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chicago department of public health is spring tonight to kill the adult mosquitoes that transmit the virus in several locations citywide. 17 18 and 21 licensed abatement technicians are using the spray. record numbers of the kind of carrying the west now has tested positive for the virus. one out of four samples test carry west now. the cdc is reporting 41 deaths linked to was now the summer. the situation is worsening. mosquito activity is weather sensitive. heavy rain reduces them but we have not had that this year. you can take precautions to avoid west nile. the health department said to limit outdoor activity at night from dusk to dawn. where loose beenfitting clothing. make sure your screens did not have tears and hold. also eliminate standing water in bed baths. make sure that gutter's and pool covers are free of standing water and keep grass cut short to eliminate bskyb is hiding places. this couple is seeing the ball every where. bugs everywhere.. >> it makes me a little nervous but there's no way around it. if you really think about a there is no way around it. >> the trucks are just getting started. they will be operating until 1:00 this morning which is a good thing because we are getting even here as we report live in all burned/gresham. one step closer to a strike for chicago public schools. the teachers say the cps board is not moving fast enough on those sticking points. tonight, the teachers gave their union leadership a very powerful bargaining tool. wgn's dan ponce is live in the newsroom with the very latest. state law requires the teachers union to give 10 days notice before going on strike. tonight the union voted to give its leadership the authorization to do so. that means c-t-u president karen lewis now has full power to call for a strike. she hasn't done so yet. but she says she wants teachers to be prepared. the chicago teachers union flexing muscle outside cps headquarters this morning. ctu president karen lewis says teachers are prepared to take serious action if a compromise isn't agreed upon soon. she says the current proposal on the table for teachers' health care and compesation are - at this point - unacceptable: >> "none of us wants a strike, but if it's necessary to do this, we will" tonight union leaders gathered at lane tech high school. the ctu then gave its leadership the *authorization* to give the board of education a 10-day notice to strike. >> "i guess that says a lot about how our members feel and where they are right now" during today's board meeting, cps chief jean claude brizzard argued the longer school day is working, and that he is optimistic an agreement will be worked out. >> "we must work together... give all our students the education they deserve" today the district approved a 5 billion dollar budget for the coming school year - which drains the district's reserve fund to help cover its 665 million dollar deficit. also - in preparation for a strike, if it comes to that, this afternoon the board of education passed a resolution giving cps management the authority to implement a contigency plan *if* teachers choose to *go* on strike. >> "ultimately we have an obligation to take care of the kids, not teach the kids... we know so many of our parents rely on safety for their kids while they're off at work" even though cps passed a resolution approving a contigency plan, they did not discuss what the plan would look like or whether they'd be hiring outside help to run the schools if there's a strike. again on the union side: ctu president karen lewis now has the authority to give cps a 10 day notice to go on strike. she has not said if or when she will file that notice. but in order for teachers to be on strike by the first day of school september fourth, she'd have to file the notice no later than friday. the state's latest act college- entrance exam scores are in.. the results are disappointing. and almost a third of the illinois high school class of 2012 isn't college material according to act scores. 31% failed to meet college- ready standards in any of the four subjects - english, reading, math and science. based on a maximum score of 36, the national average is 21.1. illinois students have an average score of 20.9. chicago students coming in at 17.6. >> we have a long way to go. if you look at any of the schools in the state of the region, this mean score throughout the cbs is of what we need for the fall for the university of illinois. that said, we have had the best year we have had a decade. the mayor backs that pointing to data showing cps students raised their act scores by nearly a half-point over last year. southwest suburban plainfield school officials will consider storing rifles in four district high schools. it's a proposal put forth by the plainfield police chief who wants to keep the guns in specialized gun safes in the schools. the chief says an ar-15 is more accurate than a handgun at long distances and says quote "active shooter incidents are no longer something we see on t-v. they are reality." here's what some students told us: >> i personally don't think it helps anything because i am not a big supporter of guns. i don't think that it would be beneficial to bring bigger guns in the school. that will make people think that they are not safer and they might want to bring guns themselves. >> there really isn't any gang violence around here. >> school officials will consider >> with class in session gunfire erupts near a school on the south side, leaving two people injured. the shooting happened at 72nd and state this afternoon near deneen elementary school. a 21-year-old man was shot in the hand, and a 26-year-old man hurt in the face, not