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Historic flooding I'm Lisa listen Fox News asked what cities along the Arkansas River are bracing for despite little rain but there has been downpours for further north city officials tell us they expect up to 1000 homes to be affected or what is by the time the Arkansas river crest here I 42 feet tomorrow that forecast is the highest river level this area has ever seen and double the flood stage the Arkansas River has already and Gulf Highway 22 here a 4 lane road and many businesses and structures in this area this is a major intersection that looks more like Lake Fox's math Finnan force myth Arkansas in Ohio one person was killed more than $100.00 hurt after a series of tornadoes struck near the Dayton area destruction of this tornado was and then it went you know that gas station completely gone a large hotel just ripped the side of the building large manufacturing facility destroyed 8 mayor now and Wally thousands of people are still without power the lawyer who represented adult film star Stormy Daniels in the civil case against President Trump in some criminal charge or trouble Michael he had to arraignment today pleading not guilty to identity theft charges related to Daniels the other extortion Prosecutors say the trying to get Nike to pay him millions to avoid bad publicity I am now facing the fight of my life against the ultimate the lie of the Trump administration I intend on fighting these charges and I look forward to a jury verdict in each of these cases I've been on the remains free on bail but his travel is restricted and Tennessee man convicted of murder in the $2700.00 National Church shooting will spend the rest of his life behind bars the jury deliberated for less than 2 hours before handing down the sentence against Emmanuel Sampson This is Fox News. Fox Nation is the place for Wallace on Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. Local news now 1450 w.y.l.l. . I don't need here's what's running a Wilmington woman facing charges after police say she ran over pedestrians foot in Beach 36 year old Barnard was arrested Saturday for injuring the victim on with Avenue and police say when they arrived at the scene the discover that had been driving under the influence it was also revealed she had to deal with prior to the incident police of idea the pedestrian hidden killed by a car near Newark as well near Brooks he was walking eastbound on Christina road early Sunday morning when he was hit say was raining heavily at the time and Brooks was wearing dark colored clothing I Bill made That's what's trending for more information about the contest on the station go to w I am done come slash rules. If you ever wondered how the smartest marketers cut through the noise I'm Bob Pittman chairman and c.e.o. Of I heart media and on my new show math and magic I'm sitting down with the day's most gifted disrupters when I did this people thought I was crazy. Really no other rules aside from full frontal nudity go out there and do it I don't like to follow the trend of that I have radio is number one for Pod but I don't think I work for my mathematic on the i Heart Radio app or wherever you get your podcast huge shocker maybe the most shocking news of the day Amy why it social Well 82 percent of people agree social media is a huge waste of time. Oh yeah everybody agrees it's a waste of time but everybody still. Makes our lives so much better but does it does it here's some fresh stats about our ongoing relationship with social media 6 in 10 Americans don't trust Facebook to protect their personal information I kind of don't mean they're so 60 percent but people still use it 57 percent of us think sites like Facebook and Twitter do more to divide our country than United Yes These days it sure does 55 percent think social media helps spread lies and falsehoods more than educate us against misinformation and 61 percent think it also helps spread unfair attacks and rumors. Most definitely yeah 82 percent of us admit social media is a huge time waster in general so why do we do it so much I don't know I guess I'm just a I think we're nosy Yeah that's my thing b. I think we think people give a crap what we think and no wind yet 99.9 percent of people do not travelling through the ether f.m. Radio 8 am radio why 5 you'll see on cell harness the wisdom of Rush. On these frequency is Rush Limbaugh new to 3 on us Radio 450 w y l m Fox sexton with America now 11450 w.y.l. M f Wilmington's news traffic and weather. Coding the new disseminating information with actionable intelligence. Make no mistake. This is the Buck Sexton show former CIA analyst for a number of anybody the talk sex to. Support time for her to just cut out the nonsense if she doesn't of course and they actually go and proceed would be interesting to see if the those 30 or 40 Democrats the moderate Democrats actually go along with that if they do and they actually get an impeachment done of course it does come over to the Senate as everybody knows it where it will just simply be dropped this is not about a 2020 lections about doing what's right now for our country this is going to be a precedent that we set when we don't hold this president accountable to the rule of law and the United States Constitution why do you think you can't convince a majority of House Democrats that it's time to impeach now I think it is moving towards that it's going to demand it already here. Some of them are saying that I've felt this way all along impeachment they they think it's