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I there some mid rescue efforts in the Bahamas where more than 40 bodies have been recovered it stands at 43 now by police are still combing through the wreckage in the northern Bahamas so that that call is likely to rise Fox's Steve Harrigan in Nassau candid conversation about the 2020 Alexion between FOX's Chris Wallace and former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford who just announced on Fox News Sunday a primary challenge to President Trump you got to know you basically have no chance of winning the Republican nomination So why run for president I think you probably would have said that same thing to Donal Trump just a matter of months ago if he faced the likes of Jeb Bush and others Sanford is not the only Republican to launch a long shot dead former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh is running America's listening to Fox News. Your News Channel 7 forecast by 945 w.f.l.a. Nothing but dry and hot conditions store for the end of your weekend and that's a trend that's going to continue throughout the week as well for today eyes of $97.00 further inland some areas could see highs in the triple digits with only around a 20 percent chance of rain and that falls going into the rest of the week highs in the mid to upper ninety's through next Saturday and not a lot of rain Nicholas off to your weather any time anywhere download the new w j a.g.u. Weather app today I'm meteorologist brace Jarvis for your local weather authorities this report is sponsored by Compassion International it's easier to change the a. A new report is out and it sounds the alarm of brain reading technology and neuro capitalism. This will be he thinks this is not fiction. This is actually being worked on it will it should chill you to the bone but don't let it because the good news is it's being developed and all under control it's being developed. By Mark Zuckerberg So what could possibly go wrong. This amazing technology story in one minute. Ok. There was a report that was leaked released and I think it's one that we should talk about. It is it outlined how in the era of neuro capitalism your brain needs new human rights now following the recent revelations that law in mosques neural link is developing technology to be able to link your mind to the Internet it goes both ways you're going to be able to access with your mind the internet but the Internet will also be able to access you. Now. This is when everybody's favorite good guy comes in Mark Zuckerberg he his company is now funding research on what's called b. C I brain computer interfaces that can pick up thoughts directly from your neurons and translate them into words researchers say they have already built an algorithm that to can decode words from brain activity in real time so in other words you're thinking hey I need to google what this word is or whatever you're thinking this algorithm can hear your thoughts and turn them into words and actions. Elon Musk's company has what's called flexible threads that can be implanted into the brain and could allow you to control your smartphone your computer with just your thoughts Musk wants to start testing in humans by the end of 2020 now. Maybe perhaps just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do something now there is absolutely no way to stop technology it's just not going to happen. Well I mean unless your god. Tell you real quick theory I don't know if I've said this before on the air I think I have but I'd ask you to ponder it you know when when God stopped the Tower of Babel from being built it was the merciful God and how did he stop it from being built he confused their language. Because if they could do this courting of the Bible if they could do this they could do anything and God knew that that would not work out well so he confused their language and they scattered . Well what is our language our language is not English or Chinese Our language is ones and zeroes confusing our language would stop us from destroying the human race because I do think this is a real possibility I want to talk to you about what happened Ilan mosque and Jack Ma got into kind of a a little bit of a spat or an argument they were doing a they were doing a. Conference together and one of them really believes that Ai is dangerous and Jack Ma It just seems to me to be out on planet and he just doesn't see any risk to it at all but you tell me considering that these 2 companies and others are advancing and have ambitions The report warns that your brain is the final privacy front tier and it may not be private much longer he laid out how existing laws are not equipped to handle these emerging technologies that could interfere with the rights that are so basic We may not even think of them as human rights like our ability determine where our selves and and machines begin. So a researcher at e.t.h. In Zurich who published the paper. Detailing for human rights for the neuro technology age that he believes need to be protected by law. The researcher said I'm very concerned about the commercialization of brain data in the consumer market well so my but I'm also concerned about governments having the same thing he