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late teens. police do not believe this is random and say it could be linked to a kidnapping case. the two boy's bodies were discovered by two other boys this morning. they were cutting through patch of woods in the. thousand block of south holland road in the princeton park neighborhood on their way to school. they found the bodies unclothed and bloodied on the tracks. a spur of chicagoland railroad and then rushed to the neighboring am bus company to tell someone. the supervisor of the school bus company called police they are on the scene investigating. some family members have just arrived in tears too distraught understandably to talk to us. police tell us this could be linked to a kidnapping case but they aren't sure at this point. >> a lot of things that figure into the factor before. we make a determination whether they were involve in the same case or not. >> somebody left them there with no id, in clothes, no nothing. and it's sad. it's sad. >> there was blood everywhere. coming out of their heads on the railroad tracks. >> police are in the very early stages of their investigation. we will keep you updated as we learn more. live on the south side. randy belesomo, wgn news. chicago police have no suspects in custody in shootings across the city that left search people dead. and 33 others wounded this weekend. wgn's judy wang joins us live from police headquarters with that story. >> a total of about 40 people shot this past weekend. that is between friday night just before 9:00 and 6:40 this morning. in one of the incidents this morning a one-year-old was wounded on the near west side. >> several residents in the 1300 block of west hastings heard the gunfire. five people shot including a one-year-old girl. >> frustrated and mad. i'm not as scared as i am mad. the whole situation, it's it happened after midnight. the child, her father and three other men were standing outside when a man approached and started firing. she suffered a graze wound to her ear and treated and released from uic medical center. officers responded to a shoot being a half hour later in west rogers park. man was shot in the arm in the 6400 block of north damon. a series of shootings saturday happened near the puerto rican day festival. among the victims, three men found dead. one in the driver's seat of the car. another victim in another vehicle and a third victim lying on the ground near west 23 and south springfield. more and more people need to open their mouth and quit being afraid. person takes a gun and shoot somebody you will wait until somebody get shot in your family like this baby today? that shouldn't happen to this child. you got a gun, you come out and open fire in a crowd for what? what's that to prove? nothing to prove. >> the way the information gets to us makes no difference. we have to get the information. i know a lot of people are scared. but if you stay silent you will stay scared. not getting us the information is critical. and if we all work together we can make a difference. >> reporter: back on west hastings residents admit it's not easy reaching out to police. >> you got to look at these people or they have to live here and, two, who want to put themself on a front line like that? know what i'm saying? they want to stop it but don't know how to. >> if you have information about any of these cases over the weekend, you can remain anonymous through the chicago police department's text to tip program in the to box enter the word crime, in the message crime type in cpd and your tip to police and then hit send. judy wang, wgn news. another round of rain is on its way to chicago. three days after the area was hit with some violent storms. crews are still cleaning up from friday's mess. in the city and in the suburbs, huge trees are still lying across roads, sidewalks and on top of houses. the storm left about 600,000 com ed customers without power. comed says a number of people without electricity is now down to about 14,000. and nearly all of them should have their power restored by tonight. bp says it has spent $2 billion responding to the massive oil leak in the gulf of mexico. and with no end in sight, that cost is expected to continue rising. bp agreed last week to set up a $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the gulf oil disaster. the man president obama chose to run the oil spill damaged fund says that many people are in desperate financial straits and need immediate relief. >> we have to get the claims out quicker. we have to get them out with more transparency so that claimants understand what the status is of their claim and we have to ease the wurden -- burden on these folks in the gulf. i was there last week and i will be there tomorrow and we have to accelerate the process as the president instructed me to do. >> the new worst case estimate from bp says that over 4 million gallons of oil could leak into the gulf each day. if all the equipment restricting the flow is removed and company models were wrong. the figure comes from an internalle bp memo released by massachusetts congressman ed markey. >> the current worse case estimate of the leaking oil is 2.5 million gallons a day. and the ceo of british petroleum, tony hayward has canceled a scheduled appearance at a london oil conference tomorrow citing his commitment to the gulf relief effort. this as one of bp's top ranking american officials replaces him as company's point man on the oil spill response. taking over from