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of illinois grieves with defense family of officer clifton lewis mayor rahm emanuel said no words could ease the grief here today >>officers are applauded when the superintendent garry mccarthy said that the department will work tirelessly to find the killers >>the chicago police department is in mourning suffering a huge loss in the death of 41 year- old tactical officer clifton lewis at 65 roughly 300 lbs. he commanded attention ... >>they called him the gentle giant he had a heart of gold he was very big and very big at heart a very good guy and good officer >>the familiar haunting sound of bagpipes signaling the death of a police officer ... as the body of the officer is gently pulled from the hearse hundreds of officers stood at attention >>what's the feeling you will have here together >>sadness >>residents of the neighborhood stood on the sidewalk to pay their respects >>he goes to work and you expected to come home ... it's a sad situation >>family and friends tried to keep it together knowing that their lives will never be the same >>a family member has been taken from us >>he knew the risks of working at the convenience store where he was gunned down but he knew his friends there needed his help and that's the sort of man that he was >>now there are messages to the killers >>you took away a great person from this community and from our chicago police family please turn yourselves and. >>hundreds of police officers had to stand outside of the church because of it was full to capacity inside of that church the systems broadcasted the funeral outside >>hundreds of leads have command with hundreds of officers working on the case but as of yet there has been no arrest >>a 15 year-old boy shot and killed in englewood is being remembered today as a fun-loving person and a doting father. marc watts was standing on his cousin's front porch at 57 and laflin shortly after a last night when he was shot several times. he lived in suburban riverdale he was in angle with visiting friends and his baby daughter. police found bullet casings at the scene but no arrests have been made >>there is now i cash reward for anyone who can help solve a hit and run case and merrillville indiana. a card plowed into mitchell heeringa around 2:00 in the morning new year's day outside of the radisson hotel he is now hospitalized in intensive care for brain and lung damage and three broken bones in his spine his mother set up their reward fund which has so far collected $3,000 police say they're looking for a white or light- colored nissan if you have any information please contact police. >>an off-duty chicago firefighter is being called a hero after rescuing the fisherman from the water in diversy harbor. chuck wahtola was fishing in lake michigan yesterday afternoon when he fell into the 33 degree water the 67 year-old scream for help and was likely heard by bill miller who was also fishing nearby he held up chuck wahtola until paramedics arrived and chuck wahtola was taken to the hospital where he later said that he thanked his lucky stars that firefighter billy miller was there to save his life >>chuck wahtola is expected to be released from the hospital today >>gov. pat quinn has signed into law a major crackdown on public pension abuses ... the reforms will stop union bosses from increasing their city pensions by basing benefits on a much higher yen in income it will also stop them from collecting to separate pensions for one job and lobbyists who worked briefly as substitute teachers will be denied lifetime teacher pensions the pension system abuses were uncovered by a wgn chicago tribune investigation >>the battle over a shooting range for chicago's southeast side may be settled today the fight is between the chicago police department and conservationists and they're arguing over land across from the marshlands on the southwest side the police department says it's the perfect spot for a shooting range because landfills nearly surround the area and it's about a mile from the nearest neighbor hood but environmentalists want the marsh turned into a habitat for wildlife in a place for recreation their concern that gunshots will scare away animals and people the metropolitan water reclamation district which owns the land will vote today on whether to approve a 39 year lease for the property >>a new investigative report doesn't cover cases of gross fraud and misconduct within the chicago public school system the school inspector general found retired schoolteachers were hired back as part-timers and given more than $1 million and holidays and sick pay to which part-timers are not entitled nearly one dozen employees of the north grand high-school illegally signed up their own kids for free school lunches than there was this finding about it teacher at the mark on the academy ... >>where he and his girlfriend were on the payroll >>public schools spokesperson read that report and responded " a leadership team that cps will not tolerate any activities of this nature that compromises the integrity of our district ... we're already taking necessary corrective actions an additional steps to implement accountability