going to happen they think it needs to happen they are are not willing to to let this go on and keep pointing out to you it should be entirely a function of whether the president deserves to be impeached or not instead of oh how will this look for us what will this mean for us going forward if in fact the president is impeached does that make it harder for us to you know win seats in the House and the Senate and defeat the president because no one thinks no one seriously believes he's going to be removed by a 2 thirds vote of the of the Senate. No one really thinks that that's going to happen so you know and just as an aside I watched speaking of politics in all this I was just last night trying to I don't hard time falling asleep and I was looking for someone to watch and I threw on designated survivor and men it is so for some reason the made those a.b.c. N.b.c. C.b.s. Those shows on those networks I just find are the writing is always so trite and it's all so predictable and Kiefer Sutherland the whole thing that. We need some there's some does a lot of great shows out there Don I'm not even. I mean to get into the game of thrones I call that I've been saying all along the show really lost its way in the last this last season was pretty much just garbage top to bottom and the season before that was very shaky in some parts and without the great source material of the books the writers were just not in a position to execute at the same level but I added I know you don't want you don't you don't come here for my Game of Thrones takes but I finally caught up post China and Post Los Angeles trips I was able to watch and I didn't think it was in that I thought was all very predictable and not very good. But back to Speaking of predictable back to impeachment whether impeachments going to happen or not I just think that they tell you everything that you need to know with the fact that even the Democrats in the house as rabidly anti Trump as they are and as as dedicated as they are to the. You know removal of Trump from office at least in theory or or the destruction of Trump's presidency Naik they can't bring themselves to actually do this they can bring themselves just commit to it what else we already have them over poor What else do we have to know what else has to be said for them to come around and there's just this back and forth they're really just putting their fingers and fingers in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and that's how they're going to determine whether or not the president is worthy of impeachment that's everything. Because then it's just a political calculation has been on this is just a fight for power there's nothing about principle here they're not you know standing up for the little guy or they don't care about the Constitution you know depending on the day a lot of lives in government and outside of government would tell you the constitution is really old and we shouldn't pay attention to it and it doesn't really matter and you know why don't people just realize that you know there's other stuff that we should we should really care about you know there's other stuff that should be determining the future of this country but then when the Constitution suits that audits when you'll start to hear all of a sudden how how important how profound it is you know knew it was out on this on this question of impeachment I think he's look he's a guy who he knows the impeachment game he knows how that whole thing goes real well and and there's something that gets skipped over a lot of the time in the discussions over this. I think is really really valid really important and I'll let that I'll let the new take the helm from a to play 50 Ken Starr issues report which has a leaven counts and she says he is guilty 5 of them are obstruction this count guilty this count guilty of murder and issued a report that said Donald Trump is guilty on 11 counts there would be an impeachment effort and Clinton's case their families I mean there are strikes for the feminist to worry about this you know was committing a felony of perjury and a sexual harassment lawsuit and trams case back and says there's nothing that you could take him to court on and there's a pretty big gap here. Does anyone really believe that if if they had more evidence you see this was the I did what Muller did was the equivalent of the I didn't really try defense when you know you lose the race you know what when if you're going to race somebody and then you don't you can't beat them you stop like 5050 feet from the finish line before they can finish and say well I didn't really try that's what more did with the report by saying that we couldn't really bring charges anyway that was the fallback position because I assure you I assure you if they really have the president nailed on something if it was clear that he broke the law and they could make that case beyond a reasonable doubt then what would have been in the report is the president broke the law we should bring charges or we would bring charges but we can't the fallback position was merely because well what's the you know what the case going to be what was the charge going to be they brought up 10 different ones Ok which one which one is the clear case of obstruction of the 10 little vignettes little stories that Miller tells in his diary entries posing as the motor report which is the one that really you know him or how much you like this president or how much you want offend him you can't get past it can you think of it I got nothing