hayward in the hot seat is bp managing director, bob dudley. dudley has a big job ahead of him. he has to clean up both the oil spill and bp's image. it is week three of the rod blagojevich corruption trial. and talk about signing a bill in exchange for a campaign donation is the talk in the courtroom. wgn's julie unruh has the latest from the dirksen federal building. good afternoon, julie. >> reporter: he is a race track owner who makes claim he was shaken down by the blagojevich administration. today, testifying with immunity from the prosecution, the 48- year-old john johnson recounts how his own lobbyist went after him time and time again. johnson had critical horse racing legislation before the state that was costing him $9,000 a day until then governor blagojevich signed the bill. it was during that time in 2008 that johnson says lon monk repeatedly hounded him for campaign donations on behalf of blagojevich. johnson was a long time contributor to the blagojevich people. giving the politician 320 thdz between 2002 and 2007. in 2008, he decided to hold off. blagojevich was on his way out, he thought, and revenues at the tracks were down. on december 3 of 2008, lon monk came calling to see johnston personally. he was coming directly from the friends of blagojevich campaign headquarters and after chatting with johnston and his father, lon monk said to him, one more thing. i spoke to the governor and he is afraid if he signs race track legislation, you might not be forthcoming with a contribution. johnston found this conversation inappropriate at the time. he got angry and then he walked monk to the door. told the jury today that he took the whole thing to mean i would imagine if i made a contribution they would cash the check and then they would sign the bill. john johnston never made another donation to the friends of blagojevich campaign. he never talked to lon monk again either. as for the horse racing legislation, it was not signed by the time rod blagojevich was arrested just six days later. live at the dirksen federal building, julie unruh, wgn news. coming up, they are declaring a state of emergency in montana after a tornado barrels through the state. >> later in medical watch today, we will tell you which chemicals infants should avoid because early exposure could undermind the effectiveness of childhood vaccinations. sfx: car horn honking. a short time ago, this woman suffered from limited mobility. a month ago this man wasn't even able to get around his house. these are people who chose mobility. and they chose the scooter store. if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i guarantee, no other company will work harder to make you mobile. if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a new power chair or scooter, i'll give it to you absolutely free. that's the scooter store guarantee. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice or to work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. you don't qualify for medicare? no problem. we'll work with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information. chicago soldier killed in afghanistan will be layed to rest later this week. 31-year-old army pcf gunner hodgkin's died last wednesday when the armored tank he was riding in hit a roadside bomb. hodgecon called the family in afghanistan to tell them he loved them. >> i could tell he was nervous, you know, at the timing. and just went over how he loved me and if anything was ever to happen to him that how much he loved the kids. visitation for private hodgkin's is thursday at hinsdale's gibbons funeral home. funeral is friday at union church of hinsdale. al qaeda is warning of a new and deadlier attack against america in a video message american born al qaeda spokesman adam taunts president obama calling the president deviant and serpentine. he warns while al qaeda may launch new attacks that will kill more americans than past terrorist strikes. the message demands that the u.s. qut support for israel and withdraw troops from afghanistan. the mayor of jerusalem is pressing ahead with plans to tear down 22 palestinian homes to make room for a tourist center. the move threatens to raise tensions in the city and draw renewed international fire in the aftermath of last month's deadly raid at sea. nine turkish activists were killed when israel carried out the raid on an aid flotilla headed for gaza. israel imposed a blockade after hamas militants over ran gaza. this weekend israel said it's easing the blockade and will now allow almost all nonmilitary items to get through. power outages and flooding. that's what city officials in billings, montana, are dealing with today after severe weather whipped through the capital. it spawned this tornado that was caught on tape yesterday afternoon. some businesses were damaged including a 10,000 seat sports arena. no one was killed and there are no serious injuries to report. >> right downtown. >> thankful. still ahead, how you can track your daily and even hourly electric use online. plus, it happens every summer. cash paying customers slowing down the boarding process on cta buses. what the agency plans to do now to alleviate that problem. and later in lunch break, we were going to share a unique recipe for the back yard grill. turkey breasts stuffed with prosciutto and sun dried tomato. for constipation relief... nothing works better than miralax. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. [ both screaming ] i got into one of the most expensive schools in the country! [ male announcer ] when stress gives you heartburn with headache... alka-seltzer gives you relief fast. [ low male ] plop, plop. [ high male ] fizz, fizz. resume the parking meter enforcement today. city leased meters for nearly $1.2 billion back in 2008. but in the days following the transition there were several mishapped including incorrect rates and overstuffed meters. the city asked the company who stop enforcement until the kinks could be worked out. the company will now resume enforcement duties gradually. based on conservative estimates, 31,000 additional tickets will be written generating $1.5 million in new revenue for the city. well, you may be soon able to pay for a cta bus ride with a credit or a debit card. >> and that should help keep buses running on schedule. that's the idea. "chicago tribune" transportation reporter john joins us again from the tribune tower. hello. >> well, hello. >> what is the problem. it's the summer season and cash payment goes up. >> ridership goes up in general but cash payments also go way up, as much as 14% on the popular lines that serve museums and navy pier and such and i went out last week and tagged along and watched some folks and one trip father and daughter barely three miles lincoln park zoo that took over an hour. worse part being that it took a full 15 minutes to board everybody because all were paying with cash and fumbling with the coins and dollar bills and putting them in the wrong slot. it slows it down. horrible for the regular commuter and leaves a bad first impression for people who are new users. >> we talk about here the fact that there may be credit and debit cards, could that speed up the system? are they going to be this kind that you tap and continue moving? >> tap or just pass in front of the reader. there are studies done that show that these kind of transactions take 300 millie seconds. less than the blink of an eye. it's used successfully in los angeles, new york as well as abroad and places like honden and hong kong. that's the future cta is going through with a second round for request from proposals from banks and companies like visa and mastercard. hopefully we will is see a pilot project in a number of months and wide scale implementation hopefully within a year or so. >> question, in other major cities. do they even allow a cash to be used to pay for the fair? is that part of the problem? should we just do away with cash payments all together? >> i don't think anyone is totally banned cash. there will be a small percentage. very small percentage. cta is cash paying right now. that will be necessary. but clearly in the future most people do carry credit cards. hong kong they actually use their cell phone. get a chip put in your cell phone to see this cell phone in front of the reader and pays your fare that way. >> sounds like that may be the way of the future. >> how soon will we see the change? >> cta is going out for the proposal. they aren't putting definite time line and we will keep following this. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> as always, read more in today's tribune or online at slash, getting around. i'm bloomberg's angie lau live at the cme group in chicago. a lot of companies are loving this news. the country saying it will loosen controls the way it values its ciewshesy and this will give china more buying power which will help u.s. manufacturers and exporters. more competitive in china as they try to sell their products there. as bp's oil spill continues to leak into the gulf, professor at university of delaware has calculated the number of vehicles that could have been fueled on the amount of oil spilled so far. think of it this way. the amount spilled so far the equivalent to running all the cars in las vegas for a year. in illinois, that translates to all of the cars in joliet. and we are getting some market moving news from illinois pharmaceutical giant abbott labs today. first it says the fda has approved a new hiv test which studies -- to detect the hiv virus earlier. separately abbott labs suing swiss rivalle in averitous to block a sale of a cholesterol drug. and lastly, we aren't playing around here. toy story 3 isn't just a box office winner. looks like investors love the disney block buster 2. the film's weekend success boosting shares today. right now on wall street we are seeing stocks rising a healthy rally today thanks to china saying it will loosen control on the way it values the one. live at the cme group in chicago, angie lau, bloomberg news. thousands of com ed customers now have a new tool to keep tabs on their electric use. starting today, more than 130,000 customers are using so- called smart meters. the devices help them track their daily and hourly electric use online. comed also compares a customer's energy use with their neighbors and gives them advice on how to cut down on their bill. right now it's a pilot program running in some near west suburbs and chicago's humboldt park neighborhood. and still ahead, the new harry potter theme park is now open and businesses are hoping the popular attraction will work its magic on the local economy. ah, auto! sir? finding everything okay? i work for a different insurance company. my auto policy's just getting a little too expensive. with progressive, you get the "name your price" option, so we build a policy to fit your budget. wow! the price gun. ♪ ah! wish we had this. we'd just tell people what to pay. yeah, we're the only ones that do. i love your