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Indirectly, it does. It was because i heard about the litigation, i checked with the town clerk to see if they were still doing this, and they invited me back. Reporter the lower court found that of more than 130 prayers offered, only four had been offered by nonchristians. The impact of all this is unclear, given that hardly anyone ever shows up at these board meetings. The number of spectators rarely exceeds the number of board members. The most consistent spectator may be susan galloway, who for years has shown up with her video camera to document the proceedings. Attorney khan took the unusual step of including links to galloways video in the electronic version of the brief she filed with the court, allowing the justices to instantly view what the lower court found to be an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion. Father Alex Bradshaw from our mother of Sorrows Church will say our prayer for this evening. Father bradshaw. Reporter father Alex Bradshaw is typical. We acknowledge the saving sacrifice of jesus christ on the cross. We draw strength, vitality and confidence from his resurrection at easter. Jesus christ, who took away the sins of the world, destroyed our debt, through his dying and in his rising, he has restored our life. Blessed are you who has raised up the lord jesus. Reporter that the message is predominantly christian should be of no concern, says supervisor auberger, because anyone can give the prayer and say whatever they please. If anyone at any time during my 15 and a half years as supervisor were to come and want to be able to offer the prayer, then we would have definitely obliged them. Reporter you dont censor or control anything that they say . No, absolutely not. Reporter what if somebody were to come in and say, believe in jesus or youre going to burn in hell forever . Well, we believe in again diversity to be able to pray, to say the prayer in a manner that that individual decides. Reporter so if they were to say that, you would not object . No, we could not object because our purpose is to allow prayer, to allow that diversity, and to allow a freedom of expression in their prayer. Reporter the Obama Administration is siding with the town of greece in the case, telling the court legislative prayer is permissible, even with religious content, so long as it does not proselytize or advance any one, or disparage any other, faith or belief. The administration relies heavily on a 1983 Supreme Court ruling allowing state legislatures to hire chaplains to offer invocations at the start of their legislative sessions. Both the u. S. Senate and the house routinely begin their sessions with prayer. The attorney for the plaintiffs will not challenge that in the Supreme Court but will insist if there is to be prayer, it must be more neutral than what occurs in greece. What we are saying is that when a religious message is presented to an audience, the government needs to be very careful to present only the most ceremonial and inclusive and ecumenical message. Reporter over the years, no single issue has divided the justices more sharply than questions of church and state and this case is not likely to be any exception. And as is often the case here, it may not be who wins or who loses that matters most, but rather what sort of compromise the justices reach. Some form of legislative prayer is certain to be allowed, but how much religion is too much . Some endorsement of religion may be unavoidable. When does it become unacceptable . The justices takes up the question next month with no decision likely before spring. For religion and ethics newsweekly, im tim obrien at the Supreme Court. In other news, it was a busy week for pope francis. On friday, which was the feast day of saint francis, the pope traveled to assisi, his namesakes hometown. He met with young people, celebrated mass, and visited several of the sites where the 13th century francis lived and worked. Earlier in the week, pope francis held several days of closeddoor meetings with a council of cardinals helping him develop a plan to reform the vatican curia, the bureaucrac the meetings came as another candid interview with francis was published in an italian newspaper. In it, the pope denounced a vaticancentric mindset, saying he wants a church that is not just topdown, but also horizontal. He criticized the narcissism of many church leaders. And he called for people of different views to listen to each other, saying proselytism is solemn nonsense, it makes no sense. Parts of the interview drew criticism from some conservatives. But for the most part, the words and, even more, the deeds of pope francis continue to draw enthusiastic public approval. President obama this week told cnbc he is hugely impressed with francis. Strong support was also evident at a special event at Georgetown University in washington. Its title, the francis factor. Reporter an overflow crowd turned out to hear assessments of the impact pope francis is having on catholics and others, including washington officials. The moderator was longtime Catholic Leader john carr. Who would have thought that in the fall of 2013 washington would be a place of paralyzing polarization, complete dysfunction