shot. chicago police believe it may have been part of a robbery attempt. children were in class at deneen during the shooting and school officials sent a letter home with each child assuring parents of their safety. but, that wasn't good enough for some moms. >> i would dead least expect a phone call. i know there's a lot of people that you have to call, but at the same time, people kids go to the school. >> they should call me i would come to get my kids out of here. >> the two victims were taken to a hospital in good condition. coming up: what's keeping the jury from hearing the testimony in the drew peterson trial what color they all wore today, and how often they were cleared from the courtroom. oh, and what actually happened in court. also: talk of moving the republican national convention.. and surprisingly, it's not because of anything anyone said. a check with tom skilling on the hot summer weather pushing into the chicago area - nineties are back. and take a load off. a chicago woman's style of yoga may hold a secret to longer life. new long fo music: up and under w/sfx music: swells back to school at kmart. work it. [ bass thudding ] [ beads rattling ] [ male announcer ] spearmint that tingles as you chew. stimulate your senses. 5 gum. now in micro pack. it's really hard to look fierce when your clothes don't match so i switched to tide total care to keep all my colors looking great. and by all her colors she means... black. my wife's a ninja. i'm not a ninja. i'm a ninja. that's my tide for keeping blacks black. without me.s at a sleepover my parents had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. an irritated judge and some pretty intense testimony today trial. wgn's marcella raymond is live in joliet with the day's recap.. marcella? >> after a few strong days with proper prosecutors the defense team says it is not using or losing its confidence. prosecutors walk in with a tub of evidence. months before kathleen savio died in her bathtub in 2004. jeff pachter said that peterson asked him if he could find someone to take care of his wife. that would pay $25,000 for it. " this is something you will take to your grave. pedersen allegedly told him. peterson said if jeff pachter found someone, let him know he wanted to be out of the country. jeff pachter told jurors that he wanted to make sure he had an alibi. he held up under cross-examination. his answers were firm. jurors would question his credibility. at 18 he was accused of a sex crime involving a 15 year-old girl. he was having financial trouble at the time of pearson offer. he owed the irs $35,000 and a bookie $1,000. the defense attorney said he made up the whole story. >> pedro was not going to hire mother teresa to kill his wife. he was going to go to someone who had some sort of passed. >> this is a very strong day for us and we look forward to a similar day tomorrow. >> prosecutors are open to get to crucial witnesses on the stand within the next couple of days. kathleen savio divorce attorney will be on the stand. he would testify that she had told him that he was afraid that drew peterson wonder. the defense team says this case will last more than a day and less than one week. press conference in the last few days, they have appeared less cocky. >> we have not changed the position of all we have just acted in a more reserved and refined man. >> they say they toned down because they have been criticized by the media. they say the pastor will testify that stacy told him that drew killed kathleen savio. defense counsel have filed a motion to bar that testimony. six people are charged in schemes to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from school districts in cook county. among those charged: alex boyd, former superintendent of school district -147 who allegedly stole more than $150,000. natatia trotter-gordon, a former director business and industry at kennedy-king is accused of eight counts of forgery. and sonia lopez was a teaching assistant at thurgood marshall middle school, now accused of taking $3,000. in student fees to pay-off her credit cards. >> the theft of public money by individuals or people in position of public trust is always egregious. but the theft of monies from schools is absolutely outrageous. the ultimate victim our schoolchildren. investigators say another defendant, carol howley who once worked for the city colleges system, had a phony doctorate that enabled her to get paid an extra $307,000. over a 15-year period. and a former hospital worker admits to stealing patient files. michelle morrison says she stole them from alexian brothers behavioral health hospital from february of last year, up until being dismissed this past june. she told investigators she wanted to embarass the hospital for terminating her employment, threatening to expose sensitive material to patients' family friends and co-workers. alexian brothers hospital officials have not commented. cook county board president toni preckwinkle, fires back at the illinois republican party chairman pat brady. he is accusing preckwinkle of being soft on crime. >> i think that's garbage and i think this whole notion that the republicans have used for three decades now to beat up democrats to save your soft on crime as it resulted in extraordinary adjustments in our system. >> preckwinkle recently said former president ronald reagan deserves "a special place in hell" for his role in the war on drugs. preckwinkle says she regrets making the statement, but stands by her belief reagan's policy was a failure. the gop has a new enemy and its name is isaac. coming up: the very real possibility that the grand old party will get called off next week because of the storm. a rare piece of american history, a civil rights treasure, found in a tennessee attic. and think of everything you could buy for $315. now, see what lebron james wants you to spend it on. