Transcripts For WGN WGN News At Nine 20120914

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now negotiators have gone out to dinner class's will not be in session tomorrow. >> doing something passed is not the way to go. haste makes waste. >> it appears that the teachers will remain on strike a fifth day friday as the negotiations continue at the chicago hilton. the union boss karen lewis said she was optimistic that they would make a deal today but they have some delegates who need some time to approve the plan. the house of delegates meeting has been scheduled for 2:00 p.m. tomorrow anticipating school and union officials come to agree on two issues separating them- evaluation and the retiring of laid off teachers. cbs said there top priority is the return to class. union officials say they believe that classes will resume on monday but will likely take a week or more before 26,000 members vote to ratify a new contract. rev. jesse jackson visited both sides of the negotiations this afternoon and at it 4:00 news briefing he reported that the of bushels were huddled on different floors. >> it is a state of emergency today. i hope they will boat and consider children security and get back as soon as possible. >> cbs will be expanding courses to help the students to access the courses. courses will be offered to the lower grades below third grade as well. live outside the chicago hilton. debbie g. in news. pounding the pavement wasn't enough. striking teachers literally took their message to the streets. rallying in the loop and stopping traffic during rush hour. >> they say it's the best way to make sure that they are seen and heard. wgn's marcella raymond was in the midst of it all, and has more on the story. >> a sea of red t-shirts thousands of teachers, students and parents walking down michigan avenue in support of it their contract. if they open hoping the end of the strike is near. there is a laundry list of things that would like to see happen. smaller class sizes air-conditioning in the classrooms, more support staff but what this is mainly about for them is having a voice in what is said to their students. mary emanuel is a big target of their frustration. parents walk shoulder to shoulder with the teachers and lsd member. his main concern is keeping this business out of public schools. fundamental differences that may never be agreed upon but these teachers are happy they stood up for themselves. what are you gonna tell you students when they go back? >> i'm going to tell them about fighting for their rights and fighting for their futures. and about the teachers coming together as a family. >> they're open the can tell their students about this experience in class on monday. the end of the teachers strike can't come soon enough for parents. w-g-n's krystle gutierrez tells us... parents hope the encouraging words used by both sides, today, in the dispute .. will get their children back in class as quickly as possible. >> here at breakthrough urban ministries there are acquire rahm weight lifting room and a computer lab. kids are able to keep on stop of their studies during the strike. parents say this is a great alternative during the strike but they said they would rather see their kids in class with their teachers. >> the kids need to be in school first of all but i understand for the teachers are coming from. >> we're hoping that we would get all the kids back on the same schedule. >> they are not celebrating just yet but many parents said they are encouraged to hear that the end of this strike may be in sight. >> it is better than it has been looking. it was pretty grim before. it is looking better. >> the kids are asking mom when we going back to school? it would be great for us as a family. >> in the meantime thousands of kids have been going to various free programs offered across the city. and for the first time those programs extended hours to 2:00 p.m.. >> i have been doing extra assignments with the kids, they've been doing their timetables reading out of books. i have been doing what i can. >> parents said they hope this will all be over soon. there is yet another option for parents of cps students during the strike. second city is offering a free comedy camp for kids. the training center extended their hours to keep kids minds and bodies moving during the strike. kids can spend the day learning improv games and exercises as well as studying sketch comedy. parents are doing a lot to help their children and told us this is a great way to keep their kids out of trouble and still engaged in learning. >> they have to work they have kids and multiple schools. this is very difficult for a lot of families. today was the second day for the free camp and a lot of kids are taking advantage. the days are full and there is a waiting list to attend. second city is scheduling the camp through friday in hopes a deal will be reached before next week. one of the most famous athletes to come out of the public school is weighing in on the teacher's strike. derrick rose said it is tough to see the children out of school. >> i right around the neighborhood and the inner-city and just to see the kids out at 12:00 when they should be in school, it hurts you. but that is what they have to deal with. for me, i'm gordon have a kids of this is one of the reasons why am thinking about it. i hope they change it soon. i am praying for it. stay with