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order to balance it >>it's going to pass with a new understanding of accountability and responsibility >>in order to pass this one alderman and council members had to agree on a $6.3 billion city budget holding their noses and closing their eyes as they swallowed the bitter pill >>i'm still sitting here reeling over the cuts we had to make to health clinics and libraries these are tough decisions >>deb mellick mell is a veteran who has seen many budgets come through ... he knows a tough budget this time will pave the way for easier budgeting in the future >>hopefully will will get to the point where there will be no pain in the future >>reaching an agreement was a difficult process >>unfortunately everyone is affected by this budget there are no property taxes but people are getting taxed and other ways so is it is spread around >>we know now that the mayor has enough votes to ensure the passage of the budget but we will not have the details for the next few days because we are told that some of the items are still being fine-tuned >>if former teacherage schaumburg christian school is being held on $40,000 bond on charges he fondled himself in front of students. julian crews has details from today's bond hearing. >>could afternoon with a group of friends and family in the court room to show support for a long time schaumburg christian math teacher and ordained minister he went before cook county judge facing charges of sex " sexual exploitation of children paul laduke is accused of fondling himself in his class from last week >>he was subsequently fired police arrested the 75 year-old teacher monday after he unzipped his pants pulling a cloth over his private parts and allegedly masturbating in the classroom wall met fantasizing about female students their present in the classroom a pair of female students allegedly saw this and told another teacher who relayed the information to administrators for teachers and parents arriving at school today the news has left everyone in a state of shock >>he was very all like to is a good teacher here for 27 years we never had issues like this with him in the past or any other issues nothing that we were made aware of we are all said this has happened ... >>he has some evidence of dementia he is 75 years of age. he has limited recall of what happened and i am not sure whether or not his recall is what he knows or what the authorities during the interview process have told him. prosecutors say that with duke also provided a written statement confessing to the same sort of flu activity in the classroom over tenure. >> the archdiocese of chicago settled another sex abuse case the church will pay about $3 million to a victim of daniel mccormack this victim now 18 years old was in fifth grade when the abuse began to other civil cases are still pending against him the former priest has pleaded guilty in all cases he remains in demand a tour supervised release >>the youngest daughter of former mayor richard daley has moved up her wedding date to accommodate her ailing mother. you can see elizabeth daley walking behind her parents on the mayors last day in city hall elizabeth and fiancee sam hotchkiss were supposed to get married on new year's eve crain's chicago business reports the two are getting married tomorrow said former first lady maggie daley can be there to enjoy the day maggie daley has been battling metastatic breast cancer for more than nine years >>the cta has passed a budget without fear eycks service cuts or layoffs but there is a big catch the $1.2 billion spending plan is based on the cta winning major concessions from labor unions it would include work rule changes health care reform and strict limits on salary increases the concessions would save cta about $240 million through 2013 forrest claypool admits that service cuts in fairfax could be imposed in the second half of next year if the transit union does not agree that changes union leaders said they would not accept the proposals >>gov. pat quinn spent tuesday in new york city it was a busy day ringing the opening bell at the nasdaq appearing on a morning cable show and leading a discussion with business owners get a job creation he was joined by executives from illinois high-tech companies airfare for the governor and oppress a cost the taxpayers $1,200 but a spokesman says that the trip was well worth the expense because it allowed the governor to promote illinois business on an international stage [ sniffs ] i have a cold. 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spoke briefly with cbs news about their ordeal. >>i just don't have alc ... in describing my emotions i would say that they are all over the place >>penn state has placed mike mcqueary on administrative leave. the school fired head coach joe paterno and president graham spanier. two other school officials are charged with failing to report the alleged abuse. >>penn state is keeping jerry sandusky's filed secret and critics say it reveals a serious flaw in pennsylvania's open records law the university doesn't have to make its records public because the school is only partially funded by the state that means that penn state does not have to release information on how school officials including joe paterno dealt with sandusky and the sexual abuse allegations against him some pennsylvania lawmakers are talking about getting rid of exemptions to the so-called sunshine law >>misery police are expected to have more to say today about missing toddler found dead near a cemetery in st. louis county. police say people walking a dog discovered the body of a one- year-old tyler dasher yesterday about 1 mi. from his home just a few hours after disappeared. his grandmother said that to put the child to bed after midnight and then overslept she woke up to find and gone from his crib the medical examiner's not determine the cause of death. the new york supreme court says occupy wall street protesters can return to park in lower manhattan but they cannot sleep there the protesters have used zucotti