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Voters. And our Powerhouse Political Team is here. Breaking overnight. Janet reno has died. The first woman to serve as attorney general. Those blockbuster decisions about Elian Gonzalez and more that shaped the Clinton Presidency and the country. Also this morning, an urgent search for this supermom. The mother of two now missing after going for a jog. Well have what her husband is saying this morning. And we and we do say, good morning, america. Were counting down. We know that you are as well. Less than 24 hours to go to the election. We want you to see the election Head Quarters for abc news. Our entire Political Team will be with us all night long as the results roll in. To voter right outside of our studio. Michael will be there. George, youll be here in sometimes square, as well. Very big night. Its all hands on deck. Youll be with the Clinton Campaign. Amy with the Trump Campaign. Youre blocked apart tomorrow night. Well be here. Fror give us pleerry eyes on when morning. So many people have turned out to vote. More than 40 million americans already have voted. And, our Shows Hillary clinton leading by four points. Well hear from both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trumps Campaign Managers. First, the blockbuster announcement from the fbi. In the 11th hour. Clearing Hillary Clinton once again over those emails when she was secretary of state. Global stocks jumping after that news. Pierre thomas joins us now with more. Good morning. Reporter robin, good morning. The middle of a campaign. This time drawing heat from the Trump Campaign. Nine days after he stunned the nation. Fbi director james comey apparently believes nothing consequential has been discovered. In a letter sent to congress on sunday, he writes based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in july. And were glad this matter is resolved. Reporter sources after agents worked around the clock to use computers to sort through emails discovered in a probe of a sexting scandal of anthony weiner. Comey wanted to know if the new batch of emails contained classified information. Sources familiar with the investigation tell abc news those emails from weiners laptop contained many duplicates at. And did not have new information that would alter the decision that clintons actions were reckless, not criminal. After a week end of campaigning including katy perry, jon bon jovi, lebron james, ready to take off if for the final day from westchester new york. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter good morning, george. On this last day of campaigning, Hillary Clinton is crisscrossing the theyre frustrated by the timing of all of this. This was hanging over Hillary Clintons head for nine days while early voting was under way. Hillary clinton in new hampshire. Look beyond election day. We will have some work to do to bring about healing and reconciliation. After this election. We have to begin listening to pitch, she never once mentioned the fbis latest announcement about her emails. Earlier in the day, waiving for cameras. Not answering questions. Secretary clinton, have you seen comeys new letter . Reporter she was on the plane. Aides huddled around an iphone. Her prayers answered. She closed out her time weekend campaigning at a church in pennsylvania. Zblefrg you care about. Everything i care about and ive worked for is at stake. Reporter and in the battle big names to bolster her message. From the king, lebron james. I was one of those kids. I was around the community that was like, our vote doesnt matter. But it really does. It really, really does. The next president of the united states, Hillary Clinton. Reporter to queen bey and jay z. I want my daughter to grow up seeing a woman lead our country. And that is why im with her. Reporter and there will be more star power on this final day of campaigning. A symbolling passing of the torch. The obamas and clintons together at Independence Mall for an evening. Bon Jovi Bon Jovi and bruce string teen added to her day ends with a midnight rally. Donald trump wraps up his campaign with a fivestate dash as he tries to expand the electoral map in key battleground states. He was campaigning until 1 00 a. M. Tom ya smas with the Trump Campaign in sarasota. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. Some people in line say theyve been waiting to see him for more than 4 hours. The Trump Campaign is banking on that enthusiasm. One day reporter donald trump marching into election dayton attack. Hillary clinton is guilty. She knows it. The fbi knows it. The people know it. Reporter trump, who praised fbi director comeys additional review of clintons emails, now attacking the agency after the announcement they would pursue new action. Right now, shes being protected by a rigged system. Its a totally rigged system. Ive been saying it for a long time. Reporter the republican nominee, ams fanning the flames for a contested election. Be careful with the voting. Be careful with everything. You watch everything, folks. Were going win. We dont want it taken away from us. Reporter trump making the comments during a midwest swing, hoping to break hillary hitting ten states in the final three days before the election. Trump supporter ted nugent putting it more bluntly with an obscene jes you are the. I got your blue state right here, baby. Reporter in nevada, that security scare. Trump rushed off the stage in reno. Sources tell abc news an altercation with a protester grew intense when someone in the crowd shouted gun, prompting a quick nobody said it was going to be easy for us. But we will never be stopped. Never, ever be stopped. Reporter now we want to show you an important piece of video from over the weekend. This is a long line of mostly latino voters outside a polling location in las vegas. Trump complained they kept the polling location open later than they should have. Those people were waiting in line. Thats normal. Record latino voter turnout. Lets talk to the Campaign Managers. Starting with robby mook. Thank you for joining us this morning. I know you welcomed that news from james comey yesterday. Did it come too late . It was bizarre he sent the first letter saying he had some information. We were glad, obviously, this was resolved. I dont understand hi he couldnt have just looked into the matter and resolved it campaign. Were glad in the last day, hillary can get back out on the road, celebrate the historic turnout that we have seen across the country and talk about the vision she has for our country. Were releasing a special 2 00 advertisement advertisement this evening. Shell make her closing case to the voters. Shes up by about four points. Is that where you see the race . Not really paying too much attention to the polls. But, what i am paying close attention to are those early voting numbers. We saw just eyepopping turnout in florida over the last two days. Particularly in our strong holds in southern florida. North carolina and elsewhere. Were feeling encouraged and positive. We want everybody to participate. You talk about the vote. You have seen a surge in the latino votes. In nevada and florida. Have they delivered those states to secretary clinton . If she wins, we expect her to do so, it will be in part because of enormous turnout in the latino community. And the asianamerican community. Theres really a Clinton Coalition that is formed of women, latinos, asianamericans, were seeing them turn out at record levels. Your blue fire wall. Pennsylvania, minnesota, michigan. Any of those states in danger . He needed to get them into play much earlier. Im not concerned that hes spending so much time there at the end because he didnt build a ground game. Just this week end, we made 8. 