>> the white sox have been building some momentum on this road trip, first they won the series in seattle then another one in anaheim. four wins in five games. paul konerko and the sox could make it a winning road trip for the victory to the lakes, a big second inning omar vizquel with a shot down the line when scores for time in the second. cocoa chris tries to steal home, a.j. applies the tag, inning over into the sox won again 4-3 over the a's. wrigley field had a rather ominous look today. johnson gets the job done at the plate. johnson three hits, four rbis, the cubs ripped the giants 11-4 matching their season high. a couple days for everybody to catch their breath before the bulls crank it up again. a much- anticipated showdown from the miami heat. the bulls swept the season series from the superstar late in heat, derrick rose hit that 3 while leading the bulls from a three. wind. the broad james didn't play the bulls' three wins. and if they are the underdogs this time that is ok with the bulls. >> 95-83. david thomas is the leader of five golfers are winning two shots including northwestern and when michael bradley lost his driver into the water on the 18th drop dead and bounced into the water a devoted fan offer to retrieve it for him, he got his driver back end the fan that assigned glove for his efforts. that is going to do a forest tonight on this friday night. we leave you tonight with the chicago tribune photos of the day have a great weekend. the temperatures at wrigley field will be falling all afternoon so be aware of that if you are heading to a cubs game. >> when i looked out the window and i saw it the moment we had the truck and we got shaken up and there were flames and then moments after the car was filled with smoke. >> to have to have a combination of building the mind through school and after-school programs. maggie has done so many things for a lot of young kids because of one luol idea and one person who took it forward, maggie daley. murray: before we jump in today we need to welcome our newest family member mr. eric murphy. catch him up show him around. i want him feeling like he's been here all his life by the end of the day. eric murphy. - got you a cup of coffee, mr. murphy. - thank you very much. and these just came from the front desk for you. uh, i didn't order any pizza. ari gold sent them. the delivery guy said to tell you good luck and you're no longer a pizza boy, you're now a pizza man. - ( all chuckle ) - cool. okay, let's get to it. this is a signing meeting. so tell me who have we signed? i have penelope cruz like, right there. right there is not there. what else? - i signed neil elman. - tell me about it. a hot young writer-director out of sundance. - has two specs ready to go. - when they sell we'll clap for you. on the comedy front, chris rock is doing a new tour so you can applaud me for saving your asses. silently. but why is bob saget making 50 grand a night and we're making dick? i've called him 20 times. he won't return my calls. i don't think he wants a manager. nobody wants a manager. convince him that he needs one. i would love to, but he won't return my calls. - stake-out his freakin' house. - you know, i used to live next door to bob. i know him a little bit. i can call him. so let it be said, let it be done. take care. it's nice to meet you too. hey, brittany. - you need anything? - actually, i needed to send ari gold something. sure, no problem. what is it? maybe there is a guy in the mailroom that could help me with this. eric, don't worry about it. i'm like one of the guys. i've only been working for you for two hours and the pizza thing pissed me off. - just let me know what i can do. - okay. - murphy group! - what? murphy group. sexy, can i talk to your man alone for a beat? sure, douchebag. told you i was one of the guys. - i'll be in your office. - okay. what's up? so is this the whole group? - what do you mean? - murray said we were absorbing the murphy group. so i was expecting at least a trifecta. - it's just me. - it's a weird name then isn't it? what's up, scotty? you seem a little tweaked. yeah, well, i've been working two things the last month. bob saget when the sun's up and the olsen twins when the sun's down. so i do not need you waltzing in here jumping on what's mine. - i was just trying to help, all right? - but you didn't help, you see? yeah well, murray said that this whole place is kind of like a team thing. yeah, it is. and like any team you got lebron james who makes $120 million. then you got a jerk on a 10-day contract. whichever one of those you think you're gonna be, neither steals the ball from the other. why don't we just call bob together? 