and stalemate, and the Roman Catholic church would be a place of renewal and vitality . Reporter the panelists included pbs newshour regular mark shields, kim daniels, a spokeswoman for the catholic bishops, alexia kelley, representing catholic philanthropists, and columnist david brooks of the New York Times and the newshour. What it looks like is less about abortion, less about gay marriage, and more about a counterculture, a comprehensive counterculture. That francis just looks like a christian. And so with francis it looks more like to confront the forces of the world he has adopted the powers of christ. Hes really talking about love in action and living that out, and what i find so striking about the symbols and the actions that pope francis is witnessing through is how often they really mirror jesus christ. So its the crowds, letting the crowds come to him, right, and they can touch him and they are coming right up to him, or its particularly the children and the handicapped we see pope francis reaching out to and kissing and touching. Its just a wonderful example of mirroring the gospel, and in this day of so much chatter the only way we can break through that chatter is through these powerful images. He is really bringing jesus to the world. And i think especially for young people that sense of integrity and authenticity in the action and the word is very powerful. I cannot think of a single public figuresecular, religious, or any other kind who has inspired, provoked the level of civil discourse and discussion and animated exchanges that this man has. Reporter but could all the adulation of francis be too much . One of my more cynical friends, someone skeptical about all this, said this is just a big vatican pr campaign. And i said, name the last successful vatican pr campaign. Reporter alongside franciss popularity, brooks saw a danger. He called it mushiness. Franciss core message is the person of francis. The risk therein, it seems to me, is the church is not only a feelgood institution about a humble guy. It is a doctrine and a creed, and it is a specific set of beliefs and convictions, and they are beliefs that are reasonably toughminded, and if you lose contact with the doctrine, the stuff that actually makes outsiders a little uncomfortable, with a charming guy who washes peoples feet, then you are losing something elemental to the church. Reporter but as a flag moved behind him, shields had a different emphasis. He answers the question, or asks the question that all of us have to answer. Not are you better off than you were, but are we better off . Are the strong among us more just, are they more humane, are they more engaged . Are the weak among us more secure, more comforted, and more valued . And to me that is a message that we need desperately in this country and in this world. Reporter after the discussion, i asked john carr what he thinks washington officials think of the pope. I think they dont know what to make of him. This is a humble man who has a powerful position, who won an election that no one expected him to win. He was 41st in the betting line, and he has decided that his belief in jesus christ means that he will speak for the poor, for the vulnerable, for the immigrants in a way that i think touches hearts, even the hearts of washington. New numbers this week about American Jewish identity. According to a wideranging survey by the Pew Research Centers religion and Public Policy project, onein five u. S. Jews 22 now describe themselves as having no religion. 62 say being jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while just 15 say its mainly a matter of religion. When asked what an essential part of being jewish means, 73 said remembering the holocaust and 69 said leading an ethical life. Caring about israel came in fifth at 43 , followed closely by having a good sense of humor. For the last two decades a majority of jews who married, married nonjews, and more than a third of all intermarried couples say they are not raising their children jewish at all. The United Nations Security Council this week expressed alarm at the rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in syria. It urged the assad regime and rebel groups to allow immediate access to aid. The Council Agreed on a nonbinding statement which calls for crossborder aid deliveries and pauses in fighting so aid can get in. Un officials estimate that 5 million syrians have been internally displaced by the conflict. Around the world, only three countries have not yet eliminated the scourge of polio. One of them is pakistan, and as fred de sam lazaro reports many of the vaccination campaigns there have been stalled or shut down by suspicions that immunization is a u. S. Plot, or is forbidden by islam. Reporter slums like this one in pakistans commercial capital, karachi, are the home stretch of one of historys most extensive Disease Eradication campaigns. Polio cases, tens of thousands a decade ago, number just a few dozen today. But in pakistan, one of just three countries where the virus remains endemic, the campaign has stalled if not gone backwards. Its especially frustrating since neighbor india, with similar urban slums and crowded unsanitary conditions that expose children to the paralyzing