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The john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation, committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org. Park foundation, dedicated to heightening Public Awareness of critical issues. The kohlberg foundation. Barbara g. Fleischman. And by our sole corporate sponsor, mutual of america, designing customized individual and Group Retirement products. Thats why were your retirement company. Welcome. On this fourth of july weekend, think about the authors of the declaration of independence who had the courage and nerve to stand up to the British Crown and say, enough. And think of the everyday people, regular people, who then put themselves on the line to back up that declaration. Those patriots have their counterparts today in the fight against the modern tyranny of organized money and its chokehold on our government. These champions of grass roots action are fighting for a rerrangement of power not from the left or from the right but from the bottom up. They, too are saying, enough. No one speaks more powerfully for them than they do for themselves. One of their best known has been agitating for ordinary people for most of his life. Like the circuit riders of old, spreading the word, Jim Hightower is forever on the road, speaking, riding the electronic rails of the internet, appearing on radio and tv, preaching the grassroots gospel. Hes had firsthand experience of politics and government, both as a legislative assistant on capitol hill and as the twoterm agriculture commissioner of his native texas, where he fought for Small Farmers against the giants of agribusiness. In addition to his books he publishes this political newsletter, the hightower lowdown, which many of us consider so essential i once raised money to help make people more aware of its wit and wisdom. Welcome back, jim. Thank you, bill. Great to be with you. You have been sounding the populist trumpet ever since we first met 30 or more years ago. But the walls of jericho are still standing. Corporate power is, practically has the lease on congress, the rich are richer, wall street is back on top, and politics at almost every level is overwhelmed by money. The robber barons have won, wouldnt you acknowledge that . Well, the robber barons are certainly atop. And they, but i believe is this populist fervor that is challenging that robber barony that we have dominating pretty much every aspect of our lives. You know, politics, the economy, whether you get a job or not and whether that job comes with any pay, much less health care. And, you know, the media, you know, right on down the line. Yet in every one of those segments there is a growing rebellion and an increasing Awareness Among different groups fighting different battles that they are connected to the other groups. Its not a movement, yet. But its beginning to connect up. Theres now this group called the united workers congress. And these are ten different very low income employee sectors; theyre farm workers; theyre nannies; theyre taxicab drivers; theyre day laborers; and theyre adjunct professors. Adjunct professors . Professors. Thats an unusual participant in a coalition like that. Theyre paid a poverty wage, no health benefits, no security, job security you know, just like fastfood workers, in fact. What does that suggest to you . It suggests that people are beginning to get together and see their common interests. So here are some of the, here are the highest educated poverty workers in america with the lowest educated poverty workers and seeing that theyre in the same boat now. And that realization is a powerful political potential. Ill give you another example. We had a world protest against mcdonalds. There were 30 countries involved in it. That takes organization. Again, its not high visibility yet, but neither was civil rights until it popped up. To me, these things have a dynamic of their own, a life of their own, and there comes a point at which the people are pushing and more and more politicians begin to respond Elizabeth Warren in the senate makes a difference. Do you know about the new deal . Yes. Im not talking about Franklin Roosevelts political platform. Im talking about a new organization in washington, led by wall street democrats like cory booker of new jersey, they formed recently a group that can raise Campaign Cash secretly from anonymous donors. And so far, theyve raised it from some of the same big corporations that are also contributing to republicans walmart, pfizer, big pharma, comcast and others, friendly corporate lobbyists help run this. One of its Board Members is a lobbyist for the us chamber of commerce and they call themselves the new deal. That is exactly whats wrong and why people are sick of politics that you would think that the answer, that a Democratic Organization would think that the answer is for them to get corporate money as well. Thats what happened in texas. The people didnt turn right wing. They quit voting because the democrats quit being democrats for exactly the reason that, of what cory booker is doing there. They went out and got the corporate money. And you take that check, you know, youre not going to be talking populist old democratic rallying the troops and going at the bastards and big shots and b. S. ers. Youre not going to be talking about good jobs at good wages, not just jobs. Good, you know, jobs that have wages attached to them, living wages. Youre not going to be talking about medicare for