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Interesting day in america today. The transfer of power has already begun at the white house this morning. President obama sat down with president elect trump, but trump did a funny thing. He came in and said, youre fired. You know, and they left. This is the first time they met. They never met before. That must have been so strange. Sasha, malia, come down, meet the man who questioned daddys citizenship for eight years. Minutes, but it was 90 minutes. Trump had questions for obama, like, how the hell do i get out of this . They were besieged by reporters in the oval office at which point the president offered trump unsolicited advice for dealing with the press. Thank you, everybody. Were not we are not going to be taking any questions. Thank you, guys, thank you. Thats a good rule. Its always the last one. Come on, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Youre a very good man. Appreciate it. Thank you. Very good man. Two days ago, he was a disaster, now hes a very good man . Its also, how can he pretend its a normal transfer of power . Donald trump is against everything barack obama stands for. Its batman handing the keys of the cave over to the joker. While their husbands were talking, the first lady met with soontobe michelle said, welcome to the white house, mrs. Trump, and melania said, welcome to the white house, mrs. Trump. They got along. [ cheers and applause ] and then Vice President joe biden got together with incoming Vice President mike pence. Biden we want over the primary responsibilities of being Vice President , which are not falling asleep at the state of the union address, and thats about it. So they covered that. Millions of americans were very unhappy about how this election played out. Thousands of protesters took to the streets last night in chicago, new york, here in l. A. , a number of cities this went on. Its somewhat refreshing to see people angry in real life instead of just on facebook, isnt it . This was a scene in austin, texas. You can see here when it comes to the protest march, the American People are a little bit out of practice. You cant trust the poles even the ones [ cheers and applause ] you wrote the joke earlier, thank you. Youre welcome. Jimmy it was a busy bay at the white house. In addition to the trumps, they welcomed the Cleveland Cavaliers to be honored for winning the it happened to be on the same day. There was one awkward moment when lebron james grabbed the basketball to sign it, turned out top Donald Trumps head, but otherwise in other news, major league baseball, you know the leagues donate the World Champion super bowl or world series, whatever the merchandise is for the team that lost to third world countries to wear them just for clothes. Well, they made thousands of Cleveland Indian World Champion shirts, sweatshirts, and hats. C so they have to get rid of it. They donate it to charity. Not this time, well, they claim its because they need to protect their brand by not pitting those championship shirts out there for the team that was not a champion. The real reason is the logo is a cartoon indian, and you cant ship that to india. Thats confusing. Nay are destroying the shirts instead. Now, i guess, people in third world countries will be forced to wear the im with her flipping out about this election, there are other things, important things we need to worry about like this right now, on 35 news at 11 00. New tonight, a squirrel on a ram rampage. Good evening. It attacked several people at a Senior Living center. Its a squirrel on the rampage this is what news was like before the election happened. Heres more. We had a squirrel that entered our building, and it jumping on people and biting them and scratching them so we need help. Staffers at the complex told 9 is 11 they were eventually able to throw the squirrel out of the building, but not before it bit several people. Jimmy at least the squirrel comes to visit unlike your grandchildren. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. [ cheers and applause ] you know, if theres once i ever its florida, but in california, theres a movement called cal exit, like brexit, but cal exit. They want a referendum to secede from the united states, which is basically the political equivalent of threatening to run away from home when youre 5 years old, but thats california for you. We are so angry at the guy who wants to build a wall, we want to build a wall. [ laughter ] people in this state are frustrated, but its important to remember election day was not we elected a new senator here, we legalized marijuana here, we said no to condoms in porn, and these were just the actual propositions. These dont include on tuesday, we sent a camera to a polling place in hollywood to ask people who just cast votes in the polls to give thoughts on things we made up in the special election edition of exit troll. Would you be more inclined to prolife or antinotprolife. Antinotprolife. What letter would you say you are . I would say a. Do you understand more than 50 of 50 of the propositions. Id like to think so, yes. On a scale of 114, how confident are