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Injured and goal Meanwhile look at that golf tour championship right now and just in Thomas' year later he's at 12 under par I'm David gascón when I. Miss his Fox Sports Saturday. At the box for Saturday's $65.00 you've got something new and 5 year trend by. Fox Sports Saturday Live from the Geico Fox Sports radio studio Sears and buyer and my dear and f.l. Veteran Bucky Brooks the number 0 has never been worth so much Bucky because it's week 0 of the college football think that there's actually value 0 as we got in today with Miami and Florida starting things off in about 3 hours from now when I'm really excited about it like this is really when. I guess I'm the harem Armstead stand up because I love college football like I am all about the n.f.l. But there's something about the pageantry of college football the traditions being able to see the pep band and all the stuff that goes along with it I'm excited to see Miami in Florida square off that is if that is a rivalry that is is somewhat unique because it's not the every year affair that you get with Florida and Florida State Of course Miami and Florida State being in the a.c.c. They face off against each other but you've got Miami taking on Florida I remember that I went to a game in Gainesville I don't know maybe it was 12 years ago it was a rainy Shannon Urban Meyer game Florida ended up coming out on top there are the favorites today but a 7 point favorite in that college football opener there's Plus there's 7 preseason games in the n.f.l. Today including one well underway Vikings and Cardinals playing a 39 barnburner you know it's one of those days in Minneapolis where you get actual beautiful weather and it's not scorching hot humid. Why not spend it indoors watching pre-season football the cardinals but for all of that combined 22 points went by the way the Vikings lone touchdown or at least the early touchdown from delving Cooke coming out an 85 yard touchdown run about that was exciting break of a big run 85 year and you know see those every week look I know there are a lot of people that are kind of frustrated with the preseason and the the amount of snatch that the starters and the perceived stars are playing I would tell you to flip it think about all the guys that are playing and have an opportunity and chased a dream maybe for the last time ever and focus on those good stores I mean we have some guys in there that I mean I don't even know some of these names like slaughter playing quarterback I don't know I mean and this is what I do but this is opportunity to play in a stadium where the n.f.l. Jersey against n.f.l. Talent like this is an exciting time for him we should just kind of take it in usually And I'm going to be honest here usually when I'm behind the microphone I feel like I have this duty to know everyone and everything especially if I'm going to talk football if Bucky Brooks doesn't know who it is then I'm not going to do you know cornerback you know quarterback did all slot or I thought it was a lottery I don't know slaughter but you know I know. Where where's the how do you know. I think may have gone to college discussed this pursuit of her I think you were in the college you played in the Senior Bowl Benson your 1st task as producer today is Viking you have to check out where I went to school because this is one of the stories that you can follow in week 3 of the preseason there actually are stories and Kyler Murray is a story as well and what Arizona is doing and one of the Aside from the pass interference replay issue that we get the new story that's kind of developed is this priest Knapp. Routine of Kyler Murray and what the cardinals are trying to doing it tried to do in bringing the college club that's left over and he has gotten multiple false start penalties for that cliff Kingsbury was actually asked at half time about what was going on with that he didn't want to comment because he said he didn't want to be fined but is this this seems to me of something that is new to the n.f.l. But it's the same in college and as the college game seems to bleed over into the n.f.l. This is going to be something that down the line is not going to be an issue they'll figure out some way to do it but for right now in the time being there is a Cardinals are getting paralyzed for Kyla Murray the way that he is. Feverish Li quaffing to get the snap of the set to play yes so what the rooster for us is like him making me like urgent or violent or movements of the quarter a condition to entice the defensive line to drop to to jump off sighs and so they deem the clap and the weight he claps to be one of those movements they could be used to allure the difference on the other side a ball in a film and so that's why they're throwing the flag he simply has to find a different way of being able to signal to his center when he's ready for the snap the clap is always going to be a little significant based on the interpretation of the official Hesse for whether the clap was a legit one or one that was designed to draw off the defensive line which he did not see was he clapped twice and all the lights went off in the stadium. Tell us that. You know them by are coming to a comedy store and here you are 6 minutes in if you missed the show last night don't worry it keeps on. You know