said I'm not talking about a far fetched future we already have consumer neuro tech with people trading their brain data for services from private companies he said he pointed to video games that use brain activity in wearable devices that monitor human activity such as sleep I'm tempted to call this neuro capitalism so here's what he said that we have to talk about right now and I don't think you could get anybody in Washington to listen to this maybe a few Massey probably would listen to this but he said we need for new rights one the right to cognitive liberty you should have the right to freely decide if you want to use given neuro technology or refuse it the right to mental privacy you have a right to seclude your brain data or to publicly share it I just want you to think about this we're talking about the only thing that you. Really own that are really yours are your thoughts this newbie. Which is being developed Musk and is UK or Berg and others around the world will read your mind. 3rd right the right to mental integrity you should have the right not to be harmed physically or psychologically by Noro technology and the right to psychological can continuity you should have the right to be protected from any alterations to yourself of self. That you did not authorize Now here's the thing this is what they're saying brain data is the ultimate refuge of privacy when that goes everything goes and once brain data is collected on a large scale it will be very hard to reverse the process the scariest thing you'll read all day is this report so how long says the researcher will it be until this is co-opted for national security purposes according to the interview Samuel noted that Defense Department advanced research agency that's DARPA is already working on neuro technologies that could be used on soldiers he said there's already a military funded research to see if we can monitor decreases in attention levels and concentration with a hybrid b.c. Eyes that can read deficits in attention levels and then rewrite the brain to increase alertness through Neuromodulation these are DARPA funded projects that attempt to do so Wow And we're still arguing things like what that you're born as a man and now you can choose to be a zebra and we all have to I mean look at what we're headed towards don't you think we should stop and talk about this there's no need for torture anymore they'll literally be able to read your mind there's no need for indoctrination camps all that all the china has to do is just implant people with this technology and they can rewrite their brain to be what a Stepford why. Don't you think at times we're talking about the wrong things you remember what I told you about deep fakes. Ok so we saw a deep fake couple of weeks ago with. With who is the comedian on Letterman. And Bill Hader Yeah Bill Hader and he was doing a person Asians of of Tom Cruise and his face just turns into Tom Cruise and you don't see it as a deep fake you see it is like wow did he get his face just changed it looks like he he's like got a rubber face and he can make his face look like Tom Cruise you cannot tell where the real video ends and the and the deep fake begins it is absolutely Dunning Now to me that's at a position now to where I can't trust my eyes if you can do that I'm not going to be able to trust my eyes Here's the latest I've told you that the real problem is going to be the human voice for some reason the voice is much harder to to fake then the visual I don't know why but they've got the visual down but we thought we were a ways away from the voice the 1st a I deep fake crime has just been committed and this time not in space and it's a big crime. Did you know that the police t.v. Has a ton of programs you can watch on demand at The Blaze dot com slash 2 big you can watch every episode of for the record and watch exclusive documentaries one of those buildings the drug sports committee of states see action packed shooting competition it's not it left the comedies like the wonderful world of steel these conservatives need to learn what their dog it about learning with family friendly shows like Liberty Tree House yet the declaration that cause attention is the birthplace of America and brush up on your survival skills by watching Independence USA Everyone else is out there running around trying to figure out how to survive we're going to be ready for binge watch Glenn Hello America and welcome to the Glenn Beck program you can on demand at The Blaze dot com slash to be become a subscriber to the place to be today. Do you suffer from foam Oh. 