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Inside at the time. Kimberly bookman live on the scene with the very latest. Reporter yeah. We are talking about this gray building over my shoulder right here. You can see the green windows right there. If you take a close look, you can see that the roof is missing. But the best Vantage Point is from these pictures right here. Take a look at them. They are from a neighbors building. You can see how badly damaged this old Carriage House really is. Firefighters say contractors were renovating the Historic Building when the roof folded inward. Crashing down two floors. Now, neighbors report hearing hammering just moments before. Fortunately, no workers were inside at the time. Fire Officials Say this property is number 13 tufts street in somerville. The new owner had just renovated the home in front and had the permits to start on the Carriage House in the back. We spoke to a neighbor who heard the roof come tumbling down. I heard this big crash noise. And then about a second or two later, i another crash noise. I thought it was a truck that that has happened before. Reporter fire Officials Say this building right now is not stable. They are bringing in demolition crews to take the building down. As you can see behind me, all of these buildings are close together. So this yellow apartment home had been evacuated. All of the residents told they have to leave the building for the day while they try and demolish the building behind and make sure it is safe for them to return home this evening. Kimberly bookman, 7 news. Reporter breaking news out of rochester, new york. Officials there say they have thwarted another isis attack planned for tonight. Federal officials arresting a 25yearold man with possible ties to isis. They say he was planning a new years eve machete attack on diners at a local restaurant. The bruins are gearing up for the winter classic being played at gillette stadium. They will have to face the canadiens without forward Brad Marchand. The n. H. L. Suspending him three games for a hit against ottawa on tuesday. Media. Nancy he also offered an apology to fans. We kick off our winter classic coverage. Reporter hey, guys. Sun an exciting place to be. Right . A live look at the ice right now. The bruins have just left the ice after their practice. We are expecting the canadiens to be on the ice about 12 30. To begin their practice for this 2016 winter classic. The bruins got off their bus at 10 00 a. M. In foxboro. They were up early, ready for the 11 00 a. M. Practice at gillette. Home of the new england patriots. The black and gold heroes out of their routine, for sure. But it is an exciting and memorable time. The n. H. L. Has suspended bruins winger Brad Marchand for three games after this low hit in the last contest, a 73 bs win over the Ottawa Senators on tuesday. Brads out for the winter classic. I want to apologize, and i truly am sorry to everyone about, again, the situation. And it was not my intent to make a hit or try to injure anyone on that play. Reporter the bruins enjoyed a family skate as part of the festivities on it was a great time for them and their loved ones as well. A great shot on the ice as patriots head coach Bill Belichick and bruins coach claude julienne share a moment. The rink is all set to go. Final preparations are under afternoon. The bruins versus the habs featuring the likes of cam bourque. I have grown up in montreal. I dont know if that is the best place to start your career, in your hometown. It is very lucky to go to the bruins, rich in tradition. Great history. A really good hockey team. Reporter so much to watch for here today. Bruins great johnny bucyk, the chief. Im Jonathan Hall, 7 news. Sarah jon, thank you. The winter classic may be a day away. The fun for fans begins today. There is a lot going on down at gillette. Nicole oliverio got the chance to test her hockey skills. She is all decked out right there. She continues our Team Coverage now from gillette. Reporter thats right. You hear the music pumping behind me. The crowds have started to pour in. The gaetz open at 11 30. People waiting to get in. Right here, these are all lines for people who want to test their skills at hockey. So this is spectator plaza. It is something that hockey fans are going to love seeing here at jillel. We will show you everything it has to offer. There is plenty of opportunities to try out your hockey skills. Here at the reebok net. You have 30 seconds to hit all five targets. If you do, you will get a keep in mind, this is the first time i have actually ever picked up a hockey stick in my life. So i was getting some tips on exactly how it is to shoot. You can see, got one. In that is all you need. Now, keep in mind, that is not me shooting. That is any friend adam here. Looks like an official hockey player. Yes. Reporter once you are done showing off your skills, upper deck gives you the chance to make it official. You have another chance to have your picture taken. Step inside this giant snow globe. You cant forget about the there are plenty of places here you can pick up your official