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Reported to have led the attack. Hes known as being from niger. He phoned Media Outlets throughout the siege. Reporter he is on the video that is believed to have been recorded in northern mali in 2010 or 2011. He and other militants showed their hostility towards western and arab nations. Reporter the people in the media were from different parts of africa. They trained with various types of weapons. From antitank rocket bombs to antiaircraft artillery. Security experts say many of the weapons came from libya. They say different groups took the arms across the border after the fall of moammar gadhafi. The video shows the transit end life the militants led in the desert. They moved frequently from one location to another. This is one of the senior members shown in the video. He has links to al qaeda. Analysts believe hes the mastermind behind the attack in algeria. Algerian Officials Say the militants prepared well. They say that the group gathered in southern libya and then crossed the border. Whats not clear, though, is how the fighters managed to penetrate the military Security Forces and private guards to take control of the plant. This journalist follows the militant group in northern mali last year for two weeks. Translator they had their way in the desert. They were free. No one bothered them. The algerian attack got their message across. Any country could be the next target at any time. Reporter the man from niger who led the attack died when the algerian military stormed the plant. But the whereabouts about the top leader is not known. Meaning the threat of more terror attacks in the region looms. And we could be seeing more evidence of the threat referred to coming from cameroon. French tourist were abducted in the west african country. Islamist insurgents from neighboring nigeria are responsible. French media said the abductees are from the same family. Reports say they were returning from a visit to Waza National park. Armed men drove up on motorcycles and took them away. Translator they were taken by a nigerian based terrorist group. The greatest likelihood is they were taken to any gearia. An Islamist Group may be behind the kidnappings. Theres been repeated attacks on the Christian Community in nigeria. They strengthened their activities after linking up with al qaeda. Tunisias first postarab spring Prime Minister has announced his resignation. He is stepping town after his party refused to back his plan for a cabinet of independent technocrats. Translator i promised that if my initiative did not succeed i would step down as Prime Minister. This is what i did a short time ago when i met the president of the republic. He was trying to form a nonpartisan government to quell public protests. Tunisians have been demonstrating since the assassination of an Opposition Leader earlier this month. Members of the ruling party have to pick a new Prime Minister but night not find it easy. Analysts at a u. S. Cyber Security Firm are accusing the Chinese Military of spying on american corporations. They say one unit stole information from more than 100 companies. Officials in the Obama Administration have their own concerns. Analysts at virginia based firm released a report identifying the Peoples Liberation army. They say members of one unit have attacked more than 140 organizations over the past seven years. They believe the hackers are based in shanghai. State Department Spokesperson said such attacks are threatening u. S. Economic and National Security interests. Weve raised our concern at the highest level about Cyber Threats from china including the involvement of the military. Chinas Defense Ministry has dismissed the u. S. Allegations as groundless. The staterun news agency quote ad Defense Ministry spokesperson as saying the military has never been involved in online espionage. He said china is a victim of Cyber Attacks because the ip addresses are often stolen and misused. Many attacks come from the United States but china has never blamed the u. S. People who work for u. S. Computer giant apple say hackers hit them too. The attack resembles one of employees of facebook. Spokespersons for apple said some employees visited a site for software developers. They infected their computer. The spokesperson said no user data got out. Technicians have started distributing software to detect and delete the malicious software. Apple managers say they are cooperating with the fbi to identify those responsible. A japanese man has won a top u. S. Award for helping make cell phones possible. The prize is seen as the nobel of engineering. He is the first japanese to win the prize from the National Academy of engineering. He won it for his contributions to the way radio waves can be relayed. He was a top researcher for japanese telephone giant ntt. One much his achievements was to divide a wide service area into smaller cells containing many antennas and then enabled mobile cell phone users to communicate despite a weak radio signal. He determined antennas in close proximity could create interference. He solved the problem by allocating different frequencies to antennas that are lose together but using the same frequency for areas far way. He conducted field experiment to measure changes in signal strength due to buildings or mountains. His research resulted in whats known as field strength curves. They are used all over the world to establish mobile phone service. It led to the first cellular Telephone Network in 1979. It was an automobile communications system. Translator i just worked hard and tried to do my best. Im glad that my efforts turned out to be useful for society. And humanity. 