1 million phone calls. We have an apparatus in place to turn out our vote. I dont think donald trump dashing to the states at the last hour i needed to get his supporters out. What was the key moment in this campaign for you . The convention and the the debates were the big opportunity for hillary to speak directly to the voters in an unfiltered way. Every time she had the opportunity to make her case, when voters got the see her up against donald trump, she did best. Those were our best moments. Both just in terms of the vibe out there but also in the be great president. When shes in action, she does great job. Robby mook. Thank you very much. Thanks, george. Now lets get the view from the Trump Campaign. Kellyanne conway is back. You to expect mr. Comeys find sngs and do you admit what mr. Trump said was wrong hen he said the emails would be devastating . Im so dismayed that the week ago and now hes a hero. You all were attacking him before that. He said in july she was reckless and careless. She should not have set up the server. She lied about the number of devices she had. She said one. Jim comey said under oath about seven. Turned out to be about 13. I think her honest and trust budged. Do you accept that the chase is closed . I do. It doesnt help Hillary Clinton that were talking about the emails, whats in the wikileaks. I think she would rather be on a more positive message. Im struck that mr. Trump is out there, five, six states a day, making an argument about whats next . How to make us more prosperous. Hillary clinton is spending tense of millions of dollars theyre encouraged by the early vote in florida especially among latinos. Your reaction . We get an early vote report every day. Were encouraged about where he is in north carolina, florida, ohio, as compared to governor romney in 2012. We invested in the rnc millionsa of dollars in the early voting program. Like florida and north carolina. You have to find way to pick off one of the blue states that have gone to democrats traditionally. Youre going to minnesota, michigan, pennsylvania. All the public polls there show donald trump has never been in the lead. Michigan is tied. Its something we have seen in our internal data for awhile. There was a public vote this weekend showing the same thing. Same thing in pennsylvania. Were very encouraged by the fact that Hillary Clinton is states that president obama had twice. If donald trump wins tomorrow night, somewhat the moment to put him over the top snchblgt it would be one of the upper midwest state ps. Like a michigan or wisconsin, minnesota. And or one of those Rocky Mountain states. Weve had our eye on on bringing back states that have voted republican in nonpresident ial years and where the poll numbers have been tightening. Semicompetitive on the air and on the ground with the Clinton Campaign. Kellyanne conway, thank you very much. Thank you, george. Our latest tracking poll Shows Hillary clinton with a fourpoint lead. A abcs jon karl is here. We heard trump is trying to turn blue states red. What did kellyanne say that struck you . The big thing is that they have to win one of those blue states. Heres whe red states, donald trump. Blue states, Hillary Clinton. For trump to win, by kellyannes own admission, they have to run the table on the tossup states. Including new hampshire, where, by the way, theres a new poll out today showing Hillary Clinton with an 11point lead. Even if they do the that, he still has 263 electoral votes. Not enough to win. Thats why they have to carry one of these bright blue states if they can do that, if he can find a way to take, for example, michigan, he gets to 279 and can win. As george said, not a single public poll since the conventions has had trump winning in any one of those states. Were looking at the map, it favors Hillary Clinton at this point. It does. While Hillary Clinton would need to do is hold all of the states she currently has the lead. Heres what they would like to do on the clinton team. The state of florida, florida, florida, if Hillary Clinton can win florida, take a look at what it does to the map. If she wins florida. Try that again. If she wins florida, 304 electoral votes. Even if trump wins all of those tossup states. Even if he wins the state of pennsylvania on top of that, he comes up short. Even pennsylvania and wisconsin, he doesnt get to 274. Lights out for donald trump. Well see what happens tomorrow. Thank you, jon. Now to amy for the mornings other top stories. Starting with heartbreaking news about janet reno. She passed away overnight after a 20year battle with parkinsons disease. She was the first woman to serve as u. S. Attorney general. She was appointed by president clinton. She was harshly criticized for the compoun compou compound. And the raid add that sent Elian Gonzalez back to cuba. The magty tuesday 5 quake in oklahoma hurt buildings in cushing. The 19th quake in oklahoma if the last week. Many have been linked to oil and gas drilling. Two sheriffs deputies were dispute between neighbors. One deputy killed. Another wounded. The suspect is in custody. Finally, racing star Dale Earnhardt jr. Got a bit of a wakeup call on sunday. He was pulled over for speeding while driving to the texas motor speedway. The officer let him go with a warning. Someone on twitter asked him how fast he was going. His response, not fast enough. Parentally not. Amy, thank you very much. Boy, ginger, you dont see that often in el paso. They had shuffled it together. Still, our reporter from abc 7 down there standing on top of the pile. The flash flooding. The gulf states having an impact tomorrow. The election day forecast including the cold front. Later in the afternoon, and evening, michigan and ohio both in there. Lets get to the select cities good morning our neck of the woods looking pretty good. A lot temps in the afternoon about 82, 83. Well do that with gusty winds. For boating that will be a problem. Otherwise a nice breeze out there with temperatures in the low 70s. That continues for election day tomorrow. Well continue to be dry by wednesday. It wont make it through with much in the way of rainfall. The highs in the 70s and mostly sunny skies. And i just love this photo. Beautiful stars and the Long Exposure of what it looks like. The world just keeps on going, no matter what happens. Thats the truth. Coming up, an urgent search for the mother of two, missing after going for a jog. What her husband is saying this morning. And we count down to the election. Matt tell us us why hi thinks the election is already over. Plus, the best comedy moments of the election. . . There are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. chuckle . come on, dad. . . They tell me im wrong . . To want to stand alongside my, my love . . Whoa, talkin bout my love . . Talkin bout my, my love . You ready, dad . . Whoaooh . . . . . . . This piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like oh, i have to have it. This piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like i have to have it. From renters insurance. To rewards credit cards, state farm is here to help life go right. Live from the station taking action for you, this is abc action news. Good morning, everybody on this monday. Captain al is flying over a crash over in pinellas county. Whats going on theres good news southbound u. S. Is the over the top of 49th street. There were two fire engines blocking two lanes until just about 2 minutes ago. They moved out of the way. A couple of vehicles involved. One patient was taken by ambulance. You will see a residual backup, not much to be worried about. Southbound 19 headed towards park boulevard. Going to be a smooth ride in the next 5 or 10 minutes. And we have another crash on u. S. 19. This one in pasco county we are seeing some southbound delays there, starts to clear up once you pass this crash. Thats the good news there. We have a high wind advisory on the sunshine skyway. Use some caution. Both hands on the wheel there. Ivans back with your forecast good morning from the Weather Center here. It looks fantastic out there. We had some sunshine earlier not much here. A lot of sunshine out there. Hopefully you packed your shades heading eastbound here with that hour earlier sunrise as we take a look at satellite and radar, good chunk of the eastern u. S. , pretty quiet here. Rain over my shoulder, that will eventually make a run for us on wednesday with rain chances about 20 to 30 . Our one wet day of the next few. Were going to be dry through today. Temperatures climb back into the lower 80s. For tomorrow on election day itself we are looking fine from mild temperatures by the afternoon. A nice cool start there, low to mid60s and then on wednesday theres that front coming in with awe if showers leaving us with low humidity and