there it is he's Bucky Brooks I'm Dan buyer this is Fox Sports Saturday find Bucky on Twitter at Bucky Brooks I met Dan buyer on Fox I do want to hit on a couple of things in preseason outside of what this Vikings Cardinals game has provided last night Browns Buccaneers but I know you were doing some Granada Hills charter action in your debut as head coach how the debut go it didn't go great but but we have better so that's all we can focus on we got better we took it we're going to we were set up we lost $36.00 to nothing but the kids competed they played hard and we got a little better from the previous week all right there it is 36 nothing it happens you've got week 2 you're already moved on to on to the next Yet the Browns and Buccaneers kind of in their final dress rehearsal wasn't very no it wasn't thin and so much is made about the Browns but this is also a make or break year for James Winston just with his contract situation he had sacked 5 times last night in that game against. We've learned and while we want to say all right it's just preseason to put the cap to the bronze We'll get to them in a sack but how much is this going to be an issue for Jamison Winston and the Buccaneers especially when you're trying to sort out your running game they got the some of the best receivers if not the best receiving corps in the n.f.l. In Tampa but if they can't protect Amos Winston how dire could the situation be as a problem it always saw as a front to start with the off as a line there is a kind of carrying a dinner like set the identity for your team so if they're not able to protect them as Weston. Is unable to kind of throw from the grassy nose it didn't affect his ability to deliver accurate strikes and it's a huge problem so 1st you have to do it they gotta fix the office a lot make sure that everyone there he didn't play in the scheme that they're putting in everyone can kind of do those things and then when it comes to James James has to just be a great decision maker take care of the ball sort of all the way rather than take sacks throw the ball away rather than take interceptions he has to continue to manage to game in a positive manner so his team when they develop they're able to kind of help him later down the line I look at pre-season we always say pump the brakes pump the brakes on Daniel Jones pump the brakes on the goodness lot of on the brakes and did the job do your job as the superstar did you know everything there we thought it well here's the deal like you look and I want to stay with Browns Buccaneers because I think when you think in the preseason that's the worry but you don't want to go overboard but if you aren't playing well in basic stuff how is that going to translate into the regular season that's fair enough right I mean that this for I'm trying to figure out where you're going who in particular you're going well last night baker Mayfield wasn't necessarily great but that Browns defense was the ones who did sack you know 5 times and I think I think all offseason only 1st Buno Bronson Mayfield o.b.j. a Job. Those 2 guys didn't play last night Nick Chuck didn't play last night so cream got the carries but the point is Olivier Vernon was there the defense was getting after it so from the Browns talk that we have is this defense maybe better than we even want to talk about look I said this from the jump this defense is going to be better under Steve works than it was and a great way I'm Steve Wallace is an accomplished defense Cornetto Stevens did a great job according to defense and Carolina aggressive but the coverage matches the aggression when it comes to their blitz packages they can do a better job of keeping the ball in front and challenging quarterbacks to make consistent throws I think the big thing that you have to look at when you're the Browns you have to be a little disappointed with your friends with out Jarvis Landry and o.b.j. And some of the other starters that they have being no doubt you have to look and see if you're a 1026 we normally have a completion percentage well above that what is going on with him because if he's not able to kind of come in on say replicate what he did last year this can be a problem he has to be able to take a step. Another step and development of his game if not the browser count to be mired in the same level of quicksand they've been mining for the last 20 to 2 decades in another quick hit for the preseason I just want to talk about was a hit that was taken on Thursday night we may dive into this more later if we have time but how concerned now are you with Cam Newton mild foot sprain but another injury for the Panthers quarter but I mean off the you never want to be a starting quarterback you're hurt if you're Kim Newton this is a little bit of a make or break year when it comes to deciding what they're going do but look he he can get beat up and yes kind of protect himself from himself yes to throw the ball away he has to get rid of it he has to move around. And in no uncertain terms can he be a gad that takes shots so it's on everyone to make sure that he's ever write it off as a lie camp and then you know you just get just going to make your or doesn't put America's I agree with you that it's a it's a make or break you're a could be any I think the difficulty that that we have been saying that is the guts that it