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While it will make to 1415 still while it may come in 9472 Steve told her we want to play Helen dot com and on your front yard radio on and on over to the sites like Alexa x. Box and soul and heart radio station. Pushing pas. Fox News House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying there will be no formal floor a vote on an impeachment inquiry of President Trump in the immediate future this is deadly serious and. That is getting and taking us to a path to truth and a timetable that respects. The condition this is 3 House committees continue to investigate ties between the administration and Ukraine Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff who pushed back on allegations from Republicans that they have no voice in the hearing there is full participation by the g.o.p. In each one of these interviews and depositions on there will be in the open hearing off as a vice president penned saying it's not likely that he will cooperate with the inquiry 12 Democrats taking the stage tonight in the 4th presidential debate in Westerville Ohio many candidates going after Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren who has been rising in the polls questioning how her Medicare for all plan will be paid for as the violence in Syria heats up President Trump calling for a cease fire in northern Syria is sending in a 2nd in command to the region President tribe is dispatching his vice president to Turkey for the 1st time Mike Pence leading a delegation to demand Turkish president ever to want back off in Syria Mike is setting it up with Secretary Pompei of the leaving tomorrow. And we're having a very strong talks with a lot of people who want to bring our soldiers back home after so many years. To back up the emergency diplomacy President Trump is authorized new sanctions against Turkey Fox's John Roberts at the White. The sanctions include a 50 percent tariff on Turkish deal and lawmakers are working on a bipartisan package of penalties targeting the nation the nation's leadership including banning arms sales America is listening to Fox News. That's the latest from Fox News poll ingests their campaign with prepared with updates from reporters on the trail in studio experts keep you informed on the 2020 race go to Fox News dot com and download the campaign with print player no. positivity through Project could learn more at Project Kudo's dot com. Discreet planning a true crime podcast about musicians getting away with murder and behaving very bad it's back to the pursuit on n.w.a. Stories on Madonna Iggy Pop Eminem with used and more will be released on a mostly by me from piece posted by Tikrit disgracing contains adult content and explicit language I am reading is number one from politics and easy surprised to disagree slant on the I heard radio app where ever you get your pocket s. Hear about the president I support him and talk about it well from your lips down from 3 years to 31450 w. 777331011. I want to draw you into my mind for the moment I'm a drug. You into this discussion because I think it's very vital that we have this discussion. And again as much as. There are some people that are annoyed by this but I'm going to bring it into perspective again and that is well just so you know I saw the Joker again over the weekend. Saw it with a friend and my wife the 2nd time and as I said the 1st hour I saw it because. The 1st time you see something you see it for the entertainment it kind of grass you don't have to see it again maybe it comes on a video you think of some popcorn you know it's cold outside I'm to sit down and watch a film again and you know or you take an old standby and you watch it or something so I do the Joker took a friend Johnny and I come to an old friend of ours went to see it and I realized as I was watching it I wanted to kind of find something I could hook into vet. You know I wanted to bring back again because I think I had a caller who called the show and said you know what were some of the esoteric things you caught in the film Joker and I was like. That I didn't see it for that yet I didn't go in and see it for that I wanted to see it because I wanted to find out what all the commotion was about well this time I saw it again and in the end. I learned something about what is called The Killing Joke. And there's actually a comic book called The Killing Joke that. Both bad in the Dark Knight have been the impetus for these darker versions of. The darker versions of the Batman and The Joker. And the Killing Joke Killing Joke defined is a Killing Joke is a joke where you have to stop it and explain why it's funny. That's a Killing Joke it means it kills the laughter of the joke when you have to stop and say. Get it in let me explain why it's funny Well if you have to explain why it's funny it's not funny that's called The Killing Joke Ok. It's so bad that it's not funny and you explain why it's funny it doesn't that doesn't make it any better it makes it worse and so I remembered the Killing Joke comic I remember the Killing Joke animation I remember a lot of things about this Killing Joke and and the thing is you know the. Whole premise of The Killing Joke was to I mean even though I explained it the way I did the comic book On the other hand is something that is you know it's an amazing comic book because it's written by Alan Moore and Alan Moore wrote watchman who wrote several other great v. For Vendetta Alan Moore v. For Vendetta and you saw what v. For Vendetta did for rebellion in Europe in rebellion in the