winter classic merchandise. Can you tell i dont play hockey . Reporter you can also try your hand at goal here. Saved. All right. Just so you know, in fact, it to shoot a hockey puck. You see the crowds here. The doors open at 11 30. If you want to make it here today, it runs from 11 30 to 3 30. Tomorrow from 9 00 to 1 00. This event is open to the public. You dont need a ticket to come here. Some good fun hockey. That is the latest live from gillette. Sarah you are so awesome. She is, like, my favorite person right now. The bruins will honor the pats tomorrow during the winter classic. The teams twitter page debuted tuukka rasks helmet today. The helmet features familiar face, including tom brady, rob gronkowski, julian edelman. The canadiens goalie will show off his patriots pride tomorrow. He will wear a special mask featuring images of tom brady, Bill Belichick, and the teams four lombardi trophies. The phrase do your job is also there. If you didnt know, mike was born in needham and grew up in holliston. Dont forget, catch out of the winter classic action right the puck drops at 1 00 tomorrow afternoon. Then stay tuned for a complete postgame coverage. Nancy pretty pumped. 7 news now turning to your forecast. Looks like 2016 will be getting off to a dry but cool start. A lot of sun out there today. Welcome sight after a few days of snow and freezing rain. And if you are heading out to first night festivities, you wont freeze. Good news there. Bri eggers is here with the forecast. Bri yeah, nancy. The weather couldnt be better for first night tonight. Clear skies right now. Clouds moving from the northwest. Man, the sunshine was a welcome sight today. Especially after that cold wanting to hang on yesterday. We are finally seeing an improvement in the temperatures. 47 right now in boston. And norwood. 38 in worcester. 44 in bedford. What an improvement upon yesterday. 24 hours ago, we were 20 degrees cooler than this. Stuck in the 20s. Temperatures couldnt rise. I mentioned the clouds moving from the northwest. Just clouds. Big storms or snowmaker in the forecast for at least the next 710 days. Milder temperatures today. Getting some melting done. 4045 for those highs. But this looks to be it for the mild temperatures. It is a very chilly start to 2016. We will get that extended forecast in a few minutes. Sarah all right. Thanks, bri. Police saying they want people to feel safe when they head out tonight. There will be added security all across the city. Jennifer eagan live with the latest on first night preparations. Hey, jen. Reporter sarah, good afternoon. What a Beautiful Day we have here. Blue skies and the sun is out. Things are kicking off right now in Copley Square here. You see the stage is behind us. They will have music all day today. Quite a bit of work goes into all of this. We got a look at some ice sculptures. In Copley Square, they are chipping away at all of the preparations for bostons first night celebration. We went from freezing rain to a little bit of snow. To rain. And now we are battling the sun. Reporter weatherpermitting, this block of ice will be transformed. The sculptors gave us a peek at the plan. We have father time here. 2016 baby new year. They make it look easy. We dont realize the effort that goes into this. This is our times square, so to speak. Reporter this years festive disare concentrated here in Copley Square. Scaled down from years past but just as fun. At 7 00, we have fireworks on the common. At midnight, of course, we have the copley countdown with pyrotechnics off the plaza. Right now, a race to complete the finishing touches as 2015 comes to an end. Bottom line is are these going to survive until 2016 . I think they will. Yes. We will do our best. Reporter day. So you can see these sculptures are covered in a protective tarp. They are trying to prevent any its already busy down here right now. It is going to be busy throughout the day today. Keep in mind, the t is free after 8 00 tonight. Nancy a developing story the mother of the texas affluenza teen ethan couch is back in the United States after being extradited from mexico. Tonya couch was escorted by u. S. Marshals in handcuffs. After arriving in los angeles. The 18yearold remains in mexico. Family attorneys were able to successfully fight his deportation. A judge will now decide when he has to go back. Couch is accused of violating the probation he received. After killing four people and a drunk driving crash. In a drunk driving crash. He avoided prison time. Lawyers argued his wementy parents never set limits for him. 23yearold josh yeah chavez was wanted in connection to the shooting death of a man in lawrence back in august. The intended target. They also found drugs and a gun forecast in the hotel room. Police are investigating a bank roy are in franklin. This happened yesterday morning at the Middlesex Savings Bank inside the Franklin Village shopping center. Two masked men robbed the bank and drove off in a darkcolored volkswagen sedan. Sarah the attorney for bill cosby is speaking out on the comedians behalf after he was criminally charged with sexual assault. Nancy