would take the Panthers to say all right we're moving on from Cam Newton but there is there's a context to ation he's under contract through 2020 you've got a core allowed him that is young but really good I mean when you you talk about Christie McCaffrey we know he had a breakout season last year d.j. More showed flashes we've heard nothing but rave reviews from Curtis Samuel Now all of a sudden you have Cam Newton and if Cam can't be camera you don't want to keep him around longer it's the old Patriots adage rather let him go a year too early than keep him around a year too late but I think it's a legitimate conversation now with Cam having a foot injury of how much you can rely on him especially when his contract situation is due up in a little over a year a little bit but I think what you have to do if you're killing fans you have to make sure that you. Really vet this out for you because Rastus isn't because when you remove him noone from new equation you talk bad guy was a former number one overall pick a guy who's been to multiple Pro Bowls a guy who was lead his team to. Be an m.v.p. You have to be careful about saying this guy in elevators or another guy can elevate I just think that with him with Kim you've got to treat him a little differently you have to note it I mean we need him and sometimes you have to tell it we need what you doing and all those things to make it happen I think it makes sure that he's upright and available but you also protect him from so he's Bucky Brooks I'm damned buyer this is Fox Sports Saturday come to life in the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios for a few minutes can save 15 percent or more on car insurance music I could account for a free rate quote but Benson our executive producer do we have an update on do we have an update on new Dell in where he went to college I believe we do looks like he went to college at Eve on university they're ready to go ever go away to dig deep where to put I want to know want to know in the n.f.l. Preseason. Don't you know Donald Oh that was my John Sterling how that wasn't that wasn't too bad maybe not as good as my earlier job today of the clapper. Ah good thing the cardinals don't pull any one because maybe the lights will be going on good job Sam Look at this we're off and running coming out next year on Fox Sports Saturday we will dive in more n.f.l. Talk with an insider and what is the exact future for 149 ers quarterback Jim Agar AAPL Oh that's all coming up here on Fox Sports Saturday. Night Football is. Your school spirit. From the. Tail gating before the big came with your team plays. Sports Radio. 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Preseason we don't call the Hall of Fame game as week one that's used its own game and then we have the 4 weeks of the preseason because nobody ever wants to think that there would be 5 weeks of the preseason. And no pay none whatsoever $7.00 games tonight in the nads some games today in the National Football League One of them just one final Vikings topped the Cardinals in preseason football coming up in about 3 and a half hours or so one of the games that I'm going to keep my eye on 40 niners in chiefs talk about that match up and all the other things that are going on in the n.f.l. Is a serious serious exim n.f.l. Insider fun amounts. Right Captain n.f.l. And Adam Kaplan joins us here on Fox Sports Radio Happy Saturday Adam how are you guys good to talk to you know this is a big week here and this is this is the so-called dress rehearsal though teams now don't look at it quite like they did years ago when I 1st started covering the league not all stars will play the knife Elfie but you betcha the 49 ers in the Chiefs game this is a huge game for Jay McGraw blue is not exactly look like the 4 natural hoping so far in the preseason Yeah and I was going to say it's also a big deal I. Made Maybe I'm making a bigger deal than it is it's also a scene of the crime again where he's going back to where he tore his a.c.l. Last regular season in addition to everything that's been said about him this preseason and what do you expect tonight from Jimmy g. Takes on the chiefs you know guys essentially it's also not for 2 days you know earlier this month and they felt pretty good about his progress through the early part of training camp in o.t.s. And just seems to hit a wall here now when you look at crop low come back from that injury. Typically quarterbacks the year after suffering a seal injury they're not even close to the same 8 they'll play through it and we saw with Carson once last season 4 for n.f.l. Standards he was solid nothing special and unfortunate he would want to suffering a back fracture but when it comes to that injury quarterbacks are simply not the same the next season and you have to practice patience and I think what happens is fans get fans who are sort of when you look at the $49.00 ers They were excited about their offseason the different trades the drafting they had early in the 1st round they looked like their front 4 is going to be really really good with both and then you know unfortunately Gropple is the one guy who is not really played up to their standards so I think people have to be a little bit patient here it's going to take some time for Groklaw to get comfortable you know in thinking about that by we seeing