Democrats are deciding in three states louisiana, kansas, and nebraska, with 109 delegation up for grabs. Julianna goldman has the latest from our washington bureau. Juliana. Reporter jim, tonight, is all about bragging rights. Donald trump and donnell hill are looking to build on their leads and momentum from super tuesday. Rivals are hoping for wins to prove that they have staying power. And cruzs victory in kansas means he can keep make the case that hes got the best shot at beating trump. Is having a light weight like a marco rubio, who is terrible. Reporter republican frontrunner donald trump rallied caucusgoers in kansas and later in florida. The republicans are eating their own. Theyve got to be very careful. Reporter he predicted big wins tonight, stepping up his digs at marco rubio and the Establishment Republicans frantically trying to stop him. The way we beat donnell hill in november is we tell the truth with a smile. Reporter the winner in kansas was ted cruz who stumped now with five wins, more than any other republican rival has over trump, cruz has been arguing hes the only one who can beat the billionaire businessman. We have been able to win over and over and over again from the grass roots. This process doesnt need to be mean. It doesnt need to be nasty. Rally. This is the american conservative union, and so its usually reserved for conservatives. cheers and applause . Reporter but with his fate resting on winning his home state on march 15, the florida senator headed straight to jacksonville. The eyes of the nation are upon this great state. I know how to tackle these problems. Reporter while Governor John Kasich was in michigan, ahead of tuesdays primary there. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were also looking past tonights contests. When i heard about flint, i was just sick. Reporter with a debate sunday in flint, michigan, with a small group of African American pastors. She talks in vague terms. Reporter in ohio, sanders hit clinton on her plan for social security, but he saved his sharpest attacks for the g. O. P. I mean, what we are seeing in the republican president ial process is like a is sixth grade food fight that you see in a cafeteria. Reporter tonight, will also be the first chance to see if the republican establishment stopped trump efforts have had any impact. Jim, theres no rest for the weary this weekend. There are more contests on sunday. Democrats and republicans hold primaries in puerto rico, while democrats caucus in maine. Axelrod juliana, thank you. Despite all the nasty fire exchanged between donald trump and his rivals this week, at some point all of this will boil down to the numbers. And as Major Garrett shows us, mr. Trump is drawing record numbers. The biggest story in all of politics is whats happening to the Republican Party, and im reporter with more victories in primaries and caucuses than his rivals and a sizable delegate lead over ted cruz, donald trump says he alone is driving the Republican Party to new heights of turnout and enthusiasm. Its a movement, folks. Its a movement. Reporter we put that question to Republican Party chairman reince priebus. Donald trump says hes good for the party, hes remaking it and enlarging it. Do you agree . I think in some cases all of our candidates are good for the party. And you know what . Look at the record turnout. Reporter what do you attribute that to . I i i attribute it to, in part, donald trump, but i also attribute it to campaigns that are very serious. And its also the interest in the Republican Party. Reporter the numbers back him up. Through the same 13 contests in 2012, voters have cast about 1 million more battles for trump than 2012 republican nominee mitt romney. Trump and his bombast may also be driving turnout another way against him. Cruz and marco rubio trail trump totals compare favorably with romneys. Cruz has won slightly fewer votes than romney, while rubios vote total is more than 100,000 ahead. Romney, meanwhile, this week called trump a menace to the party and a threat to democracy. Hes playing the members of the American Public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the white house, and all we get is a lousy hat. Reporter carl bus participated in todays kansas caucuses. Theyre saying the Republican Party is not unified. Yes, it is. Look how many votes in primaries have been so far that are republicans we never had before. Im standing in this line for the first time because of donald trump. Reporter historically, the republican primary vote is about 90 white, and that trend continues. Now, jim, while trump support tends to skew towards voters without college degrees, he also picks up solid backing among the college educated, men, women, conservatives and independents. Axelrod so, major, all these new Republican Voters that youre reporting on, how are they likely to play as a factor reporter here are some numbers to consider. White voters made up 72 of the electorate in 2012, and president obama lost the white vote by a larger margin than any winning candidate in american history. Trump, cruz, and