ken: and here is dunn. don't stop now, boys. he takes a first-pitch strike. adam, 0-5 lifetime against hawkins. steve: that one up and in at 91, not a whole lot on it. youkilis with his second home run of the game and a big bounce back. ken: good pitch by hawkins. he chops it foul. that evens the count at 2-2. youk with 12 homers now 39 knocked in. adam knew it couldn't pull the trigger, and that is out number one. so here is pauley. steve: gavin can't lose it santana can't win it, and the game is in the happened of the respective pens. ken: here is pauley. he is 4-21 lifetime against hawkins. of the four hits, all of them stayed in the park. he checks it up. if you are just joining us a battling effort from gavin floyd and also a battling effort tonight from ervin santana. gavin, a lot of trouble in the the first two innings giving up four runs, three in the first, one in the second. there is a one-hopper down to callaspo. two down. here is alex. he is 3-7 lifetime off hawkins. alex with two homers last night. he takes that spinner for a strike. the best part about it, one of them coming in the bottom of the 10th a two-run shot to win it 8-6. 0-2 the count. a.j. on deck. a.j. with a home run leading off last inning now tying his perm best of four consecutive games having homered. got him but not before that two-run homer by kevin youkilis. we will go to the eighth tied at 5-5. brave knights! as you can clearly see from this attractive graph that our sales have increased by... sorry, my liege. honestly. our sales have increased by 20%. what is this mystical device i see before me? it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order. with an ultrabook, everything else seems old fashioned. introducing the ultra sleek, ultra responsive ultrabook. a whole new class of computers powered by intel. >> brett gardner in the ball game. he is 0-1 yet to give up a run. this is his seventh appearance, and it is a tie game. ken: howie kendrick takes a first-pitch strike. he is 0-2 with a bases loaded walk and that r.b.i. 5-9-1 to them and a 5-7-0 for us. nice. a little overhand drop, the shoetop drop. he tried to sneak that one by him at 92. once again a reminder. make your plans to be with us here at the ballpark tomorrow. francisco liriano against dan haren. but if you can't make it, that game will be over comcast sportsnet. 2-2 the count. washington has come back from a deficit in the bottom of the eighth inning in d.c. they lead the marlins 9-6. steve: a six-run eighth, all unearned runs. the one key marlin error. ken: make it 10-6 now in the top of the naismith. alexei. yeah! a beautiful play by ramirez. steve: a hard one-hopper, and ramirez once he flags it down is perfect with the throw. ken: so a big play by alexei. here is wells, who is 0-3. in that washington game, adam laroche has two home runs, giving him 23. he is having some kind of season for those guys. harper has his 10th. the count is 2-1. there it was the shoetop drop. the count is 2-2. the count goes full with iannetta on deck. two down. iannetta is 0-3. mike trout on deck. the count is 2-0. one of those situations here where the ideal place you would like to see mike trout hitting is with two out, nobody on in a tie ball game late in the game. or with one man on, two out, so he won't lead off the naismith. there's a strike. >> that ball hit hard into right field. alex back and jumps makes the catch! what a player he has been this season. awesome awesome. we go to the bottom of the eighth still tied at 5-5. o fish in it. paddle in it. soak it in and shake it off. but above all we always try to protect it. i'm jake. i'm john. 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big out. steve: he threw that fastball inside. it looked like he went around well too far even though it was quick. the head of the bat is in front of the plate. ken: that young man right there has terrifically strong hand. wow. here is maicer izturis. he is 2-7 lifetime off jesse. that curveball was up, but we have a man there. out number two. let's take another look at this check swing by trout. you can see the strength in his hands. he has a terrifically fast bat. he has some powerful hands and forearms. hire is pujols. he is 2-4 tonight. he is 4-9 in the series with two homers, one of them coming in this game in the seventh. that is popped up into right field. jesse crain comes on and strikes out trout, gets izturis to center and pops up pujols. we go to the bottom of the ninth. it will be beckham de aza and youkilis in this 5-5 tie. you can never have too much of a good thing. the unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks lunch at olive garden. just $6.95. fresh, crisp salad made when you order it, four soups made fresh daily, baked breadsticks right out of the oven! 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United States ,Chicago River ,Illinois ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Chicago ,Mike Scioscia ,Kevin Youkilis ,Matt Thornton ,Adam Laroche ,Ervin Santana ,Lance Baird ,Gavin Floyd ,Gordon Beckham ,Addison Reed ,Kevin Jepsen ,Howie Kendrick ,Brett Gardner ,Sox Perdue Pierzynski ,Jesse Crain ,Francisco Liriano ,Dan Haren ,

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