virus, india was declared poliofree in 2012. The fact that theyve done it is what makes me think that we can do it. If you can put enough boots on the ground and do highquality campaigns. Because if india can do it, pakistan can do it. Reporter dr. Anita zaidi says it hasnt because of a perfect storm epic floods, political turmoil, and religious extremists whove fought the campaign with guns and rumors. And there was one more setback, the hunt here in pakistan for osama bin laden, in which the u. S. Central Intelligence Agency ran a Fake Vaccine Campaign to gather dna samples. Which has hugely damaged Public Health programs, not only in pakistan but in many, many countries, because people ask all kinds of questions. They now think that the vaccine programs might actually be spy operations. Reporter the perceived violation of pakistani sovereignty in bin ladens capture, the continuing drone attacks targeting militants have made the u. S. Deeply unpopular here. And its helped extremists, whove long fueled a rumor that the Polio Campaign is a plot against muslims. Businessman aziz memon is with rotary international, which has spent. 2 billion over the past two decades and led the global polio effort. He says taliban militants have stepped up their antivaccination efforts. They issued a ban on polio immunization, which is today also existing. These are the same people who at one time were rejecting it on the basis that it is going to make that child infertile. Reporter the Polio Eradication Campaign enlisted prominent mainline religious leaders. The council of islamic ideology now has a very active program, and there is a declaration that the council of ulemas has made that says that the polio vaccine is effective, that its not harmful, and it is allowed by islam and that Muslim Children can have it. Reporter Muhammad Hanif tayyab helped author the document, which is being distributed to mosques across pakistan. They will go and explain to the people, look, in the rest of the muslim world, in iran, in saudi arabia, this crippling curse has been eradicated. Why is it that we cannot eradicate it from our country . Reporter the declaration or fatwa by top leaders has enabled local imams like bilal ahmed to tell his congregants, most of them not literate, that receiving the vaccine is not haram, or sinful. People come to me and ask if it is haram, and i say youve been taking english medicines all your life, and none of them are haram. So why would this one be . Reporter that may increase Public Acceptance of the vaccine. But it hasnt made life any safer for vaccinators. At least 22 have been gunned down in the past year or so. Polio workers, they love to target them not just because of polio, but because touching a polio worker makes news. They know that. Ill give you one example. Reporter you mean theyre after the publicity . Yes. Yes, sir, theyre after the publicity. Reporter who exactly is after the publicity . These taliban groups so you know this becomes quite an International News also. Reporter in karachi, workers we spoke to, paid about 5 a day, said they were undeterred. The security situation is tough all over the country, but this is something we have to do for the children. This disease cripples children, not just for a day but for their entire lives, and it affects the whole family. This is important. As women health workers, it is our job to help kids. Polio teams are being attacked, but this is something we have to do. Reporter they fanned out across city neighborhoods, sometimes accompanied by armed policemen, which has not prevented some attacks. Difficult as it is for vaccinators to work in the cities, its becoming virtually impossible in the north and northwest of this country, near the afghan border. Extremist militant leaders there have declared the Polio Campaign off limits. For now the Polio Eradication Campaign has targeted children on buses to and from the nogo regions. Dr. Zaidi says this will, at best, contain polio, not wipe it out. To do that, she says pakistans military will need to take on the militants to allow vaccinators safe access. If you look at the number one problem of pakistan right now is terrorism. I mean polio is just a byproduct of this issue right now. The central issue is fighting terrorism, and if you address the security situation, the polio problem will automatically be addressed. Reporter but theres yet one more complication that we saw workers encounter in the karachi slum, public ambivalence. Even as they urged parents to bring children out to get the vaccine drops, even as people in this community introduced us to Polio Victims who live here, its not clear if all of the children were immunized. Vaccinators say they got a little bit of resistance to the Polio Campaign, but they mostly got complaints. Its about to rain, and their shelters are flimsy. Theres no clean drinking water, no sanitation, no schools. For millions of pakistanis who live in conditions like these, polio is hardly the most pressing concern. Some Health Professionals and political leaders also feel pakistan has more pressing problems. After all, education, clean water, and sanitation would remove conditions that spread the polio virus. But those are long term solutions. Polio campaigners say a