you with the answer . Im going to go with 4 because this is has been a confusing interview. Okay. How did you vote on the sorry . Up or down on the referendum. Up. Up, okay. Up or down on the referendum . Oh, in the middle. Did you vote up or down on the referendum. Oh, up and ocup, yes. Marijuana was on the ballot today. Yes. Any marijuana on you today . Not yet. How many times do you plan to vote between now and when the polls close . As many times i can. Latino boy of 6 years of age and donald trump was a black woman, who do you think you would vote for . Probably the adult. Donald trump as an adult black woman . Probably well, yeah thats a tough one. Oh, you know, they are all kind of tough. When we come back from the break, theres a player for the los angeles rams, he does not believe in dinosaurs. He does not believe they ever were, so i took williams to the Natural History museum here in town, and, well, well be right back with that so stick around. . . Chp chp you totaled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement . , youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement . , ll replace the full lue of your car. Liberty stands with you . Liberty mutual insurance. Come into olive garden now for our never ending pasta bowl starting at 9. 99 endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. Now including chicken alfredo. Value ends soon. At olive garden. . . . . I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Straight years, and its still recommended today. Jimmy welcome back. Jimmy tonight on the show, we have music from ti aka tip. First, sorry for the educational part of the show, l. A. Has a football team, the rams are back, and theres a player on the team, William Hayes, two interesting things. One, he believes in mermaids, and two, he doesnt believe in dinosaurs, thinks its a hoax cooked up by rascal archaeologists. I dont know. I decided to take williams on a field trip to the l. A. Natural History Museum where theres all William Hayes. . . So, how old were you when you realized you didnt believe in dinosaurs . I never really believed. Never . Even as a kid, learning about dinosaurs, you department believe them . I dont have a big imagination. A good quality to have. We should challenge the things were expected to believe. Okay. Not necessarily to this extent, but lets take a look around and see what you think. Look at that. This doesnt move you in any way. Absolutely not. [ laughter ] what do you think these are . [ bleep ] clay. Maybe it is clay, i dont know. How are you doing . Im daniel, an educator here we need you, dave. Have you met people who dont believe in dinosaurs before . Every now and then. Dinosaurs are real . From my personal experiences. Your personal experiences, as in . As in actually going out and digging for dinosaurs. You never dug up a dinosaur before. Yes, i have. Where . Utah. He has pictures, will you believe . Absolutely whoever dug those dinosaurs probably put them there. They planted the bones under the ground . And they knew where to go get them from. I dont know about that. Well, of course you dont know, you were the one who was tricked. The bones i dug up personally found using a jackhammer, and i dont think anyone a jackhammer . Ive seen jackhammers before. Here we have our trex skull, and it is one of the most biggest found. The trex . The lower jaw is pretty complete. Take a look in between the cracks, we put in things like clay and glue to hold it together. So youre saying this is a lot a lot of this is clay . Not a lot. Well, the a lot. A lot. You can definitely tell. When a bone gets covered in mud, that mud would harden and water comes in the cracks and replaces the bone with and youre left with a natural replica. Thats a real dinosaur bone . A copy. A copy . Yeah. How many people are involved in the scam, daniel . I understand why its hard for people to believe that these animals that exist at one point aint nobody seen them. Also, they are ridiculous in size. I have so is he. Yeah. What about pokemon, are those real . Not so much. We have not found evidence of mermaids so far. So you believe in mermaids . Absolutely. Why do you believe in mer mermaids, but not dinosaurs . Because its a large body of water. You know, not nobody discovered, finding species in the water every day. Who says a mermaid couldnt be there. You believe in the possibility. Absolutely. Would you have sex with a mermaid . If she was bad enough. Would you have sex with a dinosaur . No. No, i would not have sex with a dinosaur. Okay. Glad we established this. Lets keep going. Right here we have an ostrich and a goose. Were birds dinosaurs . Birds are dinosaurs. Youre making that up. When we looked at fossils no, no, not we. Yall look at the fossils. Yeah. Not him. Not us. You and your friends went conspiracy. [ bleep ]. Is giraffe a dinosaur . Have you seen the movie giraffic park . I have not. Starting right here, if youd like. This is a atoki. To you too. Remind you of any looks like a dog or apt eater. Yeah. Its actually the ancient ancestor of modern day whales, dolp dolphins. Thats a whale . Come on, man. Thats not a whale. Hell no thats not