I don't see it I don't think that it's there I don't think that there's. Anything that has that was was a slam dunk or even close to it and if he had it he would use it to keep in mind Clinton it was a slam dunk the guy line the guy lied the guy obstructed the guy did all kinds of things that were bright red line crossing and Democrats still completely circle the wagons around him Democrats still refused to accept that. What Bill Clinton did was completely beyond the pale was totally unacceptable. So what we have is just the Democrats now pretending like we have no ability to recall that history we have Democrats who act in a dishonorable fashion around this question of impeachment that's why when you hear from. Those like Rasheeda to leave and Kevin Kramer and you know and others on this issue Kevin Kramer. Is a writer he's a Republican so forget him but when you hear Rashid had to leave talking about us he just came in the top of the segment you recognize that there's a line to the public all the time of the public a lot of the public likes to be lied to about Trump and this is why their complaints about Trump and his exaggerations and his stretching of the truth and all the things that he does this is why it never really resonates because we turn around and say you know you guys are engaged in constant constant lying about this president you guys can't help yourselves but come up with stories creating fake quotes into the mound saying oh sorry my bad didn't think people would take that seriously no no we are going to take it seriously just like we took it seriously when for 2 years they were suggesting or outright accusing the president of committing treason and now when the president says oh some of those deep state clowns they may have betrayed their country even if it didn't arise to the constitutional and legal definition of of treason they say Ah how could he use that word how could he use that word it was what they were how they were describing him for the last how many years they still believe it some of them still believe it is a maze there are all these. Russia collusion troopers out there now who blocked me on Twitter I don't even know who they are but I suppose I've created something of a stir online by just going after them and they particularly dislike that I'm from the CIA and I'm willing to call out the top echelon of bureaucrats of both CIA and f.b.i. For what really was a soft coup attempt and there's a tremendous nervousness that we're going to find out exactly what happened and that there are not just going to be consequences for those involved directly in it but also consequences for those who look like morons utter morons and that includes a lot of the press for perpetuating this story. And I think will end up happening is they're going to they're going to go here is here's my prediction they're going to wait to go full throttle on Pietschmann till after the inspector general poor comes out the idea of being off that's on off against the Democrats are going to Doesn't matter how shameless and how brazen it is they're going to go off and they're going to say see we have to remove him and you're And we're going to say well hold on a 2nd there was a deep state coup remove him now you're going to remove him or try to impeach him through the process of Congress to say yeah that's right now's the time to do it they have no honor they have no integrity and if you're somebody who has no honor integrity What do you do when you're caught. The other side. Playing out. How do you celebrate victory are good friends noble goals are offering all patriots and from supporters. 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Swalwell there who believe it or not Congress and Swalwell he of Russia collusion fraud fame is one of I can't keep track I do this for a living and I can't even tell you how many Democrats are actually running for office right now I just I know it's a lot I know there are a lot of them running for office but I couldn't tell you what the I think it's 20 Warren It might be 22 to enter into it you know at some point who even you know doesn't even really matter most of them are this is just ridiculous ness Swalwell I think is in that category but you know this is a this is more than just Eric Swalwell that has to do this the bend the knee oh I need to debase my knowledge and my opinions on things because I need to confront my whiteness that I confront my whiteness all the time these these are things that don't even make sense you say them out loud you think what do what do they think what you Democrats the left think they mean when they do this. What is really the purpose of it you know Swalwell here this is just the it's kind of a pathetic bend the knee experience he says I know where there are gaps in my knowledge or experience and I know when to pass the mike you know what the answer should be to why should another white guy be president which was the question that he was asked the Ensor to that should be because I'm the best person for the job if that's not the answer then you darn sure shouldn't be president which we all know. Should not be president but. Even for a Democrat this is a stretch even for a Democrat this is a bad idea I mean I would Heaven forbid if I had to pick a Democrat swallow would be pretty low down on the list but he knows that this is the intersectional left is the center now is the kind of heart and soul of the Democrat the activist class and the the media and Hollywood elites have him have embraced all this you know they