us for continuing coverage of the teacher's strike. we'll bring you live updates when something major develops. you can also follow our coverage on the web at wgn strike. the strike by teachers in lake forest will be heading into its third day tomorrow. skycam-9 was over the picket line of striking teachers this morning. they walked-out yesterday after both sides in the dispute failed to reach an agreement over salaries and benefits as well as a two-tier salary structure which would pay new teachers less money. no word on the outcome of a meeting between the union and school board this afternoon. the strike effects some 17- hundred students. there won't be a vote on a plan to overhaul the states government worker pension program any time soon. illinois senate president john cullerton indicated a vote may not happen until after the new year. cullerton said there simply arent enough votes to pass changes now. he predicts legislators will be more willing to pass an overhaul after the november sixth election, when itll be clear who will stay in office and who will go. still ahead: an arrest announced in the deadly embassy attack in north africa as thousands take to the streets again in protest. also, a shot in the arm for the u-s economy. the fed takes action aimed at keeping the economy afloat. also, a chicago man becomes the first person to go home with an artificial heart. plus, some rain in our area and much chiller weather on the way. tom skilling tells us how long it will last. ot sfilodour >> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing free layaway at kmart. it's a great time to get shopping. notaxeat least one person is under arrest for the killing two days ago of the u.s. ambassador to libya. our reporter tells us violence against other embassies since mounting because of the film mocking is long. >> the anchor directed towards americans spread across borders and closer to embassy walls on thursday. demonstrators in yemen try to break through the embassy gate. police fired warning shots and tear gas in egypt. i run ins shouted that to america outside the swiss embassy in tehran. there is no official diplomatic relations with washington. it is anti-american. fueled by a 14 minute clip on youtube. >> let me state very clearly and i hope it is obvious that the united states government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. we absolutely reject it content and its message. >> secretary of state hillary clinton rejected the video and call upon the government to stop the violence resulting from it. >> we should be standing up now and drawing that line. >> clinton's word came less than a day after the u.s. ambassador chris stevens and others were killed by violence. >> no act of violence will shake the resolve of the united states of america. >> the government tries to figure out if the attack was planned. u.s. intelligence officials believe that it is very unlikely that it was al qaeda behind the attacks. there are some in libya shown support for the slain ambassador. those signs of peace could be overshadowed by violence. the crowd believes that the video and not just for itself before country. federal reserve giving the u.s. economy a shot in the arm. first of all it will not raise the interest rate. $40 million worth of mortgage debt every month until the job improve >> the economy appears to be on a path of moderate recovery, this should reduce the and employment rate. pure than half jobs lost in the reception have been restored. the current rate 8.1%. investors seem to be pretty happy with the fed's move. the dow is up 6.51. nasdaq for 1.51 in the s&p 500 up 23. ... point. president obama was upbeat about the economy today on the trail in colorado. he said he is ready to work with republicans on the debt deal. mr. obama said he's already worked with them to cut a trillion dollars in spending. and he teased them a little and often to do his part to end partisan gridlock. >> i want their corporation. if they want i'll wash the car, a walk the dog for them to get the deal done for the american people. >> i'm confident it's going to work, i did not just that the economy in school, i lived the economy for 25 years. >> challenger mitt romney was talking up his economic plan at a rally in virginia. the republican presidential nominee insists that his focus on nurturing this success of entrepreneurs will bring the economy roaring back. >> why a priest over allegations of the crime that happened in the '70s has been allowed to return back to mem minister. >> and he's all part the man with an every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ copd makes it hard to breathe but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at closing arguments in the christopher vaughn murder trial are expected one week from today. vaughn is charged with shooting his wife, kimberly, and their three kids in their suv in 2007. for the killings, saying she was disraught over his cheating. vaughn's lawyer plans to wrap-up his case tuesday. prosecutors would then call rebuttal witnesses. this morning, vaughn's sister- in-law testifed. she said kimberly had a panic attack about a month before she died. a priest in the joliet catholic diocese, who was removed from ministry over an allegation of sexual abuse with a 14-year old boy in the 1970's, will now be allowed to minister again - but in a limited manner. however, the survivors network