a bit there is no typical day. Theres nothing typical about making movies. Im victoria alonso and im an executive producer at marvel studios. We are very much hands on producers. If my office becomes a plane or an airport the surface pro is perfect, fast and portable but also light. Listen i know my super power is to not ever sleep. Thats it, thats the only superpower i have. Advil li advil liqui gels work so fast youll ask what bad back . What pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . . . . Oh . Oh, oh, oh, oh . Did you see this on s Kate Mckinnon. Alec baldwin. Their final sketch before election day. Breaking character. Calling for everyone to come together. That is breaking aracter. Encouraging encouraging viewers to get out and vote. Amy will have more on that. They did have a field day all election long. Right now, the final dayton the campaign trail. Clinton calling on her top michelle obama. Theyre all going to be in philadelphia tonight. Trump works to turn blue states red. We have one day to go until the votes are in. And were going to be eight here in the middle of our election Head Quarters all through the night tomorrow night. We certainly will. Michael strahan will be out with the people. We van oval office out there in times square. Thats your headquarters are here right now. Cokie roberts and matt dowd. Watch that heavy weight. She knew what you meant. Yeah, she knew. She knew. We heard from both Campaign Managers in the first half hour. Kellyanne sounding optimistic. Everyone believing it will be a tight race. You dont feel that way so much, matt . Having been in her position in races before, theres not much more she can say. Probably about four or five points. I watched some of the new york marathon yesterday. Were in the 25th mile. And Hillary Clinton is about four miles ahead in the 25th mile of the new york marathon. He cant help himself. No i cant. Can donald trump still win . Yeah. She would have to stop running smep would have to walk. Probably fall down to lose at this point. 24 hours to go. Shes not walking today. Campaigning all day. We have never is seen anything so many about. The influence of james comey. Its phenomenal. The judgment is questionable. Hes not the prosecutor. Hes the head of the Nations Police force. To prom congress hell come back. He does come back. Now hes back again. Think the probably result of it is the democrats lose the senate. Hi hurt Hillary Clinton . Absolutely. What was happening before that she had come off the three debates. People were buying nasty woman tshirts. All of that. Then all the air went out of the campaign the day he sent that letter to congress. They would have spent this whole last week, she and her surrogates, on the trail campaigning for the senate. That just went away. It leads to trump and his supporters saying its rigged. Thats one of the concerns. Even if she wins, i think shell win with a larger margin than barack obama in 20 diversion coalition. Abraham lincoln was elected on that day in 1960, tomorrow. And she faces as divided a country, in my view, as Abraham Lincoln did in 1860 when he first got elected. But thank god, we dont have an issue like slavery. Real challenge to bring the country together. Our numbers on divisions in our pols are just remarkable. Education. Education. About evangelical whites. 97 points away from people who dont affiliate with a religion. Thats almost 100 . How does either one, after what we have seen this last year and half, bring the nation together . I think Hillary Clinton has to quickly reach out. Im curious. If she wins tomorrow night, which i think she will, shell ha paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell have to step into the breach quickly. Shell do that. That is in her nature to do that. The letter george h. W. Bush sent to bill clinton, now its our country, your problems are our problems. Theres not one sport you havent referenced in the last year and half. Ill bring another one tomorrow. The challenge responsible well be here tomorrow. Well be here when the pols close tomorrow night. With our entire Political Team starting at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Were going move on now to the serge farch for maszing mom california. Sherri papini disappeared while jogging. Her family found her cell phone. Its where and how that is sparking so many fears this young mother was, in fact, abducted. Her husband is opening up as the search intensifies. This morning, the husband o papini speaking out for the first time. She was definitely taken. Against her will. Reporter the 34yearold described by her family as a supermom is missing for five days. Seemingly vanishing without a trace. I received a text message from her at 10 37 a. M. That day, asking me if i was coming home from lunch. I usually dont bring my personal phone in on any job. Message until 1 39 p. M. Later that day. Reporter alarms initially going off for Family Members after she failed to pick up her two young kids from child care later that afternoon. She could drop her phone. She would never in a million years not pick up our children on the time that she normally would have. Reporter keith papini saying he traced her phone using the find my phone app discovering it by the side of the road. Shes considered at risk, due reporter she was last seen wearing a pink jogging top. Sench teams over the past five days scouring the surrounding area for clues, trying to piece together what could have possibly happened to this beloved mother. Shes a family that loves her. Please just bring her home. Reporter and sherri papinis family is offering a 50,000 reward to anyone who can provide any information leading to her location. We hope they get some answers. Nate silver is here. His predictions made headlines all week end long. He called all 50 states in 2012. Well hear from him in two minutes. Hey dad. Hey sweetie, how was your first week . Long. Itll get better. Im at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. Thanks for doing this, dad. So i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. laughing you mean pay him back . Knowing your future is about more than just you. Its a big deal. And its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] and and its time for a special election edition of the big board. Our team of insiders all set to weigh in, including martha raddatz. Welcome. Thank you. Is this your i think it is. Excited. Whoohoo. First to nate silver of fivethirtyeight. You nailed 2008 and 2012. Where you to have the race today . We have Hillary Clinton getting about 300 electoral votes. Shes a 2 to 1 favorite to win tomorrow in our models. Why is yours so much cloetser, nate, than we heard from matt dowd and other predictions of, what is the reason for the difference . Ours is based on data and not full proof. In 2000, for example, george bush led by three points in the polls and lost the popular vote. Won the electoral college. President obama beat his polls in swing states on average. You have to think of the spread from maybe a sixpoint clinton win on the upside to a very, very, very close race on the downside. Thats how we make our forecast, based on history. Trump support es talk about the fact that polls dont they talk about the shy trump voters. What do you make of that . Its one argument for why trump could beat his polls. And there are a lot of undecided people. The Clinton Campaign has a better turnout operation. Materially data looks good for them, they think in florida and nevada. You cant pretend that polls are precise to within a percentage point or so. Its worth staying up tomorrow late night, nate. You got that right. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Now to american voters. So much is at stake. Emotions running high. Martha has been crisscrossing the country. Talking to voters. You were excited about moderating. More excited to be on the bid board. Much more excited. What are you hearing . You nailed it with the word emotion. Theyre so emotional. So well informed. Its sometimes you hit a voter over the the years, who is running again . Everybody knows who is running. Everybody knows what is at stake. Everybody knows twhat issues are. And everybody agrees on one thing. They cannot wait until tomorrow is over. We hear that over and over again. No accident that the campaigns are converging on philadelphia tonight. The president , first lady, clintons, donald trump will be there. You spent time in that city and the surrounding suburbs. Whole country. It is. What happens in the collar areas right around philadelphia. But i was out in western pennsylvania. And i think more than anything, that state shows the divide. You have philadelphia, you have the suburbs. And probably particularly, obviously, in fphiladelphia, fo Hillary Clinton. You go western pennsylvania. Its a different state. Its absolute blight out there pop you have a d of a small town who all these months said he might vote for donald trump. Now, just a couple of days ago, i was with him, he said, i dont know who im going to vote for. I might vote for myself. Good thing in philadelphia that the transit strike seems to be over. People will be able to get to the polls. Good news. Makes a big difference. Every campaign a piece of history. The historical significance of this one. Author and president ial historian. Thank you for joining us. If Hillary Clinton wins, the first woman president. Its a monumental development, george. A monumental leap forward for women. Think about it, 100 years ago, women didnt have the right to vote. They only got the right to vote in 1920. Nearly a century later, the possibility of elections the first female president. 40 years ago, we were debating an amendment to the kops constitution that rights for women. Additionally, the potential of a president living ournd the roof of the white house with a former president. Someone who was just president 16 years ago. The closest we come the that are fatherson president s. We get that with John Quincy Adams and john adams, his father. And george w. Bush and george h. W. Bush, his father. Just eight years between their presidencies. And donald trump could make a bit of history as well, right . President , as age 70. The oldest to this point was ronald reagan, 69 when he took office. Office. A couple of weeks shy of his 70th birthday. Donald trump would be the first president without having served in the military or without electing to a previous position. He will be the most wealthy. We dont know how wealthy. Hes made history by not releasing his tax washington on wealth. It is hard to catch george washington. Let me ask you each. We dont know the outcome. Nate, what are you going to remember most about the whole process this year . I mean, i think donald trump winning the nomination is one of the most interesting shocking events in american history. Period. So win or lose, the electorate is a lot different. The Republican Party is different than we thought mark . The negativity. The kptds both have negative ratings above 50 . The first time in our history. I think were ready to see this election become history. What say you, martha . How wrong we were and how it swings back and forth. Back and forth. The whiplash. Its all over tomorrow. Almost. The voting tomorrow. A little laughter can go a long way this election season. Next. Ing lien the strength to outrun her brother. Thanks for giving victor the energy to be the rowdiest fan. And joseph, the ability to see monsters. When you choose walgreens, you choose to make a difference. Like how every vitamin and flu shot you get at walgreens helps give lifechanging vitamins and vaccines. To children in need. So, really. Happy thanks for giving good is in every blue diamond almond. A good that comes in 20 flavors from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. And once good gets going, theres no stopping it. Get your good going. Blue diamond almonds. That was invigorating youre probably wondering why ive just carved a giant wooden tiger. Well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. Ive crafted dr. Whiskers here as a visual aid carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people dont like that. Come here to buy a car. Dr. Whiskers wont pounce. Nobody will. . . Life can be messy. But with crayola color wonder. It doesnt have to be. Dont you wish life could be this messfree . Color wonder. Find it in the crayola aisle. The the whole election has been so mean. I just feel so gross all the time. Dont yo feel gross about all this . Alec baldwin and Kate Mckinnon going out with a bang on saturday night live. They may be the only people that love the entire campaign, its been a te its been a tense election. A little laughter goes a long way. Comedians from late night tv to saturday night live are helping us do just that. Laugh a little. The candidates have provided plenty of material to work with. Its me, hillary from 2008. Oh, hi hillary. Hello. Rudy july yanny was on fox news yesterday you seem to be six. You look tired. Can you open this jar of pickles . This has not been tampered with. [ grunting ] oh, oh. The only thing the media is talking about is emails. Its like if during the o. J. Trial even was focused on whether or not the ford bronco had uptodate registration. Im the only candidate up here who is not a billionaire. I dont have a superpac. My arms like a professor. The big star of the Convention Last night, as you may know, was melania trump. She gave this spech of Michelle Obamas life last night. You to think the scandals will doom your husbands chances among women . No, no. Its boy talk. Theyre all animals. If only a woman could be president. You want to win . Heres what you gotta do. First, yell. I yell all the time. In fact, this phone isnt even plugged in. Im just yelling. This man is clearly unfit to be commander in chief. Wrong. She is a bully. Shut up. He started the birther movement. You did. Hillarys next debate performance, she should bring her body double so trump doesnt snow which one to lurch behind. Number two. Its a big deal. And number three. I need to bet back to 2008 and send a bunch of email. No. Can i mess your hair up . And and now, its time to get out there and vote. None of this will have mattered if you dont vote. And we cant tell you who to vote for, but on tuesday, we all get a chance to choose what kind of country we want to and live from new york its saturday night. That was a poignant moment. Urging everyone to vote. It will be interesting to see where they go from here. They have another show this saturday. It will be election theemd. They lose the two main roles. Hard to top what theyve done. And we needed the laugh. Coming up, the real reason you may be gaining back that hey, jesse. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Get organized at voya. Com. Man i accept im not the deep sea fisherman i was. I accept im not out on the ocean wrestling marlin. 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I may not be going for the big one, but im still going for my best. And for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke, plus less major bleeding. Octor if switching to eliquis is right for you. What about this guy . This guys. Been through a lot. Dogs bring out the good in us. Pedigree brings out the good in them. . . Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Yeah, so moms got this cold. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Hey, im paul. And i used to ask if you could hear me now with verizon. Not anymore. Im with sprint now because guess what . And sprint saves you 50 on most verizon, at t and tmobile rates. So, i switched to sprint. And millions more have too. Can you hear that . vo dont let a 1 difference cost you twice as much. For people with hearing loss, switch to sprint and save 50 today. Visit sprintrelay. Com back h back here on gma, dozens of fires from tennessee through kentucky. The stuff we show you from california. The drought almost as bad in parts of the southeast or worse. Live from the station taking action for you, this is abc action news. Good monday morning, im dan shaffer. 7 56. Today is the final day of campaigning in the president ial election with polls showing a virtual tie in florida. Donald trump is holding a rally at 11 00 sarasota fairgroundsful well be Live Streaming his speech on facebook and our mobile app. Vice President Joe Biden will be campaigning for Hillary Clinton today in florida. Hell speak at a get out the vote rally in tallahassee before attending a concert with Jimmy Buffett in st. Petersburg at 5 00. With an update on the roads heres janelle. We are seeing some slowdowns through plant city on i4 westbound due to this crash you see here. A lot of emergency vehicles lanes there. Looks like we have an overturned car as well. This could be blocked off for quite some time. We are seeing a pretty good backup on i4. Check out these drive times. Were seeing 45 minutes to get from county line road into downtown. 