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To be here. Man is it hot. This whole country is like a greasedup George Foreman grill and a vikram yoga class. Authorities are urging those in areas where heat is intense to stay indoors, unless you have a chance to catch a wiggly tuft in your neighborhood. Then go out and get it. Its going to be 96 in philadelphia where the Democratic National convention is happening. The theme for the democrats today was, united together. Which really is the best way to be united, together. So much better than being united apart. United together it was not. After the Republican Convention last week dnc was supposed to be the boring one. It was quite the opposite. Every time Hillary Clintons name was mentioned there were boos from Bernie Sanders fans. Some of these people are apparently unaware Bernie Sanders passed away six weeks ago. [ laughter ] even bernie had to ask his supporters to calm down. After a year of telling them not to calm down. Ravioli, it doesnt work. It was pretty crazy, because usually these conventions are a cheerleading event but Bernie Sanders supporters booed inside the convention and out. Now taking on a level of civil disobedience to block the delegates from coming into this one particular entrance, as you can see, they are laying down in front of the entrance. They are letting police through and the police all right, miguel, thank you so much. Were going to cut you off right now. Were going to cover right now boys 2 men performing on stage. Jimmy thats right. Ill tell you something, nobody interrupts boyz ii men on jake tappers watch. [ cheers and applause ] thats a fact. The outrage that people are getting mad, intensefied after wikileaks released thousands of hacked emails where Democratic National Committee Staffers help the Hillary Clinton campaign. Over 19,000 hacked emails. Maybe the democrats need to stop using email. It might be time to bring Carrier Pigeons back. There are reports russians have hacked the servers, looking at all their information for a year. If russia did do this, i think we start making them villains in our action movies again. Its time for Sylvester Stallone to get back to work. If the intent of this leak was to cause a commotion, it worked. All the turmoil overshadowed what was the big news this weekend, which was Hillary Clintons choice for running mate, virginia senator tim kaine. This is hillary and tim. They are either bumping fists or clinking imaginary mimosas, i dont know. We learned a lot about tim kaine this weekend. For one thing, he speaks speaks spanish, it seems that theyre bragging. But now that hes been chosen, i guess that means neither trump nor hillary are planning to make me their running mate. [ audience aww ] no, bring me my podium, i have something to say about that, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i do want to speak about this. Have been getting tweets and email. My fellow americans, im well aware that both major candidates have chosen their running mates and i was not selected to be one of them. But it makes no difference and ill tell you why. Because i never went into this to be someones running mate. Vice president of the united states. And i dont care who they pick. I will never stop running for that office. I will keep running until christmas if i have to. [ cheers and applause ] thats right. And i took offense. Because i have been running for this office since may. Mike pence and tim kaine think they can just stroll in three months before the election and take my spot . Who the hell even are mike pence governor of indiana, governor of virginia . Big deal. Arnold schwarzenegger was governor of california. He cant even speak english, how hard could this job be . Heres the question i would like you to ask yourselves. Are you going to waste your votes on nosense pence and nobrain kaine . [ cheers and applause ] or are you going to double your votes, maybe triple them, and say, gimme jimmy for Vice President . [ cheers and applause ] i dont need a donald trump, i dont need a Hillary Clinton to hold my hand like im a baby who cant wipe himself. I am a strong, fierce, proud, independent africanamerican woman. And i will lead this country into the ocean if need be thank you. God bless america. By the way, donald trump got a crazy endorsement this weekend from president obamas halfbrother malik, malik obama says hes voting for trump. Boy, i tell you. You give one atomic wedgie growing up and they never forget it. Malik has been a democrat all his life but changed Party Affiliations after Michelle Obama made him eat her lentil loaf at the last family dinner. Theres malik wearing a make America Great again hat, supporting if youre wondering who the blgu voting for donald trump is, its him. Now you know. [ cheers and applause ] the elections been fun to watch. More importantly we have a new episode of the bachelorette tonight. The finale is next