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rules if you want to own a handgun in the city of chicago. earlier today,jody weis plans to spell out the new ordnance. americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense was ruled. some of the city's rules for owning a handgun include only one handgun purchased per month. you must register the gun with the police department. you can only carry the gun inside your home and no gun sales are allowed in the city. the city already challenges the new rules. one by gun dealers. on the wgn tv morning show that dealer's attorney ridiculed the city. >> they've outlawed porches, backyards, it's just a suppressive ordnance that's designed to in effect squelch this second amendment right. >> reporter: once again, weis will detail this ordnance. you must first have a gun owners i.d. card and you must register your gun. you have to undergo a vision exam and fingerprinting. if you are found violating this law you can spend up to 90 days in jail. julie wang, wgn news. a man has been charged with drunk driving. 28-year-old edward dixon of chicago, dixon was speeding westbound when his car lost control and hit a tree. horton died and dixon was critically injured. a man attempted to abduct an 11-year-old girl over the weekend. the man tried to force the girl into his car in an alley. but she was able to get away. he was driving a late model black audi sedan. he's described as white between 6'and 6'2". brown hair and brown eyes, if you have any information you are asked to call the wellomet police department. an exchange student who was beaten with a baseball bat in chicago's buck town neighborhood last april is now back home in northern ireland. natasha mcshane was flown to ireland. members of chicago's irish community have helped to raise money for her medical care. marcy cruz and roberto vallamarte are charged with that crime. the fire started around noon yesterday. the restaurant was evacuated as fire officials raised the blaze to a three alarm fire calling for more crews. the fire shut down a large section of downtown as about 60 firefighters hurried. the fire was put out in less than four hours. fire also caused heavy damage to a church. the sanctuary was gutted and chandeliers melted. but it didn't stop the congregation from worshiping, yesterday a baby boy was baptized next to the burned down church. the congregation saw on lawn chairs near a makeshift altar. investigators have ruled out arson but have not identified a cause. dozens of people marched through the engelwood area where officer saude rburg was killed last weekend. police say the he was shot. the group says that this anti violent march was planned for overnight when there is a lot of crime in that area. honoring another officer, a city street has been named for a police officer killed in the line of duty. >> in law enforcement and in the military, you are never forgotten. >> officer alejandro valadez was killed in june of 2009. on sunday the corner of 26th and holmon was renamed for him. valadez grew up just around the corner from there. the family helped unveil the street sign. date 32 of the rod blagojevich is now under way. later, confident turned informant wilier is set to testify. randy belasomo is at the government center with the latest. >> reporter: good afternoon bob, john lava was part of the intermost circle. but that circle collapsed and now he's set to take the stand. former congressional chief of staff and one of the state east most influential lobbiest. he is cooperating. robert greely continued his testimony. last week he portrayed the governor as disengaged. so far as leaving his office early or hiding in the restroom to avoid certain measures. there will be a hearing on whether the jury will be released. if you remember, two jurors lied on their questionnaires about past convictions. that would have disqualified them. randy belisomo, wgn. the chicago park district implemented a ban on swimming due to e.coli levels. while the prosecution has lifted the ban, they are still advising caution at 10 others. visitors are cautioned not to enter the water during these times due to a high risk of e.coli. what was discussed at the new president oil ban commission. and then later in sports, how the captain of the chicago blackhawks spent his day holding hey, pete. yeah, it's me, big brother. put the remote down and listen. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. so you cut back on the cheeseburgers and stopped using your exercise bike as a coat rack. that's it? 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remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. the illinois commerce commission has come out with itself list of most dangerous railroad crossing in the area. this morning there was a minor collision between a metro train and a truck at one of those crossings on the list. >> joining us now john hocavich. in your report, you went out and visited these sites. >> i did, dina. especially focused for the article on the naval site where the metro truck accident occurred this morning. and it's just a bad location. you know, yes drivers are too aggressive and they are running red lights and snaking around gates and trying to beat trains. but the design of the intersection there with the crossings, there's not enough room for cars to store before the signal. the timing of the lights just is not sufficient to provide the safe mergers. >> so, john, i know that intersection well and it's at the top