'cause i don't want to call bob together, all right? i want to sign bob alone and i will. got a trash can? thanks. yo, lawrence. what's up, kid? - hey, drama, how you doing? - want to roll up this gate? - afraid i can't do that. - why not? - you're on the list. - what list? the banned- from-the-lot list. that's why your picture is right there. the message came from dan coakley himself so i'm assuming whatever you did was real bad. will you please get dan coakley on the phone? sure. stop calling the office, john. stop lurking outside and stop trying to push me. please just let me in so we can talk. - what's to talk about? - i'd like to apologize. - ( honking ) - i'm not interested in an apology. come on, dan. we had words. men do that. you put your hands around my throat. men sometimes do that also. look, you said some pretty awful things. oh, so you're not really apologizing, you're just making excuses for attacking me. - no, i just-- - so if i was to tell you that meadow soprano was here last night, - you might just go and attack me again. - dan-- the fact is she's here right now writhing on my lap, john. all right, that's enough. all right? i'm trying here. try harder, john 'cause she is about to take off my pants while i drive my tongue into her mouth. that's it, you're a dead man, coakley. do you hear me? you're a dead man! i'm gonna rip your scalp off! - ( phone clicks ) - hello? ( horns honking ) did mr. coakley say you can go on? vince, as proud as i am that you've reached stalker status you can't play around. these are sick individuals. we have an alarm. i'll learn to turn it on. you need to call my security guy. this guy is the best. i didn't realize you were such a pussy, ari. i didn't realize your attack dog was as worthless as you, turtle. he's not. i think he's going deaf. watch, vin. ahnold. ahnold. see? he's not deaf, he's stoned. call my guy. forget that. let's just go get a gun. - don't get a gun. - why not? it's not gonna be a great story if turtle shoots you in the face. - i'm a good shot, ari. - are you? i think i would be. i'm a good free-throw shooter. vince, you're gonna let this guy be the first line of defense - against some boxer-stealing serial killer? - she could be a hot fan. more likely he's a creepy little pale obsessive freak. - scotty: got a minute, babe? - brittaney: he's got an important call. actually, this is equally important-- doubly important. - that's okay, brittany. i'll call back. - okay. - just take a message. - hey, what's up? i got bob saget to agree to come in. - oh yeah? that's great. - yeah. - how'd you do that? - dropped your name. - cool. i'm glad i could help. - he wants you in the meeting. - okay. - we're gonna do it in my office. - okay. - okay. look, eric, i don't know what you guys have together. you're friends you're neighbors, whatever it is, he's mine. - okay, we clear? he's mine. - yeah. all right. good. [ male announcer ] when mike rowe heads home, his family knows what to expect. hun, mike's coming -- let's get crackin'. [ male announcer ] but what mike rowe doesn't know is that his parents have armed themselves with unquilted viva® towels. place looks great. [ male announcer ] mike doesn't know that every concentrated viva roll is made of strong, fiber packed sheets, making it one tough towel. but his mom sure does. wow, for me? you shouldn't have. i insist. [ male announcer ] hey, if viva can handle mike rowe's mess, just think what it can do in your home. grab a roll for yourself and grasp the unquilted difference. - calm down, johnny. - don't tell me to calm down. - do you know what he said? - i know he's saying he said nothing - and that you're crazy. - everyone knows what kind of guy he is. i want to take this to the top. all you have is your word against his. then i'll find someone who can back up my words. uh, what is that? it's for ari from eric murphy. "suck it." that is not what this is for. i think there's someone in the tree. stop. you're stoned. i may be but i'm not kidding. come look. - where? - there. - it's a bird. - no, there. - that is a squirrel. - that's not where i'm looking. there is nothing there. we should go out there. no, stop it. i'm not gonna let you or ari make me paranoid. - oh! - oh, jeez! turtle: it's just temo. okay, now i am a bit freaked. yeah. bob, what you do not know about me is that i am 24/7. that is my middle name: scotty 24/7 lavin. what that means is that every time you turn around anywhere, anytime, you will be looking at this. that's just great, scotty. that's just what i want to be looking at while i'm sniffing a line of blow off her ass-- your face. that really completes the image. you believe that, scotty? 