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Officials they were the top 2 negotiators with the United States in the run up to the 2nd nuclear summit in Vietnam in February 1 month later a South Korean newspaper now reports that Kenyatta toll the number 2 was charged with spying for the United States and executed by a firing squad 4 other foreign ministry officials were also executed why well the paper reports North Korean leader Kim Jong un is blaming all of them for the summit's collapse Fox's Kristen Fisher Kim's regime has reportedly subjected the summit's senior negotiator Kim Yong Cholbi to forced labor meantime the top diplomat for the u.s. Secretary of state Mike Pompei was in Europe with a warning about Chinese technology Mike told me to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a cd a State Department official saying he'll reiterate American concerns as European allies including Germany and Britain consider hiring China's fall way to build next generation 5 g. Wireless networks also traveling to Switzerland to the Netherlands the full joining President Trump when he makes a state visit to the u.k. Next week it Sabato and Fox News and in Louisiana governor John Bell Edwards signs a bill into law that bans abortion as early as 6 weeks of pregnancy that meets the 5th state to enact such a law I'm Carmen Roberts and this is Fox News. This is the biggest problem with the president he doesn't know when to shut it overshadow his son I have the same disease. Listen to his radio 1415. 1450 w. . 1450. You should be in real time 247. To talk to George Norry call the wild card line at 818-501-4109 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk from east of the Rockies 80825033 from west of the Rockies toll free 80618825 fun to reach Georgia via Skype use Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 This is coast to coast am with George Noory l a Mars really with us tonight as we talk about them on builders the Nephilim as well he's also an expert on Fathom and so jump in with your questions when we come right back on coast to coast am well let's the you what do we get dad for Father's Day Thank a 1st 2nd and I'll give you a hint all my hoss steaks he'll love them you simply go to a mosque takes dot com After the cold coast in the search bar for 74 percent off the Father's Day steak fix a gift package that's a $235.00 value it is now only $5999.00 and with this order you get. Here we go to tender Philemon. 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This is retired Lieutenant Colonel Jim Reese I own and operate a disabled veteran business that is dedicated to protecting you and your loved ones here in the United States and abroad during my years in the Delta Force it was my passion to keep people safe as a civilian my passion continues my team and I built the most robust personal protection smartphone app available called guardian angel Tiger Swan's guardian angel is the only personal security device that immediately connects you to 1st responders 24 hours a day God forbid you or a loved one or to find themselves in a dangerous situation in the u.s. Or abroad simply press the s.o.s. Button inside of the Guardian Angel app on your smartphone and in real time the guardian angel dispatcher will locate the applications to a video capability allows us to see your surroundings and the geo location capability allows us to send 1st responders here exact location to physically rescue you if necessary visit the app store today and download tiger swan guardian angel. Bam Welcome back this hour with Mars really we will take your phone calls absolutely l.a. When you look at the all the work you've done with the D.V.D.'s in. People truly appreciate your work in this particular case the mathematical mysteries of the mom build a Short of people get the how do they get the D.V.D.'s and I mean l.a. Mars really l.a. Mars only we have a coast to coast special which we always do you can get now billed as the 1st episode of the 2nd episode a medical mystery of the mass builders and then we just throw in a bonus d.v.d. In their own words 37 minutes long about the u.f.o. Phenomenon I think it's some people called it the best u.f.o. Film ever made I think that's a stretch but I think it's got some it's got some really riveting testimony Senate have you ever been approached by Netflix or Amazon or a venue like that that wants to televise these programs I would lie would love to we have been trying to get in we have we have no way of knowing rose to that but yeah I would love to be able to get into Netflix Oh my gosh it would be amazing for you when. Just at the comfort of your home you just hit the little button there you are with Wouldn't that be great yeah it's super Let's take some calls here let's pick it up by going to dog in San Diego California to get things started Hey Douglas go ahead a l.a. So just a little bit of your work because I'm kind of interested in some other things so I'm originally from a town in Ohio culture called Will and the town was supposedly built in and inside of a and then burial ground one part of it being a circle separated by a small channel with a larger square next to it and the courthouse was put in the like with a street so you know in the spoke like fashion and everything and I ran across and things on the Internet as far as it's called the