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Pence only on Fox News Sunday. Then Hillary Clintons chief strategist Joel Benenson responds. Well discuss the campaigns ground game and lastminute drives to get to 270 electoral votes. Plus, well ask our sunday panel about early voting and the impact of the fbis renewed investigation as trump and clinton make their closing arguments. She has no energy. You know, you need energy to help this country. He has shown us now we have to decide who we are. All right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello again today from new york city. Were coming to you from studio f, our brand new election headquarters here at fox. Were just two days from reporting the results as america decides who will be the next president of the United States. In a few minutes, well speak running mate, governor mike pence, and Hillary Clintons top strategist Joel Benenson. But we begin with Fox Team Coverage mike emanuel is with the Clinton Campaign in philadelphia. But we start with Senior National correspondent john roberts, whos in sioux city, iowa, a state president obama carried twice but trump has a good chance of flipping tuesday. John . Reporter good morning to you, chris. Yes, the real clear politics average of polls shows donald points here in iowa. Some tense moments last night in reno, when the secret service for the second time in this campaign leapt on stage to protect the candidate. The situation here, they actually whisked him off the stage after somebody at the front of the crowd started yelling gun. Apparently they saw a protester reaching for something in his waistband. They thought it might have been a weapon. Turns out that it was only a sign. The 33yearold was detained by the police, later released. Station that he is a republican who does not support donald trump, was simply trying to hold up a sign that said republicans against trump. Trump was off the stage for a few minutes but returned shortly thereafter, appearing none the worse for wear. We will never be stopped. Never, ever be stopped. I want to thank the secret service. These guys are fantastic. His day in sioux city, iowa. Its the first of ten stops in ten states that hell do here in the next two days. A lastsecond drive to try to get as many people out to the polls as possible. Trying to expand the electoral map as well, going into places like michigan, wisconsin, and minnesota. Also in virginia. But really, chris, when you look at the map, it comes down to six states. Donald trump leads in five of those six states. If he were to win those, win florida, in which hillary win maines second Congressional District, he would get to 270 on the nose and win. But consider this, chris. If he were to get all that and not win maines second Congressional District, it would be a 269 tie. Everyone talks about ohio, florida, North Carolina, pennsylvania becoming so important. This could come down to one Congressional District in maine. Chris . John roberts reporting from iowa. John, thanks for that. Now to the Clinton Campaign. Mike emanuel is live in philadelph has voted for the democrat in the last six president ial elections. But the polls are tightening there too. Mike . Reporter chris, after weeks of tremendous confidence, the Clinton Campaign is revealing some jitters about some typically blue states, including michigan. The Clinton Campaign has announced Hillary Clinton, the former president bill clinton, and president obama will all be making Campaign Stops there in michigan after seeing the polls event today in lansing. Tomorrow, president obama will try to get out the vote in ann arbor. And the democratic nominee will be in grand rapids tomorrow. That after both clintons spent time campaigning in michigan this past week. It is worth noting a republican has not won the great lakes state since 1988. Last night clinton had another big name entertainer helping her to rally here in philadelphia. Singer katy perry did a get out the vote concert for clinton. Clinton told supporters already more than 37. 5 Million People have voted and called on others to do their part. I believe they are standing up for a hopeful inclusive vision of america. And im asking you to stand up for that same vision when you come out and vote on november the 8th. That pennsylvania is another blue state that Hillary Clinton is spending a lot of time and energy here ahead of election day. Shell return here tomorrow night for a rally with the president and first lady on election eve. Chris . Mike emanuel reporting from philadelphia. Mike, thank you. Joining me now from another battleground state, virginia, is trumps running mate, indiana governor mike pence. Governor, its all about the numbers now. Lets take a look at them in the latest real clear politics average of national polls. Trump is down two points to clinton. Youre losing narrowly in some key swing states. Down just over a point in florida, down 2 1 2 points in pennsylvania, up less than a point in North Carolina. Theres no question that trump and you have tightened the race, but the fact is youre still losing. The question is, how do you go over the top . What do you do in terms of specifically . Over the top in these final 48 hours . Well, ill