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Get Glen's latest insights top stories and more delivered streets here in a box don't limp through another debilitating day with Subscribe now at Glenn Beck dot com. 40 minutes is all you'll have our world can be a scary place that's how long it would take a nuclear missile to travel from North Korea to New York City with every day comes more confusion everything right now is upside down everything is even chaos more uncertainty we're at a crossroads things are changing you feel like no one is listening people really feel invisible and you have no idea who to believe true what I say everything that Or at least meet his invention my pillow so many Americans have helped Mike build my pillow into an incredible company that he wants to give back to you if you've purchased before or if you're just getting on the my pillow bandwagon now great discounts on all my pillow products if you go to my pillow dot com and click on new radio listener specials their body pillow is usually about 90 bucks but with the promo code back it's only 2999 remember all my pillow products come with a 60 day money back guarantee and a 10 year warranty and if your preorder a copy of Michael indels new book your entire order will ship for free so go to my pillow dot com and click on new radio listener specials to get deep discounts on my pillow products in. 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Dot org to download your free exercise nutrition guide for living well beyond cancer . For some people difficult transitions like retirement divorce or loss of a loved 1 May contribute to feelings of hopelessness or even thoughts of suicide the risk of suicide is even higher for many for 50 served our country guys like me support from friends and family make such a big difference every day our actions could help save a life more of how you can help Veterans Crisis Line dot net If you don't get it. On Fox News Radio. Back so law enforcement authorities Ai experts this program has been warning you of deep fakes for a long time and we've been warning you that it's going to be used for nefarious purposes 1st I mean really porn is real. Why the Internet would develop so fast because that's where the demand was and it's going to be used by really bad people at 1st especially since things are moving so fast the laws around the world just cannot keep up with it so law enforcement authorities and Ai experts have been called in because a c.e.o. Of a United Kingdom base energy firm thought he was on the phone with his boss the boss is the chief executive of the firm's Durant German parent company and so he called up and he said Ja Han's it's Fritz I've done should send funds all right to our hung gallery and supplier and they're like. Ok Ok Listen it's urgent I just need you to pay within the hour How's your wife good good how's everything good so do you have it you have everything you need yeah and I need this right away send it right away Ok hangs up the guy is convinced he has just talked to his boss he had the right tone the right inflection he said the right things he had the same kind of you know vocal tics he was convinced that's who it was so he took $250000.00 and he transferred it over to this Hungary and fun then. A couple of hours later the guy gets another phone call and he said look you just transferred 243000 but it didn't come through I need you to do it again so please send this again. On the he didn't do it right away the 3rd call came in and he said hey can you haven't sent it yet. The guy got suspicious because he had verification that it did go through and when he said it didn't go through he was like well something's not right here didn't say it started looking into it the furred call happened to come from another number in Austria and he knew that the c.e.o. Was not in Austria and so he didn't send any more money but he lost a quarter of a $1000000.00 Now the thing is they don't know how this guy did it they don't know who this person is it was all using bots and it transferred the money right from the Hungary an account it went in and this Ai system broke it all up send it to a bunch of different banks I think in Mexico. And they don't know how to find them and they say right now it's a dead case we have no idea who this was or how they did this we're entering a new world I don't know if you saw this if you're a geek you did. Quantum mechanics is this amazing thing. And they have what is it super. Super in position a super carrying member but it what it means is when a quantum computer thinks it doesn't think as yes or no it thinks of both so it's it's always it's always both of everything. And it causes the computer to work super super fast Well they found a new quantum time. They now say that computers are going to be able to go forward in time it has something to do with. The theory of relativity. And I'm not bright enough to figure all this out but they're saying that the computer now can go forward in time and do something forward in time so it is beyond instantaneous they're just starting to test this now but make no mistakes we should stop talking about the stupid little things and start looking at what's coming right around the corner. You're listening to Len That is the Rush Limbaugh show that's me now heard weekdays at 11 you're on Fox News Radio $9045.00 w.f.l.a. Depend on. 