Transcripts for WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] 20191203 090000

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Boyer's Fox's John Roberts is in London covering the president's trip and the NATO annual meeting there could be some division here even though this is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the alliance there increasing tensions from within Turkey sort of moving toward Russia to some degree particularly it what's going on in northern Syria and the fact that Turkey invaded northern Syria and Iranian state t.v. Admits security forces shot and killed people during protests that have rocked multiple cities since November. Amnesty International says at least $208.00 people died during government crackdowns on protesters many of them an armed Iran says that the people shot were rioters and demonstrations erupted after the government increased gas prices America's listening to Fox News. of days from Fox News Channel. The f.b.i. Is offering a $5000000.00 reward leading to the arrest of an American on the agency's most wanted terrorist list the u.s. Attorney for the Southern District of California says jihad 7 Mistah thought was charged with terrorism a decade ago but a superseding indictment now expands on those charges he's accused of conspiracy to provide material support and of providing support to the terrorist group al Shabaab in Somalia specifically within media relations and explosives f.b.i. Special agent in charge in San Diego Scott burner asked the public for help and information leading to his capture Listen to this is voice and look at these images we would like to present to continue to show. Burners in a stop in a San Diego native 1st traveled to Somalia in 20051 year after graduating from college Jessica Rosenthal Fox News American students may not be reading any better but they're moving up compared to peers around the world sadly yes because teenagers in other countries are performing worse the 2800 Program for International Student Assessment shows the best performing schools across the 3 categories of reading science and math were in China an online dating scheme nets a man jail time not low of 34 year old John Martin Haley is headed to a Georgia prison for the next 7 years now that he's pleaded guilty to robbing a woman of $80000.00 bill was arrested last May in Tennessee after admitting to the scheme where he met a woman on Match dot com and within a week convinced her he was a millionaire wanting to marry her you just asked her for the 80 grand as a down payment on their newlywed home but as soon as the money was transferred Hill went missing police eventually caught up with him Eben brown fox news and the developer of the video game League of Legends agrees to pay $10000000.00 to settle a gender discrimination case I'm Carmen Roberts and this. I have. Heard Christmas radio is better than 100 percent. Commercial free. So as we. Make sure you keep your Christmas radio on plus it is super easy others more speakers just the likes of the plague her Christmas radio my her radio your music your stations and number one. Audio book The End It is the beginning of the story of America and we are now beginning the middle of the Glenn Beck program days from 9 until noon the middle will March the ending on News Radio 50 w y l m 1450 w y Alam available everywhere with the i.r.s. Radio now number one for podcasting News Radio 1450 w. While I am and I are radio station. To talk to George Noory guard line 85014109 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk to 3 from east of the Rockies 808255033 from west of the Rockies told 806-188-2552 reach Georgia be a sky. Named George 97313 Georgia text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory Dr Michael Sallah with us we're going to take phone calls with them as we talk about the strange things that have been happening on this planet and he is next with us with you on coast to coast am want to talk with you about insurance again life insurance from the great company called the ethos lot of people doubt she's you know if you're not ready and prepared to take care your family you're making a huge mistake and that's where getting the right proper life insurance comes up without the hassle and that's why we have the transparent Life Insurance Company for people who simply don't have the time for the extra appointments the fees that they can't afford the fine print the approach is simple blend the industry expertise technology and just the right human touch to find the policy to protect the people you care about and that means a policy plans to suit every budget most cases no need for a doctor's appointment it's not surprising anything else is trusted by thousands just takes about 10 minutes to apply online and ethos is very easy ensure your family has the financial security they need to handle the unexpected with a fast free and personalized quote want right now at ethos dot com. Last he. Life dot com life insurance that actually fits your life. Real people real story so I had in the point what does her journal neighbors tell me when I don't even going to do an absolutely I came out of my starter mode Carnivora and I called and cancel my surgery and she said are you going someplace else I said No I'm taking care of it myself he said Ok. But my problem my skin went away I uprooting it conducts all over my arms you know 3 weeks out drive put on a kind of or I noticed I'm looking at my arms and I said I don't have any bruises on my arms around me always fall approach I can't put my finger on it but I know something's happening I have to tell you there has to be accountable or. There. And we're back with Michael