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exterior walls contribute in anyway to this tragedy. if so, the city law department has let it be known that they are reviewing all legal options which could include civil or even criminal contempt of court charges against the building's owner. now, court records show a history of problems here at 1744 east 75th street. the city filed a lawsuit against the building owner's back in 2007 citing 14 code violations beginning with cracked and defective walls, rotting boards and timbers and perhaps most significantly, a structurally defective roof with overburdened trusses. >> i asked entire city to join offering prayers of the families of those who lost their live. >> firefighters and paramedics females and males in this fire department when the bell rings, they come up and do their job to the best of their ability and whether they are male, female firefighter, paramedic, they are tough. >> reporter: as the city grieves, experts are examining what's left of the former singway laundry building on 75 street. police sealed off the building today. inspectors could be seen examining the collapsed commercial building earlier today. working to understand exactly what happened here. in the mean time, this city is grieving for the fallen firefighters edward stringer and corey ankum. they were highly regarded by their fellow comrades. the pair were crushed underneath the collapsing roof, according to the medical examiner. dying as a result of blunt force trauma. 19 firefighters were also injured in the collapse which took battalion chiefs by surprise. the "chicago tribune" talked to one of the building owners, chuck dye, who tells newspaper that he is devastated by the lotion of -- loss of life. in south shore neighborhood, julian crews, wgn news. those two fallen firefighters who died when the wall collapsed are being remembered for their courage today. wgn's nancy loo is live from christ hospital in oak lawn. nancy, good afternoon. >> good afternoon, steve. one was a rookie, the other a veteran. but both shared the same love for the chicago near department and their jobs. today, funeral arrangements are pending for the two fallen heroes. two shining examples of chicago's bravest. men of courage and valor. that's how corey ankum and edward stringer are remembered today. much of chicago's joining firefighters and mourning the losses just days before christmas. ankum had been with the department for less than two years after serving as a chicago police officer. >> like helping people. i mean, i know what he told me when he switched from the police to the fire, he is like, you know, people don't respect police no more. so it's like i want to go to the fire department. >> reporter: the 34-year-old is survived by two daughters arc baby son and his wife who is the personal secretary to mayor daley. >> he loved the fire department. that's all he wanted to talk about. formally a police officer but wanted to be a fireman. his wife has been one of my closest assistants. a true friend and a confident. >> engine 63's edward stringer is remembered for his bravery and humor. he was a 12 year veteran of the department and lived on the southwest side where neighbors say the 47-year-old was constantly out helping others. >> fireman's fireman. loved his job, loved his city. loved the neighborhood and his neighbors. >> since the tragedy, the department has been inundated with outpouring of concern and gratitude. >> we were a tight-knit community and means more than anything to us to receive such heart felt messages of support and love. >> meantime, five chicago firefighters remain hospitalized including two here at christ hospital. all five are expected to recover. we are live in oak lawn, nancy loo, wgn news. you know, in the history of the chicago fire department hundreds have lost their lives in the line of duty. the department was established in 1858 and since then 658 firefighters and paramedics have died while on the job. that includes three deaths this year including edward stringer and corey ankum in yesterday's fire. christopher wheatley died in august after falling from a building during a restaurant fire. his death was the department's first am more than a decade. investigators looking into the cause of a small plane crash that killed one person and injured the pilot in wheeling yesterday. the single engine beechcraft had just taken off from chicago executive airport. when the pilot, todd cole, radioed that the engine was running rough and he needed to return to the airport. the plane was close to the runway when it hit the roof of a nearby building and crashed into the parking lot. witnesses say the plane exploded into a fireball. the 18-year-old passenger from downstate jacksonville died in the crash. cole, the pilot, was air lifted to the hospital with broken bones and severe burns. no one on the ground was hurt. rahm emanuel will stay on the ballot in the race for chicago's next mayor. decision announced minutes ago by the chicago election commissioners, the decision coming after lengthy hearings on rahm emanuel's residency. wgn's muriel clair live now in the loop with the very latest on this decision just handed down. >> reporter: chicago board of election commissioners may not have the last word, as you say, they have accepted the hearing officer's recommendation that rahm emanuel's name remain on the mayoral ballot. now this after hearing from them. >> that the objections be overruled and denied. that said nomination papers be declared valid in the name of rahm emanuel, candidate for election 9 office of mayor for the city of chicago shall be printed on the official ballot for the municipal general election held on february 22. >> reporter: this after a morning of a hearing from those challenging emanuel's residency. he spent the last two years serving as president obama's chief of staff living in washington instead of here in chicago and election law requires the candidate for mayor live here at least one year before the election. emanuel and his attorneys however contend he never gave up his residency. he was living in washington temporarily while serving the president of the united states, always with the intent ever returning. -- intent of returning. already the challenges have begun. berted aleson who was the lead attorney for some the objectors saying he will appeal this afternoon. live in the loop, muriel clair, wgn news. with mayoral polls suggesting rahm emanuel there is a runaway leader, chicago's three black mayoral candidates met over coffee yesterday to strategize on how to unify the black vote. cranes chicago business reports meeting brought speculation that one or more of these candidates might step aside to give a single candidate the best hope of challenging emanuel. congressman danny davis former senator carol mostlily brawn and james meeks offered no indication they might back out of the race. christmas is two days away but today ises bittiest travel day of the holiday season. nearly 2 million passengers are expected to pass through chicago's airports between now and early next week. both o'hare and midway will greet travelers this afternoon with some live jazz music. also aviation officials have some advice for people traveling with christmas gifts. >> one of the things that we and the tsa recommend is that if you are coming to the airport and you are bringing gifts or taking gifts home to family or friends, bring them unwrapped. don't wrap them before you leave because it's likely that they would be subject to inspect. >> each of domestic terminals at o'hare is offering free gift wrapping services this afternoon. midway is offering the same service near harry caray's restaurant. next on the midday news, the rain has stopped but the clean up is just beginning for the storm battered west coast. north korea vows to launch a sacred war against its neighbors to the south following another round of military exercises. and details on a recall involving millions of blood test strips for diabetics. some sunshine is in the forecast for storm battered southern california. the problems aren't over yet. after nearly a week of rain, officials say the ground is so saturated that it could move at any time. more than 200 homes had to be evacuated for a time in los angeles suburbs inundated by mud slides erlgier this year. rain has also fouled beaches and washed trash, pesticides and bacteria into waterways prompting health warnings. authorities in italy are checking all embassies in rome after bomb blasts wounded two people. a person suffered a hand injury at the swiss embassy wasn't package blew up as he was opening it. later another person was wounded when a package explodedded at chilean embassy. police also responded to a suspicious package at ucrnian embassy but it was a false i alarm. no one claimed responsibility but authorities suspect anarchists were behind the attacks. concerns over tensions between north and south korea today as north korea says it is ready to launch a, quote, sacred nuclear war. south korea has staged several days of military drills just 15 miles from north korea as a show of force meant to deter the north. but north korea state media reports that the country's defense chief says he is ready to launch a sacred war because the south has deliberately pushed the situation to the brink of war. south korea's president says if the north launches another surprise attack, they must launch a merciless counterattack. now that the military's don't ask, don't tell policy has been repealed, president obama says he hopes those who have been discharged from the military under the policy will try to re-enlist. study done by the pentagon earlier this year said the fact that a service member was kicked out for gay conduct should not be held against that person when seeking re- enlistment. several military members who were booted from being gay say they will re-enlist or are considering a return to military service. almost 14,000 people were discharged under don't ask, don't tell. a plainfield marine returns home just in time for the holidays after a tour in afghanistan. family members and friends celebrated the homecoming of anthony lawler last night. plainfield police were also out in full force to welcome him home. lawler will be home for two weeks before he has to return to his base in japan. president obama is on vacation in hawaii this morning after scoring major wins in the lame duck session of congress. mr.obama says he is hoping to keep a low profile. he joined rest of his family. the first lady and two daughters have been there since saturday. president stayed in washington to stay to work on several bills. he signed the law which repeals military's don't ask, don't tell policy and congress ratified new nuclear's arms treaty with russia. a look at the top business stories is next. and a big change that could cost you some change when it comes to attending a popular summer festival in chicago. one dai to go until christmas eive -- christmas eve. we have a lunch break lasagna sure to please everyone at your house. remember watch us live on the web every midday, log on to and catch the midday news on your iphone. with bengay pain relief plus massage you can do this... get the ball. get the ball, girl. hmmm, you can't do that. but you can do this. it's the simple things. scientifically formulated bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs gives you the targeted relief of a