these quarterbacks go and I know that Cal Shanahan is kind that dismissed him you're awful those struggles but when we think about the amount of money did you McGraw fellows paid and the conversation that we've had with the Dallas Cowboys and dad Prescott and what the contract should be based on what we've seen quarterbacks What do you think is going to eventually happen with Jack and what do you think that number comes in at. Bucky I think that there's a very good chance it gets done it may take a little while longer I think 303234 1000000 dollars per season will be bigger than Carson once average person is in the 30 to the guarantees will be a little bit higher remember the Eagles had all the leverage here the Eagles had the option of using their 5th year option plus to franchise tags Plus they had him for this season whereas the Cowboys don't have the luxury of franchise tag is it because dac is not a 1st round pick I mean what they do but they had if they don't have the 5th year option don't have the 2 tags so the leverage here is a little bit when we look at the Cowboys it's pretty still with the Cowboys but not as much as the Eagles have Dak also is been very durable and hasn't had the injury history also has been in the playoffs where they have been in the playoffs and and . Let's look at Carson once helped him get there but unfortunately he hasn't played the plastic is of interest so back will get a better deal whenever he gets it but as we know in this league until there's urgency to there's a deadline was actually the deadline would be the 1st the next deadline would be the start of the regular season. But you don't want the quarterback to have this oversight you don't want him to be asked about this every single day so you would think that they're going to a bit more g a little bit more urgency here with him and especially seek a level where we've had some movement and that's good but you know what and I said this all along with Elliot unless unless they offer is going to be a top girlies deal he can sign it Adam Kaplan joining us here on Fox Sports Saturday he's Bucky brogues I'm Dan buyer morons economic even believed really anything from the sides of where they are up until this point because now we are in week 3 now we are 2 weeks away from the regular season is there still some leeway where the sides can play with each other but when does it get real between the Cowboys Zeke Yes So my good friend word of my work that e.s.p.n. Had reported that the Cowboys and I trust the sources especially the Cowboys that the Cowboys latest offer it's the 2nd highest in the National Football League at running back and that would put him behind girly and above levy on Bell Well that's fine but it's going to have to be the way that I've understood it from day one as unless he gets more than girlie and a guarantee is by the way have to be really good I just don't see this deal getting done now the leverage obviously would be here for the Cowboys because they too have the the availability of a 5th year option later on you know in future seasons plus 2 tags and then when you look at this is off the field history you certainly get concerned about it but also we all know the truth here is that without as you can tell it this is a 500 change just the way it is they're not a playoff team without I mean the Cowboys know that you know a thing about the team with playoff aspirations and hopes to deal with Andrew Luck in the n.f.l. Skills do we think that Andrew Luck will be available when we want stars Bucky when I was with the call social got to talk to General Manager Chris about or said look this is an odd injury it's not quite a high angle sprain you know the calf that healed but the ankle now might because he didn't deny that the the calf injury might have been causing the ankle issue but the echo issue goes back some years where. He believes there's some wear and tear on it it's not a high ankle but it's in the attic that area now he did last Sunday before prior to the Browns game with a rigorous workout and it looked pretty good doing it but unfortunately they decide to hold him back this week he said to me in week 4 guys he he won't play there's no chance I'm playing but he really needs to get on the field they need to get an idea of whether he's going to start but I could tell you talking about. He thinks the world of Jacoby for said he thinks he's the best back in the National Football League quarterback and we saw 2 years ago when he got thrown in there into a bad job but he certainly looked way more advanced it was 2 years ago and I'm Kaplan joining us here on Fox Sports Sunday I want to go further with that because there was the talk of him possibly being traded in the Colts like no it's not going to happen with you know we want a 1st in in more from it was it because of presets. Abilities or was it do you think because they also questions about maybe Andrew Luck self know what happened was because perception and funnier was a deal. The word was that they got some calls in the spring but. They're not yet and look if they got if they got offered a 1st round pick that's a different story there's nothing to suggest that they did it so hard to develop backup quarterback so as we know look what happened in Philly with the Knicks also that Nick Foles Eagles are not winning the Super Bowl if you go