Conditions. We will check in with jack taylor. What a mess. Nine or 10 miles of slow traffic on the beltway. Beginning near pennsylvania avenue, traffic is diverted onto 50. Traffic trying to move at ritchie marlboro. 202, all traffic will divert off at 50 to go east or west bound. Traffic cannot get on from westbound 54 the outer loop. Any point north of 50, getting on from 450, you can ask is the outer loop to the beltway. All lanes closed with accident investigation on the outer loop of the beltway at exit 19 and the john hansen highway. Noon, the name of the woman who died after being hit by a bus in Upper Marlboro yesterday. 69yearold patsy stokes burton lived in the played up a work in the area for years. The Surveillance Video shows burton trying to cross main street at water street when the bus hit her. She was in the crosswalk. No word if the driver will face charges. Check out this mornings commuter mess in landover. News chopper 7 on the beltway near fedex field. A jehovahs Witness International convention is underway through sunday. Turning to the corruption trial for bob and Maureen Mcdonnell, the fifth day. The former ceo of Star Scientific is back on the stand. Brianne carter is keeping track of everything happening in court. Day three four Jonnie Williams in the bob and Maureen Mcdonnell case in richmond. Williams was asked about purchases made for the mcdonalds. The mcdonnells. Lawyersmcdonnells asked williams about a trip he took to new york. He was asked if he had to buy dresses, he answered absolutely. He was asked about a Louis Vuitton wallet and whether she asked for it, he answered no. Williams was asked about interviews with the fbi. At times, he could not recall. The former governor commented on what this week has been like. We will see how the truth comes out. New images of what has been talked about on that stand. Key items, including what some are calling the infamous rolex. Images of the former governor wearing the watch but engraving the watch as well. More on the case throughout the day. Brianne carter, abc 7 news. Kimberly is in their courtroom in richmond and will have a complete wrapup of everything that happens starting tonight at 5 00. Still waiting to learn the fate of a former candidate for Prince Georges County executive who was convicted of stealing 50,000. Randy mcrae was found guilty of theft, forgery, and other charges in 2000 five while working as a general counsel for the Community Element corporation, he forged a Government Application and stole toey from a friend in order create a false bake account. He is facing 65 years in prison. Day after stepping down, eric cantor says he will step down from congress completely next month. Jeanette reyes takes a look at what this announcement means on the hill and in virginia. Former House Majority leader eric cantor announced he is not coming back to the hill after Congress Returns from recess. Cantor says it is for the good of his constituents. Cantor will step down august 18 to make sure constituents have a voice during what he calls the lameduck session. Campaigns and elections editor for politico says voters interested seven in district seven will still go weeks without a representative. District will not have representation for all of september and october when the house comes back after the august recess. This is coming to months after his stunning upset to Tea Party Candidate dave brat. Hours after he stepped down as House Majority leader. Not one of us should ever take for granted the honor and responsibility we have to serve our fellow americans. Says he has asked Terry Mcauliffe to hold a special election for his district that coincides with the november 4 general election. His successor would be able to take office immediately. In an interview with the Richmond Times dispatch cantor added that he stands behind brat. He did not reveal plans once he leaves office. In arlington, jeanette reyes, abc 7 news. The house trying to salvage some form of an agreement on the immigration bill. Lawmakers were supposed to start a five week summer break yesterday, that has been delayed. Republicans plan to meet again today to try to hammer out a deal. Measures did pass keeping the federal Highway Trust Fund from running out of money today and to revamp the Health Care System at the department of veterans affairs. Scott thuman will have an update tonight on abc 7 news at 5 00. Vincent gray is on a mission to renovate 40 playgrounds. He broke ground today at trinidad playground in northeast. It will include a zip line, a skate spot and a fitness center. The playground will have a superhero theme and feature a neighborhood inspired superhero named captain trinidad. Renovations are scheduled to be completed in november. Another political figure is redskinsin on the name today. Terry mcauliffe attended redskins Training Camp this morning. When asked about the name, governor mcauliffe basically said it boils down to business and its economic impact. Tois not up to a