tell you what, our secret weapon is the American People who are saying enough is enough. I mean, i was here at a rally last night in virginia. We had an overflow crowd that was bigger than some of the rallies that ive seen out on the campaign trail over the last several months as ive campaigned for donald trump. Of course, you see the tens of thousands of people coming out with donald trump. Hell have five rallies a day today and tomorrow across this country. We America Great again all across this country. I think literally by the hour the American People are recognizing this election is a choice between change and the status quo. Its between a stronger, more prosperous america with donald trump and Hillary Clinton is someone who will continue the same failed policies that have weakened america at home and abroad. We feel tremendous momentum. This campaign is on offense. I do want to get to some specifics. Big numbers in a number of states. Florida, North Carolina, arizona, nevada. Are you worried that the polarizing remarks that your running mate, donald trump, has made since his opening announcement may come back to beat him . Well, you know, im really not. The truth is that hispanicamericans have the same concerns that every other american does. We want to get this economy moving again. We want our country to be safe. I was just dow last weekend. Saw overwhelming support for donald trump. Strong stand for freedom in this hemisphere, standing strongly against what the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton want to continue to do. So you think all those hispanics, sir, are coming out to vote for trump and not for clinton . Really . No, im saying that the American People want change. Thats americans coming from every category. I literally saw it. Coffee at a classic stop in miami. Karen and i had a hard time getting through the place with people that were enthusiastic about Donald Trumps stand for a stronger america at home and abroad, getting this economy moving, and repealing obamacare. I talked to leaders in that community who are feeling the crushing weight of obamacare. 25 increases in the premiums of obamacare, chris, in florida and all across the United States of america. The American People know we can do better. Washington, d. C. And i really do believe thats why youre seeing people from all across the spectrum, republicans, independents, many democrats, and people literally from every community in this country rallying behind donald trump more and more by the hour. Trump has been arguing that if clinton wins, that she faces a criminal investigation and an indictment. Here he is on the campaign trail. Take a look. Create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. What a mess. I mean, we went through it with him with the impeachment, the lies. Arent we tired of this stuff . But governor, trump has no hard evidence that shes going to face an indictment. Thats overstatement. Well, Hillary Clinton and her foundation are under a current investigation by the fbi. That she had her maid print off classified information, according to revelations in the new york post. The American People know no one is above the law. We commend the fbi for following the facts and reopening the investigation. But i think this is part of the way the American People need to count the cost in this election. Do we want more of the fast and loose ethics of the clintons want a clean break, drain the swamp in washington, d. C. , have fundamental ethics reform, and rebuild our military, revive our economy, repeal obamacare k and have appointments to the speak court that will uphold our constitution . This is all part of the equation that i think explains why you see such tremendous momentum in this campaign and why our campaign is literally expanding the map. Were on offense. Clinton campaign is literally on defense, trying to shore up blue states around the country in the waning days of th speaking of criminal investigations and draining the swamp, two of governor Chris Christies top aides were convicted of fraud and conspiracy friday in the bridgegate case. And given the fact there was repeated testimony in that trial that christie knew all about the effort to close the lanes to the George Washington bridge to punish a political opponent, are you comfortable with christie as the chairman of the trump well, what i would tell you is Chris Christie has continued to strongly state his position that he had no knowledge of those actions taken. And frankly, as he said late in the week, that what those convictions prove is that he was right to immediately fire those people for the actions that theyd taken. Look, all of our focus is on election day. I promise you. Were grateful for Chris Christies role in the campaign, and were going to all keep our a victory for the American People. So no chance hell be replaced after the election . I mean, youre standing by Chris Christie despite all that evidence . Look, theres no changing in personnel here in the waning days of the campaign. Were 100 focused on bringing home a great victory for the American People, and republicans are coming together, chris. I was yesterday with Speaker Paul Ryan in wisconsin. A couple days before i was with last night