This is not business as usual. A record amount of snow must be removed. Digging out from a deadly storm. One of the biggest snowstorms the eastern United States has ever seen. Washington, d. C. Is still reeling. The federal government is still closed down. More than two feet of snow blanketed new york city. There are still thousands of cars buried under snow. Now the shoveling begins in many cities on the east coast. Im liable to have a stroke now along the jersey shore dealing with flooding from the powerful storm. Chris christie said new jersey did pretty well. He is out of his mind. So this is crunch time. I just hope you get out there and caucus and do your thing. A week before the campaigns first votes donald trump regained his lead in iowa. On the democratic side the race is neck and neck. We are going to win in iowa. Denver wins it and heading to super bowl 506. The panthers are going to the super bowl. I dont know who we are playing yet, but we will be ready to go. Youre playing denver and Peyton Manning. In southern california, intense manhunt for three dangerous inmates who managed to escape a maximum security jail. Emergency landing in canada. The aircraft encountered severe turbulence. I thought it was a hit. All that. The massive snowfall made for a day of fun and people took advantage of the weekend. Run show us how deep and flurry the snow is. Okay, brian. Its too deep and all that matters. I could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot voters, okay . Like incredible. Youre that confident, huh . Far greater loyalty than any other candidate by double, triple, quadruple. I love me people. On cbs this morning. He can kick isis because he commands fire. Shea is a firecracker. She is a real pistol announcer this portion of cbs lets go places welcome to cbs this morning. Millions of americans from the carolinas to massachusetts are digging out from the big storm. A massive weekend blizzard buried many regions and mounds of snow. At least 29 people died in the storm. Many from shoveling. At least five states reported getting at least 30 inches of snow. Cities shut down. Several areas declared states of emergency. High tides from the storm caused record coastal flooding in new jersey and crews at airports are still working to clear runways. More than 1,400 flights are already cancelled today. We are correspondents covering the impact of the storm and we begin with kris van cleave in washington where the government is shut down and two feet of snow fell there. Reporter good morning. The region is engaged in a massive snow removal effort. Operation that is turning the parking lots at the old rfk stadium in washington into a mountain of snow. The region remains hobbled in the aftermath of this massive storm. So much snow much of the Nations Capital will remain frozen, shut down, as washington, d. C. Works to dig itself out from an epic winter storm. Schools are closed mayor is asking people to stay home. You can see why. There is no way a car could drive through side streets like this. And the main roads are often full of pedestrians avoiding icedover sidewalks. While we have made some progress, there is still a lot more to do. Reporter d. C. s metro is back open, but only with limited service. Amtrak is running modified service in the northeast. Snow fell for a solid day and a half. Plows tried, but couldnt keep up as the district and surrounding region turned wintry white. The National Guard was activated additional pieces of snow removal equipment. Raymond tullson volunteered to help to dig out the elder i didnt and the city suggested two of their neighbors, he did their home and eight more. Out here and walk in the snow like this. Reporter the suburbs got it worse. Some have more than three feet of snow on the ground. Huge mounds had to be cleared from marylands interstates. And at washingtons airports, its been an aroundtheclock effort, trying to get the runways back open for flights monday morning. Nationally, more than 12,000 flights and counting have been cancelled. People should examine larger than usual crowds at both of our airports and expect delays. The amount of snowfall affecting so many airports across the country its going to take a while for the air system to get back on track. Reporter hundreds are gathering what is a tradition in washington. When the snow stops, the snowballs start. There is some controversy here in d. C. About how much snow actually fell. The National Weather Service Today is launching an internal investigation after reports that the official snow total was incorrect, that it was underestimating the amount of snow that fell. At the airport where its recorded, 17. 8 inches, the National Weather service says, but the nearby national zoo got 22. 4. One other note on the airports. They are hoping to be somewhat close to 100 operation by the end of the day. Lets just say, kris, a lot of snow fell in washington, d. C. Thank you very much. Off by a couple of inches but thank you very much. Many commuters in the new york city area are digging out their cars this morning. The snowfall set a singleday record in sfral central park, close to 27 inches. Five people in new york state died from shoveling. Penn station was packed after train travel resumed. The Long Island Railroad started David Begnaud is in queens where many people are still snowed in after nearly three feet fell there. David, good morning. Reporter gayle, good morning. You say washington, d. C. Got a lot . Nearly three feet in queens. Some 2 Million People live here. Cars are stuck. I just saw a woman coming, walking down the street cursing because she could barely get out of her home. The city is bragging about the job they did in other parts, but here in queens, residents feel like they were forgotten. Tried to get to work and school this morning. Almost a nonevent it is a misery still this morning. It might be beautiful, but there are plenty of people under white. Thank you, man. Reporter new york city is surging back to life after getting hammered by its second biggest snowstorm on record. We survived and then some. Reporter the system hit much harder than first expected. Nearly 27 inches fell in just 24 hours. This is footage from an nypd big apple white. But by sunday, all major roads were cleared. Broadway had reopened and most buses and trains were back in service. New york city mayor bill de blasio called it a cautionary tale. An example to us to the fact we have to be prepared for storms that move very fast, that evolve very rapidly. Reporter in queens, where some 850 plows were deployed, side streets are still buried this morning. What about us . You know . We stuck here. We are all wondering what happened to the sanitation department. Why didnt it care about these blocks. Reporter others are struggling to dig their cars out. Thats if they can even find them kelly langer spent hours helping free her neighbors vehicle. I wish it was summer right now i dont really like it. I dont want to see it again David Begnaud in queens, new york. Communities along the southern new jersey coast this morning are cleaning up from widespread flooding. Towns under water and pushed boats onto the streets. Crests topping nine feet forced evacuations. Nearly 100,000 people lost power. We will take you to one neighborhood that is still under water coming up. The Iowa Caucuses are one week from tonight. The latest cbs news Battleground Tracker poll shows donald trump is back in the lead there. The survey finds trump is five points ahead of ted cruz who led in the same poll just a months ago. Our tracker shows trump 18point lead with cruz and rubio and kasich fighting for second place. Major garrett is in washington to break down the iowa campaign. Reporter good morning. The polls, if they are right, donald trump and ted cruz now command nearly 75 of the iowa caucus vote. But