they are true believers if you will in the notion that you are somehow. A problem you've done something wrong by being a white guy. Right did you have to apologize you have to confront your privilege this is just what they say it's a kind of original sin now to be a white male in American politics according to leftist Democrats. Because you've enjoyed white privilege your whole life you so you inherently have had this special advantage that you can't quantify and that you had no control over but you're supposed to make some kind of amends for it how could you ever make amends for being who you are isn't this contrary to what is really at the center of so much of Democratic identity politics which is that you need to be you know you do you you need to be you you need to live your truth so why can't I just say or why can't Eric swallow just say I'm living my truth as a white male as a white male Cis gender heterosexual why can't that just be my truth that I live without being beat up on and told that that somehow is problematic because this is all we know about power this is about the transference of power from one group to another group via a narrative the narrative here is intersectionality or identity politics these are different variations on a theme they're different ways of saying essentially the same thing but isn't it so interesting that a Democratic Party that is obsessed with identity politics finds itself having to apologize once again for having straight white males well is a bit of judges. He's high you know high enough that you could put him in the top 3 I guess but straight white males effectively are number one into right now Bernie and I was going to say Betto that he was like really sorry I don't know if you saw this but he apologized for being a bad word after he lost his election and he just like wants everyone to like be his friend again and. I don't think it's going to happen but I think I think Beddoes toast as we said back in the ninety's I smell burnt toast in this case it's better as toast. I think he's done so but there's another reason why you have straight white men or in this case 2 white males I mentioned who judges number 3 I think I keep saying is name different you know I can't you know it's a it's a hard one and that is that some of the the females in the Democrat primary right now are just I think it's fair to say they're underperforming from where even Democrats thought they would be you know Elizabeth Warren had the most spectacular unforced error in politics that I can I've seen maybe ever without a whole 1000 and 24th Cherokee thing that was show bizarre and I mean I was calling c.n.n. Out the day that happened because they reported initially as like Elizabeth Warren proving her heritage that are you guys morons. Proving that she's not even vaguely Native American and someone from c.n.n. Corporate communications actually came after me publicly that was funny he learned the fox slap stings. Like you really want to do you really want to play this game and pretend that c.n.n. Is an objective news source you want to do this publicly you want to have this out there's a reason why none of your anchors publicly will try to challenge me on this because they will get intellectually smoked and they know it that's why they don't exactly like slap you know it's ways. I like that one too but Amy quot Bashar She's another one who. You know they want it to happen they want Amy closure to be you know to be a political phenomenon they want Camila Harris I mean they're they're just there and they don't have it then have it you think that a political ideology that has such dominance in the in college campuses in news media in entertainment media in a way that's you know Netflix is now saying they're going to pull back their investment in Georgia because of the heartbeat bill you never see this in the other direction you never have a major media company say you know that that state that wants to allow biological males to compete in athletics against biological females we're just going to pull all of our business from that state we don't do that. There is this emotional impulse that leftists have that they will indulge that brings them to the it's not enough to disagree they want to they want punishment they want people to feel pain who don't agree with them but will get back into whys any club which are not not happen in as well as some other interesting things from you like you know talking about sure noble into the news you need to know to say that Joe Biden is a low i.q. Individual probably is the tortoise paycheck man. 11415. I'm Debbie children director of. Pain tree that benefited from the American farmer grow community program I encourage farmers General Petraeus to direct a 2500 dollar donation to a nonprofit that they grow community dot com. News I'm rich Dennison a Republican congressman has again blocked an attempt by the House to approve a $19000000000.00 disaster aid package approved by the Senate Kentucky's Thomas Massie objecting to an attempt to approve the bill by unanimous consent everybody says oh it's impolite it's not the proper time with since this asked to relieve bill in front of us to talk about how we're going to pay for this kind of spending well when is the proper time to talk about how we're going to pay for it Texas Congressman Chip Roy blocked a similar attempt last week that bill would provide funding to states and Puerto Rico for hurricane and flood recovery investigators believe 21 year old Alex Whipple the uncle of a missing 5 year old Utah girl is behind her disappearance we have strong evidence connecting Alex to Liz in this disappearance Logan Police Chief Gary Jensen says evidence also indicates Elizabeth Shelley is injured she was last seen early Saturday morning this is Fox News. 