of the baby, roberto rodriguez. court records show that haynes had a restraining order against him for alleged assault. the baby is now in the custody of child protective services. >> got to be grateful to her because she kept the baby alive. >> reporter: for "good morning america," stephanie sy, abc news. >> incredible story. president obama, meanwhile, is awarding 16 people the nation's highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom. among the honorees, ted kennedy, battling brain cancer. sandra day o'connor. and tennis great, billie jean king. impressive list. and finally here, a rare site at the zoo in nebraska. we took note of this. a baby aardvark. there's seldom born anywhere, except in africa. no name yet. no word whether it's female or male. all they're telling us is it's an aardvark. let's go back to sam and a packed central park this morning. hey, sam. >> good morning, david. david, we are so honored to be with this crowd today. i'm telling you, kelly clarkson has the most amazing fans in the world. and good morning, america. you may be dry, wherever you are. this crowd is soaking wet from the rain that has been here. now, the rain pulls away. this may be the last bit here. let's tell you what to expect as you walk out your door this morning. there are some hot spot where's the thunderstorms will deliver big rainfall totals. i want to show you pictures of the thunderstorms around the memphis, tennessee yesterday. look at this video, where the sparks are coming off the power lines as they come down. this is the kind of storm you're going to see in the northern plains today, and also in the mid-atlantic. later this afternoon, when the strong storms fire up, you need to get in and get out of the way. that's anywhere from new york all the way to washington, d.c. later this afternoon. i wouldn't be surprised if providence lights up with stms, as well. the rainfall totals will be greater than two inches from those storms today. it is still hot out west. soe noe northw. .ou look at thaye se you look at the seattle area. the airport coming in at 84, 8 good morning. we have v few lights sprinkles to th wetoest. ethis is in the northern shenandoah valley. temperatures in the mid and upper 70's. we do see clouds pretty thick out there. in a little sprinkle activity early on. heavier stuff through the afternoon. some of the attempt -- some of the thunderstorms could be strong t and we'll have more weather from central park in the next half hour. conveniently, right beside me, if i look this way, there would be diane sawyer and juju chang. >> that'right. acting as if we're very far away. hello, sam. i'm here with juju because there is a woman who has 100 lip glosses. 360 pairs of shoes. >> yep. >> and it is a sign of a real problem. shopaholics, as we know, seek treatment. don't always get help. there's a new way of approaching it. >> reporter: absolutely. 24 woman says she was a true shopaholic. it was threatening her marriage. it was ruining her retirement and everything. we followed here for a week-long intensive money detox. for everybody struggling with all types of money disorders, it's their last resort. 32-year-old nicki evan and her extensive shoe collection, lives in wisconsin with her husband and three boys. for more than a decade, she says she's been addicted to shopping. total count, what's the total number of shoes? >> i want to say approximately 160. >> reporter: and when you reached that number, 149, 150, what were you thinking? >> it's like you spiral out of control. you keep doing these things and doing these things. and you feel a little bit of remorse. maybe you stop for a little bit. then do it again and do it again. it's a vicious cycle. when i was looking at all these, it's a sickening feeling. >> reporter: it's not just oes. nicki has a compulsive buying disorder. she's bought 100 tubes of lib gloss, stacks of cosmetics and fragrance candles. and stacks of jeans. and they're not the kind you get at walmart. >> $350. >> reporter: that's expensive. >> $250. these are the boyfriend jeans that are popular right now. >> reporter: how many cards have you maxed out? how much debt are you in? >> currently credit card debt alone, about 38,000 right now. >> reporter: for years, she committed financial infidelity. lying to her husband about her spending. finally, when he discovered her secret, he took away all her credit cards. the marriage, once solid, was on the brink of collapse. money that could have been saved for her children's education, gone. >> i can deal with the fact that maybe i'm hurting myself. but the fact that i'm hurting my husband and my kids, for something that they didn't even do, that they have no control over. that makes me pretty sick. >> reporter: months ago, nicki promised her husband