Cosmic puzzle and I was wondering if that shape is anywhere else in the world in the heavy ever ran across to me that stuff is forced by a cosmic puzzle before you're talking about squaring the circle which is another one of the mathematical mysteries that we see with the North earthworks I have been circle Circleville and we flew the drone over an area called the junction group which is a distance from whom we are talking about but that whole area is just it's one big archaeological dig unfortunately. A lot of it has been destroyed so we have to depend on Squire and Davis the surveyors of the 19th century who went there and recorded everything and again these guys had transits and tapes still today Plumbbob says the whole thing and they were able to record exactly what we're looking at. This is. This is why it's mathematical mysteries there's a shot that we heard a surveyor say Miss Todd Wallace Todd comes in and he looks at the great circle now which is about 400 feet diameter Well there's a boat on the interior of that circle all right and the moat is basically dead level because he's you know it took a satellite and took a bunch of readings all around the boat between 6 inches and a foot and we can easily account for that just from Slough going into it over let's say a couple 1000 years so for all practical purposes this this great circle which is 12 feet in diameter so that that Motors a lot bigger than that it's you know at least twice that and it's basically dead Lovell and the only to do that in the ancient world is with water but how do you get a break in the water and where is the water source and I mean the amount of labor to do this and they don't have transits early else so you start you start drilling in the all this and you know you talk about the mathematical mysteries. Of the town that you crew up and that's a mathematical mystery the builders did this there are signs to me they're pointing to something that whoever did this had knowledge that let's say 23000 years ago Europeans didn't have Europeans didn't have trigonometry Europeans 3000 years ago none of that Mr Van tools that were used to build the circle not on the octagon not the ship not thank you Dr appreciate your call in your career l.a. What is man one of the most fascinating areas that you've been to. Well without a question sucks it in Peru and no it's a jumbo in Peru because this is stone I think both of those places are pre-flood I think that we don't know what they were actually used for but I remember being let there the 1st time and just just staring at the megalithic wall which no one knows why exactly like it does but some of the stones are 20 feet tall and weigh about a 200 and and yet they're poly Caudill in shape and you just sit there and you look at the same thing in much of preaching and you look at this distance megalithic stone work and you just you just wonder and when I do I have a torch there and when I'm there with the people all say touch the Suns because in my opinion you are touching the supernatural you are touching the vestiges of a supernatural entity that was here and created this because you'd be hard pressed even today with the diamond saws in the lasers and everything else and cranes be hard pressed George to do it you could do it is just like the pyramid website same thing same thing it's truly remarkable Next up we go to Steve in the state of Washington 1st time caller for Stephen hi Steve go ahead sir. You know they even came out and said well there's U.F.O.'s Yeah. That and then say actually terrestrial they but they did say you know. I'm just wondering whether these whatever they are came back and I believe that the world is one vote through a cleansing process and I think they're the ones who built these because there's no time in space that's entirely possible Have they returned l.a. . Well they've never left they continue to pop in and pop out they've been here for thousands of years these are interventional entities that you know that's a paradigm that chuckle a holes to the one I hold to the latest on Heinecke also believe it they were interventional I don't need but they were not actual terrestrial they pop in they pop out to the mound olders and the whole q.a.p. Whatever you want to call them u.f.o. Phenomenon are in my opinion exhort we link together the ancients called them the sky gods they came from the sky and eventually we will we will move the series on which over the full able will kind of talk about that at some point what will bring it will circle back and begin to Dugdale with. The modern day you have a phenomena to chart I'm looking for like a unified theory and I think I found that when I was in Arkansas talking at that u.f.o. Conference and also in Laughlin the bot I presented the same material and just said you know what the longest skulls approval the app are so called apparitions that Fatima the amount builders in the end you have phones have in common they have everything in common I think it's all sourced from the same entities same group of at the t. And they just they just change it up a little bit that's my opinion and I'm stickin to it I wish our dear friend Lloyd pi were still with us because he really loved this conversation with me. Sure would Next up we go to Tom in La Jolla California I talked to George thank you for taking my call and you know if I don't get a chance to say and I know and for 5 days your birthday is coming up next Tuesday here we go there you go I hope you have a magnificent celebration that day waking up is the celebration Thomas. And l.a. You're doing fantastic work every time you're interviewed it's just it raises a lot of questions in my mind you know when you talk enough the lame l.