all, you know, not medicare through the, or health care, through the insurance companies, but just youre born, you get medicare. Thats it. People wouldve understood that. Well, we need to change the system. So our politics are not dependent on a handful of rich people putting the money up to have a real politics. Instead, getting back to that grassroots politics, and that again, is what i see happening around the country. Theres, as you know, this Fracking Movement across the country, mostly apolitical people often conservative people, republicans, who now are just astonished and appalled that corporations are doing this to them, and that their own, political people of their own political belief are doing this to them, theyre not helping them. So theyre in rebellion. You got four cities in colorado last fall, passed ordinances against fracking in their towns. Theres going to, i think, be a, not settled yet, but looks like therell be a constitutional amendment on the ballot in colorado to allow cities to set their own terms of whether a fracker can come into town, or a walmart can come into town. That a community, a city itself, has rights that are superior to corporate rights. You know as well as i do that most members of congress are not even trying anymore, not listening to everyday people, not talking their language, not even knowing the regular folks. I dont even think theyre scared anymore of not pleasing the people. Theyre more scared of not pleasing their donors. And so whats going to happen when, if there is a convergence of this popular agitation and discontent and it runs into the walls of jericho . Well, as, there will be blood, i think. There will be heads bludgeoned. Youre not saying to people, take up your guns and no, no, no, no. But take up yourself and get on the front lines, get in the face of power, and that power will have guns, and will have clubs and dogs, and they will unleash that on us. But weve got to be brave enough to do that. Its been inevitable in every big movement, even the Womens Suffrage Movement had violence against those women. And we certainly saw it in the civil rights movement. We see it in the environmental movement. The movements that have come along and succeeded have had to put their, not just their selves on the line, they had to put their heads on the line. And more and more people are doing it. Again, Something Like the Fracking Movement. People are taking abuse and under arrest. But, jim, the occupy movement, for example, started in 2011, spread around the world, it had walltowall coverage from some 24 hour networks. Everyone was talking about it, and then it disappeared. Well, one, it didnt disappear. It went into the countryside. Theres a group called occupy our homes that has helped to save at least hundreds, if not thousands, of people from citigroup and Goldman Sachs and it gets no press. Jpmorgan chase. No, it gets, well, it gets local press, but very little press. But they are still out there, but what occupy did was to change the discussion. You can ask mitt romney about that. It put inequity, the one percent versus 99 percent smack dab in the middle of the 2012 president ial election. It made it possible for media everywhere to begin to talk about that or in fact have to talk about it because people were talking about it. Its not just the kids and the people who are at those camps around the country of occupy, but the public support for it was overwhelming. And that generates a momentum. I agree with you and yet people have kept talking about it and as you know the inequality gap, the income gap, the wealth gap gets wider and wider like the grand canyon. Well, yes, but you cant just wait for it to, you cant just give up. Thats your choice. I mean, do we just quit . No. You double down and go back at it and become more disobedient and seek new avenues and cleverer ways to go at it. And people are, again, are doing that. In all sorts of movements including taking on big money and politics. You know, we have an actual Grassroots Movement now, i think its 13 states have called, officially called on congress, the state legislatures have, to send to their states, to their people, a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united. You get, you know, 13 more states thats going to be even bigger. And that movement is growing every single day. And these are real people and groups of people and increasingly forging coalitions in their towns, in their states focused, as i say, squarely on the issue of Corporate Power, not just a particular abuse by a corporation but the power of the corporation itself. And think about that, bill, wall street and the ceos have turned corporation into a fourletter word. People no longer take great pride in a corporation in their town, because theyve seen what these entities do. There is a greater power that is building up in the countryside, simmering, bubbling in different places and thats going to come together because you cant hold the middle class down. You know, poor people, theyre good at holding down poor people. Theyve had decades and centuries of experience. But now youre trying to hold down the american middle class and succeeding at the moment. But those people know that they, you know, even a dog knows the difference between being stumbled over and being kicked. And these people whove now been knocked out of the middle class, and by the way since the 2008 recession, collapse of wall street crashed on our economy, 90 percent of the American People have lost income