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. you great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. ela tropical storm may force the republican party to postpone its national convention. tropical storm isaac is spinning through the caribbean right now and may turn into a hurricane tomorrow. it could crash into the tampa florida area on monday, the same day the convention is scheduled to begin. tampa's mayor says his city is trained and prepared for the storm, and has several contingency plans. >> absolutely we are prepared to call it off. human safety and human life tromps on politics. the organizers recognize that governor romney recognizes that. >> tracking isaac-- wgn's tom skilling-- he'll take a look at the storm's predicted path and show how isaac will affect our few minutes >> newt newt gingrich releases his convention delegates, in a symbolic gesture. the former presidential candidate is urging them to vote for mitt romney at the republican convention next week. and while gingrich won't be delivering an address there, the former house speaker promises to play a big role. he is slated to host a series of public policy workshops for a republican us senate candidate who has sparked outrage for what he said about rape and abortion, continues to apologize today for his comments. todd akin is running for the seat in missouri against democrat claire mccaskill. he recently said victims of quote "legitimate rape" can naturally avoid pregnancy. republican presidential candidate mitt romney and other gop leaders are calling on him to drop out from the race. but, he refuses, saying it's not right for party bosses to override the choice of voters. a piece of american history - discovered in a man's attic. stephon tull found a recording of doctor martin luther king, junior, discussing how sit-ins in southern cities were helping african-americans gain equality. . >> when the history books are written in the future years historians will have to record this movement as one of the greatest epics of our heritage. i think the movement represents struggle on the highest level of dignity and discipline. >> tull's father conducted the interview with doctor king. it took place three years before king delivered his famous "i have a dream speech" in washington, d-c. tull plans to sell the tapes at a private sale in new york later this month. to hear more of the martin luther king recording, log on to wgn ahead in medical watch: cut your workout in half, lose more weight. research proves it. how to make it work for you. >> "people will come to me and you can see how moved i am by that. when they say youve changed my life." >> people turn to this oak park woman for help. she gives them yoga. but it's much more than your average gym class. in tonight's medical watched some of the good news how to stay fit and slim down. you can get the same but that in half the time. researchers were surprised to sot find it that people who exercise more than one half hour today lost more weight than those who worked out an hour a day. that was a 13 week study. the heart rate monitor's and calorie counters were warned by the men. they burn more calories and eight concentrated work out and burned more that. and those who exercise for less time were more motivated to stick with their teams. >> while antibiotics helps to fight infection may at that a child to grow. the research looked at data from 10,000 children. by 38 months exposed children were 22% more likely that have a higher body mass index. obesity is linked to poor diet and exercise but experts say early antibiotics may play another role. music training during early childhood may make listeners that learners and early life. adults was just one-five years of music training with children had enhanced brain responses to a complex sounds suggestion is easy for them to process sound in a noisy environment. the research focused on the musicians with extensive experience this that it does is whether children will benefit from music lessons even the only place for a short while. >> the heat is back on. nineties in tom skilling forecasts. he is up next with his late summer sizzle. and animals on the los escaping from a circus, running around the suburbs. sweetie, you have to scrub it first. no you don't, honey. yes, you do! don't! i've washed a few cupcake tins in my day... oh so you're a tin expert now. is that... whoa nelly! hi, kitchen counselor here. he's actually right... with cascade complete. see cascade complete pacs work like thousands of micro-scrubbing brushes to help power away tough foods even in corners and edges. so, i was right, right? i've gotta run. more households use cascade dishwashing detergent than any other brand. >> all eyes on isaac. isaac could have an impact on us by building up a dome of warmth. the warm air is coming back for the first time in about two weeks we are talking about nineties. what is interesting, see what the rise of the rains. beautiful sunset from powers late wisconsin. this tree was struck by lightning. the trees kind of blow apart when that happens. hail on the ground at johns per. . you see a range that as a looks from the cockpit. we did not have any rain chefs around today thanks to our photographer for the beautiful shots and things mother nature for a nice day. we were warm about six degrees but adduced point stays in the 40's. the monsoon rains that to see on our web the camera have been dousing the heat wave and pushing the heat out of that area and into the east. wait until you see the two sons today inthe temperatures in tucson today. last vegas was only 84 degrees today. tucson was 88 degrees. albuquerque was down from its peak of 98 degrees this month. it is sort of like musical chairs when the monsoon rain and develops. here you can see the rain showers that are coming around the base of of the hot air poufs we may be hit with one or two of those by morning. you can see the big rains that are going. hurricane watches are in effect in pr right now. they have been extended into haiti and the dominican republic. we are 11 degrees warmer than we were 24 hours ago. the heat from the west is coming in our direction. the hot dome is moving in our direction. 