she wouldn't shop. yet, the day we were at her house, the u.p.s. man paid a visit. what is this? >> honestly, i'm surprised. [ gasps ] oh, my gosh. >> reporter: you're hiding them? >> no. they're my shoes. i exchanged these. >> reporter: just what you need. she is trying to get help for what she terms her addiction. she went to a meantal health clinic. >> i'm a shopaholic. is there anyone can that help me? they pretty much laughed. >> reporter: she joined others to control their money habits. >> the money disorder is a self-destrucve, rerelalativevely persisistentnt, restant totohan behavior involving money. >> reporter: what kes this workshop unie,e,s ththe e beef thatateriousus mon i iueuear not abouout t moy.y. after days of intensive therapy, ninicki begagan ng c cononnecti between her desisigner jeansns family a h c chihood bankruptitr >> mbest fend in g graradede inin.. gotll of ththe naname-brd things to school and just ngng wawantininththem.. soi member ting to convince my pararents tbuy y me toto buy me that t-shirt. i member saying when i g get a i'm goining to buy those things. >> reporter: the tough therapy sessions allowed her to remember how money became a key, twisted ingredient in a teenage romance. >> about two years into the relationship, he cheated on me. and i wanted the relationship to be over. but for him, he wanted to buy my affection back. so, he took out a credit card. bought me, pretty much, whatever i wanted. and eventually, in my mind, that became the norm. now, like, what people don't buy me, i buy myself. >> reporter: but her biggest breakthrgh was still to come. now, most people can't afford a week-long money rehab. so, ted and brad kontz have come up with dvds and books like "mind over money" to graple with the money problems. >> heartbreaking. >> reporter: it's heartbreaking. >> and nicki, how is she doing? >> i spoke to her. they put her in touch with a local therapist. she's seeing him twice a week. she's an online peer counseling groups. and finally, she's trying to get her spouse onboard. not just in a loving way, but an educat way. sometimes partners, when they think atheeye 'rlpine g, they'r often hurting. >> it's very complicated what yodo. >> that week is just the beginning. >> the full report, all the details, tonight on "20/20." don't miss it. it's at 10:00 eastern time. when we come back, the sun is out.lp youan'rd if youe thin to a playground, wait. the great taste of splenda® no calorie sweetener and added a littleiber? sweet! sweet! (together) sweet! (announcer) now for the first time, a gram of healthy fiber in every packet. sweet! (announcer) splenda® with fiber. with a look at the past 24 hours on royal caribbean's liberty of the sea. charles fuller enjoyed his first cup of the day on his morning swim. baby guitierrez and his dad joathan pumped some iron. merle buckmire hung ten with a little help from a friend. and finally, erwin and edwin serenaded the laies on deck 12. that's the news. why aren't you? it tastes like a pretzel and a cracker at thesame time., - wow! - well, you can taste th pretzel side. - it's really buttery. - it's different than anything else i've ever taste townhouse flipsides. part pretzel. part cracker. all good. what are you doing for lunch? how about crispy beer-battered shrimp and chips at red lobster? or maybe one of our coastal... soup and grilled shrimp salad combinations. our wood-grilled salmon blt. or chicken and your favorite shrimp. seafood lunches, starting at just $6.99... that fit into your budget and your lunch hour. come see what's fresh today for lunch. i think sam would agree, this is the oddest weather. at the top of the hour, it was pouring. now, you're in the steamy sun like this. i feel like i'm back home in mississippi. kelly's coming up. it will be well worth the wait. we have little emily with us. you know that 2,000 kids a day, go lost. especially in the summertime. they go to the park. they go to the amusement park, things like that. they end up missing. there's new gadgets out there to help parents keep track of sweet, little kids, like emily. and ann pleshette murphy is here. and there's high-tech and low-tech. >> this was innted by a baltimore mom. it lasts one to five days. even in the pouring rain, if they're in the swim place or the water park. you can write your contact information there. or send for them preprinted with all of the contact information. or medical information. kids like wearing tattoos. it's very kid-friendly. and only $7.99 for a package of four. i think you can get a package of 30 for $19.99. that's a low-tech option. this is some nice jewelry. there's a bracelet and a necklace. on the back of it, this is hard to see. there's an 800-number. a url. and most importantly, an i.d. that your child gets assigned. if