of those abused by priests or "snap" is none too happy. the diocese is allowing the reverend f-lee ryan to minister to homebound parishioners of saint edmund catholic church in watseka and saint joseph mission in crescent city. joliet bishop daniel conlon said church officials in rome decided that the allegation dating back to the 70's, was not consiered a serious crime under church law at that time. "snap" officials say the decision to let ryan minister is a shocking and dangerous move by the church. bad news for the housing market here in illinois. illinois posted the highest foreclosure rate in the nation in august, with one of every 298 homes receiving a foreclosure notice, according to a report issued thursday. illinois is not alone in the high double digits. at the state of new jersey and maryland also had foreclosure rates close to 20%. they say that holmes ... >> the federal government is giving $12 million to spruce up o'hare and midway airports. the money will be used to put special signs on the airport to improve the ability. it will also help the runway to accommodate new planes. mayor emanuel said the improvements will make the airport better and provide jobs. a medical watch with a completely new heart to save a man's life. and talk about sticker shot a couple of gas stations on the east coast are selling gasoline for $10 a gallon. >> and no more super sizing sugary soft drinks in a major city. pick 3 - 766; pick 4 - 8679; lucky day lotto - 13-15-34-14- 36. in tonights medical watch - a story that may overwhelm your heart - about a man who has no heart - at least no human organ. instead he walked out of the hospital today with an artificial heart pumping blood through his body keeping him alive. this is 64 year old leroy haynes. he has a natural warm smile, bright eyes - and no heart muscle. >> dr. dr. chadrick cross /advocate christ medical center/cardiovascular surgeon: we are delighted and pleased at the success mr. haynes has reached. >> this external box and internal pumps do the trick. not exactly the sounds of a heart beat but they are music to the ears of a man who was close to death in total heart failure. >> i would like to say thank you god for this medical team, for the nursing staff and all others involved in this journey that ive been going on. >> with overwhelming feelings of emotion leroy expresses his gratitude for being number one - the first illinois patient implanted with a completely artificial heart. the device beats and it buys time as leroy awaits a heart donor, the time when a human heart will once again fill his chest. >> these devices are not permanent they are not approved for destination therapy but certainly people have lived several years with these things in place and they are very durable devices. >> a durable, simple yet remarkable design - using air to force blood flow two implantable pumps and velcro to deliver blood to the lungs and body as a natural heart would. > he actually has two of these in place and they are held together by velcro and has these two pneumatic drive lines that come out and one replaces the right side and one replaces the left side of the heart. >> the device keeping him alive may be all machine - but as leroy looks to his wife with love and his caregivers with as if his heart works just fine. >> from the bottom of my heart (laugh!!!) i appreciate your caring, your concern. leroy is still on a transplant list hoping for a heart donor. but after not being able to walk before surgery and three month in the hospital afterwards he is home now ready to live his life. quipu jackets hand because you might need them at night. they say do not give up on the warm temperatures just yet. we could see another blast of war this weekend. the forecast is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. you know what i love about this country? trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. ♪ introducing free layaway at kmart. it's a great time to get shopping. >> a little chilly, a little rainy and those with allergies may have issues. >> it is certainly autumn. the temperatures took a dive today. it was 71 this morning. the gray sky is kind of pretty when you see it cast against the fall colors. we have a beautiful weekend on the way but a huge pattern change that would take us into much cooler weather next week. some of our cool weather are at the lowest levels we have seen since december in 2010 when we had a cold winter temperatures. it will not get that cold because it is early yet but it is a sign that there is a cooler weather taking shape for next week. these clouds or assembling and lowering your the day and starting to rain on us and the temperature dived after that happened. here is why you feel uncomfortable if you have allergies, for the fourth time got lee memorial hospital has issued ... there are equality alerts issued by them because of the incredible amount of pollen we had in the air. the temperature went down 19 degrees over 24 hours ago. you can see the warmth waiting in the wings out west and it will sweep been over the weekend. if you had to characterize the weekend would say that the days will be warm and the knights will be cool. we went in to the '50s late this afternoon after starting in the '70s. we are in high pressure. 