-i I'm reminded of the biblical story of David and Goliath shirt and you know I can imagine David growing up to be a mathematician or a scientist or a great architect but I can't imagine. Elias being a scientist or a mathematician or whatever I sort of see from where I stand work Thomas stands I see the Nephilim as foot soldiers as shock troops so to speak to create shock and awe you know through their cannibalism etc Upon 1st Nations Peoples. Perhaps the mathematicians the scientist who created you know that you know it displaces the mounds perhaps it was something that fall on the Nephilim or the foot soldiers but who controlled the Nephilim where the real scientist architects and all mathematicians and I was wondering if perhaps you have speculation on that I think what you're saying is is absolutely right that's what they are they are the foot soldiers a member of enough leave is the progeny in my opinion between the fallen angels or from the fall of a little bit earth creating a hybrid entity known as the Nephilim so that they're part angelic eternal but they're also earthly So you've got this mixing of the seed which has been which is prophesied thousands of years ago and then there's another prophecy which says of all that are days there see will mingle with the seed of men but they will not cleave to that much is but in my opinion again you look at the modern day of duction phenomenon and this is what the work of Dr Jacobs talks about that hybrids walking among us for the same as the same guys doing the same thing at that the thousands of years ago but you're right the never leave us for the foot soldiers and the fallen angels these entities angel just means messenger so let's just call them these nefarious activities the fairies interdimensional entities is what I refer to for the mass because if I say fallen angels that too many people have. Trouble with the word angel which just means messenger but if I say nefarious interdimensional And it's that something I think we all can gravitate to these guys are super scientists and these are the guys that are coming down with the blueprints if you will the Nephilim I agree with you with the foot soldiers by the way George thank you my wife her birthday is next Tuesday June 4th It's a great day. So Happy birthday sir it's amazing how fast they keep coming out like . Yeah amazing Now back to your work with the definitely man your theories of just what really happened when Zachariah Scituate wrote about the earth Chronicles and that the anu Naki came here from a planet in the bureau. Says he believes in our solar system way out there it's on a 3600 year Ulip the Calera orbit Could these have been some of the same people the some of the same art and they're the same people they're all the same just saying Yeah I just all you have to do this what cracks me up all one has to do is just insert some of the let's say biblical prophetic narrative in what such I'm talking about and it's the same thing oh it we know that somebody came down here and gave knowledge we know that that mess with the genome we know that all those recorded throughout the biblical prophetic narrative I mean they did it over and over and over again which is the face of a book that I'm coming out with the fall. Called the 2nd angelic incursion which is cause a lot of controversy in Nephilim circles as it were for years and I think people that are interested in this will find it really interesting because it's a new insight as to why they came back over and over and over again and why they did the same thing to a point in history and then it goes away and they change their tactics might they have been around when humans were around I know such an story is they created us but let's say for the mound builders assuming they were e.t.s. That worked with Native Americans were they were they there with the Native Americans there at the time or with the Hmong builders the Ts did they just do this leave and then it was just inherited basically. Well we don't know and that's was problematic for instance when you go to the circus now and I've been there 3 or 4 times now and it's a very intense very charged very charged. Be careful if you go there and I mean that but when I when we were there and looking at this it's no one really knows who built this thing but the signage that they put out says the shiny built Well Chief Joseph on the record and he pointed me to a quote from a chief of the Shawnee stating that why the shiny respect of the surface mount they did not build So who do we believe you know who's telling the truth Yes actually and the serpent to me and the paradigm that I've written about it's in the act of swallowing the egg we don't go into this and the 1st episode we delve into what the serpent is why it's doing that and again why you can only see it from the air who is the prince of the power of the air so this is like it's in your face this serpent iconography at near people's Ohio is absolutely in your face and