volatility remains onethird of caucus goers said they might change their minds and includes 25 of trumps supporters. Donald trump stormed across iowa this weekend and gave his i have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that . Where i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters. Okay . Just, like, incredible. Reporter not exactly the new york values everyone has been talking about. But Trump Supporters continue to show up in droves as he stumped with sixterm Iowa Republican senator charles grassley. It wasnt an endorsement, but still a blow to Senate Colleague ted cruz. The Cruz Campaign took aim at trump on another front, the embrace of government power to seize private property. I think Eminent Domain is wonderful. It made him rich. Reporter the essence of the campaigns new ad that trump tried to bulldoze the home of an elderly woman to pave the way for a casino is parking lot. Its not true. Eminent domain is a positive thing not a negative thing. Trumps recent conversion to conservatism. If they say the only problem it needs to be bigger, is there any chance on earth that individual would actually stand up to the cronyism and cartel in washington . Reporter a message amplified by cruzs newest supporters conservative radio host glenn beck. If donald trump wins, its going to be a snowball to hell. Reporter despite the hype and attacks, trump made this admission on cbs face the nation. Yeah. If he got the nomination and if everything was fine, i would vote for ted cruz. You know, id vote for ted cruz. You would vote for him . I was putting that in relationship to his place of business. Reporter the Des Moines Register looked past trump and cruz and endorsed marco rubio with the candidate who could, quote, chart a new direction for the gop. It should be noted the register has guessed the nominee correctly last four Republican Caucus endorsements. Our Battleground Tracker in iowa finds the democrats are in a much tighter race. Bernie sanders leads Hillary Clinton by one point. 47 to 46 . In new hampshire, the senator from neighboring vermont holds 19point lead. Nancy cordes is covering the democratic campaign. She is in washington, along with face the nation moderator and cbs news political director john dickerson. President obama doing an interview with politicos glenn thrush. Interview. I think hillary came in with the both privilege and burden of being perceived as the frontrunner. And, you know, youre always looking at the bright, shiny object that people dont havent seen before. That is a disadvantage to her. Interesting. Because he was a bright, shiny because he is very popular there, john. Yeah. Im sorry. Was he talking about the 2008 race or was he talking about this race . As you point out, he was the bright, shiny object. One of the fascinating things is in 2008, Hillary Clinton said all of this hope and change is all very nice, but we need to think about the practical realities of governing and you need somebody in there that knows how to make things work and obama forces used that against her and said she was too bound by washington. Now the former bright, shiny object in the Oval Office Making the hillary case saying, yes, Bernie Sanders is getting this enthusiasm because he is new but you have to walk and chew gum as president and practical realities you have to keep in mind. Its a fantastic kind of full circular happening in the democratic party. Nancy, you heard senator sanders acknowledge, i think what many people know, is that the reason people are responding to this campaign is because they are angry out there. But in iowa, youve been there so often. Who has the better ground game . That is one thing that is so difficult to measure, norah, because both campaigns will throw a whole bunch of statistics at you about how strong their ground game is. They will say we have this many paid staffers and volunteers and knocking on this many doors and making this many phone calls before the Iowa Caucuses but they can spin the numbers any way they want. The only way to test how effective their ground game is is on caucus night when we see what the final numbers show. What we do know is that Hillary Clintons campaign has been at campaign. They have not just the past year of experience but their experience from eight years ago to work on. So the story bubbled up over the weekend that former new york mayor Mike Bloomberg is thinking about getting in the race. He is going to wait and see what happens as a progressive. Whose Campaign Stands to lose well, i think its hard to say. We dont really know. I think in the end of the day when it comes down to electoral votes, i think he actually hurts the republicans more. They start with fewer electoral votes in their column. But that is such a long way away. So i dont know. It really depends on whether republicans say i just cant vote for trump, i need to go for another new york billionaire . Or if he ends up taking votes away from, say, a Bernie Sanders as a democratic nominee. They also were saying that if, in fact, Hillary Clinton is the nominee, he is less likely to enter. Correct. Right. I think a lot of less likely. Reality a long way away. Lets see when he tries to start get on the ballot. Thank you, both. Our debate dream team together. Seven people are recovering from injuries this morning after their americanairlines flight hit severe turbulence. Flight 206 took off sunday from it made an Emergency Landing in newfoundland, canada. Three flight attendants and four passengers were taken to the hospital. The plane actually dropped, you know rolled on its side and everything went flying and people and yeah, it was pretty intense. It hit like a big dip. And that is some flight attendants were, you know, without seat belts and hurt themselves. I was very thankful. You know, you say your prayers and then you come here. It was answered. The other passengers are expected to continue their journey today. The matchup for super bowl 50 is carolina against denver. Peyton manning and the broncos held on in the final seconds to beat new england 2018. Cam newton and the panthers won the nfc title in a blowout. They beat arizona 4915. James brown of cbs sports is in denver where he watched sundays afc title game. J. B. , good morning. Good morning, charlie. It was an outstanding matchup, to sum it up, what matchup. Football fans may well have seen the last matchup between tom brady and Peyton Manning but as you mentioned about carolina, there is a star there in cam newton who is shining very brightly. Here is brady. Rolling out. And throwing its tipped in the air and its intercepted this may have been Peyton Mannings most satisfying nfl career. Not because he beat tom brady and the Patriots Team that always seems to have his number, but because the 39yearold manning doesnt always beat teams with his arm any more. Can you believe it . He has got a first down he beats them with his experience. Look at this. Patriots star quarterback tom brady, who always seems to thrive under the brightest of lights, was harassed by a afternoon. He is taken down. This will be mannings fourth super bowl appearance and he is now the oldest quarterback to lead a team to the big game in to be going to our second super bowl in four year is very special and also an effort by our entire team. What an incredible effort by the patriots for us to beat that team today, very special win. He is in for the touchdown but football is a young mans game and the Carolina Panthers may have the best young quarterback in the National Football league. Newton steps into it. Got brown wide open 26 yeverled cam newton and his Carolina Panthers dismantled the Arizona Cardinals in the nfc championship game by 34 points and setting up a super bowl showdown between signal callers who are a generation apart. Peyton manning is 13 years newtons senior. The largest