through 32 teams or maybe 6 or 7 good backup quarterbacks it's just hard to find them it's are developed them and when you have one you keep them and then what they'll do here is to let him play it out and he'll be it will be an unrestricted free agent after this is the season Jacoby will be and they look to start somewhere else. You know when you think about the way the league is trending there's so much excitement and anticipation with the Arizona Cardinals in Kingsbury What do you think about the criticism that has been lodged in his direction over the way the Calum Murray has performed and the way his office has looked into pre-season and yeah I wouldn't read too much into it Bucky I don't see it's a big deal and plot by the way they're not running they're often there it's been very finale of the true every often says $45.00 receivers and a flex outside and it will be Charles clay not a healthy you're just not you're not running it I mean you look at all the receivers that they have they added Michael Crabtree you see what they did in traffic Keyshawn Johnson and it is a balance and others and they've got that letter for Charles back once in Christian car you know it's got in there just like a shot so I think people are reading into it too much and I'm Kaplan joining us here on Fox Sports Radio last one for me is Bucky and I talked about the the Buccaneers a little bit the n.f.c. South is a division that I have no idea about let's talk a little bit about Cam Newton I don't know what to expect from the Saints after the hangover the n.f.c. Championship game because I'm not sure what is going to happen with Drew Brees we always want something with the Falcons and we just mentioned the Panthers and Buccaneers I know it's a general. Question But how do you think this division ends up playing out because I think you can find passes in maybe the other 7 divisions but the n.f.c. South for some reason to me is just one that has me a bit confused how does this division play out as we enter 2019 yeah guys I feel so way strongly about it then you do I'd say answer clearly the best in that division Allana is going to bounce back the most offensive injuries if Carolina with Cam Newton's mild mid-foot sprain that's a little bit of a concern that he's going to deal with for a while but I would say this when you when you look at this division let's not forget the same stuff and as good as it is the part that people don't talk enough about is their defense or defense is probably in the top 5 best in the National Football League they've got it all there and that's why their Super Bowl contender put them right up with Philly in the n.f.c. I think they're one of the 2 best teams and they're one that division if healthy I think the Saints I think the Saints are very good I also by the way I think the soccer's the fuckers are going to bounce back in a big way this season I've told Bucky time and time again I can never read the Atlanta Falcons can. Ever get ready because once I buy in then something happens like milk maybe just not being able to run out the clock in Super Bowl 50 was like 23 I'm like All right I'm sold I'm sold we're going to go that's it's my it's not that we had some bad luck you know when it's a bad luck but they're healthy now knock on wood and we're going to bounce back all right he's Adam Kaplan here on Sirius x.m. Find him on Twitter at Kaplan n.f.l. Adam We appreciate it enjoy the rest of week 3 will do it again soon guys thank you he's Bucky Brooks I'm down by this is Fox Sports Saturday I was sold on the Saints is Adam was. I think potentially they could be a licensing worry though because I think the market in the parts of the defection may hurt them more than people are giving them credit for because I love overcome our and I think of Kamar certain as you get us touches but what marketing was able to do was a given the Bangor the big back that you're running while. Still being able to cast a ball out the back to run the screen game so you didn't have to overuse. I don't know if that saves Murray is that the same guy same back that can produce and generate like that so I'm a little worried about their off as defense that I think they are solid I think different tasks can Jordan is to refute but they need to get some performance and production out of Mark has done for they went up to get him in the draft season ago they need him to play like they got that they were covered and find Bucky on Twitter at Bucky Brooks I met Dan buyer on Fox You can always listen to the show live on the i Heart Radio app and check it out at Fox Sports Radio dot com Coming up next I want to if if the n.f.l. Owners had its way maybe this could be Week one of the n.f.l. Regular season how realistic is that's will dive in after David gas got to fills us in on some pre-season football and maybe just maybe a World Series preview in Los Angeles hello Dave what's up guys good afternoon in the preseason affaires over in Delhi for Minnesota and Arizona Vikings won it by a score of 20 to 9 Britain this game was 152-2548 buck 65 Delvin cook had all of 2 carries fellows 88 yards and a score of as it was now for him as he gets things done for Minnesota now 3 No actually in preseason contests as well off the field real quick New England page inside and Lance Kendricks has been suspended for the 1st 4 games the upcoming