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small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now bbc world news. >> welcome, this is bbc world news. i am live outside buckingham palace where thousands have gathered at head of today's royal wedding. arriving on the big day, the guests have been taking their places at westminster abbey ahead of the marriage of prince william and kate middleton very last minute norris as they prepare to take their vows in the full glare of the international spotlight. the couple will take the title the duke and duchess of cambridge. this is the biggest celebration of its kind in london for 30 years. people have been camped out along the route. others have been taking part in street parties. around the world, a huge television audience is tuning in as prince william and kate milton's wedding is broadcast across the globe. -- kate middleton's wedding is broadcast around the globe. ♪ welcome to our special live coverage from buckingham palace on the day of the royal wedding. it is a couple of hours now until kate middleton, the bride, rives at westminster abbey. it is the journey that begins her married life also her journey into the hearts of the british monarchy, an institution that despite all its difficulties captures the public imagination around the world. prince william, the bridegroom, is a future king. his marriage will be seen on television not just here in britain but by global television audience. overnight, many of thousands of people have been camping out along the route. the flags are up across. those who will participate are starting to get into places. a huge security operation, as you can imagine, here in london but really a month remarkably positive atmosphere from all of those who in some cases have traveled long distances to be as close as they can to the actual action itself. and over 1 hours time, those along the mow will see prince william and prince harry emerge from their home and head to westminster abbey. there will be the first of the royal party to take their places. the guests are already filling up. here is what it is like for many of those who are waiting. they have been waving their flags. they brought their souvenirs. for now, they have put their tents away and taken their places along this processional route that showcases the heart of historic london. that is what it is like. the police are keeping the crowds will back from the route itself. inside the abbey, the guests have been filing in. the choir and the many musicians will be taking part in this ceremony and they have been practicing. 2000 people in all are invited to be inside the abbey on this day. not everyone will be coming here to buckingham palace afterwards. for the reception. as you can imagine, this is a very coveted tickets, a golden box invitation, from the lord chamberlain on behalf of her majesty the queen. some of those will be people who have known the couple themselves but the official guest list is considerable and it involves many dignitaries from britain and around the world. the car you are seeing approaching buckingham palace is the one that will carry her majesty the queen to the abbey for the wedding of her grandson. she will be the very last to arrive there before the bride herself. kate middleton is with her family, getting ready, i imagine, before her wedding. she has chosen to stay at the nearby hotel. we can get a sense of what it is like there now. you have not seen anyone emerged? >> we have, actually. no members of the middleton family but many of their guests who were taken off to the abbey a few minutes ago were taken off in coaches, not the horse-drawn kind, but that motor kind. the hotel behind me is a street that has been closed. it is privately owned. it is more than 100 years old and it is right behind buckingham palace and has a long connection of history with the royal family. the guests have left already. shortly after they left, the bridesmaids and pageboys arrived, six of them, all very young, between 3-10. pippa milton will be the maid of honor. kate will lead at 9 minutes of 11:00 local time. over to buckingham palace. >> there is a lot happening outside the palace. you can see that bank of television studios, giving you a sense of the huge international interest in today's wedding. behind me, all the way in front of buckingham palace, the crowds are packed in. many of those are people who camped out here over night. amongst the many thousands who did that, they have sleeping bags and tents and they are packed away and people are waiting. they have been joined by early are writers. this area is now fall and is being closed to newcomers. they are waiting for essentially the appearance on the balcony, the kiss on the balcony. before that, they will see the departure of members of the royal family, in particular, the queen and the duke of edinburgh. >> there is a huge security operation in place. this has been planned for weeks. the focus of the men at is on clearance heights. that is where prince william and prince harry will lead to go to the abbey. these plants is -- these were planned very carefully. along the parade route, you can see huge numbers of people gathered. they are ready to take part in an atmosphere and some have been camping out throughout the evening. they will get their reward in the next hour. it is one event after another. at 10 past 10, we expect prince william and prince harry to leave. the parts of the royal family will make their way towards the abbey. all along this route, people have staked their places to see this for the first time. for the people who have gathered here, seeing it for themselves is special very big moment will be whenever the couple actually returned. they will make their way to buckingham palace and so many people have come here very early, some two nights before, to get a place to see that kiss on the balcony. they are all along this parade route. >> the atmosphere is building here as well. crowds are swelling by the minute. every time you look around, the pavement as more people, thousands now are lining the streets ready to catch a glimpse of the princes as they proceed to the abbey and the procession ever comes for after the service. few thousand people camped out overnight and there is a little bit of space on the pavement for it within the next hour or so, the pavement here, too, will be jammed packed. everybody will try to get a glimpse in person of those going to the abbey and a procession of the way back. let's hear how things are at the abbey. >> i am outside the abbey, the sense of excitement and anticipation just keeps building. a few minutes ago, when the dean of westminster came to meet the crowds, many of whom have been here for a number of hours now, to say well