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Brad . Brad tuesday has gone through a different mood at baltimore at north and pennsylvania avenues a huge crowd gathers inside of a looted drugstore to create peace. Even as stern faced police in riot gear watch. If we want justice to be served, we have to unite. Violence is not the answer for justice. Brad a church group brings water and pizza for the neighborhood. Because we love our city and we really want to maintain peace. Brad across west baltimore, hundreds if not thousands of volunteers fan out in a massive neighborhood cleanup but tension and violence simmer just below the surface. Watch what happens when one man in the gathering draws the ire of police. Hes grabbed and wrestleed to the ground. It is clear police will no longer tolerate the violence that racked the city yesterday and last night. Criminal activity will not be tolerated. Brad Governor Hogan speaking about the state of emergency and the presence of more than 1,000 heavily armed and equipped National Guardsmen in baltimore. Governor hogan were going to bring whatever resources are necessary. Whatever assets are necessary. Brad and so it is peaceful. For now. But the tension has not dissipated. Its really dangerous. It can get really get out of hand. Brad so far, it has not gotten out of hand. We join you live from the intersection of north and pennsylvania. Theres more than 1,000 people gathered here. They have been here all day long. Every now and then, we see tempers flare but for the most part it has been a peaceful demonstration. We have seen no violence. Peaceful demonstration here as hundreds have gathered in west baltimore. In west baltimore, brad bell, abc 7 news. Leon . Leon thank you. As you know here the mood can turn on a dime out here. As a matter of fact, it just did here. Its been tense one moment and almost light hearted and spirited the next. Were seeing here as all of a sudden, a spontaneous electric slide dance routine under way now in the street in front of the police that have been staged here to keep people separated from whats been happening at pennsylvania avenue where the c. V. S. Has been burned and looted. Talk about that in a second. We made our way inside there. As you know, baltimore is the home to the National Headquarters of the naacp and today, the president of that group pledged to do its part to keep this city safe and return it to a sense of normalcy and calm and today, they made a plan to open up the Satellite Office in the city. Take a listen. We want to ensure that our young people interact with the police, they do so in a way that is safe. Leon now, according to city data. Com baltimore has a population of nearly 623,000 people. 63 of that population is black. 24 of the residents living below the poverty line but tonight, everyone seems to be coming together here to try to clean up charm city at least try to clean up its reputation from what people have seen around the world from here in the last few hours. Horace holmes is standing by in one of the stores that was damaged and looted. Horace, what are you seeing there . Horace lets take a look because this is one of the stores that was completely burned down and just destroyed last night. You can see the smoke is still smoldering inside. Thats how intense the fire was here last night and it was here on west pratt street. This is a street which is lined with stores about five minutes, leon, from where you are right now. And many of these stores were looted last night. We talked to the owner of this story who owned two stores this one and the one right next door. He doesnt know what hes going to do at this point. He doesnt know whether he can rebuild. Lets move across the street if we can, to the jay mart store which is a very, very important store in this neighborhood. Brian, if you could hurry on across the people who own this store had been in this country for 32 years. Theyve owned this business for 17. This is whats happened to them. This happened last night. We talked with them also and well be hearing from them tonight at 6 00. They really do not know what to do. Their whole life was in this business. And now its destroyed. Talking to the people in this neighborhood, they just cant believe it. They dont understand why people would destroy important businesses in their own community. Now, the entire community doesnt know what to do. There are food marts here and there are Check Cashing stores here and now many of them looted. Many of them gone and many of the Business Owners not knowing whether theyre going to actually be able to rebuild. Reporting live in baltimore, horace holmes, abc 7 news. Leon thank you, horace. That scene that you had there was a very strong one. But, perhaps, the strongest image from last night was not a business but it was that Seniors Center attached to the Southern Baptist church just east of us here that burned to the ground last night. You can see that facility here that was a matter of months away from opening. Now, it is a complete and