Sallah and of course we will take your phone calls as well Michael David polite us when I was on with the me prior to you we talked about the possibility of these missing people being abducted by. Falls your thoughts on that. I think people are being abducted and they're being taken up in the space programs and some of them are my actually be traded as part of a either Electric Slave Trade or used as workers. Places like. Some of the. Moons of Jupiter and Saturn one of the things that I found very interesting listening to one of the. Pull police. Lectures or one of the interviews was that he talked about many of the people being German especially German technical students people with engineering and scientific backgrounds Well these are the people that if we're talking about a German run secret spy program out there. That they would need to replenish their officer corps and that getting German speaking people abducting them and forcibly recruiting them into these programs would be one white to basically mine time an officer corps that's dominated by Germans in that particular secret space program scientists call Dr Salvatore pay us what's the u.s. Navy doing with that person while some of the pious. This is and he has very recently released the 5. That are various stages 4 of them have been granted by the u.s. And tried office and they deal with advanced technologies associated with electromagnetic propulsion systems so one of the patent deals with the hybrid aerospace on the water craft which which basically is a crowd that through the use of electro magnetic pole should. And shields that creates its ram itself it is able to move forward through any medium like water or air by basically moving all of the molecules in a very small very small kind of sheath around the craft that's being generated by this and electromagnetic system that they have in there and so that that basically creates a bubble it's like a like a quantum vacuum is surround the crop so it can move through. The oceans or through a without meeting any resistance so that's really tremendous because that if you have the right propulsion system you could move through a water space with that any resistance and so that the Mabel's you to exaggerate the very very high speeds so that's just one of the pains he's released he's also released Titans concerning the pal supply for that kind of hybrid space vehicle he's also released Titans for an electromagnetic shield. That was the Navy involved with him specifically the Navy is very heavily involved in this I mean he even though he is listed as the inventor for the Titans he assigned the payments to the u.s. Navy in particular to the secretary of the Navy and on 2 occasions the patents were turned down by the pain examiner he said that this was fun to figure not feasible at this point. But the Navy intervened they was a Navy scientists the chief technical officer for a Navy research organization intervened wrote to the patent office on behalf of the pie saying that these technologies with with feasible experiments were being conducted and if if the maybe doesn't get these patents awarded to it then China was working on similar technologies it would claim the patent and the u.s. Navy would be paying royalties to the Chinese so the u.s. Tightens office. Basically overturned the rejection so this is kind of preceded that you have that kind of intervention by the Navy support of the futuristic technologies which really very revolutionary and and can change a completely overnight change the aerospace industry. In the United States and around the planet pretty dramatic I remember Michael when you were on and I were on were talking about the and Angelic Presence Do you still investigate that. That is something that I'm very interested enough in the past of talked about angelic seen tens of being solicit the old thought high dimensional beings and these. Things that often as a thing as sometimes working with extraterrestrial there's a very famous incident there was this and jelly being. That a group of extraterrestrial took some human contact these 2 to visit in the Andes this was a colorful ring Cohen who was taken there and he's a Colombian engineer and he was taken a many by the lady an x a traditional Then he was introduced to a Celeste eel and this is a person who just walked out of a Thai. In Ca like got very similar to come like I mentioned Palestine he actually thought when he saw me thought this is Jesus I mean that's that's how he really very angelic very. Very wonderful peaceful kind of energy and this is the kind of group that some of the Exodus tools are looking with so yeah I think when we look at this if i call me between one Jules and Demons I think that there is a reality too that some extra skills work with these Heisler still beings that are thought intents and purposes angels described in Biblical texts and then we get the other side which these demonic it let's go to the phones and start with Jordan in Kansas on the wild card line Jordan Good morning and welcome to the program Hi George nice nice to speak with you again thank you sir on Michael Jordan Hi I have a short little. Series last question for you Ok. I'm a found some supporter and other than watching the. In my opinion attempt to ruin his career oust him from office. And I've. I believe that you know the deep state is involved somehow you know and I like. I like the way that he has taken on the government. Swamp if you will and. I've kind of it's kind of in my eyes to the. Power of the. State or whoever they are. And it seems like and. They've been trying to divide the USA to the far left and to the far right with brainwashing techniques like