done and thank you for coming out and gave them his blessing. he is conducting part of the service. if we move over to the north side, we have a number of guests are arriving. they are non-royal guests. that is because the guests are being split up. members of the royal family will be allowed to use what is the west door behind me. it opens at about 8:15 and a red carpet has been rolled out. you can see some members of the royal family just walking into that main entrance. one of -- the guests are taken to security check and allowed through the front door. that will be at around 9:15 that we expect prince william to arrive with his best man, his brother, of course, prince harry. they will be taken into westminster abbey and they will be allowed to meet some of the guests and then be taken to a private chapel and given what they described as private time, an opportunity for them to go away from the crowds, gathered themselves, think about what is about to happen. these are two young people about to get married and embarked on a life together. they will come out around 10:00 and kate middleton will arrive with her father michael, ready to be walked up the aisle with the world is upon her. this is an extraordinary day for this couple and an extraordinary day for the country. i have been walking around the crowd this morning. the sense of pure joy is quite something to behold. if we take you back inside, you can see some of the guests arrive in and taking their seats and has been an interesting mix on the guest list. some guests are part of royal protocol including diplomats but the vast majority of the guests, in total it is 1900 guests, are actually friends of the royal couple. that in itself has caused quite a stir. right from the very beginning, we have been led to believe that actually it is kate and william who wanted to put their personat has a much more informal air than one might think. at buckingham palace, they will have a more private moment at the reception and no photographs are allowed, i understand them. >> the first reception will be hosted by the queen and after she leaves, it will be an opportunity for the young people to let their hair down and not have to worry about quinellas of that being around. as far as the abbey, there has been careful maneuvering as to where to see the family of the late diana, the spencer family, because they are not part of the royal family. they should have a very good seats and feel at the heart of this marriage ceremony. it is the archbishop of canterbury who will be marrying the royal couple today in westminster abbey. there you can see the marching band very close to here, getting ready to play what will be a crucial role in all of this. as far as the archbishop is concerned,hugh has been speaking to him and how he prepared william and k for this special day. >> i look forward to weddings and this is a special one. getting to know the couple a little bit and seeing how they think about it has really been a very positive thing. >> how did they strike you? >> they strike me as deeply sensible, realistic, but also people with strong ideas about marriage and other things. >> tell us about the way the service is taking shape. who has been in putting into this process? >> everybody involved in the wedding has been in some way drawn into shaping this service, the abbey, london palace, and the couple who have had clear ideas of what they want. they have not wanted a great kind of singing or dancing extravaganza. they wanted something simple and clear but they also wanted something with obvious traditional roots and associations and i think that is what really shaped most of it. >> simply to say -- simplicity is not something you would associate with a royal wedding. >> perhaps you wouldn't, but this couple has a strong feeling of what is at the heart of it, the essentials have to be strong, focused. they want to focus on what is basic and essential to them as people and that is coming for strongly. when all the extravaganza is set aside and elaboration is dealt with, at the heart of it, it is two people for whom this day is very, very special, who in the presence of god are promising each other to each other for life. they want to do that with as much clear light on that central act. >> will the tradition before -- be reflected in the ratings under the music? >> yes, there is some commissioned music and traditional stuff which affirms continuities that matters to them. the readings will have no surprises. >> we are thinking of a global audience of maybe 2 billion people which clearly adds plusher -- at spot -- pressure on many people. >> without doubt, but i have done what is before. there is always something very intimate about the import moments of the marriage. you just speak to two people. however large the congregation and a global audience, that is what matters. >> as you prepare for the service, it has been traditional in the past that archbishops and the deans of westminster to get the message of welcome to people across the world joining the service. what will be your message? >> my message is that every wedding needs everyone looking on to be part of it. it needs everyone who is looking on to a firm with a couple of matters to them, to promise in their hearts whatever support they can give and to look at their own lives and say how can we do a little bit more towards the ideal they are trying to put forth feminize to talk to you, thank you very much. >> that was the archbishop of canterbury, the senior clergymen and the man who will play a primary role in the service. you are watching bbc world news with our special coverage on the day of the royal wedding. a writing for the big day, the guests have been taking their place at westminster abbey ahead of the maris. among them, politicians, clergy, celebrities, ambassadors, and more than 45 or 0 guests from around the world. they prepare to take their vows in the full glare of the international spotlight. prince william and kate middleton will be taking the title duke and duchess of cambridge. that news of the title they will be taken on their marriage has just been revealed by the palace in the last hour or so. while london as the focal point of the celebration, the wedding has been causing excitement elsewhere in the u.k. and elsewhere in the world. >> on french tv, a look-alike couple has been promoting the big day. >> you can watch our wedding. >> some of the countries that get rid of their marquees a while ago have the most enthusiastic and the coverage. this was russian television. in this new york store, the shelves are full of, "super heroes and now there's a new dynamic duo, william and kate. >> when i saw it i started laughing and i could not help pick up and check it out. >> these troops are