total loss. It was supposed to become home of 60 units of Affordable Housing for senior citizens. Theyre investigating that fire. They think it was arson. They just now need the proof and the details to prove that. Today, president obama spoke up here about what happened in baltimore last night. He condemned the violence and said theres no excuse for it no matter how much pain people are sumping or how badly they want to be hurt. Chris papst picks up our live coverage from the newsroom with more on that. Chris president obama called the agitators thug whos should be treated as criminals during last nights violence. Nearly 200 arrests and 160 fires set. President spoke today from the white house during a press conference with the japanese prime minister. Mr. Obama said while the rioters were out of line he said there have been too many troubling Police Interactions with black citizens. Something hes called a slow roll. He said this i new. But there is new awareness from cameras and social media. The riots did start after the funeral for freddie gray, a black man who died in Police Custody under peculiar circumstances. President obama when individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot theyre not protesting. Theyre not making a statement. Theyre stealing. Chris the president continued by saying this is simply a handful of people taking advantage of a situation for their own purposes. In the newsroom chris papst, abc 7 news. Leon thank you, chris. As weve been saying here the emotions here have been turning on a dime it seems. Were still finding ourselves now stuck in the middle of a zumba class on northwest avenue of all places here. And the performance here is happening right in front of these Police Officers who have been staged here and standing at attention with their full riot gear on for hours now. Again, the questions for many here is why are they here . Because just behind them, maybe 120 yards away behind them were thousands upon thousands of people who were on the other side in front of that c. V. S. And Check Cashing store that we watched being looted yesterday and the demonstrations over there were actually getting a lot more active and then began starting off with some spontaneous marches and we one of them traverse an area around here that stretched five blocks or so. We went inside that c. V. S. Number one the place is a crime scene still. I cant believe theres no security or anybody there to keep people from going inside. So our producer here went inside with me and we looked and sure enough, there are people in there, some of them wearing what looks like i dont know, suits and ties who are actually mopping the floors and cleaning things up. That place looks, though like it should be taken down to the ground but folks are inside doing their best to try to clean things up. So you can tell here just by seeing what people are doing, they have no intent of giving up on their city of baltimore. We will keep the coverage here with more of what we see and hear here. Were also keeping our eyes peeled for that press conference with police. Once that gets under way, well have live for you here. Kellye and alison back to you. Alison thank you very much leon. Different scene than this time yesterday. Kellye sure was. Alison all right. Lets move on to other news of the day because fireworks flew inside the u. S. Supreme court today. [yelling] alison thats the voice of a protester who interrupted arguments at the u. S. Supreme court this morning. The justices heard two cases concerning same sex marriages. And as Justice Anthony kennedy pointed out, now there is a tough road ahead. This definition has been with us for a milennia and its very difficult for the court to say, oh well we know better. Alison right now, same sex marriages are legal in 37 states and the district. Suzanne kennedy is live outside of the court where protesters voiced their opinions on the issue all morning long. Suzanne . Suzanne alison to begin with that protester that you referenced there was dragged out of the courtroom. Meanwhile, here on first street outside of the Supreme Court, it was a passionate and purpose driven crowd that faced off here this morning. All of this while the justices inside debated the future of marriage here in the u. S. The historic debate brought out emotional demonstrators on both sides of this hot button issue. I dont understand the hate. I dont understand why anyone would care who i marry. I simply oppose it because the word of god says its an abomination. Suzanne colleen and her partner stood in line to hear the oral arguments today. It is amazing to be here. Suzanne they are hoping to get married this november in South Carolina with the assurance that their union cannot be voided. Its important for us to have this done. To have it resolved across the nation, to end this this fight that doesnt even make sense. Lgbt against god and humanity suzanne curbside debates took place in this crowd of several hundred. Tracy grisham made the pilgrimage to the Supreme Court from