week. Tonight jojo narrowed the field down from four identical pretty boys to two. My favorite part of the episode were the periodical reminders that one of the men jojo might now he just swims so he doesnt drown. Theres no competition at all. That was robby. Before the season i picked robby and jordan to be in the final two and whos in the final two . Guillermo robby and jordan. Jimmy thank you very much, thats right. [ cheers and applause ] sometimes i like to check to see if youre awake. Guillermo no, im listen to you. Yeah, thank you. Jimmy over the course of the season, its weird, a lot of the guys professed their love for jojo but she cant really profess love back or the shows over. We see her say i love you too, we know whats going on. What do you do when someone says i love you and you dont want to say it back . Heres how jojo handles that. Ive fallen in love with you, jojo. I have. Thank you so much. I am very much in the process of falling for you. Its the best feeling ive ever felt. You make me feel happy. I dont know how to say it. I think im falling in love with you. I know im falling in love with want you to know that. Thank you. Im crazy about you, im in love with you. Im absolutely falling for you. Appreciate that. Im 100 in love with you. Thank you. For telling me that. Jimmy which one of you, again . The other person who has to deliver bad news every week is s heres how Chris Harrison gives the heaveho. Gentlemen, im sorry if you did not receive a rose. Take a moment, say your goodbyes. Jimmy so thats how chris normally does it. This season hes been mixing it up, trying new things. I like the new chris a lot. Gentlemen . Youre losers. And you know it. Hit the road. Gentlemen, time to cry in the gentlemen . Its time to go back to whatever weird town you came from. No one cares about you. Get your [ bleep ]. Get the [ bleep ] out of here. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Chris Harrison, a bottle of rose and watch out. When we come back, matt damon, the dreaded matt damon and i, together this morning to try and work things out. Well, well present that to you so stick around, well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] discover card. Im not a discover customer but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give to me. Give it. Oh, sure we give it to everyone for free. Oh, well thats nice. to dog go get it you can go get it yourself online to dog thats a good boy. Thanks . Oh, and you can even see how your current card compares to others out there. Wow. Convenient. Ooh. Somebody wants a belly rub. What, now . Get your credit scorecard at discover. Com. Free for everyone, even if youre not a customer. vo maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand. And best overall brand. avo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirtyfirst. . . . . Heart rate one fifty six. . . . . . . why be in the kitchen when you can be in the moment . Olive garden now offers catering delivery. We make the food and deliver it to your door. Its stunningly beautiful, a Perfect Blend of performance and design. The worlds thinnest laptop, the new premium hp spectre. Sir you need to turn that off now. The new hp spectre with intel core i7 processor. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hi there, welcome back. Danny mcbride, Bryce Dallas Howard, music of prophets of rage on the way. As you may know, the Actor Matt Damon and i have issues. We do not have a good relationship. Hes been particularly difficult lately, hes got a big movie coming out friday, jason bourne. We did this once before. We went to therapy together. It didnt go very well. We decided to try again. Apparently you have to go more than once for therapy to work. So we went to see a professional to try to work our problems out like adults. Jimmy hi. Hi, there. Hi, im paul. How are you . Come on in and join us. Hello, jimmy. Jimmy hi. So. You two obviously know each other. And were off. This way . Jimmy yeah, i just like to have like a thing. He beat me up last time. He did . Jimmy uhhuh. How does that feel . I didnt beat you up, it was an awkward jimmy he beat me up. What brought the two of you here now if it ended so poorly last time . How did you get here today . Theres a story there. Jimmy its Court Ordered. Is it, okay. Its Court Ordered because i live in jimmys place of work. Jimmy can i just say right there, he doesnt live at my place of work. I live there. Jimmy he comes to my place of work, its technically stalking. Its not if youre invited. The judge was very clear about that. If you just stopped inviting me, maybe i wouldnt come. You invite me every day. You say im going to be on the show and ive never been on the show. So i took matters into my own hands. Is it possible that we can just really clarify what specifically you want to ideally, what do you want to get out of this . I would like to be on his show. Hes probably going to bring up the oscar