38 engineers have received the prize for developments such as the internet, fiber optics and other technologies. Four of the winners later won the nobel prize. When it comes to getting rid of terrorists japanese manufacturers want i want as they can sell more products overseas but farmers and others in the agricultural business are against the idea mean being exposed to stiff competon. Prime minister abe is facing tough decisions in his upcoming trade talks. Ron madison is here with the details on that. Youre talking about the ttp. At least a couple of other prers in the Prior Administration had to deal with it. Now Prime Minister shinzo abe has to take it up. Hell decide whether the japan will join the free trade deal. That decision will be made before the summer. Abe told a Diet Committee on wednesday that what matters is whether the u. S. Led tpp talks are based on the precondition altar arrives will be removed without exception. The tpp is expected to be one of the main issues when abe meets president obama later this week. Translator at the meeting i will not mention individual items to exclude from the tariff ban. I will confirm whether an all out ban is an absolute precondition to join the free trade talks. Abe said he recognizes the removal of tariffs without exception is not a requirement for joining the tpp negotiations. He will consider the impact of japans participation before making a final judgment. 11 pacific rim countries are now working to conclude the free trade deal by the end of this year. Japans trade balance has shown its largest monthly deficit ever. Thats based on comparable data that was compiled since 1979. The weak yen has caused an increase in the cost of fuel imports. The Ministry Official said the trade deficit for january came to about 17. 4 billion. The balance has now been in the red for seven months in a row. Japans exports rose by 6. 4 from a year earlier in yen terms. Thats the first rise weve seen in eight months. Imports also with a gain for a third consecutive month this time up by 7. 3 from a year earlier. Demand for crude oil and Liquified Natural Gas used in generators. We spoke with an economist at rbs Securities Japan to get his outlook for japans trade balance. Imports increased at faster pace because of commodities rises and weaker yen. Demand for smartphone contributed to the increase of imports. Looking ahead while the continuous weakness of japanese imports to china and europe led to rising commodity price could put pressure on trade balances. Dubais oil prices increased 1. 8 month to month one january and it dritd 4. 3 in february to date. Lets Ron Gettelfinger caught up with market. Markets edged higher following overnight gains in the u. S. And europe. South korea outperformed the region though with a key index rising 2 . Technology stocks there led gains on expectations that sales growth in the eurozone will be better. Tokyos nikkei average ended at the highest close in four years and five months. Thats as the yen remains weak and were seeing hopes now for mormon tear easing by japans central bank. Shanghai stocks with a rebound of. 6 today as expectations for chinas stimulus measures supporting sentiment there. Heres a picture at europe at this time. Were seeing fairly mixed picture right now. Gains in london. Ftse 100 up. 4 . Got gains as well for the dax in frankfurt up. 2 . Ou see currenc now were going to bank of japan to buy foreign bonds. Others are betting the bank of japan will have mormon tear easing. Foreign investments in to china dropped from a year ago. Thats a decline now for an eighth straight month. A Chinese Commerce Ministry Spokesperson said the country attracted not over 9 billion of Foreign Direct Investment last month. Down 7. 3 from the same month last year. Investments from european nations were up more than 80 . A sharp rebound from last years tumble when there was the impact of the eurozone debt problems. Influence from japan fell20 souring bilateral relations havd determination to implement the new democratic state. The revision allows Foreign Investors to be exempt of corporate taxes for five years instead of three years. It lets them lease land up to 50 years. Japanese companies are behind chinese and south korean businesses in their investments into myanmar. All right thats going wrap it up for biz this hour. Lets close things out with the markets. Japanese Prime Minister abe and u. S. President obama are flipping through their notes on some shared challenges. They will meet on friday at the white house. Officials there say the leaders will discuss Economic Issues as weve been talking about. The u. S. Japan Security Alliance and their approach to north korea. North korean officials launched a robert in december. They said they put a satellite into space but western leaders said they were Testing Technology for a ballistic missile. Such a missile could reach the u. S. West coast and carry a nuclear payload. Scientists carried out another underground test last week. Japanese Government Officials said abe and obama will discuss the deployment of a radar. U. S. Personnel at a selfdefense base in japan already use that system. One Government Official says another would make it possible to track missiles aimed at japan or the u. S. North korea leaders are praising scientists and engineers involved in the nuclear test. The staterun News Agency Says the Workers Party is inviting them to celebrations in pyongyang. The korean central News Agency Says the group will visit the mausolom of kim jongil. The agency says the scientists will enjoy the privileges for demonstrating National Strength to the world. Authorities in the capital have already hosted scientists and engineers involved in the rocket launch two months ago. Kim jongun attended a banquet in their northern and authorities decorated them with medals during a visit that lasted three weeks. The people trying to clean up after the disaster in fukushima have faced no end of challenges. Theyve struggled to remonth radioactive substances from all the water used to cool the waters. Experts said doing that efficiently would be difficult bath scientist from egypt is well on his way. Reporter the professor works at the Research Institute north of tokyo. The egyptian scientist has