her hometown of amarillo texas. She opposes any marriage thats not between a man and a woman. Im on the side of god. Im on the side of righteousness. Im on the side of truth. And i oppose everything that is opposed to god. Suzanne the justices are expected to issue a ruling sometime in early june. Live at the u. S. Supreme court, suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news. Kellye and coming up on abc 7 news at 5 00 going to the polls. What folks are voting for in d. C. Today. And how much time you have to get to the polls. Alison plus catching up. A look at a new survey gauging the number of crabs in the Chesapeake Bay. Joce and the phone lines are open for our ask the attorney phone bank. All you have to do is call 7032369220. Alison we will continue to monitor the situation in baltimore as that city tries to recover from a night of riots. We will check back in with leon and the rest of the abc 7 team [ female announcer ] Business Travel isnt just about the going. Its also about the going home. And being connected all along the way. Whether youre working or recharging do Business Travel on your terms. Acela. Take off. Alison well get back to baltimore now because, as promised, we are about to hear from the mayor and the Police Commissioner who are about to begin a press conference as we speak. Police commissioner anthony best and the mayor of baltimore, stephanie rawlingsblake. This is a live picture, i understand, of where they are. Kellye thats right. We were panning off the Police Commissioner there. That is the mayor of baltimore, stephanie rawlingsblake who has been one of the main people involved responding to this tragedy. We heard from her repeatedly last night and now she is set to speak again about the riots that took place yesterday. Alison we understand theyre updating things once an hour. Were awaiting this 5 00 Hour Press Conference where hopefully well get more information on cleanup and what has been a calm and peaceful day thus far. Everybody there in baltimore hoping it remains that way. Should we wait here for them to speak . All right. Lets move on and well come back as soon as they take the microphone. Kellye in the midst of all of the news out of baltimore yesterday, the metropolitan Washington Airport Authority announced a major delay in the second phase of the silver line. Alison thats right. Now businesses and residents living near Dulles Airport in Loudoun County say they are frustrated with this new change in plans. Northern Virginia Bureau chief Jeff Goldberg is live covering metro and herndon. Jeff . Jeff alison the big draw for some of these drivers out here, phase two line in fairfax and Loudoun County to get out of this typically traffic filled dulles toll road. The phase two is going to be built right in the middle there, an extension of phase one, of course. Phase two ending at Dulles Airport. But like phase one before it it now appears that phase two will go on line late. While construction might be moving for many it is not moving fast enough. Our reaction is disappointment. Jeff and the general manager of p. J. Mulligans in herndon that opened just eight weeks ago and sits close to the proposed herndon station on phase two of the silver line. Alison i have to interrupt jeffs report there. Well get back to it shortly. Lets go back to baltimore and we are going to hear from the mayor and the Police Commissioner. Mayor rawlingsblake good evening, everyone. Last night was a very rough period for our city but today i think we saw a lot more of what baltimore is about. We saw people coming together to reclaim our city. To clean our city and to help heal our city. I think this can be our defining moment and not the darkest day that we saw yesterday. I spent the morning talking to residents. I visited along north avenue where residents were cleaning up and tried to give comfort to people who know that their lives are going to be disrupted in major ways for a long time because of the damage that was done to their community. I saw the damage that was done to Mondawmin Mall and it breaks our heart. Those of us from baltimore know how hard we fought for those resources and those stores to bring good quality products and items to our community and to have those stores destroyed, mom and pop kiosks destroyed senselessly, they are working to recover. I also visited lexington market where vendors are desperately trying to get back to normal in dealing with the damage that was done as well. I want to sincerely thank the Baltimore City police department. And i want to thank all of our other Law Enforcement partners who we have had in our city over the past week. Commissioner, youll have to give all the counties who have been here because i cant remember. But i know that several counties in maryland have they have sent us resources over the past week and theyve been extremely supportive and im very grateful for that. Trying to think if i missed anything. Also i should have started here but ill end here. I want to thank the members of the community. Not