whale. That was you have that wrong. You got to read through this. That . No, no way. Whats that right there . Oh, no. This is arty, the earliest species that would have walked upright. Thats a monkey . Its not a monkey. Its a humonkey. Its an ancient ancestor of humans today. Hes saying we come from humonkeys. Thats a horse. We had horses in the last ice age. That could be a [ bleep ] i do now. We have our centerpiece which is the road series of the trex. Now these look real to me. Most are original. Except for the baby. Thats a complete replica. See, thats part of the problem. Geez tackle it see, now, this is part of the here, it confuses william, and now he doesnt know what to believe. This is a real skeleton. Thats a puppet. How do i know youre real . Can i feel your beard . You can. It does feel real, feel his beard. I have to sit down for a minute. This is a lot to take in. This does not change your mind at all . Absolutely it has. It has changed your mind . Yeah. Oh . Its changed my mind, like, mermaids are just not in the land. Oh. So this is, if anything, this brought you closer to a belief in mermaids . Absolutely. My search for areal has intensified more now. I appreciate that. Thanks, daniel. [ cheers and applause ] thanks to William Hayes, and daniel. He was transferred to the butt butterfly exhibit at the zoo. Jimmy tonight on the show, we have music from ti aka tip. Butch walker is here and well tthew broderick. Stick around . . Dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live are brought to you by tropicana premium drinks, a delicious cocktail mixer for your next party. I just see a black t . Crazy stuff, man. Youve gotta see this. Whatwhat is this . Its like some 3d virtual world. Can i see . Oh yai yai yai yai yai yai. Look at the moon. . [beeping] take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. Simulation complete. The new nissan rogue. Rogue one a star wars story. In theaters december 16th. Yea. Look at us were twinsies i know who you guys are rooting for. Were all wearing old navy. But theyre not a team. Oh really . Sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, and scarves in unison all half off okay. Enjoy the game. What game . Okay. Jimmy thats butch walker sitting in with the cletones. This is his latest album . Stay gold . Thats exactly what i look like in the morning, bump, by the way. Sounds great, thank you for being here. Tonight, this is his new ep, its called . Us or. Here to chat with us and perform for us on the ciroc stage. Tip used to go by t. I. , but now hes tip. With a . P . This is an interesting fact. He bought the p. From diddy. Thats why he doesnt have a p. Anymore. Well figure out that when he gets here. Tomorrow night from hamilton, Linmanuel Miranda from . Dr. Ken . Ken jeong and 12 yearold albert tsai and well have music from banks. Jimmy our first guest was taking the day off to go watch the cubs long before they were winners. He is a twotime tony award winner whom you can see alongside Warren Beatty and an allstarcast in the new movie . Rules dont apply. It opens in theaters november 23rd, please welcome Matthew Broderick. [ cheers and applause ] . . Jimmy how are you . Im good. Good. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thanks for coming. Oh, thank you very much for that, ladies and gentlemen. Jimmy you have a big premier right across the street from us. Right across the street, thats why im wearing this suit. Jimmy you dont dress up . On the show i would. Jimmy thank you, appreciate jimmy i know. Thats weird. Youre nice, shot something for the show with lane, and the parody was, trump, hed never win, haha yeah. Jimmy turns out [ laughter ] that one i guess we helped or something. Jimmy came around to bite us on the ass. Yes. Lets hope for the best. Jimmy this movie with warren is it something you get nervous about . The reactions to the film . Yes. Jimmy to this day . To this day. Jimmy do you get to the premier and have it go badly . Yes, i have. Jimmy you have. Not often. Jimmy every once in awhile. 2030 times, but its bad. It gets worse at a play. Jimmy oh, it is . Jimmy oh. Opening night, you go to the party, and youre eating, and reviews start to appear on peoples phones. Used to be, throw the paper, but its not like that anymore. Now its a glowing, oh, and then but you dont know it if youre an actor in the play, well, i dont want to read it. I dont know. So, like, its another glass of wine, you know. Does anybody and nobody. The whole room j they distance the whole party can be just gone almost instantaneously. Jimmy thats crazy, wow. Its a great feeling. [ laughter ] jimmy what was your first hollywood premier here going to one of these movies, big opening of the film . Oh, well, i think it was war games, actually. Jimmy oh, yeah. That was a good one. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Jimmy where was that . Westwood. True, but i think i drove myself to it. Jimmy really . Pulled up in the limo . No, my car. It was nude l. A. , and i liked i had a car, and i drove and parked in a garage, and then i was, like, this is i just walked through lots of parking lots. You know, and i hope im not late, and its my big night, and i did make it. Jimmy wow, thats very strange. I used to walk in l. A. More than one should do that here. I think its illegal. I lived in santa monica and i would walk to get coffee, whatever, and one evening, nobody was around. If you walk, youre alone basically. Unlike new york. A guy, one night, i was walking, and there was a guy, hey, can i ask you something . I said, what . He said, how much do you think its worth . He showed me. It was a dental mirror. And i said, i dont know. Maybe, you know, maybe 20. I dont know. He said, would you give me 10 for this dental mirror . And i was, like, no, i dont know why i would need that. It looks quite used, you know, so, no. Jimmy it was not sterile. Exactly, sterile. Had it been sterile, 10, yes. Jimmy youre too approach. Tell you things . Well, here it happens to me. Just last night i got here, and i got off the plane, and i was i wanted to stretch my legsing walk around the e hotel, again, totally empty. Nobody walking. Jimmy yeah, right. Im alone, i think. And then suddenly, i hear, and a guy runs up to me, he says, oh, so glad i ran into you. I wanted to tell you this. My sister built your kitchen i just wanted you to know that. She said it was a hard job. She was trying to make them so the kids wouldnt, you know, couldnt get in to get a sharp knife out of it, and i just wanted you to know that. [ laughter ] so, thank you. The cabinets are beautiful. And then he drank to the movie. Jimmy that i just happened to have on me. My feet are not really reaching the floor. Jmy dont worry. Did the cubs invite you to the world series . A big moment in history, as far as movies are concerned. Ferris bueller, 30 years. 30 years. Jimmy special treatment, have you been to Wrigley Field . A few times they said, would you like to come but its not worked out. They did not invite me maybe thats a good thing. Maybe i was part of the jinx, jimmy your a mets, fan, correct . Mets fan jimmy excited for the cubs . When they stop being losers, you immediately get angry, i find. The red sox, oh, the red sox, always liked the red sox, and then they won a bunch of times, like, [ bleep ]. Jimmy i feel the same way about the red sox. On that, well take a break. Disregard the bleep you just heard. Jimmy more with Matthew Broderick after this. Well be right back. Vie. The one for an adventurer. The one shes been eyeing all year. . . Happiness is . . Happiness is . . Different things to different people . . Different things to different people . [gasp] the gift theyre waiting for waiting on ebay. . Ats what happiness is . New, unique, and everything in between. . . . Style lets you stand out from the herd. Whats inside sets you apart. The cadillac escalade. . . 3,2,1. Lumi . Re, action . Right now at kohls, its time for holiday entertaining so roast the turkey, make the cookies and set the table. At kohls youll save a little more with an extra 15 off and earn a little more with kohls cash so you can give a little more this holiday. Kohls. cheering on tv you may write me down in history, with your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust, i rise. You can kill me with your hatefulness. But still, like air. Yea. Look at us were twinsies i know who you guys are rooting for. Old navy were all wearing old navy. But theyre not a team. Oh really . Sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, and scarves in unison all half off okay. Enjoy the game. Would you excuse me . Shut the door. What the he ll is she doing here . You said you wanted a girl with the two ends . Thats not here. With two ms. Did yit or cur she was not o the payroll . Marilyn monroe . Yes, marilyn monroe. Warren beatty. Boy, thats a good movie. I have to say i was wondering because Warren Beatty still has it. That movie, its great. Youll be happy. Im very excite excited. Jimmy did he call you, say, hey, id love you to be in the film . Yes, more or less. He 5th avenue. Was walking again jimmy we need to get you a treadmill. Its about a movie hes never going to make, so dont worry about it, but i called him, talk, talk, talk, we talked a long time. He was so charming, so nice, talking to warren, so happy. Never brought up the movie, but it was a great talk. He said, i have to go, can i call you next week . Next week, another talk, nice talk, nothing about the movie. And then another one maybe, and do you ever come to l. A. , and then i did, this is where i live. I go up to the house, and i ring bell, he answers, Warren Beatty, you know, white shirt, white pants, could humored man, but beautiful, beautiful tailored, and we sat, where do we have dinner . Eat out . Eat i dont know. That went on a long time. Until Annette Benning said, just eat here and made us pasta. Not angerly jimmy probably heard this before . I guess so. After we ate, talk more, he said, oh, im doing a movie, and id like you to be in it. I thought hed say, read scenes with e me, but do you want to be in it . Read it. I i went in the library. I read. And warren kept sticking his head in, are you done . Im a slow reader, warren. I really liked it. We talked more. I said, i have to go home now or im going to crash into a