of a little hill. a little grade right there. and it is tricky to go over. so what's the answer? who's responsibility is it to time those lights and make it so that it works better? >> it's a combination in this case of the city of chicago, illinois department of transportation and the illinois commerce commission which has a rail division which overseas safety of crossings. the reality though is that there's thousands of crossings just in the chicago area. and i don't think the inspectors get out to do adequate field tests to you know keep pace with the level of traffic both train and vehicles. and we have these dangerous situations that develop and they don't get any real attention until a story like this or an accident like this morning. >> they are not doing their home work, as much as you are. you're talking about control technology so that the trains will know if there's actually a car that's sitting on the track. >> that's one thing we have to have for higher speed rail and we really need it now in urban areas. at least it would alert the engineer of a locomotive, when it's still a mile out that there's a stranded vehicle on the track and to slow down to avoid a collision. there's also things like four quadrant gates. instead of the two we see traditionally, there would be four. it would make it harder for a car to snake around. >> you always mention that every once in a while where the arms will be up and stuck or down and stuck. there are problems once in a while. >> right, i've heard that from part-time who live and work around those locations as well as other parts. in the case of this one location, state officials should be looking at that, to determine in this case whether the truck was trying to beat the train. from the picture we have on our website you can clearly see that the gate went down between the cab and the trailer section of the cab. >> building an infrastructure, all of that takes money. >> sure does dina. the state spends $42 million a year on great crossings improvement. they sound like a lot, but just building one tunnel could be millions in one location. >> john, i think part of the blame rests with careless drivers as well. you so easily were able to capture photographs of people stopped right on the track. this is a working railroad crossing. why would someone do that? >> you are right bob, we saw it all over the chicago area. i was literally at that location for three minutes when i saw the first bunch of cars stopped on the tracks. i think drivers are just not aware of the very real danger that a train presents. and you know, you have to expect a train always, when you are crossing, even if the lights aren't flashing. look both ways before you cross those rails. >> we're going to need to look at the statistics and some of those photos. as always, you can read more on today's chicago tribune or around. playboy shares are hot today soring more than 40% after playboy's hugh heffner announced today he is looking to take control of the company he founded. turning it from a shares company to a private share. heffner is concerned about the company's brand and the magazine's editorial direction. playboy playing coy right now. meanwhile lots of mergers an acquisitions news to tell you about. avon calling with a $650 million deal to buy jewelry company sopata design. ason -- avon say it's a part of trying to expand outside the make up division. and lastly, johnson & johnson paying $450 million to acquire a company that makes neurological devices to become part of the j & j line. right now on wall street, stocks are fluctuating all morning. live at, i'm angie lau, now back to you. the streets of chicago were transformed into an explosive movie set this weekend. several streets were shut down for the filming of transformers 3. the cast and crew will be filming in chicago till august 14th. for times and places you can go to wg and you were down there. >> i took the kids down there. it really is a must see. we saw some of the weapons and clothes they were wears. the latest on the plan to convert a west suburban home into a muslim prayer center. how animal control crews are trying to control a kreuter invasion in western new york state. (announcer) are you living with crohn's disease? never know when i'll have a flare. the pain is bad. going out means planning every detail. missed my best friend's wedding. so many pills. (announcer) if you're on medication and still having flares, your crohn's disease may not be under control. go to livingwithcrohn' and take the crohn's control quiz. talk to your gastroenterologist about the results and current treatments. i won't give up. crohn's disease will not control me. how do i know if i'm getting a good deal? you should talk to the specialist. the specialist? he compares rates side by side. you could save hundreds. it's easy. great. okay, pickles! do your thing. [ bell rings ] that's amazing! i trained him myself. i meant the... okay. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. thousands of people packed an alabama beach for a jimmy buffet concert aimed at helping the impacted gulf coast. the concert was designed to lure people to the coast. hotels were fuller than normal and so were restaurants on the shore. the governor says he might use the millions of the dollars to promote tourism and to put on similar concerts. ground hogs, rat, racoons, possums and squirrels have invaded a section of buffalo. neighbors are frustrated and feeling a little like bill murray's character as he was trying to rid a golf course of the rodents. >> every so many days i run into a dead animal after my dog has killed it. >> reporter: the spca dropped the ground hogs off and there's if nothing they can do. they wore nothing but sunscreen and smiles to set a world record in california this weekend. well, 111 people shed their clothes near palm springs this weekend to take part in the world record attempt for skinny dipping. the event was captured on tape and will be submitted to the guinesses world record book for clarification. tom skilling, were you out there? he's coming up next, well, wow, look at that nice shot of avenue beach with the boat house and a few brave souls out there on the sand. >> over the weekend though a lot of folks not able to go into lake michigan because of all of the beach closings. >> it's a shame because the water was nice. it's been a little cool the last couple of weeks. we had those offshore winds that pushed all the warm water out and it stayed in the 60s along the shorelines. we've been in the low to mid- 70s. i think the next couple of days we might see these numbers come back because we have an organize northwest wind that will blow those water temperatures. we're watching these, these little cumulous clouds that are bubbling up. there's a little lake breeze, those could bubble up into isolated thunderstorms. last night over an inch of rain at itasca and glen glenvie ew from the thunderstorms that roared through the area. by wednesday, could be pretty warm around here, pretty steamy. and we've got a ring of fire pattern developing that will bring a cluster of thunderstorms in from time to time. i just want to show you how light the winds are, many weather stations reporting single digit wind velocities, whenever you have a less to have 1/10 velocities, the winds could come in. that encouraging the air to rise as it stacks right against that lake breeze. that might be one of the trigger mechanisms for a couple of these afternoon storms. fairly humid air mass. here are the storms that may have rumbled through through your area last night. there is a weather system to the west that's showering and thunderstormsing on parts of iowa at the moment. but what we'll watch is hot that one so much because we think a lot of those are going to fade out as they come our way. but these little cumulous clouds that could develop some thunderstorms. the jet stream slices into the country like this. but there's a dome of hot air that's been really pumping those temperatures out to the west. that will build in to the midwest and push that storm organizer jet stream north. so that we sit right along the southern flag. that's something you can could every day or so some big cluster of thunderstorms to develop. one cluster may be these developing out in iowa. the first one, this one will probably die out before it gets here and we'll get just some degree clouds. but see how these things are vertically built, these are thunderstorms. and in fact, they will ride east ward, come into parts of illinois and others like it will follow as the week goes on. here you see the movement of these thunderstorms. nothing on radar in our area now. but our mold el will show -- but our model will show you what will happen. these are along the lake breeze that will work inland and the models hinting at a couple of these around. these are the degree clouds, and if one of those iowa thundershowers survives with these we could have one yet tonight but i think they'll be in a diminish mode. tonight there's clearing pressure that is going to settle in and turn our winds west easterly. that will stabilize the air a little bit. you can see how it is a little bit cooler within that air mass right now. so we ought to turn the thunderstorms out tomorrow, only to get back into warm humid air later in the week. this is what's interesting, here's a hot dome as this thing developing north, this is that ring of fire pattern we were talking about. the jet stream will come through the area and these thunderstorms clusters will tend to develop along them and rotate along this big hot dome of air that will be flirting with us into next week. so we get into a pretty active pattern, we see some days that we ride into the loan 90s. here's our forecast, sun and clouds today, warm moderately humid. aerial coverage about 30% at the peaks. so not etch not everyone is going to see these. then tonight's scattered evening storms fade out. partly cloudy, warm, lows down in the 60s and 83 tomorrow, sun and fair weather clouds with winds over the lake. probably stabilized air to keep them from turning into thunderstorms tomorrow. by wednesday, we can get some thunderstorms to bubble up again in the afternoon and a high of 92. they'll be scattered, won't be all day rains. it's amazing to look at the way the rain distributing. we got some reports of 1.9- inches of ring rain from that last night. and you look at the totals. you either get hit or you don't. >> it was really coming down heavily where we were. >> yeah, and the lake. >> i looked at the sky and thought, oh goodness, don't break on me. >> thunderstorms have a unique rain concentrated capability, where it comes down, they come down. >> okay. >> thank you, tom. >> see you later, guys. >> see you later, guys. now we have tonight's desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? >> see you later, guys. now we have tonight's for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. and for the majority of patients with prescription coverage for nexium, it can cost $30 or less per month. headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are possible side effects of nexium. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. ask your doctor if nexium can help relieve your heartburn symptoms. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ hey, look, it's grandma! oh, she's early. no...on the counter. [ female announcer ] art projects in the kitchen? bring it. i think you forgot her glasses. [ both giggling ] [ doorbell rings ] [ female announcer ] trust new bounty. the bounty with a little extra softness. in this lab test, new bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. and it's really durable. so all that's left behind are the smiles. new bounty extra soft. and try bounty napkins. time now for sports, and the white sox all alone in first place. and they just completed a 25-5 run to finish the first half of the season. and the sox are closing out their sere a series with the royals. sox hit four homers in that inning. in the 6th inning with the bases loaded, carlos gets a grand slam. second home run of the game. sox win 15-5 and they sweep kansas city. they are a half game ahead of the tigers for the first half of the season. and are on an eight game winning streak. >> you know, just have to get a win first of all. you know and get over it, been sitting there for a while. just happy to get it over with and get the team going on a good break and you know, now we're in first place. >> you said we should get close by the end of june. we have it down five, six teams, to be in the position we are in is pretty unbelievable. we might take three days, enjoy, relax and come back for a long road trip. >> cubs finishing up their first. lodie and silva getting the save. and silva argued and gets tossed. cubs shut out 7-0. they finish their first half 9.5 games out of first. spain and the netherlands and the world cup title. scoreless in the regulation in the 115th min, -- minute with a pass. spain wins their ever world cup. not a bad year for blackhawks captain jonathan hayes, an olympic gold medal and a cup. but the icing on the cake might have been his return to his hometown. they are saying they are hoping he can check out a new rink named in his honor. good for him. and your illinois lottery drawing coming up for you. hi there. looks like you found your car insurance. yeah, but, wow! it looks like you guys have everything. we sure do -- we help millions of people save. look -- we're number one in motorcycle insurance, a leader in boat and rv, and -- oh, wait, let me guess. you're the number-one truck insurer. wow, first guess! nailed it. oh, you're psychic! what am i thinking of right now? tacos? yes! helping you save money no matter what you drive. now, that's progressive. call or click today. winning at losing on weight watchers. i have never been this size in my adult life. so it's a special place, for me. ♪ win i'm so comfortable in my jeans. i love the progress. it makes me love myself that much more. i win. and you can too. [ female announcer ] if you join right now, you can join for a dollar. hurry, offer ends august 7th. weight watchers. because it works. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. a brig crowd is expect earlier today. when the council is looking at turning a historic home into a muslim center. >> reporter: this will be the third time that this matter has come before the count cy zoning board of appeals. at issue is this house on army trail road and unincorporated west chicago. a muslim group purchased the home two years ago and now wants to turn the property into a prayer center and food pantry. residents in the area are adamantly opposed to the city and the nearest neighbors who's property is situated in land -- on land i should say of the property in question. they were told by the owners of the property that they were buying the property to live in it, but apparently there's been a change of agenda. >> all around here we've petitioned. nobody around here wants this to happen. we want to keep it as a residential area. >> my biggest concern is the traffic. they only have 15, 20 maybe 30 cards. the drainage is another problem. if they put a parking lot in, the drainage is going to come right on to my property. >> reporter: we made an effort to guilty get in touch with the attorney that is representing the muslim group. this is supposed to be aired again at 5:30 this evening. i'm sure it'll be a thorough airing there and both sides of the issue will be pressing. near west chicago, muriel claire. >> thank you. a muslim group that advocates a worldwide of states had to cancel a conference because the hosting group cancelled out. two weeks ago, the hotel sent the group a cancellation notice and a refunds. and there wasn't enough time for the group to find a new venue. the organization does not advocate violence and it is not listed as a terrorist group. the hotel hasn't offered any reason for the cancellation. on the medical watch, should all kids be checked for cholesterol. a new study says yes. screening all children will help doctors detect problems earl little and offer ways to prevent problems later in life. kids who are obese, have high pressure, who smoke or have diabetes should also be tested early. children who have asthma or are allergic to peanuts may want to keep their inhalers longer. those who are allergic to peanuts may benefit from saving the inhaler. the inhaler can prove to be a lifesaver when an allergic reaction happens. one study indicated that people who get moderate to heavy exercise are half as likely to develop alzheimer's as those less active. a second study revealed that people 65 and older who drink tea reduced their risk of dementia by 35%. lunch break is coming up next, it's a dish that's naturally sweet, slightly spicy. it's got some robust flavors. how about this, you can make it in less than 30 minutes. we're making spanish eggplant, next. p0óh[úçpú=ú?