comprehensive strategy to simply get drops to all children could wipe out the scourge much sooner. It would also remove the stigma pakistan endures internationally as an exporter of the virus. Dr. Zaidi says its outside pressure driven by that concern, and a religious imperative, that could finally propel pakistan to act. I think the main source of external pressure is going to come from saudi arabia, because they are going to be very concerned about the hajj acting as a magnifier and multiplier of polio cases all over the world. If we dont get our act together, they may easily say no pakistanis for hajj and umrah. And it might just come to that. Reporter for now, among the millions who travel to mecca for the annual hajj and umrah pilgrimages, pakistanis must prove theyve been vaccinated for polio. And even if they have, they must take yet one more dose on arrival in saudi arabia. For religion and ethics newsweekly, this is fred de sam lazaro in karachi, pakistan. Finally, on our calendar, hindus are celebrating navaratri. The nineday festival marks the triumph of good over evil and honors god in the popular form of universal mother, commonly referred to as durga or shakti. Thats our program for now. Im bob abernethy. You can follow us on twitter and facebook and watch us anytime on the pbs app for iphones and ipads. And visit our website, where there is always much more, and where you can listen to or watch each of our programs. Join us at pbs. Org. As we leave you, more scenes from the popes trip to assisi. Bob scullys world show is brought to you by smienerpro. The solution in energy optimization. And by. Domaine pinnacle ice apple wine. Winters gold. Hi, this is bob scully, and welcome to another edition of the world show entrepreneurs the lengvari series. How many home fires are there in america each year . Actually, between 5 and 10 million, and that is truly a sad and tragic total. Second question, quick what is the 1 cause of these fires . If you answered, well, falling asleep with your cigarette lit, that would have been the correct answer a few years ago; it was the main cause, but now its something else. Picture this scene im sure it may have happened to you youre in your car, youre in a hurry, youre going to the office or to your job or to school, and suddenly you get a terrifying thought ive left the stove on. You do a uturn, you come back, and maybe it is on. And thank god you came back, because when that stovetop reaches 662 degrees fahrenheit, things begin to ignite, and there goes your home and maybe some human lives with it. Actually, technologically, quite a simple problem, and youd think some entrepreneur somewhere would be working on it. Well, there is, and he is. His name is kevin callahan, and the company is pioneering technology. Heres kevin callahan. Kevin callahan, we have a very interesting entrepreneurial story with pioneering technology, but i want to go back to an anecdote which some people. It will ring a bell with a lot of people, because it may have happened to them fire in the kitchen. Something we all fear, and sometimes we face, and it starts pretty stupidly, except this particular fire took place in the home of a nasa engineer named dr. Shah reza shah born in india. And it led to a lot of things, so ill let you take the story from there. Well, dr. Shah was quite an interesting man, very interesting life, unfortunately since passed away. But in the early days, he spent probably about 20 years working with hightech companies all over the world, including nasa, doing some very interesting things. In fact, when i first met him, i said, cant you keep a job . But he was a man who liked to move on after hed completed a project to do other things. He was never necessarily happy in one place. But he was at home one day. He and his wife owned 2 large great bern. St. Bernards, and his wife, fasia, left something on the stovetop and went down to take care of some laundry, and then heard the dogs barking, came up into the kitchen, and there was a fire that was taking place in the kitchen. Because she showed up so quickly, she managed to put it out, but she said to dr. Shah, ok, smart guy, come up with a solution for this. And its a common occurrence, even today. It happens more often than you would think. Many of us are stuck in the car in traffic, thinking, oh, my god, did i turn off all the burners, right . And so, pioneering has come up with something for that, thanks to dr. Shah, right . He worked on something, so again ill let you tell the story. Well, dr. Shah came up with a number of different technologies, but this was one of the main ones that we focused on. It was because it was such a simple, elegant solution for what was and is a very large problem. Most people dont realize that there are probably about anywhere from 5 to 10 million cooking fires that go unreported every year in peoples homes. Everybodys experienced them. Fortyfour percent of all household fires are related to cooking on a stovetop, and dr. Shah came up with a solution that basically controlled the overall temperature of a stove so it would be impossible for common household materials to ignite. Initially, he had difficulty taking it to market didnt ve

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