age difference between super bowl starting quarterbacks in nfl history. I dont know who we are playing yet. Two weeks. Peyton manning. Did you ever think in a super bowl you would oppose him . We will live in the moment now and we will be excited. Excitement certainly is the operative word. Two quarterbacks who were the first overall draft choice in both manning and, of course, cam newton facing each other. But this has all of the potential for an outstanding super bowl matchup. Hey, look. Although i know im throwing it back to gayle, gayle, i did hear on friday that Norah Odonnell wants to be in the booth with jim nantz and phil simms. Look. She can come join the pregame show. Gayle, good to talk to you. Your sources are very reliable. I emailed norah after the game do we need to send a paramedic to your house after the game . So much to discuss. J. B. , thanks. Looking forward to it. Us too. Police in california are ahead how a suspected announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by paying more for being a woman . I hate it when that happens we are going undercover to see where gender pricing may be unusual. The news is back here on cbs on cbs this morning. N. 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Movantik can help reduce oic by blocking opioids from binding to mureceptors in the bowel. Do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. And can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. So, go on, talk to your doctor about opioidinduced constipation. And ask if oncedaily movantik is right for you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Look close, sugar free caramels, classic hard and deliciously chewy. That are so smooth, you wont believe discover werthers it takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost theres a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. It always begins with fresh, local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. Going fresh from the farm to our fridge in just six days. When it comes to fresh taste, nothing else tastes like philadelphia. Sir, could you step aside . Sir . Come on. You know who i am. Progressive insurance . Uh, i save people an average of over 500 when they switch . Did you pack your own bags . Oh right the name your price tool. It shows people policy options to help fit their budget. [ scanner warbling ] crazy that a big shot like me would pack his own bags, right . [ chuckles ] so, do i have the right to remain handsome . Wait. Uhoh. Take a look at the big chunk of snow. Fire crews in new jersey knocked this off the roof of the city library. The huge snow is putting a huge i wanted to take a break from my fulltime career of writing things on facebook slide down her and led my support to the next president of the United States, donald j. Trump im here for all you teachers and teamsters. You farmers and charmers shes a firecracker. Shes a real pistol. We are mad. We have been had and we are not so glad quote, lorac. It sounds like a greeting card from a Chinese Dollar store. States of america its nice to see tina fey back in the saddle. She is back. We are very glad about that. That was hilarious. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, new Surveillance Video shows the daring escape of three prisoners in california. The manhunt is intensifying, including an accused killer. How they pulled off a very fisted escape plan. We investigate how women are set up to pay more for everyday goods and service from the start. Many parts of the country, it is perfectly legal and we will plain that ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. U. S. News an world report tells us about gas prices plunging to the lowest point in seven years. The National Average is 1. 91 a gallon. That is down 14 cents over the past two weeks. The price decline may end soon britains telegraph warns the zika virus will likely spread to the United States and all of the americas according to the world health organization. The virus is believed to result in brain damage to babies. The Youngstown Vindicator reports on a high levels of lead found in another community, a village in northeast ohio. Tests of Drinking Water in some homes and a school in seabring showed levels that exceeded federal guidelines. The village is providing bottled water. The man in charge of Water Operations may get his licensed revoked. The New York Times reports on match fixing at the australian open. Tennis is under already scrutiny over widespread gambling. It discovered an usual surge in bets for one pair of players and they won easily. The players involved rejected those allegations. Investigating. The Washington Post reports on how the cleanup from the blizzard could take days in the Nations Capital. Washington, d. C. Saw around two feet of snow. Officials there say plows might not reach some neighborhoods until later this week. Jim cantore of the Weather Channel in washington shows us why the storm is toing. Reporter good morning. When you average 15 inches a year and you get 17 out of the storm, its going to cripple things for a while. Behind me, limited Amtrak Service and the underground trains will be running today but anything above ground, forget about it. George washington parkway a big one. The city and the schools and the shut down. They are asking for patience here and a lot of it. When you think about it, when you only average 15 inches of snow a year and you get your whole snow wad in one storm, well, its going to take a while we got 17. 8 here. But up toward dulles, they got twice as much snow. Some of these areas, eclipsing 40 inches of snow. So patience. Airports trying to get back online today with signal runway operation but, still it will be a slow go and potentially a good part of the week before this area returns to some sense of normalcy. Jim, thank you so much. A manhunt continues this morning for three dangerous prisoners in southern california. They made a daring escape on friday in santa ana, southeast of los angeles. The suspects used Cutting Tools and bed sheets to get out of the maximum security jail and one of them faces murder charges. Danielle nottingham is outside of the jail. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Jail Officials Say these men were accounted for during friday morning Security Check but guards didnt realize the men were gone until a second body check at 8 00 p. M. Jailers warn the three accused armed and dangerous. Investigators say this grainy Surveillance Video shows the three men on an unguarded area of the roof of the Orange County central mens jail, shortly after a 5 00 friday Security Check. From there, they were able to repel down nearly five floors to their escape. It appears to be a very sophisticated operation where they were allowed to go through some security Access Points and had some tools that allowed them to do that. Reporter jail Officials Say the inmates cut their way through a steel screen inside their dormitorystyled cell and made their way into plumbing tunnels. From there, the men bypassed three security areas and gained access to the jails roof and used a makeshift rope braided with linens to reach the ground. The three men were in jail facing charges for serious crimes. Jonathan tieu is charged with nayeri was charged without bail and charged with kidnapping and burglary. And duong faces attempted murder and assault with a Deadly Weapon and exflen in possession of a firearm. This is the third escape from this jail in more than two decades. Escapes do occur from time to time. People in jail have a lot of people to sit around and think about ways to feet our system. Reporter investigators dont know what tools the inmates used, how they got the tools, or whether they had any help. Local and federal officials are appealing to the public and the u. S. Marshals and the fbi have joined Orange County Law Enforcement in the search. They are offering a reward up to 50,000. Thank you very much, danielle. Why are women paying more than men for the exact same services and products . Up next, we are going to go undercover to find out what is behind the pricing gap. If youre heading out the watch us live through the cbs allaccess app on your digital device. See why some offices are setting up blind dates among coworkers. We will be right back. Are you ready . Are you ready . Youve got to be ready. I mean, really ready. Are you ready to open . Ready to compete . Ready to welcome . The floors, mats, spotless. Do your people have the right safety gear . Are they protected . Im ready you think your customers cant tell the difference between whos ready and whos not . Of course they do. Everybody wants a piece [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong. Yey which is why our products are too. Angel soft. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Listen up im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. I found affordable, quality coverage. Emergency services, my insurance covers everything for my family. Narrator most people who enroll through healthcare. Gov qualify for financial help and avoid paying a fee this is your last chance someone helped me find a high quality plan and financial help narrator the deadline is january 31st. Surveillance video shows shaking in alaska from one of the strongest earthquakes there in decade. It tossed merchandise off store shelves around anchorage. It lasted nearly a minute and no reports of injuries but four homes were destroyed by fire after gas pipes exploded. The 7. 1 quake hit a peninsula, about 160 miles southwest of anchorage. People across southern alaska are bracing for more aftershocks this morning. I bet it seems a long time when the world is shaking. Thats a long time. Absolutely. A recent study shows women may be paying more for virtually the same products. The new York City Department of big price gap after investigating. It is called from cradle to cane. It shows on average the womens version of exact same product cost 7 more than from the one for the men. But price discrimination is not limited to retail. Michelle miller investigates the real cost to women. Last name . Been here before . Reporter one female producer and one male producer visited a handful of dry cleaners in new york city. They brought nearly identical 100 cotton buttondown shirts in comparable sizes and requested the same service. Yes, please. Reporter our female producer was charged at least twice as much in more than half of businesses visited and one, she was charged 7. 50. While her male counterpart just 2. 85. At another, she paid 3 more. But it happens at more than just dry cleaners. The new york city study found differences in clothing like personal Care Products like these razors, and toys like this scooter. Research shows that women paid more than men for similar products, 42 of the time. So what is this phenomenon of male female pricing . Well, genderbased pricing has been around as a phenomenon or not for many years. Reporter todd marks for Consumer Reports has been researching this issue for years. You dont realize how badly youre getting ripped off or being taken advantage of as a woman because you become so conditioned to pay more. Reporter its these pressers used after clothing is dry cleaned. But owner of this cleaner ken soffy says its not a justification. Having a shirt laundered and machine pressed does not exist for women cuffs. Just men . Only for men. Reporter because the shirts dont get . Because of that women are getting penalized that. Reporter while no federal law against this practice but it is illegal in new york, Miamidade County and in california. A statewide study found a gender tax costs women 1,351 more animal an annually but no laws to prevent it. One of the reasons is its about the market and there is we dont know who is responsible for it. Reporter Michael Cohen is a trade lawyer who says part of the problem is the extra costs from the getgo. He found that womens clothing, shoes, and gloves often enter the country with a higher import tax than men. One example . Mens sneakers were taxed at 8. 5 , while women shoes at 10 . It might be 5 that you pay that is extra to uncle sam, but by the time it hits the retail and consumer, it could be 10, 12, 13. Reporter and cohen found it dates back to at least the mid 1800s when womens hats and gloves were taxed higher. He says, ultimately, will be consumers who hold the key to reform. It has to be a market response, a written campaign, vote with your purse or your pen. That is what is going to change it. Wow. Michelle miller with that investigation. Its really outrageous. Its not just an added access tax on products that dont exist to men. The legislatures need to take a its one of those things that make you want to start wearing charl charlies clothes . Somebody will figure this out. Ill bring in a shirt tomorrow. So generous and kind. Thank you. The host of the Academy Awards responds to the diversity crisis in hollywood. How chris rock plans to confront the controversy. Committee that picked the soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by panera bread. And 500 calories or less. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by panera bread. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by panera bread. Food as it should be. Come on in pop pop. Happy birthday. 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Dont miss a day of brilinta. Hi, id like to make a dep scanner rescan item. Rescan, rescan. Rescan item. Vo it happens so often you almost get used to it. Phone voice main menu representative. Representative. Representative. Vo which is why being put first. Relax, we got this. Vo . Takes some getting used to. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side representative. Whatcha doin . Just prepping for my boss party in a couple weeks. Whiten way better than paste. Crest 3d white whitestrips. Whiten 25 times better than the leading whitening toothpaste. Id say. Someones making quite an impression. Crest 3d white whitestrips. The way to whiten. Staying in rhythm. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. So i need nutrition. That wont weigh me down. For the nutrition you want without the calories you dont. Try boost 100 calories. Each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. So its big in nutrition and small in calories. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost record setting year. Kuechly for the touchdown. And aware enough to check on a fan who flopped down on the field. Flop is right. A carolina fan took a tumble a little too far. The man tumbled from the stands. You see the linebacker luke kuechly gave the crowd high fives. Kuechly paused to help the fan who appeared to be okay. Its been 12 years so they have a lot to be excited about. Boy, the panthers. 491r5 4915. What a rout. Chris rock has no plans to boycott the ceremony over its lack of diversity. They say the comedian is reworking his monologue to address the controversy. The academy arts and sentences says it will make a sweeping series of substantive changes and double the number of women next four years. Saturday night live targeted the academy in a sketch. And the best actor is oh, my god i knew it its a fiveway tie all of the white guys yea we did it the 88th Academy Awards will take place next month. That was a hilarious sketch. One of the ones was a white guy on the phone who just said, hello, hello . And he won the award it was very well done. Youre right, charlie, they were on a role saturday night. We will be right back. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that i wont stop. Until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have. Such as fever, sweats, chills, or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have crohns disease, symptoms can worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. Find clear skin and for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. Nutella spread the happy hello, nice to meet you. Melda. Im john. We invited you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. To keep things unbiased, we removed all the badging and logos. So, what do you think it is . I would say lexus. Maybe acura. Feels like a bmw. Lets look at the interior. Reminds me of the so, this car supports apple carplay siri, open maps. Nice. Wow. She gets me. Someone really took their time laying this out. Yeah. This car also has teen driver technology. It even mutes the radio until the seatbelts are buckled. Wow. My husband could use that. Im very curious what it is. What price range would you put this car in . Fifty to sixtyfive. The eightythousand dollar bracket. Well, what if i told you this is the 2016 chevy malibu . This is a malibu . Yeah, lets go check it out. No way, its a chevy oh, wow. And it sells for . It starts at twentytwo five. \ gasp what . Oh wow. P im very impressed. Yeah. I mean with all this technology . Thats a game changer, really. I want one. Ill take the house, too. To cook healthy meals. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. If youre running a business, legalzoom has your back. Over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. At healthcare. Gov i found affordable, quality coverage. Man checkups, emergency services, prescriptions. My insurance covers everything for my family. Narrator most people who enroll through healthcare. Gov qualify for financial help and avoid paying a fee of 695 or more. This is your last chance to enroll. Someone helped me find and financial help narrator sign up at healthcare. Gov. It is monday, january 25th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including shoveling out from the weekend blizzard. Dr. Tara narula shows us the risk and how to stay safe, while doing necessary, but dangerous, task. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. The region is engaged in a massive snow removal effort. Its an aroundtheclock operation. I saw a woman cursing because she could barely get out of her home. It might be beautiful, but there are plenty of people under white. Closed for snow removal. Government offices are virtually shut down. The polls, if they are right, donald trump and ted cruz man 75 of the iowa contactus vote but volatility remains. Who will lose on the month . They are saying if, in fact, Hillary Clinton is the nominee, he is less likely to enter. I think there is a lot of less likelys. An added tax on women. Do we need to start wearing charlies clothes . Football fans may vl with seen the last matchup between tom brady and Peyton Manning, but also in carolina, there is a star there in cam newton. Cam, how are you . Super. Gayle, i did hear on friday that Norah Odonnell wants to be in the booth with jim nantz and phil simms. Look. She can come join the pregame show. I emailed norah after the game and said do we need to send a paramedic over to your house yesterday . Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by im charlie rose with gayle king and Norah Odonnell. A salute commute this morning after the deadly weekend blizzard along the east coast. The storm killed at least 29 people. Plows are struggling to clear streets in washington, d. C. About two feet of snow there paralyzed the region. Parts of new york city saw nearly three feet. People spent sunday trying to clear cars and sidewalks. Walking around proved to be a challenge. And in southern new jersey, coastal flooding left several towns under water. Thousands of people lost power. Some of along the shore say the damage is worst than superstorm sandy. Jericka duncan is in barnegat, new jersey. Reporter floodwaters have been turned into chunks of ice like this. Area. Flooding before. May, they experienced a high tide, a record high tide over the weekend higher than that of superstorm sandy. Its deja vu for many communities along the new jersey shore. After floodwaters and winds rivalling superstorm sandy, weekend. In wildwood, a storm surge topping three feet carried boats into streets, while 50mileperhour winds ripped away signs. We are at low tide and you can still see the water that is trapped in these areas. Reporter wildwood mayor ernie troyano said about 100 people were forced to evacuate. The fact that the water came up as high as it did caught a lot of people offguard. We didnt expect these tides. Reporter the tides crested nine feet in some areas and stranding vehicles and drivers. The stores. Reporter cell phone video captured ice floes covering streets in several towns. At one point, 94,000 Power Outages were reported across the state. It was a big storm. Reporter on saturday, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie was confident in his states response. Its our 17th snow emergency in my six years as governor. So we know how to do this. Reporter but people in wildwood, like marisa rigby said more could be done. I dont know how he can possibly say that. Ive been down here about five years and never seen flooding this bad. Reporter floodwaters continue to recede across the jersey shore. We did speak to police here in barnegat this morning saying power has finally been restored to everyone in this commute. That is good news. Thank you. One week before the Iowa Caucuses, the cbs news Battleground Tracker shows donald trump in front in the the poll finds trump leading ted cruz 39 to 34 and marco rubio is the only other candidate in double digits. Our tracker finds Bernie Sanders one point ahead of Hillary Clinton in the Iowa Democratic contest. But twice as many voters say clintons policies are realistic. The former secretary of state is criticizing sanders saying she is the candidate who can get things done. Sanders calls the Clinton Campaign desperate. In iowa sunday, he highlighted his plan to lower student Loan Interest rates and make public colleges tuitionfree. Now people say, well, thats a nice idea, santa claus. What else are you having to offer . You know who is going to pay for it . By imposing a tax on wall street speculation. None of this stuff is radical. None of it is pie in the sky. The issue is not that i am being too idealistic. The reason is do we have the that is what this campaign is about. The democrats will share the stage tonight at a televised Town Hall Forum in des moines. The matchup for super bowl 50 sets the stage for an epic contest between quarterbacks Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos going to the big game for the second time in three seasons. Manning is the oldest quarterback to take a team to the super bowl. He is 39. He will face cam newton and the Carolina Panthers. This is newtons first super bowl and the second in franchise history. James brown hosted nfl today on cbs and he will host the super bowl today ahead of the big game in santa clara, california. And he joins us again from denver. So good, j. B. , such a great game yesterday. Gayle, it was. Gayle, gayle. You know i love you very much. Charlie and norah, im comfortable with their questions. Im nervous with you. Go ahead. Why do you say that . Quite a setup, mr. Brown im just going to talk to you about oh, no. Age, old man because here we have Peyton Manning who is 39 years old. There is something disconcerting that 39 is considered old. Cam newton is 26. Who hat edge here . Age or experience . Youth or experience . You know what . That is always a unique matchup and we will have to wait to see look. Cam newton is a bright and shining star. Gayle, in laymans terms, this guy is playing on such an enthusiastic juvenile, but i mean that positively, high. The rest of his team is following his lead. Because when he lost his top receiver at the top of the