'cause if you believe that you'd believe the commission check is in the mail too. i understand and you're reluctant. but i want you to know that i swear to god on my mother i will kill for you. - you will? - yes. - what if i kill? - what do you mean? i mean, what if i kill somebody late at night and i call you up and i go, "hey, 24/7 i just killed a guy at some crack den in the hood." would you come down there in your silver 750 and pick me up and help me chop up the body and dispose of it and then take me home and bathe me and then tuck me in? would you do all that for me, scotty? because i would do that for me to keep 10% of the money that i make. - bob-- - shh shh, we're done now, scotty. i'm gonna talk to e. - so what's up, e? - how are you, bob? i'm almost as good as she looks but not nearly as good as she tastes. - oh, you're so sweet, bob. - ( chuckles ) - so who's vince doing now? - no one specific. oh come on don't hold out on me. you know, he just-- he's having fun. i used to live next door to these guys. the babes that rolled in and out of there made my house look like a monastery. - ( laughs ) - that's great. - can we get back to this? - actually, no, scotty we can't. not with you here. because you make me un-comfortable. - i'm just gonna talk to e now. would you leave? - this is my office. we're not gonna stain anything. don't worry about it. okay. i don't like that guy. do you like that guy? - no, he's creepy. - he's just trying to take care of you, bob. i don't get taken care of by dudes. hey, i get it. murray wants me on his roster. i make so much money that it ain't gonna mean nothing to give him a commission. but i want something in return. what is it? don't think i'm weird when i tell you this. - anything, bob. - promise you won't call me weird? just say it, bob. i won't call you weird. i want to have sex in murray's office. - what? - yeah. i want to do her in murray's office. ( laughs ) i get it, bob. - i'm sorry if we wasted-- - no, i'm serious. i'm not weird, i'm pragmatic. this would be great for my memoirs. murray berenson, the guy's a legend. doing it up on his couch? - come on. - you serious, bob? do i ever tease when i'm talking about banging? - no. - no. i'm serious. i'm not weird. think about it. okay, bob. we've tried to put the culture back in agriculture. we've very passionate about nutrition. the way we feed our family is whole milk, the whole grains the fruits and vegetables. that nutrition passion i have carries into the animals and what we feed our cows. we're real firm believers that raising kids or cows you need strong nutrients. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] meet the families behind real california dairy at ♪ ♪ - ♪ 'cause people got me questioning ♪ ♪ where is the love ♪ - ma'am. you forgot your purse. - thank you. oh. thank you very much. - a message from the foundation for a better life. thanks for taking the time to see me. of course. turtle told me you were freaking out. but i'm not sure what i can do. just speak the truth and i'll have my lawyer write everything down. johnny, the truth is dan coakley didn't say anything inappropriate to me. - he was all about business. - impossible. he's got a pilot he wants me to do. he wants to do you, jamie. - wake up. - drama! i'm not saying he doesn't want you to do the pilot also. - but do you know what he said to me? - i do. and i so appreciate you sticking up for me. but he didn't say any of those things to me. - he's trying to lure you in. - well, that won't happen. maybe you can lure him in. - what do you mean? - go visit him. wear something sexy, smell nice. get him a little excited maybe. - maybe wear a wire? - would you? no. johnny, i know the spot you're in and i feel so bad because i was involved in causing it, but he really didn't do anything to me. i'm really sorry. i understand. you don't have to feel bad. it's not your fault. jamie: i know, but i do feel bad. - that's because you're a good person. - i try to be. drama's got his demons. he's got to work them out. - what are you guys doing? - me and vince are looking for guns. - for what? - for protection, what else? turtle, you will end up like plaxico shooting yourself. why does nobody think i can handle a gun? 'cause you're not that type of guy. you don't really know the tough guy roots from whence i came. - tell her, vin. - he's a killer, jamie. - you hear that? - i did. - but try not to kill yourself or vince, please. - i promise i won't. - i'll call you later, okay? - bye. - she's worried. - i don't see why. - sir, we'll take a whole bunch of these. - good choice. so what do you do, just brown paper bag it and we're off? unfortunately we've got a 10-day waiting period in california. - we got to protect ourselves now. - call your government. - what can we get to tide ourselves over? - you like knives? you want to rep bob saget, he's all yours. i'm trying to explain to you exactly what it is you're dealing with. i understand that. and i'm trying to explain to you that i'm not buying it. - scotty. - what? i teed this one up for you, all right? all you got to do is sell murray on it and the credit's all yours. i get it. all i got to do is tell murray berenson that bob saget wants to screw in his office. i don't believe it and i'm just not gonna do it. then i will. - what are you doing, drama? - lawrence, i'm desperate. you've known me three years. you