93 percent humidity. we are close to the viewpoint. dewpoint. we're looking at about one quarter to one half inch of rain around the region. by morning drive will be in the sunshine and should have a beautiful start to a gorgeous day. here is where the rain has fallen today. some of the amounts out west in texas, iowa and cancerkansas and missouri. in green bay it is 54 degrees for the bears are playing. it has been a great day green bay. the coup and has not been uniform but it certainly has reached the city in lincoln park where it is 56 now. it's 53 in crystal lake these as some of the temperature drops from lake geneva will bring the sun out tomorrow. saturday and sunday will lead to a temperature recovery. the temperatures in the first five and the 11-15 day period will be below normal. we are or to have the cooler weather rich game. this cloud in our area now but there is a son out to the west. the sun will be coming in tomorrow and the high pressure with his light winds will blow for us from the rain producing weather systems off to the south and west of us. the temperatures bounceback was the son comes out. we should be getting well into the '70s over the weekend and even though the nighttime temperatures are pretty cool in the low '40's,. tonight the rain will be ending late. low temperatures tonight in the mid '40's. tamara mostly sunny and warmer with a high of 72. sunny and mild afternoon saturday with a high of 74. will show you a time lapse of the weather over the next few days and you will see the air masses queuing up for coming in next week. a grand opening to of the local teahouse. and why you may no longer be able to say super size me if you live in new york city. útpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ó we put a week's worth of bad odors in a home. some aerosols may just mix with them. can febreze really remove them? we asked real people what they thought. take a deep breath for me. describe the smell. it's very pleasant. fresh. some kind of flower maybe? remove the blindfold... awww, oh yuck! i didn't smell any of that! febreze air effects doesn't mix, it actually removes odors. [ laughs ] wow, that's incredible. just another way febreze helps you breathe happy. >> breaking news. fire breaking out at the horse stables and norland and chicago. the chicago fire department received a call within the hour. we believe the fire is out now. the investigators are assessing the damage. no word on whether the horses were hurt or how that blaze began. more than 40 years ago there was a race between super powers to see who would be the first to land on the moon. at the center of the battle-- a brilliant man from a simple background who would win that race for the good old u-s-a! that man was neil armstrong and a memorial service was held for him today. he was the first man to walk on the moon back in 19-69. the service was held at the national cathedral in washington. armstrong was remembered for being courageous, and giving. who could forget these now famous words. one small step for man one giant leap for mankind. >> we thank you for your service, and neil armstrong who with courage and humility first step foot on the moon. and an interesting note: the national cathedral where the ceremony was held today, is also home to a moon rock that armstrong brought back to earth. mister armstrong died last month. he was 82 years old. and indeed the duke and duchess of cambridge are continuing their tour. after meeting with dignitaries prince william and white cake they went to visit a hospital for terminally ill children. there she gave her first public speech outside the uk. they also stopped in a burial ground for those who died in world war two. >> you will not be able to get a big soda and the big apple. they are banning super size soda. and later in sports, we'll tell you what got derrick rose so emotional as he unve (bell rings) hi. good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. hi, i'm amy for downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables! follow jimmy on for free samples la [ rock playing ] flo: every driver is different. we've got great news for them all. you can try snapshot from progressive before you switch your insurance. [ horn honks ] just plug snapshot into your car, and drive like you -- to see if your good driving could save you up to 30%. so try the way to save that's as unique as you are. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ these are my polar bears. he used to wash them in hot water. he didn't get the irony. i'm not the tree-hugging type. but i am the saving money on energy type. so we switched to the cold cycle and with tide coldwater his teddy bears are clean. polar bears. that's our tide for conserving energy. >> 80 park had just opened up and highland park. it is called the money i'm as those of tea shop. he said he loves people and the new tea shop gives him the opportunity to please his fans. >> new york city has banded sobersides restaurants. they have banned sweden beverage in containers larger than 16 ounces. this move is done to combat obesity. the plan is that the health a spurts are exaggerating the link between sugar and obesity. the mayor has billed it as a health initiative. it they say the city spend more than $4 billion on medical care are overweight people. >> bob and you are going to enjoy this. the temperatures have been falling during the course of the afternoon. these are the lows overnight. it will be down in the low 40's in areas like woodstock. rockford could get down to 