park as their home base for nearly two months yesterday police in riot gear cleared out that park but the demonstrators returned later after the court ruling the courts as the protesters are not allowed to camp out in the park which is privately owned and they cannot bring tents or generators there the park is open 24 hours a day and people can pass through or set they're if they wish >>president obama announces in australia today that the united states will expand its military presence in australia the president said that more u.s. service members and equipment will be sent to australia about 250 marines will be deployed there beginning next year followed by that the number of troops will grow to about join to 500 over the next several years the president claimed that the mission will build better cooperation between its states and australia he also insisted that it is not designed to counter china and its expanding influence in that region >>the secret service says that a bullet hit the exterior window of the white house and was stopped by ballistic glass officials say that it happened last friday while the president and mrs. obama were away at the time an additional round of ammunition and the ak-47 rifle were also recovered assets of the white house yesterday a secret service agents said the two cars racine speeding down constitution avenue and a witness saw someone jumping out of one of those vehicles police have had an arrest warrant out for a suspect >>new information is being revealed about of facebook is tracking when you are on line. a facebook engineer says that the social network uses tracking cookie technology to compile a list of sites that members of visited over the past 90 days online advertisers use that same technology face book reveals it keeps close track of where millions of non-members go on the web after the visit facebook pages for any reason ♪ ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. teachers union president karen lewis is speaking activate the controversial remarks that she made about u.s. secretary of education arne duncan. she has been sharply criticized a after a video and far roll over the weekend she made the statements during a keynote address at a teachers' conference in seattle in the video she cracks jokes about duncan's speech impediment and her pot smoking college days karen lewis says that her remarks were taken out of context >>i was speaking as an individual and person that was part of a coalition that has been in a tough and unpublicized fight against powerful forces i was bringing it a little bit of comic relief on the situation >>karen lewis is privately and publicly said sorry to arnie duncan and his office said that he accepted her apology >>i'm beejal patel with bloomberg news live from the cme group in chicago with today's business headlines >>oil has just hit $102 a barrel we have not seen that price since july experts say that it is happening due to falling stockpiles prices on average are 50¢ higher today than a year ago aaa has gas prices at 361 in chicago it has been inching higher in the last several months >>job cuts and the entire financial sector worldwide are hitting a staggering 200,000 this year alone the banking industry said it needs to cut costs due to regulatory restrictions and the economic climate ... occupy protesters are getting slammed again this time by a new york politician representative peter king a republican from new york calls the protesters angry people who are " losers " on the outside and screaming ... congressman king criticized them for not having a cogent platform for their struggle >>starbucks is facing higher commodity costs and will therefore raise prices on selected drinks sometimes for giving yourself can be more difficult than for giving others so how to get over the past and get on with your future jennifer weigel of trib-u is here with some good advice for heiressus >>self forgiveness according to experts as one of the more difficult things we have to do >>you need to have that inner monologue inside of your brain ... but are you running away from things are you beating yourself up ... unless you rethink everything it will overtake you ... >>you have some coping strategies: do not dwell on the past. >>set your intention to change with constant reminders. stay positive read something uplifting there's a good book called " radical forgiveness " ... you need to also listen to your body. if you have been to a doctor without a serious illness but you have persistent issues you need to seek alternative therapies and to the emotional working need to feel better ... you need to get out of your own way. you need some realization that others have problems that don't have a lot to do with few or yours. and the last one is love yourself. to read more or four of the life lessons like this one had over 2 chicago tribune .com/trib-u next a chicago woman's influence in a small african village dina bai clean water in the complicated world of healthcare common sense and a great deal of commitment is making a world of difference in a world few can imagine. it's chicago care a continent away. >>there are no roads or even signs to get to our destination. already in a faraway place leaving the gates of aid village clinics wheat delivered to deeper into the bush headed for the bomas and on the way we encounter a warrior. >>they protect the people? >>they are like masai soldiers. >>that protect them that's what they carry spears. >>young boys become men at 15 in a ceremony where they are circumcised and must remain silent >>when you get circumcised that's when you are a full man. >>our tour guide knows all too well jackson sakimba a masai who now works as site manager for the clinic. he takes us back home so we can see firsthand how life is and how it is transformed >>i am proud of that i am seeing my people getting help ... >>like lifeblood he is seeing them get clean water. >>and a place where trees are dying in the land is barren from drought the best they can hope for is a bucket full from a puddle and while it looks clear it's