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Run, could he change everything . Announcer from abc news, its this week, here now, coanchor martha raddatz. Good morning and were almost there, its the final sprint in iowa, just eight days until the very first votes of 2016. And both party facing an identity crisis. With just surprise outsiders on both sides. Looking like they can topple the insiders. Just last night, the Des Moines Register went with the insiders. Giving their endorsements to marco rubio and Hillary Clinton. Theres that breaking news Michael Bloomberg, billionaire and former new york mayor, putting together a plan to potentially mount a thirdparty bid for president. All that in just a moment. But we start with the massive winter storm with millions of americans waking up this morning, buried under several abc news senior meteorologist rob marciano has all of the latest from new york city, which came within just onethent of an inch of topping it alltime snow record. Good morning, rob, just how bad was it . Over 2 feet of snow, as you mentioned. For a 24hour total we did break that record. We didnt expect to see this much snow. The city has done a fair job of digging things out. In areas just to the west, check out some of these numbers. This a huge swath of incredibly heavy snow. Shepardstown, west virginia, somer somerset, pennsylvania, 35. 5. For the big cities, you literally shut it down, no place to put the snow. Look at what it looked like never see it like this, people kind of walking the streets. There was a travel ban that has since been lifted. Big cities like new york, philly brought to their knees with this crippling snowstorm. What do you see in the next couple of days . Today, its going to be right around the freezing mark. Some sunshine. Taller buildings will see snow melting. You got these huge mounds of snow that pedestrians have to navigate. This will be become a little bit slushy monday tuesday wednesday as it warms up. Today its treacherous to get around. The roads arent too horrible. I mean, new yorks finest having to deal with getting out here. First responders struggling to get where they need to be. People, anybody over the age of 18, theyll hires you as day laborer to shovel snow. Rob, thank you for joining us this morning. You bet. And joining us now here in our Nations Capital is c. Muriel muriel browser. I saw trucks all night plowing the roads. We finished 36 hours of snow last night and we have been working, pushing and plowing snow throughout the entire storm. But once the snow finished, thats when the real digout has become in washington, d. C. And give us an assessment about tomorrow, monday morning, what will it look like in d. C. . Government opened . Roads cleared . What do you think. Were doing that assessment i was out all night looking at our roads across the city, so, our crews are doing an excellent job on our main thoroughfares and now, today, theyll move into secondary and residential roads. This is not a oneday digout, i have to emphasize to our residents. Well be dealing with snow throughout this week. Well make an assessment of our operations, schools and government in the coming hours. And what is the likelihood with the metro, how long do you think this will take . I know its always a problem with those huge snow banks and melting snow and ice . Well, i know metro brought in tremendous resources over the weekend to clear stations. But also, to clear their track and keep their tracks deiced. And so, theyre not going to be opened today and its not likely that the metro bus will get opened tomorrow. Were hopeful theyll have some but i know that the general manager will make announcement about the entire metro system by today. Thanks very much, mayor bowser. Thanks, martha. New york city got hit much harder than first expected. Mayor bill deblasio joins us. Welcome, mayor. You didnt expect this much snow, so, what are the challenges this morning . Well, martha, weve ended up with the second largest amount of snow in the history of this city, going back a century and a half. Youre right the original estimates were for half that much. I have to say, our city workers did an amazing job and the people of new york city, they get credit, too, they heeded the travel ban we put in place, which allowed our sanitation workers to get out and clear the streets. So, things in most of the city are pretty good now. Have to a lot more work on. So, how long do you think new york city will feel the effects, that snow could be there for a piles . Well, yeah, i think today is going to be a very intense cleanup day, i have to emphasize, people are going to have to stay off the streets. There isnt a travel ban anymore. I think tomorrows going to be pretty good. Well be broadly up and running tomorrow as a city. Youre right, the snowplows will with us for a while. Thats good news for everybody up there and here. I what want to ask you a quick question, listen to what donald trump said about which one, martha . You a lot of them. Listen to what donald trump said about his candidacy yesterday. I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody its like, incredible. Any reaction to that, mayor . Its incredibly