season, many people thought was that was the slide down for that offense. They have been anything but. Peyton manning, look. He snos the is not the Peyton Manning old in his physical talent but a cerebral talent and as long as he plays within himself, they now. People are pulling for the old guy, the old sheriff. J. B. , saints this really a offense and the denver defense . Hey, charlie. Give carolinas defense a lot of credit as well, too, because they play well. But that denver defense is not being given enough credit. They are simply amazing, charlie. Yes. Ask tom brady. They were on fire yesterday. This was the first time in tom bradys career that he completed less than half of his passes and threw multiple interceptions in a game. The broncos shut the patriots down. Can they shut down the panthers . They have the ability but, again, that carolina offense is playing lights out because of cam newton. Look. That defense of denver, they played exceedingly well but look at what new england did. They were still there in the closing seconds of the game, even though tom brady was offbalance all game long. But you got to play a full 60 minutes against them. In the stadium yesterday, didnt they think the patriots could possibly pull it out at yesterday. Which is a real tribute to the patriots because they are a dynasty in an era of designed parody in the nfl. But, yes, they had a shot. My producer drew was saying but for that missed extra point it could have been a different ball game for sure. Shows you how extra points make a difference. Isnt that always the case . Searching with the guy with the best rolla idex will know that. Im sitting here at a table with smart and attractive ladies. Im telling you, i dont blame you, my friend. Every day, i get to come here and sit between them so you sit there with your green envy, okay . Charlie, charlie . Okay. Im too dark to bless charlie so if youre seeing green, that is seeing something. Hey, charlie . Yes, sir. I told me in pasadena that you have the greatest job in america. I do. Big cheeseeating grin on your face absolutely james brown, is cam newton the best quarterback in the league, do you think, today . Hey, you know what . Tom brady has been playing at a high level forever. Cam newton is the brightest star in the league right now. To me, there is no question he is the mvp. Lets see him do it over a period of time but, right now, what a great story for this year. Well said, brother. What a great game. Love it. Thank you, james brown. What time do you want me for the preshow . What time do you want me for the preshow . Hey, whatever time chris licht allows you to come, youre welcome on our set. He is moving toward letting us come out. I heard he is opposed but i heard he is moving toward letting us come out. What we think. We are still arguing. Cbs this morning at the super bowl can a little awkwardness bring our dr. Tara narula calls it the perfect storm for a heart attack. She is here with why show shovel shoveling can be so hard on your body. That is next. Vladimir duthiers goes to russia. His report is tonight at 8 00 we could have it all because you cant beat zero heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Teeths first and drinking can make it weak. It replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel colgate enamel health. Stronger, healthy enamel. two text tones now . text tone excuse me. phone tone again . Be right back. Always running to the bathroom because your bladder is calling the shots . text tone you may have oab. Enough of this. Were going to the doctor. About myrbetriq. Thats myrbetriq, the first and only treatment. In its class for oab symptoms of urgency. Frequency, and leakage. Myrbetriq mirabegron may increase Blood Pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder, or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. If you experience. Swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. Before taking myrbetriq. Tell your doctor if you have side effects include increased Blood Pressure. Common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection. And headache. So call your doctor to see if for you. Visit myrbetriq. Com to learn more. This is joanne. Her long day as a hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. Hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. Look close, werthers is making sugar free caramels, classic hard and deliciously chewy. That are so smooth, rich and creamy you wont believe theyre sugar free. Discover werthers if youre digging out this morning from the record breaking blizzard, youre not alone. You could still face a threat to your health too. Weekends storm. 11 from shoveling snow. National study found more than 1,600 people died of heart attacks related to snow removal from 1990 to 2006. Dr. Tara knew rah la narula is here. Why is shoveling so heart . Its a combination of factors that play into it. First of all, the people that population. And known coronary Heart Disease or risk factors. What happens is a perfect storm of snow shoveling and increases your Blood Pressure and heart rate and cold temperatures restrict your blood vessels and prone to more clotting and that increases your risk. Using your arms instead of your legs, people tend to strain and can raise the Blood Pressure. And a rhythm that makes us more prone to heart attacks that is 6 00 a. M. And noon and people are getting up then and shoveling their driveways. What do you do . Wear warm clothing. Pace yourself and take breaks. Dont eat a big meal or smoke a cigarette or drink alcohol before you go out and shovel. At 6 00 a. M. . You never know, charlie. Littlebylittle. Also know im sorry. Push the snow instead of lifting it. And know what it feels like. Know what the symptoms are. So that if you start to feel chest pain and shortness of breath and sweating and nausea, you want to get to the hospital and see a doctor. Something specific about the snow shoveling . My initial reaction maybe these people were likely going to have a heart attack soon had they gotten on the treadmill and run ten minutes they were probably setting themselves up. Its hard to know. Its the combination of the cold weather and type of activity youre doing with the shoveling that tends to raise the risk. If you have someone in your family who is not in great health. And age is a factor too. Age is factor, yes. Help them out. Ask a neighbor to help you. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. We are all still shoveling. Thank you, appreciate it. Anthony weiner quit congress because of sexting. A new documentary about him could affect Hillary Clintons future. That is nokes cbs this i just want to talk to women about my decision to use poise. I ve had four kids. Little when they laugh . Uhuh, uhhuh. You see . Switching to poise helps make life easier. Roll that thing get 3 in 1 protection for dryness, comfort, and odor control. And unlike period pads, poise thin shape pads have thin flex technology. Seize your poise moment at poise. Com. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist a form new york congressman. They deny reports of Hillary Clintons campaign pressured them to make change. The movie features weiners wife who is a clinton adviser. Festival where the documentary premiered. Today im announcing my resignation from congress. Yea reporter two years after the sexting scandal cost Anthony Weiner his job, the disgraced democrat elect to return to politics with run for mayor for new york. These two were here to document it. We asked what it was like to be in a media firestorm. Reporter what a firestorm. In the midst of the Campaign Came more embarrassing selfportraits. I said other texts and photos were likely to come out and today, they have. Reporter as another weiner scandal played out in front of the national media, decreedman and steinberg were watching it unfold from the inside with weiner and his wife huma abedin. The movie showcase here at sundance festival in park city may have something to do with the fact this is Election Year and anthonys wife huma is a top reporter the documentary is all about huma. Whether people come to see it or not really depends how in tune they are to the political race and hillary and huma presence in that film. Reporter weiner said he would not attend an event because what if Hillary Clinton advises her he shouldnt good. Reporter perhaps the parallels with hillary . The parallels cant be ignored because they are staring at you in bright lights. Reporter the filmmakers say they hope the documentary shows the viewers the complex realities beyond the haems eadlines. The film is about how much our Politics Today is overwhelmed by the simple spectacle and you get to see that and we are looking forward to being a part of the conversation. Reporter weiner will be in theaters this may. For cbs news, john blackstone, park city, utah. No one thought it was this way when they started filming i feel for huma so much that its coming out now. Boy. Or at any time. Youre right, charlie, any time. Housin his work is about nothing as he is the antifashion fashion guy and i, for one, like it. Do you consider yourself a genius . Im not going to say im a genius. May i . Pretty sure im a genius. What was the seminal moment that made you the want to be a designer . The year that bugs bunny came out. I said which movie am i going to see . I got to make a decision, man which movie are you going to see, charlie rose . No question. That is the problem with the world right now, huh . That is what i did for my fortyseven benefit stiller. A clip from the upcoming movie zoolander 2. No, just a website promo. Shows he has a life outside of cbs this morning. Wow. Interviewing the designer. A play by dontari and played by saturday night live kyle mooney. The movie opens february 12th. I like how he was talking to you saying, dude . Welcome to cbs this morning. This half hour, unlocking the secrets of real estate. Zillows ceo Spencer Rascoff is in our green room and how living near a trader joes will help the sale of your home. Business gets personal. Some companies are setting up blind dates within their offices between coworkers. How the strategy can help strangers make their workplace stronger. Thats thats head. A small plane landed on a highway and later took off from the cessna was headed from West Palm Beach to key west on sunday when it had engine trouble. Three people were on board. No one was hurt. The pilot took off again by himself, letting his two friends drive back. He said he didnt want to tempt fate. Usa today reports on eight Museum Workers in egypt facing a ing king tuts mask. The beard was knocked off the mask back in 2014 and then they used epoxy glue to reattach it and led to more damage. The artifact is 344 years old. History was made for women acrossing the Pacific Ocean and landed in australia after traveling 10,000 miles he and after nine months. They began the journey in San Francisco in april and they rode twohour shifts and women only stopped on land twice during the trip and congratulations to them. Absolutely. The denver post reports on Peyton Mannings son stealing the show at the postgame show news conference. Marshall manning stuck close to his dad after the broncos won the afc championship last night. The 4yearold hid behind his dad and, at times, he stole a peek at the media. Very cute. New York Daily News reports on plans to release a long list of new david bowie music. The rock icon left a toef et rove of new songs and set to release next year and could be never heard before of his music in the 1970s. The New York Times reports on fans disappointed over the blizzard shutting down the broadway hit hamilton. 2,600 missed out saturday on two performances and some paid nearly 1,500 for tickets. They will get refunds but not make up seats. One was ready to walk in the snow from new jersey to attend others going home sad to san diego. The producers got support from one woman who said even general George Washington took time off for winter. After being stranded on a pennsylvania highway for nearly 24 hours in this weekends blizzard, the duquesne Mens Basketball Team is home this morning. Go, go, go they had to push their bus in the snow on their way back to pittsburgh. The team left fairfax, virginia, friday afternoon after a victory. The whole trip took more than 30 hours can you imagine . Head coach jim barry tells cbs this morning how the players filled the time. These are great guys. Its really like a family. These guys will goof around with each other playing video games and doing snow angles and a bus next to us from iowa with middleschooled kids so we sent a bunch of guys over there to talk to the kids and calm them down and let them know everything woo would be all right. Think cheered once the bus practice on monday. The Real Estate Market is soaring more than 5. 26 million homes sold last year and the most since 2006 and driving buyers to zillow, the largest real estate website. On average more than 142 million users a month find information on more than 110 million homes nationwide. Ceo Spencer Rascoff is the author of zillow talk rewriting the rules of real estate and offers tips on buying and selling and renting and pleased to have him back to studio 57. What is the status of the market . And will it continue . So what is happening in the market is home values are appreciating about 3 year over year this year and slow down compared to last year but very reasonable. Certain parts of the country are roaring and other parts are much slower. Its based on what is happening in the local job climate. Where is it reorganize oaring . Parts of utah and denver and where tech job growth is strong or the local economy is strong. You have a new chapter in your book. Depending on the location, you say trader joes and wholesale foods makes a difference big time. The last 17 years, home values up 17 year over year. Homes near starbucks up about 100 over that 17year period but homes near whole foods or traders foods is up more. They say they are great at picking locations. Buyers can draft behind nap the incredible research that trader joes and wholesale foods do. What did you find out the correlation between politics and homeowner . Homeowners tend to be more politically conservative. About 40 of homeowners describe them themselves as conservative. Home ownership tends to occur later in life and once people those are demographic attributes and correspond with conservatism. Millennials do still want to buy homes. I frequently see in the media that millennials wont buy homes, thats not true. Zillows research say millennials have traditional views about Home Ownership but want to do it later in life. It will happen in their 30s, not 20s. Why do i come to zillow to look for what . Look for homes for sale, homes for rent to figure out what your home is worth and zillow your home and zillow your friends home or your bosss home. To see how much their home is worth . Absolutely. A little bit of voyeurism but serious home buyers shop for homes and shop for an agent. A very important piece of information now is ratings and reviews of Real Estate Agents. You wouldnt buy something on amazon, you wouldnt buy something on trip adviser you also shouldnt hire a Real Estate Agent woit ithout reading over reviews of agents on zillow. Com. Here is a question. I was raised in a home its quiet. Where charlie is now. I was raised in a house saying you should always own, save your money, save your money, dont rent. Have you a whole chapter saying owning isnt for everybody. Its more complex than our parents ever told us. Buying is not for everyone. Because . It depends how long youre going to be in the home. If i told you youre