it ties back to the biblical prophetic narrative where the serpent is in the act of swallowing the egg and that property states that the offspring the seed of a serpent will be war and meting with the seed the offspring of the woman he the one who could will come Benchley come from the offspring of the woman will crush the serpent's head so this serpent iconography in my opinion at people's Ohio shows the serpent mouth agape in the act of swallowing In another words Now this isn't going to happen no one's going to come to see you the woman will never happen any almost succeeds when you read Genesis section that's the whole reason for the flood it's complex George it's incredibly complex and it gets into this this battle this cosmic chess match that with the. What this war that's being waged over the mention which is beginning to spill out into ours in my opinion and why there are so many mountains as you said they're all over the place. Some of them are burial mounds and I understand that some of them were recreated the smaller ones are definitely 1st Nations people the larger ones larger complex like the ones that we see in a while are just are mind blowing absolutely mind blowing every I remember the 1st time I walked into the circle mouth I would find myself my host to drop me off there was a conference in New York Ohio West is there I say l.a. You know where you are and I said roughly I'm an oracle hiring goes Don't you need to go to the site I went to the site I walked through the gateway which is one time according to 1st Gentleman they were actually serpent heads when you walk into Cirque and I and I looked at the same thing and I just I just sat there I didn't move a muscle I just sat there and stared for probably 5 minutes just just looking and every every nerve ending in my body tingling going what am I looking at here what is and every time I go there I get the same feeling it is remarkable in the face the fact though that they're not they're gone and the tools are gone every single car gone everything's gone they took them with them it's like the pyramids the same thing and aren't so you know aren't there some mounds by the way that are covered and inside are pyramids. I don't know about the I mean I don't want them allegedly the pyramid up in Alaska back at the sky for it but there are there are rock burials in these mountains there's a type of clay which is actually used for war proofing and we see that in America Stonehenge when you look at it the roof just looks if you were coming up on this one chamber you wouldn't notice it from anything and there are other chambers that we discovered in and around New Hampshire the same thing same people building these and they're not root cellars not nothing like that and of course there are lines of the Solstice is all the silver stuff but there's there was some sort of covering It's like a clay like substance but there's something else in it in with it and we're trying to get that analyzed to see what it is but it's actually one approach and it had broken down in 4000 years if you go only of the chamber and the New Hampshire at America Stonehenge and the interior for the most part is dry even effort to wrestle rains or if it's absolutely incredible it's amazing these these 2 men were embedded in the mounds sometimes very very deep sometimes 20 or 30 feet deep we're going to come back and take final phone calls with only marginally in just a moment and again his website linked up at coast to coast am dot com or you can get his books and his d.v.d. . We'll be back Coast insiders the new version of the coast to coast am app is now available for i Phone and now Android for data one above listen live or on demand anywhere any time go to coast to coast am dot com and download it today. News I'm Jessica stone president trumps 5 percent tariffs on all Mexican goods being called a game changer by a board member of the country Central Bank Mexico's president sending his top diplomat to the u.s. To negotiate chief of staff Mick Mulvaney we fully believe they have the ability to stop people coming in from their southern border and he says if they're able to do that these terrorists will either not go into place or be removed after they do the terrorist kicking in on June 10th and a suicide bomber bombing east of Kabul Afghanistan it is the 2nd such attack in as many days coming after peace talks between the government of the Taliban just ended in Moscow Here's a Taliban spokesman. Here to bring the boat up on this both sides saying they have made progress towards a cease fire and a party in Toronto as the Raptors clinch game one of the n.b.a. Finals this is. Well I'm going. To Is there a lot of. This word from Shell brothers about Peninsula Lakes Hi I'm Nikki was shot by there's a pain in slowly located in the minutes from Louis and we're hoping this is an opportunity to live to be in the areas Firstly oriented community I've been in so Brothers dot com. Did you know that 80 percent of kids with an anxiety disorder aren't treated 60 percent of kids with depression are treated and half of mental health disorders begin before the age of 14 with those kinds of numbers it's time we do something about it it all starts with us telling our kids that it's Ok to speak up if you're ready to start the conversation go to i Heart Radio dot com such talk for helpful tips. This isn't brought to you by the Child Mind Institute and i Heart Radio. 