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How the game played goes or how brave Yes Pass distribution flows and in that's part of it is also managing the ego when expectations of a guy coming in as well Twitter out how about a fresh coat Mike had swollen Dole before you get to the big question goes to morrow this Bill's question could dominate headlines let's hear from the Nataliya tired Bill Belichick suit vest all of it following the pages victory is a good week for Boston and. You know today was the usual. Here in Buffalo it's always you know they do a good job but McDermott's. They're very good fundamental team they came hard area. And turn around so good luck. But I mean 1st of all when you wouldn't stop talking it degree and how did nobody ask about no nobody asked about the so you got to ask about see book and here here's how I know is I go to Twitter right now and I know I Twitter Search Belichick suit and the number one thing that comes up is my question Belichick is wearing a black suit white shirt and white tie what's up and there's nowhere to go that's it I did the search and that was why I found out that it's once a year. Like once a year currency dressed up for Halloween I'm dressed up in a suit I'm going to do I'm going to drill a dress up I'm going to dress up I'm going to put a suit on but I was you verbose answers to questions no it was fantastic if you said with his praise right 2 things for you he referenced the it was good to not have turnovers not turn the ball over that Buffalo so good at doing that coming into the game 13 turnovers for the Patriots this year and 12 all of last season well it's like I've said from the beginning this is the last year of the Patriots Dynasty this is the or whatever this year is going to be because this year is more of a struggle teams are catching up to them and how things are going do you really think all of this cast and crew are going to be together one more year they almost all disbanded at the end of this season but they've been to the word Super Bowl and they've Yeah really illuminate yesterday and we didn't have. A little bit earlier were you know suddenly 12 or 15 or whatever that number was people all flapping their gums of how everybody hates each other there's no I don't really really it's just about it's about Belichick and Brady and to a lesser extent grokked right I mean those are the big I mean you take Brady away they don't have another good they can't get Jimmy you're up a little back Jimmy Jimmy you look. Right now I don't know you're going to be back I mean those are your guys I mean growth can get by without grant because obviously and you have I would answer right but it's about Brady and Belichick one of them leaves when that doesn't matter and your brain and somebody else that's not Bellatrix attention to detail what he does guy's a best coach in the n.f.l. Or you're missing Tom Brady who walks away or goes a different team whatever it is and suddenly it's well now or missing that quarterback and that's the last year the Patriots Dynasty it's really about the 2 of them because they're the only 2 constants for the entire dynasty and the 2 of them will will love each other and still Tom Brady's they don't love each other then I don't the level think they have to they don't love it all right here's a 6 is not marriage where you know like well if I don't see my wife I can still you know they got to be together all the time. Because there's marriages I guess there's marriages where you know why things work well cause we don't see each other all that oh there's not travel a lot she's out of the you know whatever it is but this is what we know we're together every day that's that's about that's why it's harder but as long as they're winning it will get there but you mentioned the accusation the dominance of Bill Belichick this came from e.s.p.n. Retreated by Sam Farmer of the l.a. Times in order to match you Jackson's career winning percentage of 2 well 50 a boy Bill Belichick would have to lose his next 867 games you know no c'mon 54 seasons work he would get him to lose to get said that. I think about where he is now in terms of his winning percentage or it's right where he is it is a percentage he would have to lose 54 seasons worth you know if he became the Jets' said coach he could give Iran he really gives General thanks for that win yesterday body sweater and how about a press kit you pairs again congratulations. 16 and proceed just like tonight we have more as we look ahead to the n.f.l. Trade deadline tomorrow cripple Sean McCoy His name is the one on the move also is Le Bron James really piss the reporter is he pissed at his teammates or is he pissed at himself maybe you know you'll hear Le Bron what he had to say following the Lakers lol tonight coming up next right here this is Fox Sports Radio. At one point it took them 6 years to win. And now they've won 4 in the last 14. To celebrate Red Sox nation. And the World Series was. On Fox Sports Radio. 