just the ones that you see here behind me but the ones that you havent seen or wont see that have spent all day yesterday, all day today trying to figure out how we can come together as a city. How we can heal. We have churches that are opening themselves up to be a sanctuary and a refuge giving young people who were out of school a place to go and something to eat. We have you know so many in our community who are looking for ways to come together to heal. So i want to thank all of them and give a few Community Members an opportunity to give remarks. First, i would like to ask Mark Washington of the colestream homestead community. Mark . Hi my name is Mark Washington, im executive director of colestream homestead center. What i want everyone to know is we stand united as one baltimore. We hear the cries, the frustration, the anger. We understand quite clearly that things need to change in Baltimore City. But what we saw last night was not reflective of the majority of the city or the majority of youth in the city. We saw individuals take advantage of a situation and use it for their own cause. What they did was to try to diminish the legitimacy of the grievances that we do have in this city with the Baltimore City police department. I want to make it clear to everyone that not only do i stand in unison with these Community Leaders here but i stand in unison with this mayor. As we all move together forward for a better and truer baltimore. Thank you. Kellye you have been listening to a Community Leader in baltimore addressing the recent rioting that is taking place in that city and we also heard from stephanie rawlingsblake a grateful stephanie rawlingsblake because of how peaceful things have been today. Alison yes. This press conference will continue. Also, the Police Commissioner is about to speak and you can go to our sister station newschannel 8 and view that press conference in its entirety. Meanwhile here we are going to switch gears and talk more a minute about the weather. And what a gorgeous day. Doug it turned out very nice weatherwise. Tomorrow will be a little replay, more sunshine and weekend looking great, too. Lets show you the details going forward. It will start with the campus of Montgomery College in rockville. Beautiful sunrise. We saw this across the area where we had clear skies for a while this morning and once things started to heat up a bit temperaturewise, clouds started to form up and theyll dissipate tonight and in fact, theyre starting to thin out a bit as we speak. It will be clear tonight and temperatures will fall. 69 at Reagan National and 72 degrees in frederick. 71 at quantico and fredricksburg and i think those are the kinds of numbers that well have widespread across this region for the day tomorrow. The winds have been gusty during the day. Now theyre starting to come down a bit. Have a reported wind of 15 miles an hour at Reagan National. 14 in manassas. The winds will turn much lighter tonight and as the combination of clear skies, light winds and dry air that will contribute to this. The drop in temperatures overnight. Leading to a range of 42 to 52 degrees by early tomorrow morning and as we get through the day tomorrow, well keep our eyes on the storm system and actually two. A surface storm coming across the northern gulf and upper level system coming out of the mississippi valley. Both of these will kind of combine energy. It it wont affect us late tomorrow morning. It will be sunny and mild. High Pressure Center will see to that tomorrow. The clouds will start to roll in. Clouds gathering during the Late Afternoon and evening hours. Well start to see the moisture move in through the overnight hours before sunrise on thursday. Well have periods of rain during the day on thursday and thursday night. Storm is going to really tighten up. Going to come pretty strong but move off shore. That means the rain should end on the Morning Hours of friday. We might stay cloudy for a while. But right now, it looks like High Pressure will win out the weekend with partly sunny skies and 76 with sunshine on monday on sunday and, perhaps, close to 80 degrees here by monday. Alison looking good. Doug headed the right way. Kellye still to come on abc 7 news at 5 00 i guess this sort of thing happens a lot. Believe it or not, we get a call like this at least once a month. Kellye it might not be unusual for the glass company. See how close this car came to hitting a gas station employee. Alison but first cash donations where we can purchase materials is much better way to help those impacted by the earthquake. Alison 7 on your side to make sure youre spending your cash to a Reputable Agency before you sign that check. Kellye dont forget the phone lines are open for you to ask an attorney. Call 7032369220. To ask our panel of experts your legal questions. Those phone lines will be open until 6 30. Alison heres a look at whats kellye we are following developments out of nepal after the deadly earthquakes. Members of the elite task force are on the ground