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To fleece looks like To talk to George Noory call the wildcard line at 818-501-4109 the 1st time caller line is 81850147. 21 to talk to 3 from east of the Rockies call 808255033 from west of the Rockies toll free 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 This is coast to coast am with George Noory next hour we'll talk about the sleeping prophet Edgar Casey make sure you're part of the program are you also part of the coast insiders club you should be high this is Angelina on the beach and I love being a coast to coast insider because I can tune in at any time of day. 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And welcome back our final segment with only marginally as we talk about wrong the trail of the now fully mathematical mysteries of the Mound Builders How big do you think these giants might have been. Well we know from Catalina that there was just such a basically under 9 feet that's just one of them but we have reports from other other mountains other places anywhere you know 9 to 12 feet tall There's even There's even a count Steve quells talked about this stuff over 20 feet which is hard to really grasp it's hard to believe that something was walking around most 20 feet tall yet there are accounts that people of femurs you know some pretty big guys yeah they sure are back to the calls Joe in Long Island New York a Joseph go ahead a Georgia is can see the horoscope for the day you know a little hard. But I have a couple of questions 1st would be if you look at you're a gal or you know he can and you know checks without touching them I'm wondering if that gift was more at vast and ancient times where the stones of much you Picchu or the pyramid where people might have had that ability just to move gigantic stones and put them in place or call them you know like in advance you're a gallery and my 2nd question with were awaiting the end the ends to the pre-flood if you look at the pre-flood on the Bible I think it faults about the people in South had evil intentions like every single one of every single thing they were doing so I don't know if they were corrupted by the enough Alam or they walk rocked in and of themselves what was the end DNS I think might have interacted on intentionally or peripherally with these people and it was more of them coming. And I'm also wondering about the location of these mounds war there are adjacent pathways riverbanks will rivers or where they stand such. Well quite locations that you would wonder like how did they even get to these locations in that period of time from. Well a lot of questions there the rivers are the freeway system in the ancient world and you'll find like a Hokie right next to the Mississippi right next to the Mississippi so the waterways were that were the freeways of the ancient world and many of the size are located near waterways but then you have a Sites like Miamisburg for instance all those coastal waterway it's very very high elevation so what's it doing there same thing before to ensure there's there's there's waterways close to it but for an action it's like 3.5 miles of continuous walls earth Amol the we believe that the gates that were in there actually 60 secs they'll say 67 we say we say 66 for obvious reasons so you know that that's the 1st question that was the answer to furniture we gather he's working in my opinion he's working with a familiar spirit. Remember when Moses shows up and Aaron shows up there's a full blown occult paradigm that's global at this point and the illustration of this. I'm actually writing about this now which is why it's so close to my head but when Moses and Aaron show up if most of the staff is given to Aaron Aaron throws out of what we've all seen you know the 10 Commandments that will be the whole thing be throws the staff and become serpent Well the magicians who are in pharaohs court look at that alas no big deal they throw down their staff and those that become servants Well you know if we saw something like that in the journey that we'd be screaming and running out of the room no one bats an eyelash this is this is standard fare My point being is that the the occult their cult paradigm Luciferian paradigm was a full blown operation at the time when Moses and Aaron show up this is this is the global paradigm so when you talk about your ego or he's working with what I would call a familiar spirit in my opinion he's got a familiar that's enabling him to and giving him certain power to do this just like the Sharma's who are alive today the mind elders whatever you want to call them they gain power and I spoke to an elder. Native American 1st people welder and he told me he was just he was going to become a shop and order to do that you have to kill a family member and that's his particular tribe that's how you got how you get the power that's how you get the part you kill a family member so again there's always blood that sacrifices this this stuff is is very intense the. The films and socks do a monologue she preaches those stones this is technology that we have no idea who ever built them took a technology with them with their left I believe things were levitated But how did they cut the stones they have some sort of laser type thing