measures " >>and mother is suing the skokie school district for neglecting her son after he broke his leg in suffered a concussion on the playground the incident happened last january according to the lawsuit " a kindergartner slipped on a mound of snow and hit his head the sun-times reports that the child was forced to crawl back into the school until his mother picked him up he missed six weeks of school while he recovered the suit seeks $200,000 in damages skokie school officials declined to comment >>there's no question day for about 2800 high-school students from several north suburban communities the teachers are out on the picket lines nancy loo has the latest on the teachers' strike in zion benton district 126 >>that went on strike this morning and as a result thousands of kids essentially got a snow day on a clear one >>about 300 district teachers began pounding the pavement this morning anchor that cling the negotiations with the school board until 330 this morning failed to produce a new contract nearby a small protest to the protest by residents who believe that the teachers' demands are too much given economic times >>people are losing their homes and we can't afford to pay for what's going on in more things will only get worse >>the biggest issue for the teachers is health insurance and pay the school board wants to restructure the pace skells given the dire financial straits and the budget deficit of last year >>we also owe it to the district residents to be irresponsible of tax dollars >>we wanna be back in school just as much as the kids need to be back there so we hope we can come to some terms with the school board >>they have used it exams next week ... you exams and other activities and it's heartbreaking to keep a man of school >>no word yet on further talks but both sides have indicated that there would like to resume negotiations later today >>next at noon president obama unveils plans for a leaner and cheaper military one that he says will still be the best equipped in history ... >>casey anthony is going public for the first time since peaking acquitted for murdering her daughter which she had to say any new video block >> president obama unveiled a major overhaul for the military and foreign policy. if the president announced the military will become leaner and more flexible, and turn away from large-scale ground wars. he also said the military will focus more on the new threats from china and iran and rely more on naval and air power. the plan also calls for ending the military's ability to fight two major wars at the same time >>the question that this strategy answers is what sort of military will we meet need long after the wars of the last decade are over? >>the sizes of the army and marine corps are also expected to be reduced the defense department will also see its budget slashed by for under $50 billion of the next decade. >>let the attacks began ... gop presidential hopeful mitt romney is in new hampshire today unleashing some harsh words against president obama. joined by his latest ally and former rival senator john mccain during a town hall meeting at the boys and girls club in greater salem new hampshire rummy did not hold back with his attacks on president obama he charged him with crony capitalism and called him a job killer he will continue is campaigning as he heads to south carolina later today ... and rick santorum is being criticized for what some are calling racial insensitivity lithosphere santorum was talking about welfare programs during a campaign stop in iowa sunday the republican presidential candidate was quoted as saying " i don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them someone's money ... i would rather give them the opportunity to go out and earn that money " rick santorum and it's getting a little tongue tied but does not recall using the word black which has become the focal point of controversy the naacp also blasted the former pennsylvania senator for singling out african-americans as pour. >>casey anthony has not seen much since she was found not guilty of her child skilling six months ago but she speaks out in a video diary that she apparently recorded herself last october >>she looks a lot different qinghai's short blond hair and wears glasses she does not make any mention of her daughter caylee in the four and half minute video she does talk about the loneliness of living in hiding and says the video camera has become her friend casey anthony is serving a one-year probation in florida on an unrelated charge. >>parents and an eighth grade boy in south texas a police went too far when they shot and killed the boy inside of his school said they had no choice the shooting happened yesterday at cummings middle school in bronzeville texas police responded to a report of a student with a gun officers confronted 15 year-old jimmy gonzales and a hallway they say he pointed a gun at them and when he refused to drop the gun police shot him it turned out the weapon was a pellet gun school officials say they never had any trouble with gonzales in the past but before that shooting he punched another student for no apparent reason >>no charges will be filed against a widowed