tree. I can barely i have to go home, sorry he said, stay here, stay in the guest room. Stayed there, the next morning i had oatmeal. Finally, like, clothes. I went home, and i came back, and he said, i liked to rehearse. Anyway, im sorry to take so long to explain to you what happened. Jimmy im in his house right now, no, yeah. I see why you guys never decided on dinner. Didnt decide anything. I ended up staying in the guest he had a guest house, and hes, like, you should just stay there for this shoot. Jimmy the whole shoot . The whole shoot. A little bit, but the shoot, i was living at his house, driving a car. They were, like, you can have this rental, or would you like warrens mercedes . I want warrens car. Jimmy yeah. I drove warrens car, i lived in his home, i did his movie. I played kind of his butler or something in the movie, and i was really that. So jimmy miraculous. Part of the method. Maybe its his genius, he says it is. Jimmy oh, he does. Yeah. Jimmy he plays howard hughes. . Rules dont apply . Opens in theaters november 23rd. Well be right back with tip. . . 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Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you . Jimmy butch walker sitting in, and our next guest is a rapper, tv star, a new letter at the end of his name, and his latest is called us or else. Please welcome the artist formally known as t. I. , . . Jimmy i have to tell you, you have no idea how many e emails i got that its tip, not t. I. Its hard for me, you get it in your head, and thats it. You know, to me, youre t. I. , but i have to relearn everything i ever knew. Nope, no, dont get old on me, jimmy. Jimmy its happening. Theres no other way. I know. You know, thats my childhood name. Jimmy isnt it clifford . Its my government name. Nobody ever calls me. Jimmy sorry about that. Judges, policemen, and bankers. Jimmy okay. My name my family name is tip given to me my by father, mother, grandmother, like everyone jimmy what everyone calls you . Yes. Jimmy why did you go by t. I. In thest oh, its a good question in a way. When i found myself in very good company on the same label with qtip and l. A. Reid at the time, you know, he felt it was confusing having two tips on the label. Since i was the new guy jimmy you didnt get to be tip. So i had to change my name. Tip . Are you trying to create beef, jimmy . Jimmy i am. No, man. Jimmy imagine what a barbecue we could have. Me and q, we have a phenomenal relationship. Jimmy oh, you do . Okay, good. Im glad theres no problems there. Are you happier now as tip than t. I. . You know what, i have not had a chance to think about it, but now that you mention it, i do feel a little bit better. Jimmy you have is that your family . Yes, this is my entire family. Jimmy oh, how about that. Actually, its minus my youngest daughter. She was not born at the time of the picture. Jimmy maybe you want to photoshop her picture . I have another chain i wear that has her. Jimmy your wife is tiny, and then the kids names are . Major, and now aris. Jimmy its aris harris. Yes. Jimmy shes going to be angry about that eventually. Its going to be a hell of a thing for her. Shes going to enjoy it. Jimmy you should be naming hurricanes. Hurricane aris. You were at the protest at trump tower in new york last night, right . Jimmy how many people do you guess were there . Thousands, ten, 12. Jimmy how did you get word there was going to be a protest . On the news. Jimmy oh, on the news. I was around the corner at the stutdio. I just walked over there. Jimmy and people were like, tip is here i was going to say t. I. Well, i mean, people notice me, not just not all 12,000, but, you any, the people who as you may expect, and in the large group, it was more so, hey, thats thank you for being out here with us. Its great to see you here. Jimmy what was the message you wanted to send there . You know, a lot of people say, we had the election. It happened. Sure. Jimmy were a few days late with the movements. What was the message that you offered . Nobody in their right mind can ever assume that, you know, just gathering and going somewhere and showing your incredible destain for a decision the nation made will do anything immediately. However, when i look at my kids in the eyes after this thing takes place, i voted, and ive done everything that i could do prior to now, but after the decision of the election had happened, i just want to be able to look my kids in the eyes and make sure they know i did everything that the constitution objection to this decision. Jimmy i see. I see. This album, us or else, the flag there, is this a protest album recorded . Yes, i guess in a way it could be considered a protest album. Its protesting against Police Brutality and, you know, its really in memory of all of the young men and women who have lost theyveir lives at the hano out there in the communities with no accountability whatsoever, and i mean, i just want to see the nation head in a better direction. Jimmy doesnt get better than that. Youre going to perform for us tonight . Why not. Jimmy what song are you going to do for us tonight . Have you decided yet . I could do black