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The green one. And in the deep ocean you can find the leatherback. The leatherback is the biggest sea turtle in the world, and the green one is the secondbiggest. All the turtle we have here, they come from the wild. They are with us because they were either sick, injured, or or taken illegally by people on the island. So our job is to make them well, and when they will be healthy enough, we gonna release them. So how do we know that they are healthy enough is that theyre fat, they try to bite everything, so human, fish, other turtles, and they swim very fast. Thats how we know theyre ready to be released. Young girl if you didnt rescue them, what would happen to them . Julie so, for example, the 7 we have here, if we didnt rescue them, they will be eaten by dogs. So it was some kids who found them on the beach, and almost all of them were be eaten by dogs, except 55 of them. Of the 55, weve released the others, we couldnt save them. So usually if we didnt have turtles here, they would be dead. Older girl how do the dogs eat them . Do they go underwater, or do they eat them on the land . Julie no, the dogs, theyre usually on the move, too, because people have dogs to kept their home. But here they dont really feed them. So they try to find all the food they can. So the turtle nest is an easy food. They have to dig the hole, take the eggs, or when the babies hatch, its easy for them to eat them. So here the green turtles, they only come to bora to nest. We have only one nesting beach. There is no hotel, no planes during the night, and just a few people who live there. So the female will go on the beach during the night, she will dig a 70centimeter hole, and she will lay around 100 to 150 eggs. She will do that for 3 months. And at the end of the 3 months, she will have laid 1,000 eggs. And of these 1,000 eggs, there is only one whos gonna become adult. One whos gonna become adult . They gonna be eaten. So here we have 6 animals whos gonna eat them. Which ones . You have the birds, pigs, dogs, cats is gonna eat them. The ones who make it into the lagoon, guess what all the big fish are waiting for them. And the one who survives through all this, they will go into the deep ocean to hide. Usually they hide on the floating sea grass, a floating piece of food. They will stay there 10 years, and after 10 years they will come back in a lagoon. The problem for the sea turtle in general is not only in french polynesia, but is all around the world. The main problem for sea turtle is the waste. Everything plastic is dangerous for the turtle. So if people could try not to have so much plastic, or when they do have plastic, put in the trash, this will make a difference. So, the green turtle becomes adult at the age of 20 years old and they start to reproduce and lay eggs at the age of 25. But at the age of 20 years old, the green turtle is the only sea turtle who will do something. So what can they do when they become adults . They will change their diet. They will become vegetarian. The green turtle is the only sea turtle who will eat sea grass when she becomes adults. So, we feed them with fish, and usually its red tuna that we give them. So we give them only what they need to survive a day, and after that, if they are hungry, they have to hunt the fish we have here. Like this, and natural instinct to hunt is still intact. Do you know how much they can weight . So its 550 pounds. Ok, now is the easiest question of all the speech. Which color of sea grass they love to eat . Green. And when they eat lot of green sea grass, you have something inside their body that would change color. What can it thats why we call them green sea turtles. And here the problem is we dont have any sea grass. So when they come and reproduce here, they will be on forced diet for 3 months, and at the end of the 3 months, they will migrate into New Caledonia ready to feed. They will stay there 3 years because they need 3 years to do all their fat again. Thats why they come here every 3 years to nest. So all the turtle we have here, theyre under 3 years old. And we dont know if its a male, female. We have to wait 10 years old before knowing it. So thats why when im gonna release them, im gonna give them female names because im the boss. Because if everyone is touching them, they will be used to humans. And when we gonna release them, its gonna be a big problem because here the turtle is still hunted for the meat. So thats why please dont touch them. Also, if you touch them and you have oily stuff on you, sunscreen, [indistinct], you gonna damage their shell. And a damaged shell from the its impossible to fix it. So, please, i beg you, dont touch them. Between zero to 20 years old, you can estimate their age with the size of the shell. After 20 years old, when they come and nest, you know that they are at least 25, but after that, we dont know. Here is the quarantine zone. So, actually we have 13 babies. So this, the first, we have here they are 20 weeks. And here you 18 weeks babies in the rest of the tank. Its because they are too small to be with the other turtles, so we keep them here. Like this there is no danger for them. So no fish will hurt them, moray eel wont hurt them, and also allthe other turtles wont hurt them because when they are big, they used to pick on the small. So like this for sure that they are gonna be fine until we can release them. The neck and one here like this, she wont be scared, and she wont hurt you with her claws. You see here she has very strong claws that can hurt you. Older girl how old is it . Julie this one is 20 weeks. Older girl does the color change at all . Julie yes, im gonna show you. Here. So, when theyre born, their shell are black like this. The birds cant see them. And their belly is white. Like this, the fish cant see them. This project is really helpful for the sea turtles because if nobody protects the turtles, there wont be any more creature in all polynesia because still people eat them. If were still here, its gonna be ok. If we close, it wont be ok. So im a positive person, so i think its gonna be ok. Alex next, we go inside the Ecological Center and learn about unique creatures of the coral reef. Our amazing story continues do you know the secret to a happy home in these modern times . Its a housewife whos in control of the finances. Actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressives name your price tool to take control of their budget. And while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the Car Insurance options her little heart desires. Or the women might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women dont have jobs. Is this guy for real . Modernizing Car Insurance with thats enough out of you the name your price tool, only from progressive. [ horn honks melody ] well, well. If it isnt the belle of the ball. Gentlemen. You look well. Whats new, flo . Well, a name your price tool went missing last week. Name your what, now . It gives you Coverage Options based on your budget. I just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at progressive. Com. So, you cant use it to just buy stuff . No. Im