teenage mother who shot and killed an intruder 18 year-old sarah mckinley blanchard okla. killed justin shane martin who had a knife in his hand as he and another man broke into her mobile home on new year's eve prosecutors say that she clearly acted in self- defense but her alleged accomplice will face murder charges in his death mckinley shop mart moi she was on the phone with a 911 dispatcher asking whether she could shoot those perpetrators >>sarah mckinley's husband died last week on christmas day he was hospitalized with complications from lung cancer >>the day's top business stories are just ahead. and a south side pastor of stopping his campaign against youth violence said that he can conduct funerals to teenagers that were shot here in chicago that story is coming up next >>and he was a music legend whose career was way too short we have the cast of a new stage play about the life of singer jackie wilson here with us at the studio chicago with a look at current business headlines ... gm is revamping the chevy volt for safety the battery after side impact crash tests was catching fire gm is recalling all 8000 to make structural changes ... we have up the jobs data to discuss today private companies at a 325,000 jobs last month that's when more than economists were expecting also deemed number of americans filing for unemployment benefits dropped last week it's a good start to this 2012 stock-market ... and it seems as though the baby bust is over more than 4 million babies will be born this year much higher than 2011 ... nearly 1 million babies were postponed over the last three years ... a big shake-up is in the works at the bookseller barnes and noble it is thinking of it spinning off its newark e reader digital business sales jumped 70% over the holiday season compared to last year ... the stock price however is going down 20 percent today, the s&p 500 and nasdaq ... ... the pastor who was living on a rooftop to raise awareness about youth violence is now back in his church serving the funeral for a teenager who was shot and killed wgn's dan ponce is live from the south side with details >>a strong showing of support in the community but there is tension inside during the funeral there were couple of ugly incidents where teenagers began to yell at one another during the funeral that sparked a response from the chicago police department ... between 3 and 400 people are in that standing room only venue ... jawan ross was killed at churches chicken one of two teenagers shot to death that night along with others who were wounded at the new beginnings church here on the south side he was heralded as a promising young man with a bright future ... reverend corey brooks was camped out on the roof of the radisson hotel to raise awareness about the violence taking hold of the neighborhoods ... he preached at the funeral today >>today we will eulogize this young man this is a continuous problem and on neighborhoods we need to bring to bear all the resources and awareness and attention to stop this violence in our communities >>pastor brooks will do this once again tomorrow for another victim of gun violence deonce malone shot the day after the ross shooting in the marquette park neighborhood ... arthur cheney is charged with first- degree murder being held without bond >>coming up next a performance from the cast of the jackie wilson story and the bulls won their fifth straight game but it could come at a price >>the latest on the derrick rose elbow injury had in sports and later in the lunch break we're making a classic southern dish the men and women of america's navy do some amazing things to make the world a better place. but, then again, so can millions of everyday americans right in their own backyards. brought to you by america's navy. new stage play chronicles the rise and fall of this admired musician. here to tell us more about the black ensemble fears current production of the jackie wilson story is director and theater founder jack taylor. >>i have always been a big fan of jackie wilson before james brown and michael jackson they all learned from him >>yes he was a powerful influence from elvis presley right up to michael jackson >>from rhythm-and-blues to what became known as soul music he was a pioneer >>that's absolutely right he did things that no other performers did at that time he brought music into a totally new era >>does the stage play "talas" as much about his life as his music ... >>yes it does we talk about his ups and downs and his influences and those things in his life that brought him to musical greatness and the things that brought him down as well ... >>will we have an old school crew appeared to bring back those memories and my i may say you're really nail it! >>you are making jacki mijackie wilson real again ... >>the jackie wilson story runs through february 19th at the black ensemble theater at 4440 north clark street here in chicago you could go to our web site for more information on performance times and tickets ... [music: "higher & higher" form the jackie wilson story... performance by the black ensemble theater... higher & higher] [music: jackie wilson's higher & higher performed by the black ensemble's