18 minutes from 75 down to 275. We also have a pretty serious crash involving a motorcycle here in hillsborough. Westbound fletcher at 56th street seeing a big slowdown there. Avoid that area if you can. In Wesley Chapel we have two crashes, one state road meadow point boulevard, also one closer to the interstate here. Captain al, good morning. Reporter hey, good morning, came across the Courtney Campbell causeway. Busy eastbound into tampa. You can see the merge with the veteran memorial highway as it goes to south of the airport there. Otherwise that no breakdowns or accidents. And had to deal with that sun coming in earlier for commuters heading eastbound. Very bright temps right now in a couple of low 60s still up across the coast and beginning to rebound temperatures nicely. Got that wind out there. Still these are sustained winds. St. Pete at 17. Gusts over 20 later this afternoon. It will be a breezy day, but it will be mostly sunny as well. A few clouds rolling through with that easterly flow. As far as the rainfall, that doesnt move in until wednesday with our next front coming in. Until then looks nice with temps in the low 80s and lower good good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Clinton and trump to a tight race to the finish. Trump has a midnight really as e tries to turn blue states our brandnew poll shows the race still tight. Clinton up by four, one day before the votes are counted. Health alert. The new research why youre gaining back the weight, after you struggled to lose it. How your appetite is kicking into overdrive. What you need to do to control it. Dr. Ashton will break it down for you. Internet obsession. From the dallas cowboys. To the cast of dancing with the stars. Even stopping michael in his tracks. . Welcome to my house . And the three musketeers. Their owners giving them up so somebody else could take care of them. Theyre going to a new home. You know her as a sixtime olympic medalist. Shes just adopted a rescue. Youll meet them both. And aly raisman is here live. And shes saying good oh oh, stop it. Please. Its so hard not to go home with them every single time that theyre here. Great monday. Tell me about it. You do. And its great to have aly here with us. And jesse at the desk. Were counting down thanksgiving. The kitchen cam. Theres Richard Blais. Hes going to show us his the best way to make turkey. And a shoutout to karen, our sous chef. Shes the magic. Thats is just the start. Were showing you recipes for every part of your dinner. Im hosting this year. Its so intimidating. The whole thing is. You just want to get it right. What is your big thanksgiving question . Tweet us your tips. Its ask one day away from the election. Want to start with tom llamas. Hes on the trail with Donald Trumps team in florida. Reporter george, good morning the you. Donald trump is predicting an election day shocker. Most pols have him down nationally. He says on election day, it will be brexit times 50. Were closing in on Marathon Campaign schedule. Ten states in three days. Today, hell be in battleground michigan as well. Trump is complaining about clintons star power at her Campaign Events in the final hours. Saying he doesnt need stars. The only celebrities he had this weekend were joe piscopo and ted nugent. While she had beyonce and jay z. Trump calls it cheating. This is a mustwin state for the Trump Campaign. George . Ill take it from here, tom, big news from the fbi. James comey clearing clinton once again over the emails when she was secretary of state. Reporter so far, no comment from Hillary Clinton so far. Aides say theyre glad its over on the final day of campaigning. Clinton is crisscrossing battleground states once again. All leading up to the rally on Independence Mall. The obamas and clintons there Bruce Springsteen and bon jovi added to the lineup. Clinton calling on famous friends in the final days from jay z to beyonce and gentlemen bron james. I know theres a lot of frustration and even anger in this election season. I see it. I hear it. Sometimes you know, im the subject of it. I get it. But anger is not a plan. Anger not going to get us new jobs with rising reporter shes making into election day. This past weekend alone, volunteers reached more than 14 million voters by knocking on doors and calling people. Her final Campaign Event takes place tonight at midnight. Rally. Thank you, cecilia. We cut her off inadvertently. Lets get to amy for the rest of the headlines. The first woman the serve as u. S. Attorney general has died. Janet reno died overnight after 20 years. Her ten your was marked by the raid on the Branch Davidian complex. She also has Elian Gonzalez september back to cuba. She was 78. A shocking confession in south carolina. Authorities say the Real Estate Agent accused of kidnapping a young young woman and chain eri ing ho a storage container is responsible for several murders. He showed people the grave sites of people. A manager my tuesday 5 earthquake damaged buildings and caused injuries in cushing, oklahoma. Overseas, new political tensions in china. Chinas sper vengs in their elections. Theyre banning two legislators from taking office because of their views on independence. More protests are expected. A Sweet Surprise for a College Student who was the victim of a cruel theft. Hunter jobbins posted online that someone stole his kit kat bar. They said i checked your door, it was unlocked. The kit kat. Sorry. Hungry. Hershey heard about it. They september enough for his classmates. 6500 of them. He got a text from his mom, hey, honey. Next time, lock your car. Hes very popular on campus. News that goes pop, lara . We start with heartbreaking news. Michael buble and his family, their 3yearold son noah has cancer. The news coming as a surprise as buble was just here on gma two weeks ago promoting his brandnew album. Spoke so a. Org ily about his sons. Theyre putting their careers and Everything Else on hold to be by noahs side every step of this journey. That news hit hard. It did. Were all thinking about you, michael. A good friend of the show. Were with you. Absolutely. Also in awaited biopic, entitled bohemian bohemian rhapsody. This morning, mr. Robots rami malik was confirmed to be the lead role. Attached to the project for the role of mercury. Ultima ultimately, he backed out. Malek is the cult favorite. And finally in pop news the simple sons making television history. Be the news theyre being renewed for a 29th and 30th season by fox. Its been that long . In the next two seasons. The there you go. Will break the record for most episodes. Cbs western, gunspoke held the title previously. Now, the springfield gang will hit 669 in its 30th season. Homer releasing a statement saying, quote, take that, gun smoke. You lost a race you dibt even know you were in. Hes not a humble winner. Shorts. There you go. Congratulations. My son will be very happy. Can you imagine . Thank god theyre drawn, you know . Can i have a girly moment. Digging the hair. Love, love, love what youve down there. Special shoutout to courtney. My hair stilist from l. A. She came in and said, mix it up. Consider it mixed. Coming up, new signs the royal row smans heating up. The Family Member who was his girlfriend a quote perfect match. And a big weight loss headline. New research about the real reason you may be struggling to keep off that weight. [montage of chatter] what i love most about tempurpedic mattresses. Is that they contour to your body. It keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. Shop our biggest event of the year, including all tempurpedic mattresses. Save up to 600, now thru november 29th. Get your tempurpedic. The most highly recommended bed in america. . Eyes open . Good. Because its here. T ophthalmic solution. Xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye. So give your eye doctor a ring, and your eyes just