tonight. Theyll start help with search and rescue efforts in kathmandu. More than 4600 people are dead and another 9,000 injured. And charities around the world are springing into action. Diane cho visited one of them in fairfax. The foundation here in fairfax is constantly shipping out food and medical supplies to countries in need. But after the devastating earthquake in nepal, this doctor says it doesnt do much good if they cant get it there quickly. The shipment alone to nepal could probably take six or eight weeks. Thats just way too long because right now, they need food, shelter, water. Diane its where theyre asking for monetary donations to help provide aid in the initial response efforts a u. N. Spokesperson says as many as eight Million People have been impacted. Major focus is shelter. Diane the charity is working with the Adventist Development and Relief Organization that has an office in nepal and other groups to help provide immediate relief. So many people are afraid to stay in their homes. We saw this after haiti. People were not willing to go back into any kind of structure because of the number of aftershocks. Diane once the immediate needs are met, theyll likely start packing up boxes like these filled with medical supplies to start shipping out. If youd like to help you can log on to our website at wjla. Com and well link you to their site. In fairfax, diane cho, abc 7 news. Kellye the federal trade Commission Wants you to be sure you do your research before you pinckney charity to contribute to. The agency suggests sticking with charities that you know and trust. And always check with the Better Business bureau but never click on links or open attachments or emails solaceiciting donations we have more of the groups advice at wjla. Com. Right now, 7 on your side with the phone bank to answer any legal questions that you might have. You can ask the attorney by calling 7032369220. The phone lines and the abc 7 help center will be open until 6 30. Scott it is election day in d. C. Wards four and eight. Turnout is low but the enthusiasm amongst supporters in places like turner elementary is high. That story is next on abc 7 news. Leon leon harris in the streets of baltimore where police here have cordoned off the street with a lot of Small Businesses and a lot of folks and these crowds are asking why werent they here last leon back now here on the streets of baltimore. Were on northwest avenue here or i should say west north avenue about a block away from the c. V. S. That Everybody Knows about in this town. You have to pardon me. We have a spontaneous zumba class thats broken out here in the middle of the street. Its been amazing to see the way the emotions have gone up and down here. But one of the reasons why people are feeling like they can dance in the streets, because of the Police Presence here. You can see behind me we have Police Officers that have cordoned off this street and theyve been joined by National Guardsmen, some 5,000 troops in all here have been taking over the streets here and state of emergency, as you know is in effect after last nights riot. And takes hold tonight at 10 00. Beginning tonight and goes on for a full week. We understand that the orioles have postponed, rather two games because of the violence. And now, the word is that tomorrows game against the Chicago White sox is going to be played at 2 00 p. M. But its going to be kind of a weird scene there because there wont be any fans in the stands. The drcheduled this thursday night and the National Aquarium is also closed today. Our kevin lewis is live along the inner harbor tonight with a look at the reaction to what some are calling an inexcusable slow response by the city and by the police. Kevin, what have you been hearing . Kevin absolutely leon. We will get to that in one minute. But we are in the heart of the inner harbor right now. We have the World Trade Center beside me and we have the National Aquarium and pratt street power plant home to many stores and restaurants. And amid all of these tourist destinations you have National Guardsmen clutching on to m4 assault rifles and it is all because Governor Hogan declared a state of emergency for the city of baltimore. Governor hogan i called the mayor multiple times yesterday. Kevin governor larry hogan says this executive order declaring a state of emergency for baltimore had been sitting on his desk for days. With Baltimore Mayor stephanie rawlingsblake did not request state help until 6 30 monday evening, more than three hours after intense riot willing, looting and fires broke out. We did quite a bit but we waited until the mayor asked for us to come in. We didnt think it was appropriate to come in and take over the city without the request of the mayor. Kevin i asked the governor who currently is in charge of baltimore, he or the mayor . The mayor of baltimore had the city of Baltimore Police on the ground. Quite frankly they were overwhelmed. All the rest of the boots on the ground came from us. Kevin she defends the mayors actions. I