ú÷o÷@çú time now for lunch break. we were starting to cook in the break and they were pouring peppers in my shoe, and what did you say? >> she's hot. >> joining us today is exec tiff chef from mediterranean grill, barry brooks is here. thank you so much for being here. we are going to make a spanish egg plant. >> spanish eggplant. i'm used to the italian version. but this is a little different twist on it. >> this dish comes from spain as well as you can see it in turkey and all over the middle east. >> where healthy eating is definitely a staple there. you have all types of healthy vegetables there. >> we have some green bell peppers and the chef is getting the tomatoes ready. you want to conserve some of the moisture and the integrity of them. >> that's what i was wondering. okay. you said this is a quick one to make. and we're going to spice up it up with the peppers. >> here's the spicy peppers you are wearing on your shoe today. here's the some salt here. kosher salt, as our restaurant is also very health minded. >> yes, i'm certain. this is one of your typical dishes that you do there. >> this is one of our favorite dishes. but we also do a lot of things, we do a lot of humus. today we have a couple of other things we brought you here. this is our fabulous coleslaw right here. it's a mediterranean shaw. we have couscous here. and we have a chicken kabob made with chicken. >> is this how it looks in the end. >> that is in the end. the very end. >> so how long do you cook that. and what are you adding now. >> a little balsamic vinegar. then we're going the add a little tomato paste. >> tomato, a little bit of water and there's honey in there. >> why do you use the honey, just to give it a sweet favor. >> our tomatoes aren't quite as good here in the united states as they are in spain. >> right, exactly. i love that. i love the size of that pan there. how long do you cook that down? that seems like it takes a long time. we said 30 minutes for total preparation. >> you can do this in 30 minutes. >> so you cover that, or you leave it like this? >> you can cover it and reduce it down and then just let it finish uncovered so it soaks up all the dishes. you want it not to be soupy but soft. >> you serve it as a soup or over the the couscous? >> chef, what do you think about that? there's a lot of ways to serve it. >> in humus. >> it's not necessarily a dish in and of itself, it's usually with something else. >> tastes great by itself. you can get a side of it. but yes we always serve it with different things. >> yeah, it's you know your vegetable side dish. >> very healthy, very nutritious. it's obviously vegetarian. it has olive oil. we use a nice pure olive oil that goes to it. >> did you add the olive oil before. >> we had to get a jump start, because we were sauteeing. >> i just want to make sure we give the folks at home all the ingredients. which we're going to have on wgn. but i just want to make sure they know how to do this in case they want to try it at home. although, rogue has a number of low kaeugs if you want to go to. there are two locations downtown on adams -- ioti has a number of locations if you want to. >> we have another one right on the loop right here in chicago. and not to mention since we are on national tv, we do have one on washington, d.c. right down from mr. obama's house. >> lovely. if you want to go and have them make your the spanish eggplant. >> thank you, always great to have you in here. >> it was a pleasure. >> we have the recipe on our website. bob, i'll bring you some over. you hungry? i hope so. copd makes it hard for me to breathe. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so i can join the fun at my family barbeque. (announcer) for people with copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. i'm glad you came, grandma. oh, me too. if copd is still making it hard to breathe, ask your doctor if including advair will help improve your lung function for better breathing. (announcer) get your first full prescription free and save on refills. we have some breaking news. in albuquerque, new mexico. six people are dead following a shooting. we'll have more details as we get them. and then to our poll question, which nhl team has had the most wins? the maple leaves. they've lifted the cup 24 times. but we won it this time. >> i heard audio bob on the job today. >> happy monday to you. i hope the weekend was a great one. we had some thunderstorms around. clouds go over 40,000 feet, these are eastbound at the moment. as you can see when we animate these. we think a lot of them will fade out but we could have a couple over head. 85 is our current temperature here. some cooler air to the north and west of us as you can see. jet stream expected to pull north as a hot air dome develops. and we'll get some storms to run along those with some regularity. into thursday, another one perhaps over the weekend with 92 by wednesday after an 82 today and 83 mo

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