and lost wealth, nine out of ten of us. Thats a lot of people to hold down and think that those people are not going to rebel. Theyre beginning to rebel, thats what im saying. You know, ralph nader is out with a new book called unstoppable, in which he says, there could be a coalition of left and right, united around such common interests as ending corporate bailouts, military overreach, and even the minimum wage. There are people on the right who support the minimum wage. And thats what im saying is out there in a number of different issues. And a transition begins to happen when they see that they are working together and that this Corporate Power is really what theyre battling, or the concentration of money and power that wants to stomp on them, no matter what their Voter Registration card says. That then, they begin to think, well, maybe some of these other issues, too, are related to this, and thats when the movement begins to weave together, and become something more than just a scatter shot of protest groups. The fourth of july, 2014. Thomas jefferson who drafted the declaration of independence as you know, would also warn against what he called, aristocracy founded on Banking Institutions and monied in corporations riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman and beggared yeomanry. What do you think Thomas Jefferson would say of our system today . I think he would say that this is the exact opposite of what we were talking about. Now, you know, there wasnt much democracy in the first us government, 1789, i guess, when it took power. Only four percent of the people were even eligible to vote, you know. You had to own land if you were a white man to be able to vote, and of course, if youre africanamerican, native american, woman, you know, no, you couldnt vote. So there wasnt a lot of democracy there. But their vision, their ideals were there, of a greater democracy and they understood about Corporate Power, even in that day. Because youve got to remember that the, you know, the original Boston Tea Party was not just about King George Iiis government. It was about the east india trading company, and the way that they were treating the merchants and the consumers in the colonies. And people hated them. And in fact, thats the tea that they were throwing overboard was east india trading companys tea. That spirit has been a part of america from the very beginning. So, you know, people are ready for that kind of politics. And if they see it beginning to work somewhere, then they take greater heart and they make a bigger effort and other people join with them. Thats to me how you build a movement. Jim hightower, thanks for joining me. My pleasure. Get up, get down corporate greed get out of town were in a bit of a crossroads. We can continue to go down a path of a low road economy where the Fastest Growing jobs are all poverty wage jobs. Or we can start to chart a new path. If were serious about changing the country and changing who our economy serves, and what values are underneath it, weve got to come together in much bigger ways than we have before. So for the conference, were training a new generation of activists around how to think differently about how we do organizing. F3n n the conference was called rising voices for a new economy and it was held in washington dc, where a lot of decisions about the future of our economy get made. We had 500 Domestic Workers from around the country meeting for several days. Many immigrant women, africanamerican women, so almost entirely women of color. Hello npa and then we were joined with the National Peoples action and they represent small family farmers and Public Housing residents and all kinds of working people. There was a long history in the field of Community Organizing of different organizations actually not collaborating. Actually kind of running down their own path, building their own power, but not building a movement. The director of the national Domestic Workers alliance, and an ally and a friend of npa. I think there was just a recognition that we were up against such big forces. That we actually dont have any choice but to collaborate. The same root causes are impacting everybody. So if youre fighting to save your home from foreclosure, or youre seeing corporate agriculture come into your state and ruin family farms, you see Corporate Power. And so people are making the connections. And i think organizing, and organizations likes ours and the Domestic Workers, help people make these connections. Its not that my state is broken, that we cant afford the things that we so desperately need. Its just that the people that are making the most money arent contributing to our state, and to our country. This is happening all over the country. Twothirds of corporations in illinois pay no income taxes. If they were to pay taxes, that is money that could go to students like me who cant afford school. And not just my education, this affects everything in my community. If you care about us having a modern social safety net, you need corporations to pay their fair share. If you want to see new infrastructure built so we can create jobs in this country, we need corporations to pay their fair share. I could go on and on. If theres any issue that we need to unite around, this is one of them. And right now, corporations are sitting on record profits but simultaneously paying record low tax levels. There is so much wealth all around us. I definitely think that our scarcity mentality is one that can and should shift and is not based on the reality that we have here in this country. We need to go expose those lies, tell the new story, and take our country back. So we are going to be calling targeted voters. 