85 degrees today but 94 degrees in st. louis and omaha. the warmer area is on the way. it is 79 degrees at midway tonight 75 at o'hare. the dew point is at 53. our headline is for warm temperatures in the first 90 degree in 16 days and a pretty good rain system developing for sunday and monday. we will come back and talk more about isaac and show you some computer graphics about where it's going. for tonight, increasing clout in this as the nose of the humid air comes at us. we will have spotty showers in 20-30 percent of the area. tomorrow some isolated morning showers, partly sunny, breezy and warm. 91 degrees tomorrow. scattered clouds windy and warmer to more night. by friday we will feel the humidity. a high temperature of 94 degrees on friday. that's when the mud in this will set in. cta leaders are cutting some low-ridership routes in order to add service to high-traffic areas. they're hoping by increasing service during peak times buses and trains will be less congested. a dozen bus routes are getting the ax while 48 routes should benefit from added buses. 17 rail trips will also be added during weekday peak travel times.. mostly on the blue red and brown lines. for a complete look at the changes.. head to coming up: the scope of b-p's bad gas problem.. 200 gas stations affected, and not just indiana. they're more than shoes what $315 will get you, courtesy of lebron james. and why you may be able to get the new lebron shows for a little bit less. max. this is the plan that revolves around you. introducing share everything. unlimited talk. unlimited text. and a single pool of sharable data that powers up to 10 devices. the first plan of it's kind. share everything. only from verizon. add a smartphone for just $40 monthly access. [ bell tolls ] so, why are we up here? because farmers offers a new-roof discount? [ thudding ] oh, boy. yep. and it's an agent's job to help people find new ways to save. there's some cool stuff up here. there sure is. [ man ] look what i found. it's a fiddler on the roof. ♪ [ up-tempo country ] what are the chances? [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ music: up and under w/sfx music: swells the back to school collection from kmart. work it. an investigation is underway into bp's gasoline recall. indiana's attorney general says he's looking out for consumers' rights. bp has recalled more than two million gallons of gas that came from its refineries in whiting, indiana and milwaukee wisconsin. the bad fuel has a high level of residue, and doesn't burn like it should. it can cause a vehicle to stall. bp says it will reimburse customers for repairs and seven-thousand customers have called them so far. the problem hit hardest in northwest indiana. as many as 200 gas stations are affected. if you've had problems claim representatives are available at two hotline numbers. they are 1-800-333-3991 and 1-800-599- 9040. there's also more information on line at circus animals on the loose! but... don't get too worried... there were only two goats and a llama that got-away from the piccadilly circus which is set- up in the parking lot of the maywood park racetrack. the animals were spotted on the loose by a passerby who called police and rounded them up. somehow ... they got away from their enclosure. the piccadilly circus will be under the big top in maywood through august-26th. coming upand later in sports...the white sox have their ace on the mound and a sweep of the yankees in their sights... ♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. music: up and under w/sfx music: swells back to school at kmart. work it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] lunchables packs the foods they love, a sandwich, a drink, and even a treat. that way, they make the most of every day. and now, try lunchables with smoothie. ♪ ♪ eyes closed. deep breaths. now relax. how about a little yoga with your news? a chicago area woman accidentally discovered yoga back in the 60s. as wgns robin baumgarten reports, it changed her life and those lucky enough to cross her mat. >> okay ladies and tillman. >> it is tuesday morning at little bit dissented. and mary louise is teaching her always packed yoga class. she has never missed a day here due to illness in almost 12 years. >> i do a little every day and night try to sit and do a few moments of meditation. it is full for my soul. >> mary louise is from iowa as live in this park since the '60s. she raised six his kids hear the young boys in utero when she got a piece of junk mail from the ymca which said her on a new path. >> it was a new class, i did not know when it was it offered peace and tranquillity. i had five children, six and a half years on down and i needed it. >> she took the class and she has been paying it forward every sense. >> it cured me of so much anxiety, i lost 20 lbs.. i am so grateful for the people who have come into my life. >> they were not doing yoga then. i told my friends i am doing yoga they said you are doing what? >> catherine is part of mary lou eases up posse who have been taking classes since day one. >> mary