sorry, gustav. We have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] hes gonna meet us there. The name your price tool. Still only at progressive. M. Alex we now continue with our amazing Animal Rescue story. Were visiting french polynesia, just about an 8hour flight from the u. S. West coast, to get an upclose look to learn about the delicate ecology of the coral reef, on the island of bora bora at the le meridien resort. Julie welcome to the Ecological Center. Here we have a touching pool, so im gonna make you touch. The purpose of the Ecological Center is to have kids here. And not only tourists, but to have the local population come here. For the adult, i think its too late. Thats why we have the school kids who come here free, and we explain them why its important to protect all marine life, not only turtles, but why its important to protect everything. Do you know what this is . Older girl sea urchin. Julie yes. Its a sea urchin. We call it a collector sea urchin, because he collects everything he can find to hide himself. So he Eats Everything he can find in the sand. We have lots of animals that are endangered, so like this we can explain why its endangered and this is a black sea cucumber. So the black sea cucumber, its one of the most important animal of the ecosystem. So if you want to kiss him, its this way, because this is the anus. Dont get it wrong. [laughter] so why its one of the most important . Because he will eat the sand, clean the sand, eject the clean sand. Drink the water, clean the water, and eject clean water. Older girl do other animals eat it . Julie uh, yes. Big fish and human. [indistinct question] julie yes, a lot of asian people love to eat them. But its very dangerous to eat them because they have lots of pollution in them since they are filterers. So its better not to eat them. Girl are they endangered . Julie some of the sea cucumber, yes, they are endangered. The black one, not yet. But we have a species, for example, this one, the pineapple sea cucumber, we dont find it anymore here. Because people eat them. Here we have another species of sea cucumber. We call it the leopard sea cucumber. Yes, when a fish try to eat them, he will release those sticky filaments, and the fish will get stuck. But here in french polynesia, before, they didnt have shoes, so what they did is they took those sticky filaments, wait till they become hard, put it under their feet, so like this, wait, become very hard, and after they could walk on the reef without getting hurt. Or to take the lobster without getting hurt. Do you know what this is . Young girl um, it kind of looks like a rock. Julie no. I wont show the under, otherwise its too easy. Ohh. Girl oh, its a starfish. Young girl its a starfish. Julie its a fat starfish. In french we call them shark pillow because there is a sweet legend here that the shark used like this. Thats why their skin look like the skin of the shark. So they are very heavy because theyre full of water. They love to eat the giant clams. So here where you have the shape of the star, it will open just a little like this. You will have some small tentacle that come out. He will climb above the clam like this. In the middle it will open. One of his 5 stomach will come out, go inside the clam, eat the clam, and then go inside back to digest. So here im gonna show you a linckia. Its a very rare starfish. Its a blue one. Its around 10 years old, and it can live 40 years. So i swear its not made in china. Man its alive . Julie its alive. [laughs] [indistinct chatter] older girl where do they live . Julie so you can find them on the reef, but here this shape of starfish is very rare here. So you can find some blue that is extremely rare, but you can find also yellow, red, and orange that are more common. But the blue one, its extremely rare. Thats why i dont make people touch it because its very fragile. This is the oyster that produce the black pearl. There is no pearl inside, because this one, its a wild one, and in the wild you have one chance in 10,000 to find a pearl. But you have some other species, like in the philippines, that can do white pearls. And another species can do pink pearls. But they are not only black. They are black with some color inside. You see this one, its alive. You see the animals inside . Young girl when do they open . Water to get their food. Here she is closing because she is out of the water. But when im gonna put her back, she will open back to filter the water. As a marine biologist, to be here is the best place, and i really do like my job. I wont change place for any other job. And i will be here until im bored. But im not yet bored, so i will stay here i think a lot, a lot of time. Alex visit our website, animalrescuetv. Com, to learn more about other rescue groups. Dont go alex and now this Animal Rescue safety tip. Singer keep your pets happy, healthy, and fit with this Animal Rescue safety tip alex even pets that seem healthy and frisky can have hidden medical issues that, left undetected, could lead to serious problems. Thats why a Blood Analysis of your pet is an essential tool used by veterinarians to detect, treat, and prevent potentially dangerous illnesses. Standard blood tests should be part of your pets annual physical examination, especially for older or sickly animals. Talk with your vet if you have any questions. Singer thats your Animal Rescue safety tip Animal Rescue returns to a happy home in its a housewife whos in control of the finances. Actually, any wife, husband, or human person name your price tool to take control of their budget. And while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the Car Insurance options her little heart desires. Might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women dont have jobs. Is this guy for real . With thats enough out of you the name your price tool, only from progressive. Alex time now to honor this episodes Animal Rescue heroes. Chorus because they care because they care woman by reaching out and bringing comfort to all creatures everywhere chorus because they care woman because they care chorus because they care many more are Living Strong because they care woman oh chorus to one family we belong because they care woman because they care alex time now to check our Animal Rescue mail bag. Singer alex and thats this edition of Animal Rescue. Thanks for watching. Join us next time as we showcase those caring individuals who help the various creatures in the animal kingdom. Im alex paen. Alex on the next Animal Rescue, amazing rescues and extraordinary efforts. Watch compassionate individuals help animals in trouble. Learn about different critters and the dedicated people who care for them. Plus, animal safety tips, and information on how to better care for your lovable pet. All this and much, much more, next time on Animal Rescue. New customers can save an average of 500 just by switching to progressive. So youll be bringing home the bacon in no time. Sorry. Get a free quote [captioning made possible by telco productions, inc. ] [captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org] alex follow us on facebook

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