I mean you would have to draw the sting out of the computer and obviously they had they had systems like this they were able to do that they were able to do it so just the fact that you look at it you say yourself wow you know what machine did this and we don't know. Good point all right let's take a few more calls here Sharon and Crane Missouri is with us hi Sharon So George in 134 here in Missouri there was a gentleman that was a piece of property to build a home run and. There was a mound on the property and it was marked by 3 to 5 oak trees that had been planted on top of it they opened up the mound and what they found inside was a giant skeleton and for others that were more normal size they found some artifacts and the mound had been covered with flat stones and then covered with earth and then the trees planted on top and I'd like to know if Ellie has ever heard of anything like that. Good question Ellie what you're describing is not standard fare that's what they would do is 1st the oak trees being planted they were planted if they just grew naturally which gives you an idea of just how old the Singh is for 500 years over the oak trees the mound goes back way for the not yes they would you still. We've seen that before there's lots of illustrations I had books in my library that I was printed of before the fire I love meant their last but yes this is this is what they would do the Giants would be buried sometimes there would be sacrificial people buried with them that were killed ritualistically there's a site in a summer which we can't dig I could take you right there we believe it there's one foreigners there but because it's it's under the tribal jurisdiction of the tribal let us let us take it to get all we want to do is uncover uncover d.n.a. Photograph label everything in that recover so we want to do it and it's it's a shame but they will let us do it because it was good it was it would show the validity of 1st Nations people narrative that Giants were m.l.s. 6 things are great had a cannibalistic giants we think that's what this thing is on this one person's property in Minnesota All right hey thanks for that next up we have Whose turn is it's Dave in Long Island New York David go ahead sir good evening gentlemen pleasure to jogging the celestially been a big fan of yours I've heard you on the shell nanny many times I'm an independent research of myself and I specialize in the still walls of New York and New England and job you know my own key area about those things that they were constructed by large common age I did some research up in Vermont I'm out after and where they're all so dull me many dull man named mysterious megalithic instructions and my my own. Hypotheses about the ban on builders is that it didn't just suddenly disappear but to what I like what the other gentleman was sort of proposing that called in a couple calls ago that they've probably were a similarly beat into the Native American culture because and some of them actually may have been benevolent because we have our own recounting stories here on Long Island for example of the Montauk a tribe where dish King the mug a tuxedo who is the. Bigger of gigantic form who is for you know protective of his people and he designed these canals here on Long Island here as shown by joint ventures research as well I mean I was on the show recently talking with Michael creme of George may remember I don't Michael very well and Michael Challenger about these things as well but my own theories about them out buildings being absorbed in this change the tilt sea was a gigantic form and his 4 sons here were basically responsible most of the tribes on oil island here and when Verizon all got here his recounting of these people is that they were actually irritable and that they were larger in size and you know that's what Verizon recounted over here so I believe that you know I mean it seems that some of the stories of maybe the Giants on the East Coast with the North East in tribes here was to more benevolent aspects to them at least to their own people or whatever and I also always add in New Mexico and you know I grew Eve that the be predominant is against it people Lovelock it was just something that the native peoples did often kill other tribes because most tribal names are bigger already names of other tribes as my research shows anyway but the people at the Luna canyon that Frank see hidden. Research to people at home hope that. Whether real Does up with that dollar cephalis scholars they were wrong you all get it stalls there actually can Arizona and and miraculously was stalls which were the cranial defamation type but I moved the zippy leg Alina home and we came because a well blockade museum Mattias nice euphemism for and they say that they were more posh shahs which is a euphemism for they like giant size and but you know that by believe that these people were giant size but I believe that they call them tools leaders which was a flowering plant and it doesn't sound too ferocious to me but you know I think many of these figure are it isn't even said they were cattle she just thinks that Indian tribes said about each other and if so many we carry on the same the sings the n.c. Each other the other way means you know it could be I don't know but I know that from my own research some of these are large drawing