television for instance you know and. My my instinct tells me it would have to be China would only be the only. Nation capable of something like that and. I was wondering if you think it is possible that there are less deep deep cover agents working against. The United States trying to. Attorneys against each other basically or members of Congress for instance or anything like that. Yes I would agree with that I think that there is a deep state effort to divide the United States and to embroil the United States in all of these useless wars and I think Lee weaken the u.s. Military because I think the deep state understands that the in order to bring about their plans for a new world order which would be under the control of a tele Tarion state you need to basically destroy the biggest threat to that which is the Us Constitution and the us military and that's why the us is being sucked into all of these wars all around the planet because these of being contrived by the deep state to weaken the us military and to create all these civil strife in the us and I think one of the good things about the trumpet ministration is that he has been very clear from the beginning that he wants to pull back from all of these walls and which is kind of like sucking the life blood out of the u.s. Economy and creating all these divisions in the United States because you don't have the money for basic infrastructure and services that are data to help the u.s. Get through and the biggest beneficiary of all of this is China because China is. Destined to be the next major superpower and very soon the Chinese economy will be larger than the u.s. Economy and in the deep state is moving all its resources many of its resources and its influence to China because it wants the Chinese to tell Terry and system to be exported around the planet and you know what I have also think they're dumping fattened all on us too. You know unlike the reverse with the Opium War Yep same thing they're coming back at us this way Dean in Spokane Washington Go ahead Dean Yeah gorge Hi 1st time caller Michael you were talking a merry go about rectangle craft and whatnot Well I'm going to say about 34 years ago I was homeless for quite a while and their. Home was there for a while and come back for our friends and I stopped at a Wal-Mart parking lot to crash crash out because I was getting tired because about 4 in the morning I get out walk the dog and over 104 and I see this thing I got. When I seen it. There are big about 4 Greyhound buses late on our site together is about the size of the saying and it just goes by his because well. We're just saying it didn't make any sound. At all I mean it and you could. Lose or you know. Wake up that time in the morning could have been an hour. You know later. About 5 o'clock when the 2nd nobody got a really good look at it but I'm like run around for parking lot lights go all marked earlier that afternoon I witnessed a Janice j. . Cole white no tell where I was until I was so you know tell me marking you know not going on a sleigh about 10 o'clock earlier that morning and then about 2 o'clock I see 2 actually teens bugging out I think about homos I don't know some Clinton like what they must address lying cover for the you know the. Scientists that were . On that generous jet. Coincidentally I seen. It Right after that once we were flying in formation so there was actually some some intelligence or some consciousness involved because the information line right behind it about. You know not right right behind it but right after that. Here comes a 2nd one flying in formation after that one so I never I know it's our government in fact I call 911. In the little rat and the operator put me on hold and. Then someone else came on line I want to identify myself and I you know I guess haha so they. Never hear that stuff Michael Well yes flying triangle flying rectangle sightings. MacDill Air Force Base that I've covered in a series of articles and I actually have fungus. Was sent photos of these flying rectangles hovering near MacDill Air Force Base in 2018 a series of photos showing these rectangles I'm one of my schools the person who took the rectangles he actually says that he was taken on board one of these craft and he told the Air Force personnel. On the craft wearing the patches belonging to it for special operations that he was able to identify the particular branch of the Air Force that was manning the flying rectangles that were associated with the operations out of but delayed for space which is the home of Special Operations Command So yes the the Air Force has fleets of flying triangle flying rectangles that it sends off to special missions around the planet and into space. Have you ever looked over your shoulder Michael I mean you touched some controversial things. While I. Was on one of the things that I myself I'm not a witness to these things I'm finding fools who experiencing these things. You know they're the ones that I think taking the big risk not me let's go to Dana Point California Denny's with us welcome to the program Jenny Yes Again one good good morning and gentleman. I was going to bring up that you were talking about Eisenhower earlier. Actually agreeing then during the time of Eisenhower and x. And there was such a person coming from they say Venus name or Alyan sword I write good point and he was actually. With the Pentagon offering saying Stan you know are such a know illness anymore and other things than you know Eisenhower rejected just because it would create too much of dropped into the economy and. What do you think if you are aware of it because I have set the graphs of not infrared photographs from the 3 