massage plus the powerful, long-lasting pain relief of bengay. bengay pain relief + massage. visit for a $3.00 coupon. love the nubs! i'm angie lau live at the cme group in chicago. investors digesting a slew of economic reports before the christmas holiday. first a report on durable goods orders like computers, appliances and communications gear climbing 2.6% in november and it's a sign that a slow down in business investment may be less pronounce. but for retailers, more evidence that this is going to be a very merry holiday. the commerce department reported today consumer spending increased in november for fifth straight month thanks to rising personal incomes and as we wrap up the biggest shopping season of the year, consumers are also feeling more confident this month. and if you were hoping to get a jump on your taxes, you are going to have to wait to file if you itemize your deductions. about a third of the americans who itemize dedunks will have to wait until the middle to late february of next year to file for their 2010 returns. the reason the irs says delays are caused by late congressional action in re- instating those deductions that had expired 2010. and lastly if you were hoping to make some calls to family today ahead of the holidays with skype, you may be disappointed. the world's largest carrier of international phone calls said today it may take several hours to restore services fully after some of the companies computers malfunctioned. right now on wall street, stocks are fluctuating on this last day of the shortened holiday month. stocks at their most expensive level and that's offsetting a rebound in durable goods and drop in jobless claims. now tomorrow is the market holiday so want to wish you both a very happy holiday. >> and a very same to you. have a wonderful one and we will see you back on monday. the taste of chicago may soon charge admission. the city is looking at private operators to take over the taste of chicago at six other popular lakefront festivals. in the last three years chicago lost nearly $7 million on the event. the daley administration would want the festival to remain free but respective bidders can send in their own plans for the events which can include an entry fee. bidders would get naming rights to the event. it is all in your mind. the surprising findings about the power of placebos. next in the medical watch -- >> plus the face lift many local hospitals are giving themselves to get ready for an influx of new patients. we will tell you why. and music this midday from big time 80s hit maker eddie money. he's single, he's great looking and i'm going to introduce you in two weeks. he's a dentist so whiten your teeth. no coffee, no espresso. mm-hmm. ♪ [ female announcer ] crest 3d white toothpaste. the remarkable toothpaste that removes up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks... hi. i'm paul. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile in just two weeks crest 3d white toothpaste. also try crest 3d white rinse. ♪ hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. it has long been a health risk. now one more hazard to being obese. drivers who are obese are more like three die in a serious car accident than drivers of normal weight. that's according to a new study. researchers at university of buffalo in new york looked at drivers' body sizes and number of car crash deaths between the years 2000 and 2005. they found an increase risk of dying at 21% for moderately obese drivers and 56% risk for morbidly obese drivers. abbott laboratories is recalling millions of testing strips used by diabetics. they are sold under the brand name -- get ready for this, precision exceed pro, precision extra, medicines optium. relion ultma. optium and optium ez up to 359 million testing strips used to measure glucose levels can give inaccurately low blood sugar readings. as a result, patients may try to raise their blood sugar levels unnecessarily or fail to detect dangerously high blood sugar levels. abbott will replace the faulty test strips at no charge. eating healthy foods can help you live longer even if you are already elderly. a new study suggests that even older adults can extend their lives by eating vegetables, fruit, poultry, low fat dairy and hole grains. the study was done at university of maryland by the department of nutrition and food science. researchers looked at eating habits of 2500 adults ages 70 to 79. they use the -- questionnaires over a period of ten years to frame their findings. that study will be studied in the journal of the american dietetic association. there is evidence that placebos work for patients even when they know they know that medicine is a fake. harvard medical school researchers gave placebos to 40 patients who suffer from irtdable bowel syndrome. 60 perls of the patients reported feeling better even though they knew these pills had no medicinal value. a larger study is needed to see if placebos could be used for connick pain-- chronic pain and other ailments. new marketing campaigns are some of the ways your local hospitals are trying to attract your business. here to explain why is "chicago tribune" health care reporter bruce japson. may i start with this one? why are they working so hard to attract our business now? >> well, that's a great question. first of all, we know there is high unemployment and hospitals just like everybody else are hurting for business especially for people with insurance. however, down the road in the next three years people are going to be getting more benefits. those without insurance because the health care reform and so you will see some marketing especially after the first of the year ramping up and see more mergers for hospitals that might