certain ample room where descendants of them are hybrids or whatever were somewhat benevolent if they tribal people on myside the country anyway anyway I just wanted to give an idea of what my old research you know we have the rock. From their failed marriage has vision they have a hard line let's get always take on this go ahead and what are you trying to get in there I would I would love to talk to you about this to me an email. And I'm really done but I've been a Lovelock cave and I've been to be examined and got to the back room and reaction we have a photograph from a m.k. Davis taken 40 years ago which you can see that's going more but we're actually analyzing that photograph to see just how big it is when the process of doing that the pilot legend says that they were giants that they were cannibalistic that they would come into the. This is all Sarah Winnemucca stuff and but I also talked to pirate elders at the meet at the reservation that was there and they basically suppose same thing that's that they were cannibalistic they were coming they were great great the the tribes domiciles take the kids laid wait for them and so one day they tried just got together and chased him into Lovelock caves and the rest is history I actually had a book from 1920 s. That was done from the archaeologists that was there a chunk pictures how he got there after a lot of the stuff already been carried away there are also reports in the dry lakebeds in front of that that several years sometime in the late 1900 centuries of the 20th century there was like a 12 foot or that was taken out of a lake that was found there so you know this the stories was there a fortune in the trail in some of these places are very very cold like Lovelock cave in of course when you go there it's all it's a control site the 2 branches that that work that you used to be able to travel down into the cave happens sealed off by the Bureau of Land Management so you can't even go in there anymore to see what was there why did they do that why not keep the cave open and turned into a museum don't they just shut the whole thing down and we don't we can't do research because it's you know they've used dynamite blew thing up. Now we have time for another quick question perhaps we do Pat in Minneapolis Let's squeeze un Pats go ahead in the group of ancient aliens that colonized ancient Greece the angel aliens Zeus was kind of like up either a playboy or Harvey Weinstein I'm not sure which and he reproduced with human women although Aphrodite the hot chick female of the group when she hung out with. Adonis they did not reproduce that's consistent with the Bible that the males were reproducing with human females and when it comes to the men of renown in the Bible a nest of them that was a celebrity even now is still a celebrity Hercules but he has had horrible results that we don't show in our movies and stuff he was also defective he killed his wife and children or both kind of like those stories in the newspapers where these men kill their whole family or they kill their wife or whatever then they commit suicide and stuff like that l.a. We're almost out of time and that's not suppose our well what you have to remember is that Greek myth though so my opinion reflects exactly what Genesis accept as the pantheon of gods in my opinion are the fallen angels which come down here and set themselves up to be worshipped and you know and their deeds speak loud and clear who they serve indeed indeed l.a. Give out your websites again and where people can get your material really appreciated George thanks for having me on l.a. Martially got that you've got a marginally not yet we've got a coast to coast bachelor supper 48 hours good episode one and 2 and a bonus the so check it out folks All right great l.a. Keep in touch with us my friend I certainly will thank me on George really appreciate it Ok in the lead lost everything in the fire in California couple months ago so he's battling back truly battling back in a moment Greg little joins us as we talk about the life of Edgar. 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Boxes and i Heart Radio station. Or new tariffs on Mexico rattles investors I'm Carmen Roberts Fox News President Trump surprise announcement yesterday that he plans to slap new tariffs on Mexico City jitters through u.s. Stock futures and is causing an uproar with Mexican leaders Dow futures now down $219.00 points Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this is already impacting the economy negatively national security is the 1st and foremost priority for any president of the United States and this president will do everything that he legally can to defend the nation Fox's Rob Dawson explains the president's plan on June 10th the u.s. Will impose a 5 percent tariff on all goods coming into our country from Mexico until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico and into our country stop added the tariff will gradually increase until the illegal immigration problem is remedied the president's move comes just one day after Border Patrol agents captured a group of 1000 illegal immigrants crossing into the country from Mexico a number of Mexico Central Bank tweeting about the tariffs a few hours ago this is a game changer and Mexico's top death amat.

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