big ships. Which are actually parked for a long long time maybe one for 2000 years around one of the rings of Saturn and one of them has a diameter a little bit bigger than the Earth which is about 50000 kilometers was a larger are for our different being on board and since we're talking about. Sets are. You. Aware about the yep it does the fake. Moon by. By Saturn. But this that that looks like this in. Our c. Does that equitorial ridge around it and it has a kind of depression and that is very similar to the test and then looks like an artificial body it doesn't look like a natural. That ridge around the equitorial. Area around I mean that doesn't look like it could be formed through any natural geological processes. I think yeah but this was an artificial moon as as is down the line as far as Valient Thor is concerned what a great story a. Credible story and of them of course there were those up photos of valiant fal that August Roberts back in the $950.00 s. That Frank strange is. The soul and distributor the net have got to meet for himself. But Frank's trying just confirm that yes the audience for the person in the photos that had been taken by this talk of his Roberts was the same person that was a guest at the Pentagon 3 years trying to slight the Eisenhower administration and Vice President Nixon to work with these very positive human looking extra straws to reveal the truth about the loss and to help the planet evolve to the ethics and spirituality that them fortunately the Pentagon decided to Gov go another way that our friend Correct correct camp Abbas so has a movie out called Stranger at the Pentagon about valiance or in its It just makes you wonder doesn't it Michael well that the Craig has independently found forces of bunnies on that corroborate what Frankenstein just has said and I think the. Crank has that very minute short version of strange at the pelham believe he sure does feature length movie Michael we're going to come back and take final phone calls with you those of you on hold we'll get to you when we come back in just a moment on coast to coast am find out more about tonight's guest log on to coast to coast am dot com. and raise funds to help change the face of men's health. Some chill NATO Democrats on the House Intel Committee make public today there were poor it on the inquiry about impeaching President Trump Fox's Griff Jenkins is expected to make the case that the president committed impeachable offenses and that is the committee's vote set for Newt all the report where it's expected to pass that he said to the Judiciary Committee Republicans publishing their own report on the findings writing in part quote The evidence presented does not prove it e of these Democrat allegations Fox is Kris Jenkins on Capitol Hill yesterday Cyber Monday sales are expected to top a record $9200000000.00 Now that you've survived that it's giving Tuesday. Say organizers like Jamie MacDonald say it's a day meant to encourage and inspire with giving of all form for not just money but . Boy hearing and she says just making someone smile can see America. There's nothing better than to be free. 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To an exciting new 20 rebuys for $30.00 That is the big sale at the Dover mall entrance 20 rebuys $30.00 You heard right 20 replied 30 you will not say Omaha prices to say 20 rep by 30 bucks the big truck and the big topic is that the don't for mall entrance in front of sporting goods. 20 regard $30.00 That's almost a dollar rip by this big truck will sell out Come now 20 revised $30.20 revised $30.00 a case of revive $30.00 off of the pick truck have a family pack a full a t. Bone a trip huge burgers cases of chicken breast all melted and vacuum sealed don't let the truck leave the hall last 1020 revive 30 bucks stock car quality look for the big truck of the big topic at the control of the don't fall in love Dick's Sporting Goods 20 rip by 30 fucks look for the car stakes got to do is explain to people what I do. And how I would fix. The public that. I can't. I don't want to compare myself. To talk to George Norry the wild card. 0. 09 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721. From east of the Rockies 808 to 5. 33 from west of the Rockies told. 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype use Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory on our next program I'll be talking with astronaut Chris Hadfield he has spent the 3 missions upon the international space station we'll get into some great topics with him so make sure you're part of coast to coast beyond belief that's our television program and you can watch it at beyond belief dot com and you can watch free episodes Thomas Absolutely you can beyond belief dot com This week's free episode features Hugh Newman and the stone circles of the Giants really great up so you can check out all the beyond belief programs and you can get 2 free weeks so get over to beyond belief dot com That's beyond belief dot com We have a stored coast to coast am dot com Of course that is great for all kinds of gifts and novelties and special things and I invite you all to go there and we talk about it every once in a while but the producer Tom Dan hisor And Jeff the originator of the store the coast store were talking about coming up with some kind of interesting object to sell during the Christmas season and you 2 came up with in order Mint a Christmas ornament Well Christmas is coming so we've got you covered here coast to coast am it's a special edition coast to coast am holiday ornament it's gold it's shiny brass with an e.t. 