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Fox people glitter Raiders take on the San Francisco 49 suffering from. Raiders night Thursday at 730 Eastern on Fox Now it's a good. Sports radio that Jason Smith show with my. Friend Mike Norman and a friend of the show I think is just sort of a fight with Le Bron James former friend of the show now well he's got to still be friend of the show not if he's not somewhat Le Bron he's not I. That's what that search just to prosper and ready ready to do push people son. Le Bron's our guy now . Years Oh you've knighted him the king never. Ever and it goes the other way we'll have more n.f.l. And more on clay Thompson coming up in a couple minutes but I'm the King tonight we watched the Lakers fall to 2 and 5 as they lose to Minnesota 124-2120 Jimmy buckets has a huge night it's a dagger of a 3 with 20 seconds left that gave the Timberwolves a 5 point lead at the Lakers could not overcome it and in defeat Le Bron James another near triple double 29 points 10 rebounds and 8 assists Brennan in terms of the starting line up he scores 24 longs all ball stays in the starting line up just 4 points for him over 4 from 3 point range so where the Lakers fall into 2 in 5 and the game being in Minnesota friend of the show and college basketball and former. Sorry former friend of the show college basketball analyst who you know joined us all the time the last 4 years to talk college basketball. But I have an alley that says it's a final read for grave who covers college hoops for c.b.s. Sports was at the game tonight and asked Le Bron James a question post-game that's starting to gain a lot of Ron on social media and well here's the question the answer we'll try to break down just how pissed Le Bron James really is the point is that patience won out and what do you look like as a leader when your patience and your pride on Barrowman patients are on a. Serious. Whoa whoa whoa how dare you read for her. I think that was directed at Reid I honestly do. What you guys thanks I think that's a brilliant All right let's really instant response by Le Bron James in a mirrored everybody's making a big deal that yeah this is where lockers are mirrored in the back 2 but yes this is getting a big deal because at 215 even though you score a lot of points and you get your guys back off suspension there's the start to get be a little bit of anxiety for sure. Let's hear all the time because we'll see just where it will break it down who is really pissed off at all more time the point is that patience won out and what do you look like as a leader when your patients you probably don't want to be around my patients wrong . Answers. So all right so there's what happens when you get angry Dr Banner where you go you know well you know like me when I'm angry I'm serious you don't want to be around my patients that we play that sad music and I'll do the hallway and said when they did that on Family Guy they played me that sad song from the Incredible Hulk let me let me look at the So who is Le Bron James mad at I think he's mad Ok now longer than a year we know that it's gaining a lot of traction you don't want to be my patience runs out. And then he tells them serious and then he tells them seriously so what is Le Bron trying to accomplish by saying that is he mad it read is he mad at his teammates is he really matter is he just giving up I do want to be your own my patience runs out and run coaches out of town when my pain I think that's got I heard right agency runs out I think that's kind of well we're talking about right here is the idea of we need to start women and we need to start playing more consistently how well or I You've seen me clean house before about this breaking news the Lakers have just hired to run Louis as Luke Walton's bench assistant so is he really Man No I don't think Le Bron is really mad that this is not post-game meltdown you know I'm going to stare daggers at reporters while I'm wearing a short suit like he did in the n.b.a. Finals take your bag and go home yeah so I just asked Reid for grave on Twitter I said read was that was that Le Bron James talking to you when he said you don't want to be around my patience runs out and Reid says yes responding to him specifically So that's what Reid says Reid says he was responding to and if they don't ask me that question ever again told you. Now it's like get out of here who are you. How do you doing here are you know Gary you ask me hardly Why Holden's she'll read a call I'm sure you know asking if you want to do 1030 yeah yeah yeah is that Le Bron I mean if that's what you're really responding to read in that fashion at Game 7 that's fairly prophetic. And well Bron James if that's actually the case I'm going to you know I want to be around here because I don't know I don't I deserve because if that sent him directly it is you don't want to taste test my patience you who are you know I think the Le Bron is calculated I mean no yes and yes a I'm going to say Le Bron is getting over on a bunch of things here he's telling Reid Don't you hear me yeah he seldom stay in his lane but he's also throwing it out there to his teammates and I don't like going to get mad at you yet but I don't want to be around my patience runs out so it's kind of like I used to song one hand works on so many different levels yes one love what kind of love you know and that's the way it is he's warning Reed but also he knows his teammates are going to get winded No seriously this is all a broad is he is the most calculated player that we've seen this side of Kobe Bryant he knows how his words are going to be played out the media so he knows when I say this I'm going to say this and it seems like I'm saying it to the reporter the guy asking but also I want my teammates to know hey I'm patient but I'm not going to be patient forever also probably telling Luke Walton I'm not going to be patient forever so I think he's I think he's trying to serve a lot of different