season after following the N.F.L.'s policy on substance abuse Adam Schefter reporting blamed Gabbert separate dislocated shoulder in the bucks 3rd preseason game yesterday Lions j. Davis will have an m.r.i. On his injured ankle Meanwhile Major League Baseball Dodgers and Yankees go on it from Chavez Ravine there's no score just yet the visitors happy with the 2nd inning all actions available right on fs one and also on the Fox Sports go out n.b.a. News Brooklyn Nets Joe Harrison's been named a Team U.S.A.'s final roster for the 29000 people World Cup United States got beat by Australia 9294 Patty Mills who. In a game I 30 points for Australia Lakers. Deal with an ankle injury and because that he will not participate in the future World Cup action moving forward and back Brooks in 10 seconds but 1st a word from farmers. At Farmers Insurance We know every windshield collision has a unique sound beetle. Drone seen it cover to talk to farmers Oh there's 0 under it now for Mr Fancher and exchange them for its parts available in every state fellows back to you I watched some of that USA Australia game last night and it felt like the Magic were taking on the hawks. You knew everybody was playing you knew all of the names but you were just waiting for maybe some real superstar power to we merge and it just didn't happen I'm like Ok Well hey the Australian teams pretty much in the n.b.a. The Dell of adult chilling goals Andrew Bogut the n.b.a. Guys I mean we know their names but they're not household names to every I mean we know Kemba Walker and Donovan Mitchell and others but it felt like a it felt like a hawk's Magic game as we were watching last night as a team you know that doesn't excite me and that's. What I have to look for to. The rest of the game this is what happens when everybody withdraws and you don't have the superstar team you end up getting and it's a the Hawks are on an up and coming team in the magic made the playoffs this past season The knows you can say the books know when to bug you but I know the hawks in the mad that's what it was that I felt imagine imagine that I just close your eyes and your drive and I'm like Hey man you got to get to the house I guess steaks on the grill. Come over what you got oh we go watch the Hawks and the magic. No disrespect to Trey young obviously I know that the bigger question here because I know you like games you know it beats a name who in each of those starting line. I I tune then I take a recorder. He's off he's our is like being go he's already the color square I feel. Like I can't go out I go 34 with the magic I would need my lifelines for the Atlanta Hawks you're going to fall and answer you know the correct one for me with those teams I by the way didn't say grizzly sons so that was at least giving some respect the other tricky thing is the numbers like I think Donovan Mitchell's like number 53 you know so they're very they're very unique uniform numbers for Team USA which is something to get adjusted to is this early as it may be to do an ability. I just don't know how if you're a ref I You call that foul it's like you know 70 eight's like you have to do it oh and Deadliest Catch you ever watch that show and that's the show where that's been on for like 14 years where they go crabbing up in Alaska and they always have to give the crab numbers to the to the captain but how do you know how do you do 7 so like they'll do to do with the 2 straight up but then 7 would be 2 on its side which would be the 5 in the 2 though it is that's maybe with the raf Hollow on $78.00 so it's at the grade Yes creator or you like that you could use both hands as well which would be very confusing I like that if we have a confused people and off it is Fox Sports Saturday I had a I had a conversation with a buddy of mine last week when I went home for vacation and I want to bring this up to you because I thought it was an interesting conversation on the 18 game n.f.l. Schedule and you and I have had conversations about so brutal where the n.f.l. Has gone but hear me out on this for the n.f.l. Right now you either are a star and will have a long career in the league and I'm not saying superstar really good player solid player. Or you're going to be a young guy breaking in we've talked about the middle guy in the n.f.l. Are not being taken care of because he can be easily replaced by someone else who is younger so if you were to go into an 18 game schedule we're in the n.f.l. You're what paid weekly through those Yeah weeks yeah every Monday every Monday you go get the check but not in March right no soon as it's done and just so everyone knows you never really paid into pre-season and you're not really paid in the playoffs so as this works. The reason owners love the preseason is because it is it and I mean it's just a cash cow for them the players are making in essence perdiem So if you think about for d.m. Light look relative terms say to players or make you maybe $1200.00 we can guess everybody Aaron Rodgers is a lower level person on the platter Yeah. Everybody's made it however when you go to a preseason game what do you think regular season prices tickets concessions parking all of that so when people wonder why there's not a rush to end it because the owners just split that low revenue with the other owner like that's why it's a cash cow they're not