think we baltimoreans in our wildest dreams did not think that Baltimore Young people would tear up their neighborhood. Kevin today, the governor boarded a blackhawk helicopter to survey damage from above as National Guardsmen lined the inner harbor of a city in crisis. Were not going to have another repeat of what happened last night. Its not going to happen tonight. Kevin i did speak on the phone with the mayors press secretary four years ago. By now, were hoping some reply and rebuttal to the hinting about delayed response by the city of baltimore. Unfortunately, we have nothing from the Mayors Office at this hour. Leon . Leon all right. Thank you, kevin. Thank you, kevin. Meantime back over here in the streets here on northwest avenue here the scene here, one that is actually were seeing here lots of helicopters in the air. Hang on a second. Look at this scene here. Theres a Police Officer there exchanging hugs with the protester there who has been throwing who has been practicing signs in front of them. Sign there says free hugs. Kind of what the doctor ordered for baltimore today. You know, and youll notice also in that crowd, im not sure if you can see the little kids who are here. Really shocking to see how walking up to the Police Officers. Hugging the police over that way. There are little kids that are out here and i asked the grandfather why he felt it was important since the schools were closed today to bring up his little 6 and 7yearold grandkids and he said something to me that really makes a lot of sense. One day theyll have to read about in their history class and he wants them to know about it. Coming up in 15 minutes, well take a look at something that the orioles put out today thats trending nationally. Youll want to see that and check it out for yourself. Back to you. Kellye thank you. Right now, voters in the district have about 2 1 2 hours left to get to the polls for two special elections. They are choosing City Council Representatives for wards four and eight. D. C. Bureau chief sam ford is live in southeast d. C. Sam . Sam yes kellye the turnout is low. But the enthusiasm in places like this are high. And you can see this man is well, not real smart. Hes standing right in the middle of alabama avenue with a sign and it is rush hour. And the traffic is about to get here. Anyway, the smart money is on mayor bowser endorsed candidates ruby may in ward eight and brandon todd in ward four. They have won the straw polls. Theyve raised 700000 between them. Voter turnout is low in both races. Winner in eight gets the late Marion Barrys council seat and his son today was running as marion once did. Most important thing is the people in this Community Pick their own lear not someone backed by big business. Sam and there are 11 candidates in each of these races. Four and eight. Polls close at 8 00 p. M. Reporting live from southeast washington, sam ford, abc 7 news. Alison sam, thank you very much. Coming up on abc 7 news at 6 00 tonight, we will be standing by for another press conference. This one from Maryland Governor larry hogan about whats been going on in baltimore. Kellye we will bring that to you live and the very latest of alison lets get a check on the traffic situation with Jamie Sullivan on traffic watch for us. Jamie we have one issue right now on the inner loop of the beltway right at braddock road. You can see the right lane is blocked off with accident activity. Everyone squeezing by using the lanes over to the lefthand side. Seeing a little bit of a delay. As we move to take a look i want to show you some of this backup right now. It will be a little bit closer towards the robinson terminal that you can see near the springfield interchange, this is our inner loop of the beltway traffic. Moving now to our maps weve got congestion elsewhere. Youll see this right now top side of the beltway and weve got the slowing for you as well. 395 heading out of the city. Back to you. Alison ok. Thank you. A new york man says a slushy saved his life. Derek st. Arnaut was walking away from the Cash Register righ gas station where he works when that car came crashing right through the window. He says he was almost too shocked to understand what had just happened. Poured the base in the container that had the water and he came to buy the paper so i sat them down. Rang them up. Out they go. Especially make explosions. Alison derek only had a minor scratch and the driver is also ok. Unclear why that person crashed into the store in the first place. Kellye yikes alison he was really lucky. All right. Well, 7 on your side tonight trying to make sure that you know what is happening with news, traffic and weather. All around the region. And of course still ahead, well have reaction about baltimore and ray lewis and what he had to say today. Kellye and comments from the orioles about canceled games puts critics on blast as well as a baltimore restaurant telling people that leon as you can see, lots of eyes are on the streets of baltimore from every perspective. You can see