Amid questions about our own security. The tense moment at an american airport, the passenger jet met by authorities. And the fbi tonight. We ask, how will lone wolves are they tracking right now in the u. S. . We have Team Coverage. World news tonight guns now. From abc news, this is a special edition of world news tonight with david muir. Brussels under attack. Good evening on this tuesday night, as this country and the world now reacts to another series of deadly terror attacks. Tonight, the urgent manhunt right now, after the city of brussels is rocked with multiple explosions, at the airport and then in the subway. Americans among the injured, among those trapped, and youll hear from them tonight. Authorities now putting out this image. Three suspects at the airport, two of them believed to be the suicide bombers. The third man on the right they believe is on the run at this hour. We will analyze what else is in that photo. The first blasts at the airport, injured crying for help. And then, on the subway, in the center of the city, the next explosion. You can hear the cries, passengers running in the dark. Tonight, at least 31 killed, more than 200 injured. We have Team Coverage here, and we begin with abcs Alex Marquardt on the scene, taking us through the terrifying moments and the investigation now. Reporter tonight, terror striking in the heart of europe. Belgiums main airport, a smoky warzone. The city paralyzed. The attackers hit at the height of rush hour. Those three men, police believe, walking into the busy airport. Around 8 00 a. M. , two blasts. Suicide bombers in the departure hall outside the security checkpoint. The terminal filled with smoke and the sound of screams. Travelers lying top of each other on the floor. This man holding a little girl. Reporter people huddled in fear. And then, the questions. What it was . A truck or was it a terrorist . Reporter this man picked his small baby up off the floor before running to safety. The bombs so powerful that rubble. Airport security scanning for victims. You have to go outside. Okay, okay. Reporter ordering people to evacuate. They rush out of the terminal, outside, smoke pouring out of shattered windows as people raced away. We saw a lot of people really badly injured, with a lot of blood. And we know that it was even worse inside, but we could not see anything because of the smoke. Reporter at least ten dead here and more than 100 injured, including nine americans. Mormon missionaries richard norby, joseph empey and mason unfolding. 9 11 a. M. , just an hour after the airport explosions, seven miles away, another bomb goes off near the offices of the european union. This time, in a packed metro car, as it was leaving the station. In the dark tunnel, passengers climbed out of train cars. The terrified screams of a child. The path to safety down the dimlylit tracks. This man still clutching a bouquet of flowers. In other metro cars, people waited, confused. More panic set in. Some people started running, some people started crying, some people just stood still in disbelief and tried to mauck sense of whatever was going on. Reporter the car where the bomb went off, a twisted mass of metal. Outside, more smoke as the sidewalk becomes a makeshift triage center. First responders carrying some victims. Others sitting dazed, as ambulances rushed to the scene. More than 100 wounded here, too. After the terror began, isis claimed responsibility. Brussels tonight, a city gripped by fear and uncertainty. This is normally one of the busiest avenues in brussels, just outside the European Commission near. Now flying at half staff. Cars. Now, at rush hour, instead, as you can see, its eerily empty, shut down by police. The threat level here raised to the highest level. Police now looking for this man, the third suspected bomber. Police shoop choppers in the air, residents told to stay inside, watching from windows as officers patrol rooftoops. Alex marquardt is near the site of the metro bombing now. And alex, the u. S. Embassy tonight telling americans in brussels to shelter in place . Reporter thats right, david. That warning going out this afternoon, indicating that they call a serious and imminent attack. Most of the Public Transportation system here in brussels is still shut down, so, so much of this city tonight, emotionally and physically paralyzed. David . And the world stands with that city tonight. Alex, thank you. Were going to turn next here to the urgent manhunt right now on the trail of that terror. Isis taking responsibility. Investigators now lasers in on clues in this surveillance image. We showed it to you at the top of the broadcast. Two of the suspects wearing gloves. The other man on the right there is not. And they are searching for him tonight. Abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross now. Reporter they look grim and determined as they push luggage carts through the brussels airport, now identified by belgian authorities as the suspected attack team. The two dressed in black with no effort to hide their faces are believed to have been the suicide bombers. Their bombs hidden in their large suitcases, according to officials. Each wearing a black glove on the left hand, perhaps to hide one former fbi official. Whether its wires, strings, a button, something is in there that when they move their hand, it actually makes the bomb go off. Reporter the third man, who being sought tonight, has a hat pulled down over his face, pushing what may have been the third bomb that Authorities Say did not detonate. The other individual could be their handler. Another day, for another terrorist attack. Reporter bomb experts tonight are studying the aftermath of the devices set off at the airport, but already, they say, the third bomb at the metro stop in brussels appears to be much more powerful than the explosives used in paris last november. This xray of one of the victims shows how the bombers used three inch metal bolts as shrapnel, tearing through flesh at a rate of about a mile a second. Isis is very good at this sort of thing, that they know how to plan and they have the resources. This is all very alarming tonight. Brian ross with us now, and that this is all part of an effort