know i'm a good guy. you know i take my job very seriously. and you know there's no way i can let you on that lot. see this gift basket over here? it's yours if you do. come on, man what's it got? three different ipods, cherry-infused godiva chocolates peter thomas roth wrinkle peel pads, - cookies from deluscious-- - cookies? chocolate chip? sprinkles cupcakes too. all right, go on. tell 'em you went through gate 4 if you're caught. you got it. when every moment matters and a hand reaches out when someone gives blood and a life is saved, that moment when heartbreak turns to hope, you're there through the american red cross. every day, the red cross responds to nearly 200 neighborhood emergencies. and your support makes it possible. use this moment to join us today. visit mr. chase! mr. chase, you can't go in there! gorgeous, i've got to go. dan. wow, you really want to destroy your life, huh? no no no no. i came here to offer a real apology. this morning you were right. i was insincere. i was making excuses for my actions. see, dan, i have impulse control issues topped with anger management problems mixed in with desperate insecurities. constantly i feel the need to overcompensate. but here i am exposed to you offering you my sincere, most heartfelt apologies. i just-- you know, when you said those things that you said about my buddy's girlfriend, i, uh-- you know what you said. right? i mean-- tell me again what you said, dan. it's cool. i won't get mad this time. you can tell me. tell me again what you said. what are you doing, john? what? what, are you-- - are you recording this or something? - what? i've produced enough bad cop shows to know when somebody's wearing a wire. ( laughs ) dan. ( laughs ) what's in your pocket? - nothing. - i see something. - that's my cell phone. - take it out. - dan-- - john, take it out. - dan. - john. don't fire me. please please, this job is everything to me. it's all i got. i've worked 18 years to get to this position. i know i got problems. i know it. i'll work on it. i'll paint your house. i'll wash your car. please, dan, i'm at your mercy. - please! - ah! get up. - i'm not gonna fire you. - you're not? - you got a stay of execution from eddie burns. - really? plus, i kind of figured that if i do fire you you might actually find a job somewhere else. - so what does this mean? - it means i'm going to torture you. - how? - tune in next week. what did you want to talk to me about? - bob saget. - what about him? well, we had a meeting. on day one? i love it. how'd it go? well, do you know bob at all? no. did you close him? no, we're right there, but do we really want him? he's a big earner. why wouldn't we? well, he's strange. who isn't in this town? talk to me, eric. this is really uncomfortable. it shouldn't be. okay, uh... bob saget would like to have sex in your office. - what? - yeah, he said it'd be good for his memoirs. and he'll sign with us if we'll-- or if you'll-- let him. are you asking me if bob saget can screw in my office? i'm just repeating the information. this isn't a whorehouse, eric. this is my office. i built my business sitting right here at this desk. and you want to have bob saget defile it. no, look, i just-- you wanted bob saget and this is what he asked for. ( laughs ) jeez, eric. you really make a face when you're scared. - what? - bring him in. i don't give a rat's ass. my ex-wife decorated this place anyway. - really? - yeah, just get a cleaning crew in here after. okay. - good first day? - real good. great. maybe tomorrow you go get christian bale. we'll let him execute a cinematographer if he wants. - see you later. - ( laughing ) at least you still have your job. yeah, but i just can't imagine what this guy's planning. johnny, just give it a couple of weeks. i'm sure it'll subside. whatever. i'll be fine. right now - i'm just worried about my baby bro. - don't. i'll be fine too. - i know you will be. - ( clanks ) - whoa! - so where'd you get these? - john milius' garage sale. - are they loaded? of course they're loaded, bro. you can't protect yourself with an empty gun. "where's my drink, spider, you muttering, stuttering--" turtle, cool it, you idiot. - it's a loaded weapon. - ( fires ) - whoa! - jeez! i think we should call ari's security guy. - yeah. - ( crashes ) ♪ eazy is his name and the boy's coming straight outta compton ♪ ♪ is a brother that'll smother your mother ♪ ♪ and make your sister think i love her ♪ ♪ dangerous young brother raising hell ♪ ♪ and if i ever get caught, i'll make bail ♪ ♪ see, i don't really care, that's the problem ♪ ♪ when i see the police i don't dodge 'em ♪ ♪ but i'm smart, lay low, creep a while ♪ ♪ and when i see a punk pass, i smile ♪ ♪ to me it's kind of funny, the attitude showing suckers driving ♪ ♪ but they don't know where the hell they goin', just rollin'... ♪ ( theme music playing )

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