in virginia with ed galess my. Republicans are coming home and recognizing we need to elect donald trump as the next president , reelect a republican majority. The momentum is palpable out there. Im looking forward to jumping on a plane, heading to florida, North Carolina, and New Hampshire today. Donald trump is well, before you do that, governor, let me ask you one final question, if i may. This habe negative campaign. You talk about the party coming together. I want to ask you about the country coming together. I think youd agree, one of the strengths of our democracy is when the election is over, no matter how ugly, the loser graciously concedes to the winner and we all rally around the new president , whoever that turns out to be. Donald trump has said Different Things at different times. I want you to clear this up for us. Can you guarantee that if Election Night and if, and i repeat if, if donald trump should be the loser, can you guarantee that he will concede to Hillary Clinton and accept the result of the election and the judgment of the American People . Well, thanks for anticipating my answer. Donald trump is going to win this election. Hell be more than happy to accept the results. Can you guarantee hell put this behind us si guarantee hell put this behind us chris, the campaign has made it very clear. A clear outcome obviously both sides will accept. But i think both campaigns have also been very clear that, you know, in the event of disputed results, they reserve all legal rights and remedies. But the truth is that this is such an exciting time in the life of our country. The way this country is going to come together is when we deliver the change that the american when we rebuild our military, were standing tall in the world, when we revive our economy, when we have a Supreme Court that upholds our liberty, and we see america growing and prospering again. When we see America Great again, america is going to be united and were going to move our nation forward. Governor pence, thank you. Thanks for your time, especially in this final weekend. And safe travels on the campaign trail in these last 48 hours, sir. Thank you, chris. Coming up, hil top strategist Joel Benenson is here in studio f. And well check in with bill hemmer upstairs on the data deck with a look at the possible paths to the allimportant 270 electoral votes. As Fox News Sunday reports live from americas election and were back at fox news election headquarters in new york city. As the polls tighten just hours before election day, Hillary Clinton is fighting off Donald Trumps late charge. Joining me now is clintons top strategist, Joel Benenson. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday. As i pointed out to mike pence, while theyve tightened the race, theyre still losing, the trump side, but there are some numbers out there that are troubling to your side. I want to ask you about those. Trump voters strongly support him versus 65 of clinton voters. 63 of Trump Supporters are extremely interested in the race. For clinton, its 54 . And after news of the fbi investigation, 21 of independents are less likely to vote for clinton. Joel, there seems to be an enthusiasm gap, and the fbi investigation seems to be hurting clinton. No, i think there are a lot of ways to measure enthusiasm. Theres also a Washington Post poll. He historically. 56 of Hillary Clintons voter saying theyre voting for her as opposed to against her opponent. Kind of on par with people like al gore and george bush, bill clinton in 96. That same poll shows donald trump at 41 . That is historically and significantly lower than most president ial candidates. Do you think the fbi announcement, now a week and a half old, has hurt clinton . No, i dont. I think it obviously occupied a doors, we have had lines all weekend at our phone banks with people waiting to get in. Weve knocked on 2 million doors this weekend. I think where youre seeing the enthusiasm is in the early vote. Our people are going out to vote, where the early vote is going on. States like florida, states like nevada. Very strong numbers and not just with our base democratic voters, but we think were seeing a surge with suburban women, younger people, millennials, broadening our coalition. Okay. Having said all of that, has changed her game plan these last few days. I always say the most precious commodity in the last week of a campaign is the candidates time. She went to detroit to campaign on friday which is somewhat surprising. Shes going back there again to michigan, to grand rapids, on monday. Youre now running tv ads in virginia and colorado and new mexico. Those were all states that were off the board for trump two weeks ago. Going to michigan, by the way, is very consistent with our plan because michigan is one of states. No early voting. We have to make sure we get there in the last few days, keep people ginned up, getting them out to vote. Thats what youre seeing in some of these states. In terms of ads in states like virginia and colorado where we do feel weve got a winning margin there, weve had actually in the last two weeks a surge of resources, things have opened up for us. More money is coming in. Our digital fundraising has been great. People are supporting