the helicopter shots there. We have lots of aircraft in the skies watching for the protesters and all the different activities that are under way here on the ground. This city has gotten the attention of a lot of people. Im not talking about just the folks who would come all the way here but around the country, even around the world. Joce sterman has been watching for reaction on social media. Shes in our newsroom right now to tell us what shes been seeing and reading there. Joce . Joce in just the last few minutes, i want to tell you about an update to a very controversial post we spotted on facebook from a restaurant called lico in baltimore, little italy neighborhood. Previously, they just edited this post as of at least an hour ago. Previously, they were telling customers to defy that curfew for 10 00 to come out and patronize their business and the others in little italy. After taking a lot of fire lots of comments racking up on this, they actually edited that post and said, sorry for the misunderstanding. They dont support breaking the law. Just breaking bread and making peace. But that was getting a lot of talk on social media. The other thing, making a lot of conversation on social media today, a big statement coming out from the management at the orioles organization. The c. O. O. John angelos talking about the decision to cancel games trying to give people a little bit of perspective on the situation talking about people who dont have jobs theyre losing their civil and legal rights and making the inconvenience at a ballgame irrelevant in light of the needless suffering. The government is inflicting upon ordinary americans. And that was just one part of the tweet. He sent out a lengthy series of tweets talking about this and real quick, i want to show you getting a lot of reaction to that. People wondering about this game saying it speaks volumes and saying it will cripple the city not playing this game tomorrow. A lot of people weighing in on this orioles decision. Back to you guys. Leon all right. Thank you, joce. Lots of folks here are talking about how important it is to hold the Public Officials accountable. Coming up here in the next hour, well be hearing we expect any moment now from governor larry hogan and hear what he has to say, particularly answers for the late response from the officials getting safety to the streets of the city of baltimore. Alison and kellye back to you. Alison thank you. See you shortly. One other note to share with you today. The latest survey on the Chesapeake Bay is showing a boost in the blue crab population. According to the annual Winter Dredge by maryland and virginia the number of crabs is up 38 to 411 million crabs, one of the highest totals in the last 25 years. Kellye ok. Well, a Beautiful Day to have some crabs or anything else you wanted to do. Alison all right. Lets check in with doug with more on the forecast. Hi, doug. Doug hi there. As we expected over the past hour or so, the cloud cover starts to diminish. Lets start off with a live look at the h. D. Weather bug camera at st. Leo the great school in fairfax. Couple of clouds. 68 degrees right now at Reagan National, 69. 68 at b. W. I. Thurgood marshall. 67 at dulles. Gaithersburg at 66 and 70 degrees in manassas. Tonight, well have light winds, clear skies, dry air and its going to get chilly. 42 to 52 degrees the range of temperatures tomorrow morning and bright and sunny during the day tomorrow. Up to about 70 degrees in the afternoon. In fact, we can look beyond tomorrow and go through the next seven days. After a sunny wednesday, how about clouds and rain on thursday . Thats the way it looks. 66. Rain will end on friday. Right now, we think well see some clearing late in the day and thats going to set the stage for a string of pleasant weather days. Partly sunny and 70 on saturday. Sunday, bright sunshine and highs of 76. Maybe close to 80 degrees here for the day on monday. Thats the latest. Alison kellye and timmy, back to you. Alison thank you. Kellye the orioles are going on to play without the fans. Tim this is awful. It really is awful. Its awful for the city of baltimore. We reported this earlier, leon talked about it. A short while ago. I want you to make sure that you hear it. Baltimore orioles game tonight with the white sox is postponed. And tomorrow at camden yards, theyll play but no fans will be allowed into the stadium. Let me say that again. Today, the schools are closed. Tomorrow, the gates are locked. While the orioles play. The orioles will then move their home series against tampa bay to tropicana field in tampa. Theyre giving the home games away. So instead of stimulating business in baltimore friday saturday and sunday theyll give that business to florida. Baltimore is now closed. All right. Im fired up but so are a lot of other sports figures. You dont have to agree. I want you to take a look and listen. Too many hard working people build this city. Tim sports figures with and without ties to baltimore weighed in today on the riots and their aftermath. We