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air force senator rubio. >> live and in hd, this is abc news at 11, underside. captioned by the national captioning institute >> we are talking about the arlington jewelry shop. he was killed inside the store. >> take a look. it would have been much busier on a friday afternoon. the is when police say suspected killer struck. hope what he was wearing drop somebody's memory. look at the pictures police are man.g you recognize this sometime around 4:00 friday he entered the capital jewelers on columbia suspected of killing a worker. a long as busy stretch of popular restaurants, it is stunning news, the second arlington in just a week. >> robberies have been all the time. the worker is a 52-year-old man. missingly reported him not come on friday night. was discovered around midnight. nearby business owners said they not see or hear anything. >> the owners of this ethiopian restaurant just opened three days ago. >> we have to be aware of what is going on. >> restaurant workers are worried, too. >> i am working at 11:00. everybody has to go to the car. >> the police have kept the at the crime scene. they will continue to do that around the clock. not releasing details the worker was killed. not releasing his name for now. anyone who may have seen or has information is asked to call police. we are live in arlington. >> we will change gears a little bit. lightning, and, rain. lost power. >> is the worst over yet? >> some good news. the heavy showers, thunderstorms moved through earlier are long gone. the watches and warnings have been cancelled out. at the doppler radar. nothing inside the beltway. quiet out to the west of us. starting to are fall. 75 degrees at reagan national airport. 80 at dulles. western maryland, only 61 degrees. how long will this last? details are coming up in just a minutes. >> new details on that alleged work place massacre plot that police in maryland said they this week. been digging deeper into the case. you talked to some churchgoers couldel their children have been at risk? people talking about this. a week after the shootings in colorado. the suspect in this case neil prescott is under observation. a capitol heights congregation .as reason to give thanks weekend.outh revival ordinarily, a gathering of music, a faith, and prayer. >> our kids could have been outside at the time. >> safety very much on the minds of members. is directly across office from the potential target. >> to know that it could have horrible and devastating .ituation it was shocking and appalling. >> corps records showed neil was on the verge of fired. threatening to shoot during two place calls to a supervisor. police raided his apartment. photosgators took these a cache of arms. seeing the pictures of how many weapons he had come at that was disturbing. you never know -- weapons he had, that was a little disturbing. >> he had a collector's license. >> anybody behind these doors, many, and the firepower .ehind that >> at the tabernacle, words of thanks for what did not happen. undergonetold he has psychiatric examination. he could remain in hospital for as long as a week. police are discussing the .arious possible charges he is not under arrest thus far. scary moments in chantilly at a restaurant this after a man's gun actually went off. christopher bond was with some hooters when his fired.identally the bullet struck a woman in the foot. was taken to the hospital. was arrested and charged with reckless discharge of a firearm. >> residents took to the street in southeast d.c. to call for an end to violence. hundreds of people participated the peace walk against ward 8. in robberies are up 42%. get the gunsg to off of the streets. >> participants also called for stem thee done to unemployment in ward 8. >> coming up, and off-duty police officer shot. able to tracke the suspects within minutes of the incident. >> a florida senator missed an support mitt romney. why his plane ended up a long was supposede it land. >> the commander of u.s. special forces had to say if the >> police may have been a new in their search for a rape suspect. police believe this man attacked woman law she was jogging the trail near georgetown on wednesday night. from behind and started when she passed out, he started attacking her. >> a nightclub is closed night after a prince george's county shot was kelly gordon gilliss and two off of thekicked galaxy nightclub early this morning for being disorderly. investigators said they got into a car and drove from the parking lot and opened fire, hitting the jacob in the the lleg. >> this is a fifth time that a county polices shot at or been shot. >> police arrested kelly gordon gilliss and the woman after a short chase. -- jacob is up expected to be physically ok. police said they do not know behind the police related shootings. >> this is not the first time week there has been a in this area. >> on one of the busiest parts u street, bullets sent people running. >> i looked to the right. i saw some people running. >> into adult females were shot two adult females were shot by this 7-11. >> it is horrible. >> the suspect is that large. there is no description of the shooter. is the second time in one week a shooting has occurred in .his area after a one week shooting one block away on 11th street. motive has been established. now, they are not connecting the two shootings. residents say they have had enough. >> made any to start stepping up patrols or something. >> -- maybe they need to start stepping up patrols or something. >> police say they're actively investigating this incident. >> take a look at some other the commander of u.s. special something tonight rarely does. he gave an interview. he spoke with wolf blitzer. he asked him a very direct question. mission to capture or was the mission to kill bin laden? >> that is a great question. >> that was it. the pastking part in been security forum in colorado. >>-- aspen forum in colorado. >> marco rubio was on his way from las vegas -- las vegas 2 when the plane had to make an emergency landing. speak by telephone at rally for mitt romney. >> a woman is counting her blessings after an suv plow .ight through her home a 21-year-old man hit four before driving into home early friday morning. sleeping at the time. the home was heavily damaged. the driver phasis reckless driving charges. flood a blocked their people did not stop them. >> we will show you what >> we told you about the severe flooding in china last week. take a look at these determined people. to theird not get because the bridge had washed out. they found a rubber hose to get to the other side. >> look at those waters. >> determination is one way to describe it. is a another way. you live,ng on where all courtw nothing at of boards of an inch of rain. inch ofwards of an rain. this is all i can find. frederick county, montgomery county. this is not severe, but this is something with quite a bit of in a short period of time. otherwise, outside, is quiet and dry. breakare beginning to that just a little bit. look at the high temperature. today, we made it up to degrees. three degrees shy of the record high of 100 set back in 1997. 75 this hour at the airport. 69 degrees, over an inch of rain fell earlier this afternoon. absolutely nothing at all in terms of radio, now 76 degrees. temperatures cool off to the west of us. frederick looking at 73. quantico, low 80's. we are going to look for the conditions to stick around for the day tomorrow. thunderstorms are gone, now moving across the peninsula. quickly moving out of here. we should see a good deal of sunshine for tomorrow afternoon. all of the watches and warnings have canceled out. southern maryland disquiet in dry right now. -- southern maryland is quiet right now. theod deal of sunshine for tomorrow, that we may see an thunderstorm. a 20% chance. here is our forecast for tonight, 68-75. tomorrow looks good, around 90. high temperature schooling, cooling. nighttime lows will be in the upper 60's., we have a great block the dangers of lightning. good photo gallery. about the redskins' defense? 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