the campaign. And were going to put those to work because our job here is every state we make donald trump to win makes his path narrower and narrower. Weve always wanted to be in a position where were not trying to thread a needle, were not drawing an inside straight, so were playing offense in all of our states. Lets talk about that. You heard me ask mike pence how does he get over the top. Lets go up to the data deck, up on the second floor here in our election headquarters, where bill hemmer is standing by to show us a possible trump path to 270 and then joel, well come back and talk to you on the other side. Its the mezzanine level. Weve super sized the billboard this year for 2016. You see all the states in gray on the map. Those are the states where its too close to call, the battleground states we believe as of today thats where the election stands. Go back four years ago when mitt romney lost to barack obama. Romney flipped two states that year. He made Indiana Republican again. So, too, in North Carolina. If you assume that trump at a minimum has to hold all the Romney States, this is what it could look like. 16 electoral votes in georgia. Its 11 in arizona. Its 15 in North Carolina. And late on friday, the Trump Team Tells me they feel very good about where they are in North Carolina. More on that in a moment. Hed have to flip the six in iowa. Hed have to flip 18 in iowa, 29 in florida, and still under this scenario, hes 11 electoral votes short. So where does he go . If he were to win pennsylvania, that would make him president. If he were to win michigan, that if he were to win a combination of, say, New Hampshire and colorado, that would do it. Or New Hampshire and perhaps nevada would get him very close at 269 under that particular map. However, if the clinton team finds success on the east coast, maybe in florida, which could be deadly for the trump team, or possibly turning North Carolina blue again, you start to see the challenge for trump as he drops down to 244 electoral votes. That means under that he would have to win pennsylvania and somewhere else. He would have to win a michigan and somewhere else. Two states, by the way, that have not gone republican in 28 years. The point is on all this, theres a number of different options that you can map out and gain for tuesday night. Trump, its not impossible. He has a number of ways that he can do it. But its much more difficult. As it stands today, chris, it is much easier for Hillary Clinton based on the map that were watching. Back to you. Paths. All of them are difficulties. You talked about the political equivalent of drawing to the inside straight. He kind of has to do it. Where are the big kinks in that scenario . In his scenario . Yeah. Pennsylvania. Starts with pennsylvania, number one. Pennsylvania is a strong state for us. Were going to be spending time there, as bill pointed out solidly democratic for six elections or so. Because if he doesnt win there, he has to win all four of the big other states that bill just talked about. Ohio, florida, North Carolina, michigan. Hes not in a position to win all four of those. He just isnt. I think that some of these are close, no question about it. He, i think, described the scenario i did. Its not over until the fat lady sings, as they say. But were going into election day playing offense, keeping them on defense with states like before. So we feel good when were on offense. We think were in good shape. I think its because voters around the country are really rejecting the divisive rhetoric theyve heard from donald trump throughout this campaign. Okay. That is the concern for trump, the concern for the clinton camp is the honesty and trustworthiness factor and obviously the renewed fbi investigation. I want to discuss that for a moment. Back in march of 2015, Hillary Clinton told the country that she had turned over all of h workrelated emails to the state department. Here she is. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work related, which totalled roughly 55,000 printed pages. But the week before a clinton adviser sent out this email. If there is a release of the 55,000, are there others that are not being released . Definitely. Now actually, chris. The definitely wasnt to that. Theres a string of emails there. It was saying to the previous email that we should release all the emails. I was saying definitely. There was an interspersed email. I was responding to the previous one that said definitely. Why didnt they release all the emails . I think they released all the ones they believed they had at the time. I think during the course of the process and director comey said there may be some and if there are, theyll be turn over. You raise a question of trust. I apologize for bringing up a Washington Post abc poll. But they asked, which one of these two people has stronger moral character. By 46 to 38, an eightpoint spread, Hillary Clinton thats not the question that was asked. But moral character is a strong test for the president of the United States as well. We have an eightpoint advantage there. People are looking at this these two people. What have they both done in their lives that will make me count on them okay, i got that. I want to ask you a