insensitive. Were dealing with a surge in gun violence. For someone to be president to say that, its not president ial and its incredible arrogant. You know, this is another indicator that donald trump is not ready for primetime. And the reaction to the possibility that former mayor Michael Bloomberg might get into the race. Well, i respect my predecessor for sure. Two things. My candidate is Hillary Clinton. And the second thing is, i dont think the people of this country want to give more power to billionaires at this point. I think that what this election is increasingly about. I dont think most americans think billionaires are the ones a more fair economy. Thank you for joining us. Mayor debalas owe balas owe. We turn to the political chaos engulfing the 2016 race, with only a week to go until the first votes are cast, the candidates are scrambling all over iowa this morning. And were right there with them. Abcs devin dwyer is right there covering the gop race and we begin with cecilia vega, live in davenport, tracking Bernie Sanders surge ahead of Hillary Clinton in the latest iowa polls. Martha, good morning to you. On the front page of the Des Moines Register, this is what the candidates are waking up to, that coveted endorsement. Hillary clinton right there. This might be the brightest spot in what has been a very tough week for her. That new poll showing bernie it wasnt necessarily a ringing endorsement. The paper said shes, quote, not a perfect candidate. As coveted as this is, listen to this. No democrat with this endorsement has ever gone on to winnetter iowa or the party nomination. I have been following both camps as they cross the state. I can tell you the attacks have been swift, they have been fierce, they have been nonstop. Just yesterday, both clinton and sanders had dueling effects a few blocks away from each other, in clinton, iowa. The sanders event was packed. He was confident. He was on the offensive. Clinton campaign had a packed house, too. She did, though, repeat a line that shes been using a lot over the last few days. Both campaigns are telling me its all boil down the next eight days to the ground game. Using these teams, getting people out to caucus. The gop race just as tight on that side. Devin dwyer in des moines this morning. Thanks, cecilia. This incredible Republican Campaign is down to the wire. For the first time last night, both frontrunners spent the night in iowa. Ted cruz this morning, taking the day off before he finishes visiting all 9 counties. Donald trump is headed to church, but the top talker here, how personal and negative this fight has been. Trump overnight said he would not vote for cruz if he wins. Donald trump began running his first negative tv ad hitting cruz. Cruz is fighting back. If donald trump wins its going to be a snowball to hell. I was at that rally, martha, the cruzs case against trump is getting sharper, its electrifying his sporters. Day, but the big question here is, will those huge crowds for trump actually turn out to caucus . His iowa operation of course has been untraditional. The underdog, marco rubio getting endorsed this morning by the Des Moines Register. Rubio trails in the polls here. Worth noting in every election in the last 20 years, the register has endorsed the republican candidate who went on to win the nomination. Martha . Thanks, devin. The supercharged battle playing out this morning over whether donald trump should be the new face of the Republican Party. Just got even more intense. The billionaire, now, taking his feud with general bush, the onetime favorite of the gop establishment to a whole new level this weekend and governor bush joins me now. Good morning, governor. I want to begin with that endorsement, calling rubio the partys best hope. Have the Des Moines Register endorsement. I didnt get it. Congratulations to marco. Ultimately its the caucus goers that decide this and voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina and nevada to start all this off. Im confident when we get to that the pundits might be surprised. Lets talk about the frontrunners right now, you have a party that cant even decide not to support among the frontrunners. The National Review with that ooenttrump issue. Bob dole has endorsed you is saying trump could probably work with congress because hes, you know, hes got the right personality and hes kind of dealmaker. It seems like hes supporting donald trump, what is this doing to your party and your candidacy . Look, bob dole im proud to have his support. Heres the deal, donald trump is not a conservative. You need a conservative to lead hes not a conservative based on gun rights or abortion or taxes or spending or singlepayer system for health care and you cant insult your way to the presidency as well. He views as a strength. And were not going to win an election by praying angst. You have to get to 50. You do that with a solid conservative record with conservative ideas to change the course of direction in washington, d. C. Do you think people will do you think trump would work better with congress than cruz . All i know we need a president to work with congress and right now we dont have that. Thats what i pledged to do, to build consensus, to