things here now certainly a lot of a lot of at play there and look he is always got a message for the reporters and if you don't ask the questions in line because that's that's stepping into it right that's not paying you know what did you see what could be done better you got guys back in the line about for suspension there's a lot of potential excuse making that could have been done and things to point you just a blanket you know what is your patience right now like what do you like and from what you've seen you know are you frustrated is kind of the beginning of the question that gets into the what do you like when you've lost I don't I don't think this is a case where you need to get. To lose your patience whether it's with the team now whether it's with Reid will find out when he calls in but whether it's the team look you're $2.00 and $5.00 you're close in all of these games it's about finishing and having a winning mentality because quite honestly the Lakers don't have a winning mentality they don't they're not a team that's one in yours and outside of the Bron James who on this team has a quote winning mentality a Rondo is one of the it's been a long time and certainly now he's coming off the bench this is a team that needs to learn how to win they've been in every single game it's come down to the end and they have to execute so I can see Le Bron James getting a little upset at the end but I think if you're the Lakers you're Le Bron you're happy where the team is actually at we're competitive in every game we're scoring a lot of points and we just have to figure out those last couple minutes that get that last offensive stop when I pass it to Rondo when he's underneath for a lay up don't dribble out like an idiot I mean we've got to figure that stuff out but I don't think this is any time for the Lakers Ok my patience is running out I have a young l.b. For the Rondo play and his subsequent response in the in the post game me that's about as good a response as you're going to get all right I mean it was a calculated thing I made a decision that made you move on it's the other stuff and the failure to rotate and some of the lack of finishing that you're seeing from some of the younger players where the patience is going to be tested in a one minute read for grave who is apparently threatened by Le Bron James Yeah that's the story right there his post-game is going to join us on the show but 1st I will find out if you follow the police won't now you're talking but 1st of course with what's trending d.c. That is a tease Devin McCourty breaking a drought or 40 games for the Patriots and on 3rd and 10 dropping back and I'm going to pass this epidemic already runs at that point a 530 or 40 p. Pass to pick people who get into the 40 Parkin the 20. Yes. 84 yard pick 6 on the Patriots radio network that ends the Patriots drought of 40 games without an offensive touchdown Patriots beat the Bills 25 to 6 and they Record for 3 pointers with 14 finish with 52 points in just 27 minutes also the Bucs handed the Raptors their 1st loss of the season Milwaukee improved to 70 Raptors lose 124108 Milwaukee with the win over Toronto guys thank you so you can bet lot from the Geico studios were 15 minutes can save you 15 percent or more and more info visit Geico dot com Well joining us now on the hotline a man who apparently was threatened by Le Bron James earlier tonight it is the front of the show c.b.s. College basketball insider grieve for grave reader you will kill you if you filed a police report. So I don't look in the background you might be able to. Write out the part of Senator. And I apologize really loudly and with. What happened when. Running by that and we need juries personal safety hash tag save read for grave is now trending on Twitter Yeah all right so we're going to play I don't raise on so you can hear it now going to offer my 2 theories as to what he was saying and then you tell us what the answer is sound good. What they are doing let's hear each question the answer one more time the point is that patience won out and what do you look like as a leader when your piece of. Your pride on be around the pressure on the. Stairs. Ok so the 2 theories are he really doesn't like you and threatened you the other theory being a very being the heavy player that he isn't being the calculated player he is he's just sending a message a little bit of one to you to back off of the questions but also to his team that you know I'm not going to lose my patience now but keep trying me and then I could lose my patience because then you know coaches get fired and guys get traded. You refer little bit of read for grave and I have a tape right here sure I'm going to get one meant I think he meant exactly what he said I think he said exactly what he meant I think I asked him what does it look like what do you as a leader look like when things actually are not even talking about Asians since the moment he signed with the Lakers you know this is a young team this is the 1st time he's ever been on a team or he is the oldest player on the team he's 33 every single player on this roster is younger and most of them are 21 or 23 as far as the core goes so he knew he was taking this on when he came here he has been speaking patient since the beginning and frankly when you look at these Lakers they're doing things that you expect young teams to do they're not fully following the defensive schemes are not fully following game plan they're not finishing games