question about the emails. Because youve never asked me before. Go ahead. I havent asked you often about the emails. The argument that she made and that the campaign has made that all of the deleted emails were personal, about her yoga, about chelseas wedding. A question i have for you is, were emails about the Clinton Foundationon and were they deleted . Chris, im not sure how they were considered. What i know is that who ever is looking at all the emails has been looking at it for years, 15 months, almost a year and a half now. Theyve said theyre going to look at any other emails that come up. And let them make a judgment. When director comey spoke, he had no access to other emails. He hasnt seen them. He went out on a limb. Hes been criticized by democratic and Republican Former Law Enforcement officials who when he had no facts and no information. Look, i think that voters are going to go to the polls two days from now, theyre going to factor all this information in. Theyre going to make the decision on which one of these people will really make america the kind of country they want to have. Okay. One last question. In february of 2015, there were reports that foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation were on the rise, and that resulted in a string of emails again i want to talk about. Here was your recommendation about Foreign Government donations to the Clinton Foundation. Stop taking Foreign Government money. Is that possible . If not, were going to be very vulnerable throughout. I think our opponents and some on our side will say it is unseemly for a potential u. S. President taking money from Foreign Governments for her private foundation. Joel, you knew this was a problem, but as we sit here today, the Clinton Foundation continues to take money from Foreign Governments. Well, two things. One, im not going to authenticate any of these russian interference. Okay. The clintons have said they announced the steps they will take if Hillary Clinton is elected president. They are very clear but you were saying this in 2015. This Foundation Helps millions of people around the world. President clinton has put to work at that foundation what he learned as president with 11 Million People on lifesaving a. I. D. S. Drugs. You dont think its unseemly . I think the clintons have announced what steps they would take if shes elected on tuesday, which i believe she will be, ab will take to change the way the foundation will operate if shes president of the United States. What they dont want to have happen is for millions of people who are being saved with lifesaves drugs, kids Getting Better food in schools but that was 2015 and you called it unseemly. I said im not going to authenticate any of these emails hacked by russians. Joel, thank you. Thanks for coming in today. Thank you. Appreciate it. Up next, well bring in our sunday group to discuss what we should be looking for in these final hours of campaign 2016. Much more to come from fox news election headquarters. Heres a look at what we call the chandelier. Uhoh. Well be making race calls throughout the elect those new glasses . They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Well, the worlds changing. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Hes going like i dont remember . Over 80,000 wisconsin jobs lost to unfair trade. But senator johnson sided with corporate interests, calling for even more unfair trade, voting for special tax breaks for corporations shipping jobs overseas, costing taxpayers billions. And johnsons been exposed for using what looks like an offshore tax shelter for himself. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Darien why have the latest smartphone if you cant use it wherever you go . Switch to u. S. Cellular for our best plan yet 7 gigs of data per line for only 49. To share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot. All for just 49. The best part . We put towers in places the other guys dont. Switch to u. S. Cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line for only 49. Stay on point, donald. Stay on point. No side tracks, donald. That in the teleprompter. Stay on point, donald. Stay on point. In these final days of the campaign, donald trump giving himself a pep talk and Hillary Clinton making fun of it. And its time for our sunday group. Gop strategist karl rove, bob woodward of the Washington Post, dana perino, cohost of the five, and the hardest working woman in show business, also author of the new book let fox news political analyst juan williams. Karl, youve looked at the polls, crunched the numbers on early voting, explored all the paths to 270, where is this race now . Donald trump leads in the mitt Romney States with 206 Electoral College votes, albeit in one of those states, North Carolina, only by a point. But he also leads in ohio, nevada, New Hampshire, and iowa. If he gets there, its 240 electoral votes. Still short of the 270 but 29 electoral votes in florida. Today she leads by one. Republicans have had good numbers in early voting. Theyre down only 7,000 in the early voting. Four years ago when barack obama won the state by 74,000, they were down 104,000 at the end of early voting. So florida is very much up for grabs. I thought