fix the taxes, the regulation that is a complete mess for our country. To begin to build a bipartisan consensus on Foreign Policy leadership in the world creates peace and security. Those are the things that i talk about and it seems to be resonating not amongst the punditry class but among voters. In an article this weekend you talk about trump. The Weekly Standard says that you and the superpac that supports you bears some of the blame for the rise of donald trump. Saying right to rise like an allpro right guard helped clear a path for trump by blocking several of his wouldbetacklers in particular marco rubio. With each passing day, it become becomes more and more likely that the Lasting Legacy of jeb bushs 2016 president ial will be its prom note role in making donald trump the nominee and contributing to the crisis of conservatism that will follow. Im the only guy taking on you trump on, because i dont believe that hes a conservative conservative cause is going to be validated by having a guy being b our nominee whos not a conservative. So, the Weekly Standard can say what they want. But im the only guy who consistently goes after him. Ill continue to do it as i advocate my plans. And word yesterday that former mayor of new york Michael Bloomberg might getting into the race as an independent. Hes a great man. A great mayor. Hes much more liberal than i am. Hes a great person. I dont think hell get in the race unless its donald trump and bernie saeshdz. Right now, were focused on eight days of getting our caucus voters out. I want to move to some of the domestic issues. Lets talk about whats going on hundreds of americans have been bathing, brushing their teeth in leadcontaminated water, while government officials were telling them its safe to use. Theyll need millions of dollars of care for the rest of their lives. How is this possible in the United States of america and whos responsible . Its horrific and it is related to the fact that we have created this complex, noresponsibility regulatory system where the federal government, state government, regional government, local and county governments are all pointing fingers at each other. Its a tragedy. We need to have a 21st century set of rules. There should be transparency. How much blame does government snyder bear . Well, hes taken hes not saying its someone elses fault. He has a responsibility and hes admitted it should he resign . No, he needs to do what hes doing which is to accept responsibility and begin to solve the problem. You once called him a spectacular governor, do you still think so . I think hes been a great governor for michigan, michigan was on its knees when he became governor and hes led to a rebound and forged consensus. This is a tragedy that we ought to focus instead of blaming people, what hes doing is creating a strategy to fix it disaster. Its hard to fix, the health point. But we thank you x very much, governor bush. Next, our close look at the gop in crisis, inside the fight for the future of the Republican Party. How the brawl for the partys soul will impact who comes out plus, senator Bernie Sanders is here, could he deliver earlystate upsets to Hillary Clinton, once considered the inevitable nominee. And the powerhouse roundtable on a possible newcomer on the campaign trail that could seriously shake up both sides of the race. Announcer this week with George Stephanopoulos is connected by blackberry priv. [beekeeper] from bees to business expenses, im in charge of it all. So ive been snapping photos of my receipts and keeping track of them in quickbooks. Now im on top of my expenses, best 68,000 employees ever. Thats how we own it. Janet . Cough if you can hear me. Dont even think about it. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . It works on his cough too. Cough it works on his cough too. Mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. Lets end this. Thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges next, the storm thats hit the gop just one week before the im always there for my daughter. For the little things. And the big milestones. And just like im there for her, pacific life is there to help protect me and my family so i can enjoy all lifes moments. Pacific life. Helping families for over 145 years achieve longterm Financial Security with lifelong retirement income. Talk to a Financial Advisor today to grow your future as the reality sets in that the republican nominee could really be an outsider, its an Republican Party. Nearly two dozen leading conservative thinkers banding together against trump in the latest edition of National Review. While others, like bob dole, warming up to the billionaire, saying he could at least work with congress. Trump, embraced the newfound support. And you know what, theres a point at which, lets be to the establishment. We got to get things done not x. George caught up with senator New Hampshire this week and asked the texas senator about why he prefers not to have the support of dole or anyone else in washington . You seemed to welcome the attack from bob dole, but how about the argument hes making . He said he believes your candidacy, if youre the nominee is going to cause cataclysmic he omitted two