louise turned 80 last september. now at almost 81, not only has yuba changed her life, it has changed the lives of those around her. >> i had open heart surgery a couple years ago ... >> in a few years with her help it helps us. she has helped us to engage in a better way. >> people will come to me and you can see how moved i am by this, they say i have changed their lives. >> so from now until further notice you a seat mary louise and her fans at the loyola center for business two days a week. >> "robin baungarten, wgn news- thank you thank you thank you" mary louise used to teach things like headstands, but she says when it stops feeling good she stops doing it. one in ten americans now practice some form of yoga. if youd like to share this story text the word cover to 97-999 and well send you the video link. >> i feel calmer just watching her. what a nice story. people like that are so important in our life. there is no question about that. i mention the wind out west, a loss the is head the second when his day in history. vicky keith has been holed out there for months and pushing it into our area. that is why we see the 90s tomorrow, the mid nineties on friday and similarly warm on saturday. the cloudiness is increasing tonight and there may be some showers. the sky is partly sunny after that. there is a blow out there in kansas associated with showers and storms. it sits out there and does not rain on us until later on sunday. we are right in the corridor of significant rain. we can use it every drop of it. meantime, there is a tropical storm off the coast of south america and the forecast is expected to run just south of pr sending it up towards florida. here is the official track out of the national hurricane center. we have a model that pushes it more into the gulf of mexico and up towards louisiana. folks in florida will be watching this very closely. 91 degrees tomorrow 94 friday, 91 saturday and then the clouds and sunday afternoon with showers and storms. a nice. tuesday and wednesday could get hot again as we approach labor day. we will be impacted by the storms. move over air jordans. lebron james has a pair of gold medal shoes with a tech boost. the lebron x are the same one's james wore during the olympics' gold medal game. the shoes will include a gold swoosh and motion sensors that measure how high a player can jump. nike will start selling them this fall - for $315-bucks. nike said the base price of the shoes will be $180. coming up,brian urlacher and lovie smith aren't very forthcoming when it comes to talking about the linebacker's trip to europe for a procedure on his injured knee. [ bell tolls ] agents, say hello to the biggest hailstone in u.s. history. oh, that will leave a dent. which is exactly why we educate people... about comprehensive coverage. yep. the right choice now can pay off later. looks like a bowling ball. yeah. oh! agents, say hello to the second-biggest hailstone in u.s. history. [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ south side history in the making tonight. the bulls had just won their championship when flores was just a few years old. >> of the first time in history derek jeter homers in three straight jamesgames at their tied at one. two-one the socks. 13 strikeouts for chris bale. that's the red sox won when 2-1. >> we always felt like we have a great chance of winning when chris comes out there. this is one of those games that he is going up against a line up. he has probably seen a lot of these guys before he was even drafted. it was a great game by him. >> cubs finished up in milwaukee today, the brewers danced on their heads in this series. first inning though,david dejesus, leading off in the best way possible. two homers all season, then four more in the last eight games, 1- 0 cubs but milwaukee got two in the bottom half and then in the sixth inning, ryan braun, leading the national league in homers does it again, that's 34 for him cubs couldn't catch up the brewers sweep 'em at miller park, 3-2 the final today. what bears fans want to know is will brian urlacher be able to play productive football in 2012?? reports in today's tribune say urlacher underwent a prodecure in germany this summer, popular with american athletes, unavailable in the states to get his knee up to speed but for some reason, it's a deep, dark secret. urlacher's still healing from a scope on the knee last week, unavailable for friday's game against the giants in which the rest of the starters including jay cutler are expected to play into the third quarter... urlacher and the bears insist he'll be ready for opening day but all the covering up about what he's done-- or hasn't done-- to heal that knee really makes you wonder. >> i went to europe last year. we played in london. i was definitely in europe last year. >> i told you all that i'm going to do and talking about it. and i should have made that perfectly clear. we're not going to respond to every article and every person that comes up. you want information we will give i think you should understand on things that we don't want to talk about, we do not talk about injuries and general. i'm not going to talk about everything that has happened to this man except that he is here right now, he is getting better and we expect him in the first game. >> use the united down one in the first minutes of the first half. paladin insurance and scores and tied the game. for about 30 seconds. just as the clock it's 45 minutes leonard ec back in front. they went on to win 1-4. they've been winning streak is over. that is sports and news. >> that's the news for thisi'm tom negovan. >> i'm lourdes duarte. updates on night. fo

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