cosby is out on bail. He is charged with three counts of aggravated indecent assault for an incident dating back to 2004. His defense team vowing to fight the allegations. Alleged victims say they are happy he has finally been charged. My client is not guilty, and there will be no consideration on our part of any sort of arrangement. It is within the statute of limitations in pennsylvania. Forward. And im very, very happy about that. Sarah many clients have agreed to testify in the case already. Coming up at noon, firefighters in woburn fighting for a little boys life. Coming together to help make his battle a little easier. Nancy wild weather in missouri. Flood water reaching historic levels. Bri its been a warm december for us. It is appropriate to wrap up the month as such. 47 right now in boston. A colder start to 2016. The forecast coming up next. Sarah president obama joins Jerry Seinfeld for a chat in comedians in cars getting coffee. Sanders over 2 million contributions have been made to the only campaign that rejects a corrupt Campaign Finance system. You cant level the Playing Field with wall street banks and billionaires by taking their money. Im bernie sanders, im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. Bri it took a little bit to get there this morning. 47 in boston. Those mild temperatures just for today. They will give us some melting. Dry for new years eve tonight. Then a cold blast next week. Going to take some preparation to get ready for the kind of cold that we are in store for at the beginning of the next workweek. Rain reports from last night, some freezing rain in northern worcester county. Also in parts of metrowest. Not on the cape and not along the south coast where we had the most rain. Quarter of an inch, third of an inch. Close to half an inch in some vineyard. Here in boston. Worcester. Just under a tenth of an inch. Now we are seeing the sunshine. A few clouds that are trying to sneak in from the northwest. We keep a lot of sunshine around into the afternoon. Those temperatures very mild. 47 in boston. 38 in worcester. A huge improvement from 24 hours ago. You remember yesterday, it was really tough. Struggling to make our way out of the 20s. It didnt happen until the evening hours. So enjoy this. The mild air staying with us today. And through tomorrow. You can see that cloud cover that is trying to sneak in lake effect machine pumping for the weekend. And putting some inches there next to the great lakes. We have those milder temperatures with us today. Topping out in the mid40s. And even some upper 40s as you see. Boston, 47 right now. First night forecast dry for us. It looks cool. Now with that breeze coming in out of the northwest, windchill readings will be in the mid20s. A littlier on for. That to give us the yearend wrapup of the wild and recordsetting year, danielle gersh. Danielle lets not forget. The average temperature for this month is still right around 45 degrees. We are doing well. Still on track for the warmest december on record. We have had one day of belowaverage temperatures. That means we are running almost 11 degrees above where we should be for this time of year. So the other three warmest decembers on record did bring us seasonal snowfall totals. In the teens. Not making any promises. Simply pointing that out and february was our second coldest on record. With temperatures almost 13 degrees below average. We only had one day with temperatures above normal. So february and december, quite opposites. As we head into the new year. Sgli bri . Bri we prepaid for the warmth we saw in december. However, we get a cold start to january. That mild boost in temperatures is out nor a this doesnt look like a forever pattern change for us. Again, as i mentioned before, there is no big snowmakers in the cold is definitely with us. For tomorrow. Partly cloudy skies. And highs near 40 degrees. But plan on those windchills making it feel like it is in the mid20s. So again, pack on the layers. The bruins had, of course,. The bruins hat, of course. Snow showers and snow squalls on monday. Cold temperatures we need to prepare for. Especially getting the kids back out to the bus stop on monday morning. Nancy new video now from missouri seeing raging flood waters sweeping a house away. Carrying it right down a river. It slammed into a bridge. The Mississippi River is expected to reach record levels in parts of missouri today. Bridges and highways are already underwater in some areas. The death toll rose to 14 on wednesday. Flood waters swept 12 of those killed away while they were in their cars. The governor of missouri says the recovery effort will be a long one. This is going to be a while. I mean, you dont have this much water over a place with population and businesses and a lot of public assets and the water goes down. It is not over. Nancy the governor called in National Guard members to help with rescues, recovery, and security. Still ahead on 7, coming together for one of their own. Firefighters in woburn showing support for a little boy with why let someone else have all the fun . The sometimes haphazard, never boring fun. The