theater ] i got the calling to to join the service and support the boys over there. i never thought that i would have ptsd. i thought that i had enough coping skills. i don't think anybody who goes into combat could ever honestly say that they're not different when they come home. my life's changed. what you take as a simple thing, is not so simple for me anymore. it's like a pressure cooker and you know you want somebody desperately to to trip that valve. you know, you want to like, you know, lose all of that anger d angst. i would say to those people that are out there get educated. don't brush us aside and don't count us out. hear more of their stories at usoinvisiblewounds dot org. the wounds are invisible. the stories are real. we're running out of things to talk about what the weather. we are already up to 42 degrees we had a high yesterday of 41 degrees this is the 23rd time since december 1st we have had temperatures go above 30 degrees. it looks like we'll have at least one more day of temperatures of 40 degrees or above. we should cool down to the 30's for the weekend. it is very comfortable over the region ... temperatures into the 40's. it may just hit 50 degrees in some areas downstate. when speed is picking up ... 10-15 mi. per hour its cooling the air slightly. there's a southwesterly breeze contributing to a wind chill factor however that's the mid to upper 30's ... temperatures are mild way up to the michigan peninsula there is a chance however of snow there less than one and time thinking ... we'll get another pocket of canadian air this weekend: the air back to the '30's that's getting closer to the seasonal norm ... we're getting more to aid it west to east flow of the jet stream next week that will get temperatures to the 20's so it's back to winter ... in the pacific northwest there are showers and snow into the cascade mountains and allegations about 2,500 ft. with the rain activity being on the northwest coast the only part of the country really getting any moisture. we have a couple of days with not much wind in the long-term forecast. here is the forecast for the rest of this afternoon the skies will be mostly sunny and warming the air aloft is very dry and the clouds will be dissipating temperatures of up to 20 degrees above normal the wind is southwest 10-20 mi. per hour morning sunshine on friday a few afternoon clouds temperatures 15 degrees above normal again a wonderful day. saturday overcast skies temperatures a bit lower but we will be at 40 degrees we should be back into the 30's later saturday and a bit cooler on sunday we will talk about that the seven day forecast coming up at the end of the broadcast >>it's time now for today's trivia: on this day in 1914, automaker henry ford announced an unprecedented minimum wage of what dollar amount for his employees? the a [♪...] >> announcer: bank robbery certainly is a frightening crime. after all, bank robbers stole $43 million in one year. but identity thieves? try 37 billion! and guess how identity thieves are getting some of that money. by taking over our bank accounts. they may not even need your social security number anymore. all an identity thief may need are a couple of simple pieces of information, like your mother's maiden name or the city you were born in, and they could add their name onto your bank accounts in order to make your money their money. you need help. 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ask your doctor today... ... about taking care with vesicare. 3q this year's income tax deadline will come a few days later. it is normally on the 15th of april tax day will be postponed until april 17th due to scheduling issues ... april 15th lands on a sunday and monday the 16th is a holiday called emancipation day. the holiday is observed in washington d.c. and most federal offices will be closed >>macy's will soon be closing its bloomingdale's home and furniture store and oakbrook illinois but it also plans to open a new 140,000 square foot macy's store in gurnee. that story set to open in the spring of 2013 it's all part of the company's national plan to close stores and underperforming locations while filling gaps in local markets macy's plans to shut down five namesake stores in kansas maryland and ohio tennessee and texas >>one-sixty blue in restaurant partly owned by michael jordan is serving its final dinner this saturday the 14 year-old fine dining restaurants located in the west loop close and reopen in the spring with a new concept details of the upcoming plans are being kept secret but sources say that this new fresh concept will keep up with the city's vibrant culinary scene and that michael jordan is on board with the changes >>you may have noticed at the grocery store that there is not as much organic milk on the shelves the new york times says that that's because organic farmers are paying more for grain and hay to feed the cows but they have not raise their prices for the milk as a result of farmers to not feed their cows as much leading to lower production the prices for organic milk may rise as much as 10% in the coming weeks >>in the medical watch the fda will restrict certain antibiotics and livestock and poultry