giving anything to the layer so then why would the why would the owners want to get rid of the preseason right unless there's a lucrative thing where we can get an exit here every day but that's it but why would they give that up easy money because they build into the season ticket prices where you get $8.00 plus to 2 that you have to pay for even though you know you're not going sitting at Yeah they're making a ton off of that well this was the big conversation in the in the the last c.b.s. Was how Roger Goodell would say that the n.f.l. Wanted to grow this this PIII in this in this pile of cash basically is to grow that pot and then allow the n.f.l. Players Association to get their 47 percent of that pie and so in the owners. View is that the bigger the pied the more it is for the players of that 47 percent now I know that the Players Association probably want more than the $47.00 maybe 50 or 505050 reporters right right right but my point is now for the guys who we talk about being left out because of the way that the current c.b. Is being built wouldn't you want to more paychecks a week in the seasons that you are in the n.f.l. You know what I mean like if you're playing an 18 game schedule hence all the wear and tear on the bodies but what about the guys who are now being moved out of the league in their 50 year because the cheaper option is coming in the college to allow that guy to get 2 more paychecks week in a season so when we want to say that the n.f.l. Players. I don't want an 18 game schedule because of the wear and tear we look at it as a whole but not everybody is the same and so if you're a player who only has a 5 year career in the n.f.l. Most as does 80 to 85 percent of the yeah that is 10 more game checks that you would get for your career with still kind of maybe being pushed out after 5 years so when we talk about an 18 game schedule the players don't want to players association maybe there are some players that would want it because it would allow them to get that extra money and even if you're playing $2.00 more with the pins in them because those 2 extra games the increase has to be significant because what you giving up those 2 extra games increased injury risks so I rephrase to actually make a few coins however what if I get hurt when I get a serious injury what if I suffer cinders a serious injury during that time I'm now decrease my chances of making it to those 30 or so with all of those things like there's a union a Yank I think the ownership and the Players' Association they have to work through those various scenarios to see what is best for both parties was best for the players in terms of play and all that but was also very very profitable and remains profitable for the owners I don't think any quarterback would want to play an 18 game schedule I don't I don't think so Tom Brady would well maybe he would the point being is quarterbacks have a contract where they will they are the ones who they're the only position in the n.f.l. That games value as they get older so the more years there is no way yeah yeah but I think for other players when you say all right well I could get hurt in week 2 as opposed to week 17 or week 18 that you have like there's the it's not as bad as. People would want to make you think the 18 game schedule and it may actually benefit some players more than others and I don't think that's been brought up certainly has been brought up I mean there are a few different ways to look at other had a lot of c.f.l. Football. Has been able to do it into a successfully for years and years on end there's a way to do it but if you want to get it done you have to concede some of the things that you've already. Kind of grown accustomed to having And so I don't know if ownership really wants to relinquish some of those things he's Bucky Brooks I'm damn buyer this is Fox Sports Saturday come to life in the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios it's easy to say 15 percent or more on current terms with Geico go to guy could I come across $109.00 for 7 not all the only hard part figuring out which way is easier at this minute who's the best wide receiver in the n.f.l. We'll give you that answer next year on Fox Sports Radio. That's right we do a lot of things and that's why I love. From the morning some people who don't know are just waking up here is the deal until the late night show. We're doing one. On Fox Sports Radio. Sheet aching after a long day not smelling so great either try to fatigue reducing insults from older readers they give you serious foot support with m.v.p. 