why cant it smell like this all the time fun. The learning the virtue of sharing fun. Why let someone else have all the fun . Thats no fun. Unleash the power of dough. Give it a pop. Announcer 3 republican governors. But which governor won national praise for tough leadership handling nine hurricanes . Which governor made his state number one in job creation . Which governor led the fight to stop obamacare expansion in his state . And which governor laid out a tough plan to destroy isis months before jeb bush. Sarah woburn firefighters coming together to help a fouryearold diagnosed with cancer. With cancer. Family and Community Members tragedy struck the department twice. We worked together. We play together. We raised our kids together. Two people in the same neighborhood, just across the street from each other. It was unbelievable. We are all family. Once you are in, you are in. And their family is our family. Vice versa. Sarah last year, the woburn firefighters raised 20,000 to help. Now they want to help joey. We have more information on our web site, whdh. Com. Nancy up next on 7 news, the commander in chief in a car getting coffee. Jerry seinfeld and the we are just going to wrap for quick coffee. Well be right back. I do this little show. Comedians in cars getting coffee. Sarah president obama bringing the laughs. Commander in chief taking on a drive with Jerry Seinfelds popular show. Comedians in cars getting coffee. Seinfeld usually drives around town with his guest. Secret service said no drive for you. The white house grounds instead. Daytoday life, being living in the white house. You said you went back and watched the whole thing. Oh, yes. It is hilarious. I was cracking up the entire time. They have that same kind of dry, witty humor. So quick. Highly recommend it. When we come back, gearing up for first night. Boston ready to ring in the new year and police with a plan to keep everyone safe. Bri is weather is looking good, too. Dry and cool this evening. Temperatures not falling back towards freezing until we hit maybe 3 00 a. M. We will get to that forecast coming up next. Sarah a warning for drivers. This is not an acceptable way to hit the road, people. A person tried to grooif their sarah a body pulled from the Charles River close to the working to identify person. They are saying it is a man. When more information becomes available, of course, we will update you. Breaking news out of somerville. Crews on the scene of a roof collapse. The home was under renovation. No workers inside at the time. That is the good news. Kill Berle Bookman has the very latest. Kimberly . Reporter yes, sarah. This gray bidding over my shoulder here. The green windows and the roof is missing. The best Vantage Point is this video from sky 7 looking down at the building. You can see exactly how badly damaged this old Carriage House really is. Firefighters say contractors were renovating this Historic Building when the roof folded inward. It crashed two floors down. Now, neighbors report hearing hammering moments before. Fortunately, no workers were inside at the time. Fire Officials Say this property is number 13 tufts street in somerville. The new owner had just renovated the house in front and had all of the permits to start on the Carriage House which used to be a broom factory. Heard the roof come tumbling i heard this big crash noise. And then about a second or two later, another crash noise. And i thought it was a truck. That got stuck under this bridge. That has happened before. I saw the roof. Reporter now, we understand from firefighters that thised bying is no longer stable. I has to be demolished. At this point, they have evacuated people who live in this yellow town homoright here. Because they are concerned that all of the buildings are so close to one another that when they start demolishing it, there could be problems with the other homes. The people have been evacuated until the end of the day. Demolition crews expected here in 20 minutes. Kimberly bookman, 7 news. Sarah the winter classic one day away. I want to apologize. And i truly am sorry. To everyone. Sarah Brad Marchand wont takes the ice at gillette today. He did offer an apology to his fans. Nancy Jonathan Hall has more. Reporter hey, good stadium. Now. The canadiens. Boo, right . Bad guys are on the ice. Guy. We like number 32, brian flynn of lynnfield. We are keeping an eye out for him. Tomorrow is the winter classic. That is not happening until 2016. But we are going to close out 2015 this last day of the year. With the n. H. L. Alumni game. Everything is set to go for that. The bruins got off their bus a. M. They were up early. Ready for an 11 00 a. M. Practice at gillette. Home of the new england patriots. The black and gold heroes out of their routine, for sure. Memorable time. The n. H. L. Has suspended the bruins winger Brad Marchand for three games after this low hit in the last contest. A 73 bs win over the Ottawa Senators tuesday. Brads out for the winter classic. And he is reacting to the bad news. I want to apologize and i truly am sorry to everyone about, again, the situation. And it was