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Yes you do each year one in 4 people $65.00 and older will experience a phone and many will be serious the majority of phones happen at home so remove things that could make you trip and install handrails to keep you study to learn more about the steps you can take to help prevent a phone please talk to your doctor you can also visit a.a.r.p. Foundation or Medicare make clear dot com slash this message was brought to you by United Healthcare and a.a.r.p. Foundation. Studios. Where it's one call and this is News Radio 50 w.y.l. Am back with you now because when it comes to the fight for truth. Never stops. In. Number of the Supreme Court decisions came down to I want to spend a little time with you going through what matters why you care what what happened here without getting into much detail but here's the quick 30000 foot view of what we saw in the Supreme Court decisions that just came down. Liberals. Are very ideologically rigid especially when it comes to the operate when they have an opportunity on the court to get what they want. They make sure they they go for it right conservative still just as a function of their approach to the law try to leave things intact they believe in starry decisis they believe in precedent they're not looking for every opportunity to just break down what was there before and replace it with something else entirely right there they don't do the Roe v Wade approach they don't make things up whole cloth because that's the way they want it to be and so that means that the other side the liberal justices the activist justices on the court they tend to get big wins thrown their way whereas what we have is just a kind of judicial minimalism right that the respect of the law as it is and even if and is Justice Scalia was perhaps the great example of this even when he didn't like something and thought it might be wrong he believed that if it was legal and constitutional it was not his place to decide that it was wrong it was to the people and that Supreme Court justices are not there to decide what's best for the country they're there to call balls and strikes with regard to the Constitution that's really it and that was his approach you don't have that with liberal justices they see the opportunity to hit a home run for their side and legislate from the bench they they go for it so you had you had an abortion case and abortion has become. A big topic in recent weeks recent months because of the renewed extremism or perhaps just the more apparent extremism of the left on this issue up to and including the support of as we heard from Governor Ralph Northam Oh what happened to Ralph Northam remember that guy at the photos in the black face who lied about it and said he wasn't sure it was him it was him. That did lives all lives just want that whole thing on the rug that's right you have the top 3 officials for the state governor of Virginia Northam herring and. Forget the guy's name see Fairfax Thank you I remember I remember but this is how well they they pushed off down the memory hole you just forget it it's not there anymore Did any of them step down no Did any of them face any consequences no why because if one went there was the fear that all would go in a fall when you have a Republican at the top of the governor of the governor's ticket in Virginia based on the rules of succession that succession not such session to be clear so yeah they just made that Wolf they made that whole thing go but you remember Northam was the one who talked about making an infant comfortable before it was aborted outside the womb and having it just having a conversation with a mother what to do with a an outside the there's a bet there's a better name for a fetus outside the womb it's the more accurate more precise it's called a baby what do you do with a baby and the answer is according to Democrats whatever the mother and the doctor decide the baby does not have independent rights it does not have legal protection of any kind. This is a rather horrifying thing for any human being to believe but this is the this is the dogma of the left now I mean this is considered a kind of gospel among progressives. There is no there is no life there to protect it does not matter and my body my choice it's just slogans and anger and rage and I had actually a woman who figured out there was one woman who figured out who I was so to speak in California among my travels among the far left libs there I was kind of undercover among the libs in Los Angeles and one of them figured out the 1st thing she wanted talking about is abortion and she said Why do you want to control my body to which I looked at her and thought you know there's a lot of ways I could go with this but. Because that was certainly I did have no interest in controlling this particular that this person or any person's body. But I try to say look this is if you can understand that this is a discussion or this is a debate over the 2nd Life that is that that is involved here that there is a separate life then we actually don't have much to talk about if you don't think that a baby is a baby I can't convince you that a baby is a baby if you don't think that a human being with a brain a heart lungs hands fingers