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And major corporations. What can we do for you . And now, bbc world news. Bbc world news america. Bbc world news america this isbbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am katty kay. President obama acknowledges his republican opponents had a good night and calls for cooperation. We have big things to do. We can and we will make repressed if we Work Together. To be a nurse. S now she is collecting the dead in sierra leone. We talked to one woman on the front lines of the ebola outbreak. Caring for the great sydney opera house. The job hen, it is has loved for many decades. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television here in america and also around the globe. The republicans had a good nights. That is how president obama described the elections which gave the rival Party Control of the u. S. Senate and extended their lead in the house. Now comes the hard part though. Seeing if they can Work Together or if the gridlock will get even worse. Our u. S. Senator has this report for us. It was a chastened president obama who spoke to reporters after voters to liver their verdict on him and his policies in last nights election. Everybody, have a seat. He said he had heard their voice and after deed of years of insults line between democrats and republicans, a more. Onciliatory tone i am committed to make the next two years as productive as possible. I am committed to make sure i measure ideas, not by whether they are from democrats or republicans, but whether they work. That is not to say we will not disagree about issues we are passionate about. And from republican Mitch Mcconnell yes, maybe we can play nicely together. The American People a change the senate, so i think we have an obligation to change the function of the senate. That does not guarantee the president will agree with everything we do, but were going to go back to work. Last night america turned republican red. Even new yorks most famous land may landmark. All of these Smiling Faces were owned by republican candidates in the Republican Party. We have shook up the senate. We have swept this nation. We are going to make them squeal [laughter] theseis worth looking at pictures of the president s campaign in michigan. And why . It was the only Competitive Racing went to. He has become so unpopular in america candidates in other states they intend to stay away. Some openly disowned him. In virginia, thought to be a safe democratic state, it is so close they are still counting. Somewhat disappointed. That is how i feel. I think he can do a better job. The economy does show signs of picking up as far as jobs and whatnot, but i think things could be in better shape. Throughs not followed on anything. I feel like i got on conned by the whole thing. One person who has not been lying low in the campaign is this woman. [indiscernible] sent both Hillary Clinton has been everywhere, championing Hillary Clinton been everywhere, champion the democratic cause. Popular that she is not offering the same lap popularity as the president. But also isnt there another election in 2016 . I am joined by republican senator ron johnson. Thank you for joining me. The morning after the midterms, what changes here in america question except of look, i think surprised thatbe the Republican Party is not the party of no. We want to govern. Senators,nd republican senators, looking for those areas of agreement to get our economy moving forward. What are those areas of agreement . I think people are looking at america and thinking that frankly this is a very dysfunctional country. Are you suggesting the last two years of president obamas presidency we will see governance in this country, big things happening . We are certainly going to drive. From my standpoint, what is really holding back the American Economy . Overregulation. An uncompetitive taxes them. An administration whose policies are artificially driving up the cost of energy. Also, a number of things being mentioned. President obama is trying to inh trade agreements and asia and europe. Harry reid really shut down that process. We will try to give the president that trade authority. Free, but fair trade is good for the entire world. I think the world should look to america, hope for our success because we really can impact the world economy. And today is kind of a kum washington with everyone saying the right things, but what are the specific issues on which you would be prepared to compromise in order to get legislation passed . Doi think the beauty is you not have to compromise your principles. You just to have to find the series of agreement. Here in america, the medical device taxes a pretty destructive part of obamacare. Lets repeal that. Stone xl pipeline. Again, give the president the trade promotion authority. That would help the world economy, what honestly. There are all kinds of regulations doing great harm to our economy, Holding Back Businesses from expanding. Lets find those areas of agreement where we have regulations hurting businesses in democratic states. You mentioned the Health Care Reform and you have suggested in the past suing the president over Health Care Reform. Is that something you would pursue now . I just had a lawsuit overturned an executive order he had no Legal Authority to implement. The kind of tone that is going to induce cooperation and governance in the country . Was prior to gaining the majority. We will continue without lawsuit because president obama does not have the Legal Authority to change the law. With the Health Care Law we have been try to get the house to pass, a pretty modest proposal called preserving freedom and choice in health care. The primary element would be to eliminate the mandated coverages that are forcing americans off their health care plan, driving up the cost of health care. We need to start transitioning away from this damaging law. Lets talk about Immigration Reform because it is an issue president obama raisin is prescott raised in his press conference. Is the president prepared to pass through executive action is own of 40, what would that due to the chances of cooperation on other issues . I think it would be