insurance! bill? tom? hey! it's an office party! the freedom to name your price. only from progressive. call or click today. it's the greatest merger in dishwashing history. it will impact pots and pans everywhere. gel and powder join forces to create a superpower. cascade complete pacs. now, for the inside story. [ man #1 ] the best of cascade powder and gel have combined in one powerful pac to obliterate grease, annihilate tough foods. a true powerhouse. [ man #2 ] cascade complete pacs. you heard it here. combine and conquer! never know when i'll have a flare. the pain is bad. going out means planning every detail. missed my best friend's wedding. so many pills. (announcer) if you're on medication and still having flares, your crohn's disease may not be under control. go to livingwithcrohn' and take the crohn's control quiz. talk to your gastroenterologist about the results and current treatments. i won't give up. crohn's disease will not control me. john burge was back testifying in his own defense last week. he is accused of lie being torturing suspects. wgn's muriel clair is live at the dirksen federal building with the latest on this case. >> john burge seen walking into the courthouse this morning was back on the witness stand after giving six hours of sometime angry, sometime emotional response to questions put to him by the defense and the prosecution last week. burge is charged with lying about the alleged torture suspects at area 2 headquarters when he was the police lieutenant and in charge of the violent crimes division back in the 70s and 80s. put up against the rope several times by prosecutor during cross-examination this morning, burge swirmed at times but he continued to deny the torture allegation. on the witness stand now is ricky shaw, a convicted armed robber. presently serving a 50 year prison sentence. shaw claims that melvin jones who was the prosecution witness and one of burge's accusers told him that his claims of abuse were bogus and he encouraged shaw to get on the band wagon and spread the word to others prosecution is chipping away at shaw's testimony pointing out that shaw has a reputation of providing information most of it unfounded. at the dirksen federal building. muriel clair. wgn news. cook county voters may have another choice when casting their ballots for county assessor this fall. forest claypool needed 25,000 signatures to get on the ballot. he says he has collected more than 90,000 signatures. showed them off at a north side bank this morning. he will file them later this afternoon. claypool is a democratic county commissioner but running for assessor as an independent to challenge democratic nominee joseph barrios. the obama 5d mrgs will try to drum up support today for some democratic candidates in illinois. vice-president biden will hoats a reception for dan seals today in chicago. after two failed runs, seals is getting another chance at the tenth district congressional seat currently held by republican senate candidate mark kirk. biden will also attend a fundraiser for kirk's senate opponent, aleksei giannoulias. is rahm emanuel getting ready to call it quits? well, a british newspaper claims emanuel will step down as white house chief of staff after the mid-term elections in november. the london telegraph quotes washington insiders as saying emanuel has become tired of the idealism of president obama's inner circle. the former illinois congressman has expressed interest in running for mayor of chicago. that is if mayor daley decides not run again next year. well, tom skilling's forecast is next. sters cubs took a beating at hand of the los angeles angels on saturday. they lost 12-0 and only had two hits. yesterday their bats came back to life. bases loaded in the first inning and alfonso soriano gets the infield hit -- the infield hit. and then a throwing error allows two runs to score. 2-0 cubs. it's 4-0 in the third when geovany soto hits a home run. cubs win big 12-1 and a avoid the sweep. carlos zambrano earned the win. the white sox in d.c. taking on the nationals. sox down 3-1 in the fifth. alex rios doubles into the gap in right center and juan pierre scores. it was 3-2. next batter, paul konerko, singles up the middle, two runs score and the sox win 4-3. they won six in a row and are back to 500 for the first time since the second game of the season. final round of the u.s. open at pebble beach. dustin jonathan led by three strokes going into that day. but he tripled bogey the second hole. tiger woods had a chance but misses the putt for par on six holes. shoots a 75. and ties phil mickelson for a fourth place. relatively unknown graeme mcdowell wins the u.s. open with an even par for the tournament. he is the first european to win in 40 years. in world cup action, brazil leading the ivory coast in the second half. the second goal of the match. brazil wins 3-1 and advance to the second round. in the early action from today, portugal beats north korea and switzerland and chile played to a draw. guess who is coming up next? it's tom skilling. so don't go away. i'm that guy that doesn't take directions. i had a heart problem. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen. i just didn't listen until i awoke with pains in my chest. i almost lost my life. my doctor's again ordered me to take aspirin. and i do. i make sure that he does it. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ mike ] i encourage everyone to listen to the doctor. and take it seriously. [ male announcer ] learn more about protecting your heart at [ male announcer ] you're surrounded by fabrics all day. ♪ wouldn't softer feel better? try ultra downy. it softens fibers better than detergent alone, for a deep-down softness. and ultra downy april fresh has more than double the softening ingredients than the leading value brand's original fresh. ♪ and softer feels better. get more. feel more. it's just a wet, wet and a lot of energy in the atmosphere. >> i will tell you and it remains explosive even after that gorgeous weekend with the more quieter weather pattern after that debacle we had on friday. i am afraid we may see some additional severe weather bob and allison and also some strong storms. yes, i think today. and in fact we are out for severe weather each of the next three days. you know, this debris cloudiness, the leftover of thunderstorms that went through here in the areas to the west overnight and parts of the area this morning. these massive -- it's a warm, humid air mass where it's veryworm. downstate we see the droplets on the window at some of the showers went through this morning. but this atmosphere is set to explode again into active thunderstorm clusters. just to show you how rains can be concentrated. look at the 1.06-inch thadz come down at markham. hebron, indiana, and hammond up to two-thirds of an inch and we sit at 74 degrees south wind at o'hare right now. and midway is 72. no wind at all within the hour there and kankakee 80 is the temperature. sign it is warmer as you head south. temperatures downstate so warm and humidity so high that there are heat advisories in effect. here you can see the other temperatures from lake villa to harwood heights, winnetka and palatine in the 70s here. and then dew points way up there around 70 degrees. so this is gulf coast level air. very muggy. skies look ominous at times. but we have a new cluster. storms developing to the west and headed this way. these storms passed overnight you will see the cluster come out of iowa right there. and then it moves across our southern suburbs as new ones move into iowa and out of iowa toward illinois again. with a lot of sunshine downstate heating the air. you have a southerly wind hitting a front that sits across the center of the state so this pile up of air is leading to thunderstorm development. now at the moment it's fairly cloudy but breaks for sun will allow heating such as that which has pushed st. louis up to 91 at this hour even as we sit at 74. 95 at little rock. 87 at oklahoma city and so a vast dome of hot, human air and a power house jet stream running along the north end of it will keep these storms erupting. you can see the way the temperatures have been dropped from the 90 imree levels we are seeing downstate by the outblow from rain. there are even triple-digit heat indices now the temperatures you arrive at when you mix the temperature and humidity together. dew point at 74. really muggy air. a lot of moisture and raises specter of flash flooding and a power house jet stream cutting across it. we colorize the winds here. see the orange and yellow areas and strongest winds are nearby. the storm clusters have happened on friday are fast movers. they reach up into a jet stream whose energy they can tap and bring down to the surface in the form of damaging winds and that's why the storm prediction center predicted -- is predicting the theory at risk and there is the doppler plot of accumulated rainfall showing the southern suburbs were favored there overnight with the heaviest rains. severe weather reports out to the west. there was -- there were over 2 hundred reports of severe weather. 17 tornado reports. and the storm prediction center puts us and much of the mid west in a slight risk for severe weather and tomorrow and wednesday as well. and the flood watches in effect just south and west of the city may have to be extended into our area as ground is sat with thed in the wake of these rains of late. here the storms swipe the area overnight. moving fast and they are into ohio and eastern indiana. little patches of rain linger from the ominous looking clouds over us now. here are the developing towers of thunderstorms coming into western illinois out of iowa. these are formidable and any one of these may blossom into a severe weather producer before it's all over. here we will see they are eastbound so several hours away the heaviest storms but a lot of lightning with them and look at the hail reports right here. this is -- we look at parameter known as vertically known lakewood. looks at total moisture budget of thunderstorms and there is a relationship between that and where hail is occurring. where you look at these light blue areas those are the regions where the storms are producing hail at the moment. having produced these wind damaged reports and little red triangles are tornado reports from the storm system and the last 24 hours. so a very active pattern. this could be a week that sees two to four inches or more of rain in parts of the metro area. this in a month that has seen as much rain as we get in a full june and we are only two- thirds of the way through june. you have half the rain of last june and the temperatures this month are running about nine degrees warmer than last june. remember that summer last year? i mean, it was almost not even summer. four 90-degree temperatures the whole summer instead of the 23 that are average. so this summer off to a very different start. clouds and mixed sun well put an appearance from time to time later