United States people wearing Guy Fawkes masks everywhere in public if they were protesting they're still doing it today and Guy Fawkes of course is a clown mask it's always been this clown mess now we have the American version of the for Vendetta it's the Joker and there's another clown that's going to the market it will be worn at rallies because once again it will be a representation of clown world to be the representation of what they're trying to push and it's sorcery in a way it's the best name in the best metaphor that they can carry right now and that's why it works it is sorcery. Because the movie imparts a troubling feeling that you can't shake it take it home with you you sleep with it you wake up in the morning you see that bloody clown face again you think through the scenes and then you remember you remember some things or remember some lines and you realize is it art imitating life or life imitating art and once again it's all about the manufactured outrage it's about how. There are a group of people in this country right now that want a war but they don't know the 1st thing about having one or creating one Ok so we have every every aspect of our lives is leaning on the war lobby it's the war machine but it's not just the war machine where we have guns and ammo and and tanks and planes and and drones it's a war within ourselves war within our country it's a war that certainly we have a lot of people pushing this whole impeachment thing it's it's a war we're pushing a Russia gate and Ukraine gate and all that and the thing is is that here's something I want to tell you about impeachment. It's the same thing I was telling people about martial law and there are people are saying why don't we just declare martial law in this country we don't declare martial law because it's a bad thing to declare martial law so you know if we declare martial law in this country we're pretty much screwed because then you know. It's just I've lived in a country with martial law Ok I lived in Buenos Aires During the bottom days of the bottom months of the bottom years of what is called the Cold War And here in this country I hear the words coup being used and I've used them too but see here's the thing about impeachment. I've noticed something and maybe you can agree with me maybe you don't agree but if you ever notice though and see this opens up the whole clown world thing again and I know that some people don't like it but you gotta live with it Ok because this is the way I see it clown world dirty clowns bad clowns ass clowns all of them gathering together and here's the thing all of these people that are pushing hardest for Trump certainly removal are more dangerous than Trump himself if you notice that or does the media not tell you that think about it the guys that are behind Trump's early removal are more dangerous than Trump and many Americans don't see this because well they didn't live in a country like I lived in when I lived in Argentina they they're not used to waking up in a country where you're not sure who the president's going to be by the end of the day you don't understand that this predicament is worse than having a bad president President you just don't like Ok because they haven't lived that they haven't lived through waking up one day and saying who's the leader of the government yet day he all he's a general he's a military dude took over the they took over the the Casarosa out of the night before and and now the mother is that apply their standing on front and they're all wondering what happened their kids that disappeared overnight or were journalists and rock stars and and music writers and people who spoke against the government they're probably floating around with a shark somewhere in the ocean that's how you live in South America during a dirty war not knowing who the president going to be tomorrow and yet we're acting like this in this country now is schism it is also evident of clown world because we have a schism between the intelligence community and the White House the CIA The n.s.a. The f.b.i. And other agencies are in our news rooms right now. They're in the newsrooms what we used to think was anathema having alphabet agencies in the news room that was a bad thing it was a bad thing I mean. History has shown us the bad things and it's not repeating itself anymore it's screaming at us why haven't you learned anything from me. Why is it that we keep doing the same things expecting a different outcome if you seen the parallels between Nixon's impeachment and Clinton's impeachment and it's I don't know what they call it behind closed doors were hiding behind ourselves impeachment. Like I said You ever notice the people are behind this whole idea or more dangerous than Trump is they are they're dangerous they're scary they're unpredictable and yet people in the media treat them as if they are amazing I know people want a solution for all things that are offending them Ok I know that that's what they want but George Carlin once said Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners people are lost right now they're confused and some are experiencing something called Double things where George Orwell talked about our world cannot be figured out without understanding the strangeness especially now since we have so much of it and people want explanations however bogus or absurd and they need to have their fears and their tears dried their fears taken away all the uncertainty they want removed they want safety mandatory they don't want to look out for themselves they learn how to be helpless