not my intent to make a hit or try and injure anyone on that play. Reporter the bruins wednesday. A great time for them and their loved ones as well. It is a regularseason game. But at the same time, it is a special moment for everyone. You want to play your best. Report great sht on the ice as patriots head coach Bill Belichick and the bruins coach share a moment. The rink is all set to gomplt final preparations are under way for the alumni game this afternoon. Featuring Terry Oreilly, cam neely and ray bourque. I grew up in montreal. I dont know if that is the best place to start your in your hometown. It is very lucky to go to the bruins with really that rich tradition, great history, and a really good hockey team. Reporter all right. Back live now. Sky 7 over the stadium. Much fun. Cam neely and Terry Oreilly they will be playing for the bruins. On the alumni team. Then the canadiens will feature some of their greats through the years. Lots of fun here. The Fan Experience is going on outside. People get to try out their slap shots. Outside on the stadium. That is free for everybody. However, you have to pay to we understand the parking is about 50. Im Jonathan Hall, 7 news. Sarah the winter classic may still be a day away. The fun for fans starts today. At gillette. Nicole oliverio got the chance to test her hockey skills. Check it out. Reporter so this is spectator plaza. It is something that hockey fans are going to love seeing here at gillette. We will show you everything it has to offer. There is plenty of opportunities to try out your hockey skills here at it is reebok net. You have 30 seconds to hit all five of the targets. If you do, you will get a prize. I have been practicing all morning. Now, keep in mind, this is the first time i have actually ever picked up a hockey stick in my life. So i was getting some tips on exactly how it is to shoot. As you can see, got one. In that is all you need. Now, keep in mind, that is not me shooting. This is my friend adam here. Looks like an official hockey player. Once you are done showing off your skills, upper deck gives you the chance to make it you can step inside this giant snow globe. You cant forget about the jerseys. This is plenty of places here you can pick up your official merchandise. Can you tell i dont play hockey . F reporter you can also try your hand at goal here. Saved. Side note it is actually really difficult to get out of that. If you take a look behind me, the crowds were large today. You didnt make it, off chance to come back tomorrow. They are open from 9 00 until 1 00. It is completely free. And open to the public. From gillette, nicole oliverio, 7 news. Sarah dont forget, the winter classic airs right here on 7nbc. The puck drops at 1 00 tomorrow afternoon. Then stay tuned for complete postgame coverage. 7 news now turning to if forecast. Lets go outside. Shall we . A live look from sky 7 hd. Foxboro. Ready for the winter classic. And bri, it is dry. It still looks like it is pretty cool. Reporter yeah. Nancy. 47 degrees in boston now. Closer to gillette. 47 in norwood. We are near 50 degrees. Ten degrees above normal for this time of year. Cold spot in beverly. 38 right now. We had lowlevel moisture hanging around earlier today. A huge improvement from yesterday, though. To climb out of the 20s yesterday. We are finally getting that melting happening. We have some clouds moving in from the northwest. Taking over our sunshine. That is not it for the sunshine. We get it back tomorrow again as well. Something to keep in mind, though, overnight tonight. With all of the melting that is happening today. Temperatures that will eventually drop just below the freezing mark in most spots, we could have some areas of refreeze. You can see those temperatures take a while to drop. We are dry. We do get to see some stars tonight. Now, this is the mildest day that i have on the extended forecast. A very chilly start to 2016. We will get a look at that coming up in a few minutes. Nancy breaking news out of rochester, new york. Officials there say they have boarded another isis attack. It was planned for tonight, they say. They arrested a 25yearold isis. They say he was planning a new years eve machete attack on diners at a local restaurant. Sarah police are promising added security across the city of boston. They want people to feel safe as they head out tonight. We have the latest on first night preparations. North Copley Square, they are chipping away at all of the preparations for bostons first night celebration. We went through everything. From freezing rain to a little bit of snow. To rain. Sun. Reporter this block of ice weatherpermitting. The sculptors gave us a peek at the plan. We have father time here. The 2016 baby new year. They make it look easy. We dont realize the effort that goes into it. This is our times square, so to speak. At 7 00, we have fireworks on the common. And at midnight, we have the copley countdown. With pyrotechnics off the plaza. Reporter right now, a race to complete the finishes touches as 2015 comes to an end. Are these going to survive until 2016 . I think they will. Yes. We will do