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What it was that night wondering is that I. Come from a Keeping I mean all government. Income they sent us about aliens because. Of all that that the aliens have let them know you let us who we can do this our way or we can do just our way you work with us there's always been that fear that the E.T.s are forcing this Michael what do you think. Several reasons for why the secrecy has been maintained. The military were concerned that if the truth got out that people would lose confidence in the state in terms of being able to defend the citizenry from Xa tricycles with more advanced technologies the economic factors while which is what happens when you review technologies that. Non-fossil fuel by something you have a collapse of the energy industry overnight you will have the cultural religious for you know what happens if people are suddenly being told that humanity is bio engineered from multiple extraterrestrial races and that we want all made. Over not by a transcendent beings you know all of these reasons I think all come together and ultimately people now kind of more comfortable with the idea of except just a visitation and because the military is on the verge of releasing space for an announcing all of it's a very powerful space as it's I think they more comfortable with that this truth coming out. Let's go to Thomas and lawyer California Hi Tom go ahead Hi George thank you for taking my call George I am still having shivers from listening to the David poll I like gosh it's a scary song Man Yeah I piped a lot in Alberta British Columbia and now I'm counting my blessings but Michael great research that you're doing Michael. My question is this you were speaking about Q I'm not on exposing the deep state suppression of the facts of politics narrative and you know unfortunately people do not read books they do not go to the public libraries but they do watch movies and they do watch network t.v. And I've often wondered whether there are factions within the government the military etc that are collaborating with Hollywood to expose the steep state suppression of the Ekso politics narrative and a monk I'm going to cite like 2 network t.v. Shows 2009 there was very and then there was the a vent which got really deep into the weeds. Deep State suppression facts so politics and of course in the ninety's there were several movies Independence Day contact. Charlie Sheen's the arrival. The x. Files fight the future etc All of the Smoove e.-s. And t.v. Shows explicitly addressed deep state suppression of the x. Apologetics narrative and I was wondering if you would speak I mean obviously it's been going on since 1051 what day the earth stood still but I was wondering if you would speak by there are there factions within the government the military the corporations that are feeding information to Hollywood on the deep state manipulation of the acts of politics narrative thank you for raising that question I think it's a very important disclosure as you said been going on since the early ninety's fifty's with the release of the day the us that still and continues through those many shows that you mention like like there are those that will start collecting and and more recently there was this series on Amazon the men in the White House all that actually talked about this temple wall that's going on we actually have a group of German Nazis that are trying to infiltrate al reality with Temple agents and change things so these are all forms of soft disclosure that I think of there to alert the public and educate the public using this kind of Hollywood medium where you have plausible deniability so that in the event of a catastrophic disclosure of events like like like we saw in the series of a whale of a sudden these huge mothership suddenly appear you're not going to have a a kind of collapse of societal structures because people are people have been conditioned. For that kind of revelation through series through shows like The x. Files like the Star Trek and so forth. Let's check in with Charles and elegant Texas St Charles go ahead Oh hi. Thanks for taking my call your head it's always good to hear you doing doing well and doing good at same time. Machine your show very much thank you Charlie. I want to ask Dr Bauer where. I've been noticing similar things. Over the years if you will any. And I've heard reports that. Many. Or people in the know with Terry that we're finding that. Sort of that. This technology is that the use of it. And on the on the basis of a kind of. If you're religious grounds sort of. The idea that this is somehow demonic or whatever and I wonder if he was aware of any of these these kind of group and there have that all. Any strange groups in there Michael. Yes Fortunately there are some very strange groups. There are groups that use the Soka tronic technologies. To basically amplify psychic abilities for doing things that amount to like a form of psychic assassination or injuring people kind of turning events in a particular why people refer to what is as remote influencing but there are some groups that do it. Too To an extent where there's a very dark agenda we're talking about almost like black magic and so if you have people that are disposed. To that direction in that direction and have the ability to access some of these advanced technologies lot you know we're talking about the Montauk j. Well imagine if you get someone in there that. Has very negative. Intentions and kind of like focus is on the person doing juice heart attack or an accident then yeah these technologies. Used by the stock route can be very very dark and very dangerous and certainly I think there are some people in the military that have very concerned about