very unwise to do that because it would continue to create incentives for illegal immigration. What we should first do is secure our border. That would not only solve the illegal immigration problem, but for Public Health and safety, as well as a National Security issue. The president just takes that executive order, think it will poison the well and prevent true Immigration Reform from being enacted. It would be a real shame. Ok, what about members of your own party, and i am thinking of ted cruz in texas, past ofsuggested in the the republicans when the Senate Majority he would propose in preaching the president. Would that be helpful . Obviously it is not going to go anywhere. I am all about concentrating on achievable goals. That is not an achievable goal. I do not see why that would be helpful whatsoever, either to the American Economy or two republicans politically. Ok, senator ron johnson there. Thank you for joining me. Have a great night. Lets look at other news from around the world. Most prominent activist the Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi says that the process is now stalled. Her comments, head of a visit by president obama next week. Aftertrations in pakistan a christian couple was killed after being accused of desecrating the koran. E were beaten to death more than 40 people have been arrested. Koreas news agency has released a set of photos showing jongungil and kim walking without the aid of a stick. Analysts believe he may have had an operation on his ankle. There are lots of dangerous jobs in the fight against ebola, but one of the most risky is the disposal of dead bodies. Infected corpses are particularly contagious. The task is even harder because the men and women doing it are being stigmatized in their own communities. Andrew harding spent time with one woman on the frontline of fighting this epidemic in sierra leone and he has this report. My name is to be always wanted nurse. Her family is quietly proud of the way she is finally following her hearts. For the past fortnight, early each morning, she set out to her, squeezing into the public buses that so many now fear might spread ebola. Then it is time to put on her uniform. It is not quite a nurses job. , one of body collector a tightknit team collecting the virus laden victims. At first i was so scared, but the equipment i am using is very protective. We put a small camera on one she, fronteagues as right, goes in to collect the bodies of a 45yearold man and his 22yearold niece. The signs. Suppose she means the signs of ebola. She weekly covers the woman. Covers the woman. Quickly you cover the woman to give her some dignity . Yes. You have bad dreams about this . Yes. Every time i see one. [indiscernible] you have nightmares . Yes, we have nightmares. The team moves on. Family think you are safe . Do they treat you differently . They treat me differently because of the kind of job i am doing. The pace really is relentless. We have moved onto a new site and was again, she and her colleagues are going through the same routine. They are getting their suits on, their gloves. It is slow, hot work. This five, maybe six more times today. For this, they are paid about nine pounds a day. Crowdre is tension as a gathers. People are afraid the team could spread the virus. Do you fear they could attack was to mark yes. Do you fear they could attack . Yes. They could attack you . A boy,me it is oneyearold, buried immediately and almost without ceremony in a grave nearby. I think if i do not do it, who will do it . A vital task, but it takes its toll. Andrew harding, bbc news, cearley on. Sierra leone. An incredibly brave woman. The victims and the Health Care Workers trying to take care of them. Him and injured after a man injured after a man drove his van into pedestrians. The militant group hamas has claimed responsibility for the attack. This is the third such attack in less than three weeks. A short time ago i spoke to Quinton Somerville in jerusalem. What happens . Question marked they said there should be more of these attacks and the occupied west bank. Not in jerusalem. Three Israeli Soldiers were run over by a vehicle. Many authorities are still looking for the perpetrator of that attack. All of this again this morning with clashes at the compound, temple mount. Palestinians are infuriated by attempts by israelis and rightwingers to encroach on their religious rights. Palestinians are also infuriated that the neighborhoods are being jewish, as they fear, by settlers in East Jerusalem. They say that these terrorist justks, as they term them, simply need to end and the palestinian leadership needs to do something about the spirit in the background, the killing of a palestinian teenager in East Jerusalem this summer. We have the war in gaza. We have that field peas initiative whereby the united led to a summer of hurt here. There is no resolution. No one is calling for concrete calmres that would bring to jerusalem. Ok, what is direction from Israeli Security forces so far from these attacks today . The kind of reaction weve seen the last couple of weeks in jerusalem. Hundreds of extra police and Security Forces put into the city more than that. The occupied west bank, they are for one who seriously injured one israeli soldier and moderately injured two others. Quinton supper milk Quinton Somerville there for a centuriesold. Youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come who is the most powerful person in the world . Not who you might expect. We give you the rankings from a new list. Democracy activists in hong kong have been demonstrating outside the official of the soppy chinese government. They are demanding the release of more than 100 prodemocracy supporters, who they say have been detained. We have this report from hong kong. Prodemocracy activists and have demandedi the release of more than 100 people who they say have been detained by mainland authorities support ofbeing in the Umbrella Movement here. They say the crackdown has affected people throughout the country, including aging and shanghai. Of xilame the government jinping, and people are calling for greater democracy and transparency. Anyone who speaks out, they will try