developed a new substance that removes radioactive cesium from water. During the crisis the Nuclear Plant at fukushima produced massive quantity. I am using this technology for fukushima. Reporter this is where he works the National Institute for material science. This is what was developed. The powder place significant role in extracting radioactive materials from water. An expert in nanotechnology, he is studying a material called h. O. M. The particles are invisible to the naked eye as are its many holes. Each about one millionths of a millimeter in dimt. He developed a technology to separate cesium from other materials by having radioactive substance absorbed into these holes. The h. O. M. Is added to cesium contaminated water. This magnet attracts these h. O. M. Particles holding the cesium. Clean water. Reporter he came to japan 12 years ago after receiving his ph. D. He was keen on researching the latest technology for treating water. Thats because in his home country and the other african nations ground water often contains a toxic chemical. In japan he had been studying ways to remove it from water. In march 2011 the Nuclear Accident overwhelmed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant. He and his family fled japan immediately at the instructions of the egyptian government. But a few days after he arrived in egypt he received an email from his boss. What happened for the japanese friends it will happen to us. Reporter one week after the email he was back at work in japan. Since then hes been develop new materials to extract radioactive contaminants from water. He developed new absorbents for radioactive iodine. Then he finished developing the new type of h. O. M. Now it was possible to remove cesium from water more efficiently. Until then expert had considered that process very difficult. Japanese Water Treatment and Chemical Companies are showing a lot of interest in his message. Translator this material seems to be highly effective. Were hoping to see how much of the process can be developed. I am in the middle of actions, so im like you guys all and i hope it will be success. To be finalized and safe for fukushima. Reporter the Nuclear Accident changed his life. He says he now wants to do more research into technologies that solve japans environmental problems. Before the method is used in the clean up he has to give a trial demonstration in the affected area and then have network with Chemical Companies and the government. Clear skies in tokyo but theres heavy rain in the philippines. Rachel ferguson is here with the latest. Rachel . Yes there has been some really torrential rain in the philippines over the last 48 hours. It has resulted in some extensive damage, flooding as well as mudslides, damage to homes even fatalities. Now the rain is going to continue here and actually spread across towards indochina as this system makes its way towards the west. Now, there isnt any Real Organization in this storm just now but there is potential for it to become a tropical storm. Right now its a depression. Whether that happens or not there certainly is going to be a lot of rain here down across the philippines and as i said moving on into vietnam. Maybe even as much as 200 millimeters in the central coast. Flooding definitely going to be a continuing risk as we head on into the next couple of days. Looking more dry now across much of the continent, the shanghai region youll be seeing a little bit of fog. The fog will make you unable to see. Toward japan snow. Reduced visibility here as well with all the winds kicking up this snow and so much of it is coming down. The next 24 hours you can see anything from 50 up to 60 centimeters of fresh snow. Thats in hokkaido as well as tohoku. Lets get you and up where date on your temperatures as we head on into thursday. 3 degrees in seoul with 8 in tokyo and 9 in shanghai. Were recovering nicely here at 13 degrees. Should feel more comfortable for you in chongqing. Next mozambique, a storm has been impacting the nation. Well start off with a video showing you what conditions look like here. This storm had haruna affected the nation. Caused catastrophic damage resulting in a death toll now climbing over 110 at this time, over 300,000 people have been affected by the storm, many losing their thunderstorms rising waters. As haruna continues to gather moisture to the southeast flooding is still high risk through the remainder of the week in this area. If we pull back, well see what the storm is doing next. Heading down towards madagascar. Its expected to make landfall on thursday and friday. Expect storm surge, high waves as well as the rain to come in over the next few days, in fact through the weekend and then after that it should move towards the southeast and away from any large land masses. Okay. Lets take a look lastly at what is happening across the United States and canada. Theres a Storm Brewing here in the four corners. Its spreading snow across into the Central Plains and even places like lowlying areas could see up to 30 centimeters of snow, in kansas you can see about 40. Then we have warm winds coming in from the south. Thats creating an area of severe weather, mostly focusing on texas and coming up into oklahoma. Loom to the north and east youll be seeing freezing rain, dangerous stuff here. Also affecting arkansas and up into kansas too. Temperature wise, its not looking brilliant for you even up here in new york city. 1 degree. 3 in d. C. Youre feeling the effects of a storm thats blowing through. Minus 6 in chicago. Minus 18 for you in winnipeg. Heres your extended forecast. Earlier in the story of Foreign Investment to china weve shown a Japanese Investment to china last month was up, the figure was actually do u20 on the screen. Were back in 30 minutes with more of the latest. Im gene otani in tokyo. For all of us here at nhk world thanks very much for joining us. Have a great day wherever you are

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