man, if i jimmy well figure it out. Well figure it out. Jimmy . Us or else . Is available now. And we shall return with music from tip. . . Dicky the . Jimmy kimmel live . Concert series presented dicky the . Jimmy kimmel live . Concert series presented by c . Roc. Lets get it. Jimmy id like to thank Matthew Broderick, butch walker, William Hayes and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. Nightline is next but first, his ep is called . Us or else . , here with the song . Black man . With some help h . Tip . . . Black man drop top there go the cops there go the cops there go the cops . . Is it because of my people is it because of my sneakers . . Is it because of my jersey it is because that im perfect . . . Ridin down 85 three in the morning why you pull me over sayin you smell marijuana smellin the gas . . I said i got a id i got glaucoma he said we aint in cali get out put your hands up . . Runnin real hard shook the taser shook the taser runnin real hard shook the taser shook the taser . . I told him can we split it we gon shake em hit my phone when you made it . . Out of here pj to jamaica naw i aint tell ya wrong get the paper . . Been fightin too long against haters my attitude yeah im going for the shaders . . . Live from the cracks of the concrete 12 try to take a off the street . . Make the gun sound now for mike brown take a life when you face down . . Hoodie gang strong like trayvon gun by the window like detroit red . . Bring that by the neck of my woods and bet a end up dead . . Pig in a blanket was you thinkin free that boosie runnin at the police . . Left him with a slow leak right outside vc tryna keep a phantom like dc . . Hangout the g like free meek kill a reachin for a cell phone hurt to tell his mama he aint comin home . . Thats why i stay . . Black man drop top there go the cops there go the cops there go the cops . . Is it because of my people is it because of my sneakers is it because of my jersey it is because that you nervous . . Black man running from the law like pacman try and throw the raw all in the trash can got smoked . . By a cop on the dash cam mad man when all he did was hustle to run the cash in . . He feedin kids in jail if he wasnt crackin too many felonies on my jacket . . All of my brothers turn to assassins we seen too many brothers get put in caskets . . Too many young baby mothers and baby daddies in the graveyard back then . . I went from sittin on clubs to the cashmere you shoulda seen how i flossed on em last year . . Two maybachs and i had a bad year young countin money like a cashier . . White man wanna pay me like im uno wanna see me at my funeral . Wanna do me though layin on my dog crib like im snoopy though . . Thats my i aint even wanna do it though if i dont do it i know he gon do me though . . Cause he broke and he trippin bout stupid hoes but imma die just like mother julio black man . . . Black man drop top there go the cops there go the cops there go the cops . . Is it because of my people is it because of my sneakers is it because of my jersey . . It is because that you nervous . . Police see i got my hands up still wanna kill me they dont understand us . . They be lookin for a reason just to shoot me and wanna do me how they do us in the movies . . Or how they do it out in baton rouge or ferguson or florida or baltimore they make excuses . . Like i did cause i thought he had a pistol or i did it cause i thought he was a muslim . . My message to america felon or death here the liquor we die we just substances left here . . First you put us in a small hood and then you beat us and you treat us like its all good . . And then shoot us and they can do that legally . . Bet i can make that think fore you shoot you kill me man there gon be more of some riotin and lootin . . We say black lives matter you say all lives but yall aint the ones getting hogtied . . Persecuted executed one day it gon be time for retribution . . Hope you dont ever see your son in an institution . . I know karma is constant and god aint no nonsense you doin wrong just to run . . One day the time gon run out for the dumb aint no deception tryna get in heaven . . You gettin nailed bet its on your mary and you know what you did for w h . Much you really care and what you really felt he gon deny the opportunity to unify with people who look similar . . To you and i cause he dont wanna have a . . Black man drop top there go the cops there go the cops there go the cops . . Is it because of my people is it because of my sneakers . . Is it because of my jersey it is because [ cheers and applause ] this is nightline. Tonight, transition of power. Mr. Trump goes to washington. Mr. President , it was a great honor being with you. Curtesy and respect on capitol hill as well, but will it last . How quickly could the undo president obamas signature achie achievements . Plus, the law and order candidate, donald trump entering the presidency with dozens of pending lawsuits against him or his Company Including accusations of fraud. Success, its going to happen to you. Abcs brian ross investigates. Model first lady, melania trump

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