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>> they made mistakes and they should have admitted did and the shift changed course but they didn't. they didn't want to be held liable but the investigators in illinois when they realize that they screwed up >> she believes his theory that the, was placed in a distribution center instead of retail stores watched her mother lose her breath and dropped to the floor and later died the only thing has is that people bought the ty lenol died. the required tamperproof seals now on every bottle. there is also the madman three people poisoning people at retail stores. it all comes back to the johnson and johnson pr campaign to protect the powerful family owned pharmaceutical company generations old. >>he may be dead by now he worked in the channel of distribution he had threatened to poison people with cyanide. he was dropped from the investigation. in 500 + pages he goes on to say the investigation was flawed the collor allowed to remain free in johnson and johnson was off the hook. she challenges authorities to prove he is wrong. prove that all this is junk prove that it doesnt have merrit that is all. >> 6 their welcome to students early and left later. their expert and by 90 minutes a day in exchange the teachers get a 2% bonus in the schools get $150,000. >> parents talked optimistically. it helps me out with dropping them off and picking them up. we will make sure everyone is ready for this come september. it provides for more time for battersea math and in richmond. the civic federation released its analysis of next year's state budget. even with the income tax increase in spending tax there is nearly a half billion dollar gap that the number grows to five and half billion when you add up the other deficits it says the state budget also left out $1.7 million in medicaid payments choosing to carry those over to 2013. adornment shut down get put on hold tonight or this morning as the senate's vote seems to end the most recent political standoff comes just hours after fema said it does have enough money for disaster relief efforts through friday if the budget starts on saturday. >> linked in trying to sell his jobs creation plan. >> most average middle-class family that means they have more money in their pockets. that means they are going to be able to spend it on products and services would provide incentives for businesses to hire people like you. >> his chances of keeping its current job hang out on improving job market. >> there are held for more than two years and rian guilty of spying now back on u.s. soil. the talk bluntly about their treatment in any iranian presents say there were roughed up beaten and thrown down a flight of stairs at one point. >> we saw the envoy of hi s majesty sting he said when we got to them lets go home. these were three hikers, and need iran border. it is still not known who put up the million dollars bail that got them out of prison jim ramsy will point at he bright spot in the forecast next. ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby (what) can i do for you today? 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[ female announcer ] two hour whitestrips from crest. life opens up when you do. an iraqi war vet she is running for the 8th congressional seat to wants to finish orher third marathon with a hand cranked bike. >> she is on the move out and whether much worse than this with people shooting at me so this is nothing. she lost both legs and her right hand. she is now training for her third chicago marathon that have since october 9th. mike by to set up for me to mostly pumped with my left otherwise i would be going in circles. she was active before her injuries and was told by doctors that she would be better than ever. having lost your legs you'd think i would never be as good as i was and this is one of the ways that they showed us that you can be better than you were before. her first marathon in 2007 was a personal race this year trying to inspire other wounded veterans in thiis tihngi am strong adnd fast this gives me strength back that gives me a little taste of who i was in the conference that allows me to compete. she is also using this race to help her of the race to congress and the newly added sitrict. i think it would've been fearful of the marathon before but i can say i have nothing to lose a i can say and do what i believe then and i am going to try things that i fail i fail but i'm going to try it. >> tonight he has advice about where to chow down before the big day is a good time right about now where are you are going to carb up before you hit the marathon have more than a few options for the marathon runner. i have run at least a dozen marathons'. >> he may not be a marathon runner but as the executive chef he is all too familiar with the chicago marathon weekend. >> the dining room fills up with a hungry runners looking for this key carbohydrates to get them through the 26 mi.. gets back into the kitchen to show how the rizoto is made. it means to make a wave it is time to shut the gas off we add some cheese. >> most experts recommend eating it card heavy meal tonight before to night before the big race. you dont want to be bloated. we're more than happy to make any preparation. >> if you're just waking up sports has some big news ozzie guillen is done as white sox mangager more on thqtat after the break. let's ring you up. mary? 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Illinois , United States , Iraq , Iran , Chicago , Iraqi , Iranian , Jim Ramsay , Jose Maria , Ozzie Guillen , Casey Coleman ,

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