someone finds your child and calls that number, they're told anything. medical history they need to know. this is good if you have a child with diabetes, a child that's autistic. somethg you want someone to know immediately. this is about $95 for the jewelry and the service, which is on-call 24/7 for you. >> it's practical and fashionable. >> it comes for teenagers. there's a sticker you can put on the back of the driver's license. it's good for the teen years, too. >> and everybody in the pool. >> one of the sad things every summer, are the stories of children who drown in a matter of seconds. so, this is a little pool alarm. it's a brick house pool alarm. you wear this. and god forbid something happens and they go in the water -- it's very loud. hear how loud it is. and what happens is you immediately get this alarm. and it travels 200 feet. it's something that can be a lifesaver. a lot of people are putting this on their pets. that's about $200. >> $200. >> and slightly more high-tech world. this is called mommy i'm here. it's two parts. there's a little bear that you put on your child's shoe. or your put it on your child's belt. thenyou carry this little -- it looks almost like a key chain. >> right. out, and you can't find them, and you have that heart-stopping moment, you just click your thing. and then, you click it again. and a very loud chirping sound takes place. and your child will know to freeze in place. and you can find them. >> you would attach it to emily's shirt? >> yes. or lace it in their shoe. what's great about this is you can set a safety zone. so that, if they go beyond that 30 feet, you get alerted. and then, you can try to find them. >> and you have gps devices, as well? >> the gps thing is out tomorrow. this is brand-new. this is called the amber alert gps tracker. as you can see, it's really small. it's very lightweight. it's very kid-friendly. it does a host of things. most importantly, you assign it a name. and you get a phone number. you can call it, you can text it. if you have gps on your phone, it will show you exactly where your child is on the map. >> wonderful. >> or if you're at the office, you can find out. also, will set a temperature gauge. god forbid you leave your child in a car, if it goes beyond a certain temperature. does a lot of things i've never seen before. >> don't tell me there's an ap. >> there's an ap for the iphone, that is brand-new. locimobile, assuming your teenager will let you locate them. and you say loci me. it's $2.99 for the ap. and it's something i think i will use for all my family who has iphones. >> okay. these are all practical gadgets. high-tech, low-tech. >> it's amazing. i'm trying to figure out how my mother did it. all she could hope is that i'd get to a pay phone and call. >> you want to turn and look at the crowd? we have kelly clarkson coming up. we'll be right back. discover a smoothie like no ther! new activia smoothies. creamy, delicious, and above all, and istains clinically proven new activia smoothies.te your digestive system./ ♪ activiaaa! when morning comes in the middle of the night, [ rooster crow ] it affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly... to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving... while not fully awake with memory loss for the ent... as well as abnormal behavis... such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and hallucinations may occur. don't take it with alcohol... as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur... and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions... contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-- ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. concierge claim centers. so i can just drop off my car and you'll take care of everything? yep, even the rental. what if i'm stuck at the office? if you can't come to us, we'll come to you in one of our immediate response vehicles! what if mother won't let me drive? then you probably wouldn't have had an accident in the first place. and we're walkin'! and we're walkin'... !bil sier --re walkin'... atgrrovesi >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. i am doug mckelway. it ccked 25. time for a look at traffic and weather. >> you are heading ready to leave stafford, you will find a brief delay after the occoquan river. this is air route 1 where mergers out woodbridge. if you're heading out of springfield, look at the right side. no delays or problems from springfield down as far as richmond. we moved to t beltway. it is moving better. traffic on the left side is the outer do. we had a crash neathe mormon temple. it is gone. it is beautiful in this camera out of leesburg. good on route seven and a nice ride along the beltway in tysons. time for the weather. >> 79 downstairs and very