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News I'm Karen McHugh a suicide bombing by the Taliban that killed an American pushes President Trump to cancel a secret meeting with Taliban leaders a Camp David it happened just 2 days before leaders were set to discuss removing 5000 u.s. Troops from the country President Trump tweeting Saturday night i.e. Mediately canceled the meeting and called off peace negotiations what kind of people would kill so many in order to seemingly strengthen their bargaining position boxes David sponge in a statement the Taliban responded by saying the u.s. Will suffer more than anyone else for canceling the talks former South Carolina g.o.p. Governor and Congressman Mark Sanford says he'll challenge President Trump for the 2020 nomination Sanford says as president he won't govern via Twitter at the end of the day a tweet is interesting maybe newsworthy but it's not leadership Sanford made his announcement on Fox News Sunday America is listening to Fox News. Your News Channel 7 forecast by 945 w.f.l.a. Nothing but dry and hot conditions in store for the end of your week and that's a trend that's going to continue throughout the week as well 1st day eyes of $97.00 for their end when some areas could see highs in the triple digits with only around a 20 percent chance of rain that falls going in for the rest of the week in the mid to upper ninety's through the next saturday and not a lot of rain and cooler weather any time anywhere download the new Got you j h g weather and today I'm meteorologist Garbus your local weather authority Copus we make the finest handcraft of western boots from the highest quality materials sold only direct to you for a fair price we did all this so you can have booths so what's the deal didn't know you'd be comfortable in the don't like being tall or do you hate your feet well there ever do to you well we'll help you all work it out Oh. When your mind because the West is no fun your fair at Jacobus dot com s.t.c. Oh vs doc. Our 21900 Radio Music Festival is getting closer and the I heard radio address something you can't get anywhere else you'll join us in Vegas to experience the festival wait for it you get to meet any and as many of the festival artists as you choose Cage The Elephant Def Leppard card and any others you are so easy to enter when the free are heard radio epitaph play on the i Heart Radio Music Festival station that's it on ard radio your music your stations and number one for pod cast radio. I'm a firefighter a teacher I'm a farmer I'm a barber a waitress a mom at Pioneer community every day we move in and out of each other's busy lives a point one miles getting pulled over for bus driving could cost you around $10000.00 in fines legal fees and cr. Sure it's rates Nothing kills a buzz like getting pulled over for bus driving because bus driving is drunk driving by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council station that you're getting Joy Fox Fox News Radio 945 w.f.l.a. All me most of the. Other. Back Welcome to the program glad you're here if you are not a subscriber to The Blaze yet you need to be you need to be a subscriber to the blaze at Blaze t.v. Dot com I was on with Dave Ruben on the Ruben report and he announced at the very end that he is joining the blaze still he'll still have the ruin report you know as if you're a subscriber of his You'll still get at the same way etc etc But you'll also be able to get it at The Blaze and you'll have I think it's a 24 hour advance to his shows and so we're thrilled to have Dave Reuben join us it is really. Because we're quite concerned about losing our voices and we all need to stand together we all need to be strong as individuals but also stand together. And one of the people that we talked about was Bridget fed a c. Who is it's not high bridge I think you're it you you live here I don't know how do you live here I never leave my hat I think yeah I mean it's crazy here yeah it is. You know I feel though that more and more people because more people are kind of pushing back against a lot of that extreme insanity so I found an underground supports a sound but it is the finale underground I mean it is underground it is underground but I will tell you I feel sense a change here I had lunch with Jason Blumberg from from Bluhm house if you don't know is he did get out. He did whiplash all I mean he's won Oscars lots of lots of accolades he is a disrupter of the movie industry right and he's very very left Ok I should say he's very liberal writes very liberal he cannot. Take the political correctness of who you can talk to and who you can talk to yeah no I can't do this go by association Yeah and I think there is a real change to where people who don't necessarily agree with me are you know he said we went to lunch and he said Can I get a picture with you and I said you want to picture with me yeah I want to post it and I said you're going to get hell for that and he did when I saw his post every But he just hated him just hated him for it and what's crazy is I posted it myself and I didn't get the hate not for him my side was like great I think this is great it's not you know it's I mean I was laughing because I posted that they are my posts that are podcast you were I guess time and I posted it on my face. And it was and then I got blown down on they said we're black you missed because it violates community standards how do you stand there and press I've had to listen to your pod cast you will talk about anything you know they're not right and I didn't talk about anything I mean I was so I was like the most my. Heart of all of mine is the difference between like I don't know Bob Hope and de Chappelle you know