special. But theres a story there too. Okay . Jimmy there is a story there. Theres a story there. I was nominated for an academy award. Okay . Thats a fact. Jimmy kind of. It wasnt kind of. Jimmy they opened up the category so there are more nominees now. Okay, thats not true. I was there at the theater across the street. And jimmy does a live broadcast. Okay. His lead guest was my old friend ben. Sure, okay. I bribed ben to sneak me into his jacket. Why are you touching me . Jimmy im not touching you. Bribed him . Of course, you think he would just do that . He was the lead guest on a live show. Jimmy now im going to have to come in here with ben too, you dont give the lead slot up. You feel betrayed . Jimmy i feel battrayed by batman. I see. That was a good one. Jimmy so anyway. He snuck on to the show, wasnt supposed to be on the show. Even though i told him youre going to be on the next nights show he decided, im going to force myself on this show. Its always the next nights show, youre going to be on tomorrow, oh, we ran out of time, ive never met somebody whos so horrible with time management. Jimmy that is true, i do have a problem with that, i am going to say i do have a problem with that. Just to clarify something so that i have a better understanding, youre saying you have been waiting literally every single day for many years to get on his show . 14 years. Jimmy not every day. Theres weekends. Right, the show doesnt occur on weekends, i get to go home. I heard you say you wanted jimmy to allow you on his show. Yes. What do you need from matt . Understanding about how a show works, how the production of a show works. I understand. Jimmy that we have one hours time. Yes. Jimmy and that i do my best to get everybody on the show. You do. Okay, i will take you at your word that you try. But i just i mean, its theres thousands and thousands of evenings that ive been just about to go on and then oh, look what happened. Its like you know the shows an ho minutes and just have some time for me . Jimmy id love to do that but then there are repeated, multiple violations. Besides the violence. I mean, forcing himself on the show. I was tied up. I was duct taped on my face. This seems like a Good Opportunity to explain the origin of all the hatred. I snapped. Which i do. I snap. Jimmy he snaps. So im supposed to have a snapper around . Well, maybe you would snap too if you had to endure what i didnt i didnt do any lasting physical damage to him. But i did whose idea was it to come together and sit down and try to work this out . Me. Im trying i want to get on the show. Jimmy and i came im here. Ive got a huge movie opening this week, ive got a lot riding on this. Jimmy here we go again. No, ive got a lot riding on this thing, a whole Marketing Campaign that he think system stupid, that he makes fun of me. Jimmy it is stupid. Its not stupid, its good, i have good ideas. Its a stupid campaign. Its not a stupid campaign. I made bumper stickers. Can i give you one . Sure. You be the judge. Jimmy bumper stickers, like this is 1975. You ready . Honk if youre bourny. Okay, thats for you. Jimmy i mean, honestly. What do you think of that . Setting therapy aside its trying to go viral, right . You could snapchat that. Put that on your instagram. Stupidest thing ive ever seen. Honk if youre bourney . Its excellent. Jimmy you both have, again what im noticing is this pattern developing are you going to put that on your car . I will definitely look at putting this on my car. Jimmy do you have any other pillows . Theres a couple over there. Are you feeling unsafe . Jimmy i am feeling unsafe. Look how hard he puts the pillows down. Now im hitting pillows. Theres a lot of anger coming across. Sometimes theres another method that people will use and they call it art therapy. Whats art therapy . Art therapy typically has been more of a method used for kids. Well, for his maturity level, i think that would be probably advisable. Jimmy ill do it, i dont mind. Im going to ask you to each take one of these sketch pads here. Jimmy, thats for you. Jimmy thank you. Matt, this is for you. Thank you, paul. Heres your pencils. What i want you to do is sketch how you feel about the situation. So take a few minutes and just go ahead. Jimmy youve got other patients drawings here. I do . Jimmy im done. Youre done . Me too. You are . Okay. Who wants to go first as far as just showing us what you came up with . This is my rendition of this show. And its host. This is Jimmy Kimmel Live. And thats an ass face. Thats an ass face . Thats supposed to be an ass. Thats how i feel about jimmy and his show. An ass face. Im done. Jimmy . Lawsuit lawsuit [ laughter ] [ laughter and applause ] jimmy i just feel like this is you know what i think of i think were done. That was good. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy tonight on the show music from prophets of rage, Bryce Dallas Howard is here, and well be right back with Danny Mcbride so stick around [ cheers and applause ] get a free Samsung Galaxy for everyone in the family. Thats right, free and get 4 lines for just 30 bucks a line. Dont miss this epic deal. And here we have 1893, from the makers of pepsi cola. Im gonna smell it. Im just gonna take one small sip. Kinda seemed like more than a sip. Unstoppable, even at 30,000 feet. Now get free gogo inflight wifi on your smartphone. Lift off, power up, text it, browse it, work it. We got you covered. And we wont stop. I have to tell you, we had the monologue and the whole time, all i wanted to know is the new chase freedom unlimited card earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy. Thats 1. 5 cash back on whatever these billboards are selling. What are they selling . The products not so subtly placed in this movie 1. 5 cash back. Shhhh all the stuff promoted in your social feed 1. 5 cash back. The cash back is unlimited and you can spend it on anything. Like, whatever the next ad is selling. Get the new chase freedom unlimited card. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hi, there. Still to come, from the new movie petes dragon, Bryce Dallas Howard is here. Then, a supergroup that unites the forces of rage against the machine, public enemy, and cypress hill. This is their selftitled single, prophets of rage from the samsung outdoor stage. Make america rage again tour starting august 19th in fairfax, virginia. Tomorrow night, david spade will be here, ozzy and Jack Osbourne will join us, well have music from the strokes, and later this week, andy garcia, greg kinnear, jack huston, dino archie, dana white and music from the gogos. After four foulmouthed seasons of baseball on eastbound down, our first guest returns with a new show set in the chalkboardchoked world of Public School administration. Vice principals airs sunday nights on hbo. Please welcome Danny Mcbride. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy youre from virginia, right . I just mentioned virginia. Yes, i grew up in virginia, yes. Jimmy are you from fairfax . Fredericksburg, right down the road. Jimmy when you one of those kids running around with a movie camera making films . I grew up in the 80s. At the time skateboarding was the biggest thing that everyone was into. Jimmy still kind of is. Were you a skater . I wasnt, not at all. If you werent good at skateboarding youd have to pretend like you were, you were a poser, you know, thats what you would do. So i spent much of my childhood pretending like i could skate. Jimmy how do you pretend you can skate . You go home late at night and rub rocks on your trucks and stuff to make it look like youve done something. Jimmy i was also a terrible skateboarder. I can only go down the driveway and that was it. On my knees, yeah. Jimmy did the kids believe that you were you have to perfect your stance. So it looks like youre just tired is the reason why youre not skating more. When i was you know, we left virginia in sixth grade. My parents moved us to florida. And i kept in touch with all my friends in virginia. Opportunity to like break the pose ur vibe. Poser vibe. I started becoming a bigger poser by writing letters and telling them how i learned to skate in florida. That somehow by moving to florida everything just like works now and i could do hand planks and indos, ollieing over my sister, and i was letters back from them, everybody was impressed. Wow, thats incredible, florida has turned you into tony hawk, thats amazing. And one day i came from school and my parents sat me and my sister down, a solemn look on their face. Mom explained to us that they were deciding to separate and my mom, my sister and i were moving back to virginia. And my face just dropped. And i wasnt worried about the divorce. I was like, oh my god, they all think i can skate [ laughter and applause ] jimmy wow. Yeah. So i went out to the yard quickly and was like trying to jam all this stuff in, trying to figure it out. My parents thought i was just we ended up moving back to virginia. And i got back there and one of my really good friends, it was his birthday and i knew it. Everyones going to have their boards there, this is where it all is going to be exposed. So i came to the party and i had been really losing a lot of sleep over this. And i got there. And i didnt bring my board. And they were like, what happened . Wheres the skateboard . I was like, since the divorce i just dont skate anymore. [ laughter and jimmy wow. Theyre not going to argue with that. They cant. Jimmy by the way, i really enjoy the show vice principals. Thank you. Jimmy its very funny. [ cheers and applause ] its set, i mentioned in the intro, its set in a school and you play the vice principal of the school. Yeah. Jimmy is it based on a person that you remember from its not based on anyone in particular. I was a relatively wellbehaved kid in school. Than me so she was a good smoke