rubio are attracting more voters, most of them white. Now, agenda voters always increases the chances of victory. But trumps campaign, should he become the nominee, could also increase minority turnout for democrats, thereby erasing republican gains. And then, jim, there is the question of g. O. P. Unity behind a trumpled ticket, and that is clearly unanswered. Axelrod Major Garrett reporting for us tonight from washington. Major, thank you very much. Reporter sure. Mason stay with cbs for continuing campaign 2016 coverage. Hillary clinton, donald trump and ted cruz are among john dickersons guests tomorrow morning on face the nation. No voting on the west coast today, which is a good thing since it is a great day to stay indoors. Lets bring in ktvt meteorologist jeff jamison. Jeff, a wet weekend in the all week its going to be wet in california, jim. Were going to see waves of rain day after day, all the way through the end of this upcoming week, a very active el nino pattern thats really been affecting Northern California this season more so than southern california. This one no different. This week we could see seven to 10 inches of rain, especially north of san francisco. That could lead, of course, to some mudslides, certainly some flooding, strong winds on and off all week, and there will be travel delays in Northern California this week as well. And the higher elevations, two to three feet of snow up in the mountains. Axelrod i guess if you have to choose, you would pick the east coast for the weather coming up. Its going to be a very warm east this week. In fact, spring fever is going to set in with the jet stream way up to the north. Were going to see temperatures 1525 degrees above normal for this time of year. New york city may hit 70 on wednesday. Upper 70s to near 80 in washington, d. C. Week, charlotte in the upper 70s to near 80. Axelrod no complaints here. Jeff jamison, thank you. The weather is creating some trouble in anchorage, alaska awell where they had to shorten the firing leg of the annual iditarod sled dog race. As carter evans reports for the second year in a row it is too warm and not nearly snowy enough. This is a rookie race for her. Reporter the ceremonial start iditarod is everything youd expect from a sled dog race. Except the snow on the ground didnt come from the sky above anchorage. It came on a train from further nor. Tim sullivan is with the alaska railroad. Weve had some snowfall, but the weathers been warm and it keeps melting it away. Reporter so far this season, anchorage has only received about half of its average snowfall. As of friday, just 29 inches had fallen. 61 inches is normal. And the citys been storing what it plowed from local streets for the iditarod according to race theyve been harvesting every flake of snow since november and hiding it for us to make this happen. Reporter but it still wasnt enough. The 350 cubic yards of backup snow will only cover three miles of the anchorage track instead of the usual 11 miles. We didnt want to shorten the race. But our only other option left was to take it away from the city of anchorage and thats not what we wanted. We wanted the spectacle here. For our fans here. Reporter it happened last year as well, when there was even less snow, and it may be a trend. Over the last 60 years, winter temperatures in alaska have risen by six degrees, a rate twice as fast as the rest of the country. And while less snow may be a good thing in other places, here in anchorage, where the iditarod is the biggest tourist event of the year, theres no business like snow business. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. Axelrod across the country today, High School Students put on a brand new version of the s. A. T. As Demarco Morgan reports, the idea was to make it more fair for minorities and students who cant afford Test Preparation courses. Reporter nouri hassan of new jersey is among the first of High School Students taking the new s. A. T. It was a little more easier to understand than the old s. A. T. And the math, there was definitely a lot more data, a lot more tables. Reporter the new test is aimed at reflecting more of what students are learning inside the classroom with the hopes of creating a level Playing Field for student who cant afford tutor. Among the changes it has fewer questions than the current test. It eliminates Vocabulary Words students rarely use. Theres no penalty for guessing answers. And thest and the essay portion is optional. Why the change now . Ground to a. C. T. Over the last few years. The s. A. T. Is the secondmost popular Admission Test for College Students behind the a. C. T. So a lot of changes have been made perhaps to catch up to the a. C. T. Reporter hasan told us she prefers the older version. Bob schaeffer with fair test, an organization critical of standardized tests, says students taking the new s. A. T. Are taking a gamble. We heard that all over from high school counselors, from test prep company. Nobody wants to buy a product the first day its out on the market because they dont know what could go wrong with it. Reporter