our best. Reporter these sculptures are covered in a protective tarp. They are trying to prevent melting. Keep in mind, the t is free in Copley Square, 7 news. Nancy an electrical issue forced a plane bound for maine to make an Emergency Landing in rhode island. Passengers on the flight from orlando say they smelled smoke midflight. They got off the plane when it landed on the tarmac. Some stayed at a hotel in providence overnight. Others rented cars and took buses to continue on with their trip. A new flight was scheduled to take off for bangor earlier today. We now know the man killed in a car crash involving secret Service Agents in wakefield, New Hampshire should not have been behind the wheel. Investigate vors say Bruce Danforth did not have is a drivers license. He swerved on to the wrong side of the road, crashing headon into the car carrying four agents wednesday night. Officials say the agents had just come from surveying a site in berlin. State Police Tweeted this picture of a smashed wind shield. State police told the herald the ice came off the truck. The driver suffered cuts on his face and eyes from the broken glass. Down on drivers who didnt clear their cars. Wellsley police shared this extreme example. Come on, people. The driver of the car cleared just that little small patch off the windshield. The rest of it completely covered. Police pulled the car over and gave the driver a citation. Nancy ahead at noon, one of the alltime greats paying a final visit to the garden. Highlights from kobe bryants farewell to boston when we come back. Sarah first, we have more winter classic coverage. A special guest joining Jonathan Hall at gillette when sarah welcome back. Hard to believe it is the last day of 2015. Nancy i know. We really have to get on those new years resolutions, bri. Bri we have had recordbreaking snowfall last winter. Warm month. Incredible. We are questioning the sunshine. That is a welcome sight after yesterday. Clouds starting to take over. Although i think for the afternoon, we are in the partly sunny category. We will see some sun peebing through the clouds. Current temperatures very mild. 47 in boston. Norwood, plymouth as well. 38 in beverly. We had some lowlevel moisture that wanted to hang on through the day. A big improvement from yesterday. By 20 degrees in boston. We just couldnt climb out of the 20s yesterday. We wanted to get some melting done. Rest assured, some melting will be getting done through the day today. Not because of the sunshine. But rather, because of those mild temperatures. Now, first night forecast looks dry for us. It does look cool. We have some dry air coming in from the north west. We get a light breeze from that. It will feel like mid20s today. Pack on the layers if you are heading out for festivities tonight. 2636 for overnight lows. I wanted to give you a closer look at those numbers we are expecting into tomorrow morning. We know after the slushy mess we had a couple of days ago and then the freezing rain, and another douse of showers last night, we are going to get the melting. And what is wet still tonight will refreeze into tomorrow morning. You can expect to see some areas of ice. Out late tonight, you are driving back, please take it easy on the roads. Leave the driving up to somebody else. For now, a wild ride in weather this year with danielle gersh. Danielle thanks, bri. The average temperature this december is still 45 degrees. We are still on track for the warmest december on record. With temperatures running almost 11 degrees warmer than where they should be this time of year. We have had one day of below average temperatures. As far as past warm decembers, the three other warmest decembers, and then seasonal snow, well, after those warm decembers, seasonal snow totals were in the teens. Not making any promises. Just pointing it out to you. Lets not forget february. I will admit i wasnt here for this february. We only had one day of temperatures above normal. And it was the second coldest on record. With temperatures almost 13 degrees below where they should be for that time of year. As we head into next year, it looks like we will have a cold start. Huh, bri . Bri yeah, danielle. I have to tell you, i remember we had 42 days of temperatures cooler than 40 degrees. That was quite a run of cold. Now we have had a mild december. Very warm one. Really. With recordsmashers as we head through Christmas Eve and christmas day. The cold air is here now. Winter is here to stick around. Hopefully, you are headed to the winter classic tomorrow. Looking fantastic for the weather. Still a bit above average for this time of year. By a couple of degrees. Then we see temperatures drop as we head into the next week. Boy, do they. Teens and betweens. Tweens to start the day for the middle of next week. Nancy all right, thank you. Kobe bryants final game in boston turned out to be a victory for the lakers. The closing moments of the game, fans cheered for the future hall of famer. Bryant made sure to acknowledge the fans before heading into the locker room. He scored 15 points after the game. Boston fans. It is a surreal feeling, honestly. I wish i could do more to show my gratitude. And i try to say thank you as much as i possibly could. It is a weird feeling. To walk across center court and look down at that logo. You know what i mean . Im trying to cherish that as much as possible. My husband and brother were there. They said it was an awesome game. Sanders over 2 million contributions have been made to the only campaign that rejects a corrupt Campaign Finance system. You cant level the Playing Field with wall street banks and billionaires by taking their money. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. Winter is hard on your nose. From first sniffles to endless runny noses. Puffs plus lotion is soft. They help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better so you can face winter happily. A nose in need deserves puffs indeed. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. Look back at memorable moments in entertainment. In todays top 7. Reporter 2015 was a year of transformation for bruce jenner. For intents and purposes, i am a woman. Reporter the olympic Gold Medalist revealed he was transitioning. Later coming out to the world as caitlyn jenner. Jenners soninlaw lamar odom made headlines also. The former n. B. A. Star was found unconscious at a brothel in las vegas in october. He is still recovering at A Los Angeles hospital. Charlie sheen coming clean about his health. Im here to admit that i am, in fact, h. I. V. Positive. Reporter the actor diagnosed four years ago said he decided to make the announcement after paying out upwards of 10 million to keep the illness a secret. Another year of loss for the family of whitney houston. Almost three years after the pop icon drowned in a bathtub, her daughter bobbie f was unresponsive in a tub. Brown underwent treatment but never regained consciousness. She passed away six month later. I cannot leave without saying live long and prosper. Report tt world mourns the passing of Leonard Nimoy this year. The boston native was best known for playing one of the most iconic characters in hollywood. Star treks mr. Spock. He was 83. Another galaxy far, far away made headlines this year. Star wars proved it is still a force with which to be reckoned. The film stormed past Jurassic World to have the Biggest Box Office opening ever. For the last time on a television program, thank you and good night. Reporter after years on the air, David Letterman signed off one last time. His departure made room for Stephen Colbert to take over the late show. This is it reporter jon stewart walked away from the daily show after 16 years behind the desk. England welcomed a princess in the spring of 2015. The duchess of cambridge gave birth to Princess Charlotte elizabeth diana. Her name honoring several family members, both past and present. It was a dress debate that went viral. A simple picture of a cocktail dress divided the country. Was it blue and black or white and gold . The company confirmed the true colors later. An unlikely star was born during the super bowl halftime show this year. Cambridge native ben affleck calling it quits. It was later rumored that affleck had an affair with the nanny. Blake shelton and gwen stefani split from their spouses. The heartbreak didnt last too a few months later, the singers confirmed they were dating. Zane malick decided to go in a new direction. The singer left one direction to focus on a solo career. The remaining four members went on to release another album. They announced they will take an extended hiatus next year. Adele came back stronger than ever after taking a hiatus of her own. Shattering records with her latest album. What a year. Right . Kim khazei reporting. Sarah tune in tonight for the final top 7 list. We take a look back at those we lost in the last year. On average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. Its called the wage gap. And the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. Hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. Equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. She gets the job done for us. Im Hillary Clinton and i dubai. Building. This is a live look at dubai. This is the address hotel. We are learning this is near the fireworks display there. It is 10 00 p. M. In dubai right now. The fireworks have not gone off yet. They were supposed to go off at midnight. We are learning that the fireworks are not a cause of this fire. But this is at the address hotel in dubai. And of course, we will keep you updated on this breaking nancy that [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like its got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. The kitchen is light and bright,new. We should definitely go see it. [agent] hi. Welcome im maggie. Melanie. Maggie. So nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. Living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. What about this . This looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isnt it so great . I think we found it. [agent] hey brendan,you might like this room. Agents based on your happiness

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