and so the Joker film illustrates how the clown world of certainty is one of the primary services that are sold without embarrassment to the public at large they thrive on absurdities they thrive on memes they thrive on propaganda they thrive on selling you the absurdities and convincing you. But the clowns running the carnival are doing a great job and if you find yourself being brainwashed by the media that you probably already know about the CIA and the n.s.a. And others that are experts on everything and they're now showing up in news segments putting out what the Pentagon wants you to hear and in the process they keep feeding the monster of this information that was once shunned by journalists it was once interviewed actually in investigated by the Church Committee in a stand. It's dangerous for him right now it's a dangerous time more dangerous than you realize but the media tries to sugar coat it I say we hate him get rid of him Ok. Then and then and I know that's not how it works in America world yes that's how it works in 3rd world countries yes that's how it works in countries like Argentina or Venezuela or those countries we wake up tomorrow with a new president that's how it works but in America we have a boat we have a constitution we have things that we can use but now the impeachment is underway and all these dangerous people are now being heard about all of these people who are corrupt every single one of them are corrupt many of them are corrupt as I said the beginning when we had a selection how do you vote for the worst of the best corrupt person and put them in that throne 877-733-1011 will be back. One day delivery trivia to the next question is can a chain saw one day with Amazon Prime one day delivery. In one day and one day delivery. Order noise cancelling headphones with Amazon Prime one day delivery yes 0. 3. 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And the bottom line here is the circus we're in is ripe with strangeness where the explanations of the unexpected are inherent of low reliability and most importantly I promise you you should expect further surprises coming out in the near future I was talking about in the last hour how Robert Heinlein who wrote a time line talked about what is known as the crazy years the crazy years are like clown world he said considerable technical advances during this period there are crazy years for the clown World years considerable technical advance during this period accompanied by a gradual deterioration of mores orientation of social institutions terminating in mass psychosis in the 6 decade again the crazy years are simply another definition of clown culture that we're watching unfold now its influence is certainly being felt by those who feel that much of what is happening in the world is absurd that history should be a guide on how to correct the problems that are associated with the absurdity that American is going through right now would you go back to our forefathers would you go back to collective histories that we all could hear to or that we all can grasp and understand that what the forefathers gave us is our greatest inheritance and we should learn to preserve it instead of ignoring it. Many people live in clown world by choice it's easier to live that way we're seeing extremists pushing agendas that we know are crazy but we lack the will to say no we lack the will to say stop we lack the ability to expose it for its absurdity out of fear of reprisal from the more vocal clowns that are around us they are organized they have a loud voice in everything keep spinning it as a business in sanity we're in start to see the clowns rely on the war culture they're already getting angry and they're saying impeach impeach impeach but they're also deciding that if a president pulls out of a war he's a traitor or he's paying off Putin or I don't know what else is going look the deep ideology is here of tearing down everything that we once stood for it's about tearing down and canceling things that others have created that the mob doesn't agree with it's even the ideology of ruining someone's life it's the idea that all things are solved in a war room and that with one push of a button we see lives disappear by remote control and this ideology enables a person to rationalize that evil is at least somehow preparing the groundwork for something that is going to be better in society something better for the future to put in a little evil here and perhaps everything will change course will change but it won't be what we want because after we tear down what bothers us we have nothing more to tear down except each other and then what we tear down the Constitution we . Basically rip apart the way we're governed then the anger spreads the scapegoat becomes the target of war I mean there's an effort to try and find peace in the world but those who try to find peace are thwarted in war like evil is easy pieces hard warfare is our default position in America the mainstream media are not likely to you know go after someone who favors us military intervention somewhere. I mean look continuing wars and readiness to intervene anywhere is a money haemorrhaging operation in a time where we are told to be mindful of the environment the media forgets to point out that war waste resources war waste people's lives is a waste of money but war state cannot co-exist with strict limitations on government power and spending it impedes people without any influence from prospering because Bill and Terry spending diverts resources from consumer investment production to