the old s. A. T. Students would receive their scores within four weeks. Jim, with the new test, it could take 68 weeks because score reports are more complex. Axelrod marg, thank you. The latest flash point in europes migrant crisis, a refugee camp in greece near the border with macedonia, with thousands of people escaping wars in the middle east have hit Jonathan Vigliotti reports from our london bureau. Reporter they come to greece with their sights set on europe, but today, tens of thousands of migrants, many fleeing wartorn syria, are penned in like animals. They live in squalor, sheltered by flimsy tents that line the muddy border with macedonia. The neighboring country was the gateway to europe until last month when macedonian officials drastically cut the number of migrants that could pass through their border. Migrants, many of them children, are stuck in a choke point. They cant get out and aide cant get in. Save our children reporter desperation has fueled protests. Everyone gets sick. Anyone. Reporter the filthy conditions have been a breeding ground for illness, says jen borders. Treating common colds, throat infections, fever, gastrointestinal problems, sickness and diarrhea. Reporter at least 2,000 migrants arrive on the coast here every single day. Cashstrapped greece is stg for 700 million in humanitarian aid to help it cope with the crisis. Jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, london. Axelrod up next, why did the captain of yales Basketball Team suddenly leave the school . The campus controversy when the cbs evening news continues. My goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what s within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what it s supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With diet and exercise. 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An equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score. Lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and etrade, you realize the smartest investing idea isnt just what you invest in, but who you invest with. Axelrod if Yale Universitys Basketball Team beats columbia tonight they will earn their firgt berth in the n. C. A. A. Tournament since j. F. K. Was the president. But the team is playing without their captain who withdrew from school last month amid controversy. Heres kenneth craig. Reporter yale bulldog senior guard Jack Montague withdrew from the school on february 10. Two weeks later, the Schools Press release saying he would not be returning, citing federal privacy laws and school policy, a yale spokesperson would not say why montague left despite campus rumors of a Sexual Assault accusation. In a new Haven Register article this week, the players father, jim montague, said his son was expelled. He called it ridiculous and said he has strict orders from his lawyers not to talk. Montagues teammates are also standing behind their captain, wearing tshirts with montagues nickname at a recent game. That move sparked outrage on campus and posters demanding the Basketball Team stop supporting a rapist. New haven police say they have no cases involving montague and no victim has come forward. We tried to reach montague and his family but did not get a response. The player has not spoken publicly since he left the university. Montague with a steal reporter in an interview last may with yale all access, montague said he embraced being a team leader. Past year, and, you know, nothing too out of hand. Reporter while yales administration is being tightlipped, yales Womens Center is not. In a lengthy facebook post, they wrote, Sexual Violence is a problem in every Campus Community and yales actions speak much louder than its words. A yale dean also sent out an email to students today. Jim, he says he is committed to providing a safe campus. Axelrod kenneth craig, thank you. Up next, we were Author Pat Conroy, whose bestselling books inspired memorable movies. What about my family . My lil buddy . And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. Then my doctor told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Pnot only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, significantly less major bleeding v than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Pdont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Peliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Pdont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Pif you had a spinal injection while on eliquis pcall your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. 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And 25 less saturated fat. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. What super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. My Opioid Pain Medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. Thats opioidinduced constipation, oic, a different type of constipation. Im really struggling paint a different picture. Talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. Axelrod the Author Pat Conroy has died. In a writing career that spanned more than four decades, conroy turned the painave troubled childhood into a string of bestsellers. Pat conroy often wrote about flawed and wounded people, most notably himself. His tortured relationship with his abusive marine pilot father inspired the 1976 novel the great santini. Come on, mommas boy. Lets see you cry. Axelrod . Axelrod Robert Duvall earned an oscar nomination for it made conroy an alifter, but the movies they were turned into, like the lords of discipline, drawing from conroys years at the citadel, and the the prince of tides. It took a woman i hardly knew to help me face my past. Axelrod with nick nolte widened and deepened conroys reputation. Last month, pat conroy told facebook fans that he was battling pancreatic cancer and ready fair fight. But in a statement friday night, his wife, the novelist Cassandra King conroy said, the water is wide, and he has now passed over. Pat conroy fell deeply in love with South Carolina over the course of lives. It was there, in beaufort, he died at the age of 70. Another loss has shaken the world of country music. Cheater, cheater,ed where you meet her reporter joey feek, who is and rory, known fir their harmony and public strength after joey was diagnosed with stage four Cervical Cancer after giving birth to her only child. Joey feek was 40 years old. Still ahead, one of the most arid places on earth invaded by wildfire. More fiber. Flax seeds. Yogurt. Get moving. Keep moving. I know try laxatives. Been there, done that. My chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know. Tell me something i dont know. Vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. R do not give linzess to children under six p and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. It may harm them. Rdont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. Sometimes severe. Stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. 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How about front row seats to the best show in town . And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Axelrod we close tonight in a place where usually next to nothing grows but is now in full bloom. Springing to life in death valley. Reporter it is one of the hottest, driest, most unforgiving places on earth, but water has made death valley come alive. Its a huge number of plant here, gravel ghost, phacelia, rock daisy, pin cushion, browneyed evening primrose down in there. Reporter abby wines has been a ranger at Death Valley National park for 11 years. Its been that long since wild flowers loomed like this. Its amazing to me that anything lives here and then to have this display of beauty all at once is a experience. Reporter death valley normally gets less than two inches of rainfall each year, but in october, three and a half inches fell in just five hours, wiping out roads, heavily damaging buildings at scotties castles, one of the parks bestknown landmarks. Nature destroyed. Then nature gave back. Flowers began springing up in they blanketed entire fields, turning this brown desert into a sea of yellow and purple and white. The reason i like the gravel ghost so much is this stalk is so slender and its rock colored so it blends in so they look like spirits, or like spots of light floating in the air. Reporter more than a dozen varies of wild flowers are now painting the park, but the biggest show is the desert gold poppy. Youve come out here and looked at this. What do you think . Im so lucky to get to work here. Its a beautiful, magical place. Reporter even in the heat. I dont know if im lucky when its 129 degrees at the end of july, but ill take that for the rest of year. Reporter the reward is worth it. Yes. Reporter it was a reward seldom seen during the states relentless drought, but thanks to el nino, for a few brief returns, this harsh desert is a paradise in full bloom. John blackstone, cbs news, death valley, california. Axelrod and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Later on cbs 48 hours. Our campaign 2016 coverage continues right now on our Digital Network cbsn, and cbsnews. Com. Im jim axelrod in new york. For all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us. And good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh announcer the following program is sponsored by operation smile. Every three minutes, a child is born with cleft lip or cleft palate. In many countries, they cant interpreter people say he was born like a monster. We have prayed for this moment to happen. Hes gorgeous, precious very precious. No one is going to recognize him at home. Interpreter shes ashamed because people laugh at her. Interpreter when she cries like this, it hurts me in my heart. Interpreter im very happy to see her so beautifully fixed. Interpreter we will celebrate as if we had a newborn baby. Interpreter when they make fun of him, i feel so bad. This is my son. I am so happy because he is now okay. My sons lip is fixed. Imagine if your child were born with a cleft lip or cleft palate and you were too poor to afford the surgery to repair it. Youd feel helpless, left to

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