words, nobody in washington doesnt like cruz. That doesnt bother you . The biggest divide we got in this country politically its not between republicans and democrats. Its between career politicians in washington in both parties and the americans. Somewhere, a lot of republicans are coming around to the idea donald trump would be a more electable nominee its not a question of electability, listen to what theyre saying. Youre right were saying, the establishment is abandoning marco rubio and theyre rushing to donald trump and they have explained why. Bob dole yesterday explained why. He said donald trump is someone we can make a deal with, we can cut a deal, we can work with him. Listen, if youre someone in this country who thinks we need more republicans in washington to cut a deal with the democrats to agree with harry reid and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, donald trump. And joining us now, rich lowry, the orchestrated effort to take down the billionaire and republican alex castellanos, Campaign Strategist to bob dole, george bush and mitt romney, who thought about blocking trump then had a change of heart. Rich, is ted cruz correct there, you saw that interview with george, has donald trump become the establishment candidate . Yeah, the reason, martha, we did this issue, we wanted to make two issues. Number one, donald trump is not a conservative. And two, we wanted to make the point, not the socalled establishment thats opposing trump, in fact, as we speak, you have elements of the political accomplishment among republicans figuring out how they can coop or deal with donald trump. We want to win this election. We want to do it with a consecutive and we think we can. Rich, you wrote this morning, this is what National Review exists to do, to plant the flag for conservativism, have you missed your chance, has trump led for too long . I object the notion because hes at 30 at the polls. This thing is effectively over. Look, we knew we could get a lot of blowback from this issue. Its particularly rich that donald trump invoked william f. Buckley and said buckley would be ashamed of what we have done. In fact, buckley wrote about donald trump in 2000, he called him a nar sissist. Alex, you have a different take, at the beginning of the antitrump thing going, you had no takers. Is the gop going to have to live with a Trump Nominee . As much as i love National Review, i think they have shown up at the war long after the last shots have been fired here. Theyre telling the Republican Party to pull the rip cord long after we have hit the ground and gone splat. Seven days to go before the iowa caucus and National Review saying, we should be the party of Ronald Reagan but not donald trump. Thats great. I check, reagan is not on the ballot. The choices we have been left with, ted cruz who has thrown the conservative cause under the bus for his own political gain many times and donald trump who some voters are beginning to see as well, hes not Ronald Reagan, hes not the longterm future of the Republican Party, maybe hes leader who can clean up our books, keep our country from going bankrupt. Alex, you wrote just months ago that trump was a powerhungry strong man, why is suddenly the man the gop should trust . Well, i wrote actually last august, what rich is saying in National Review is not news. I wrote trump is a strong man we dont need in august of last year. Guess what, we dont have any. Whose fault is that . I think a lot of the fault actually becomes to conservative intellectual leadership of america. With the conservative cause that an mates the Republican Party, we dont appeal to young people or millennials. We dont appeal to minorities. We appeal to cranky old white i want to ask both of you quickly, alex, whos going to be the nominee on the republican side . Right now, it looks like its going to be donald trump. By the way, if hes against Hillary Clinton i would probably support him. Rich . I have no idea. There are good consecutives in this contest. Dont surrender to alex to trump just because you couldnt muster these republican donors to go with you because theyre too consecutives are going to stand up, alex. We are going to stand up. Dont surrender to donald trump before a shot has been fired. Thats the perfect way to end. Next the case on the democratic side. Bernie sanders joins us live as he takes the edge in iowa and New Hampshire. Upset . Plus the powerhouse roundtable breaks down the gop crisis and what sara palin, glenn beck and this weeks big endorsements will mean for the race. Announcer and later, the powerhouse puzzler brought to you voya financial. Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Val from voya . Yeah, val from voya. Quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house . Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . No, im more like a metaphor. Okay, a spokesmetaphor. No, im. Youre a spokesmetaphor. Yeah. Ok. Janet . Cough if you can hear me. Dont even think about it. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . It works on his cough too. Cough it works on his cough too. Mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. We started in Single Digits in the polls and now Bernie Sanders can take down the onceinevitable Hillary Clinton. The future belongs to the fast. And to help you accelerate, weve created a new company. One totally focused on whats next for your business. The True Partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. Accelerating innovation. Accelerating transformation. Accelerating next. Hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record . I mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times. How about when i had three events in one night . Well, i ve been working on my new superhero move all day we re non stop, we ve gotta have our extra protein. Oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. Zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. And zero holding me back oikos triple zero. Be unstoppable. Mmm dannon Bernie Sanders with an upbeat ad featuring simon and garfunkel, the vermont senator has widen his lead over hillary taking a new tone this weekend and shifting his focus of attacks to republicans. Hes he already looking ahead to the general election . Good morning, senator sanders. The Des Moines Register has endorsed your opponent, Hillary Clinton, saying, the presidency is not an entrylevel position, whoever is sworn into office next january must demonstrate not only a deep understanding of the issues facing america, but also possess the diplomatic skills that enable president s to forge alliances to get things down. Done. Even though the Des Moines Register has never endorsed a democrat has won, that seems directed at you. Well, you know, i have a lot of respect for the Des Moines Register. But i think, in every instance, were more than capable of doing the job of president of the United States. Foreign policy, let us be clear, one to of candidates running go to youtube and fieptd out what i said in 2002 and feared what happened. Much of what i feared in terms of what would happen did happen. Hillary clinton voted the other way. In terms of domestic issues, the reason our campaign is generating so much excitement were focusing on the issues that American People care about that is the decline of the middle class, people are working longer hours for lower wages. That income inequality is sustained by a corrupt Campaign Finance system. Martha senator sanders, i what want to go back to what you said on Foreign Policy. The con card paper is endorsing Hillary Clinton as well. They said youre a Foreign Policy nave. Look, for a start, were were taking on the economic establishment. Were taking on the political establishment. In all due respect, were taking on the media accomplishment. I expect that secretary clinton will get a lot of the endorsements from main stream media. But i have the endorsement of 2. 5 million individual contributions to my campaign. When people are allowed to vote, as they are in moveon. Org. Martha, i cant argue that the establishment is supporting secretary clinton, thats the way it is. Senator sanders saying its too late for the establishment. You have sounded more and more confident and aiming your remarks at republicans as you said. But clinton supporters have focused on you as a s senator mccaskill said the republicans wont touch him because they cant wait to run an ad with a hammer and sickle. My reaction is two things. Look at every all of the National Polls that have been done, that has Bernie Sanders running against trump. Hillary clinton running against trump. We run significantly better than Hillary Clinton. Last nbc poll had us beating him by 16 points. In New Hampshire, were doing better than that, better than Hillary Clinton here in iowa. Second of all, democrats win when voter turnout is large. Republicans win when the American People are demoralized. Our campaign is exciting millions of people. Well have a large voter turnout. I think we cannot only win the white house but regain the senate and regain governor chairs up and down this country. I think this campaign is about whos exciting the American People. Senator sanders, you said something to your spotters yesterday that caught my ear, you quoted with pride a wall you a viable candidate, saying, it appears that we are making wall street a little bit nervous and thats a good thing. The article was quoting blackstone ceo, who said the markets are uncemented because of you, a slowdown in china and geoj political risks. Youre laughing. I want to know, why is it a good thing that markets are in turmoil . Martha its not just wall street. Everybodys affected by this. The reason that i am laughing i fully admit to having a big ego, like many other politicians. But the idea that Bernie Sanders candidacy, which has growing support all over this country is unsettling World Markets is absolutely absurd. The point that i was making were getting the attention of wall street. Wall streets greed and behavior drove this economy into the worst recession since the great depression. Millions of people lost their homes, life savings and their jobs. I believe we have to break up the major financial institutes. We know gaining the attention of wall street, tell us me that our campaign is doing very well. What do you think about the possibility of former mayor Michael Bloomberg getting in the race . Well, you