muggy and sticky across the area. a few showers and sprinkles off to the rest -- off to the west. some store minutes later in the day. lunchtime around 83. -- some stormiest later in the day. some storms could be strong to severe. the skies will start to clear out. sunshine and some clouds and tomorrow. more storms back in the mix on sunday. >> thank you. >> a hearing is set today in the suspect of the chandra levy murder. prosecutors plan to call a witness to testify that he/she was attacked and stabbed on a jogging path by someone fixing -- fitting that description. >> public defenders argued there was no visible evidence in the case, only the words of jailhouse snitches who claimed he confessed. they said the contents of the affidavit demonstrate how in this investigation there's not a single witness to have ever seen mr. guandique and then together handle information in 2002 beyond the claims of unbelievable self-serving jailhouse informants. before this word of another witness byword -- arrive, the police chief said the case against grant beat is strong. >> we have the evidence and now it is up to the justice system. >> that was matt brock, reporting. students came down chitsna a with the swine flu. the first group of students arrived last night and were reunited with their families. they spent most of their time in china isolated in hospitals or quarantined. >> we had to wear face masks and we had to have our temperature taken twice a day. >> i am glad to be back. >> they treated us so well. >> about 10 other students are expected to fly home in about a week. investigators are trying to find out what caused a house fire the other night. the owner pat the first look at the damage. fire officials say low water pressure forced them to use fire hydrants that were five blocks away from the house. we will have another update for you at 8:56. we will have another update for you at 8:56. ♪ well i can breathe for the first time ♪ ♪ i'm suddenly gone yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ thanks to you now i get what i want ♪ ♪ what i want since you've been gone ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> woo! give me a hug. how are you, baby? >> i forgot to add in the last verse. >> how are you? >> you wanted live. we have live. we have kelly clarkson, live. coming up. >> i have to get this. >> you have to be barefoot. you have to feel the rhythm. >> and they're a little wet. i got rained on on my feet. but they're really getting rained on. >> the cloud bursts. >> yeah. we heard it on the roof. diva. we heard it on the roof while you were sitting out here. >> anyway, can you smell that smell? that's wafting over from guy fieri, of the food network. he has a show called "diners drive-ins and dives." he is cooking up food. >> s'mores pizza. i have dibs. >> s'mores pizza? >> yeah. >> i like it. let's tell you, by the way, that we've gotten past the rain. if anybody can clear it out, it'sou yvor icthate cle ar y it out. we got that out of the way. [ cheersar let's get to the forecast for the weekend, just want to do somethi t tnto do something this weekend. we're going to start with the pan-mass challenge, by the way. it's a bike ride for crity. and these folks are raisin$30 million for cancer research at the dana farber cancer institute. 5,000 cyclists from 36 states. we think it's nice on saturday. mixed weather by the time you get into sunday. here's a look at the rest of the forecast. quick look at the map on the weekend. we're fighting some storms in the deep south p. and where that rain develops, these storms will be heavy. mississippi, alabama, into northern georgia. the carolinas will pic tusa ay saturday and sunda atono srm wen snorm we'lyilm , alro fphl m ,. th. think, new y ingotoe g bvoined ilv n going to be involved in those strong, powerful storms this afternoon. athee ps the oaeeng.f th iris e ght off western coast. look at saturday's temperature for seattle. finally down in the 80s. they were 90 degrees every day this week. for those of us who haven' >> a very good morning. a few sprinkles to the west. they are near winchester up into martinsburg. it is muggy. all that weather was brought to you by progressive insurance. we're just minutes away from kelly. first, here's diane and robin. >> hello from over here. you remember tuning in the food network. and when you see "diners, drive-ins and dives" you know you're home, with guy fieri. and food we love so much. >> and it's grilling season. >> you start with a steak. you're marinading them how? what's the sret of this? >> this is a chimichuri. we're going to make a gaucho steak. the skirt steak is one of the best steaks to throw on the grill. it has a lot of fat. we have lemon juice and lime juice. garlic, of course. if you have a restaurant called