that what's the endgame Michael what do you think they all want these groups the special interest groups the deep state is a total control of us. I think you have multiple groups that are competing for influence basically it's all about control of humanity that biological manatee is regarded as a kind of like sheep and it's with whether you're going to have your humanity kind of plundered by the wolves out there or whether you can have humanity kind of like defended by you know these kind of sheepdog out there and a lot of people in the military kind of regard themselves as kind of like these protect those to. Make sure that we're not abused by these kind of very groups out there let's go next to Wayne in Tacoma Washington hey why no go ahead really well on your search for taking my call. Dr I'm wondering if you ever delved into the story that Montauk. What the lake was where the u.s.s. Aldridge and software pressed the next holes those 2 books about. The very critically touted as novels. And some research done on the background of the ship the Eldridge and to my knowledge nothing has ever been you know documented by anybody as we once of using them at the Philadelphia express you have a take on this because I think you get adult will be missed a bailiff some time so I'd like to hear both of you on a. Silver Well I think the Philadelphia Experiment there was an attempt to use very powerful electromagnetic. Energies to clunky cloak the ship and that that had some unfortunate byproduct seen terms of the shipping kind of teleport it briefly and then having a lot of the personnel affected very badly by that so I think that may be shelved that until they worked out the technology but one of the titans that were released by the Salvador pious consensus high energy electric magnetic generator which basically creates this shield around a ship. At sea so you can protect it from incoming missiles and I thought and I actually wrote a paper that's on my exit politics website we can read about this but I think that this was the reason why the u.s. Navy called pull off its a cross carry it back to port full some emergency refurbishment so that they could be protected from these puppets on the simplistic missiles that the Russians and the Chinese have been. Which will carry a killer but now the I think the economy is protected by the clemency electromagnet equal generated that the mighty has finally been able to look out hell to use these very powerful that make the feel. Generators slightly I had a chance before he passed on to interview Al be elect who claims that he and his brother Duncan Cameron were part of the Philadelphia Experiment and they said some horrendous things Michael that the experiment went to Rai it partially cloaked the ship but what it did is it put people in other dimensions basically where half their body was literally stuck in the ship the other half was not it was like a horrible screaming situation do you remember that yes it's all remember those stories and yet they just haven't looked at the technologies at that time and I think even maybe took. A few tickets to look at a laptop finally that I have put that out and and that's what we're seeing now we've got Titans coming you know Michael give out your website sir it's a political axe of well i t c s g and thanks again for having me on this always a pleasure Michel in the best place to get your books can go to Amazon dot com Just type in my mind Michael follower and you'll see all my books are doing that a couple of his books Kennedy's last stand in the us are for secret space program once again Michael thank you keep in touch with us Ok I will thanks. Michael Sallah on our next coast to coast program as I mentioned I'll be interviewing an astronaut who was aboard the International Space Station a couple years ago I actually interviewed astronauts while they were on the International Space Station all this time we're going to be talking with a national not who's come back for Dan Galante Tom Dan hisor Lisa Lyon Lex lone. Sean lot of shore Greg Bishop Stephanie Smith Chris Borel stim but all and Ian Punnett and George Knapp I'm George Norry somewhere out there on coast to coast am will see you on our next edition until the. The safer. a weekend of relaxation rather spread positivity through Project learn more at Project Kudo's dot com. Right. Now. Entrance in front of sporting goods. $2030.00 That's almost a dollar rip by this big truck will sell out. 20 by 30 dollars 2530 dollars a case of Rip by $30.00 off of the pick truck have a family pack a full a. Huge burgers case of chicken breast and vacuum sealed that's a probably the last 1020 read by stock car quality with a big truck a big topic for. 40 good 2535 Look football star States what's really going on in this country if you want a daily deep dive for everything about politics national security and culture you subscribe and listen to the podcast of the Fox action show hey it's box x. And I'm a former CIA analyst who served overseas in war zones I bring a pro freedom pro Constitution perspective to the day's events and we have plenty of laughs about the absurdity of everything to our radio is number one for pod cast but don't take our word for it find the box section podcast on the i Heart Radio app or ever get your podcast This says 314. Willing to do d.s.t. To go over well. Praises for changes at NATO I'm Carmen Roberts Fox News president moments ago tells reporters outside London that NATO is doing much better after he pushed for other countries to pony up more money. And somebody here in. The. USA. Even as a percentage you. Say you should pay by.

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