be independent such as out in central dupage county, central dupage and del more are merging. independent hospitals want more access to cash and capital to expand and market. you are really seeing some things start to ramp up here which hopefully will be good for the patients and consumers out theres in it seems like these smaller hospitals are a dying breed. they just can't get that economy of scale that you see with the bigger hospitals. >> no. in the interesting thing is that in -- maybe a decade ago if you were a small independent hospital, edward hospital in naperville, they have dawn good job out there. they are a stand alone hospital. but these areas are not growing any more. everybody is out of work. and unemployment is down so the days of the independent hospital are dwindling even more and more which you have the hospital holy cross hospital on the southwest side. and you will have a lot of other hospitals even downstate that are talking to advocate health care based in chicago saying we like to hook into you because you have all of the big insurance companies you are working with. electronic medical records. all of these things are expensive to implement. what about presstigious institutions like the mayo clinic? how are they getting in on this expansion? >> that's a great question. the cleveland clinic, for example, which is specialized in art care, they have a partnership with central duepening hospital which is hooking in with delmore. the mayo clinic it did a research collaboration with the university of illinois. you have these entities which they can't -- they need to draw patients from across the country and expand to keep their revenues going and they want to get piece of the action. heart surgeries as on the whole, believe it or not despite obesity on the rise and people are not in great health, are going down because a lot of people on cholesterol drugs. that's how cleveland clinic made a name for itself. if heart surgeries are going down they have to reach across the country to get patients and that's what they are trying to do by coming into markets like chicago. the competition hopefully will be good for patients and consumers going forward because they will start advertising eventually saying we are better at this than other people. leads to my next question. we have far and away the most expensive health care in the world. any of this do anything to reduce the cost of health care in america? >> that is the $64,000 question. i think that if what some of the health insurers say, if that works, if what they want to talk about and get the best doctors and 4079s in their networks and the doctors and hospitals that are not providing good patient care or have bad outcome they will be out of the networks. if you can increase quality and keep people going to the hospital once and not get infection and not medical error then that's good and it could stabilize the cost of health care. that's what they have in other countries where everybody has insurance. so if you start to encourage people to use this system correctly and appropriately, then maybe it will slow the cost of health care. that's something we won't see for a few more years. preventative care in the future. thank you. >> happy holidays to you. >> merry christmas. see you next year. >> as always you can find bruce's inside health care column in the "chicago tribune" or check him out online at tom skilling says it's looking like a white christmas. his forecast is next. well, tom skilling says that we are going to have a white christmases in i think so. >> a gentle one. >> yeah. it's not a bad one. won't be wind. no blizzard strength winds or anything like that. we have interesting lake snows that will follow it over the weekend in lake std counties. but we heard bing crosby sing being a white christmas and interesting. we checked the records for all of the association with the christmas season and snow. fact is that it's not a terribly snowy holiday. in fact, the last inch of snow that fell on christmas eve did so 13 years ago and you have to go back 59 years, 1951 to get a four inch or greater snow on christmas eve. well, we may challenge both of those numbers or at least get close to the second one and passed the first one. we have the snowiest christmas in 13 years, christmas eve on the way. and weekend snow coming, too. these clouds may begin to spit flurries at us this afternoon tonight and tomorrow morning. those are lake effect flurries and they will be the product of a wind backing around slowly up in the northeast at cloud level. the system snow will begin tomorrow afternoon or either that or late tomorrow morning and continue through the christmas eve period. so flurries tonight. steady snow by tomorrow afternoon. looks like the biggest snow in 13 years because we haven't had an inch of snow. waves of lake snow could target some areas in lakeside counties for additional accumulations over the weekend. thinking is two to four inches here and then whatever we add in terms of lake snow and that could be in response be significant because lake snows don't affect the whole area. we will keep that in mind. we got some flurries coming in to the indiana/michigan snow bell as winds back northeast some may begin swiping the illinois shoreline. here is the system snow and by 7:30 tomorrow it's in to some of the west and southern suburbs reaching us by noontime tomorrow. and this is just the first stage of interesting weekend around here and if you are traveling east, what may be a storm that sweeps up parts of the east coast next week. there you see it, little lake snows blowing back into here. system snow moving in and will take you farther in time. snow steadily. we are up to 6:00 christmas eve and