41. o'hare might even get into the 40's. this nice and drier air tomorrow will heat it to the '70s. will be not far from 80 on saturday and sunday. that is a nice warm up. rod cooling is expected around the area but no rain is expected. is the longer range that gets interesting. cold air push number one, note that blue colors. this is a cooler air mass than the one we are going into tonight and tomorrow. two weeks ahead shows a much cooler weather pattern coming into the area. the weekend will be nice and mild with 74 tomorrow, 78 saturday. autumn is a little bit cold. 70 percent fell nino autumn's around here. fall is almost here. but we're not done with the warmth totally. >> some drivers couldn't believe their eyes when they pulled up to the pump on the east coast. gas prices: 10 dollars a gallon. more than 50 lukoil franchises in new jersey and pennsylvania hiked prices to protest high wholesale costs. so it seems it's not just drivers feeling the crunch at the pump--but drivers were certainly the ones shouting "ouch" the loudest! , this is crazy i cannot afford these prices. luckily, the drivers didn't have to pay it. the dealers didn't really charge ten dollars a gallon. they just wanted to get the word out about what they called unfair wholesale prices. coming up... on the day derrick rose unveils his new shoe. the bulls star gives us an update on his rehab... and with the ryder cup just two weeks the work continues fast and furious at medinah...dan roan is next with sports... [ male announcer ] febreze. eliminates odors and leaves carpets fresh. ♪ ♪ every load of laundry is worth about $200. really? one cap of downy protects $200 worth of clothes. prove it to me. ultra downy softeners protect fibers. there's no comparison. nice downy's pretty much saving our clothes. yeah, ultra downy saves loads.ot sfilodour go ahead you risk takers... you time misplacers... you magnets to mud... you shovers of covers, and lucky shirt lovers... pile it on. after all, kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. that's why our newest large capacity front load has over 35% more speed to clean clothes, faster. we put more in so you get more out. kenmore. i just want to warn you when you get to the park were you about the bears and green bay i will be sitting over ignoring you. >> both teams hope to finish it series and enjoy a day off monday but that will not happen. in the last game of the four games at between the white sox and the rangers was rained out. they will make it up on the monday. that will spoil the matchup and as the head out of chicago, the socks from minnesota and illicit.... a south loop even this morning for derrick rose to clothing line took an interesting direction. he broke into tears. he broke out his new gear looking well. his short of bichirs the rose. and during this he was asked about the hometown support he received from his stance. >> this is greed issue is great all of this is great but i cannot explain it. i went through so much and to have to fans means a lot to me and i know it means a lot to my family. we're not supposed to be here in all but god made a way. this is truly on real. i am as happy that i have fans out there. >> that show exactly where derrick roses heart is and that is right here at home. you get the feeling that derek things that he will be back sooner rather than later. >> the recovery has been good. i have been rehabing every day. five times a week on tuesdays and thursdays doing lower and upper body. i'm starting to shoot now started to jump a little while ago. i am seeing improvement every week. my leg does get worse sometimes but i'm going to fight through it. >> the nhl board of governors voted unanimously to approve a lockout. the players are holding their own meeting and will respond to that. they're not building a new subdivision at dinah country club. there is a massive amount of construction for this month's ryder cup matches. it is almost finished. some 40,000 then they will have a chance to review the efforts. >> it is different than any other major championship. you come here with a rooting interest. you and i get to see a lot of golf, people come here for the feeling and to say that they were at the ryder cup. there is nothing like the roar of the ryder cup. it is something you always remember it makes it something special. nothing good is going on in green bay. the bears are trailing 13-3. they have not been able to get anything going whatsoever. the defense has been ok the offense ... >> derek roles seems like the most rose seems like a very nice and on assuming die. he was really touched by the outpouring that the fans have given him. >> we hope is better so. stone. soon. that's the news for this thursday night. we're happy you shared time with us. i'm micah materre. >> i'm robert jordan. updates on for all of us here, have a good night. notaxeútpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ó ♪ introducing free layaway at kmart. it's a great time to get shopping. wow. you look delicious today. delicious? honestly. sometimes i think you only like me because i'm an m&m's®. that's not true. baby, what matters to me most is what's on the inside. [ annoyed ] i'm pure milk chocolate on the inside. and i love that about you. and here i thought you loved me for my brain. is that made of chocolate too?!!! gosh you're handsome. ♪ ♪

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