it was interesting when you asked Joel Benenson about the most important states, he said pennsylvania, not florida. That seems to me that might be an indication that theyre concerned about florida. Points to a narrow trump victory. Juan, whats your sense . Is trump as close as karl says . Is this race slipping away for clinton . I dont know if its slipping away. If you looked a week ago, it was more five or six percentage points. Wall street journal has her up four. Abc Washington Post has her at five. Fox news channel, our polling, has her up two. Tightened. But most of the tightening has been a result of republican consolidation of their vote. Republicans previously were about 70 . Now theyre up to 85 behind donald trump. I think obviously people like paul ryan, the speaker, ted cruzs former rival, and bitter rival, have now decided theyre voting for donald trump. I think thats a signal, despite their concern about lack of qualification, character, whatever. So at the moment, you have you kw, where most americans, according to the fox poll, think shes going to win, 56 . Only a third, 35 , think he will win. The difference at this juncture, i think, is ground game. She really has a ground game. I dont think anybody thinks he has a sufficient ground game to push the numbers one or two points at the very end. I want to turn to one of the biggest developments with over these last ten days, and that was fbi director comeys reopening the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton and the emails. Now, the white house said that president obama wasnt going to weigh in on whether this was a good idea or not. And then president obama did weigh in. Here he is. I do think that there is a norm that, you know, when there are investigations, we dont operate on innuendo, we dont operate on incomplete information, we dont operate leaks. Bob woodward, as someone whos been reporting on the fbi since watergate, what do you think of the role that the fbi and the Justice Department and apparently a lot of leaks in kind of a war between the two agencies will play these last days . I think it will be many months or years before we really unravel what happened in this. What director comey did is extraordinary, both times, back charged. An old fbi hand, one of the iconic figures, told me the other day he thinks thats the first time the fbi made a prosecutorial decision. Normally its the Justice Department that does this. So its a big deal. I dont know whether it changes the race. I mean, the numbers that karl has are pretty convincing. I think theue ask is if trump does win, how is that possible . Whats been missed . And i think i find in travels around the country talking to groups from texas to florida to new york, people dont trust the polls. And they look at voting as much more personal. They dont like the idea, oh, im in a demographic group, so so there are people in demographic groups who will say, no, im not going with my group. So you think theyre lying . Lying to the pollsters. I think thats quite possible. I think also, you know, you do all this by land line or cell phone, what sort of data do you get. I mean, even the New York Times today is saying the possibility of trump winning is so why are people hedging . Because theyre unsure, arent they. Let me bring in dana and your thoughts, one, about the state of the race, and two, the fbi role, what do you think of it, and do you think it has hurt clinton . I think that it reaffirmed preexisting beliefs about Hillary Clinton. So if you werent going to vote for her and thought she was dishonest, that reaffirmed it and you might be more encouraged to vote for it. That has happened at the same republicans said, all right, we might not think this is the best candidate we could have had, but by gosh, were going to go out and vote for him because thats what republicans do. On the other side, i agree with bob. I think it could take years to find out what happened at the fbi, but whoever wins the presidency has got to figure out a way to restore trust in the fbi. While theyre doing this, they have also said in the past year, james comey, the director, said they have 50 states th looking at with open investigations with isis terrorist related things. So they have things to do. I think that two things might happen. Republicans have been trying to get pennsylvania for a long time. Its always the one that got away. Wisconsin is in that category. 1988. Thats right. For democrats, i think they still believe georgia and arizona are the two. I think theyre probably going to end up with republicans not winning in pennsylvania and wisconsin and democrats not winning in georgia or arizona. Karl, about a minute left in this segment. I want to go back to the is coming out in an unusually large number and assumption is because of trumps very polarizing remarks since his announcement that theyre voting against him and for Hillary Clinton and could be the deciding factor. Yeah, thats half the important narrative. What were also seeing is a decline in the africanamerican turnout. Were seeing it, for example, in florida and North Carolina, where it is down. The africanamerican turnout down in those states. Hispanic turnout up. The problem for the democrats is