governor tell a private business what to do. Diversifying our economy. I see fans in the stands and i see the local businesses that are here, that is my job as governor. Grow and diversify the economy. They are creating economic activity. I am not in the business of telling private businesses what to do. Governor mcauliffe did say he understands why some people would be offended by the teams name. Taking a look outside. A little bit sticky outside for football. How long will it stick around . Brian van de graaff has a first check of our forecast. August 1, it feels like august 1. It really does, martinez. Mugginess. Bill for furniture weather center, gray a nd damp across the area. The midsuburbs in 70s. Showers looking from southwest to northeast. A few showers in fairfax and southern maryland. Out there. Heavy some occasional off and on showers. We will keep an eye close by the tropics. Also nontrade showers through the afternoon and evening. It could impact the mets game tonight. Unsettled weather across the nation. Plan ahead. We take a look at the weekend, coming up. One southbound lane of rhode island avenue is open in hyattsville. John gonzalez reports, all lanes will close again soon near crittenden street after a water main break made the road look like a river. Repair. Y long the fountain and hinesville is off. The fountain in hyattsville is off. Businesses could be affected with no water. The county has delivered boxes of water to front porches. We need water. I am thirsty, it is hot out here. There is no water inside. 6 million gallons of water rushed onto route one in three hours yesterday, creating geysers and causing the road to turn into a river and buckle. Today, wssc crews are left with a muddy mess, a 45 foot wide hole and a 12 inch pipe that gave way. Old infrastructure is often the reason. Typically there is only a crack on the pipes. Scene, this 18 foot section of this 73 drill pipe literally broke off the entire line. Crews are worried there are more problems. We have to dig further to expose another section of pipe to see if it needs to be replaced. Been digging all day with only one southbound lane getting by. The situation is going from bad to worse. Rhode island avenue will be closed tonight and maybe throughout the weekend. Main thoroughfare from here in hyattsville all the way to downtown washington, d. C. In hyattsville, john gonzalez, abc 7 news. Remember the water main break on uclas campus . Those repairs could also take days. Crews just removed some cars trapped in the water. They are looking at the hole left by the gallons of rushing water. Israels army says it fears one of its soldiers is being held hostage by militants in gaza. The news broke after a shortlived ceasefire between both sides. Hamas and israel are accusing each other of violating the truce. Those Officials Say at least 35 palestinians were killed in morning fighting. Another 200 were injured. Two Israeli Soldiers were killed. John kerry issued a statement in the last hour condemning hamas for violating the ceasefire and kidnapping the israeli soldier. This afternoon, the palestinian american teenager beaten while he was in israel will be on capitol hill. Ir live in florida but still has family in maryland. He was part of a riot Israeli Police were trying to break up. Coming up on abc 7 news at noon, two americans set to come home to become the first cases of the u. S. Treated in later, using social media to tattletale on your neighbors. But first, people start heading home after several gas explosions shake streets. Here grab the umbrella if you had out tonight. You are watching abc 7 news at noon, on your side. The 12,000 people forced to evacuate after a series of gas explosions in taiwan are back in their homes today. 26 people died and 267 others were injured. The last devastated an area of about one square mile. Investigators are still trying to figure out what sparked the explosions. Two americans set to come home from liberia in the midst of the ebola outbreak. The first cases treated in the u. S. Marci gonzaz reports, it will be coming home one at a time. Treat one of the only patients of ebola in the u. S. Dr. Kent brantly and Nancy Writebol will be flown one at a time with an airtight isolation time like this. Both fighting for their lives. He is a very sick man, so is nancy. Emory University Hospital has an Isolation Unit with highly trained staff. It is unclear where the other sick american will be taken. Than 700frica, more people have already died from the virus. Extra efforts are underway to stop the spread of ebola. The cdc warning against nonessential travel to guinea, sierra leone, and liberia. Travelers are being screened for illness. The cdc is sending 50 experts to help with the outbreak. We know how to stop ebola. You have to find the cases, respond to them, and prevent them. Treating people with the disease is how these two americans contracted ebola. There was an experiment of treatment sent to them, but dr. Kent brantly insisted that the only does was given to Nancy Writebol. His wife remains hopeful. The director of the cdc is on ebola willonfident not spread in the u. S. , adding that americans should stay safe. Marci gonzalez, abc news. Parts of texas got hammered with more than six inches overnight. Many locations have high water on the roads. Some roads are even closed because of flooding. One look at that video and you can see why. Wow. On rain. Re, off and the rain is slow to move in. Eeping from south sonora. I will show you one of our Weatherbug Network cameras. Earlier this morning over to Prince William county in woodbridge. You can see showers, damp pavement. A little wetness but nothing toong down to heavy. Rockville, 70in seven downtown. 