might thank you. One drop in each eye, twice a day. The most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before placing them back in your eyes. Are you ready to do something about your dry eyes . Talk to your doctor about xiidra. You br talk t you brush your teeth xiidra diligently. Two times a day right . But 80 of bacteria arent even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. With the right steps, 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Nivea inshower body lotion after washing apply and rinse 24 hours of moisture with no sticky feel. Then get dressed and go. Delight your senses with inshower cocoa butter. Were were back with the big health headline. A new study is shedding light on why its so difficult to keep weight off after you lose it. Tell us about the new findings. Weight, youre not lazy. You do not lack will power. If it seems like you body is fighting against you, its because it is. This study found people who lost weight are hungrier. They consumed three time as many calories as they should to maintain their weight. Let me show you what i mean. You take two people, pound for pound, they weigh exactly the same. One person is at the ideal body weight. One lost weight to weigh the same. The person who lost weight is hungrier. Less full. This is the science. Its fact. What does this say about diet versus exercise . Well, if youre talking about weight loss. The biggest bang for the buck really does have to do with what we eat. Calories in versus calories out. The exercise, for maintaining weight, exercise probably has a better role. Youre never going to hear from me not to exercise. Its important for our overall health. The you want to exercise to lose weight, its a combination of cardio and resistance. You know there are people on the treadmill this morning, theyre working out. Theyre trying to eat right. All these things. They get so discouraged. It really plays tricks on your mind when you hear this. And the mindbody, the psychological component is important. This data is not meant to discoverage. Its meant to enable us with strategy. If you need to lose weight, get a support system. A friend, family, coworker. Electronic, online group. Very important. Expect the obst hungrier. We n know youre going to feel less full. Consider medication. Fda approved weight loss meds. A lot of them work in the brain to combat the hunger. And 100 . Dont give up. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We have marathoners out there, too. We do. I like jody with the bee things. I love that. Thank you, jen. Headline about price han harry. What his family is saying about his new american girlfriend. , bg Disney Princess carriage, only at walmart. 398 save money. Live better. Walmart. Impressive linda. It seems age isnt slowing you down. But your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. Ive been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. I could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. One in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. Will it be you . And thats why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. Im working to boost lindas immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. Zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. Zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. Have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. The most common side effects include redness, pain, itching, swelling, hard lump warmth or bruising at the injection site and headache. Its important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. Remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you . Talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. Youve got a shot against shingles. Our ey our eyes. They have a 200degree range of sight. Which is good for me hey . And bad for the barkley twins. Americas Beverage Companies have come together to bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. With more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. We know you care about reducing the sugar in your familys diet, and were working to support your efforts. More beverage choices. Smaller portions. Less sugar. Hey, pal. What, you got a cough this winter . You want tough love, mentholyptus halls with big time cooling flavor. Or soft love. Milder flavored honey halls with real honey. Tough love. Soft love. Get the love you love. Just press clean and let roomba help with your everyday messes. A full suite of sensors automatically guides and roombas patented 3stage cleaning system agitates, brushes and suctions dirt from your floors for up to 2 hours, recharging itself when it needs to. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. Chpds chpz chpds chpz [ cheers and applause ] and im back here on good raisman. You know, dancing alum. And olympian. We dont have to introduce her that much. We have to introduce gibson. Yes. Gibson. Youre helping us out with our Mission Pawsible. I got him a year ago. We were taking photos with puppies. I saw him and had the adopt him. Hes so sweet. I love him so much. See, the perfect story for you all to get inspired. Go to our good morning. Were looking great today. A lot of sunshine. Waking up in the 60s. s 50s to the north. We will warm up into the low 80s. A couple degrees above average but typical for this time of your. Hibbitt r. T. Is comfortable. I think we will drop that more during the late week behind a front. By wednesday we will have a slight chance for a shower. Election day is dry and after temperatures in the 70s. Rain free for next weekend with plenty of sunshine. Back to gma. T prince harrys ro romance. T prince harrys ro were learning what his family thinks about american actress meghan markle. Lama hasan has more on that. Reporter good morning to you, lara. Not only is one of the worlds most eligible bachelors off the market, according to reports, his cousin, princess saying saying harry has met his match. Harry wooed the suits actress at his buddys Hollywood Hills home in july. Over halloweener they were joined in toronto by his first cousin, Princess Eugenie and her boyfriend. Princess andrews boyfriend telling palace that the couple are quote a perfect match. Ry could try to see each other. It seems this is a couple who are serious and determined to spend as much time together as possible. Apparently, shes got the sale of approval from many of his friends and family. Who have met her. Reporter in an interview recently, she joked she may need to brush up on her knowledge of britain. What does apples and pears mean . I have no appropriate answer for that. Oh, stairs. Reporter dont worry, meghan, there will be plenty of times for you to get to grips with all things british. Harry is off to the caribbean next next week. It is official business after all. Not monkey business. Were going make this couple happen. I think we already, have george. Lets hope theyre really dating. Okay. Todays topic is 401 k . What should you do if your employer doesnt offer one . The easiest way to save for retirement is to opt into your companys 401 k plan. Half of Small Businesses dont offer them. If youre somebody who doesnt have one, we have you 36yearold simone is ready to start thinking long term. Zblooimting older. I have two small boys. I have to make plans. Reporter her job does not provide a 401 k savings plan. We brought in an expert to explore her Retirement Planning options. You work in the Public School system. And if you work for the government, the federal government starkts government, requireme Retirement Planning options. They do the same thing that a 401 can plan does. Reporter if you qualify for 457 and 403 b plans, they allow the tax deferred contradictions that a 401 can does. 18,000 annually. Another popular you can do you can do traditional or roth. With no tax breaks for contradicti contributions but growth and withdrawals with tax free. If possible, earmark additional Retirement Funds in a normal brokerage account. Put that money to work. Take a little bit of risk. Dont be conservative. And go for it. Thank you so much. Go for it. Especially important when youre when you do go to open the i. R. A. Or roth i. R. A. , remember, your bank not be giving you the best deal. What are the fees . Both vanguard and fidelity are industry standouts. You might be eligible for a signup poe news. Besure to ask for that. Those fees can add up. Coming up, were counting down to thanks giving with the best recipes for your feasts. This morning, we talk about the the hes you actually just said that. Good morning. We are watching this crash on i 4 westbound at it looks like they have this inside leaned back open. We still have a crash. It looks like an overturned truck. We may have some visual delays. We are starting to see some improvement on i4 heading toward tampa. 