weapons and other things that are irrelevant to consumer welfare however we see the schism in America with regard to President Trump wanting to pull troops out of Syria Trump has occasionally talked peace since his presidential campaign began and therefore his opponents apparently feel that they have to favor war now what it would trump wants they don't. Want that I don't want that Trump wants out of there I don't want to see what a traitor what a lunatic what a weirdo what a clown but you know that's how it is now right I go back to you know my argument about you know all of these people pushing hardest for Trump to leave because he's the bad guy. This is dangerous thinking it's you know it's dangerous because a lot of people haven't lived in a country where coups do take place where you go to bed one day and you wake up and a new president there and you don't know how it had happened overnight happen overnight so he came into the present a way of talking with my friend Lucian is from Romania he remembers that you can ask you Well I don't want to pronounce his name of his name to chess Ok I'll look it up but he was like gunned down in the palace with his wife over night President change gone. Izadi capitation exercise. His name right. I'll look it up and I'll probably far from being correct about it. See that's the thing is that you know we don't live in a country like that but we want to and we don't know how to do it right we want to stage the coups we want to make the wars want to go to default but we suck at it we suck at it why because the clowns are running the show and they're more dangerous than Trump is they certainly are Trump can be dangerous but you know he pulls out a war in Syria immediately Bam people care about the Kurds all of a sudden and they don't know who the Kurds were 3 weeks before or 2 weeks before they did discuss over breakfast they did have their bagel and lox and drink their cup of coffee and go oh above them Kurds know what well you don't know where they live you know where they go. Impeach that's basically 887-773-3101 extension 1 it's 877-733-1011 I'm quite Louis you're listening Ground 0 and we'll be back. You have a very good relationship with Turkey there are NATO partner we do a lot of trade with Turkey but we don't want them killing a lot of people ad if Turkey does something that they shouldn't be doing we will put on sanctions the likes of which very few countries if ever seen before. What's trending up or gossip or what's your life what's going to weather forecast what's going to happen trending w.y.l. . This is a Fox News alert for the 1st time ever the Washington Nationals are headed to the World Series they beat the St Louis Cardinals tonight 7 for taking the National League Championship series 4 games to none 012 Democratic presidential candidates supporting impeachment for President Trump or at least the impeachment inquiry on Capitol Hill at tonight's debate on c.n.n. Senator Elizabeth Warren this man will not be permitted to break the law over and over without consequences several candidates condemning the person and called to Ukraine's leader asking for help in investigating rival Joe Biden Biden on stage saying he's going after me because he knows if I get ill if I get the nomination I will beat him like a drum the person in condemning the inquiry saying on Twitter the Democrats are allowing no transparency at the witch hunt hearings America's listening now functioning. 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We still have some customers out some of these are very difficult to reconnect for example we have some where we have to fly poles and on the helicopter and dig a hole and soak up one custom shallows take a little more time but we're making good progress this week stop t.v. Your god. God. God is your. Guy. Friend. Guy. Wall is an absolute. This is a bunch of yes they know that they don't. People ask the. Wall. Is just an absolute. 46. 77733101. 777-3310. Go to Allen Oregon. 0. 5 Thanks for. Taking my call I just want to say you have mostly told the show on talk radio so thank you thank you appreciate that. So you need to support what you are saying about how we're treating this issue with the Kurds I have some firsthand experience with that. Captain of the Air Force in 1970 I was sewing March 27th Operation Northern Watch which could run out if you like your b.c. Turkey so the issue was to keep shit on Hussein's screens out of the air or no fly zone over northern rock interesting though is prior to that the name of the operation was Operation Provide Comfort and that the issue was actually Saddam Hussein bombing the Kurds who lived in northern Iraq what I learned about a week after I arrived was that. It was great that we were keeping Saddam Hussein from bombing the Kurds in northern Iraq but every spring the Turks would roll across the border into northern Iraq with everything they had tanks artillery points uniqueness and chill every Kurd they could find. This is 1997 the commanding general informed us of this to be going on for years. I don't know how much longer. Follow it. Chose not to get out the b.b.c. Covered it so it was out there on the wire. Here the point is our government as you know for. Doing this for the Kurds right and. 0 attention to it until now do you find it odd that you know nobody cared or talked about the Kurds 3 weeks ago and now it's like oh my god what's going on here is Trump pulls out of Syria and I'm sure that this recent attack that happened it was going to be used to try and get him to change his mind but the truth