it was pretty mild Yeah and I'm the one that gets you in trouble well it's just funny because. Yeah I was saying that I guarantee it was just somebody who is friends with me or follows me and face back and they were like I don't feel safer employed by com but they didn't even listen so and so then I started like a war on Facebook because what happened was people having And this is why I think sharing the risk is important and I think it's important that people like your friend you take a picture are peace. Like me who are like I'm not playing this game we keep doing that because I don't realize the effect that I have had on people just by observing so once I got blacked and I was like I'm done with this site I hate it I I don't like Facebook anyway I feel like a nursing home. So slow Mike and I don't. Feel like did you hear this on My Kad 2 weeks ago. And I don't really use it that often so the algorithm doesn't really like me you know you have you have to feed the algorithm and then yesterday because there's all this action suddenly everyone saw that I had posted those posts about having it taken down now I understand more being a. New writer whatever day of calls or whatever space Amen why there's so much. Why there is that feeling of what media bias Well that's that is you have reason to believe that these things are true and it might enforce partially by. Beds in force obviously by Facebook and Twitter but if they're given that kind of you know ability to do that with somebody just being able to report that because it doesn't it doesn't make them feel safe yeah and they don't even tell me what standards I haven't had and there's no there was no way for me to even contest that so at least Twitter gives you the ability to kind of make an appeal have a take something down so just go to just go to wherever you get your podcast and look for Brigitte fed to seize walk ins welcome and it's the episode with me and tell me that we violated listen to some of our other guests listen and then next hour. Told me that I was the one that was violating community stand wanna read what somebody said because the comment was unbelievable and I'll find in a minute but this guy so I started this war because people who have been observing me they came to my defense people that I didn't expect to come to my defense they were like somebody said that you were all right they said we need to block the all right might be all right aids and back if you knew anything you know they don't you don't know they don't know anything and they just are just going whatever it is that the algorithm is as taught them yeah it's a bridge of fantasy he is a gateway drug soft fascism Perhaps he has reformed to try and revise his toxic legacy and censoring demagogues doesn't increase the appeal of the all right that is a briar patch argument of the All right unfortunately free speech intolerance recourse require intolerance of and dollar and. Somebody had generals like w t f did I just very. What does that even me how do you seriously how do you live here. Dave Chappelle if you seen the Dave Chappelle Yeah of course fantastic. You know what I watched it and I my 1st thought was it's really really funny. But it's it's not anything that would have been cold brilliant 15 years ago well I think what Dave you know a lot of the things that I've come to understand there that comedians are I've always been obsessed with comedians because there exists in this this intersection of free speech and and comedy as fascinating to me and it's such a particularly American art form just being able to get on stage and talk and push back against whatever the establishment and having him go after what is the tenants of walk as far as I see which is the religion you know and the the left doesn't you say having people of their own I mean I think that Babylon be had a headline the other day that said liberals only like when black men liberals only allowed black men to speak when they say what they want them to say or when they agree with them or something like that and so he he's pushing back instinctively against all of their tenants of woe because it is this Every ice I see all the comedians there's another one and yourselves and he did a crowd work special on You Tube and he is brilliant but he was completely politically incorrect and the special he is a genius he was off the top of his had just but you can see the crowd it was more for me watching the crowd just laughing at all these racist profiled Joe he was making and you know relief it was a very diverse crowd the do you know the relief of the audience of like thank you yeah or no well Chappelle what was funny was Chappelle said Chappelle do we have the audio of Chappelle. Calling out he doesn't impression and he says I want to show you how I want you to guess who I'm imitating go ahead play you want the one where he does it where he's talking back talking to the audience and yes when he's talking to your audience yes he'll yeah yeah yeah we. Could have topic possibly giving us a heads on from you had it I heard one of the 2nd you know it was you know maybe right there we do you have no so Dave go they says Oh I'm free going around even knowing I'm going to we don't need you