39 minutes from county line road into downtown. 17 minutes at the bottom of 75 down to 2 75. We have crash causing backups westbound fletcher at 56 street. This is in the tampa area it. Have delays northbound on i 75 through north port. A bad crash on northbound i75 just before river road you drive times on the veterans is live this morning 21 minutes from vandyke two 275. This weather out there and a different sun angle from what we are used to. Plenty of sun as we head through. Mostly sunny and partly cloudy skies a time. Temperatures in the mid and upper sixes. 70 in clearwater and st. Pete pier we will climb out of the 60s and 70s and eventually into the low 80s. We will do that without rain. A few clouds from the east and we do have rain well to the west. Eventually that moisture will get involved with a cold front that will move through on wednesday. We will have a lot of showers rolling through the middle part of the week. Then it will turn cooler and noticeably less humid although humidity is not that bad today are the. That would be about it. Any showers would be relegated to the eastern side of the peninsula with an east slope. 83 for the daytime high. Plenty of sunshine, gusty winds in the afternoon continued. There is the front with a few showers on wednesday. . . It it is creepy in here. We welcome you back. What happened . Boo lara. The audience and crew, well, theyre getting in on a little theyre getting a little stiff this morning. Let put it that way. I guess so. The reason everyone here oh, brad. Looking good. Jesse looks frozen as well. Can we isolate our Pierre Thomas . Ver serious correspondent, Pierre Thomas. I dont want the see pierre theres a terrorist attack going. I loved your eyes. Thats good coffee. Everybody can unfreeze. [ cheers and applause ] i had not heard about this. Lara, this is the mannequin challenge. 1. 4 million tweets with the the dallas cowboys. Michael strahan and the guys holding the pose as well. This is a trend thats going viral right now. On the internet. Its pretty cool. It is. Believe it or not, we think it was a 16yearold girl, named emily adams in jacksonville, with her friends. One day, hanging out. Having fun. Making all these poses, like mannequins. This thing took off. Blew up. Theres been all the other challenges. The running man. The ice bucket. Ice bucket. A plank challenge. A harlem shake challenge. This one requires the least amount of talent. Just stamina. Who can hold a cup of coffee yourself. Ripping it well done, guys. Pierre thomas. Back to work. Now, we have parents in the audience today, right . Raise your hand are you a mom or dad . Heres the puzzle for the morning. 9yearold daughter comes home, learn graetd new song at school. Sings it the whole way home. Says boy, im really great at this. I want singing lessons. Turns out shes not so great. Do you tell her or not . That was the question posed. Lady. I agree with you. I laughed when i heard it, too. You dont tell her. No way shes 9 years old. Without a question. Your vocal chords are not fully formd. If she wrecks this childs dream. I love how much you love it. Keep on trying. Whats the big deal. This was a whole thing about when is it too young to tell your child to that theyre not good at something . Everyone has a dif personality. Its true. You could crush somebodys deem . If you cant dream when youre 9 years old. If they say, i want to quit school and take singing lessons, thats a different thing. When do you not want to give your child a false sense of hope, though. Do you say, oh, my god, youre amazing. You have to temper it the. I have to ask you. What do you feel about that everybody gets a trophy, everybody gets to play. There san age, i think, with youth sports. I think around sixth or seventh grade. A lot of pampbts dont like that. You can learn through losing as much as winning. If you dont let your kids win in game with you or something, they cant win at. Once they beat you, its a big accomplishment. You dont let them beat you, right . They can beat me at a lot of things. I love that. You know who is a real winner . The woman coming out here right now. You want to see who were bringing out here . Would you please welcome to gma, welcome back aly raisman. Yes. Hey, boo. How are you . How are you . Nice to see you. You have been keeping busy. I know. Thank you for is having me on. We love your dog, too. We cant wait to talk about things first. Saw you at the cmas. The first ones out. Yes. It was great to see you all. We have been very lucky to present at a couple of things. Were getting the hang of it. When we hold hands, its less likely that well wipe out. We hold hands. Walk slow. This time we were in gowns. We had to walk extra slow. Even walking out there, im like, dont fall, dont youre a gymnast. What do you mean, dont fall . How nerve racking to teach the president how to do the splits . He wasnt very good at it. It wasnt that nerve racking. He couldnt do it. Its okay. He gets an a for effort. How do you teach someone who cant zmoit. We just told him good job. You just be supportive. He knew he wasnt good. He didnt really try. Him, a split is it was his idea, so i dont know. Cart wheel. We should have asked him to do that. It would have been hard in a suit, though. Cant mess up those armani threads. Threads. How is the tour going . Its great. Weve been gone since september 5th. First the last show wis in boston, where i live. November 13th. 36 cities. 38 shows. We have been sleeping on tour buses. So much fun. Its a totally didnt experience. Its great for people to see our personality. We do gymnastics. Were having fun. The last number is mixing of 80s songs. Were all in bright colors. We have a really good time. Just checking. No i was born in 94. I know all the songs. The 80s are back. The 80s are back. Who is also back on dancing with the stars shes so good. We love watching her. Shes amazing. Is he enjoying it . Thats me, laurie . Or me . I cant tell . Youre together. I hope i c again. Shes so good. Did you give her advice . You did well. She needs to give me advice. Shes so much better than i was. She always has had the it factor. Factor. Your eyes are drawn to her. Shes such a natural performer. After this, when shes done with gymnasti gymnastics. Shes going to bonn disney channel. Shes a star. Shes so good. A great idea. They probably just picked up disney channel, hire her. Well have on you stick around. We want to know more about your puppy. Im excited. We have a big dog adopgs update coming up as well. The whole thing when we come back here on good morning because, these foeblgs ran the new york city marathon. Oh, my goodness. They said theyre retiring after this one. What is your name . Jamie. 