these aren't particularly surprising and in fact I would say we should be less surprised as the Lakers are sitting at 2 and 5 right now and we should have been if they were sitting at 5 and 2 so I think the brunt really meant was pretty simple he just meant a man when when I get mad you'll know that I get mad and I think he is that I think he's right now I think he's fresh. Rated I don't think he's mad and I think when he's mad we will all know it but he gets it out there read just the we have seen him clean house before as defacto g.m. In Cleveland so perhaps a bit earlier to put people on notice but certainly not unprecedented. Not unprecedented I mean I mean I guess here's the thing with the bronze it's like this like every president in American history and until Donald Trump is like broken all the rules here but. It's like you read into every little thing. And you read the tea leaves and everything Le Bron says is the headline that's why he tries to not say that much and maybe tonight he said a little bit too much just describing what he's like I got to be honest I think Bron is in a I don't think he is that frustrated with this team I think he knew this was going to happen I think he knew one of the Lakers that this was not going to be a championship team right away but they need one they need more development of their youngsters and 2 they need another another big piece in order to get over that hump so to me I think fairly sanguine about this he knows the words of the best team in the West he knows that the Lakers per probably not going to be in the top or in the West but he also knows that he is one of the best 2 basketball players of all time and he can put this team on the shoulders when he needs to and there's a lot of potential here which we see in flashes in spurts we don't see it on a consistent basis because they're so young but I think this is kind of what you expect. Reed Frostburg has already told me he's not buying it he thinks that was or direct threat to you for asking about losing. A hold on the Emirates I was loading me into the ambulance right now I'm going to be like I 2nd. I want to get this let me get this oxygen mask on Ok did you feel for a 2nd it was directed at you. There with Connie is. After he says you don't want to see me when I when I was my patient 1st of all I thought of his core children like I'm like oh my God when he loses patience with the children I watch out for I don't and I kind of laughed and all he can see are that but I laugh and look around stares at me like stares like basically through me and he's like I'm serious. And my my you know what's just kind of deep inside me. And whatever you say it's are you seriously don't you laugh and went on to say I. Seen your head because in your head you saw Bill Bixby from those old episodes of The Incredible Hulk when he would then become Lou Ferrigno I mean you know like him when he's angry so and but like 2 year old currently and that would be incredible also Yeah that was exactly. All right so in Minnesota right now I mean obviously a hero of the day Jimmy Butler once again you say read the hero of the day for asking Absolutely he is like you know what she says and so long and we got to the question. Really do you don't realize I mean I I mean it's 130 in the morgue were how long what old time is it where you are 12313 months I have no idea I have no idea it's 1040 are it's. Hard for you guys it's the time it's 1040 on the West Coast and I said call and so we could talk to you about this this is exploding on social media due tomorrow tomorrow is going to be such a huge day you're going to be like a hero with a rock star and people are also going to hate you it's going to be awesome. I can't wait I can't wait. To love video. I can't wait. One region mentions but you got to be Butler there right in all the talk he's going to be gone in and tonight he be best Bron James on the home court that's that's got to be something for the local folks as well I mean this is a this is incredibly scarred and. Not just from a similar professional team in this great state of Minnesota where I live by the way and I think they're very are. They're not surprised that this is south so quickly and yet when Jimmy Butler supposedly screamed to the general manager stop at a practice run started you can't win without me Scott you know what he's right man like. Jimmy bottler they can be really really good remember when he got injured last season they were. On For he is both a very difficult human being and an incredible basketball player who can both alienate his teammates and lift them up what he did tonight. Was I mean he was incredible and it was like the Duke made shots we defended some of them will defend others but he made shots. By threes in the 4th quarter that's the difference in this game so. I think inevitably he gets traded but this is unsustainable situation and if you are the symbols of a top 15 player in the n.b.a. By definition there are only 15 of those and more of those. And there you know that you're not going to find him for next year you need to get something for him I think for him and I think it might just try and know that as long as and when and perhaps if his job and eventually created by the deadline if he'll fall Monch winter at read for grave c.b.s. Sports college basketball inside a check out his column on Le Bron James and patience you can check it out at c.b.s. Sports dot com Also one reads Twitter page now we don't give you a preview