by isis to sort of direct these sleeper cells all across europe . Reporter thats right, david. Isis has been organizing fighters by nationality and language. Among the top targets, belgium and france, of course, along with germany, britain, and the u. S. All right, brian ross with us tonight. Brian, thank you. And brian, as you know, were hearing this evening from the americans who were trapped in the middle of the terror today. I spoke with Brian Carroll from washington, d. C. , who was on that train. He helped pry the door open after the explosion. As i was leaving in the morning, i saw on my phone that there had been some news of an attack in the airport, and actually hesitated for a minute, before i got on the metro this morning. Can you just describe for me the moment when you knew something had gone wrong . Yeah, it was almost immediately. As were pulling into the the lights went out. The power went out on the train. Everyone fell to the ground. It was clear to me, at least, that this was a terrorist attack. No question in your mind, that you had to pry those doors open . Yeah, i saw the people going for the door, it wasnt opening and i thought, you know what, we dont know who else is on this train or, you know, the attacker might be on the train itself, our maybe there will be more explosions. One of the other passengers went to try and open the door and it was difficult and so, collectively, we all manually forced open the door, we just decided to go for it and get off the train and try and find safety. Can you take us through that moment, how the other people on the train reacted when you all realized that this was an explosion on the train . Yeah, i mean, it was really like a, you know, sort of loud, really a loud sound. Immediately, everyone started screaming and people dropped to the floor. People were crying. Holding, you know, holding each other in fear. It was exactly the Worst Nightmare you could imagine. Have you had a chance to talk to your family back home . Yeah, yeah, of course, i sent them, you know, i sent them multiple messages and weve spoken already, so, of course they with very relieved to know im safe. Brian, it was brave work getting those doors open to help everyone out and were glad youre okay. Definitely a collective effort and it wasnt my first instinct, but we got the door open and everyone at least in my train got out. And we talked with shireen who was in the airport with her boyfriend at the ticket counter. The second i heard it, i mean, i felt it, i can still feel it in my chest now, the first blast, and debris and smoke was everywhere, i can still smell it. It was it was crazy. I mean, it was horrific, honestly, i couldnt imagine a more of horrific thing. You and your boyfriend, jeff, obviously, ran for your own safety. Reality when he ran towards me and he jumped over me and, like, shielded me from the second blast. The lady had my passport, she was checking me in. He pushed me under there and she was such a sweetheart, i wish i air American Airlines attendant. She held me underneath her station and we kind of both, like, bunkered down there and jeff, my boyfriend, was right in between. Were glad that you and your boyfriend are okay, and, of course, the ticketing agent who consoled you behind that counter. Oh, yeah. I wish i got her name, she was such a sweetheart, she grabbed my hand and she hugged me and she pulled me in, like, right next to her, so, god bless her, i hope shes okay. She told me shes determined to find that American Airlines agent who consoled her. In the meantime, we turn next here to the high stakes raid on a brussels neighborhood that authorities now say may have set todays attacks in motion. It was just four days ago here, we reported on heavilyarmed series of explosions here, the smoke rising into the air, and then the arrests, including the most wanted man after the paris attacks, captured after a fourmonth manhunt. Authorities interrogating him, and what he told police led them to warn that another attack was imminent. Abcs chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran on what might have ignited the attacks today. Reporter the manhunt triggers raids across brussels. Guns drawn, a drone overhead. Police move in, using a camera on a stick to peer into an upper floor apartment. These people evacuated through a window. Residents gathered to watch. They did not allow me to go inside or outside, this man said. The People Living there can no go out. The sweep lasting deep into the night. The raids have targeted this neighborhood, just a mile or so from downtown. This whole block has been cordoned off, and they have found yet another explosive device packed with nails, Chemical Products and an isis flag. Tonight, authorities are carnage was triggered by this raid four days ago. The one that took down Salah Abdeslam from the paris attacks in november. The most wanted man in europe, all the while hiding right under the noses of belgian authorities. Authorities say, in custody, abdeslam even admitted planning other attacks, all while hiding in molenbeek. This country sends more foreign fighters to iraq and syria than any other european nation. Tonight, all europe is asking, how many of them have come back to wage a war of terror here . And terry moran joins us live from brussels, as well, tonight. Terry, it would appear the attackers might have been right under their nose in neighborhoods that had been investigated already. Why has it been so difficult to get these guys before the attacks . Reporter you know, david, belgium has long been seen as a weak link in european counterterrorism. By language, divided by politics, and immigrant communities are not well assimilated. Every country has cracks and kref valss where criminals and terrorists can hide. Here, those cracks are a mile wide. David . Terry moran, thank you. And the terror attacks there in brussels putting americans on edge here at home. Especially at airports and train stations. The subways. This plane arriving in orlando today from brussels forced to stop far from the terminal. A line of police cars meeting there. It was all a precaution while they searched the luggage. And partal of the Denver Airport evacuated today after a security