32 marathons you have run. And thats not your last. No, its definitely not my last. I have disney in january. Shes going and going. That was your first . It was. Your name . Kelly. It was a beautiful weather day. You guys. I really admire yall. Looks nice for today and through election day, dry, a little breezy this afternoon. Temps in the lower 80s. Then a front comes in, mostly quiet but well have a couple of showers i think with it, and then behind it turning drier, a little cooler here. Very nice for the end of the week into the weekend. You cou another one right now, couldnt you . I feel good. Thank you, ginger. How are you, everybody . Its time for gmas Mission Pawsible. The big reveal. How many dogs we have helped find forever homes. Drum roll please. The new number is 1299, jess, make it 1300. Do it, bro. This is going to be one of the best decisions you ever make. We have seen so many amazing success stories. Including a group of t have stuck together through some rough times. Take a look. Meet the three musketeers. Sammy. Bonn temp, and little shavae. A a trio that has gone through a lot together. This summer, their home was waushed away in louisiana. The owner of these three dogs lost everything. They couldnt take care of the dogs. Reporter so, north shore road. Bringing the pups back to new york. Where they stole our hearts during gmas Mission Pawsible Facebook Live stream. They want love. Want to be played with. Reporter finding a home for one dog is hard enough. North shore made it their mission to keep the three together. Finding one home for the whole pack. We want to find them the perfect home. Perfect match. Reporter after a rough couple of months, one three muske three musketeers all together. Reporter we want toup zat you on ben zobrist. The 2yearold minute pinscher has found has found a forever home. You have another special prize right here in gibson. Tell us about gibson, how you met and why you had to have him. So, i was at a photo shoot. We were shooting a promo for nbc olympics. We had a photo shoot with rescue dogs. We saw gibson, i had to have him because hes so cute and loving. Can you talk. My microphone just got dogged. Dont mind me, america. We have the first photo of you and your dog. Yeah. Oh, gibson. Why do you think its so important for people to adopt . I think every dog deserves a home. My life has been so special, so stressful. Its so therapeutic to have a dog. So loving. So caring. Hes amazing. I love him so much. We want everybody to love what youre looking at, the final five of puppies that are all available for rescue. Im holding lori. Shes an 11weekold hound mix. We have to allies here. Mix. We have sadson, simone, and gabby. Theyre all available for rescue. Please, lets get that number going. Were doing this all month long. We have had such great success. What is up for you next . Youre superbusy at this time. We have one more week left of the tour. Im excited to spend time with my family over the holidays. Things will pick back up again. I missed my puppy a were so philadelphia you gave a dog a forever home. We hope you will, too. Well be livestreaming from the animal wes ewe league of boston today, alys hometown. Well be live from north Shore Animal League americas wooftop party. If you adopt, share your story with us. Get all the details about how you can get involved in our website. Coming up, were counting down to thanks giving with the were back now with our big countdown to thanksgiving. For the next three weeks, were showing you how to cook each part of a complete thanks giving dinner. Celebrity chef Richard Blais is going to talk turkey. Yes. Lets talk marathon. For the fourth year in a row, you ran for someone. This was for save the children. I ran for save the children. Were helping kids globe. Yes, i, also, everyone, i had a p. W. A personal worst. Thats okay. Thats okay. I finished, right . Loathes of marathoners out here. Let me just what is it about turkey that is so intimidating for so many people . Im going make it not so intimidating. In my house, we cook two birds. One, the traditional way. For the other one, we break it we cook the legs and wings with something called a confit. Herbs, rosemary, pepper, salt. We bury it in this mix for a cup kofl hours. Rinse it off. Take the legs and wings, put it in the confit. Its a pretentious word that means cooking it in its own juices. We do it. We remo gorgeous, gorgeous. Its literally falling off the bone. We sear it in the pan. Now you know what confit means the next part is our brine. I got to youre stopping. Were going to eat later. Im going to talk about brining. For our leaner cuts of meat, we brine our bird. Salt, spices, kin mon,ennon, garlic. Give that a water bath. A salt bath. I brined myself last night. We brine this for a few mourps rinse it off. An important part of brining. Rinsing all the salt solution. We roast it in a pan. You dont lose everything . You lose some of the excess salt. We brine it at a 5 so it so its perfectly seasoned. Juicy. Other here, you see the finished product. Slice can i request ask you a question. Do you like it this way better than cooking the whole turkey . I like doing both. This is a way if you have a smaller oven. Or the you dont have the time. You break the bird down. What if youre not a great cook . This is more full proof. I brined last year. It was amazing. It was so good. Youre a fan . Cooking in its own juices. Brussels brussels sprouts, every dkid didnt like. Now everyone loves. Theyre on every menu. It saves time. Its still timeconsume ppg you break one birnd down, you start three, four days ahead. You make your o row have gravy made. The key so thanksgiving is to get it done ahead. Good job, man. Are we doing this every day . Are you here . Im going to make sure im here. Do i always have to follow you holding a puppy though . What are the questions you always get about turkey . My thanks giving is filled with lots of people tweeting me like, oh mirks god, whats that was me. I got back to you, i hope. Thank you. Its about time and temperature. Key is a low oven. Then having that cooks instinct. I think most people leave the bird in a little too long. That Plastic Thing hasnt popped out. If row have the instinct that the bird is done, pull it out. The instinct that the bird is done . What is that . Its like a sixth sense. People dont realize its still cooking when y out. It has to cool down. Rest. The worst Case Scenario is you pop a piece of it back in the oven. You would rather it be a little less done than overdone. Congratulations again for running the race. Thank you. Its awesome. How much do we love chef blais here . Blais here . Hes the best. Be here with his favorite recipes. Well be right back. How about Richard Blais. That was really great stuff, wasnt it . Sleep off. Live from the station taking action for you, this is abc action news. Good morning everybody, i4 westbound through plant city still moving a little bit slow. We had this crash with an overturned car. Its off to the side. You can see the car still on its side. Looks like it could be the trailer from a truck. We are seeing onlooker delays. Lets check your drive times on i4. 33 minutes from lakeland into downtown tampa. We also are still seeing some slowdowns through north port on i75 northbound. We have a crash just before you get to river road, so seeing some delays there. You might want to leave yourself some extra time or maybe take u. S. 41 instead. And a live look outside 275 at roosevelt, we are looking great over in st. Pete, no crashes or break downs on the interstates or any of the major roadways. Thanks a lot. Ill take you outside and show you some pictures of current conditions. Mostly sunny skies will continue today. Were already in the 70s not really, its just the times different right, so looking at temperatures mainly north of 70. Well get into the 80s this afternoon about 81 to 83 will be our range. Clear skies for the most part, right, across the eastern u. S. High pressure still dominating here, but there you see some rainfall. It will take a while to get here. The fronts well to the north and west of that. Eventually on wednesday well have a few showers. Youll be able to see just a these sprinkles for the eastern side of the peninsula will on the drier side here. So sunshine mixed in with clouds, staying dry and comfortable as far as the temperatures in the lower 80s. A little above average with 83, should be right around 80, but well do that again with plenty of sunshine. Gusty winds as well through the remainder of today. Looks dry for election day on tuesday. Well have more on that, and well take a look at the rest of the country coming up on abc live from the station taking action for you, this is abc action news. It is almost over. Were less than 24 hours away from the president ial election. And with so much Hillary Clinton and donald trump are making one final push for votes here in florida. We begin with democracy 2016 now at 9 00. They are still close and they are still unpopular, apparently. Thats what a new abc News Washington post tracking poll is revealing this morning. Nationwide 47 say theyre supporting clinton with 43 backing trump. 60 percent see trump unfavorably. Here in florida the newest poll shows the fight for our state

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