of what your interview with Stephen a Smith is going to go how it's going to go tomorrow you're ready. I'm going to be on 1st Frank and this is what's going to happen for Gray I haven't already was directed towards you so let me give you one piece of advice layoff know we'd. Up. A lot in the world that. I don't really talk to soon buddy have fun. Here But if you know of the mean again c.b.s. Sports dot com Read for brave on Twitter really has no idea how big this is going to be tomorrow you're going to be everywhere you get that suit tie ready go get that Bill Belichick ensemble get going now when you're hiring you don't want to waste time sorting through dozens of irrelevant resumes you want to fish in a way to get to a shortlist of qualified candidates that's why you need indeed dot com post a job in minutes set up screener questions based on your job requirements then 0 in on qualified candidates using an intuitive online death board discover why 3000000 business is using the for hiring post a job today indeed dot com slash higher that's indeed dot com slash higher search for greatness search indeed coming up next Jay Glazer told us how the n.f.l. Changed in the last decade and it was an amazing story about one trade that was consummated and then backed out of it and it going to change the n.f.l. For the past 10 years what was it find out next. Right. Serious. 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Dealing with the hatred in the us some Carmen Roberts Fox News what happened in Pittsburgh was not just a criminal act it was evil vice president pence expressing the thoughts of many about the massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh as a country comes to grips with another mass shooting the man accused of gunning down 16 people at synagogue killing 11 of them made his 1st appearance in court Robert Bowers in a wheelchair heard the charges against him as federal attorneys seek justice we have a team of prosecutors working hard to ensure that justice is done that's u.s. Attorney Scott Brady following Bowers brief here and he says his team will seek punishment to the fullest extent of the law which likely includes the death penalty . Families of the murdered now preparing for funeral services 3 of the 11 will be laid to rest Tuesday President Trump will visit Pittsburgh the same day as a fire storm flares over who's responsible for the climate of hate spreading across the cunt. 3 as his critics blame him for the violence and eroding civility President Trump blames the media tweeting today there is great anger in our country caused in part by inaccurate and even fraudulent reporting of the news the fake news media the true enemy of the people must stop the open an obvious hostility and report the news accurately and fairly that will do much to put out the flame Fox's Kristen Fisher more than $30000.00 people signed an open letter to the president from a liberal Jewish group asking him to stay away from Pittsburgh until he denounced us the white nationalist hate groups the Supreme Court clears the wife and South Dakota executes a man convicted of killing a prison guard after the delay of several hours Rob Nabors a died by lethal injection Monday evening a media witness said that when birthday was asked if he had any last words he 1st joked sorry for the delay I got caught in traffic this is Fox News. 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Burden a miserable. Microbrew. Make it fun for my children no one and before me. We can remain free open community Yeah including in the midterm elections I know every vote make my opinion matter. In the midterm elections to register to vote go to I am a voter dot com And don't forget to vote Tuesday November 6th sponsored by her media and the civic culture coalition one in 3 adults in America have pre-diabetes but most don't know it to let people know it can be reversed before it becomes type 2 diabetes professional basketball player Julius Randle is doing everything in reverse I'm only dunking with the 1st one. I don't want to practice. I don't recommend. This version of. I do recommend. And it's like me to learn how to speak in reverse like this. 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Thanks to report Ray for stopping by a few minutes ago the reporter that asked Le Bron James about. What's going to be like. Your patience being tested in the Bronx said you want to be around my patience runs out I'm serious and then he hold out your eye you want to hear read tell us just what he thought Le Bron gently serious go to Fox Sports Radio dot com right now it's up and also up on the Twitter pages well at Fox Sports Radio on Twitter podcast shows up on i Tunes in about 10 minutes time it all out there rate us give us 5 stars will love you forever and ever and ever just another big thing that was told to us on the show tonight Jay Glazer came on in advance of tomorrow's n.f.l. Trade deadline which he already says is insane because phones are ringing like crazy he said you guys want the craziest trade deadline story and we said of course we are and we said yes of course and he told us this story sit down for this one in 2008 the Chiefs were ready to trade Tony Gonzalez the Chiefs wanted a 3rd round pick in a player and they reached agreement with the Eagles and the Packers for Tony Gonzalez they were each going to give up a 3rd round pick in a player the Eagles and the Packers the Giants were in on the mix too but Jerry Rees didn't want to give up