fingernails. Is a human being I don't know what to say other than you're wrong and so there's not a whole lot of a lot of room on this and I managed to kind of just get past it and get our it around the issue but the left are abortion extremists and that's why today's decision. Was in a variety of ways not just interesting for what it does right now but also I think what it points to down the line you had this case that involved a law passed in Indiana and signed by then Governor Pence now vice president Mike Pence and it required the fetal remains from a rib or abortion to be disposed of separately. Separately from. The rest of what would be considered medical refuse and to be either cremated or buried essentially this law said that the fetal remains after an abortion are to be treated like the parts of a human being which you know if if when a person dies they don't throw the dead body on a trash heap that is what they were doing with the and I know this is grisly stuff but this is this is reality and we deal in reality on the show they do take the remains of an abortion they throw it on to they put it in with medical refuse with you know who used arranges and with. You know bloody cloths and just things that come from a doctor's are they just throw it all in there and throw it on together throw in the trash put it on trash them this lawyer said we're going to treat fetal remains as what they clearly are which are the remains it is the remains of a human being I mean if people want to argue that. We won't extend legal personhood to that human being and it's a flawed argument but at least it's an argument but it's clearly the this is a tiny little These are tiny legs and arms and heads we're talking about that's what's going on and I mean I have not forgotten still the most stomach churning and difficult news story I have had to cover was what we saw from the videotapes of the Center for Medical Progress and the sale of body parts for profit that Planned Parenthood is engaged in the sale of fetal body parts for profit that is what was happening that was never there they can call it heavily edited they can law and they can do the devils work for him as much as they want that is what was happening there we all know this we saw the videos it was not debunked and mended the forces of the organized left go after those individuals David to Laden and the people that were working with him did everything in their power to ruin them criminally prosecute them for the crime of journalism they were willing to make undercover journalism a crime all of a sudden use wiretapping laws I mean the left on this issue if you probe the plea deeply enough because it's again a threat to their power structure to threat to the Democratic Party to the left's grip on power in this country but it's also a threat to their sense of of moral superiority one of the great and bizarre to use realities of our current time is that it is the leftists who think that they are decent and moral and kind when in so many ways in so many places they are anything but their ideology is one of death and often misery and hypocrisy and despair and trying to do things in a way that reject both human nature and human history and try to replace it with empty promises so there were 2 components of this. Supreme Court ruling on the one had to do with the. And disposal of the babies after abortion and how they are to be supposed And it is interesting that the Planned Parenthood would even fight that fine parent has a very good they were fighting it they have a very very clear interest in the dehumanising the complete ditch human ization of the fetus Now how do they square that with when a woman is pregnant and is murdered for example they'll be a double homicide charge what's Planned Parenthood's legal position on that one I would like to know. I'm not sure they've thought that far and figure it out they're just trying to do everything they can to protect this regime of infanticide and to continue running these avatars for infants known as Planned Parenthood clinics across the country and then you also have the prohibition in this law in Indiana on an abortion they step on sex race or possible disability of a fetus now the plan parent defense against this is why would somebody why would you. Only why would you only force somebody to have a baby if it for example had they thought it was going to have Down's syndrome but somebody with a healthy baby could could do it anytime they want and that that is an interesting line of logic but I would or that is an instinct point for them to hold but also note that what this really does what this law shows is that abortion in the way that the left defends it and calls it a right it is a right. It's really a form of it's an open invitation to eugenics this is a pure This is a purely eugenicists proposition that getting rid of a baby because it's male and female instead of male or because it's the wrong race or because it may have some disability. That is a that is a a eugenicist proposition plain and simple and you can't really get around in this is and then you start to go and it's a reminder to the public of the eugenics roots of the abortion movement in this country the abortion lobby and Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger and there has always been from the left this this promise that the unwanted and this is from the left this is the leftist position of the unwanted in society will be they'll be less of them because more will be aborted and so it's a good thing for the rest