only in a home six months you would know you should rent and a home in 50 years you know you should buy. A crossover point you should no longer want to rents and you should buy. Nationwide that is two years if youre in a home two or more years you should buy. Big regional differences. In new york the crossover point is five years. In san diego, los angeles, San Francisco, its about three to five years. But in detroit, its less than a year. You really ought to buy because home values are so much cheaper. Story over the weekend with mansions selling for dramatically reduced prices. Home values in certain parts of the country including detroit have gotten what is great about your book it has little nuggets in it which is probably what youre getting to. Thank you. I love the nuggets. When is best time to list your house if you want to sell it . Selling a home is like going to a party. Dont show up too early when no one is there and not too late when everyone is gone. The best time to list your home is late march. Now if youre in a warmer part of the country like the southeast, its a little bit earlier so early to mid march. In a colder part of the country like the northeast, you want to wait until april to list. The weather. Its weatherrelated but also once the listings come online and buyers are in the market then you want to list. It has been changed. Zillow and other sites show how long something has been on the on market you dont not yet. Unfortunately, not yet. Just in the u. S. For now. You say after march madness . Correct. The best time to list. The paperback edition of zillow talk rewriting the rules of row eal estate goes on sale tomorrow. Here in toronto on, coworkers behind me are being set up on blind dates and their boss says its good for business. That story what would you do, if you could choose your ultimate adventure . Explore the ocean with a tour guide thats a ton of fun. Race like a cheetah at 60 miles per hour. Or fly down a waterslide. With choose your adventure, you can explore four parks for less. Enjoy any two parks for just 99, then add an additional park or visit for only 10 more. More visits. More savings. At healthcare. Gov i found affordable, quality coverage. Man checkups, emergency services, prescriptions. My insurance covers everything for my family. Narrator most people who enroll through healthcare. Gov qualify for financial help and avoid paying a fee of 695 or more. This is your last chance to enroll. Someone helped me find a high quality plan and financial help narrator sign up at healthcare. Gov. Here is a question. Would you go on a blind date maybe. A study showed employees relationship with coworkers makes them feel connected to their job. One company is taking advantage of that to make some employees happier and more productive. Demarco morgan shows us Office States that are strictly reporter interoffice state isnt something most Companies Company setting up its employees. Reporter here at freshbook a torontobased accounting firm, Workplace Satisfaction has been with a growing work force of over 250, these fresh bookers emphasize creative thinking. They bring their pets to work. Stand, instead of sit. And now go on blind dates with their coworkers. Hey, marcus i like to meet everyone that shows up and, as a company grew, i noticed that more and more people didnt know each others names any more so i thought that was crazy because i love this, like, tightknit community and wanted to keep that up. Blind date in the workplace this was your idea . Yeah. I thought of it months ago. Reporter manager mary grace antonio launched a program last summer. A lot of talking and a lot of communication going on. Sometimes its not with everybody. And that is what kind of is trying to get people who would never really work with this kind of team so just meet. Reporter and its strictly workrelated and not personal no, not at all. Its get to notice people. Reporter so antonio began playing matchmaker first by asking volunteers who were then grouped together and sent on lunch or coffee dates. There is people from all different departments that sign up. Everyone from, like, people who just start and even executives sign up for these blind dates and i try to mix and match people who wouldnt usually be working together. Level executives could be matched with newly hired college graduates. The company ceo Mike Mcdermott says its a work culture centered around fun and innovation. We believe culture is strategy, right . Having people connect with folks they dont necessarily work with helps to connect the ties to keep the Foundation Strong and ideas and information flowing. Reporter tell us about the cool stories youre getting from these blind dates. Two went on a blind date and they are both in charge of hiring people so they ended up discussing a lot of different reporter during our visit, a finance manager named marcus was paired up with shannon a newly hired copyrighter and both sitting at opposite sides of the concept office. It might look like a real blind date but the people we spoke with said its all business. Got about 12. Oh, wow. Reporter at the end of their date, we checked in to see how it went. Guys, i got to check on you. How is it going so far . What do you think . Be honest. It wasnt as awkward as i expected and that is awesome. I think is really did hold my initial idea it would encompass all of our Company Values and i think that held true. Reporter antonio said that despite those first date jitters, the program has been a win win for everyone involved. Actually, the first round we sent out a survey to see how many people liked it a 100 of people who joined said they liked it. Reporter any negatives . Sometimes they felt awkward but other than that. Reporter like a real date . Like a real first date, yeah. Reporter the blind date the ceos tell us he is ready to throw himself into the dating pool and give one or two lucky employees a blind date with their boss. That would be awkward very awkward. Awkward on the face of it, though, i think its a good idea. I just met somebody recently at cbs and said how long have you been here . They said, four months. You go, welcome. Its good to know. I think that on that for that alone i think is a good idea. Especially when you work with a lot of people. We work with thousands of people. Yes. Sometimes we never get a chance to meet them. This is in the same forum as people with open offices and people see each other and not going on elevators and stuff like that . Exactly. Get to know your coworkers in a new and exciting way. They are not encouraging romance. It would be awkward. But if it happens, its all good, all good. Friends to benefit. Demarco, thank you. Turning the blizzard into a blast on social media. We will look at the most amazing snowmen. That is next on cbs this pepper discovers a wholesome breakfast with jimmy dean delights, made with real egg whites, lean cut meats, and whole grains. An excellent source of protein, its a delicious way to fuel up on energy to help power through her morning run. Which motivates these bikers to pedal faster, and inspires ted to land that frontside ollie. Which delights everyone, including peppers twins with jimmy dean delights, good mornings oh, look at this video of a giant panda loving the snow at the national zoo in washington he is among the top social media moments of the blizzard of 2016 facebook. Aw do it look at these horses in upstate new york have synchronized snow angels down cold. All right. In philadelphia, Kristen Donovan vowed in sickness or in health or in saturdays blizzard she was ready to get married. We are ready for some fun. And some i were diving into the water. And this snowboarder went he cruised through times square. I thought that looked really cool. Charlie you were out there with

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