know, i think it would be interesting if donald trump became the republican candidate whos a multibillionaire and Michael Bloomberg became the independent candidate whos a multibillionaire and it will moving away from democracy to oliog oligocray. Okay, thank you for joining us this morning, senator sanders. Good to see you again. Thank you. And now, lets bring in the powerhouse roundtable. With me, republican pollster kristen soltisanderson, michael eric dyson. Former michigan governor Jennifer Granholm and steve ins keep. So much to talk about. Lets talk about bernsie sanders and the democrats. Polls this week showing Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton. Clinton has come out fighting. Her spotters are questioning his viability. Is he a viable candidate, will that work . Hes the situation, bill clinton when campaigning for his wife the other day, made a dissing Bernie Sanders by saying it, sanders has simpler slogans. Hes also though admitting to Hillary Clintons problem. If you look at an issue to Public Education just to take an example, sanders has a very simple talking point, he wants to make public colleges and universities free for everyone. Hillary clinton wants to make college more affordable but still wants people to pay. Its a different philosophy, really, and its a little bit harder to talk about and you can see a situation where sanders with that simpler slogan, more direct approach, is more in that moment. Hes more about this moment as donald trump is. Does that translate to support ultimately . I dont know. How about the charges hes a socialist . That the hammer and sickle. Not quite the socialist. First of all, one, i dont buy the premise that shes losing to Bernie Sanders in iowa. All predictions nate silver, he gives her an 84 chance of winning iowa. There are headwinds in New Hampshire. The socialist label is something that he applies to himself, right in so the, question is, how does that play across america. The governor of missouri tough state, middle of the road state, what they know is the same thing that the republicans know when in the last debate the republicans kept cheering Bernie Sanders on social media is that the word socialist is really hard word. I love Bernie Sanders, really, i appreciate the fact thats bringing out young people. If you look at the word socialist the gallup poll did the analysis, what are the characteristics you would vote for in a president . Would you vote for an atheist excuse me, a socialist . Voting for its an issue. So, Hillary Clinton is saying, socialist, socialist, as theyre saying that, but if she loses to a socialist, what does that do to you . Yeah, well, its tough sledding to be sure. I dont think that the major prohibition the major obstacle for Bernie Sanders is not going to be the socialist label because hes tracking so well among people, we i think the question is, how does Hillary Clinton tap into the kind of class consciousness and so much the racial rebellion thats out there and figure out a way to engage it and exploit it in the best sense of the word as Bernie Sanders is making an attempt. On the other hand i think that polling is probably misrepresentative of the larger outside poll. One thing, young people have been a driving force behind the sanders surge, look at these numbers. Why dont they consider his support socialism a liability . The Monmouth University National Poll registered voters who identify themselves as democrats or lean toward the democratic party. Clinton 52 . Sanders, 8118. Bernie sanders doesnt sound like a typical politician. Whether it was Bernie Sanders in this election, or rand paul in the last election. They sound very different and they sound very authentic. Voters particularly Younger Voters find that to appealing. I dont think the socialist label is not necessarily going to do in Bernie Sanders. Young republicans, young voters rather dont really remember the cold war or the soviet union. And sickle in the ad remember that simon and garfunkel song. But theres a mom in flint whos not going to wait for the revolution to be able to give her child clean water. Theres a guy in cleveland who lost his job not able to wait for the revolution. Youll have to wait, even if you brought in a senate, he wouldnt bring in a house, getting stuff done is the thing that moves me, that makes that gives me goosebumps. Free college for all. Her response, why would we give Donald Trumps kids free college . Okay, well pick up on that in just a minute. Because we have more important things to do. Our powerhouse puzzler, very appropriate for this snowy weebd. One year since inauguration. Which president holds the record inauguration dates . Bonus points if you can guess the temperature. Announcer the powerhouse and were back with the answer to our powerhouse puzzler, which president holds the record for both the coldest and warmest inauguration dates. Kristen, youre up. I said reagan. Coldest 15 degrees. Warmest, 40. Wow. Those are impressive stats. Those are impressive. A good guess. I was really good. I said obama. Both cold. I asked fdr. All three of you can leave. Kristen. The answer is Ronald Reagan. Anyone want to guess the temperatures . You did. The coldest