probably contaminated so she is going to show ayrshires been taught to basically sterilize the water >>outreach workers who are watching children dying from dysentery after drinking dirty water now know pure water will save lives. chicago philanthropist ann lurie secured a donation from procter and gamble that is clearing the way. it causes all the organic material to clump together >>this tiny packet of pur mixed with the water causes a reaction separating fresh water from filth. >>it's gonna be a fair amount of organic matter which could be anything from leaves too cowed dong >>as his mother of four baby on her back and another on the way bends to stir the bacteria is revealed the mother meticulously strains the sludge in the and capturing clean drinking water and set crew tested the affected >>it's so is ok as opposed to unfit for human consumption which is what that water probably would have been ... >>a job well done here workers fanned out across the desolate land covered by the fact that their message is sinking in >>this shows the utmost respect bearing their hands for us to caress a tradition here that something had of the ordinary the site of their own reflection children laugh as the look at their reflections in my glasses while they wanted to see themselves for the first time the mother wanted to show off her handiwork the home that she made by hand >>the women to all of the building of houses and it is pretty intricate with all of the weaving of the sticks in the plastering the plaster is now don and grass >>every day before the rain comes they put new cattle dung to cover those cracks >>beautifully decorated with an etching from one of her little ones brilliantly designed with a small to reduce wind inside of that two-room hut. usually the fire is in the middle and they are to in the little bed spaces on either side >>this is the kitchen the sitting room the bedroom all of them of our combined together cities are firewoods they collect from the busch na do it constantly >>the family of eight slips inside cobble together a bunch of their armored protection this simple net hands gift to each home with the soft sheer curtains the children's scan is no longer covered in wells from malaria covering mosquitos >>and we have seen a lot of difference because during the rainy season least have a lot of mosquito bites but nowadays we don't we just hear them flying around >>we provide the mash and the cement they provide the labor >>when there's no running water jug and a tiny stick to the track >>it's not just infectious disease but chronic illness and emergency care needed here tomorrow you will see how hospital comes alive once inside the complexity of care will make you forget that you're in the middle of nowhere but for patients there will never forget the way they have been treated >>what a difference a day makes .. we could learn a lot from these people ... coming up next the tom skilling forecast it sure got colder. up in alaska there were 45 below temperatures. it could be a lot worse. we will have two days of this cold air and it should warmup for the weekend the wind will blow with gusto friday and saturday coming from the south but we may reach 60 degrees by sunday. in the meantime it's a gorgeous day out there. we had widespread 20 degree temperatures overnight last night ... we still have low 20s this morning in some of the northern suburbs ... there is a big storm passing to the self with tornado watches in sectors of georgia and alabama ... imagine the fear in parts of alabama for those poor people when they hear about tornado warnings ... in the meantime we are quiet appear in chicago but up nearly superior there are some snow flurries ... and there is snow in the planes and very cold temperatures in the pacific northwest. the headline is the chilly weather for today and tomorrow 43 degrees today 40 tomorrow will be the high temperatures. this dip in the jet stream will allow cool air to come in. there is a powerhouse storm producer hanging off the west coast that will warm this part of the country ... thanksgiving next week could be a mild affair here in chicago. in fairbanks alaska's right now is 38 below zero. that there will eventually find its way here is probable. temperatures dropped to the low and the mid-20s as they will tonight again the warm-up will begin friday afternoon. local temperatures in the suburbs were in the high twenties and low '30's currently we are 40 degrees at o'hare 39 degrees at midway ... it's a far cry from yesterday's 60 degree temperatures. there are lake effect snow advisory's for the upper peninsula of michigan ... and there are winter weather advisories and storm warnings and severe weather to the west as well as the southeastern united states. this western storm will play a big role in the weather changes for us this weekend. formidable cool air is happening to the north. we will reach the '50s and the '60s saturday and sunday here in chicago wisconsin and northern michigan will see some winter weather. we will see another warm-up similar to this one for the thanksgiving weekend. if you love snow there's plenty of it in the rockies this is one of those lonnie anya wintersa nina winters. tonight we have the first area wide freeze of the season. scattered clouds tonight ... 22 degrees and land at 32 degrees in the loop we have not seen this since march. tomorrow mostly sunny 39 degrees in the morning by this afternoon will be 43 degrees ... the wind will be blowing on the lake by friday and we may see 60 degrees by saturday or sunday >>it's time for today's trivia question: which planets is last throw, prince. and last chance at medicare open enrollment, too. what do you mean? it ends december 7th. if you haven't reviewed your medicare plan choices yet, well, it's getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off brand name prescription drugs when you're in the donut hole... it's all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin'! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. call 1-800-medicare or visit to learn more. 8évxó0%xpév@' xvp6pmh? 7@xs0ñxr0?