Dave. Ok Don't ruin it so but he takes on the audience Yeah and they're doing the kind of clapped or they think it's funny but they also don't realise no he's really talking about me right what he's saying is you know I am going to stop you he does a whole impression and then he says Who am I And what was interesting to me was that the audience said Trump Trump because they're so used to every joke being about job and he said no dummies I'm talking about you. And they all laughed and clapped and but I think they thought that that you didn't include them well everybody thinks that you know nobody doesn't mean I mean me specifically the royal you and he really meant you yes civically Yeah and he said this makes comedy impossible it makes being you know anybody in the limelight in possible Yeah and it is so refreshing to hear it so I thought at 1st just this is this is something that somebody could have said and wouldn't have been groundbreaking or you know game changing 15 years ago now it is game changing but if you really think about what he says like his his abortion joke is brilliant brilliant although that was funny do conserves or it's just funny how people hear what they want. Here Yeah I don't know what I heard he says it's funny because everybody's like yeah I really can get behind as pro-life. Is not for oh that's what I'm for a life message he is he is nuanced in making he's taking the piss out of everybody Yes and that's the brilliant thing about Dave is he'll get you he'll dry un and you're like yeah he's on my side and then as he the minute you think he has he reversed you reverses it and what he was I think what he was saying on that was if you think your right. Perhaps you're wrong Yeah I think that it's really so it was a lesson on certitude Well he used to be now we have this idea that you know what everybody where everyone stands and you speak to them and it's gone are the days where somebody can just make fun of everyone because you either need to be speaking to so what he did and that special messing with everyone's perceptions of themselves and each other and I do think he got so much a lot of the criticism is that he is a reactionary which is what anyone who pushes back against the left gets calls and he is reacting to and they said oh he's defending celebrity but only somebody as big as Dave Chapelle who is essentially I'm cancelable can fight these fights you know because you're a who's who is going to fight it some right coming up correct I fight it because I have nothing to lose but if I'm in that middle range I mean I think I saw. And the last night was talking to lash out and he's a friend of mine and. The producer yeah yeah and that is they. Didn't need to be. On you well because he's going to get attacked right and again I would say that you know good for him I think it's amazing it's not afraid no he's not he's not afraid he's not I mean he is a guy I'd like to have him on the show he's I mean he follows several people of the Oh yeah because he follows people that he doesn't necessarily agree with things are smart Yeah and he's willing to engage in a yeah I live with that it's very and he thought I was laughing because. He to me he's in that like kind of dangerous mid range. Where I know they can pick you off they can pick out and but they might try and contest same thing I think with Jason Bluhm. Is he is he's tired of it and he'll he's like if I want to have lunch with somebody I have lunch with somebody as I like them and I don't care what you think yeah and he's trying you because you can't cancel Jason blah No And so what are they going to do about it and he's trying I think he's one of the people that tried to set an example of look I I can get along with a lot of people and we have to stop this right or we're all in trouble well it's if you you know they for all the talk that they had about the bubble and how they didn't see anything they did they were in a bubble they've insulated themselves even more by creating these lines that you now can't cross so now you're saying we were in a bubble but you can't talk to anybody and outside the bubble or you are not. Making your family be ending you're just creating an even more you know and isn't that what the Nazis. I'm pretty sure you misunderstand what the Nazis were Yeah all right Brigitte Feda see you didn't find her at what your website Bridget. Yeah you can find me a fatty dot com or check out my new You Tube show weekly dumpster fire on you too. And where I just got there how the 24 hour age cycle I make fun of everyone I was on with Dave Rubin he's off for a month yeah doesn't do it so I did his show to see it know I was working Oh sure sure. I just went through the month's worth of news and you want to talk about a dumpster fire yet just look at the last time I announce raise and all right Brigitte thank you so much get. Back. Did you miss any of the show today no problem good eclipse dot com slash card just to listen in on the band whenever and wherever you want for free that's clear that the cops left but guess. That if you don't get. Just don't get it weekdays 2 to 5 on Fox News Radio 945 w.f.l.a. . You need to meet Michael and l. 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