was 1958 when the morning low was 4 degrees below zero. The warmest was in 1981 when it was a balmy 55 degrees. You were very close. Republican inside knowledge. Okay. Struggle we saw this week for the heart of the gop, lets just go right to it and steve, inskeep, eight days from now the real test for the candidates. The poll out of iowa friday gives trump the commanding lead in iowa. If trump wins iowa does he become the nominee . I dont think thats insured. Maybe ted cruz wins somewhere. Somebody like jeb bush has a problem. Kristen has been very insightful about this. Hes arguing that donald trump isnt a conservative. How about that support they got. Glenn beck friday. Donald trump endorsed by sarah palin. What will these endorsements do for the general election . Whether its donald trump or ted cruz, i dont think the for ted cruz, his support comes much more from tea partytype folks, folks who get concerned about the things that jeb bush brought up earlier today. Trumps support comes from the populous wing of the party. Theres this big divide on the right. Mike, very quickly, 20 second and jeb bush keeps saying hes not a true conservative. But the consecutives dont care. Donald trump has managed to galvanize an entire range of people outside of the Republican Party. Way to stay inside time. Thanks to all of you. Its called an alive day, and this week our abc colleagues and friends, correspondent bob woodruff and cameraman will celebrate their tenth alive day. Hard to believe that it was ten years ago, that bob and david were badly injured by a roadside bomb in iraq. That morning after somewhat encouraging calls, i got a call saying that bob might not make it. Just as i was heading into the building to join george on this the bombing. Good morning, everyone. We have to begin today with some news that has hit close to home at abc news. Bob woodruff and his cameraman were reporting today in iraq when their convoy was hit by an i. E. D. They were in a convoy with u. S. Military from the 4th infantry division. The i. E. D. Went off. Both immediately injured. Both have injuries to the head. We delivered just the facts. But at that moment n a small combat hospital so far away, military surgeons were removing part of bobs skull to relieve the pressure on his brain. Once stabilize both bob and doug would begin the journey thousands and thousands of our Wounded Service members have taken through landstuhl, germany, then finally to Bethesda Medical Center here at for nearly 40 days bob lay in a coma, his wife lee, their four children and extended family at his side. Then slowly and miraculously he is one special guy. After multiple surgeries to rebuild his skull, an intense cognitive surgery. Bob was well on his way to recovery. Good evening. Im bob woodruff. Remarkably just over a year later, bob was back on the air. And since has spent the last decade reporting from a around the globe, from inside north korea. Were told that 10,000 to 15,000 have actually come here. To deep down a colombian mine. Thats the most frightened i have been. But through it all, bob had never forgot what the military had done for him. Who treated him like one of bob and lee have devoted their lives to helping our wounded veterans and the families who support them. The bob woodruff foundation, with its annual stand up to heroes gala in new york, has raised more than 30 million. Reaching more than 2 million of our veterans and families. And im proud to be part of that organization and proud that bobd woodruff joins me now from his latest assignment, beijing, where he began his career. Happy alive day, my friend and of course to doug who continues to shoot beautiful video for abc. Bob, i want your thoughts on this anniversary . Well, you know, its been its hard to believe its been ten years. Time has flown past so quickly, so quickly i mean, we i got so many friends, i talked to my other teammates to celebrate this as well. And i think we just feel just all and to be here, martha, you have been such a huge supporter from the beginning. All of us love you. Lets talk about those wounded veterans that you have helped. Its remarkable how much you and lee have done and what thats meant for you and your own recovery. You know, i think ill never forget that story. I was in a coma for five weeks as you know, and my wife told me later on, on that same floor, there was an another marine that while we were surrounded by our family and friends, but there was no family members or friends surrounding him and she said to herself and my brothers as well, they said, when were done with this, lets do something so it doesnt happen. All of our medical care was the same. The surgeons the nurses were amazing. But in terms of how to deal when they go back to their and they do that transition well, we got to do some organization. Martha, as you also know, this is probably the most fulfilling i have ever done in my life. The most fulfilling for me. Bob woodruff, thank you very much for joining us, my friend, this morning. Thats all for us today. Thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. Check out world news tonight and well see you back here next week

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