÷z@8@?x>÷÷óú/xw0ñérxsx6÷sxzxíérxrú>÷,÷w@6xsérprxrérxrxs ÷rpoéwéwx7xx7(5txz÷xst#8g÷sért[÷óxsxvér it's time for the official drawing of the illinois lottery ... and here are the winning pick three numbers: 6 2 3 here are the winning pick four numbers: 0 6 3 6 join us tonight for power ball. have a great afternoon. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. baseball's general managers' meetings are in milwaukee, and the cubs are using it to help their search for a manager. general manager jed hoyer says there will talk to dale swami again but insists it is not a second interview with dale sveum is already in milwaukee to interview for the red sox job once again jed hoyer said that there still speaking to mike maddux white sox general manager ken williams says that he has already been approached with a trade scenario for a veteran player though he declined to name who is john danks carlos quentin and math horten are possibilities a special with the chris sale moving to starting rotation >>the fighting alumni have lost four straight games and it has led to speculation about the coach ron socca job status during his weekly press conference yesterday he told reporters that he did not want to talk about it and won them not to ask about 20 minutes and someone asked so he walked right out the athletic director of the university city won't decide on the future until the season ends and the devin hester has been named the nfc special teams player of the week for the third time this season in the medical watch unraveling plans to offer healthier school lunches earlier this year the agriculture department proposed new school lunch standards including sodium restrictions, more whole grains and limiting potatoes but food companies that make frozen pizza for schools the salt industry and potato growers lobbied against that the final version of congressional spending bill released monday would block or delay the usda's efforts it would also allow a tomato sauce on peace it to continue to be counted as a vegetable low levels of vitamin d may be that women at greater risk for heart attack and stroke researchers analyzed 16 years' worth of data on more than 2000 healthy women than those with a vitamin d deficiency had part of my job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you. executive chef of bistronomic is here with us today. >>i am doing it a peekytoe crab salad ... we will use a puree of fennel basil tarragon white pepper shallots and salt and lemon vinaigrette. we will begin with the crab meat ... i am going to put in here a pinch of salt and some white pepper i am going to use the chopped chives the chopped tarragon the basil the lemon coffee and the lemon vinaigrette along with some olive oil and honey >>i would like to tell the people at home this terrific french chef is making a traditional american thanksgiving dinner! bistronomic will also feature this wonderful peekytoe crab salad on the menu there is a fixed-price menu for thanksgiving at $55. now i am combining all the ingredients with the crab meat now i am doing the presentation with the fennel puree ... after this i am going to use finely sliced fennel ... and again the same idea the salt and pepper the chopped herbs and this lemon confit along with the vinegar at topped by the crab salad ... we were fortunate to have received 3 stars in the chicago michelin guide this year ... year >>is in that lovely you are doing a roasted farm turkey and beef short ribs and some ravioli on the thanksgiving menu at bistronomic ... and we are featuring lots of wonderful mushroom dishes ... >>thank you very much for joining us martial noguier bistronomic is located 840 north wabash in chicago [ male announcer ] for sore muscles use new bengay cold therapy, it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. and now the answer to today's trivia question: which planets is known as both the morning and it the evening star? the answer is the nest venus >>and we have a very nice afternoon going. this is cool however. we are also taking a look at the turbulent weather in the southeast with all kinds of severe weather warnings ... but back to chicago we are also affected by the cool air coming down from the pacific northwest ... we have quite an outbreak of chilly air ... this will pass through chicago expeditiously however there are lots of wind developments on the backside of this we will have 30 mi. per hour southwest wind gusts that will blow up the arctic air it will be a windy transition from the cold chilly air of these two days to friday when we will welcome some more mayor for the weekend by saturday we will be into the low 60s there will be a mild cooling on sunday in time for the bears game back into the upper 40's and we will get warm again early next week. the really cold stuff will be pushed way up to the north. but give us a few more weeks ... we know there will be some snow in the upper northwest and midwest this weekend. here is the seventh day forecast: 39 degrees tomorrow after today's high of 43 degrees 51 degrees friday 61 degrees saturday back into the '50s on sunday will have some isolated showers ... possibly into monday but we are looking at possibly a nice thanksgiving weekend ahead. thank you for joining us today we hope you have a great

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New York , United States , Alabama , Australia , Alaska , Turkey , China , Illinois , Wisconsin , Georgia , Michigan , Fairbanks , Cook County , University City , Pennsylvania , France , Chicago , America , French , American , Barnie Duncan , Ken Williams , John Danks Carlos Quentin , Ann Lurie , Devin Hester , Maggie Daley , Arne Duncan , Mike Mcqueary , Jerry Sandusky , Peter King , Steve Sanders , Hall Elizabeth , Richard Daley , Sam Hotchkiss , Jed Hoyer , Pat Quinn , Graham Spanier , Forrest Claypool , Dale Sveum , Daniel Mccormack , Dina Bair , Schaumburg Christian , Tyler Dasher , Elizabeth Daley , Dina Bai , Joe Paterno , Lonnie Anya , Jennifer Weigel , Mike Maddux ,

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