of society that is pure eugenics that is that is in this is not an exaggeration that is the position that the Nazis held this was taken up by the 3rd Reich you know there will be we want they want to get rid of disability in the general population by insisting on either state sterilization or abortion for people that might have had a child with some congenital defect or the Nazis explicitly embrace this and know how you have planned parents saying no if you if you really want to Blue-Eyed baby and you know this baby's going to have brown eyes and that's just you know that's your decision your body your choice could it get more immoral than this my friends I mean could it be more clearly demonic than this you know I flew back from Los Angeles just a couple days ago and I know I do not I'm not yet married one of you have my own kids and I sat down there's a really cute little baby in front of me and the baby wasn't crying a lot which is very nice of her and it was she is just smiling in like this really do the whole peekaboo thing in between the seeds and the mom was really friendly and I don't know what could be a greater gift in a new anyone's life in any mother's life in any father's life than having an adorable little baby and I have never met somebody to this day I've never met somebody who said wow I really wish I really wish I had aborted my son or daughter . I have tragically met some people who have the opposite feeling of I really shouldn't have made the choice that I made to terminate the pregnancy so these Supreme Court decisions that came down today while they weren't big wins for the pro-life movement they are illustrating the realities of what's going on and I can just say this to you I mean if you want to take I know this is a difficult conversation if but if you want to take something from this that is at least hope. This regime of fortune and all mine months of a pregnancy funded by your tax dollars by the way it is funded by your tax dollars it's going to and I can't tell you when and I can't tell you how but it will end and just as we look back on some other periods in our history as how could that much and wasn't everyone involved in it wasn't everywhere but how could so much evil in immorality have flourished in an otherwise great and just and decent country we'll look back at this this period of the last 50 years or so assuming it ends within 50 or who knows and say how could this have been the case how could a moral cause an otherwise moral country have allowed this to go on. Now I will have more on this friends and I do want to talk to you about the show sure noble that I could there are important lessons are much going to sit here and play t.v. Critical sometimes like today that's kind of fun but I'm not really going to do that and there's an important takeaways from watching that mini series on h.b.o. We'll get to that and more stay with me. I'm here in studio with Mark Buckman c.e.o. 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Calling for impeachment of the president saying the attorney general deliberately misrepresented the miller port I meet with with Republican friends like Amash a mash I think it's a mosh you know who needs crazy left wing enemies you know really I think it's fair to ask what is this guy's problem he intended carets never have this Democrats never have defections from the race you know why because the sweets the enticements the goodies at the left can offer people are just it's they just induce the sell outs they really do you know it's the it's the Jeff Flake maneuver Oh you know I don't want the way and I'm going to be the the rogue Republican that occasionally has nice words said about him by the left I'm going to go rogue on my own side so that no stop selling out I mean for him to say and I just thoroughly disagree with Imus year on the merits the attorney general didn't misrepresent anything all right if he misrepresented it then tell me what he misrepresented and bring charges against the president you punk but you won't none of them will. 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Our children you know what's worst your 1st Super thankful for date mayor now and waylay tens of thousands of people are without power people live along the Arkansas River dealing with historic flooding thanks to downpours in areas farther north and despite efforts by officials to control the waters the Supreme Court with the split ruling on an Indiana lawn that puts restrictions on abortion provider Indiana abortion law was broken down into 2 parts the Supreme Court is allowing a lower court block on part of the law to stand this after Indiana attempted to prevent women from obtaining abortions based on race gender or disability the other part of that law deals with abortion providers in the state by a 7 to 2 vote the justices are upholding a mandate for facilities to dispose of fetal parts in the same manner as other human remains do their bury were cremate them foxes Tom Graham the sole suspect in a fatal shooting at a Southern California synagogue has pled not guilty to federal hate crimes and other charges John Ernest entered a plea in San Diego week after a grand jury returned a 113 count indictment the indictment added 4 counts of using in carrying a firearm during commission of a violent crime Ernest also faces charges of murder and attempted murder for the attack on how bought a power way on the last day of Passover one person died and 3 were injured this is Fox News. 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