scare there. And in the subways and on trains across this country, hundreds more police now on duty. Abcs linsey davis on the major show of force right here in new york city tonight. Reporter these images of the bombedout subways in brussels striking fear into the hearts of american come muters. Across the country tonight, a heightened state of vigilance. In new york city, thousands of additional officers at the this is something we think about every minute of every day. Reporter beefed up security monitoring the subway, complete with bag searches and k9 units. Something we witnessed firsthand as we took a subway to Grand Central station, where more than 750,000 people stream through every day. Do you find yourself being more vigilant today . Absolutely. Keep your eyes open, watching whats going around. Weve seen a lot more police presence. Always aware of my surroundings. Look left and right, up and down. Reporter while there is no current intelligence that suggests a threat in these american cities, from washington, d. C. To chicago to los angeles, authorities are increasing security and deploying extra officers. We hope that powers that be are doing what they need to do. Reporter and security is not just beefed up on subways, but airports are also on high alert, and bringing in additional armed patrols and k9 units. David . Linsey davis, thank you. Ahead on with special edition of world news tonight. The president ial candidates weighing in today. What Hillary Clinton said, reacting to donald trump, and what he said about waterboarding. 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But it was what donald trump said about waterboarding and what else he would do that had Hillary Clinton responding and quickly. Heres abcs tom llamas with how the president ial candidates would handle the attacks. Reporter tonight, terrorism at the forefront of the race for president. Gop frontrunner donald trump on gma, saying hed use waterboarding and worse to get information from Salah Abdeslam, captured in belgium. I would use maximum, maximum interrogation technique. I would have waterboarding and i would go a step further. We could have probably cut this off if they used the right technique and used the right technique on him. Reporter but Hillary Clinton blasting trumps approach. I dont think they need to resort to torture. You know, thats like an on recruitment poster for more terrorists, and its wrong and it doesnt work. Reporter senator ted cruz with his own solution patrols of muslims neighborhoods in the u. S. It is standard good policing to direct your resources to where the threat is coming from. We should do the exact same thing with radical islamic terrorism. Reporter senator Bernie Sanders calling that not only wrong, but unconstitutional. We are fighting a terrorist organization. We are not fighting a religion. Reporter and governor kasich agreeing. In our country, we dont want to create divisions where we say okay your religion, youre a muslim, so therefore were going to keep an eye on you. Donald trump saying he agrees 100 with senator ted cruz, that police should patrol muslim david . Tonight. Tom, thank you. And when we come back here on this special edition, new reporting tonight on why the president did not leave cuba after word of the attacks. Right now. Whats being done around the world and right here in new york city to honor the victims, as we degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. And everywhere i look. 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But this is how he began his historic televised speech to the cuban people today. The thoughts and the prayers of the American People are with stand in solidarity with them in condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people. We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally, belgium, in bringing to justice those who are responsible. And this is yet another reminder that the world must unite. The president in cuba today. Lets bring in our chief White House Correspondent jonathan karl. And jon, what a difference 24 hours makes. Just standing with you in cuba this time last night. Youve learned more information tonight about what went into the president s decision to stay there in cuba for that game between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban National team. Reporter david, this is an historic day, an historic trip, but there was a more profound reason that the white house was determined to go forward as scheduled today. The president put it himself this way when he was at that game. He said the whole premise of terrorism is to disrupt peoples lives. So, the mere act of going to that game was a political act, a not and cannot be allowed to disrupt our way of life. David . Tonight. Jon, thank you. When we come back here, whats being done right here in new york city tonight. And a spontaneous tribute in brussels written in chalklanguages, all sharing the same message tonight. Well be right back. Stock prices, earnings, and dividends. An equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score. And 7. 95 online u. S. Equity trades, lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and etrade, you realize the smartest investing idea isnt just what you invest in, nexium 24hr is the new 1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. I hope you like it spicy get complete protection with the purple pill. The new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. 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Our special onehour edition of world news tonight continues right now with new reporting at this hour. The urgent manhunt under way. The intense focus on this surveillance image. After those three deadly explosions rocked brussels. Dozens dead. More than 200 injures. Several americans among them. This half hour, the stories behind the american victims. Why they were there, what are their injuries . The security here at home. The debate, what more can be done at airports . And the war on isis. Martha raddatz tonight, and the images from the american aircraft carrier, striking isis targets. Are we gaining any ground . And the outpouring of support tonight

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