is that with the soldiers that were killed those soldiers would have been killed if we would have pulled out of it we pulled out in time so I guess you know. I just don't I just don't see the logic here of people like Lindsey Graham and others who have always been war hawks you know pushing these agendas and then you have the media who because they don't like Trump will say we're all for the war even though you know it if I get whatever I just doesn't make any sense to me it really doesn't it's I can say it's whenever I go to this absurd absurd place in my mind I mean I think clown world I just say you know what it's a clown world and we're living in it. To stick to be trying why haven't we cared for the last several decades about the search Kurds we have and that's the whole point I mean and you make an excellent point too is that we haven't cared and now we do care only because the president pulled out of Syria that's it. For now anyway I'll thank you so much for your things which are inside I really appreciate it your work and your service and everything you do thank you so much thank. You to Michael in Missouri hi Michael you're on Ground 0. Thanks. So much for that no no no he always he always said he didn't want to go to war he didn't want war and he wanted to get out of them so I don't know you know I know what he's saying look at what you're doing to me when you already said he was going to do this they knew and see this is a thing that's most concern disconcerting Ok with disconcerting is that you will listen to anybody on m.s.n. B.b.c. Or c.n.n. And. Like I said when I was at the rally when president president elect Trump was put into power or voted did he want to say he was going to be a war president who our president is this is this is this is not a war president I mean look you can go back to the Obama record Ok the Obama record our Nobel Peace Prize winning president my God Dan you take a look at that record and tell me that it matches to transfer record tell me it matches trumps record it does it. Tell. Somebody doubled Obama. You know well. Why the big show why the big show for the last attack on it Michael pulling out why the big show for the last attack another false flags that we say. So that's. That's. Something. Choice but to. Be crazy but see how that's the thing that's my whole point. You're making my point . Yeah making my point is you're making my point. About much as. If you have the other. Well I guess I don't know. I mean at 1st at 1st you know I was going along with. I just like once again you know we can take a deep breath together it's theater for the ugly it's clown world it's no doubt that this is what the time we start understanding the logic of politics which we never will that's why para politics are my specialty we will never understand the strange politics that go outside the box and this is an example of this and clown world is the is the simple way of explaining it to people who can't figure out that we are in the midst of an absurdity and that we want war that's the whole thing we want war we just don't know how to throw a war and when a president comes in and says I want to pull out of this I'll pull out of that look at that no I don't how dare you and I going why I had a minute here is this what we are we are we are we have toxic civilization so toxic that since we can't war with each other we have to pick on somebody else and war with them. Well we want to repeal the bio weapons 1st so we start. In a crazy situation but the war profiteering starts 1st yeah. It's crazy they're all like the next one and I think that's why it's posters like we must focus on yeah yeah we were trying to bring in God when they started showing Giuliani with you know these other guys and it looked like I'm going whoa this is really kind of creepy these Ukrainian guys with Giuliani and I'm going. To get the feeling that all the people in Washington are scary even more scary than Trump is at times yes if you can't admit that then you're in clown world if you can't admit that both sides are creepy crawly in scary scary clowns if you can admit that then you're pretty much screwed that's way I see it it's scary thank you and there's no . Right and it's like I think the American people actually agree on one thing it's just a fight about the Kurds right. Well Michel thank you thank you oh I'm Kurds you know what I mean you know way Kurds in a way oh my God I. Don't have some from Kabul. Kurds no one even thought about it no one cared the Turks don't care they're human beings I agree but you know what. The media wants to manufacture the singer because that's how they do things and people are like. A 2nd like it's it's like a whole new breath of fresh air when it's a toxic inhale you convey things bad they bring doesn't screw with your head like you're babying to say but anyway it's another story. 