to arrest. I think it is very obvious they are afraid that the message of the Umbrella Movement will be spread inside china and the people inside will also demand for the same rights as we are demanding now. This group of 16 supporters in beijing, 13 were later detained why amnesty international. In the southern chinese city an activist detained more than a week ago after posting comments online praising be protests. The Umbrella Movements and hong kong has entered its six weeks six week with no end in sight. People here and hong kong enjoy a far greater level of civil rights than their counterparts on Mainland China and it is exactly those rights, they say, that they are fighting to keep. Bbc news, hong kong. Ok, here is a quiz for you. What do the pope, vladimir putin, and janet yellen have in common . This year they rank of the top of forbes most powerful people. Of the 72 on the list, nine are women. Six are from china, and even the unth Korean Leader kim jong made the cut. I spoke with the executive editor of forbes. Lets start with number one. President putin for the second year in a row now. Why him . Is interesting, last year when he was number one for the first time we got a lot of heat. A lot of people did not think of russia as a first rate power anymore, but if you look at the events of the last year he annexed the crimea, he issued a managedr in ukraine, he a pipeline deal with china. This is a man with unbridled power. One thing we looked at, he can sort of get away with almost anything he wants to. Over the last year he has proven he wants to. What you mean by most powerful man . Leader . S mean the best doesnt mean the worst leader . What constitutes power in your books . Are two questions there. Absolutely no moral judgments here. When Time Magazine put adolf hitler on the cover of the magazine in 1938 as men of the year, they did not mean he was a good guy. There are a lot of bad guys on our list. The head of a isis is on our list. We have a panel of seven editors , including editors in china and russia, that vote on a variety of things including financial resources, scope of power, different areas they have power in, and they take all of those things to mind. We are not saying these people are good people. We are saying theyre powerful and they use their power to their own ends. Of 72. Nine women out one of them of course angela merkel. None other janet yellen. Why merkel . The most powerful leader in europe. Sorry, david cameron. Has been for a wild. She has come in fifth or sixth in on our list since the beginning. Shes easily the most powerful woman in the world. Janet yellen, the head of the federal reserve. That is some significant power over the economy. Nine women it is interesting you say only. It is the same number as last year. This is a global list. List not a purely western and there are many parts of the world, unfortunately, where women do not have the same opportunities and powers. I think nine, which is well over 15 of the list, is significant. That might be a glass half empty it always is, you know. It is not just business leaders. Googleteresting that the seo a shot of the list. Yes. Bill gates is on there. There is a bias among our voters for people who are entrepreneurs and founders of their own ventures. Tim cook is on the list, but he is not nearly as high because he did not start apple. Ways googleat the honestly have power over everybody in terms of what information we can and cannot find, i think there is no better illustration of that than the number of europeans looking to opt out of being found by google. Very much for joining me. Thank you. Just a hunch, but i wonder whether being the most powerful person in the world is all it is cracked up to be . Think of the sydney skyline and the opera house comes to mind. But taking care of this treasure requires a lot of work. Inve arrived in sydney back 19 64 and he decided on the spot he wanted to work in the building. Five decades on, he is still there. We spoke to them about the buildings enormous appeal. I started to work in the 1969. House 19th of june. More in myg was mind. I was in love with the building. When i come at 5 00 in the morning, the first thing, i go around to have a look up and down. ,he concrete, grounds, glass panels. Everything. [indiscernible] a lot of things. Grates, they use the olive oil on the olympic games. They used to call them the bronze body. 1000 years ago. The all the foil the olive oil protects from the sun. White. E even. Couple times to be to be even on the bronze. It looks beautiful. I come here because i love the building. Doing. Ove what i am this is the icon of this country. We have to look after. Mine. This building is it is part of my life. I dont feel pride when i do work for the opera house. I never feel pride. I feel happy. Now that is a contented man. Taking great pleasure from a great building. That brings todays show to a close. You can find much more on our website. If you would like to reach me in the bbc team, you can go to twitter. From all of us here, i did watching. I will see you back here tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in Global Finance to guide you through the Business Strategies and opportunities of international commerce. We put our extended Global Network to work for a wide range of companies, from Small Businesses to major corporations. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Narrator with its mona lisa smile, its such an enigmatic creature the sloth a strange little character from the rainforest canopy. Woman when you first see a sloth in the road, you have no idea what that thing is. Narrator weve never known very much about them, but orphans from the forest are teaching us a lot. Man these animals are so interesting. Their digestive tract is like a cow, their body temperature like a reptile, and the way they move more like a primate. Narrator but for ana salceda, raising a tiny sloth named velcro was not about science. It was a remarkable journey into motherhood. Salceda for nearly two years, velcro and i were inseparable. She lived with me in my apartment. We traveled together. Velcro changed my life

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