100 folks have come from all across the country to learn a critical organizing skill, which is canvassing. Right now we have a bill thats just been passed. Today the group of volunteers are calling about a tax haven bill in maine that would ask corporations to report the profits that theyre storing overseas right now. cause currently theyre allowed to get away without reporting that income, and thus not pay any taxes on it, and we dont think thats fair. Im going to make it really easy for you. I can transfer you right over to where you can either speak with your legislator, which is senator langley. In maine weve been able to override the governors veto on our state budget, on a slew of environmental bills, and it was by contacting voters at their homes to call their legislators. So canvassing work do you mind if i turn this computer a little bit . The goal here is that all of these volunteers take back the skills that their learning here today, and bring them back to their communities and their organizations. So were seeking to build a big group of powerful canvassers across the country to try to turn things around. Were going to spend some time this morning. At our conference, we do training, we do issue workshops, and then most importantly, we hit the streets. Time to make some noise we actually left the conference and went into the streets. Protests are one of many ways to get a story out there. To us its about making visible the many, many voices and experiences that are made invisible in an unequal economy and society like the one that we live in. All right, so our first action is a surprise action. Today were taking one of the biggest tax dodgers in the country. Ge, General Electric. We took 600 folks from npa and the Domestic Workers to the ges lobbying operation here in washington, dc. And it was to really go directly to the people that are responsible for the tax dodging that ge is engaged in, and bring the message directly to them. Ge, were ending your tax dodging today thats right. Whoo pay your fair share. In a time that theyve made 30 billion in profit, theyve gotten 3 billion back in tax refunds. We need to expose them directly and go toe to toe with Corporate Power. Once we get off the bus, remember dont run, walk quietly, calmly, and quickly. Dont engage with police. I know we have three police liaisons; can you raise your hands . Whoo this is where we get off. Here we go, guys. Alright, lets go, lets move. Lets move. Excuse me, excuse me. No, no, no. We are here today we are here today because weve had enough because weve had enough weve had enough of cuts to our schools weve had enough of cuts to our schools medicare and medicaid medicare and medicaid were angry. Were angry. Pay your fair share pay your fair share pay your fair share they want us to leave, but were here until we deliver our message. Pay your fair share pay your fair share pay your fair share wealthy elites have basically and isolated themselves off from the rest of us. They actually dont have to see poverty. They dont actually have to see the people that have been made invisible by inequality. Pay your taxes so our families can live. Its a transformative experience for people to speak truth to power in a really direct way. And it is about Civic Engagement and participation. It is about making this country the country that makes everyone visible. Above us are the General Electric offices. And up there, they can hear you. They can hear you. Whoo well be back well be back well be back we are at this point in building a new movement. That we are not quite at takeoff, but a lot of the Building Blocks are being put into place. Big shifts in how we do organizing, big shifts in terms of collaboration. We feel like this was a little baby step towards aligning some impressive forces across the country. There was something of the spirit of 76 about those protesters as they marched up capitol hill to make their case to any legislators who would listen. I mean the spirit of 1776, when ordinary people became insurgents against imperial power. The house of representatives, by the way, was once known as the peoples house. And now its in the imperial gripf money. But these presentday insurgents are just Getting Started and, as tom paine, the great pamphleteer and journalist of the american revolution, wrote an army of principles will penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot. At our website billmoyers. Com, youll find cause for hope and creative ways to bring about change in interviews ive done with george goehl, aijen poo and other activists at our take action page. Thats at billmoyers. Com. Ill see you there, and ill see you here, next time. Welcome to first. I am initial initial along with mark eichmann. The session is done. Support for delawares casinos was passed. What about the items that doesnt . Jonathan starkey from the new journal breaks it down. And a holistic approach to horse hit is a first experience. It is your Holiday Weekend of first, and it starts right now. A balanced budget for the state of delaware, check. A 10 million state support package for casinos, check. Downtown development for redevelopment, checkcheck. Those were some of the things done during delawares legislative session. We break

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