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 go to Robert in Michigan Robert Young ground 0. Take alive thanks for taking my call you bet keep up to keep up the good fight with your show thank you appreciate that today subject is kind of multilevel subtle and complicated at the same time that's the point the mazing to me it's amazing to me you mentioned just a couple minutes ago about trying to figure out the logic of talent checks and the decisions that are being made right I think the thing that's even worse is try to figure out the logic of what's going on in the Middle East that has been going on there for ever and it won't stop you know and it's also amazing to me that what 974975 we finally pulled out of Vietnam how many years did people protest to get out of that war get out of that war and winnable war and people didn't want to participate and now here we are 4550 years later and we pull $125.00 troops out of a region that is going to be nothing but chaos until the end of time and people. Angry open arms no pun intended you know nothing nothing will do and I don't agree that he should have pulled him out I'm not saying that I agree with it but I understand it because his logic is all I have at it and we're going to protect the American troops because our lives are more important in the long run right and we're never going to solve that problem you could throw the entire United States Army in the region and you still wouldn't resolve anything you know I can't count my fingers toes and nose hairs how many times I've heard why don't we let them take care of things on their own why do we always have to send our boys over there to die for them I didn't I've heard that so many times now it's what I hope President pull out of God Again may. Be does make sense not make sense not after all that bitching and moaning about how well you know we're just basically going in and being a police force for the world not working and Trump says it now it's bad at this doesn't make sense to actually make a I had done and doesn't make any sense ever since 911 when we got involved with Afghanistan and that whole mess there that has been ongoing for the last 1918 years the underlying message from the media is why are we still there what are we right nothing is going to be finished and when we pull out a few troops from one region that's kind of on the fringes of that whole situation that. It is not just the guys they just. It's clown or cultural yap yap it's not just that politics but it's also that entire region I agree Net way since the beginning and it never is going to matter what you do Robert thank you at least would help in the face you make saving some American lives I agree thank you for the call I mean how many times we heard we got to get out of it as we got to get out of his environment to gallop and walk what's going on trader may try or I my God Hong Kong 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 back when the Ground 0 Don't go away. 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In the store or online 1450 w.y.l. And. 877-733-1011. At 877-733-1011 I'm quite blue as. You listen Ground 0 go to Russ in Texas Hi Russ from ground 0. Let's show this into the hall as I can thank you I wanted to give you a couple quotes here one was by this right I think his name is for looky. Loo she said that you know even everybody's hearts are waiting for the world to come to an end and then Plato said you know only the dead have seen in the war wouldn't you agree that war is just a big business you know agreed fast you know for the big powerful Lockheed Martin's or general I know it's New Right it's blood money it's blood money and you know the machine the war war machines are what keep us on the brink of starvation and if you read or well it's you know Epstein said that the war is not meant to be won it's meant to be continuous because if you can keep a civilization on the brink of salvation through the brink of starvation they'll always be working for you've always been slaves if you keep them in pain always trying find ways to get out of paying all these things that they give us the misery the pain and the suffering and the work that we have to do is there to keep us from starving and that's why they basically milk us for productivity and war is there to do the same thing war is there to keep the starving and if they're to limit resources that's the point. But you know if they everybody wanted us out of Vietnam and you know they they raised hell about getting out of Vietnam and all that now they are raising hell about that Assyria If that doesn't make just crazy idiots then I don't know as welcome to clown world rough and well that's on the say This year hit it right on the head tonight like you always do with clown world but. Taking my call and I love your show thank you I love you love you too many. Things going good things are going well going better always better always. Trying to make things good as for sure so you know I don't understand why. You know people are taken aback by Trump pulling out of Syria because he said he would in his campaign and apparently his opponents feel they have to favor war because he doesn't so whatever Trump wants they want the opposite and that's what the point is it's not that it's pro Trump or anti Trump it's why is it that they Afrikaner everything even if it goes against everything they. Believed in the past you know get out of war get out of war get out of war I don't want war any more of the idiot doesn't want war anymore time to put on the clown shoes flip flop anybody living flatly and we don't want war. Really Ok the right war that's what you want you know what Obama said I want the right war. It's a plenty of that anyway 877-733-1011 at age 7 and he got the Nobel Peace Prize 877-733-1011 I'm quite Louis your City Ground 0 and will be back. it 'd let me one day to literally get to the next question soon Tom just ordered a pretty sized bet you can take a karaoke machine for their kids' birthday party using Amazon Prime one to deliver a return rambunctious kid to the party what else will she need to order in one day out of. Aspirin Carette introduce you to believe it was a drug for her for millions of other translates to. 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