midnight tomorrow night and then start locking into this plume of moisture off the lake and see how it feeds right into chicago? also look at how narrow it is. so that saturday this is saturday morning and saturday evening you go west and the western suburbs it's just flurries. and you go far east and it's just flurries. but wherever this little plume lines up we could get substantial additional accumulations over the weekend. here wrist it's snowing right now. this is all part of the system that blasted california. now the storms are headed farther north on the coast and are affecting the pacific northwest and sections of western canada. this storm will be tracking down the gulf coast and then sweep up the east coast already weather advisories in effect for that. winter storm warnings where you see the red areas right there. about 20 states involved in that with the current system. here is where our modelles say it will snow and this is the four inch line right here off our model. this is about six inches right here so you can see parts of iowa and far western illinois may see six inches of snow out of this. people are saying this storm is going way south. how is it affecting us. two jet streams one there and one there. storm system riding the southern one and southern jet. this one will bring down cold air aloft which destabilizes the atmosphere and bring down the wind down the length of the lake. that's potent lake set up and right near the strojest winds of the jet. see the storm way south and we will have snow way north here. one jet stream down here and one up here and this is the one that's making the snow. this storm will track across the gulf across florida and spin up the east coast and that one will have to be watched very carefully. it's looking now that it might just brush the mid-atlantic and lambbust new england but stay with us on that one because that will be a potent weather system. here is what it does to us. these are winds. this is a forecast through morning. see how light the winds are and no bright colors here and the northeasterly winds begin tomorrow evening to form up to the north of us and then they come down the lake and into our area. this is saturday morning. so that's when your lake snows begin to lock in and you see how the winds blow with great increasing strength saturday, saturday night and sunday. the winds blow along the isobars at cloud level and this brings the wind in off the lake and we could get lake effect enhancement of the snow. but here is what our models are saying right now through sunday morning. this is an estimate an early one at that possible snowfall in the area and you can see some areas may get upwards of five inches. others mostly two to four inches in this area and then the lake snow a little harder to track. want to take you into next week because if you travel east watch how the storm crosses the florida peninsula. then it bottoms out as it goes up the east coast. a storm that bombs is one that dropping its central pressure one milibar per hour or greater and this one is supposed to do that. some of the models depending how close it gets to the coast you can affect washington, philadelphia, new york, areas around boston. it looks right now like new england has one heck of a storm on the way next week and that could really affect travel plans. for us, it just turns winds off the lake and strengthens them as the weekend goes on. so that cold will begin to bite a little bit this first wave of snow tonight, tomorrow and early tomorrow night will come in without a lot of wind. winds will pick up more over the weekend. this afternoon windy, grey skies. cold, couple of flurries expected and especially near the lake as the day goes on. high 30 today. winds are two to nine miles per hour. cloudy, chilly, flurries possible near the lake tonight. coldest temperatures teens inland about 17 at o'hare. tomorrow cloudy. some scattered morning flurries. again primarily near the lake. steadier snow starts after that. maybe around midday and through the afternoon and evening we could have one to two inches down by evening. two to four by midnight tomorrow night. high temperature 33. and again the winds light. but christmas day saturday cloudy, cold. flurries inland but bursts of heavier lake-effect snow. lakeside counties and there additional accumulation. high temperature 32 and carbon copy of that forecast on sunday the way it looks right now. still kind of interesting. by the way, there is quite a warm-up on the way later next week. that's a break in this cold pattern for the first time. looks like the cold air will lock in sometime later in the first week of january but we could have a nice period where we get out of this cold stuff after a chilly start to the week next week. >> oh, tom, tom. man. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> don't go anywhere. here is your trivia question for today. in the movie a christmas story, what was ralefy -- ralphy radio program? the shadow, little orphan annie or amos and andy? the answer still ahead on the wgn midday news. salsa? ♪ [ female announcer ] the cleaner the counter, the smoother the counter. with bounty you can be confident you'll get your counter clean. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface 3x cleaner than the bargain brand. ♪ big mess? bring it. super absorbent, super durable, super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value, try bounty huge roll. thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. you can do this... get the ball. get the ball, girl. hmmm, you can't do that. but you can do this. it's the simple things. scientifically formulated bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs gives you the targeted relief of a massage plus the powerful, long-lasting pain relief of bengay. bengay pain relief + massage. visit for a $3.00 coupon. love the nubs! [ male ato london startsis chawith arthritis pain...ght and a choice. take tylenol now, and maybe up to 8 in a day. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. enjoy the flight. thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. hawks one of the hottest teams in the nhl. nashville and scoring first midway through the first 3erd it's dave bolland. goal of the season. 1-0. the power play jack skilly makes it 2-0. bolland and keith assist. third period, it's keith assisting on another goal and it's 3-0. hawks go on to win 4- 1 and their third in a row. all this without kane and hossa. victor stallburg sat out last night. he has been cleared. bulls in the nation's capital. hinrich led the wizards and putt the windsereds in front. derrick rose takes over late in the third. he drove easily to the basket. gave the bulls a three point lead. carlos boozer finished off late in the fourth. nice pass. boozer finished with 30 point's ten rebounds and search assists. bulls win. the knicks next in madison square garden on christmas day. coming up, more hits from 80s rocker eddie money coming up. i can't wait. and it will serve all your guests and it's great to freeze for leftovers. we are going to make some sea food lasagna next in lunch break. carol mackey joins us today. carol, thank you for coming in. and this already looks delicious. we haven't seen started putting it together but it's going to be a seafood lasagna. >> right, right. >> tell me about the cream you have going. >> the sauce, i started with the rue which is equal amount of flower and butter. i added milk and fresh nutmeg, garlic powder and pepper, parmesan cheese and a splash of congac. we will start by putting a layer of our sauce down in our pan. kind of just pred that around. >> and the sauce is called a rue? >> the rue is the thicker in. the flour and butter and you cook that first and then that will thicken any sauce. >> i see. >> and then a quick tip, i'm using the no boil pasta noodles and putting those down. and then i'm using shrimp and scallops but you can use any kind of sea food. i used crab in the past. and i chopped roughly chopped up my shrimp and my scallops -- >> they are cooked. >> yes, i poached them slightly and the scallops are thick so what i did was slices those right in half so that stretches it a little. >> those are some beautiful scallops. >> yes. i make this dish for in lake zurich for the holidays that and crab pot pies. so if you don't have time to make it you can buy it there and put a little mozzarella cheese and a little bit more of the congac sauce. and why these two cheeses? >> well, the mozzarella is traditional and any lasagna. but the -- this adds a -- the rue adds a difference -- this is a nutty, creamy cheese. so-- >> not too strong in flavor. >> not at all. very mild. fresh spinach and make sure you take all the woody stems off when you use that. and then i'm going use a little bit of the grier cheese. have that. and more congac sauce. and then our last layer and we will put a little bit of the seafood. and more scallops. bit more on the computer. and we are going to add actually the mozzarella then. have i only done this about 80 times. okay. >> you can do this in your sleep. >> yes, i should be able to. >> and then more noodles and then we will top it with our final layer which is the congac sauce. and the recipe is also available on my recipe cd which has over a little bit -- >> here we are. >> little parsley. >> tried and true. favorite recipe. >> and that has over 200 of my favorite recipes throughout my 20 year professional culinary career. and that's available on my blog. >> so you topped with pine nuts. >> and want to completely cover the noodles here. >> and then this will bake for how long? >> you put that a little cheese on top then and you put that in the oven covered with foil and at 350 for 30 minutes. and then you remove the foil and then you let it cook for another 15. >> okay. so we have the final product already plated over here and looks delicious. >> thank you. >> looks really, really good. and then what would you serve alongside that? >> well, they have -- you can have in itself and serve a cesar salad with it a great dish to have on christmas eve for those that are serving seafood. new year's eve. it's a meal in itself. i would do a salad with it and maybe some rolls and butter. >> it looks wonderful. and you can find today's seafood ingredient at diamond fresh seafood at 583 north rand road in lake zurich. if you like a link to carol's website and today's recipes you talked about, log on to our web page, thank you so much. 3q are you suffering from frequent heartburn ? heartburn that keeps coming back ? then you're ready for zegerid otc. zegerid otc is the first 24-hour treatment ever with two active ingredients: prescription-strength medicine plus a protective ingredient that shields the medicine from stomach acid so it's effectively absorbed. just one zegerid otc capsule a day can relieve your heartburn all day and all night. if you have frequent heartburn, try dual-ingredient zegerid otc. heartburn solved. don't want to deal with a lot of flibbity-flab or mumbo-jumbo. sounds like you need to name your price. no gobbledy-gook? 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>> the eggnog is terrific. that's good eggnog. yes, it is. >> the ol' weather office. never will be the same, will it? >> will like that ol' yule log. >> all right. thank you for joining us. >> have a great afternoon and remember we will be back at 5:00 and 9:00. ♪[ music ]

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