johnny garlic's, you have to throw in garlic. i need you to be judicious with the tequila there. a little salt. and can i trust you with this? wow. nicely done, with the wrist. and a little pepper. that gets whisked together. and this sets up for a little bit. we pour it right in with the skirt steak. the great thing about this is, when it becomes grilling time, sometimes you'll take this to the beach, to the park. you throw it ia resealable bag. let it hang out. and it's ready to go. >> that's all you need. >> three for four hours. these we've taken. we dried off. we throw these down. okay? turn these over on the side. >> and these are so thin. >> super thin. >> you have to watch them like hawks. >> this works great because if you're looking for fajitas, asian stir fry, dynamite. fat in that. we come over to take the chimichuri. we have onions. this is called the four-herb chimichuri. there's some onions. peppers. cilantro, parsley. everybody in the pool. we have a little garlic. a pinch of salt. >> a pinch? >> just a pinch. not like the tequila. >> it will turn off. >> a little black pepper. we'll throw in some dried pepper. this goes in there. the great thing about this also, do it ahead of time and you can take it with you. >> all right. >> pop that down. zip, zip, zip. hold on to it. i've let these go. they cam off the counter, explode. >> not on my shift. >> not on my show, it's not. we come over here. what does it get us? look at this. nicely grilled. we cut a little on the bias. and cutting it on the bias and cooking it medium-rare, this is key. this isn't necessarily -- this isn't come from "diners, drive-ins and dives" by the way. this came from my cooking show. you dip it in. that's the chimichuri right there. you have the big flavors. all that power going on. when you have kids like mine, you jump in and do the s'mores pizza. oh, we're going to stay on this? i'll go back over here. check this out. this is going to bw them away. huge flavor. skirt steak with that. buttery, with the chimichuri. this is a chili lime corn. i grilled that in the husk, taking out the silk. >> sometimes they get dry. and yours is plump, like corn. >> you know what it is? when you take the corn and the silk out. soak the corn and the husk in some water. when you put the husk around it, it will moisturize it when it cooks. >> wow. >> corn. hi, there. >> i'm enjoying it. >> it's so good. >> we were cooking. and they were eating. >> sam has been talking s'mores pizza all morning long. >> he had dibs on that. >> i can't have -- there's a little chimichuri. it's still there. >> that's so cute. >> there. >> it sounded cute. you have just a little chimichuri. >> tell us about the s'mores pizza. >> cooking with my kids. i have two boys. they're gifting the grandparents. this is hunter's idea. making s'mores. having to go camping. make pizza. get regular dough at the pizza shop. throw it on the grill. here's the kicker. you take the graham crackers. crunch them up. a little cayenne pepper and chili powder. it gives you a little heat. you love the heat and sweet. >> she does. >> look at that. nice and chocolate. >> i'm going there. >> this is grilling at its best. do thawhole thing. >> i'm have a little chimichuri coming from pretty much everywhere. >> you have a little stuff -- >> go online. get these recipes. guy fieri. we'll be back. kelly clarkson. ♪ start here. go further. ♪ let's get this weekend started with our "gma" summer concert series. somebody chased the rain away. it must have been the incredibly power house voice of kelly clarkson. >> thank you. >> "all i ever wanted" is the album. "already gone." >> is the third single. yeah. >> all right. let's hear it. knock 'em out, kelly. ♪ remember all the things we wanted ♪ ♪ now all our memories they're haunted ♪ ♪ we were always meant to say good-bye ♪ ♪ even with our fists held high ♪ ♪ it never would've worked out right ♪ ♪ we were never meant for do or die ♪ ♪ i didn't want us to burn out i didn't come here to hold you ♪ ♪ now i can't stop ♪ i want you to know at it doesn't matter ♪ ♪ where we take this road someone's gotta go ♪ ♪ and i want you to know you couldn't ♪ ♪ have loved me better but i want you to move on ♪ ♪ so i'm already gone ♪ looking at you makes it harder ♪ ♪ but i know that you'll find another ♪ ♪ that doesn't always make you want to cry ♪ ♪ started with a perfect kiss then we could feel ♪ ♪ the poison set in perfect couldn't ♪ ♪ keep this love alive you know that i love you so ♪ ♪ i love you enough to let you go ♪ ♪ i want you to know that it doesn't matter ♪ ♪ where we take this road someone's gotta go ♪ ♪ and i want you to know you couldn't ♪ ♪ have loved me better but i want you to move on ♪ ♪ so i'm already gone ♪ i'm already gone already gone ♪ ♪ you can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong ♪ ♪ i'm already gone already gone ♪ ♪ there's no moving on so i'm already gone ♪ ♪ already gone already gone ♪ ♪ already gone already gone ♪ ♪ i'm already gone already gone ♪ ♪ remember all the things we wanted ♪ ♪ now all our memories they're unted ♪ ♪ we were always meant to say good-bye ♪ [ cheers and applause ] back to our "gma" summer concert series. two-time grammy winner, kelly clarkson is here with us. she's already sold 20 million albums and counting. 