a 3rd round pick for the best tight end in n.f.l. History so the Giants dropped out so that's the beginning of it. The trade was done it was agreed upon Packers and Eagles both were giving a 3rd round pick in a player and it was up to Tony Gonzalez what team he wanted to join because Tony being the player he was which team do you want to go to he was in the process of deciding when former chiefs g.m. Carl Peterson after these deals were agreed upon change his mind and said nope not going to do it I want to 2nd round pick instead and both teams were so pissed that they said forget it so they didn't do it Jay called Tony to tell them Tony are not getting traded Jay was and Tony's left no real it's not happening and Tony Gonzalez was so mad he was so mad at the chiefs after that season was over gone and he went to the Falcons where the last 5 years of his career $400.00 receptions and 35 touchdowns and that's how he finishes her with 5 great years best tight end in the history of the n.f.l. . Can you imagine had that trade gone through for either the Eagles or the Packers each of those teams would have won more Super Bowl right the Packers if Aaron Rodgers would have at least one more Super Bowl at the beginning of his powers and you're adding Tony Gonzales who look on in Atlanta team that was good you talk about a guy's kitchen 90 passes a year and then you go to the Eagles in which that would have been the end of McNabb and Michael Vick's resurgence with Tony Gonzalez right that's a Super Bowl for the Eagles n.f.l. History completely changes if Carl Peterson does it after agreeing to the trade say no forget it I don't I don't want to 2nd round pick then Gonzalez gets pissed and leaves the chiefs and goes to the Atlanta Falcons Yeah I mean I like your Michael Finley who was great for the Packers for a couple years he was fired and then you had Brant Celek they were who had some moments for him but you bring in a guy past tight and in the history of the game yeah prosper he's all about really only going to Jason best Yeah a little bit but I want to 85 with the bulls. Wearing all wearing is Chargers hat Yeah exact I doubt his charger you callers I'd say he's really where you get your hair used chargers that he is I think that's affixed to his head I don't think it comes off any more you know the Go players here in l.a. Boyce. That would have been 2 more note another Super Bowl for each of those teams for each of those teams because what he what he would have meant I had an insane what he would have met I mean look you can you can you can break down guy's head off one trade he has but this is the best tight end in the history of the n.f.l. I just like that it breaks out that the Giants you said we're not going to I don't I love the Fed a giant off and that's where he wanted to go and everybody says oh yeah the joy to do it right the joints do it right no and yes because Jay did say that's the team Tony really wanted to go to a jury reach wouldn't give up a 3rd round pick for Tony can check out the whole story in the podcast is off. Really. Google Play Fox Sports Radio dot com the i Heart Radio Active the read for believe interview we talked to find Gilmore phenomenal night we had an hour with Marcellus Wiley in studio so many many voices for me up next to my buddy Ben Mallory this is. 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This was not a masterpiece with the Patriots it was not in the money I football game Patriots were as much as a 14 point favorite Some even higher than that against the terrible dreadful unwatchable Buffalo Bills and the pitcher said you know what we have to do we have to play down to their level is what we have to do and they damn near did the Patriots got to the Red Zone 3 times that's it 3 times now bubbles got a pretty good the fence but that is on acceptable Patriots end up winning the game $25.00 to $6.00 the finally get a defensive touchdown they have 4 field goals and then a defensive touchdown late by Devin McCourty the 84 yard interception return for a touchdown so the question what are the big takeaways from what was supposed to be a rat kill and if you didn't watch the game was a dishdasha ther as far as competition the Patriots winning the game by 19 points by Certainly in that the end in play that way my observations you've got choppy grotesque and the sandwich choppy grotesque and the sandwich now number one Tom Brady. Did not look good in the ski he was not I mean 300 yards passing over 300 yards passing game but it was an an even performance for Brady in the Patriots office as I mentioned 3 trips to the Reds and that's it 3 bubbles got a good defense but you should get to the red zone more than 3 times that's embarrassing for the Patriots off and they were short handed blah blah blah all these excuses but they had opportunities they did not get touchdowns when they got to the red zone or get most for field goals to build up the lead in this particular game and then in the 4th quarter the game had been very choppy on off mention then they started to get a goal and a little bit late in the game but Brady finished with no touchdown passes he had no interceptions and a lot of dropped passes this was not a game played in a blizzard for Buffalo it was pretty mild when you think about what could be in Orchard Park New York and what was there this particular Bills game well before has an a minus defense this is more about what the Patriot.

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