need to continue to grow as a group of people no matter what your background is of being able to get along. Reporter for the wizards forward paul pierce the baltimore riots conjured up images of rodney king. I was living in l. A. During that time you know we were tearing up our own community and, you know, didnt have no cause. Didnt serve any purpose at the end of the day, you know the riots was all over, you know you look up and the stores that we go to werent there anymore. Tim the nba superstar Carmelo Anthony grew up in baltimore. Today on instagram he posted and i quote im all about fighting for what we believe in. But remember it takes no time to destroy something. But it can take forever to build it back up. Ravens legend ray lewis weighed in on facebook. We must change this right now stop the violence man go home im telling you, go home and whatever i got to do it will not happen on our clock. It will not happen on our clock. Tim ray lewis speaking out and speaking out, i think hes getting peoples attention. They talk about no jobs and they burn the businesses down. They talk about injustice and go out and start fires in the city. Its outrageous. Alison he gave such an impassioned plea. Tim and he should. More people should and stop making excuses for the people that are doing it. 7 on your side tonight with a panel of experts. All you have to do is dial 7032369220. To ask the attorney. Our phone lines will be open for about another halfhour. Kellye tonight, Robin Roberts will be sitting down with two of the women kidnapped and held for years in cleveland. Alison thats right. And after that exclusive on 20 20, 7 on your side with the investigation into the disappearance of a pregnant local mother missing for years. Fighting back investigator Jennifer Donelan is here now with a preview. Jen . Jennifer alison kellye theres a bombshell in this case and well hear from the person who lives to tell it. And were going to hear from Bethany Decker in her own words after she disappears. The 21yearold George Mason University student went missing from ashburn, virginia four years ago. Her cases have all the twists and turns of a marriage and allegedly abusive affair. A relationship her mother says she was trying to escape. There must be somebody else out there. If she did get away if she was somebody must have picked her up. She didnt have any identification. She didnt have any money. She didnt have her car. Jennifer did bethany escape for her own safety or something more sinister happen . Were hunting down answers in gone without a trace tonight at 11 00 here on abc 7 news. Ladies . Alison well be watching. Thank you. Thats it for us on abc 7 news at 5 00. Kellye right now at 6 00 here we go here we go kellye a tale of two cities in baltimore as some try to extend last nights destructive riots in this massive Police Presence. Alison while many more fight to he reclaim their city and rebuild a city in crisis. Abc 7 news at 6 00 starts now. Maureen first at 6 00 news chopper 7 is live over baltimore where people have packed the streets one day after riots brought chaos to the city. Today, though the crowd is being galvanized and determined to keep the peace. During yesterdays outbreak of violence 20 Police Officers were hurt while 235 people were arrested. Imore continues to be in a state of emergency. Leon harris is leading our coverage of city in crisis. And hes in baltimore near where a c. V. S. Store was looted and burned yesterday. Leon, good evening. Leon good evening maureen. Yes, that c. V. S. That we were covering yesterday is just behind over to my right. Were about a block away or so from it. That scene there is completely is devastated as you might have imagined. We were able to get inside and take a look. From where were standing right now on west north avenue its been a really interesting location today. Within a 25 meter radius of the spot where were standing right now, we have seen crowds here assembling and yelling at these Police Officers. We have seen people here dancing in the streets with spontaneous zumba classes. We have seen dozens of people join hands in prayer. And engage in meditation and debate with the questions about where does baltimore go from here . They have now dissipated and joined another group of people were keeping our eye on now. Maybe 1,000 people are saving for what may be another march of this kind. Well let you know what happens when that happens. But theres effort under way all around this city to recover and to clean up and to move on. Our brad bell has been in these streets as well. Lets check in with him and see what hes been seeing and hearing from his vantage point. Brad . Brad leon im about 150 yards and two police lines away from you and i am in a crowd that is peaceful. Its almost a holiday atmosphere. Almost a celebratory atmosphere. You can take a look back there. This group right here is playing music. They have been out here for a long time. Every now and then folks get up and

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