today. warm, humid. several clusters of active thunderstorms will develop and become more numerous this evening. high 86. thunderstorms maybe some heavier or heavier and cloudy. low temperatures 68 and southwest wind expected and then tomorrow a mix of sun and clouds. builds new active thunderstorms and clusters. high of 90. we mentioned clusters because it won't rain continuously. these things arrive in little clusters if you will. little groups of thunderstorms and that may be quite heavy when it comes in. 90 again on wednesday with a carbon copy forecast and a risk of severe weather and storm clusters but mix sun in between. water temperature is 72 degrees. beautiful. the beaches were just crammed this weekend. everybody out there swimming. >> but we could get as much as four inches this week. it's amazing. we could double the amount of rain we had in some areas. thunderstorm have a unique ability to concentrate rainfall and rain it down hard. and certain areas. that's why you have flood problems and with the jet stream mixing the winds down are available no produce winds. >> i hope the whole summer isn't a washout. >> i hear you. it's an active pattern. we will come back with more later. here is today' trivia question. what year was known as the year without summer? was it 1816? 1903? or 1979? the answer still ahead in your live illinois lottery drawing is next. [ female announcer ] there's a new way to let go of some of the annoying symptoms menopause brings. introducing one a day menopause formula. the only complete multivitamin with soy isoflavones to help address hot flashes and mild mood changes. new one a day menopause formula. you may want to avoid exposing your newborn or toddlers to 3cbs. first years of life are critical time in the immune system development and environmental pollutants -- pollutens may not only weaken child's response to vaccinations and their immune system. that's according to a study done by the u.s. and danish lesearchers. read more about their fine in the on-line journal, environmental health perspective. many era doctors are afraid of malpractice suits. and say that fear is the number one reason behind all the extra tests they order for patients. some physicians say the fast pace of the er along with the fact that many patients think every ache and pain warrants a high-tech test also plays a role in overtesting. national statistics show that every year more than 160 million people visit the er. many spokers say they light up to relieve stress. but a new study finds real way to ease stress is to just quit smoking. researchers studied nearly 500 smokers who are hospitalized for heart disease. those smokers who quit for a year said they felt less stressed while those who continued to smoke were reported no change in stress levels. researchers say the results support their theory that dependency on cigarettes is itself a chronic source of stress. more and more doctors are refusing to accept new medicare patients. surveyed by national and state medical societies show that nearly a third of primary care doctors now restrict the number of medicare patients. they say that they lose money on those people because the government pays so much less than private insurers. medicare reimbursements dropped another 21% last friday. congress has yet to finalize a bill to rescind that cut. a warning about a medicare rebate check scam. many beneficiaries are eligible for a tax-free $250 rebate check due to changes. the checks will go to the recipients automatically within 45 days of becoming eligible. but scammers are trying to convince those who receive the checks that they must be transferred to a third party or use to cover drug payment. several states attorneys general say the scams are going on in their states as well. medical officials say that don't give out your personal information at any time. a big opening at universal in florida is beefing up the local economy. when universal studios unveils wizarding world of harry potter, experts said it will be a shot in the arm to the local economy. a fund spot action park they say they are getting spillover traffic from the big park with a ferris wheel, bumper cars and go-karts. fun spot is a lower cost alternative to the major theme parks. a lot of times we get guests after they have been to the big parks or when they arrive in orlando before they go to the big parts -- parks. >> the family visiting from england is one example. they say they will likely do harry potter at the end of their vacation to hay void the lines. but in the mean time they say they are shopping for clothes and jewelry. good for them. >> wonder what happened to the broomstick ride. lunch break is next. forget the traditional hamburgers and hot dogs. today we will show you a unique dish for the grill. turkey breast stuffed with prosciutto and sun dried tomato. sfx: car horn honking. a short time ago, this woman suffered from limited mobility. a month ago this man wasn't even able to get around his house. these are people who chose mobility. and they chose the scooter store. if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i guarantee, no other company will work harder to make you mobile. if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a new power chair or scooter, i'll give it to you absolutely free. that's the scooter store guarantee. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice or to work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. you don't qualify for medicare? no problem. we'll work with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information. it is time for lunch break. lunch break we got today. meat man. joining us today, dave zear. the owner of zear's prime meat in wilmet. you are the -- wilmette. the go to guy for meat. >> that's what i like to think. >> all day we have been talking about this turkey breast with prosciutto and tomatoes. >> sun dried tomato, right. >> that's with a we will work on. >> before that i wanted to -- >> sure. >> first day of summer. >> same to you. >> we got some different takes on burgerses in there you go. >> in the back we have teriyaki steak burger. as far as i know we are the only ones who make that. buffalo burgers from usda inspected american buffalo. and here see them in the raw. they don't shrink very much. these are pretty lean and the flavors are lean. >> and an alternative for the hot sauce. >> yes. we make a lamb sausage. couple kinds. we got a lamb sausage and what we call a spring lamb sausage. the spring lamb sausage are spices you would call a leg of lamb with. and the other sausage incorporated oven roasted i should say fire roasted red and yellow bell peppers. and a little red wine, little garlic. >> sounds very nice. >> very succulent. >> there is a turkey breast. >> now we take an boneless turkey breast. and i actually opened it up a little bit. we will layer this with some chopped sun dried tomatoes. >> and before -- because of the cleanliness factor we talked about, i'm not going to participate in this today because i didn't get a chance to disinfect my hands. >> that's a very good point. >> you are the chef. >> if you are at home make sure this is used only for raw meat. if you go anywhere else in the house, wash your hands. soap and water, definitely. nothing recognizes a male more than -- wrecks a meal. >> i got a summer coal. that looks good already. >> and we have sliced. >> that prosciutto -- >> then we will take this turkey breast and we will roll this right up. >> oh, wow. >> jelly roll fashion. and then i'm going lace it up and tie it up. >> now can i stop by your market and you will have that already rolled up? >> i will have it ready. i will even for you, allison, i will cook it for you. >> i ask because some foangs would like the add convenience. >> we get that a lot. >> yes. >> and you will cook this on the grill. >> yup. one more string on here. that should go faster maybe. >> dave, how long have you been in business? >> we -- this is our 25th year, believe it or not. >> i figured you have been around for awhile. family business. we will take and put this right on the grill. >> let's put it on the grill. >> here we go. nice, solid piece. and look, we've got some veggie kabobs going here. >> corn on the cob. >> love corn on the cob. this will take an hour and a half. use the meat thermometer. >> with everything. >> know what? on a peak piece of meat, yes. take it out about 160 degrees. and let it stand for about five, six minutes and slice it down. and you can see what the end result is right here. >> that looks so good. that looks delicious. you have some baked beans over here. >> we cooked baked beans. i crmple -- crumpled up -- we call that a funny name. we taken the back bone out and butterflied it open. that's a really old method of doing something on the grill. >> chicken cook faster? >> absolutely does. and then we have a flat iron steak. >> cheaper cut of meats in cheaper but let me tell you. this is the second most tender cut of the entire animal. it's fabulous. and you can see how it's done medium rare. that's the way to do it. >> a lot of great tips from you. wonderful. every time you come. thank you so much. prime meats is locked at 813 ridge road in wilmette. like i said, the meat man of the north shore. and for more information on his recipe today, check out our website, we will be right back. for constipation relief... nothing works better than miralax. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. our trivia question today. what year was known as the year without summer? was it 1816? 1903? or 1979? well, when you sit next to the best weather man in the country, you know the answer. the answer is a. in north america europe and parts of asia it was an exceptional cold summer. snow in june in parts of the u.s. and crops failed. >> and followed massive volcanic eruption that put dust in the air. one of a couple years without a summer. >> i was there. i remember. >> you remember that? >> yeah, yeah. >> tell us how old you were earlier. >> bob, i don't believe it. but anyway we will get into that on another day. look at this. a slight risk of severe weather in the area and flood watches to our southwest. want to show you those thunderstorms that are coming into the state from iowa right now. if latest cluster and one of many that will be racing west to east across the area in the next couple of days. any one of which will be capable of heavy rain, frequent lightning, gusty wind production and lightning is prolific with this system. so, too, are the reports of some hail as you can see. they are rare indicated hail. this is occurring on the north edge of a hot air mass at st. louis at 91 while we sit at 74 with 79% humidity. south wind at 9 miles per hour. moderate mold spores all pollens are low and our seven- day forecast with a 90 on the way tomorrow and wednesday. clusters of storms each of the next three days partly sunny. no rain thursday and we heat back no to the 90 over the

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