to prevent humans from developing drug-resistant beginning in april most unapproved use of drugs known as cephalosporins will be barred in scalp takes chicken and turkeys this antibiotics can be used only to treat animal illnesses under specific conditions and cannot be used for disease prevention these antibiotics used to treat pneumonia skin infections and several other infections in humans >>more parents are welcoming twins these days and this according to a new report from the centers for disease control and prevention the study shows the twin birthrates in the united states have increased 76% in the last 30 years researchers attribute the increase to medical treatments and procedures helping infertile couples conceive they also know that older mothers and women in their late '30's have twins at a higher rate twins now make up the 3.3 percent of all births >>the death cancer rate continues to drop in the united states between 2004-2008 death rates for cancer went down one by 1.8 percent in men and 1.6 percent in women according to the american cancer society researchers say that the decrease is largely reflect improvements in prevention early detection and treatment the most novel advancements were made in the lung cancer: cancer breast cancer and prostate cancer >>if you are making plans for later in the year you will be happy to know that nasa says that the world will not be coming to an end anytime soon domesday believers point to december 21, 2012 which is the end of the mayan long count calendar as evidence of the coming apocalypse they have terrorized about everything from cosmic impact to solar storms to flip-floping of the earth's poles even wrote a plan that that supposedly aimed at the earth nasa says that you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job. so why are you doing hers? only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn is actually something more serious... like acid reflux disease. over time, stomach acid can damage the lining of your esophagus. for many, prescription nexium not only provides 24-hour heartburn relief but can also help heal acid related erosions in the lining of your esophagus. talk to your doctor about the risk for osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels with long-term use of nexium. possible side effects include headache diarrhea and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. let your doctor do her job and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. it is the place to go for a southern comfort food. i even had my birthday party there its table 52. >>and we're doing on occasion a classic southern supper ... we've got lots of different things to offer. today we are doing a brunch dish we have on the menu chicken and waffles. it's a combination of breakfast and lunch/dinner to be enjoyed any time of day we like to serve it on the sunday brunch menu and it does very well with the patrons >>the secret is whipped egg whites that gives the waffles more of a crunch we also use self rising flour that's a big factor in the success of this recipe ... we eliminated the baking powder/baking soda in the recipe because of this self rising flour >>first we will make the batter for the waffles ... it's very easy it's a combination of self rising flour followed by sugar we will ask these dry ingredientswhisk the duy ingresients and we ed about one-and-a-half to 2 c. of buttermilk gradually to the dry mixture. use your judgment in the consistency of the better ... to take yolkswo egg yolks and then melted butter... you can always add a touch more buttermilk if necessary. and we end up with quite a fluffy batter at the very end we fold and half of the whip egg whites with a rubber spatula. incorporate that gently that gives air to the waffle batter end gives it a great crunched and helps it to rise. you will have a preheated waffle iron ... when i first attempted to prepare these at home i was a bit nervous ... but now it's old hat and everybody loves it is quite simple. and now the fried chicken ... i have included the recipes on the web site. the secret is a little bit of hot sauce and some water to that betteratter and of course of buttermilk ... we have self rising and all- purpose flour combined with some seasonings we incorporate the dry ingredients garlic powder dried thyme and paprika and some salt and pepper ... we brine the chicken for one day followed by a second day soaking in the buttermilk and then the third day we fry and we have quite a moist fried chicken dish ... >>wonderful ... table 52 is located at 52 west elm street in chicago. the southern suburb is $35 per person and takes place every tuesday wednesday and thursday between 5 and 6:00 p.m. for more information on today's recipes or to watch this segment again log on day in 1914, the automaker henry ford announced an unprecedented minimum-wage of $5 a day for his employees ... >>seems like a lot of money at the time ... >>we have a high temperature of 47 degrees expected today. tomorrow we should make it to 45 degrees we will have some overcast skies ... the weekend will be a bit cooler ... things are looking good going into next week

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