77 in annapolis. We might get to around 80 but some suburbs might not even client above 80. Climb above 80. Lets take a look outside. Showers slowly lifting northward from southwest to northeast. A pocket of heavier rain towards front royal west of toky county. Light to moderate showers. Something to contend with throughout the afternoon. A snapshot from space. We are socked in. With the progression of this system lifting northward, we will keep it cool. The typical height is about 80, not having today. Our radar, some showers through the afternoon. Showers into the evening, maybe often on tomorrow. Not a threeday event nonstop. Some chances for showers. Drier spots in between. We watched the latest on bertha, a tropical system heading towards the western antilles. Winds at 50, gusting to near 63, towards the bahamas before going back to see. 50 miles from her. Rough surf if you are heading to the beach next week. Cloudy with a keysville showers cloudy with occasional showers. Damp for the game at nats park. Pretty. End, not so next week, heat returns. A good movie weekend. 7 is on your side with a consumer alert. A recall from hyundai for the second time in a week. The Company Wants to fix ake and oilbre suvs. Ms in 419,000 santa fes and sonatas. Veracruzes the model. Hyundai will notify owners by the end of next month. Some stations for travelsmanners if your take you north. Part of the bridge that carries 5 over the river in wilmington, delaware is back open. Earlier than expected. Northbound lanes are still closed after inspections found the support columns tilting in june. Transportation officials hope to have the bridge opened by labor day. We are covering metro with a heads up about weekend worked on the red line. The rhode island avenue and broke land brooklands station will be closed just after midnight. Shuttle buses between noma cardionet and fort totten. A warning about potential. Raffic problems next week a summit between the u. S. And a lotn leaders could mean of motorcades. Leave yourself extra time. Rebecca cooper will have a look at where the action will be starting tonight at 5 00. At where the action will be starting tonight at 5 00. The weekend is a few hours and for many, its a struggle to keep your a1c down. So imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar . Imagine, loving your numbers. Introducing oncedaily invokana®. Its the first of a new kind of prescrtion medicine thats used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Invokana® is a oncedaily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. Heres how the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. Invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. This may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, highgh potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. Do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysisis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. Symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Living through a drought is not easy. Some residents are taking matters into their own hands. Drought training. Drought shaming, people anonymously posting on social media when their neighbors wastewater. An app pulls tweets on the topic. Would knockighbor on the door and say hey, do you know your sprinkler has been running for the last hour . Do you know there is a state regulation. Shaming is the wrong way to do it. Be a good neighbor. Mapspp lets posters use and photos not to college other out to call each other out. We are teaching our fiveyearold not to tell on the twoyearold. It is not as bad as it may seem, but not a rain washout. Below average temperatures and a little muggy. Natsat will it do to the game . [dramatic music] hey whats up, everybody . What up . What up . What up . What up . What up . What up . Whats up . Whats happening . [ches and applause] how are you doing . My man, what up . Whats up . Come on out here. Yeah. Yeah hello, and welcome to millionaire. [cheers and applause] hey. You guys, you know, what . Today is our final day of movie week, yall. Oh and what a way to wrap things up. Our returning contestants about to face his 250,000 question. Hes stilland this guy still

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