every me democratic turnout among africanamericans, they lose about ninetenths of support. Every time they gain a percentage point among hispanics, they gain about seventenths of a percent. Democrats are hoping hispanic turnout is rising significantly more than democratic turnout is dropping among africanamericans. Let me make one more point. Pennsylvania, there have been 42 polls since october of 2015. Donald trump has not led in a single one. 16 polls since the end of michigan, 37 polls since october of last year. Hasnt led in a single one. He got an uphill climb here at the end. I can see him getting to 240, but after that its a stuff slide. And he speaks as somebody who tried for pennsylvania over and over. It broke my heart. Broke my heart twice. All right. We have to take a break here. Up next, well break down the battle for control of the senate and what happens on wednesday . Can we put this ugly election be the panel about whether the country will rally around the president , whoever he or she is . Go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday, and we may use your question on the im very excited. There are just three days left in this most election. Are you ready . Im asking you to dream big because your vote think of this, we are just three days away. Do you believe it . And now were just two days away. Hillary clinton and donald trump making their closing arguments to voters in these final hours before election day. Were back now with the panel. Well, its not just the white house thats at stake on also control of the senate and the fact is that the democrats need a net pickup of five seats or four seats, plus Vice President tim kaine to take any ties to take control. We have our resident senate watcher, karl rove. Whats it look like for you, and what are the key states youre going to be looking at . Look, i think its going to come down to republicans are going to bank five seats they need, and its going to come down to winning two out of the remaining seats. The three best shots are going to be you mean the democrats are no the republicans are going to bank five seats. Arizona, ohio, florida, missouri, and indiana. Thatll get them to 49. The question is how do they get to 51. The three best shots theyve got, and they got to take two of three, are first, North Carolina. Richard burr versus deborah ross. Burr leads by 1. 5 in real clear politics. Democrats as of friday evening, 12,000 fewer democrat early votes than in 2012. All right. Real quickly, burr is the incumbent. Thats a republican seat. The key is can he hold on. All three of these are holding on. Excuse me two, of them are. Second one is New Hampshire. Kelly ayotte, the incumbent republican. Ayotte is up 2. 4 points. Shes led in seven of the last ten polls in october. This will be the most expensive per capita senate race in the history of america. 120 million will be spent. And thats a theyve got to hold. Then theres one seat thats a democrat seat. Harry reid, the majority leader, is retiring in nevada. Republican congressman joe heck versus former attorney general. Heck leads by 1. 4 in the real clear politics average. Hes led in 7 of the 13 polls since october 1. The gop has cut the democratic lead in early voting by only 2,000. This could be just like 2012. Barack obama took the state in republican senator dean heller was elected. You think republicans definitely get to 49. The question is can they get to 51. Right. Or 50 with Vice President mike pence. Always good to have an insurance policy. There are a couple other races out there, but these are their best shots. Juan, who takes the senate . Do republicans hold on to the house . I think its close to a coin flip. I would point out there are other prognosticators. New york times, charlie cook, they at the moment give the democrats a slight when you look at states like illinois and pennsylvania, i thought toomey was going to come back, but it doesnt look that way in the polls at the moment. I would look, as karl was talking about, missouri is very close. North carolina. I think nevada is still in play. And indiana at the moment is looks like todd young has taken the lead, but i would never, ever and thats a republican state that the democrats are trying to take. Trying to come back. All right. Lets turn because we want to ask you for questions for the panel. We got a bunch on the issue of whats the country going to look like and will they unite around our next president. Most of the questions were pretty pessimistic. They kind of came in like jeopardy, in the form of answers. Rose meade sent this on facebook. No matter who is elected, we are a fractured nation. Half of our nation and a world view that are dimetrically opposed to the other. I think today i understand why people feel that way, but i also have seen the power of the ability of the American People over and over again to have a peaceful transition of power. Theres going to be a lot riding on whoever the president is to decide to do that. I wish i was on their Communications Team because i have some thoughts of how they might do that. I also feel that people if you look at that New York Times poll, 80 of the electorate is disgusted with this election. When people gather with their families, theyll