screen for my bad behavior. Jimmy younger . Younger sister, yeah. Jimmy she must have been much worse. To eclipse you as the younger sister. Thats a special kind of move. She did, yeah. Jimmy this was supposed to be a movie . It was. Jody hill, the guy who created the show with and myself, we wrote it as a screenplay about ten years ago. At an hour and a half it seemed like it needed more. We decided to tell a ninehour story. Jimmy bill murray plays the exiting principal on the show. Jimmy how did you get bill murray to be in this . Well, i was in two films that are much beloved by a lot of people. Aloha and rock the casbah. And i was lucky to work with bill in both of those films. Yeah. So ive met him on those films. And jody and myself were scouting in charleston, south carolina, for the show. When we got on the plane, i heard someone call my name, and for the whole flight he just convinced us why charleston was the greatest city ever, why we need to shoot there. Yeah, were not going to argue with bill murray. Jimmy right, of course not. Because you decided to shoot there, you said now you have to be yeah, once we got there, i was like, well, he convinced us to come here, the least i could do is convince him to be on the show. Jimmy did he agree right on the spot . Did you send him the script . I sent him an email. We have this role, it wont take much time but it would be amazing if you would participate in this. He wroteac delivered to the river dogs baseball stadium tonight, ill leave six tickets at the box office for you. Its like, we have our marching orders, this is our shot. So we took a copy of the script, we put it in one of those like silver metal briefcases that cocaine deals are made with. Jimmy uhhuh. Thought that was a good way to deliver to it him. We went to the baseball game. Were walking up to the box i get up there, somethings off. Theres p. A. S, theres more going on than what was told. What is this . Wheres bill at . Hes right out there, they put a mike on me, miking me up. What have i walked into . I walked out and bill was filming an episode of Anthony Bourdains show. I walked right in, ambushed if you will. Jimmy you became part of the show . I filmed the show. They cut me out. Jimmy they did . [ laughter ] i dt jimmy thats terrible. It seemed to have worked on bill, you got him in your show, which is all that really matters. He sent an email the next morning. Id be honored to play principal whats his name. So were like, well take it, yeah. Jimmy i was thinking about you. This vice principals, the show, you being at school, being a kid, all those things. We decided we got in touch with somebody who is from your past. Put these up on the screen. Weve got four people. That you had High School Experience with. No way. Jimmy just quickly looking at the screen, does anyone look familiar to you . Dont say who it is if somebody does. Does anybody catch your eye as the person that maybe we dug up . Okay, were going to take a commercial break. When we come back [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Danny Mcbrides blast from the past, well be right back after this [ cheers and applause ] . Out what . That was in finally, something the whole family can agree on. Oscar mayer deli fresh ham made with pure honey for a taste everyone will love. I note the obvious differences in the human family. Some of us are serious, some thrive on comedy. Ive sailed upon the seven seas and stopped in every land, ive seen the wonders of the world i know ten thousand women called jane and mary jane, ive not seen any two who really were the same. Mirror twins are different although their features jibe, and lovers think quite different thoughts while lying side by side. I note the obvious differences than we are unalike. We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike. . [bell rings] i use mine as a science experiment as an emergency umbrella. To help feed a friend. A drum solo i just use my backpack for books and stuff. Rack thousands of barrels lay silent aging, building a fuller smoother flavor that only comes from being aged four long years at jim beam our history is made from the inside how will you make yours . Now try jim beam apple poured over ice and serve with club soda and a fresh lemon wedge to make a crisp, refreshing jim beam apple and soda. Vice principal gambi. If you dont open this door im calling parents. One mississippi. Two mississippi. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] partys over, partys over kurt small, thats five days of iss. Randy, eight days for you. My wine sack, who did this . Who drank my chablis . No one drank it, we poured it out. You think you know about wine, sweetie . What wine pairs good with ten days iss . Zinfandel . Sirah . Jimmy vice principals hbo sunday nights. So danny, go back to your real jimmy we have four people up on the screen. Lets put them up on the screen now. Im not sure if youve figured it out yet. But the woman on the bottom corner we cant see. There appears to be a man lurking behind her. So one of these people is someone from your high school who i presume you know. And do you want to take a guess as to what number that person might be. Well, i know its not 1 or 4. Jimmy okay. They dont look like any teachers i ever have had before. Jimmy okay. I cant see 3s face so im not sure. Jimmy so maybe we should question number 2 . Yeah, number 2. Jimmy please put number 2 on the screen. Number 2, what is your first name . Lynn. Jimmy lynn. Does this ring a bell at all . I didnt really know many of my teachers by their first names. Jimmy what lynn, what did you teach at Courtland High School . I was in the business Courtland High School. So this is lynn. Clearly, lynn, you didnt teach espionage at school. [ laughter ] hey, its good to see you. Jimmy spotsylvania is a real place . Yes, it is. Jimmy spotsylvania . Yes, it is. Jimmy like vampires with the measles . I didnt have danny in class. I was Vice President of the class. Jimmy you were class Vice President . Im running for the actual Vice President. Thats impressive. Yeah. Jimmy what do you remember about danny . Do you remember danny from those days . Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Great personality. Funny. We knew in the school that danny picture also. I want to get a sense. Lets take a quick look at that. Here it is. A here it is. Sweet. Jimmy vango brothers . In the future. Jimmy in the future your plan is to let it ride. Who are the vango brothers . You dont want to know. [ laughter ] jimmy well, its very good to see you. Thank you, lyn. This. Wow, what a magical trip through memory lane that wasnt. Glad ive made it easy for you. Jimmy a Sausage Party on august 12th and vice principals airs sunday nights on hbo. Be right back with Bryce Dallas Howard dicky next week, watch all new ep seds of Jimmy Kimmel Curtis 50 cent jackson, bob odenkirk, jillian jacobs, kendall jenner, natalie porltman, kongos, Kiefer Sutherland and bonnie rat. 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Hurry in for a 1,000 volkswagen reward card and 0 apr on a new jimmy still to come, music from prophets of rage. After barely surviving an island full of dinosaurs in jurassic world, our next guest is in the disneys classic petes dragon. It opens in theaters august 12th. Please welcome Bryce Dallas Howard [ cheers and applause ] . Hello jimmy its very good to see you. You know, i loved that movie, peters dragon when i was a kid. Thank you. Jimmy i assume you saw it, but did you see it as a civilian . Yes, i saw it as a civilian. Jimmy you did. I think you might be too young for that, you might go, oh, this looks stupid or something. No, it was the opposite. Because i saw it and it was one it was a real boy with a dragon. And i was a few years old so i thought it was a real dragon as well. Jimmy have your children seen the movie . No, they havent. They havent seen the petes dragon im in or the older petes dragon. But i think theyre just somewhat starting to figure out what my job is. And i think theyre going to start asking soon. My daughter gets a little confused. Shes 4 1 she said that she wants to be in the petes dragon sequel, which thats not happening yet. Jimmy repetes dragon right . Exactly. [ laughter ] jimmy disney can have that, by the way. Jimmy thanks everybody. Yeah, yeah. She wants to either be she wants to be in it, either the baby of the dragon or she wants me to hold her as im running so its like both movies in one, in her mind. Jimmy do you think, oh, now your daughter because your dad is ron howard. Actor, director, all that. [ cheers and applause ] supportive jimmy do you nk think this is something that i mean, ron howards probably one of the ten most beloved americans, dont you think . [ cheers and applause ] hes in my top ten. For sure my top ten. Jimmy maybe number one, even though hes not american, is michael j. Fox. Hes canadian h slightly a little bit nicer and better than americans. Your dads got to be in the top five, i think he really is. How do you rate Something Like that . Jimmy it just comes from my opinion. [ laughter ] of course. Jimmy i saw him as opie, i saw him as ritchie cunningham, thats all i needed to know. Common sense. Jimmy this is a great photograph your dad posted to instagram. Thats you, your dad, and ralph mouth. Where did this happen . And its when i walked for the first time. So i waited for there to be a huge crowd. Then i walked. You walked at the wedding. Down the aisle . Or just at the party . Just i probably stumbled and in this much territory. Jimmy your godfather is another one of americas top ten favorites, henry winkler, the fonz. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i couldnt imagine that. I had the lunch box. What it must be like to have fonzie as your godfather. Great, right . Yeah, but hes not like this italian guy. Jimmy no, no. Hes this sweet, sensitive jewish godfather. Jimmy it seems like its not even a thing, right . But, yes, if my parents die, i go to him. [ laughter ] jimmy still to this day . Oh, yeah. Yeah, i go to him. Jimmy would your kids come with you or fend for themselves . Or go to their godparents . They will go to their godparents and their godfather is josh gad. Celebrity god parent. Yes, we continued the tradition. No, hes one of my husbands best friends in the world, they went to kindergarten together. Jimmy their dad gadfather. Yeah, their gadfather. Jimmy olaf is better than fonzie in a way. Yeah, its pretty crazy. Nothing that i do is impressive to my children. Because every time josh over, he has toys with him. Frozen this, frozen that. And theyll do anything. I wish that you guys would die so that josh can be our father. Jimmy you had to be careful, sometimes kids are smart, theyll figure out a way to kill you. Yeah, yeah, im getting that sense, i am. Jimmy did your dad take a lot of video of you as a kid . Yes. Jimmy because he had access to cameras when he was a director . Yes, he did. Thats really fun. Sometimes. Jimmy right, yeah. But one of the he was one in cedars sinai, my birth, when my mother gave birth to me. He was one of the first people allowed to film in there. So he filmed my emergence into this world and i also gave birth at cedars sinai and i said, lets do it again, film my birth. Jimmy when you gave birth . Didnt go well. Jimmy when you gave birth to my son. At cedars. Full circle. Jimmy he was comfortable with that . No. Jimmy no, yeah, right. No, no. Yeah. [ laughter ] yeah. Yeah, my mom basically the video is the entire time my mom yelling at him, ronnie, get it together its your daughter for gods sakes up and down, up and down. At one point hes like, ill going to go boil some water. Jimmy thats what they used to do in the old days. Yeah. Jimmy very good to see you. Jimmy i did. Bryce dallas howard, everybody. Petes dragon opens august 12th. Well be right back with prophets of rage being moo . [ cheers and applause ] dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is presented by samsung. Jimmy id like to thank Danny Mcbride, Bryce Dallas Howard and apologize to matt damon we ran out of time. Nightline is next. But first, this is very exciting. Here making their television debut, prophets of rage [ cheers and applause ] [ sirens ] . . . Clear the way clear the way . Clear the way . Clear the way . . Clear the way . . Clear the way . . . With vice i hold the mic device with force i keep it away of course . . And im keeping keeping you from sleeping sleeping and on stage i rage and im Rolling Rolling . . To the poor i pour in on in metaphors . . I aint bluffin its nothin that we aint did before . Points made . . You consider it done by the prophets of rage can you kick it like . . Clear the way go go go go clear the way go go go go clear the way clear the way . . Clear the way for the prophets of rage . . Go, go, go . . Clear the way . . Go go go . . Clear the way for the prophets of rage be real . When choice became the peoples voice shout loud put your hands up in the crowd . . Raise your fist up fist up system . . People hungry and dyin they aint got a home . . This is the nature created from the terrordome terrordome . . Talking about burn the stage . . Clear the way for the prophets of rage . . Clear the way . . Go go go . . Clear the way . . Go go go . . Clear the way for the . Clear the way go go go go clear the way clear the way . . Clear the way for the prophets ear the way clear the way . Go . Roll with the punches so i survive try to rock cause it keeps the crowd alive . St callin callin but im past the days of yes yallin yallin . . Wiggle round and round i pump you jump up hear my words my verbs and get juiced up . . I been around a while you cant describe my sound . . Get down for the prophets of rage can you kick it like . . Clear the way go go go go clear the way clear the way . . Go go go . . Clear the way . . Go go go go . . Clear the way . . Go go go go . . Clear the way clear the way for the prophets of rage . Sirens . . Clear the way . Clear the way for of rage . . The prophets of rage . . The prophets of rage . The prophets of rage . The prophets of rage . The prophets of rage . Clear the way for the prophets of rage . This is nightline. Tonight, brazilian authorities saying, dont blame it on rio. New video showing portions of the alleged robbery of ryan lochte and his teammates that lied to police. Police say the swimmers kicked down the door and vandalized the bathroom inside. The swimmers are sticking to their stories. Are these athletes, vandals, victims, or both . Plus, book lovers, the shirtless showdown, to be the face and the body of the newest romance novel. Fame and fortune for the lucky frontpagers. If the book aint no good, you can always put it on the shelf and look at it

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