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Well the heat is certainly on this afternoon across a pain and a high temperatures today coming up in the low ninety's when you factor in the humidity it feels like about 100 to 105 degrees rain chances today pretty small 30 percent overnight tonight lows drop into the seventy's will see a 60 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms Sunday and will keep those higher rain chances through at least Wednesday night weather anytime anywhere Dela denude every j.g. Weather app today I'm Chief Meteorologist Grossmith your local weather authority this report is sponsored by mosquitoes authority particular home and family from unwanted buzzing inviting call mosquito authority at 802483 Enjoy your backyard again no commitments no contract no mosquitoes guarantee. Your Limbaugh This is Fox News Radio 945 telling us. That Rondo bind up us one of your television go to Fox Sports dot com for details and watch. The. Farmers are sure is knows the difference between a car hitting your bumper and a clone car hitting your body. That because of farmers we've seen uncovered we are . The under my former star Fancher and seems to be able to stay. One down 6 to go no Christmas in actions day this is Fox Sports Saturday he's put the drugs on campfire Also week 0 the college football season is here Florida in Miami kicking off in a little over 2 hours at this minute Bucky not what they've done in the past not what they could do in the future but in this minutes in the passing league that is the end of valor. Who would you say right now are the top 3 wide receivers we've got in the in the n.f.l. May This is a great honor you are receiving National Football League the way leagues rules are I mean they make it very very easy for you to be able to get down a few unimpeded I would say and some can order it has to be the Andre Hopkins and I think he's number one. Has to be in a conversation and then after this man accused tough for me I'm surprised I wrote John who I thought you would say and I had the Andre Hopkins is one I did not have Julio Jones but he's a prototype his is. Framing and just of of who he is I didn't think just because of his physical stature I thought there was you would go a different route Nonono He's everything you know saying that for whatever reason he doesn't do he doesn't score touchdowns I don't know why he didn't score isn't he score more tests now. Based on his production this shouldn't be a guy 27141500 receiving yards and only Yeah single n.f.l. And receiving yards last year he should have you got it has more. The final one is tough because like naturally you want to put a.b. In a conversation but the thing about a.b. To me is he's more of a sandlot player a lot of his stuff is kind of broken off and I'm more into a craftsman I think by the way just to interrupt you I think it Tonio Brown would be the best flag football player in the n.f.l. Be ridiculous like they're just so slippery Yeah and the separation that that he gets whether it be prior to catching the ball or when he catches the ball the angles and I think that he's unmatched in that category in the n.f.l. Yes tremendous wear go shake and bake balanced body controlled inverse he can do anything that you want to see on the field the thing is he's not necessarily a burner when it comes to a straight line you put him on a 40 he's only a minute high for 5 guys he's not for 3 or 4 Tuesday but he plays at that pace the entire the entire game so I'll have a b. In the same mix with Jr I know people my own have I can do he's in there was just go back and think about what he did when he 1st came to the league and he's still the same guy when he's had opportunities named Fazer a quarterback that should be able to deliver the ball consistently within the zone I think he really emerges as a guy that is in the conversation and then. Some people will lean in kind of put these guys in to be Mike Evans. Michael Thomas Michael Thomas. It's just yes this is what I had to for I thought you were going to pick I thought it was going to be Thomas Brown and Hopkins and the name that I left on the outside because I don't think he gets enough credit for the actual receiving skills that he has is Tyree kill and for how the Chiefs use him. Generation of talent to see the different ways that they use him I mean to just something as simple as this Bucky of catching the football with your hands you know what he does and when you talk about skill wise in then you talk about his speed and the different ways that you can use him all of a sudden I think the Tyreke Hill conversation becomes much more valid Look I think every year has to be in the conversation but he's a little different for me because I don't really know what he is he is a wide receiver he's listed who are receiving what he does so much for him as a runner receiver or Turner that is hard for me to just kind of limit him to just there but look he's a game changer he is and I must say this and I know Pam Holmes had a great year he is the one he's a stronger storms to drink I know every one of them say how can you say they were prime has been in the 55000 club No Terry healed and won the Sr table for everyone else to. He's Bucky Brooks I'm damn Byron I'm going to send a tweet to tell Michael Thomas you did not have him in your top 3. Times love the retreat that. He's Bucky rocks on then buy or get Bucky and Twitter at Bucky Brooks I met Dan buyer on Fox There is a challenger to Clemson and Alabama will tell you who next. Hates band Mallare great news there's a quick way you could save money switch to Geico all it takes is 15 minutes to find out if you could save 15 percent or more on car insurance and Geico offers coverage for more than just car insurance got a motorcycle guy goes got you covered got an r.v. Covered got a boat covered and there's so much more Geico could help with Plus don't forget the discount so listen up go to Geico dot com today see how much you could save that's Geico dot com Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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