remember that america is not just defined by its president but by her citizens and theyll have a lot to be thankful for. Whoever the next president is will get support. Bob, you and i, as the two old statesmen, we have lived through a lot of divided times. Vietnam, watergate, the 2000 thought bushs election was illegitimate. What are your thoughts about the prospect for this country uniting behind Hillary Clinton or donald trump . I think its a matter of tone. Whoever becomes president , assuming Hillary Clinton is going to win, she cant come in with the old retreads, all appointments, all the people who have been there and clinton administrations. Theres been a lot of criticism, about the team around her. The same with trump. If he for some reason becomes president , is he then it wouldnt be some reason. It would be because he got the majority of the vote. Karl makes a convincing case, but i think theres that unknown factor in there. Then he would have to do Something Big and hopefully inside he would have the feeling, i broke the bank, now im president , lets do everything right, instead of this sexism and racism, which has been out of his own mouth for a long time. Karl, nobody came in under a bigger cloud as the new president than george w. Bush with that election and the recount and the Supreme Court. How did you guys try to unite the country when he finally was the winner . United States Senate was ted kennedy. First member of the house he called, democrat George Miller of california. And talked to them about the issues that they could together work on. But it wasnt easy. It requires president ial leadership from the start. Dick gep heart went on meet the press and twice after the Supreme Court came down on the 18th of september, twice was asked, is bush the legitimate president of the United States . He refused to answer the question. Yet, by june, by setting the right tone and by reaching out to the other side, bush had senate with a quarter of the democrats in the Senate Voting for it by spending the time and the energy and the effort to specifically unite the country. Whoever if donald trump wins, hes going to need a democrat who will serve in his cabinet. If she wins, shes going to need a bob gates, somebody whos a republican or republican identifier to serve with her. Quickly, i think in the healing process, theres no getting away, even on this sunday morning, from saying something needs to be done about what happened with the russians and the trouble with the fbi is some serious effort by whoever is coming in. Well, well have plenty of time to discuss that next week. Thank you, panel. See you next week back in washington. Up next, the candidates try to stay focused in the final days on the trail as fox news youre here to buy a used car, truck, suv. Thats smart. Truecar can help. Its great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. Its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, youre looking for. There it is. This is how buying a used car should be. This is truecar. And were back in our Election Night studio with a tower. Another part of our fox news election headquarters. Well be tracking those poll closings, of course, closely throughout the evening. Well, this is marathon sunday here in new york. Much like the runners winding through the city, the president ial candidates have been crisscrossing the country in their own sprint to the finish. And with just two days left, the pace is picking up on the trail. The last time the cubs won, women couldnt vote. I think women are making up for that in this ive had a great life, and now i want to give back to the country that i love. Its time. We have to give back. I saw somebody backstage. Big, strong, powerful. I said to the guys, you think i could take this guy in a fight . You think i could take him . For a year and a half, americans have had acid poured usa their guy has never won a baseball hat until he started selling them. We cant trust Hillary Clinton with our healthcare any more than we can trust her with classified information. I stopped in to check him out. What do yall think . It is never okay when a 12yearold girl or boy is mocked, bullied, or attacked. Doing what donald trump did, getting up at 3 30 in the about a womans body. I didnt have to bring jlo or jayz. The only way she gets anybody. . I got the eye of the tiger . Massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign country dry. . The election is taking forever and ever . . Forever and ever . Okay, we get it. . Make it end . And one way or another, it will end in just two days. Be sure to tune to Fox News Channel for election coverage all day and night tuesday. Megyn kelly and brett behr anchor our coverage. On the broadcast side, shepherd smith will be steering the ship on your local fox station starting at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Thats it for today. Have a great week and well see im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. chimes jake when three thousand volunteers and over three million lights come together its a magical thing. mariah today, on discover wisconsin, were taking in over twenty years of Holiday Light show bliss. 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