20 -- do you sometimes, even yourself. you are the original "american idol." i mean, the original. do you sometimes have to stop and go, wow. my life. i can't believe althat's happened. >> yeah. i think that being the original, nobody knew what to expect from the season. everybody -- i skipped surreal. everything became normal real quick because it had to. i'm still in texas. i'm usually the same person at home. >> you have eight dogs and a new cat. >> i have 11 now. we rescue them because they'll put them to sleep. we rescue them. >> so, being on stage with you is something else. we have to tell everybody at home. >> oh. >> there's carpet here. >> because i'm barefoot. >> you're barefoot. >> we have a fan here. >> as you can tell, i have a little perspire iation going on. >> who doesn't? you're so good live. you're one of the best artists we've had on the show and who is out there. when you put your songs together, is live a thing for you? >> i put my records together because of that. i tour so often. my records i make completely -- you can tell with this record, there's so much variety. there's so many styles of music. so, yeah. i do it totally for the tour. >> you want to hear one more? >> "walk away." ♪ you've got your mother and your brother ♪ ♪ every other undercover telling you what to say ♪ you think i'm stupid but the truth is that it's cupid ♪ ♪ baby loving you has made me this way ♪ ♪ before you point your finger get your hands off ♪ ♪ of my trigger you need to know ♪ ♪ the situation's getting old and now the mar you talk ♪ ♪ the less i can take ♪ i'm looking for attention not another question ♪ ♪ should you stay? or you'd show go ♪ ♪ if you don't have the answer why are you ill standing here ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey just look walk away ♪ ♪ just walk away ♪ i waited here for you like a kid waiting after school ♪ ♪ so tell me how come you never showed ♪ ♪ i gave you everything and never asked for anything ♪ ♪ and look at me i'm all alone ♪ ♪ so before you start defending stop all your pretending ♪ ♪ i know you know i know so what's the point of being slow ♪ ♪ let's get this show on the road today ♪ ♪ i'm looking for attention not another question ♪ ♪ should you stay? or should you go ♪ ♪ if you don't have the answer why you still standing here ♪ ♪ hey, hey i said walk away ♪ ♪ walk away ♪ walk away walk away ♪ ♪ i wanna love i want a fire ♪ ♪ to feel the burn my desires ♪ ♪ i want a man by my side ♪ not a boy who runs and hides are you going to fight for me ♪ die for me live and breathe for me ♪ ♪ do you care for me if you don't ♪ ♪ just leave i'm looking for attention ♪ ♪ not another question should you stay or should you go ♪ ♪ if you don't have the answer why are you still standing here ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey i said walk away ♪ ♪ walk away walk away ♪ ♪ walk away walk away ♪ [ cheers and applause ] our thanks again to kelly clarkson. you can hear her again on you got it, girl. >> cool. >> you have a cool band. thank you very much for being here. meryl streep on monday. you have a great weekend. >> enjoy your weekend. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. i am doug mckelway. let's get a look at traffic and weather. >> has been a friday light kind of the day. northbound 95 has a brief delay after the occoquan river. i wanted to take you live to check up the pace of traffic across the 14th street bridge. this is going across the roosevelt bridge. beautiful on 110 and washington boulevard. no problems along the american legion bridge and up through tysons and bethesda. no delays to pay the toll to head to the eastern shore. >> we can see some blue peeking through. we have some light showers to the west. we will look for increasing clouds. utese system is down to our we wh wayllil make its thstay with us throughout the d. 79 in quantico. increasing clouds. scattered storms develop. strong severe with lightning and intense wind gusts. more storms move and on sunday. >> thank you. virginia candidates for governor square off today. creigh deeds and bob mcdonnell will answer questions about water quality. it will be held at the virginia farm bureau headquarters in suburban richmond. thank you for watching. 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