taking part in this our money back from foreign duty. there have been messages of support from their college is still out in afghanistan. >> good luck will and kate on your big day. >> i hope the weather is better in the u.k. than afghanistan. >> the summer -- the weather was suddenly good for the recreation of the royal wedding with local children. there were plenty of dignitaries. prince william was a little nervous. >> are you sure you are doing the right thing here? >> i will find out afterwards. >> for richard, for pork -- >> -- for richer, for poorer, >> we are now in the last half- hour within which guests have been asked to take their places inside the abbey. some of the more high-profile guests have begun arriving. the general congregation has been asked to take their seats within the next half-hour which leaves the way clear for prince william and prince harry to arrive later on. some of those who are here are those who have to be invited. they are on the special guest list of one kind or another although this is not a state occasion. we have seen david beckham and his wife victoria there. in a dark cavern just arriving at the abbey. he got to know prince william when they worked together on the failed bid to host the world cup. he is one of the celebrity guests here today. as you can imagine, the dress code is pretty formal, morning coats or national dress. many will be choosing to wear full tales as is traditional for british weddings. david beckham and his wife victoria are arriving. there will be other guests who are well-known faces including members of the royal family around the world. once all the guests are seated, the congregation is seated, they will start to see some members of the royal family, first of all prince william and prince harry arriving. that will be the final run up to the marriage. let's speak to your bond -- yvonne york. what is it that has sparked so much international attention on these events today? >> a lot of it is that people are really looking for a feel good story. everybody loves a love story. everybody loves a wedding. it is a great way to take your mind off all the other bad news that is going on at the moment. you can really focus on something that is positive and very joyful. >> when you look at those who have traveled long distances, there are people really from every corner of the globe. do you think it is because of the affection of the british monarchy or the diana factor? is it a fascination with her son? >> i think absolutely the day on factor is a key component. i think a lot of people have been a great admirer of the princess and a great admirer of the monarchy. william reminds people so much of his mother every time they see him. they are reminded of her and i think a lot of people are really happy for this couple. they really want william to have the happiness that he deserves and that perhaps diluted diana during her marriage. >> it will be a poignant statement, i'm sure, in many ways, not least because of westminster abbey and this entire route is the one he walked on the day of her funeral. >> absolutely, i think will be a very, very emotional day for him. it should be a gloriously happy day for him. i'm sure his mother will be in his thoughts and i am sure he is very keen to make her part of his special day today. i think he said so himself that on fortunately she can't be here but of course, he wants her to be able to join in on this very, very important day in his life. >> what about your sense of the relationship between the two of them? what do they bring to the monarchy? >> the fact that the both of them have known each other for quite a long time, they are very, very comfortable with each other and at ease with each other and their is a true equal partnership. they have known each other better than charles and diana did. diana herself said the only met 13 times before they got married. this young couple will really be the new face of the monarchy and bring a lot of youthful vigor and attention and also admiration for the royal family. i think it is an absolutely wonderful, wonderful couple. >> yvonne york, thank you very much indeed. we are centered on buckingham palace today but let me bring you more of what it is like around here. the crowds are gathered in hyde park around the corner. in several of the london parks, there are big screens up for those who cannot make it down to the route or weren't sure if it wanted to care about are able to watch on big screens. at buckingham palace, one of the band level the playing a role in a ceremony and recession is getting a big cheer from the crowd as they go past, presumably on their way to take up a position somewhere along the route. this is the heart of ceremonial london. his only a short distance between buckingham palace and westminster abbey. this is where royal processions through the ages have taken place. a lot of effort has gone into trying to make sure it is looking absolutely at its best. let's go to westminster abbey and see what it is like there. i imagine there is probably barely even standing room? >> it is very, very closely packed. the mood in the crowd changed somewhat. when i arrived early this morning at 4: 30 in the morning, there was exchanges going on, shouts. there are many more people here now but the mood has completely changed. people are standing in a very ordered fashion. there's a sense of anticipation which keeps getting fed by the arrivals that are coming in in dribs and drabs. i have a pair of binoculars. we are seeing the general congregation or arrive at the great north the door. there is quite an average of elephants, many in kilts, when men in hats -- there is quite and an array of outfits, many in kilts, with men in hats. the ceremonial guard have their red, gold, and black outfits. all of this is feeding into that mode of anticipation that you can see on the face of the crowd. >> i imagine it is pretty carefully choreographed with the congregation coming in through one door of the abbey. when prince william arrives, he will come for the main door? >> that's right, the great north door which is on the screen to your left, that is the general congregation, everyone apart from the viet'beats, the heads of state, a the -- vip's, the heads of state and we will start seeing members of the royal family arriving here. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around the globe. go to online. >> funding was made possible by the frumin foundation of new york, stowe, vt., and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. ♪ >> union bank has put its global expertise to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> woc neabd rlws was present k bycet, d anlos.ges le bycet, d anlos.ges le

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